
How to make pomegranate flower tea. Pomegranate tea is the vitamin king among teas

Hello dear readers!

On the eve of winter, each person seeks to find for himself some simple natural prophylactic immunostimulating agent in order to more easily survive the cold season and successfully resist viral infections.

For these purposes, I can offer you pomegranate Turkish tea. This amazing life-giving drink from a special variety of tea with pomegranate juice, combines the magic of oriental taste and surprisingly unique aroma"King of fruits", the so-called pomegranate fruit.

Today this amazing tea in the form of a finely dispersed powder, dried flowers or leaves soaked in pomegranate juice, our compatriots are bringing from Turkey, as unusual souvenir along with hookahs or famous oriental sweets.

However, to enjoy it healing drink you don't have to go overseas. You can freely prepare it yourself at home. Fortunately, all the ingredients necessary for it are freely available from us.

To help you understand the intricacies of preparing this drink, I will talk about its features, composition, positive and negative points. And I do it for you with the aim that you can use this drink in the best possible way and do not harm your health.

Real pomegranate tea was first made by the Turks by combining tea and pomegranate. Received exotic oriental drink something similar to, pleases with its sweet and sour taste and helps a person:

  • Quench your thirst in the heat;
  • Strengthen immune system;
  • Saturate the body with a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • Restore a weakened body after serious illnesses.

And all thanks to two main components, where there is a large number:

  1. Trace elements calcium, phosphorus, iodine, aluminum, chromium, copper, boron.
  2. Essential amino acids for the human body.
  3. Vitamins from groups B, C, PP.
  4. Organic succinic, boric, malic, grape, citric acids.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this combination of unique nutrients provides Turkish tea with incredibly beneficial:

  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • Painkillers;
  • soothing;
  • Cholagogue;
  • Astringents properties.

Based on these characteristics, the use of healing pomegranate tea allows a person to:

  1. Strengthen the heart muscle;
  2. Improve appetite, vision, memory, brain function, metabolic processes and blood formation;
  3. Cleanse the body of toxins, radionuclides, toxins;
  4. Slow down the aging process;
  5. Resist viral infections;
  6. Normalize hormonal levels;
  7. Destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body;
  8. Increase hemoglobin levels in women;
  9. Eliminate the manifestation of anxiety;
  10. Remove inflammatory processes;
  11. Prevent colds;
  12. Beneficial effect on the skin or hair;
  13. Reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Because of what this extraordinary pomegranate drink, called a symbol of fertility and abundance, is an excellent prevention and additional treatment

  • anemia;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Angina;
  • diarrhea;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Gingivitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bone fluorosis;
  • Diseases of the liver, eyes, kidneys, joints.

Varieties of tea and how to make it yourself

Traditional Turkish pomegranate tea is made from:

  1. Sun-dried peel of a ripe pomegranate fruit.
  2. Flowers, leaves or crushed pomegranate seeds.
  3. Jumpers separating the grains of the fruit.
  4. Freshly squeezed juice.

At the same time, manufacturers can produce such tea in several varieties. It can be either a powder or a product made from natural ingredients, where pieces of various fruits or berries can be added.

However, in addition to ready-made teas, which can be bought at specialized stores or the Internet, you can try pomegranate tea brew at home. To do this, you just need to know some of the subtleties of how to cook it correctly. Therefore, I will try to make your work easier and tell you about the main stages of this action.

Choosing a pomegranate

To make the right pomegranate tea, you first need to have the fruit good quality:

  1. It should have a hard to the touch, dry, intact skin.
  2. The ovary zone of its flower should not be green.
  3. The soft fruit may be rotten or frozen. Therefore, you should not buy it. After all, it will not make any sense.

Making juice

pomegranate juice for Turkish tea can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Using a standard juicer.
  2. Having kneaded the fruit well with your hands, then make a hole in its peel, and then drain the juice into a cup.
  3. Buy in the store ready natural product but not nectar.

We select a recipe

Today, for making pomegranate tea at home, you can pick up several recipes. However, in all cases, in order to right drink you must first have:

  • Good quality green or black tea;
  • Purified or water from natural sources;
  • cinnamon sugar or honey;
  • Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

And depending on the taste priorities, gourmets can fantasize with the recipe, adding to the finished drink:

  • mint;
  • Lemon;
  • cinnamon;
  • Ginger;
  • Orange peel.

