
The best recipes for ruddy buckwheat pancakes: on yeast, yeast-free dough and on buckwheat porridge. Pancakes from buckwheat flour: cooking recipes

What kind of pancakes are not baked by skillful hostesses on Maslenitsa: from wheat and rye flour, from corn and pea, rice, oatmeal. And the traditional delicacy, which from time immemorial in Rus' was respected and served as a real decoration of the table, were buckwheat pancakes.

Today they are considered almost a delicacy and are rarely prepared. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that you can’t always find buckwheat flour on a shelf in a store, and you shouldn’t grind cereals in a coffee grinder on your own. On the other hand, for some reason, not every cook succeeds in pancakes made from buckwheat flour. But if you follow the entire cooking technology, then the pancakes will turn out well: lush, soft, with holes.

  • It is noteworthy that it is unlikely that buckwheat pancakes will be cooked without wheat flour. Buckwheat flour does not contain the right amount of gluten, and a pancake just made from it will simply fall apart. That is why almost every recipe includes an equal amount of wheat and buckwheat flour.
  • In all other respects, these amazingly delicious dark-colored pancakes differ little in terms of cooking technology from others: they are made from both unleavened and yeast dough, milk, water or kefir.

Delicious buckwheat pancakes should definitely be cooked for Maslenitsa, when you get tired of ordinary wheat pancakes. They can be served with a salty filling, mushroom, fish or meat, or with a sweet one, for example, with fruit or jam.

Buckwheat pancakes with milk

Traditional buckwheat pancakes are cooked in milk, always with the addition of yeast. In this case, they turn out not only soft, but also “spongy”, lush.

In Rus', they were served most often with a salty filling, for example, sour cream and mushroom sauce, or they were not stuffed at all, but they laid out a high hill of pancakes in front of the guests and gave everyone the opportunity to choose on their own how to flavor the dish: caviar, cottage cheese, salted fish.



Ready-made pancakes are best lubricated with butter on top, and served separately from the filling. Best of all they are combined with caviar, sour cream, with salted mushrooms. If the filling is sweet, then it is better to add more sugar to the dough in advance.

How to cook buckwheat pancakes - video

Advice! It is best to fry buckwheat pancakes in a pan with a non-stick coating, without lubricating it with oil at all, and add the latter by a spoonful to the dough as it decreases, but in no case stirring. If a cast-iron pan is used, then it must be thick-bottomed, and oil should not be poured on it, but spread with a thin layer using a silicone brush. And so that the pancakes are not brittle, when frying on the first side, it is best to cover the pan with a lid.

Lean buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes on the water can be eaten both during Pancake week and after it, when Great Lent comes, because they are made without eggs or milk. They turn out no less tasty, delicate, crispy. It will take a lot of time to cook, more precisely, it is better to prepare everything in the evening, and fry the pancakes in the morning.



Serve such pancakes with tea, not forgetting honey and jam.

Pancakes with buckwheat

Pancakes with buckwheat can be prepared if only cereals are at hand, but flour could not be found. It should be said right away that they practically do not differ in taste, but for their preparation you will need a blender.



Breton pancakes with apples

Buckwheat dishes are typical not only for Russian cuisine. For example, the inhabitants of the French province of Brittany are also not averse to eating it, but they do not cook porridge at all, but use buckwheat flour and bake pancakes or crepes from it, as they are called in France.

The recipe for French buckwheat pancakes is quite simple, and the dish is suitable for breakfast or for a hearty snack throughout the day. These pancakes are prepared both sweet, for example, with apples or pears, and with meat or egg additives.



The filling for such pancakes can be prepared from pears, plums, or by mixing these and other types of fruits. And excellent additions to dessert will be a scoop of creamy ice cream or chocolate icing.

