
What is coffee good for the body? Coffee: instant or in beans. Useful properties and effect of coffee

Disputes about which coffee is better, ground or instant, have been going on since 1934 - it was then that the first instant coffee powder appeared. Since that time, production technologies have changed significantly, but even today it is the natural product from ground grains that has the best taste characteristics. Instant is prepared faster, but millions of coffee lovers get up early in the morning to grind beans for a cup of their favorite drink. However, taste, aroma and convenience are a matter of preference, but if we talk about which coffee is healthier, ground or instant, everything is not so clear.

Comparison of ground and instant coffee

Ground coffee is obtained from roasted coffee beans. It can be ground at home, or bought already in the package. In addition to the grains themselves, only flavorings (Irish cream, rum, etc.) can be added. So it's 100% coffee.

Instant coffee in the composition usually has about 15% of coffee beans, everything else is dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other chemical additives. For its production, the cheapest grains are used, rejected in the production of grain or ground coffee. They are boiled for several hours in water, then dried in various ways. Most manufacturers today use the vacuum freezing method, which allows you to get "shavings", freeze-dried coffee. But there is also a technology for evaporating water - this is how powder and granules are made from powder. As a result, almost no useful substances remain in the finished powder or granules.

The composition of ground and instant coffee: which is more useful?

  • Ground contains more lipid acids, which prevent the pathological growth of cells into cancer cells.
  • In natural, there is more potassium, which the body needs (it is due to it that muscles contract, including the heart), - about 115 mg, in soluble - about 70 mg.
  • Magnesium present in grains helps blood vessels to constrict and expand by regulating blood pressure. There is more of it in the ground than in the soluble, 7.2 and 6.5 mg, respectively.
  • Instant coffee contains preservatives that negatively affect metabolic processes in cells and can cause cellulite manifestations.
  • Ground coffee contains antioxidant compounds that scientists believe slow down aging and keep skin looking fresher for longer.
  • The substance cafestol, contained in coffee, in large quantities, can act like cholesterol and create atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. In instant coffee, it is almost 2 times less than in ground coffee, and this is perhaps the only point in which chemical digestion is more useful than a natural product. If you have problems with cholesterol, and you drink a lot of coffee (more than 5-6 per day), it is worth considering. Keep in mind that cafestol is released in large quantities only when brewing in a Turk, in a drink from a coffee machine, its amount is about the same as in instant. You can also drink coffee from the Turks, but filtering it through a paper filter: small pores will delay cafestol.
  • Dyes, flavors and preservatives in instant coffee can cause gastritis and duodenal ulcers, as they disrupt the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. From one cup, of course, nothing will happen, but if you drink the surrogate constantly, problems are possible.
  • The natural product contains more than 300 trace elements and vitamin PP, without which the full course of redox processes in the human body is impossible. In addition, it is beneficial for hair and skin. In soluble, all the vitamins are boiled and filtered, they simply do not exist.

It should be noted that some elite producers of instant coffee use special technologies to preserve useful substances and add a minimum of chemistry. But such coffee is much more expensive than natural ground coffee, and you can’t find it in domestic stores.

Caffeine in ground and instant coffee

Natural coffee can be from Arabica or Robusta beans. There is less caffeine in Arabica, more in Robusta (but there are not many useful substances). Instant is all made from Robusta, and one would assume that it will have more caffeine. But this is not the case: only about 50% of the caffeine is separated from the beans during digestion, so in any case, it will be less in soluble.

On average, a cup of coffee from a spoonful of ground beans contains 95 mg of caffeine, and a cup of instant coffee (1 spoon) - 27 mg. The figures are approximate, as much varies depending on the specific brand and method of preparation, but they give an understanding of the approximate ratio. If you need to cheer up, you should definitely give preference to natural.

Sometimes there are arguments that instant coffee is less high-calorie. Only 2-3 calories per cup. At the same time, in the hammer - 5-6 calories. There is a difference, but for the body it is insignificant, and it is impossible to recover from a natural drink.


  1. Ground coffee contains more than 300 vitamins, antioxidants, as well as potassium and magnesium, which are important for the heart and blood vessels. This is not the case in soluble.
  2. Chemical preservatives and stabilizers in powdered or freeze-dried drinks can cause gastritis.
  3. Natural coffee contains 100% beans. In surrogates - about 15%, the rest - additives.
  4. There is more cafestol in the ground, which in large quantities (more than 5 cups per day) can form atherosclerotic plaques. To get rid of cafestol, coffee is passed through a filter or prepared in a coffee machine.
  5. There is more caffeine in ground coffee, the difference is about 3.5 times.