Now, returning to the original question, consider several cooking technologies pomegranate tea.

  1. First, most hard way based on Turkish traditions. Its technology is based on the principle of "water bath". Here you need to have two containers that can be placed one inside the other. In the lower one, you should draw a little water, put a second one on it, where the selected tea and ruby ​​\u200b\u200bpomegranate seeds are placed. After the water in the lower container has boiled, boiled water is added to the upper one, covered with a lid and simmered for another 5 minutes over low heat. Then ready drink drained, cooled and strained for consumption.
  2. Second. Everyone knows traditional version brewing, when dried petals, flowers and leaves are poured boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, and then the finished drink is poured into cups.
  3. Third. Here the technology is slightly modified. Brewed first in the usual way selected tea. And after it cools down, it is mixed one by one with freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.
  4. The fourth, most simplified way of making Turkish tea. Here, a concentrate of tea and pomegranate powder is used as a basis, which is diluted hot water like instant coffee.


Of course, pomegranate tea has incredibly beneficial properties. However, like any medal, there is also back side. Indeed, in the peel of the pomegranate fruit there is a small amount of toxic alkaloids, which is why this drink should not be abused.

Therefore it overdose may cause:

  • dizziness;
  • Seizures;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • Visual impairment;
  • nausea;
  • caries.

And this miracle drink experts do not recommend use by women during pregnancy or by people with:

  • gastritis;
  • Increased acidity or stomach ulcers;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Fissures of the rectum;
  • Constipation.

At the same time, do not forget that one cup of pomegranate Turkish tea per day will be the key to your health. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and make good tea. And then you will become the owner of strong immunity and excellent health.

One cup of pomegranate tea a day will preserve youth and beauty, solve a lot of health problems and give mood to a new day. Drink this tea in the morning or in the evening, alone or with friends and family: there are no limits to the unreal pleasure and tangible benefits. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and correctly brew this magnificent drink.

Pomegranate tea: subtle taste of the East

Almost everyone knows about the delightful in their own way. useful properties fruit - pomegranate. Few have the idea that pomegranate can be used in brewing tea.

Fragrant and very delicious drink able to quench thirst in the most terrible heat. It is extremely useful - it saturates the body with essential vitamins and charges with energy and health. In order to get the maximum benefit from a pomegranate tea drink, you need to choose the right raw materials and learn how to brew this useful and unusual infusion.

What are the benefits of pomegranate drink?

  • The main component of the oriental drink is pomegranate. And that's it. Diversify your diet pomegranate tea, as a result, you get a lot of vitamins, trace elements and minerals that are so necessary for our body to maintain strength and health.
  • pomegranate tea beneficial effect on circulatory system. Thanks to vitamin P, it has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Regular use a grenade will help normalize the pressure.
  • Pomegranate drink is useful in the treatment of colds and for their prevention. This impact is due great content vitamin C.
  • Infusion of pomegranate is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis. He is appointed as aid with anemia, low hemoglobin, atherosclerosis.
  • As a vitamin therapy, pomegranate tea is useful for thyroid problems.
  • Due to the presence of tannins, pomegranate drink is useful for tuberculosis, dysentery, and intestinal problems.
  • Pomegranate is a source of essential amino acids for health. These organic substances are building materials for muscle mass are essential for protein and enzyme synthesis. 15 types of amino acids are contained in the pomegranate, which makes the infusion of it as useful as possible.

What is pomegranate tea made from?

There are several pretty simple recipes how to brew healing drink at home.

To create a masterpiece of the tea ceremony, you can choose according to your taste:

  • Pomegranate flowers - carry the full value of the pomegranate drink, reminiscent of the taste of hibiscus;
  • Pomegranate juice is the most popular component of the infusion;
  • Pomegranate peel - especially useful for certain diseases (problems with the intestines, the need to cleanse the body).

Pomegranate juice tea


  • Green or black tea.
  • Cane (brown) sugar.
  • Pomegranate juice.

To start, brew strong tea. Then add sugar. Lastly, we supplement the drink with pomegranate juice. Ideal Proportion 1:1, but it can be changed according to your taste.

