
Summer preparations for the winter: "Live jam". Strawberries mashed with sugar - a recipe for harvesting for the winter

Berries pureed with sugar

1 kg of berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries,

strawberries, black and red currants, sea buckthorn, feijoa, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, viburnum, dogwood, gooseberries, etc., or a mix;
1-2 kg of sugar.
For raspberries, I take 1.2-1.4 kg of sugar.

Sort fresh berries, carefully choosing the stalks, spoiled berries, leaves ..., wash and dry.
It is impossible to wash raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, strawberries, blueberries and similar berries !

In an enamel bowl grind the berriesin any way (for example:mixer, meat grinder, pusher ...) to a smooth consistency.
I make it with an ordinary wooden pusher, I like it when whole berries or their pieces come across.

We fall asleep with sugar, mix with a wooden spoon and let the sugar dissolve for 3-4 hours.
I put it in the refrigerator.Stir again after some time. If the sugar is completely dissolved, then it can be laid out in clean sterilized jars, not reaching 1.5 ~ 2 cm to the edge of the neck.In jars, on top of the jam, pour and level a layer of sugar, 1 cm thick. Sugar will harden into a crust during storage, which will protect the jam from contact with air. But it must be taken into account that small content sugar and with high humidity of berries, sugar can simply dissolve.
If you make jam short term, then sugar filling is not required.

Banks are not hermetically sealed. In addition to polyethylene lids, you can use

polyethylene film or parchment paper, which are fixed with a string or elastic band on the neck of the jar and on topclose with a metal screw cap.

Store only in the refrigerator!

Gooseberry jam with orange (or lemon)

Gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
Orange (or lemon) - 1 pc.;
Sugar sand - 0.5 kg.

Can be cooked with orange or lemon.
I like orange better.

Orange (or lemon) with peel cut into small pieces, remove the bones and combine with gooseberries, beat with a blender until smooth.

Orange (or lemon) cut with peel on small pieces, remove the bones. Separately, crush the gooseberries with a crush. Combine gooseberries with orange, mix.

Add sugar and beat with sugar or mix). Whisk again after a while

or mix) ... As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, pour into jars.

Store only in the refrigerator!
Add sugar to the volume of grated berries + orange or smaller, depending on the acidity of the berries, see to taste.

Cherry jam

Cherry with stones - 2 kg;
Sugar - 1.5-2 kg;
Water - 0.5 tbsp.

I prefer cherry jam with pits - it turns out to be completely different, more fragrant and tasty when compared with pitted jam.

We sort the cherries, wash them and let the water drain.
IN enamelware we fall asleep berries, fall asleep on top with sugar and sing for the night so that the cherry gives juice.

And so we cook for 5 minutes. in 3 passes:
- after the first cooking, the berries will all float;
- after the second cooking - they will settle a little;
- after the third cooking, the berries will be more evenly distributed over the pan.

I don’t know why: is jam stored better and longer, but for greater importance, you can turn the corked jars upside down and let them cool completely in this position.

Can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

In a similar way, you can cook any jam.

* If you categorically do not perceive the bones in cherry jam, bones Can delete

side of the closed pin through the hole where the stem was, very quickly and simply:

Berries almost do not suffer at the same time and do not lose their shape:

But a little juice is released during processing.

Stoned cherries are very good to freeze:

Wash and dry the berries.
Remove bones (See above).

You can freeze it in this form, but I decided to sprinkle a little sugar: for 1 kg of cherries, about 100 grams of sugar, to taste.
And put in the freezer to freeze, preferably in 1 layer.
I have the coldest top small freezer drawer in my fridge.
Sugar from juice melts a little, it turns out glazed cherries sugar syrup and sugar.
Then, when the berries are frozen, you can transfer them to a convenient container, they no longer stick together and will remain in this form until you decide to use them.

Cherry is ready to eat and in this form (it’s very tasty to gnaw a little melted lollipops), and you can defrost (or use it in pies, compotes, etc.), at your discretion.

strawberry jam


500 gr strawberries;
500 gr sugar;
2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar (or lemon juice);
0.5 cups of water.

