
Strawberry jam. Thick strawberry jam for the winter, recipe with photo

Thick strawberry jam, like strawberry jam, is incredibly popular and has the unpleasant property of quickly ending. I will tell you the secret of making strawberry jam thick and strawberry jam with whole berries and share some good recipes.

Whatever you cook from strawberries, jam or jam, you must use strawberries good quality, not overripe. If you want to get a whole berry in the end, then it is preferable to take large berry, because in the process of making jam, strawberries are boiled down and become smaller.

Let's agree on the conventions: whole berries in syrup are called jam, and jam is what we usually call jam), i.e. berries are either boiled or specially chopped. In fact, it does not matter, all that strawberry is delicious and fragrant.

In order to keep bright color strawberry jam (jam) at the very beginning of its preparation, it is necessary to add lemon juice, you can also add grated red currant berries, they will give the jam not only a brighter color, but also enrich its aroma.

For cooking thick jam strawberry (jam), give preference to enameled or copper dishes, but in no case should you cook strawberry jam or other berries in aluminum dishes.

If you cook your strawberry jam on a gas stove, be sure to use a flame spreader and gently stir the jam with a wooden spatula. Never boil more than 2kg. strawberries right away, this applies to strawberry jam if you want to get whole berries.

The density of strawberry jam, like jam, depends on the wateriness of the berries. For greater density, you need to boil the jam a little more or use sugar with pectin, if you are against pectin, add more sugar. I don't love too sweet jam, because it’s better for me to let it be liquid. If you want thick strawberry jam, then carefully choose the berries from which you will prepare it so that they are not watery.

Jam strawberry thick delicious fast food

I really love this strawberry jam recipe, it comes out quite thick and can be spread on a bun or spread on pancakes etc.

1 kg. strawberries

1 kg. Sahara

juice of 1 lemon or lime.

Regarding sugar per 1 kg. I want to make a digression of berries, as I already wrote above, I don’t like jam or jam that is too sweet, and therefore, from whatever I cook it, I add sugar 300-500 gr. per 1 kg. depending on the sweetness of the source material. Regarding this recipe, if you reduce the amount of sugar, reduce the amount lemon juice(there are lemons too different weight). I recommend that you try the jam and adjust the amount of sugar based on your own preferences.

Preparing thick strawberry jam:

Rinse the strawberries thoroughly several times and place them on a paper towel to dry for a few minutes.

Grind the dried strawberries with a blender and transfer to a container for making jam. Pour sugar into strawberries and put on fire a little stronger than small, but less than medium. When to stand out Strawberry juice and all the sugar will melt, add lemon juice (or grated red currants). Stir the strawberry jam with a wooden spatula and bring it to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low and simmer for at least 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove the foam from the jam.

When the strawberry jam is ready, put it in dry sterilized jars, let it cool for a few minutes and roll it up.

Thick strawberry jam will be appreciated by both adults and children!

Strawberry jam with whole berries.

If you want the berries to be preserved whole and the syrup to turn out thick, then you need to take strawberries that are not overripe, large enough, without damage.

Wash strawberries, remove leaves, pat dry paper towel.

Put the strawberries in a wide basin and sprinkle it with layers of sugar, leave for 10 hours. It is better to do this in the evening and leave until the morning.

In the morning, or after 10 hours, when the strawberries start to juice, put the container with the strawberries on a small fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring frequently with a wooden spatula or spoon. Skim strawberry jam regularly.

When the sugar dissolves, add the juice of a lemon or lime (grated red currant berries). When the jam boils, keep it on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring. Cover the jam with gauze and set aside to cool completely for 10 hours.

After at least 10-12 hours, strawberry jam should again be brought to a boil over low heat, and then boiled for 3-5 minutes, stirring gently so as not to crush the strawberries in the jam. After that, set aside the jam covered with gauze for at least 10-12 hours and repeat everything for the last, third time.

For the last time, boil the strawberry jam for 5-7 minutes, periodically checking its readiness.

In order to check the readiness of strawberry jam, leave a plate or saucer in the freezer for a few minutes. Drop jam onto a chilled saucer or plate and tilt it. If the drop drains quickly, then your syrup is not ready yet and you should boil it for another 5 minutes, sugar is also added to thicken the syrup. If a drop of syrup drips slowly from a chilled saucer, the syrup is ready.