Mastery Secrets:

Cane sugar does not change the taste of tea, so it is better to use it instead of the usual beet sugar.

It is better to prepare the juice yourself, in this case the quality of the future infusion is guaranteed.

flower tea

Tea from pomegranate flowers and its leaves is no less useful than a juice-based drink. WITH special attention care must be taken in the choice of raw materials.

The recipe is incredibly simple:

Welding at the rate of one tbsp. a spoon per serving is poured with boiling water. Infusion time - from 5 to 30 minutes. How longer time insistence, the brighter and more fragrant aroma.

Mastery Secrets:

Freshly boiled water is used for brewing.

Peel tea

To make wonderful healing infusion dry peel is used. It can be ground to a powder or brewed whole.


  • Pomegranate peel.
  • Green or black tea.
  • Honey or brown sugar.

Pour green or black tea and pomegranate peel cold water, boil. After boiling, keep on fire for 1-2 minutes. Remove from fire. Insist 5-10 minutes. Strain. Add sugar or honey. Delicious and healthy drink ready!

Mastery Secrets:

If you remove the white pulp from the peel before drying, the tea will not give bitterness.

Benefit and harm: a fine line

Pomegranate is amazing useful fruit. But they should not be abused. There are certain contraindications for this miracle healer.

In the East, pomegranate is the king of all berries and fruits. Thanks to the huge baggage of vitamins contained in it, they are very fond of using it in pure form, but for some reason, very few of us know that it is possible to brew tea with an incomparable taste from it. Therefore, today, to expand your horizons, we will give recipes for medicinal pomegranate tea and tell you in detail about the benefits and harms of this drink.

A bit of history

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the pomegranate is middle Asia, while there are quite a few sources that mention this unusual fruit. Pomegranate has a sweet and sour taste, grows on both low trees and dense shrubs.

Many believe that pomegranate is a fruit, but in reality it is a berry.. Pomegranate has been known to mankind since ancient times: its beneficial properties were known in Ancient Rome, in the Near and Middle East. By the way, it was in ancient Rome that the pomegranate was called a granular apple, the same name has survived to this day in Italy, Germany and other countries. Russian name grenade came from the latin granatus - grainy apple.

Benefits of pomegranate tea

If we talk about the benefits of pomegranate tea, then it is multifaceted, firstly, because you can brew a tea drink not only on the basis of pomegranate juice - one of the most useful juices (which we have already talked about separately), but also using leaves, flowers , peel and even bones.

Having fallen in love with a pomegranate-tea drink, you will provide your body with vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B15, PP, and in addition, supply yourself with manganese, phosphorus, aluminum, magnesium, chromium, calcium, copper and so on. Such presence of vitamins and microelements in pomegranate tea will allow you to strengthen your health and feel full of strength and energy.

Healing properties of pomegranate tea

In a tea drink made from pomegranate, a very powerful healing power. So, systematically drinking pomegranate tea, you can:

  • remove inflammatory processes in case of diseases of the kidneys, eyes, liver, ears, joints;
  • improve metabolic processes in the body, simultaneously ridding oneself of toxins and toxins;
  • prevent diseases of the stomach and intestines, while improving appetite;
  • strengthen the heart muscle, due to the content of potassium in the berry;
  • increase hemoglobin, prevent anemia;
  • remove radionuclides from the body, this is especially important for people living in the zone of radioactive action or working at such enterprises;
  • use to prevent colds, as the drink has the ability to resist viral infections.

If you brew tea from pomegranate peels, then the drink has an astringent effect, which is useful in case of diarrhea, colitis and enterocolitis. This pomegranate-tea drink is especially useful for those who have pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis. And here is the tea pomegranate seeds help restore hormonal balance.

In addition, tea can be brewed even from the jumpers separating the grains of the fruit - this will have a beneficial effect on sleep, remove anxiety and relieve stress. The drink will also have a positive effect on the health of hair and skin.

Useful properties of pomegranate tea

Pomegranate-based tea is also used as an anesthetic for abdominal pain, diuretic and choleretic agent. The drink is able to slow down the aging process, strengthen the heart, destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body, and positively affect the composition of the blood.