Rinse strawberries, put on a towel, dry slightly. Tear off leaves and stems.
Cut the berries lengthwise into slices 3-5 mm thick.
In a saucepan, mix sugar with balsamic vinegar and water. I use unrefined sugar, it's not as white as regular sugar, and gives it a more caramel flavor.
Put the pan on the fire, over low heat, stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
Then add chopped berries. Bring to a boil again. Increase heat and simmer for 15 minutes. You may not mix too much. If the berries are watery, then you can cook for 20-25 minutes.
After that turn off. Let cool.
I collect the foam when the jam is already cold, it is much more convenient.
Then pour the jam into sterilized jars.

The amount of sugar depends on the expected storage time of the jam and the sourness of the berries - than longer term storage and sour berries the more sugar.
If the jam is supposed to be stored for a year or longer, then sugar should be taken from 1.8 to 2 kg per 1 kg of berries.
If the jam is prepared for 2-4 weeks, then a ratio of 1: 1 is sufficient.
If you add little sugar (less than 1: 1), then it is better to store the jam in the freezer. Use it as needed from the freezer - fresh and fragrant.

When preparing jam, it is advisable to use non-oxidizing dishes: the bowl should be enameled (or glass, plastic, wooden), and the pestle and stirring spoon should be wooden. Meat grinders and blenders are evil.
It is advisable to use small jars - from 0.5 to 1 liter.

I sterilize clean jars in the microwave in a special mode.


in the summer of fresh fruit and berries, you can cook many different healthy and tasty dishes. Among them - pureed strawberries with sugar. The recipe is presented in this article in several versions. The first is based on the preservation of berries in fresh. The second involves bringing the jam to a boil in several stages. The third describes the preparation strawberry puree in five minutes. All methods are good because the berries are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, which means that ready meals contain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

Fresh pureed strawberries with sugar: a recipe for "raw" jam


The berries must be fresh and not have any damage. Wash strawberries first running water, let it drain well, dry the berries on paper towel. Break it up with a crusher. You can use a blender for this purpose. Mix the resulting puree with 1.5 kg of sugar. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars "on the shoulders". Fill the remaining space with sugar. Place the containers in the refrigerator. with sugar in this recipe is higher than in others, since the content bulk product increased to improve storage reliability. 100 g of such a dessert contains about 230 kcal.

Aromatic berry-lemon puree


  • 1 kg fresh berries strawberries;
  • one lemon or orange;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Do you want a fresh and unusual taste? Then you should add lemon or orange to the jam. Peel them from the peel and scroll through the meat grinder along with the berries. Then put the mass on fire and heat to a temperature of about sixty to seventy degrees. The next step is the addition of granulated sugar. It should be poured in parts and mixed thoroughly for better dissolution. Such mashed strawberries with lemon are not boiled - they are only brought to a boil and rolled up. Therefore, put the puree again on low heat and follow the heating process. Skim any foam that forms on the surface and stir frequently. At the first sign of gurgling, remove the pan from the stove and pour the jam into jars.

recipejam "Five minutes"


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

The third recipe provides for a short cooking of berries. Strawberries are crushed with a blender or meat grinder, immediately mixed with sugar and put on fire. The jam must be quickly brought to a boil, so do not greatly reduce the intensity of the flame. While stirring, remove the "noise" from the surface. After boiling, note the time, 5-7 minutes. Then pour the jam into clean jars, roll up the lids and, turning over, wrap. When the jars have cooled, they can be rearranged in the pantry or refrigerator.

Stock up on sunny vitamins in the summer! With the onset of cold weather, you will delight your loved ones with appetizing and healthy treats served with hot tea ruddy pancakes or fritters. Bon appetit!

Strawberry jam recipes for the winter

In order not to resort to heat treatment of strawberries for the winter, in which aroma and vitamins are lost, try easy recipe strawberries with sugar without cooking!