Buckwheat pancakes with mushroom sauce

Pancakes with bacon are in themselves a hearty and complete dish, and high-calorie ingredients are most often used as fillings: eggs, vegetable mixtures, minced meat, mushrooms. Buckwheat pancakes with mushroom seasoning are a typical dish of classical Russian cuisine. You can cook them both with forest mushrooms (porcini, honey agaric, boletus), and with champignons.



Similarly, any buckwheat mushrooms are made with salt, for example, with a boiled egg and green onions. They are best served with sour cream sauce, always with hot sweet tea.

Buckwheat pancakes with cottage cheese

Pancakes with cottage cheese are loved by adults and children, of course, because this is a delicious dessert. And if you add fresh berries or fruits to the filling, you get just overeating. The dough for such pancakes made from buckwheat flour is best made with kefir, then even without adding yeast, they will turn out lush and soft.



The finished dessert can be decorated with powdered sugar, pour over melted chocolate, put a few fresh mint leaves on top.

As they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted, so buckwheat pancakes are not at all as demanding on the cooking process as they seem. If you use the appropriate recipe, then you can please your loved ones with this traditional old delicacy. Sweet or meaty, lean or fatty - everyone will like buckwheat pancakes, especially on Maslenitsa.

Once they were the most beloved in Rus'. Not all of our ancestors could afford wheat. In the course were millet, pea, oatmeal and buckwheat pancakes. And no one complained, because they turned out very tasty. Now such dishes are a delicacy for us, because we don’t get to try such exotic things so often. And not many people know that making pancakes from buckwheat flour at home is a simple matter. This article will present two recipes for preparing this delicious dish.

How to cook and what to serve?

First of all, do not try to make buckwheat flour yourself by grinding the groats in a coffee grinder. You still won’t achieve the desired effect, so it’s better to find a finished product on the shelves of the nearest store. In addition, such buckwheat flour contains little gluten. Therefore, wheat must be mixed into it so that the pancakes do not fall apart. Sugar can be added to the dough, focusing on your own taste or the quality of the filling. Keep in mind that pancakes were not stuffed in Rus'. They were served with "snacks": caviar, salted fish fillet, eggs and cottage cheese. Everyone chose a product to their liking. Then he dipped his stuffed pancake in melted butter and used to bite ice-cold vodka with it. But how could it be otherwise, because pancakes made from buckwheat flour have long been considered a festive dish. They were often fried on Maslenitsa.

Pancakes with milk. Ingredients

Even the most delicious wheat dishes can get boring in a whole week. Therefore, let's thoroughly prepare for the upcoming holiday and learn how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Cooking recipes usually prescribe the use of such products:

  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • butter - 70 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • buckwheat flour - 150 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Pancakes with milk. Cooking method

All products should be at room temperature immediately before use. Only under this condition, pancakes made from buckwheat flour will turn out rosy and appetizing.

  1. First of all, combine wheat and buckwheat flour in one container and add salt and sugar to them. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. Then you need to add chicken eggs and a couple of tablespoons of milk to the resulting mixture.
  3. After that, all products should be thoroughly mixed again to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Now you need to gradually (one tablespoon) add milk to the mass in order to knead a homogeneous dough. It is important to do this carefully, diligently stirring all the ingredients together.
  5. The output should be a fairly liquid dough, to which melted butter should be added.
  6. Then again, all products must be carefully stirred. After this, the test should be allowed to brew: it should be put aside for twenty-five to thirty minutes.
  7. Then you can start baking pancakes. This must be done in a dry frying pan. It is necessary to pour a ladle of dough into it in one go, and then quickly distribute it over the entire surface of the dish.
  8. You need to fry pancakes from buckwheat flour on both sides, making sure that they are well browned.
  9. Ready treats must be folded into a neat pile. In addition, each pancake should be generously lubricated with butter.