Due to the presence of B vitamins, pomegranate-tea drink significantly improves vision and memory, also stimulating activity. nervous system. The presence of vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the psyche and emotional background of a person.

Pomegranate seeds contain an element such as boron, it is necessary for bones. Therefore, by brewing tea from pomegranate seeds, a person will help himself with such diseases as osteoporosis, arthritis, bone fluorosis. Boron is an anti-carcinogenic element, so the use of pomegranate or tea brewed with it will help to prevent cancer.

Freshly brewed hot drink pomegranate can also normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, since the berry contains iodine, while significantly increasing concentration and improving brain function.

Benefits of pomegranate tea positive impact on the female and male reproductive organs. For women, it is useful for menopause, for ovarian diseases, in case of an unstable menstrual cycle and painful periods, and for men, tea from pomegranate seeds will help increase potency and reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

It is also useful for women because it can prevent the development of breast cancer, which affects most of the fair half of humanity.

Benefits of pomegranate tea during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman feels iron deficiency, so doctors recommend expectant mothers to use pomegranate, its juice, or brew tea from it, which absolutely does not lose all the useful properties of pomegranate, as an aid.

It must be remembered that the fetus has the best effect on the stabilization of hemoglobin, which is important for pregnant women. In addition, the drink contains folic acid contained in the berry. Folic acid is vital for a woman in the first trimester, since it is at this time that the laying of the organs and systems of the fetus is carried out.

How to make pomegranate tea. Recipes

If you are brewing tea from pomegranate, then it is better to take fresh berries than buying juice in the store. So, tea based on pomegranate juice is made very simply: you need the squeezed juice itself and already brewed tea.

You can brew any kind of tea at will, it can be white, black, green, and so on, or you can do fragrant drink from herbs. IN ready tea add pomegranate juice, based on a 1:1 ratio. If you prefer sweet tea, add sugar or honey. For improvement palatability, in tea you can put two or three leaves of mint, a little cinnamon.

According to recipes, pomegranate tea can be brewed from leaves and flowers, however, it will not have sweet and sour taste, but will not lose its properties.

Boil the teapot and pour a spoonful of leaves and the same number of flowers of the plant with boiling water, leave the tea to brew for 20-30 minutes, after which you can start drinking tea. The longer the tea drink is infused, the brighter its taste will be. Add honey, sugar and lemon if desired.

Harm of pomegranate tea

Do not underestimate this drink, and do not abuse it, despite its great benefit. tea drink from the peel of the pomegranate contains a small amount of alkaloids, which are poisonous.

If you overdo it too much, then pomegranate tea can cause dizziness, a sharp jump in blood pressure, convulsions may begin, vision will deteriorate, and nausea will appear. Unlimited drinking of the drink will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the teeth.


Pomegranate tea is contraindicated in diseases such as stomach ulcers and duodenum. It is categorically not recommended to drink it in case of gastritis with hyperacidity and pancreatitis, as the berry is rich in many acids. Being exotic fruit, pomegranate can also trigger allergies.

Babies under one year old are forbidden to give pomegranate tea, and in general pomegranate or its juice. Pregnant women should also not get carried away with tea with pomegranate, especially those who suffer from constipation, this also applies to other people. Therefore, before choosing this drink, especially if there are contraindications, consult your doctor.

And many other ingredients.

Tourists coming from vacations in Turkey often bring home pomegranate tea. And since hundreds of thousands of our compatriots have already visited Turkey, pomegranate tea has also become popular in the CIS countries. And for good reason! unusual taste, long list useful properties, the ability to quench thirst even when drinking a hot drink - this is not the whole list of benefits of pomegranate tea.

Pomegranate tea from Turkey: benefits, contraindications, preparation methods

The Turks were the first to come up with not only eating pomegranates and squeezing juice from them, but also brewing parts of the fruit common in this country - flowers, dried crushed peel, adding Fresh Juice. Therefore, pomegranate tea is also called Turkish. Even in the heat (and, as everyone knows, there are no cold weather in Turkey), this hot tea pleasantly quenches thirst, pleases with an unusual taste and useful properties with regular use.

If you have never been to Turkey, but you want to try pomegranate tea, don't be discouraged - domestic tea shops, which are now blooming on every corner, like mushrooms after rain, also often import overseas tea. So it will not be difficult for you to find pomegranate tea leaves in the open spaces of your native city.