Coffee is not only an invigorating drink, but also a healthy one if consumed in moderation. Surprisingly, instant coffee can be very good and even compete with grain coffee. How to choose a quality product, what varieties are there and what determines the time for preparing coffee, read the material "RIAMO in the Queen".

Pros and cons of coffee

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Coffee has a stimulating effect, as it is high in caffeine, which is also found in tea, cocoa, mate, and even Cola Cola.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, speeds up the pulse, and dilates the blood vessels, especially those in the brain. That is why a cup of strong coffee is so invigorating in the morning, and at the height of the working day, cappuccino helps us cope with fatigue and drowsiness.


Another plus of coffee: under the influence of caffeine, mood improves slightly due to the release of dopamine. The effect lasts about 40 minutes, but weakens after 3-6 hours. After that, some people may experience fatigue and lethargy. And it is also worth remembering that caffeine increases urination and raises blood pressure.

Coffee contains magnesium, which is good for blood vessels and arteries, and potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart. However, the drink also contains the substance cafestol. It has certain anticarcinogenic properties, but with its excess, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, which is fraught with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

In a word, coffee is useful, but in moderation. Do not drink more than 3-4 cups of instant or ground coffee per day. In addition, the drink is not recommended for hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and stomach, as well as children and some pregnant women. And of course, you should not drink it before bedtime. And most importantly - choose only a quality product.

Instant coffee

The idea is firmly entrenched in the minds of many people: instant coffee is a cheap and low-quality substitute for coffee beans, and its only plus is the simplicity and speed of preparation. This is the best option for a person in a hurry to work, but not for a gourmet. It is a myth.

Today there are many brands that produce very high quality and expensive instant coffee. It retains the beneficial properties of natural grains, and the taste of such a drink is no different from “real” coffee.


Instant coffee is produced in two ways. Granular is made from an infusion made from coffee beans. The liquid is evaporated, and the powder is turned into granules using a special technology. At the same time, flavor enhancers and dyes can be added to them, which is not very useful.


The second way to prepare instant coffee is sublimation. As a result of this process, coffee particles of a characteristic shape are obtained, similar to crystals - unlike granules, they have clear edges. There are varieties of freeze-dried coffee with the addition of ground. Such coffee in all respects is as close as possible to natural. Freeze-dried coffee is not cheap, but it is a high-quality and tasty drink.

In instant coffee - both granulated and sublimated - caffeine is slightly less than in natural. So don't overuse it. The optimal amount is no more than 3-4 cups per day.

By the way, if a person for some reason wants to drink decaffeinated coffee, then instant coffee is the only option for him.

Natural coffe

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Obviously, natural coffee has more nutrients than instant coffee. For example, it contains fatty acids that prevent the formation of cancer cells. There are also more vitamins, potassium and magnesium, which makes it good for the cardiovascular system. Again, this is about moderate drinking.


Good coffee is, first of all, high-quality selected grains. Varieties are distinguished by taste, aroma, richness and balance. There are two main varieties - Arabica and Robusta. The first has a pleasant bright aroma and sour taste, the second is more bitter and strong, contains more caffeine.

The quality of coffee is premium, higher, first and second classes. Premium coffees consist of only Arabica, the rest have Robusta added or blended with different varieties of Arabica.

Coffee beans are unequivocally natural. The buyer only needs to choose a good brand, decide on the degree of roasting and find “his” variety. You need to understand that the taste is influenced by climatic conditions and the soil where the trees grew, the assembly time and the degree of roasting, storage conditions - absolutely everything matters.

When grinding beans on your own, you should not rush - too fast grinding can adversely affect the taste of coffee. That is why many people prefer to buy ground coffee - it saves time and guarantees the quality of the drink.


Buying ground coffee is a great option for coffee lovers, the golden mean. But even here there are nuances and pitfalls.

Unscrupulous sellers may add cheaper varieties or even chicory to ground coffee to increase the volume. Chicory is not harmful - on the contrary, it has many useful properties. However, it costs much less than coffee, so you should not overpay for it. In addition, any impurity will affect the taste of the drink.

The degree of coffee grinding is very important. There are three common options:

- coarse grinding (Coarse grind). The particles are large, up to 0.8 mm in size. This is ideal for coffee machines or reciprocating coffee makers, but coarse ground coffee can also be made in a cezve.

- medium grinding (Medium grind) It is considered universal and suitable for any method of preparing an invigorating drink. Extraction time takes up to six minutes.