10 min

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Winter strawberry preparations are tasty, easy to prepare, keep well, and, of course, retain a significant part of the taste, aroma and vitamins from whole berries. But still heat treatment cannot but leave its mark on the qualities finished product. Is it possible to do without it, and if so, how?

In fact, everything is very easy, much easier than you imagined. You can wither, freeze or dry our scarlet berries in the form of a marshmallow, or you can wipe them with sugar. This is exactly what I do most of the time.

There is no risk of spoilage of the product, as in the methods listed above, the finished product is not so closely dependent on the humidity in the room or the temperature in the freezer, and this option is also the simplest and will not even be the most skillful cook. How to candied strawberries for the winter without boiling?


First of all, we need the strawberries themselves: they can be overripe and softened, but in no case should not be beaten, fermented or rotten. This will badly affect the taste of the finished product and lead to its rapid deterioration, so be careful!

  1. After washing the berries, removing the stalks and sepals from them and slightly drying them on a towel, we take fine granulated sugar or powdered sugar on a one to one basis- that is, a kilogram of strawberries will need to be rubbed with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. After that, it's time to take on the pusher: unlike preserves and jams that we thermally process, there is no need to infuse strawberries with sugar until juice appears. We just take it and crush it, turning the berries into a homogeneous soft slurry.
  3. When the strawberries turned into a strawberry mass without a single dense piece - Pour our sugar into it and mix thoroughly. Some berry paste comes out, fragrant and very sweet. Try not to eat it right away, the temptation to do this will be very great!

How to store crushed strawberries with sugar

Sterilize jars. Since the delicacy itself is not sterilized, it is important to take this step responsibly - although sugar is a natural preservative, it does not completely protect the product from spoilage! For the same reason, you should take small jars, no more than half a liter, so that open strawberry with sugar did not have time to ferment or become moldy before it is eaten.

Packed in jars berry paste, twist it and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in a cold basement - she needs coolness to keep and darkness. Let it wait in the wings before it's over fresh strawberries and the memories of her have not cooled down ...

Currants with sugar, prepared in any way, will become indispensable assistant in the preparation of sweet dishes in the off-season. Harvested berries are used to fill pastries or decorate desserts. You can just make jam, but it is much more interesting to make pureed berries or jelly, freeze currants or make juice.

How to cook currants with sugar?

Fresh currants with sugar will become ideal basis for many preservation options. In order for the blanks to be stored all winter, you need to follow certain rules, verified over the years by experienced housewives.

  1. Long-term storage of currants with sugar in the raw version provides a large amount of sweetener. So that the workpiece does not deteriorate and does not ferment, sugar in the composition must be at least 60%.
  2. Before cooking, the berries are washed, sorted and the tails are removed, this is the most time-consuming moment in harvesting. For cutting, use small scissors, so the process will be greatly facilitated.
  3. Jam is made from whole berries, twisted or kneaded a little to make the preparation more homogeneous.
  4. Ideal option for winter storage currants scrolled with sugar in the freezer. For convenience, the puree is cooled in small portions and then transferred to one container or sealed bag with a zipper.

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter is a delicious sweet treat that is very easy to prepare. One difficulty in creating preservation will be the preparation of puree, or rather its grinding through a sieve. As a result, a delicious homogeneous delicacy will come out, which will thicken and become a little jelly during storage.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry, beat with a blender, wipe through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the puree, mix, put on fire.
  3. Boil for 25 minutes, removing the foam.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, put under a blanket to cool slowly, store in a cool place.

It turns out very tasty, prepared for the winter. Such preservation is used to fill desserts, because during storage the delicacy becomes very thick. By adding a large number sugar, the workpiece is stored for a long time, but you should not keep it for more than one year.


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg;


  1. Wash the currants, cut off the stems and twigs.
  2. Scroll through a meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Boil the jam, removing the foam.
  5. Boil 15 minutes.
  6. Pour into prepared jars, roll up the lids, put under a warm blanket for slow cooling.