Pomegranate tea from Turkey has a noble ruby ​​color and a pleasant sour taste. You can brew pomegranate yourself, or you can add it to our usual black or green tea if its taste seems too bright to you or some health features do not allow you to drink pomegranate in its pure form.

You will benefit from drinking pomegranate tea if you are deficient in:

  • Vitamins C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6, B15, PP
  • Essential amino acids (there are 15 in a pomegranate!)
  • Organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, etc.)
  • Trace elements (iron, potassium, calcium and many more)

According to the beneficial properties of pomegranate, tea from it has many indications for use.

Pomegranate tea is useful to use in a variety of cases:

  • As an anti-inflammatory agent for all body systems
  • As an anti-cold remedy (increases defensive forces organism thanks to high content vitamins, especially vitamin C)
  • To boost immunity during flu season
  • To restore strength after illness
  • To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • To improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body
  • With anemia (anemia), as it increases the level of hemoglobin, saturating the blood with iron
  • For good heart function (due to potassium content)
  • To eliminate diarrhea and enterocolitis (the peel contains substances that have an astringent effect)
  • With hormonal disorders (if pomegranate seeds are also used in tea)
  • For the lung sedative effect(drinking pomegranate tea in the evening helps you fall asleep easier by calming anxiety)
  • As a disinfectant for oral cavity and throat (with stomatitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases mouth and throat)
  • As an antioxidant for youth
  • As a mild diuretic and choleretic agent

It is obvious that the number beneficial effects pomegranate tea may seem almost like a panacea for all health problems. However, the potent substances in the composition are a double-edged sword.

For people with certain "weak links" in the body, the use of pomegranate tea is not recommended at all, as it can exacerbate certain conditions or cause unwanted side effects.

In what cases is pomegranate tea contraindicated:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • To kids
  • Gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer
  • pancreatitis
  • Persistent constipation
  • Tendency to allergies

It should also be remembered that doctors do not advise drinking pomegranate tea in large quantities even healthy people otherwise the medicine will easily turn into poison. The fact is that in the crusts in small quantities there are substances alkaloids, which, if overdosed, can lead to convulsions, nausea and vision problems.

In addition, the acids contained in the pomegranate corrode tooth enamel, so do not drink concentrated tea - generously dilute the tea leaves with water, and also rinse your mouth after drinking tea.

How to prepare fragrant pomegranate tea?

Classic way

If you are brewing flowers and pomegranate peel, then take a teaspoon of tea leaves to a cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 15 minutes. If the tea is too concentrated, dilute with boiling water. Add honey to taste (real experts advise not to put sugar in pomegranate tea).

blended tea

This method is suitable for those who are not yet fully accustomed to the specific taste of pomegranate infusion. However, here you will need pomegranate juice, not flowers and peel.

Brew, as usual, your favorite black or green tea, sweeten it. When the tea has cooled down a bit, add pomegranate juice (it should not be cold!) There in a ratio of 1:1 (or less).

Turkish pomegranate tea

The most "confusing" option, which is suitable only for true lovers who are not sorry and not too lazy to spend a lot of time on an almost full-fledged "tea ceremony" in a steam bath.

For the recipe, you will have to find two heat-resistant teapots on the farm. Also prepare purified water, your own or green tea, and pomegranate seeds to taste. Pour tea and grains into one teapot, bring water to a boil in another. A teapot with tea must be placed on top of a container of water so that when the water comes to a boil, the tea is "steamed" in a water bath. As soon as the water boils, both teapots can be removed from the heat and the tea with grains can be poured with boiling water. Pour water into the first container again and place the brewed tea over it, and the entire structure over the fire. The tea is ready when the water below boils for 5 minutes.

Pomegranate tea is not only a great refreshing and healthy drink. It is also unique unusual taste which your guests will remember for a long time if you serve a pomegranate drink for tea. Enjoy!


diets and healthy eating 13.07.2017

Dear readers, have you heard about pomegranate tea? Those who rested in Turkey, for sure, could get acquainted with such a tasty and healthy drink. I also like pomegranate tea. Whenever I visit, I make sure to bring it home. Everyone who was treated to such tea was very pleased.