- fine grinding (Fine grind) suitable for preparing a drink in coffee makers with filters. In the Turk, a very fragrant and tasty drink is obtained, if it is brewed correctly. Sometimes there is an extra fine, or powdery grind - it is ideal for making Turkish coffee.

Coffee lovers should remember a simple rule: the coarser the grind, the longer it takes to brew the drink.

True connoisseurs never buy coffee by weight. When buying ground coffee, special attention should be paid to the packaging. It must be completely sealed and not let in light. Proper packaging is made of three-layer foil with a valve, which is necessary in order to release carbon dioxide released during frying. Also through the valve you can evaluate the aroma and freshness of the grains.

Coffee machines, coffee makers, turks

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The best and tastiest coffee is obtained in coffee machines with ceramic millstones, which grind directly before cooking, and also regulate the temperature of the water. They are expensive, but they allow you to enjoy real coffee without much effort.

Another rather expensive option is a capsule coffee machine. It needs special capsules - ground coffee is packed in a plastic portion box, sealed with foil. The machine automatically pierces the foil, and hot water under high pressure is passed through the capsule.

Carob coffee machines are cheaper. They are best for making espresso. The principle of operation is as follows: high-pressure steam passes through the ground coffee in the cone, and then the liquid flows into the cup through the filter. The strength of the drink cannot be adjusted, it depends on the grinding and the degree of compaction of the coffee in the cone.

An even simpler unit is a geyser-type coffee maker. It looks like a small teapot that unwinds into two parts. Water is poured into the lower one, ground coffee is poured into the upper one. The parts are connected, the coffee maker is put on the stove, and the coffee is brewed by itself - you don’t need to stir it, you just need to turn off the fire in time.

The cheapest and easiest option for making coffee is Turk. The forms are varied but similar. Turks are made from different materials: from cheap aluminum to rare Yixing clay. Each material has its own characteristics. An aluminum cezve allows you to cook quickly, but it is better to brew only one type of coffee in it so as not to mix the aromas. Brass is suitable for making Turkish coffee, and in copper, the drink heats up evenly. Some coffee drinkers keep several different turks in the kitchen for an invigorating drink.

Many have heard about the benefits of coffee, but not everyone knows exactly what it is. Pampering yourself with this hot drink in the morning has become a tradition in our country, but it's always nice to realize that the habit is not only tasty, but also healthy, isn't it? Let's try to figure out whether drinking coffee is good for the body, and also find out how often doctors recommend indulging in this fragrant remedy.

To drink or not to drink - that is the question

Some indulge themselves daily with one or more cups of drink, others believe that only one small cup in the morning is allowed. Someone adheres to even more strict rules: just one cup a week. There are also people who are firmly convinced that coffee is harmful, so they deleted it from their menu forever. There is a stereotype about the danger to the body from coffee, although such statements still do not stop real coffee lovers.

It is believed that coffee gives energy and helps to wake up at the beginning of a new day. But this is not its only important feature. For example, doctors have found that coffee is an effective means of preventing a wide range of pathologies. Thinking about whether it is useful to drink coffee, scientists from Harvard. Their tests have clearly shown that up to three cups of the drink, eaten daily, can reduce the risk of diabetes. However, even more tangible protection is provided by the daily use of six cups, but this is not suitable for everyone.

What else will it protect you from?

The beneficial properties of coffee in terms of protection against dangerous pathologies extend to other diseases that frighten many. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of the drink helps to reduce the likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease by 80%. At the same time, the risk of malignant oncological pathologies is reduced by a quarter. In relation to breast cancer, studies have shown that regular consumption of a reasonable amount of coffee reduces the risk to a woman by 40%.

It's time to make an effort

Coffee is good for health if you are going to have intensive training, where you need to give your best. It is recommended to drink a cup of aromatic drink before visiting the gym or even morning exercises. At the same time, the concentration of endorphin grows in the body in just a couple of minutes, which has a positive effect on mood, energizes, and is ready to train to the best of one’s ability and ability, and even a little better.

Sophisticated and invigorating

It is useful to drink coffee to give your body the strength to fight pathological and inflammatory processes. This is due to the increased concentration of antioxidants in the drink. Once in the body, such components help improve the condition of the joints and effectively remove toxins from organic tissues (which, by the way, can provoke malignant neoplasms). Antioxidants can block the activity of free radicals, which means they prevent weight gain. People whose diet is rich in antioxidants feel better and look healthier.