The danger of gluten

Modern realities force people to turn to ancient, time-tested recipes. Nowadays, some patients suffer from celiac disease - an intolerance to gluten (gluten), which is found in a variety of cereals. It is found in barley, rye, oats and wheat. Modern methods of processing grain into flour cause this dangerous disease in people, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to food and various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such patients are shown a gluten-free menu. So is it really impossible for them to enjoy a traditional treat on Olive Week? There is an exit. Gluten does not contain buckwheat flour. Pancakes from this product will be an excellent alternative to wheat. But, as mentioned above, it is impossible to make them without a binder. However, potato starch may well replace gluten. How to cook buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour will be written below.

Pancakes without gluten. Ingredients

In order to cook such pancakes, you will need the following products:

  • buckwheat flour - 50 grams;
  • rice flour - 50 grams;
  • potato starch - 50 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 grams;
  • sugar - 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 30 milliliters;
  • salt - 5 grams;
  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Pancakes without gluten. Cooking method

  1. To begin with, sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, salt, butter and baking powder must be mixed together.
  2. After that, you need to combine rice and buckwheat flour in one container.
  3. Then half of the flour mass should be combined with the egg mixture. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  4. Next, the milk needs to be heated a little. The product should not be brought to a boil.
  5. Now 120 milliliters of milk is required to be poured into the pancake dough. Then add the rest of the flour to it. All products should be mixed well again.
  6. After that, you need to add the rest of the milk to the dough. The ingredients must be brought to a homogeneous state.
  7. It should be remembered that buckwheat flour has a special property, recipes (pancakes) from which are discussed in this article. In the process of kneading the dough, it swells a lot. Therefore, the consistency of the resulting product must be constantly monitored. If necessary, it can be diluted with a little milk.
  8. It is better to bake pancakes from buckwheat flour in a cast-iron pan with thick walls. It must be constantly lubricated with sunflower oil. Ready treats are usually stacked on a plate.

The dish is ready! Of course, real pancakes cannot do without a suitable filling. For her, you can use: minced boiled chicken mixed with chopped cheese; cottage cheese with raisins; rice with dill and eggs and other delicious foods. Pancakes can be eaten without filling, dipping them in butter or sour cream. It all depends on your tastes and preferences.


Now you know how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Recipes for creating dishes do not differ in variety. The main thing is to knead a homogeneous dough from certain products, which must include flour, butter, eggs, sugar and salt (to taste). The product can be stirred with both milk and purified warm water. And, as you already know, it is important to use some kind of binder in cooking: starch or wheat flour. Pancakes are a dish that every Russian person has loved since childhood. And to learn how to cook this dish is the task of every real housewife. Bon appetit!

Recipes for delicious pancakes

From this article you will learn how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. This is a very healthy and tasty dish that will appeal to everyone without exception. cook delicious

40 min

215 kcal

5/5 (1)

In Rus', buckwheat pancakes were often baked. It was not a luxury, but an almost everyday dish. Now, this is confusing to many. But buckwheat flour is much healthier than wheat flour.

It's just that over time the cuisine has evolved, and some dishes have been undeservedly forgotten. This recipe was given to me by a friend. I was suspicious of him, but I was wrong. My family liked buckwheat pancakes so much that we began to cook them for all holidays.

Kitchen tools: whisk and frying pan.

Required Ingredients

How to choose the right ingredients

  • When choosing buckwheat flour, pay attention to the country of origin. If buckwheat flour is from China, you should not take it. The point here is not the quality of the product, but the peculiarities of the preparation of this flour.

In Chinese cooking, highly dried and fried flour is used. This is reflected in its taste - it is slightly bitter. If for them it is an acceptable taste, then it is difficult for us to get used to it. High-quality buckwheat flour with a creamy gray color. Too dark flour is either overcooked or stored incorrectly and for a long time.

  • The scent is also very important. Properly cooked flour should smell like roasted grain. This smell can be compared to the smell of a lightly roasted nut. If the flour does not smell at all, this indicates its low quality.
  • Wheat flour can be taken first or second grade. This flour has less gluten. But since pancake dough should not be suitable when frying, the absence of gluten will only benefit. Unlike buckwheat flour, wheat flour should not smell in any way. The absence of odor indicates the quality of the product.