Why are we talking about pomegranate tea from Turkey? Everything is very simple. The Turks were the first to combine tea and the pomegranate itself. This is a real oriental drink that can quench your thirst in the heat and please you with its taste. Pomegranate, ripening, accumulates a lot of vitamins, minerals and other valuable components. He gives them to tea. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of pomegranate tea from Turkey and how to brew it yourself. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to distant countries, you can cook everything at our home.

Used for tea fruit peel and pomegranate flowers. But most often they take pomegranate juice for a drink.

Pomegranate tea has a beautiful red color, and its taste is with noble sourness. Someone calls it a "tea drink", because pomegranate is added to black or green tea. You can bring a drink from Turkey in the form of ordinary tea and also powder concentrate. There is also a powder made from natural grated pomegranate.

Turkish tea composition

Turkish pomegranate tea takes everything valuable from a ripe juicy fruit. There is no doubt that with this drink the body will receive a set of vitamins and minerals. Tea contains the following important ingredients:

  • Organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, etc.);
  • A large number of amino acids (15, of which 6 are essential);
  • Vitamin complex (C, B -1, 2, 6, 15, PP);
  • Trace elements (potassium, manganese, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.).

Pomegranate tea from Turkey. Benefit for health

Pomegranate fruit for the treatment of various ailments was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Having a good mineral and vitamin composition, pomegranate tea has a complex useful action. It acts on the body as:

  • Diuretic;
  • Choleretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • Astringent;
  • Painkiller (for the gastrointestinal tract);
  • An agent that enriches the blood and strengthens the heart;
  • Antioxidant agent.

If you drink pomegranate tea, then in addition to the taste pleasure, the drink will help in healing in several ways. Tea with pomegranate can strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is useful to drink it when the cold season begins, when the next flu virus is coming. Strengthening immunity, rich vitamin reserve make this drink effective tool when the body is weakened after an illness for a speedy recovery.

The healing properties of Turkish pomegranate tea are enough:

  • Helps to eliminate various inflammations - liver, kidneys, joints, throat, ears, eyes;
  • It normalizes metabolic processes, helps to remove toxic substances, toxins, radionuclides;
  • Tea is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, a means of preventing a number of diseases. Improves appetite;
  • It has a good effect on the work of the heart (contains a lot of potassium), on the composition of the blood. Helps to effectively increase the level of hemoglobin. Useful for anemia;
  • Pomegranate peel tea has an astringent effect. Recommended for diarrhea, enterocolitis and colitis;
  • tea with fruit stones will be useful for hormonal disorders;
  • The tea has a mild sedative effect. Eliminates anxiety, stress, helps to fall asleep;
  • Pomegranate tea is a good disinfectant for the throat and mouth. You can drink with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • It has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Pomegranate tea from Turkey has many fans around the world. As a restorative, vitamin, prophylactic agent, it is also used by world-famous stars. Will Smith and Jennifer Lopez were "seen" in this. Let's talk about how you can make your own pomegranate tea.

We choose a pomegranate and extract juice

mature pomegranate

To make pomegranate tea yourself, you need to be able to choose the right, ripe pomegranate. A good quality fruit will give both benefits and taste for tea. The skin of the pomegranate should feel firm to the touch. A soft crust indicates that the fruit has frozen during storage or has begun to rot. The skin must be dry and undamaged. The ovary - where the flower was - should be without greenery. Such a pomegranate will be ripe and suitable for consumption.

How to get juice

Pomegranate tea needs juice. You can get it in different ways. A standard juicer will do. Remember that the partitions between the pomegranate seeds will give your juice a bitter taste. Then you have to clean out some juicy grains.

If you have the strength and time, you can knead the fruit with your hands. After a while, you will feel that enough juice has been released inside the pomegranate. Make a hole in the fruit and drain the juice into a cup.

The easiest way is to buy store-bought pomegranate juice. You have to find exactly natural juice and not nectar. And there will be no guarantee that pomegranate tea with purchased juice compared with real tea ripe fruit from which you got valuable juice. That's why easy way but not the best.

In the article, I talked about the benefits of it, how to quickly peel a pomegranate, how to get pomegranate juice, so I’m talking about this very briefly here.