It's good to live long

Researching whether coffee is good for health, scientists have found that those who indulge in this drink live longer than those who choose abstinence. Presumably, this is due to the increased concentration of antioxidants and their beneficial effect on various systems of the human body. It has been proven that regular consumption of several cups of the drink prevents spontaneous snacking, which, in combination with the support of physical activity, allows you to keep yourself in perfect shape for many years.

By the way, one of the main scourges of our time is the general tendency to smoke, which significantly reduces life expectancy and provokes dangerous diseases. An effective method of quitting nicotine is to replace it with coffee. At the same time, it is not only possible to overcome a bad habit, but also to acquire a useful one instead, which positively affects the state of health and the multiplicity of years to be lived. Is coffee good for you? In the context of such data - of course, yes!

Coffee - smart choice

Investigating how coffee is useful, scientists drew attention to the activity of the drink in relation to brain structures. In simple terms, this can be expressed as follows: coffee stimulates thinking. This is due to the main component for which we love hot drinks so much - caffeine. It is a natural stimulant, the most prevalent psychoactive compound these days.

When drinking a drink, adenosine, which is responsible for the inhibition of nerve impulses, is inhibited. This leads to the development of stronger connections between brain neurons, and also stimulates the production of some other types of neurotransmitters. In total, this influence gives a stimulating effect. That is, why coffee is useful: along with an increase in mood, the drink has a positive effect on the brain and, with regular use, allows you to cope with a variety of emotional and mental difficulties. At the same time, cognitive abilities are activated. Based on clinical studies, doctors reliably state that regular coffee consumption can increase problem-solving abilities and improve mental activity.

Drink and liver

How useful is coffee for this organ? As special studies have shown, caffeine is an effective component that stimulates the biochemical processes of regulation of liver activity. If you constantly drink reasonable amounts of the drink, you can reduce the likelihood of not only cancer, but also cirrhosis, the failure of the body to function.

Drinking coffee reduces the likelihood of developing cirrhosis against the background of frequent ingestion of alcoholic beverages. Surprisingly, other caffeinated products (black tea, green tea) do not show a similar effect.

And no gout!

This disease is very difficult to tolerate, as it is accompanied by an ongoing pain syndrome. In the past, it was believed that it was characteristic only of older people, but medical statistics are inexorable: like many other health problems, gout is rapidly getting younger. The negative impact of the pathology leads to a deterioration in the condition of the joints and can completely deprive a person of the opportunity to move normally.

As special studies have shown on the question of whether coffee is useful, with regular, within reasonable limits, eating this drink, the chance of developing gout decreases, and with an already diagnosed disease, the symptoms soften, the pain subsides. This is explained by antioxidants that weaken the concentration of uric acid, insulin, which provoke pathology.

What to choose?

Recently, there has been a huge variety of products on the market, so the question of which coffee is healthier is becoming relevant. In addition to the classic, green is actively promoted to the broad masses, which should help to lose weight, treat all kinds of diseases. A number of studies prove that it really works: green coffee is good for you. At the same time, the specific taste of the drink gives joy to a few. The mechanism of influence on the human body for green coffee is somewhat different than for ordinary coffee.

At the same time, one should not expect that green grains will work wonders: after all, this is only a product, and not a full-fledged medicine, a panacea for all diseases. If you have problems with being overweight, you should try to use this particular drink in order to check its effectiveness in a particular case. Perhaps there will be no effect, but there will definitely not be any harm.

Fried grains: what's inside?

You can understand why coffee is useful if you take its composition apart, find out what is in the grains and what is not. For example, it was possible to determine that the product is rich in potassium, protein structures, nicotinic acid, and dietary fiber. True, when using up to two tablespoons of crushed grains per cup, the concentration will be small enough to have a serious effect on the body. If you drink up to three cups a day, the situation improves.

In addition, coffee beans contain aromatic compounds - more than seven dozen varieties useful for humans. They are formed at the time when the raw product is fried, following the technology. The most important are the water-soluble elements that provide the unique taste of the drink. In addition to the well-known caffeine, grains contain sugar, phenols, minerals, organic acid compounds, dextrin.

Caffeine: how does it work?

Coffee in the morning is useful primarily because of this compound, in one cup it contains up to 135 mg (daily maximum dosage is one gram). Once in the body, the compound stimulates the central nervous system, motor activity, increases both physical and mental performance, and also reduces fatigue and eliminates the tendency to sleep.