Currants with sugar in a blender

Whipped currants with a blender with sugar for the winter are similar in consistency to scrolled through a meat grinder. Such a delicacy can be boiled for 15-20 minutes and stored in the pantry, or you can leave the berry raw, but in this case the workpiece is stored all winter exclusively in the refrigerator. In the off-season, such conservation will help fight a cold.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Sort currants, wash, cut twigs and ponytails.
  2. Cover with sugar, leave for 5 hours.
  3. Currants are crushed together with sugar with a blender.
  4. Put on the stove, boil, removing the foam.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, immediately pour into sterilized dishes, cork, send to heat for slow cooling.
  6. Such a blank is well stored for a year in a cool and dark place.

Tasty and mashed with sugar can be cooked according to the recipe of the famous Five Minutes. Berries can be scrolled through a meat grinder and punched with a blender, then rubbed through a large sieve, a small presence of seeds and pulp is allowed. From 1 kg of berries, one half-liter jar of goodies will come out.


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Whip currants with a blender, wipe through a large sieve.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3-5 hours.
  3. Put to boil, remove the foam.
  4. Currant boils with sugar for exactly 5 minutes, set aside, cool.
  5. Repeat the boiling and cooling process 2 more times.
  6. Pour hot jam into a sterile container, put under a blanket, after 2 days move to the basement.

Whitecurrant with orange, mashed with sugar

Delicious delicious preservation- harvested fresh currant with sugar for the winter with the addition orange peel and pulp. Due to the colossal content of pectin in the zest and white berries, the delicacy will turn out to be very thick and jelly. The amount of sugar can be reduced, citrus will guarantee the safety of goodies for the whole winter.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.


  1. Sort currants from twigs, wash, put in a blender bowl, pierce, transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Peel the orange zest from the orange, remove the white peel and seeds, punch the pulp with a blender.
  3. Currant with orange and sugar is mixed and sent to the stove.
  4. Cook jam, removing foam.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, pour into a sterile container, send to a warm place for slow cooling.
  6. Store all winter in a cool place.

Black with sugar is prepared by sterilizing the workpiece. The berries remain whole and are boiled directly in the bank. To implement the recipe, prepare a container in advance that will fit 3 half-liter jars. The whole process of preparing a treat is not fast, but it allows you to get a very useful preservation.


  • currant - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, remove the tails, sprinkle with layers of sugar. Leave for 5 hours.
  2. To the bottom large pot lay out cardboard, put half-liter jars filled with currant mass.
  3. Pour water up to the "shoulders" of the cans.
  4. To put on medium fire when the jam starts to boil, the currants will settle to the bottom. It is necessary to add a spoonful of berries, maintaining the amount of jam at the water level in the pan.
  5. When the jars are full, cover them with lids and leave to languish for 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave for 2 days.
  7. The workpiece is stored in a cool room for no more than 6 months.

Concentrated redcurrant juice for the winter with sugar is thick and very sweet. Often, when serving, the drink is diluted with water to balance the cloying. It is better to close the drink in small jars or bottles; it is stored open for a very short time, no more than two days in the refrigerator. So that the banks do not explode, add a pinch citric acid in each liter container.


  • red currant - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Sort currants from twigs, wash.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, pour in water, cook, removing the foam.
  3. Add sugar, boil for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterile bottles, put in heat for self-sterilization.
  5. Store in a cool place.

Currant with sugar without cooking

Amazingly delicious vitamin preparation- currant with sugar for the winter, which is not subjected to heat treatment. The blank is used to make compotes, eat just like that, complement pastries or pancakes. The delicacy goes well with ice cream as a bright and rich topping. To get rid of the tough skin and seeds, the berries are rubbed through a sieve.


  • currant (any) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry, pierce with a blender and rub through a sieve.
  2. Mix with 1 kg of sugar, immediately pour into sterilized jars until the sweetener has melted.
  3. Distribute into jars, without filling up to the edge of 2 cm.
  4. Fill the remaining space with sugar, close the lid.
  5. Such currants with sugar are stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Fried will be a delicious filling for home baking or unusual topping for light dessert or ice cream. Caramel berries come out unusually tasty and you can taste this delicacy as soon as it cools down. Jam cooked in a pan can be prepared for future use, but stored only in the refrigerator.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cloves - 3 buds.