Cooking sequence

  1. Making dough

    - Buckwheat flour - 125 g;
    - Wheat flour - 125 g.
    Sift all the flour into the bowl in which you will make the dough.

    Did you know? Experiment when making pancakes. If you are not satisfied with this ratio of flour, you can change the proportions.

  2. Ingredients:
    - Cow's milk - 500 ml.
    Pour the milk into the flour and mix with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Ingredients:

    - Salt - 0.5 tsp;
    - Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;

    - Sugar - 30 g;
    - Water (hot) - 100 ml.

    Add hot water to the dough and stir. Then beat the eggs with sugar and salt and also add to the dough. Mix thoroughly again.

  4. Ingredients:
    - Butter - 50 g.
    At the last stage of preparing the dough, add oil. Melt it and pour it into the dough. Mix well again and let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
  5. fry pancakes
    In order for the pancakes to bake well and not stick to the pan, it must be heated well. Then reduce the heat to medium and start frying. When frying buckwheat pancakes, as well as wheat pancakes, the pan does not need to be lubricated.

    Did you know? If you are using a non-stick frying pan, brush it with a piece of lard before frying the first pancake. You only need to grease a hot pan just before frying.

  6. When the pan is hot, pour the batter into it. It needs to be poured enough to cover the entire bottom of the pan and to make the pancake as thin as possible. Now fry the rest of the pancakes until the dough runs out.

Video recipe for making buckwheat pancakes

Although the preparation of buckwheat pancakes occurs with some difficulties, the healthy composition and interesting taste justify this. Such a dish is prepared with milk, kefir and water, with or without the use of yeast. Buckwheat pancakes are ideally combined with sweet additives, as well as meat, mushrooms and vegetables.

Product feature

Buckwheat pancakes are not only as tasty as those made from wheat flour, but also much more healthy, because the product retains all the important properties thanks to the use of buckwheat. They come out very thin, elegant and painted in a coffee shade. Pancake buckwheat flour smells the same as the cereal itself, and has a crumbly structure. If pancakes are prepared on the basis of buckwheat porridge, then it will first need to be ground. The calorie content of 100 grams of standard pancakes on the water is approximately 141.4 kilocalories.

Choux pancakes do not contain gluten (gluten), so they often do not keep their shape well. Products are inelastic, a little loose and constantly torn. A particular problem arises when they are turned over.

However, gluten is harmful to many people, so in their case, replacing with a buckwheat product will be a plus. In addition, you can try to normalize the structure with the help of additional eggs or starch.

cooking secrets

Having decided to cook pancakes from buckwheat flour, the first question is where to buy it. Such a product is sold in almost any health food store and in some supermarkets. However, it is easier and cheaper to make it yourself by grinding buckwheat.

The flour will definitely need to be sifted to fill it with oxygen. It is customary to fry pancakes both in a simple, sufficiently heated frying pan, and in an electric pancake maker. They are cooked in milk, kefir or salted water.

Sometimes a piece of heated butter and additional egg yolks are dipped into the dough to give the desired consistency. Products for creating pancakes are first removed from the refrigerator compartment in order to be able to approach room temperature. The dough itself must be prepared according to the recipe, as a violation of proportions can turn into a big problem. In addition, when scooping up a portion for a new pancake, it is imperative to shake the dough in order to raise the sediment higher.

More dense cakes can be baked if you use a mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour.

It is correct and tasty to serve pancakes with sour cream, liquid honey, marmalade or jam, as well as warmed butter, which will certainly be a good solution in case of a children's meal. Of course, you can decorate them with stuffing. And both sweet and savory: apples, cottage cheese, minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables. Buckwheat pancakes are perfectly combined with salted fish and curd cheese mixed with herbs. It is customary to put grated cheese with garlic, fried champignons with boiled eggs and carrots into the cakes.

yeast recipes

It will be possible to prepare yeast pancakes from both boiled cereals and buckwheat flakes ground into flour.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for yeast cakes requires the use of 300 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of wheat mixture, 0.5 liters of milk, a tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, two egg whites, three yolks, 20 grams of yeast and two tablespoons of warmed butter.