Under the influence of caffeine, it becomes easier to perceive information, at the same time, cardiac activity is activated, the frequency of contractions increases, and the energy of impulses increases. Caffeine increases blood pressure, heat production, urine output, and gastric activity. The tool has a pronounced stimulating effect, which explains the morning vivacity after a cup of hot drink. But why only in the morning? You can safely drink coffee during the day if you need an instant charge of vivacity.

Suitable but not for everyone

These effects have a positive effect on a healthy person, but for some groups of people suffering from pathologies, coffee is not recommended or even categorically contraindicated. First of all, a ban is imposed on a strong black drink. It should not be drunk when:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased pressure;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

You can encounter unpleasant phenomena even in the absence of any diseases if you drink too much coffee. As the great doctors of antiquity said, in small quantities, poison heals, and the most useful substance, being consumed in immoderate amounts, can kill. This extends to coffee as well. You should not drink more than five cups of the drink a day, it is not recommended to drink it six hours before the planned bedtime. You should refrain from anything that contains caffeine if a person suffers from a general weakness of the body, accompanied by increased irritability.

  • a reasonable number of cups of drink daily;
  • drinking either coffee or other caffeinated foods;
  • grain drink is healthier than instant drink.

What to replace?

If a cup of coffee instead of the desired cheerfulness and good mood provokes stomach pains, high blood pressure or other problems, you should refuse the drink. You can replace it with natural cocoa, dark chocolate. If fatigue is tormenting, and coffee is not at hand, it is recommended to use green tea as an alternative.

Do not indulge in coffee during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. The drink should not be drunk by children under five years of age. It is not recommended to use it for asthenia, overexcitability. It should be realized: all people are individual. The reaction of the body to coffee in a particular person may differ significantly from that which will be observed in his relatives and friends. You can sometimes replace coffee with carbonated drinks containing caffeine. The use of such products is strictly limited, it is unacceptable to use them every day. You can also have caffeinated energy candies on hand, but these should also be consumed within reason.

Stress and rest

According to studies by Korean scientists, regular consumption of reasonable amounts of a hot drink helps to reduce stress levels and make life calmer. This is due to the adjustment of the protein concentration in the brain tissues, which has a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole. Normally, a positive effect is observed after a couple of cups a day. But an excess of caffeine leads to the opposite effect.

However, not everything is so obvious. As scientists have proven, just one cup of coffee has a strong effect on some, and the pressure is already rising, the heartbeat is quickening, and it will be impossible to sleep at night. Others may drink quite large volumes and not notice a significant difference. Someone suffers from heartburn, while others get it under the influence of coffee. To know the reaction of your body, you need to try it once - guesswork, unfortunately, cannot establish the real state of affairs.

Coffee for many people today became a daily drink, without which a person cannot feel cheerful during the day. This tonic and exciting drink is loved and drunk by people of all ages, while someone is limited to a cup of coffee at breakfast, and for some, coffee has become an addiction. Meanwhile, too much coffee is not recommended for coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, glaucoma, irritability and insomnia.

Do not do it drink coffee on an empty stomach and after a hearty meal. The optimal dose for adults is 1-2 cups per day, drinking more than this amount of a cup of coffee makes a person extremely irritable and nervous. You need to drink coffee only natural, and not instant, which is made from cheap coffee varieties.

Instant coffee does not have any useful properties, as it is not properly fried. In addition, instant coffees contain much more caffeine, which negatively affects health. Therefore, try to drink only natural black coffee and always without filtration. Since after the coffee is filtered, some of the beneficial properties are also removed from the drink.

Majority " coffee drinkers“They drink coffee all the time, just because they want to drink it and don’t even want to hear that coffee can have some effect on their health. So what if coffee contains a lot of caffeine? After all, tea also has caffeine , which has a tonic effect, and many drink it without restriction.Meanwhile, scientists argue that the caffeine contained in tea and coffee differ in chemical composition.Caffeine in tea is released gradually and therefore does not have a negative effect on the body.

Not all research scientists confirm that drinking coffee is unhealthy, today there are many scientifically proven facts in defense of this drink. The latest claims about the benefits of coffee come from Finnish scientists. Based on 30 years of research, they concluded that the more coffee a person drinks, the lower their risk of developing liver cancer.

Has long been known the fact that coffee has antioxidant properties, which affects the development of malignant tumors. Based on the observations of doctors, it has been established that smokers who drink coffee in large quantities are less likely to get lung cancer. The influence of coffee on the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver in people who abuse alcohol was also revealed. Drinkers who drink several cups of coffee daily are much less susceptible to liver disease.