  1. Melt sugar in a frying pan, throw in cloves, followed by currants.
  2. Simmer, stirring, 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the cloves, sprinkle with vanilla, mix.
  4. Refrigerate and use to decorate desserts.

Freezing currants with sugar for the winter is carried out in two ways: whole berries, barely frozen, are sprinkled with a sweetener and completely cooled in this form. The second method is to grind the berries and freeze in small forms. In any case, the way to save valuable properties currants in the freezer - ideal.

A useful strawberry berry hides from human eyes in shady glades and along forest paths. It is difficult to find it, here experience is needed and an eye trained. But one has only to make out one red bead in the grass, how things will go. After all, 2-3 berries grow on each strawberry bush.

Sometimes summer residents are also lucky. wild berry can choose to live in an ordinary garden. It is difficult to cultivate it, but if the strawberry is wound up on the site, it does not require any care at all.

And strawberries mashed with sugar, the recipe of which will not leave anyone indifferent - amazing delicacy! And there are so many benefits to this berry that you can not be afraid of vitamin deficiency.

Jam without boiling

Most reliable way keep vitamins intact - blank without heat treatment. Strawberries mashed with sugar, the recipe of which does not involve boiling, is perfectly stored in cellars and cellars until cold weather thanks to the acids contained in the berries. To prepare such a blank, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the berries, tear off the stalks, and dry them slightly. Then we proceed to the grinding process. The best way to do this is with special device with cutting plates - then the juice from the pieces of berries will not be squeezed out.

In the absence of special kitchen appliances it is quite possible to use an ordinary meat grinder, blender, mashed potatoes or even a regular fork. Pour the crushed berries with sugar, mix thoroughly, lay out in sterile jars, cork and send to a safe place. cool place before winter.


In the absence of a cellar or basement, you can use another recipe. Strawberries mashed with sugar for the winter can also be stored in an ordinary pantry in a city apartment. Just before corking, the berry mass must be brought to a boil. By the way, if there are some unripe berries among the berries, this method is ideal - under the influence high temperatures the berries will turn brown. It is best to boil the jam in an enamel bowl.

Strawberries mashed with sugar, the recipe of which involves bringing to a boil, does not need to be sterilized. The heated mixture can be laid out in jars and rolled up.

In the oven

Wild strawberries mashed with sugar can also be prepared according to this recipe. Berry puree mixed with sugar, decomposed into clean jars. Then the jars are placed on a baking sheet covered with a damp towel. It is better to put a baking sheet with jars (without lids) in the oven when it is just starting to heat up. After the temperature inside reaches 170 ° C, the jars need to be heated for another 8-10 minutes. This recipe is very fragrant strawberry rubbed with sugar.


When preparing any dishes, a lot depends on the berries themselves. Sometimes it's incredible sweet strawberry and some are sour. And yes, everyone has different tastes.

In any case, it is better to choose the ratio of products, focusing on your own taste, but you should not forget about the norms, otherwise the workpiece may become sugary or ferment. Most delicious jam or jam is obtained with a proportion of strawberries and sugar of about 1: 1.2.


Unfortunately, this is useful and very tasty dish not everyone knows. Strawberries mashed with sugar, the recipe of which consists in the usual freezing, will not only become a storehouse of vitamins in winter, but will also decorate any feast. With such a delicacy you can please yourself and your loved ones on a frosty winter evening, because it goes well with good coffee or fragrant tea. It can be served at the table for a children's birthday instead of purchased ice cream with a dubious composition.

Such strawberries, mashed with sugar, are sent to the freezer for the winter. Of course, this recipe is relevant for those who have a fairly roomy freezer.

To prepare the sorbet, the berries are passed through a meat grinder. A blender is not recommended for this recipe, because it will turn a beautiful strawberry into an ugly puree-like liquid. The gruel obtained by twisting should be covered with sugar, quickly mixed and immediately sent to the freezer until the berries begin to release juice abundantly. It is convenient to freeze sorbet in plastic containers.