To prepare the dish step by step, you first need to make a dough. To do this, the milk is heated to approximately 40 degrees, ordinary flour, yeast and three tablespoons of buckwheat flour are bred in it. Everything is thoroughly mixed, covered with a thick cloth and removed to a place where the temperature is above average for about sixty minutes. When the dough increases in volume, heated milk, spices, yolks, butter and the rest of the buckwheat powder are added to it. The dough is again mixed and cleaned in a warm place for an hour and a half.

The next step begins with whipping the foam from the proteins, which will then need to be mixed into the dough. Everything is mixed again, and it's time to start baking pancakes. A ladle of dough is poured into a heated frying pan, already greased. Pancakes must be turned over carefully, otherwise they will fall apart, since buckwheat is devoid of gluten.

Custard pancakes

Prepared with two cups of buckwheat flour, two cups of wheat flour, a cup of milk, a cup of sour cream, a bag of dry yeast (11 g), three eggs, two tablespoons of sugar and 400 milliliters of boiling water. Sour cream is mixed with yeast, and buckwheat flour is combined with water and granulated sugar. After that, sour cream is combined with this mixture and set aside for about half an hour. In another bowl, eggs are beaten with milk and wheat flour. Everything comes together, and it's time to move on to the actual baking of pancakes.

Pancakes "Princely"

They require 150 grams of buckwheat flour, one and a half cups of milk, a teaspoon of dry yeast, a tablespoon of melted butter, one egg, one tablespoon of sour cream, one tablespoon of sugar and a third of a teaspoon of salt. Yeast and sand are placed in a cup of warm milk for 10 minutes. After that, flour and sour cream are poured into the resulting mixture. It is necessary to mix everything until solid particles are eliminated, and then leave for several hours where the temperature is above room temperature. The risen dough is supplemented with yolk, butter and salt.

The mass is stirred and diluted with milk. At the final stage, beaten egg white is added there. The resulting dough is considered suitable for making pancakes.

Buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms

Buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms will become a complete nutritious dish. The list of ingredients includes a couple of eggs, four cups of whey, an incomplete cup of buckwheat flour, a cup of wheat flour, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of sugar, 300 grams of mushrooms, one onion and five tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The process begins by combining whey and eggs with salt and sugar. The mass is whipped, after which it is stirred with flour and soda. The structure should be free of solid particles, for this you can use a submersible beater. At the end of mixing, three tablespoons of oil are added.

Not coarsely chopped onions and champignons are fried until a ruddy hue appears, and the cakes themselves are baked in another pan. The filling is laid out on the formed pancake, after which it is folded into a roll with folded edges.

The envelopes with the contents must be fried again on each side.

Lean cakes

Prepared from a cup of buckwheat flour, a cup of wheat flour, two tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, six grams of quick yeast, 720 milliliters of potato broth and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Both types of flour are sifted into a common bowl and combined with the remaining dry ingredients. The resulting mixture is diluted with potato broth. Everything is whipped with an immersion blender and removed for four hours in a warm place.

Ready pancakes will need to be fried on both sides until they are browned.

Pancakes without yeast

Yeast-free pancakes are no less tasty.

Classic recipe

For cooking, you will need about 150 grams of buckwheat flour, 100 grams of wheat, half a liter of cow's milk, a couple of eggs, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and 70 grams of butter. The flour of both varieties is sifted and combined, after which sugar and salt are added to the mixture. At the next stage, you will need to break the eggs into the same bowl and pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk. Everything is mixed well until the lumps are eliminated, after which it will be possible to add a little more milk. This procedure should be repeated several times until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

The resulting dough is combined with melted butter and left alone for forty minutes.