Everyone known that coffee invigorates. If we need to work, but we really want to sleep, then a cup of coffee will be a real salvation. It will not only prevent you from falling asleep, but also improve brain function and stimulate the activity of the nervous system. A cup of coffee helps you concentrate and work better. Some studies by scientists have revealed the effect of coffee on the metabolism in the body. It has been established that people who drink two cups of coffee a day are less likely to suffer from gallstone disease. Caffeine prevents the formation of gallstones.

Coffee contains not only caffeine, it has a lot of aromatic compounds, minerals, vitamin P, tannins and trace elements. Which of these substances enter the body depends on the type of coffee, the method of roasting and preparing it. The most popular varieties of coffee in our country are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica has three times less caffeine. Preparing coffee is very simple: you need to take freshly ground coffee, pour boiling water and bring to a boil.

Coffee, prepared from natural varieties, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system. It increases the secretion of intestinal juice and improves digestion, thereby making the process of assimilation of food more efficient. It is especially useful to drink coffee with milk for the stomach. And if you drink black coffee without milk, it enhances the breakdown of fat cells, that is, it contributes to weight loss. Moderate coffee consumption prevents the development of age-related diseases such as Parkinson's disease and senile dementia. It is useful to drink coffee for people with diabetes and diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Majority of people prefer to drink coffee to relieve headaches, cheer up or just to focus. Scientists have proven that two cups of coffee three times reduce the risk of stress and depression. Those who drink coffee daily feel more confident and do not suffer from an inferiority complex, they do not know the state of phobia and fear.

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There are a lot of varieties of coffee in the world. Experts counted more than two hundred. Of these, the main ones are Robusta and Arabica. They differ in taste. Arabica has a bitter and strong taste. Robusta has the most caffeine. This coffee has an invigorating effect.

Although doctors continue to argue that coffee is harmful to health, the number of coffee lovers is not decreasing, but rather increasing. It is known that coffee perfectly invigorates due to the caffeine contained in the grains. According to some scientists, it is better not to use caffeine for those people who applied to medical institutions with heart problems. At the same time, an experiment conducted by Japanese scientists showed that daily consumption of ground coffee or coffee beans, which are rich in antioxidants, reduces the risk of liver cancer in humans. Instant coffee is contraindicated for those who have certain problems with the stomach, besides the use of such coffee in some cases leads to metabolic disorders, as well as the formation of cellulite.

According to connoisseurs of this invigorating drink, high-quality coffee is made only from beans. Such coffee has the best aromatic and taste qualities. It is believed that coffee beans are very expensive, so many refuse it. Actually the price is different. Coffee bags have different weights, and a 100-gram package of coffee will yield more than the same package of ground coffee (photo 1).

You need to buy such coffee in specialized stores, for example, in this http://coffe.kiev.ua/category/coffee/kupit-coffe-v-zernah/gimoka/. Also coffee beans are much easier to store. For ground coffee, you need an airtight jar, but for beans, an ordinary dry and clean bag is suitable. In addition, coffee beans have a shell that does not allow the beneficial substances to evaporate. The grains should have a matte sheen and be free of cracks. Fresh grains retain oiliness for a long time. If the beans have faded and have a gray tint, then this may mean that either they were stored for a very long time, or the integrity of the package was violated during transportation (photo 2).

The taste of coffee will depend on how the beans were roasted. Dark roasted grains have a rich aroma. Unroasted grains have almost no smell and have a grayish color. A light drink is obtained from light brown grains. With a strong roast (French), the beans are dark brown. The dark chocolate color of the beans is obtained by double roasting (continental). The beans turn black when Italian roasted. Such coffee has a strong bitterness (photo 3).

Aromatic coffee is obtained from freshly ground beans, ground before brewing. Grind grains in a coffee grinder. The result is a fine grind. Substances that are contained in the grains quickly disappear. The aroma of coffee will be saturated if no more than 5 minutes pass between grinding the beans and brewing coffee (photo 4).

Unlike instant coffee, natural coffee has a bright taste. From such a drink, a person receives a greater charge of vivacity. Also, this coffee contains potassium, magnesium and fatty acids, which prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. Ground coffee is also useful for the cardiovascular system, but if you consume no more than two cups of this aromatic drink per day.

As for instant coffee, its main advantage is the speed of preparation. That is why he is so popular. Manufacturers claim that instant and natural coffee have the same amount of caffeine. But instant coffee has fewer calories, so if you decide to stick to a diet, it is better to give preference to such coffee (photo 5).