How to make pomegranate tea

Exquisite, fragrant, sour Turkish pomegranate tea will quench your thirst and be good for the body. Brewing it is not that difficult, and there are several ways to prepare it at home.


For the preparation of pomegranate tea according to this recipe, steam bath. You will need two heat-resistant containers ( teapots). You will also need pure water, preferably from natural sources, pomegranate seeds, a couple of spoons of tea leaves of black or green tea. In Turkey, special bunk teapots are traditionally used for making tea, including pomegranate tea.

Pour tea leaves and pomegranate seeds into a small container. Pour water into another container, put on fire and bring to a boil. A container with grains and tea is placed on a vessel in which water is about to boil. Welding should be steamed, as it were. The water in the lower container will boil, then both containers are removed from the heat. Tea leaves and grains are poured with boiling water. Water is poured into the lower container again and placed on fire, a vessel with tea leaves is placed on top. When the water in the lower vessel boils for 5 minutes. - tea is considered ready.

Use as much infuser as you would normally use for your tea. You can determine the strength of tea and the number of pomegranate seeds for yourself pretty soon.

Simplified Recipe

You can brew pomegranate tea more in a simple way. We will need pomegranate juice, water and your favorite tea leaves. For lovers of sweet tea, you will need sugar or honey. But I do not recommend adding sugar to tea.

Tea (black/green) is brewed as usual. Sugar is added to taste, stirred. Let the tea cool down. Then pomegranate juice is added to the cooled drink, it should not be cold. The recommended ratio of tea to juice is 1:1. But not here clear rules, and you can change the proportions to taste. For some, mint leaves are suitable for this tea for freshness. I do not like pomegranate tea that is too rich in juice content.

Pomegranate flower tea

You can prepare pomegranate tea directly from pomegranate flowers and leaves. It will be just as useful as in the recipes described above, but it will also have a different, specific taste.

For brewing, take a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. flowers with leaves. Insist, wrapped in a cloth, 15 minutes. After straining, tea can be drunk.

powder concentrate

You can buy and bring powder with you - tea-pomegranate, instant. It should have natural ingredients. This concentrate will contain tea, dry grated pomegranate, there may be crushed peel, partition, stone. Brew 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. This is the easiest way to make a drink.

As a rule, Turkish pomegranates are processed for powder without the use of preservatives. Crushed pomegranate dissolves well. In the peel, bones and partitions there are additional useful components. These are flavonoids, phytoncides and antioxidants.

Tea, in which there are pomegranate seeds, with its sour taste, can remind many of hibiscus. But pomegranate tea and hibiscus tea are not the same. They are united by color, but the basis of tea is completely different. In pomegranate tea it will be pomegranate, in hibiscus tea it will be hibiscus petals. You can read more about it in the article.

I also invite you to watch the video material. Here is a recipe for making cold refreshing pomegranate tea based on green tea. Nice and useful in the summer heat.

Where can I buy

In Istanbul, Antalya, in shopping malls or markets, you can find traditional Turkish pomegranate tea. There are tea leaves soaked in juice. There are mixtures of tea and dried pomegranate. Today there are many variations on the theme of this drink. You can choose tea according to your taste and taste. When you go to the airport, they always bring tourists to shops. There is just nothing there, including a large assortment of teas.

In Russia, you will have to look for this type of tea in tea shops or in specialized online stores.

Pomegranate tea. Harm and contraindications

We saw how pomegranate tea is useful, how it can be brewed. Let's talk about possible harm and contraindications. It is not recommended to drink this drink in too in large numbers. Abuse will definitely not benefit - pomegranate peels contain poisonous alkaloids, albeit in small volumes. Pomegranate peels in tea, if consumed a lot and constantly, can cause convulsions, nausea, and vision problems. Abuse of tea with pomegranate can damage tooth enamel.

Among the contraindications for pomegranate tea are:

  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the stages of exacerbation;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • IN childhood- up to a year;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.

Pomegranate tea is a wonderful refreshing drink that quenches thirst, has its own unique taste. It will give its benefits to the body, give good immunity, a feeling of youth. And this is a great opportunity to add something new to the tea party or the festive table.

And when you're making tea, don't throw away the pomegranate peels. You can use them further with health benefits. I advise you to read my article

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