Pancakes without yeast are best cooked in a special pancake pan that does not require the use of vegetable oil. But, after frying each pancake on both sides, it will need to be smeared with butter before serving.

Diet pancakes

Prepared from 100 grams of buckwheat flour, one egg, 200 milliliters of drinking water, a teaspoon of honey, slaked soda and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The water is heated, after which honey is diluted in it. Then soda, oil and an egg are added to the bowl. All components are mixed using a mixer. The flour is gradually poured into the same bowl, and it will be necessary to periodically stir the dough. Pancakes are fried on each side in a heated pan.

With milk and kefir

  • The main components of the dish include a glass of buckwheat flour, a glass of kefir, a couple of eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a glass of water. Eggs, kefir, sugar and salt are mixed in a cup. Buckwheat flour is introduced into the resulting mixture so that no lumps appear.
  • Then you will need to add water several times to form a batter.
  • The frying pan is greased, and pancakes are fried on both sides.

There are recipes for pancakes based on milk.

  • This requires a cup of buckwheat flour, a cup of wheat flour, three eggs, three and a half cups of milk, half a cup of drinking water, seven grams of quick yeast, sugar and salt. A little more than half of the milk is boiled on the stove, and the rest is slightly warmed up. Buckwheat flour is poured first with water, then with freshly boiled milk.
  • At this time, yeast is bred in warm milk according to the instructions.
  • Both mixtures are combined with a mixer and removed for several hours in a warm place. The yolks are ground with sand, combined with melted butter, and then dipped into the dough along with flour. Finally, salt and whipped whites are added to the finished dough, and it rests for another two hours. At the end of this period, it's time to start baking pancakes.

The remains of buckwheat porridge are also perfectly transformed into pancakes.

  • 300 grams of boiled cereals, two to three tablespoons of sugar, a couple of eggs, one and a half glasses of milk, 80 grams of flour and 50 grams of butter are preliminarily prepared.
  • Porridge is mixed with salt and sugar and whipped with a blender, after which milk and eggs are added to the mass. In the next step, the ingredients are combined with flour and baking powder, and the baking of the cakes begins on each side for two to three minutes.

It is worth mentioning the possibility of making pancakes with sour cream.

  • The list of ingredients includes two cups of buckwheat flour, two cups of wheat flour, two cups of sour cream, 30 grams of yeast, and a cup of drinking water. In addition, you will need a glass of milk, 50 grams of butter, five eggs, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. First, the yeast is dissolved in the heated liquid, then buckwheat flour is added there. The kneaded dough is removed in a warm place for several hours.
  • This ingredient is added to baked goods, casseroles, even minced meat, and it also makes excellent vegan pancakes.
    • To create a dish, you will need 100 grams of buckwheat semolina, two tablespoons of ground flax seeds, filled with four tablespoons of water and left overnight in the refrigerator, and 100 milliliters of coconut milk.
    • In addition to these exotic ingredients, you will need to prepare 100 milliliters of water, a grated apple, peeled, a pinch of salt, cinnamon and vanilla, half a teaspoon of soda and a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil for frying pancakes. All ingredients are mixed and fried in a heated pan for two minutes on each side.

    The recipe for delicious buckwheat pancakes, see the video below.

Buckwheat pancakes are not an invention of modern chefs. This dish has been known for several centuries and belongs to traditional Russian cuisine.

The housewives of those distant times had their own recipe for pancakes and passed it down from generation to generation.

The process of preparing the dish took several hours, special attention was paid to the dough, because without it, pancake dough did not even begin to be made.

Pancakes, which were baked by our ancestors, were lush with a sour taste. They were served with "baking", stuffings and honey.

Baking pancakes from buckwheat is a little more difficult than from wheat flour.

And so that you do not have to blush for your cooking in front of the guests, and impress them with your culinary skills, I will share some secrets and tell you recipes for pancakes.

How to deliciously bake successful pancakes from buckwheat flour

Baking from buckwheat flour is fraught with several "pitfalls". We will talk about them today, and you will also learn how to get around them without loss for yourself.

It will be possible to prepare high-quality brew only from fresh yeast. If no bubbles appear on its surface after the allotted time, you are out of luck with the main product - yeast.

We'll have to start all over again, but only with new ingredients. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour are more brittle and dry.

Compared to similar baked goods made with wheat flour, they require more egg yolks. Butter will not hurt either, before adding it to the dough, it must be melted and cooled.

Pour the pancake mass only on a hot frying pan, otherwise the fried buckwheat pancakes will stick to the bottom. Bottom line - a problem when turning over.

Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, use a brush or a cut onion. Prick the last one on a fork and dip the cut side into the fat. Convenient and economical.

Regular table salt will help to avoid lumps. Dissolve it in water, which you then add to the dough. Please note that you should not exceed the amount of salt that the recipe contains.

Sifted flour is the key to lush buckwheat pancakes. Oxygen bubbles, which are saturated with the product during sieving, improve the rise of the dough.

Recipe for buckwheat yeast pancakes

Ready-made buckwheat pancakes have an original taste and a beautiful coffee shade. Interestingly, all the properties of buckwheat are preserved in flour of the same name.

Having made this dish once, you will certainly want to return to it again and again. You do not need special skills and products, all you need is:

0.5 l of milk; 20 g of sugar; 0.1 kg of wheat flour and 0.3 kg of buckwheat; 3 yolks and 2 whites; 20 g fresh yeast; 30 ml sl. oils; salt to taste.

In order to fry golden buckwheat pancakes, you need to prepare vegetable oil or any other fat in advance.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take care of the steam first. To do this, heat half the milk and dilute the crumbled yeast in it.
  2. Sift wheat flour, mix with three tablespoons of buckwheat and pour into a bowl.
  3. Mix well and leave to rise for one hour. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel so that the surface of the dough does not wind.
  4. When the starter is ready, start kneading the dough. Heat the rest of the milk, beat it with sugar, salt and yolks. Add to bowl.
  5. Pour the melted butter there, add the remaining buckwheat flour.
  6. Leave the dough to rise for another 60-80 minutes.
  7. As soon as the mass has “grown up” and has become lush, introduce whipped proteins into it. Carefully to keep the foam retaining its splendor, mix the contents of the bowl and start baking buckwheat pancakes.

Pour a little dough into a hot frying pan (do not forget to grease it) and fry the pancakes over medium heat until cooked. Turn each pancake carefully so that it does not tear.

As you already know, buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, so pancakes are brittle. Serve buckwheat pancakes hot, offering sour cream and melted butter to the eaters in saucers.

See more pancake recipes on my website.

Pancakes "princely" buckwheat

Buckwheat pancakes with the addition of yeast and wheat flour, serve to the table, brushed with butter.

Hammer the dough out of: one egg; 0.150 kg of buckwheat flour; one and a half glasses of milk; a teaspoon of granulated yeast; Art. spoons butter and the same amount of sour cream; 20 g of sugar; pinches of salt.


  1. Heat milk (glass), add sugar and yeast. Leave the mixture to stand for 10 minutes, then stir and pour into a bowl of flour.
  2. Pound the mass with a spatula, add sour cream.
  3. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, wrap the bowl with a large towel, cover with a blanket on top and leave it alone for 2-2.5 hours. Choose a bowl in such a way that the dough has room to rise.
  4. Separate the yolk from the egg, enter it into the almost ready dough, then send the oil and salt.
  5. Add remaining warm milk and beaten egg white. 6 Stir gently for the last time and bake the buckwheat pancakes.

Heat a frying pan over high heat, brush with oil. Reduce the heat to medium and let the buckwheat thin pancakes bake until golden brown. If you want to know more recipes for pancakes, “flip through” the pages of the site.

Pancakes without yeast buckwheat

Take: 0.10 kg of wheat and 0.150 kg of buckwheat flour; ½ liter of milk; a couple of eggs; teaspoon of salt; 20 g of sugar; 1/3 pack of butter.


  1. Measure out the right amount of buckwheat and wheat flour.
  2. Sift and mix with salt and granulated sugar.
  3. Beat in the eggs and rub the mixture with a spatula, adding 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk.
  4. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, gradually pour in the rest of the milk, each time kneading the dough with a whisk.
  5. Pour the melted and chilled butter into the batter, cover the bowl with a napkin.
  6. Wait 30 minutes, during which time the dough will rise, become more viscous (see photo).

Pancakes are baked in a dry frying pan. Don't worry, they won't stick because the dough contains a lot of fat. To prevent buckwheat pancakes from sticking together, smear them with oil.

Pancakes on buckwheat kefir

Prepare products from the list: a glass of kefir and a glass of water; 2 eggs; 40 g of sugar; some salt; a glass of buckwheat flour; frying oil.

Dough kneading:

  1. In the bowl you have chosen for kneading the dough, beat the eggs.
  2. Add sugar with salt and kefir.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Sift the buckwheat flour and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Using a whisk, beat the dough until smooth and only then pour in purified water in a stream. Do not stop whisking to prevent lumps from forming.

As a result, you have a liquid pancake dough, from which you can already bake pancakes.

Baking pancakes:

  1. Grease a hot frying pan with fat and take it by the handle.
  2. Scoop up the dough with a ladle and pour into the bottom of the pan, which must be kept at a slight inclination.
  3. The liquid mass, spreading, will form a round cake.
  4. Fry pancakes until dark on each side for 30-40 seconds. If you think the pancakes are too brittle, dilute some wheat flour in water and add to the dough.

Fold buckwheat ruddy pancakes on a plate and, while they are hot, call your loved ones to the table.

Pancakes in a hurry buckwheat

List of ingredients:

100 g of buckwheat and wheat flour; 2 cups whole milk; 0.5 teaspoon of soda; a quarter of a small spoon of citric acid and the same amount of salt; 3 medium sized eggs; 4 large spoons oils; 30 ml lean refined oil.


  1. The technology of kneading dough is not difficult. Follow the description and you will get great results. So, sift both types of flour into a bowl and mix with a whisk.
  2. Warm the milk slightly and pour it into the flour, kneading a mass similar in consistency to thick fat sour cream.
  3. Grind the salt and eggs in a separate cup, then transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  4. Dissolve citric acid in 10 ml of water, send soda there. There was a reaction, which resulted in the appearance of foam.
  5. Send the liquid to the dough, stir.

You can fry pancakes on buckwheat flour. If you are interested in recipes for sauces, roasts and other goodies that go well with buckwheat pancakes, read the article below.

What is served with pancakes made with buckwheat flour?

The experience of housewives and the opinion of professional chefs agreed on one point - pancakes made with buckwheat flour do not go well with sweet sauces. This means that roasts, fish, mushrooms and other products serve as the best addition to them.

"Five Minute"

This roast consists of: one carrot; bulbs; 300 g of champignons; 1/3 teaspoon of salt and 50 ml of vegetable oil. It is quite simple and fast in execution, and this factor will be appreciated by all hostesses who have little time.

You need:

  1. Rinse mushrooms, pat dry with paper towels and cut into slices. You can chop the mushrooms into strips or cubes.
  2. Grate the carrots on a grater with large holes, and cut the onion into cubes.
  3. Fry all the ingredients in vegetable oil, salt.

Serve the finished roast in a separate bowl, everyone will take as much as he needs. A good addition would be sour cream, it is also put on the table separately.

I am sure that thin buckwheat pancakes will fall into the category of your favorites. It is almost impossible to refuse a dish that is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Buckwheat flour is rich in iron, which improves blood formation, and magnesium, which relieves nervous tension and gives strength. Taking care of the health of your loved ones, you simultaneously please them with a small culinary masterpiece.

My video recipe