Five minutes after you turn off your jam, you can pack it in clean, dry, sterilized jars and seal. Jars of strawberry jam should not be turned over.

Recipes continue on next page

Jam is food product, which is obtained by boiling strawberries with sugar. Jam can be preserved long time, because it contains a high concentration of sugar, which prevents the vital activity of microbes. People of all ages love jam and it is in demand.

Today we will not go to the store for jam, but we will cook it ourselves, at home. There are different recipes, mostly they are simple, classic and justify themselves. And there is only one reason for this - the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in the berries contribute to better assimilation food.

When cooking jam, the berries are prepared in the same way as for cooking jam in one go. Syrup in jam, unlike jam, should have a jelly-like consistency and not spread.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter without cooking

Required products:

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1.5 - 2 kg of sugar

Preparing jam:

Sprinkle prepared berries with sugar and mix thoroughly.

Then tightly packed into glass jars. From above, to the very neck, a layer of sand (1 cm) is poured.

Banks are tied up parchment paper or close tightly with a lid, store in a cold basement or in a refrigerator.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam for the winter


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water

Recipe preparation:

Small and crushed berries can be used to make jam. Jam is made in one go. There is a difference from jam cooking - the berries are completely boiled soft.

Prepared strawberries are first boiled in boiling water (10 minutes), then the whole granulated sugar and cook until done.

Readiness is checked in the same way as for jam: take a little syrup in a spoon and, when it cools down a little, drip onto a clean saucer. If the drop does not blur, but is held by a “button”, then we can assume that the contents have been boiled correctly.

At the end of cooking, you can add 2-3 g of citric acid - this will give the jam a beautiful look!

The cooked contents are hot, laid out in clean sterile jars and closed after they have cooled.

How to cook strawberry jam with redcurrant juice


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of red currant juice


We prepare strawberries, as for jam. Then boil in redcurrant juice (10 minutes).

Add sugar and cook until done.

Arrange in prepared clean jars. Cover with lids or parchment paper. We store in a cool place.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries and skipped red currants

Required products:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 200 g red currants

Recipe preparation:

Rinse the strawberries, remove the sepals.

Pass red currant berries through a meat grinder, combine with prepared strawberries.

Sprinkle with sugar and leave until next day(for 14 - 16 hours).

Then boil the mixture:

  • take out the strawberries
  • and the juice continues to cook until it turns into jelly.
  • then put strawberries into it and continue to cook until tender.

Before packaging the jam in jars, it should be cooled, otherwise the strawberries will concentrate in the top of the jar. Ready jam is packaged in jars, covered with lids and sterilized. Jam yield 0.8 kg.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 700 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons gelatin

Recipe preparation:

  1. Prepare the strawberries: wash, remove the sepals, let the water drain.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and stir gently a few times.
  3. Leave strawberries with sugar for 2 hours to extract juice.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the gelatin according to the instructions on the package bought at the store. The gelatin should swell.
  5. We put the basin (or saucepan) on the fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the contents.
  6. Remove all foam from strawberries and fill with prepared gelatin.
  7. On a slow fire, carefully boil our berry mix 20 minutes
  8. We turn off the fire. The recipe is complete.

We lay it out in jars and wait for it to cool down - close and tie.

Strawberry jam: a recipe for making jam from strawberries, raspberries, red currants, cherries - jam "Assorted"

Required products:

  • 0.5 kg strawberries
  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 300 g redcurrant
  • 500 g cherries
  • 2 kg sugar

Assorted Berry Jam:

  1. Sort the strawberries, rinse carefully with cold running water, remove the stalks. Place the strawberries on a paper towel and let dry.

2. Sort and clean the raspberries from debris, then gently wash, dry on a paper towel, then combine with strawberries.

3. Wash the red currant, dry it,

crush with a wooden masher,

then pass through a sieve.

Puree half of the strawberries with a blender.

4. Pour the resulting strawberry puree over the raspberries and the remaining strawberries. Pour 1 kg of sugar and leave for 2 hours.

5. Wash the cherries, remove the pits, cover with the remaining sugar and leave for 1 hour.

Then put on fire, stirring, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. Strawberries with sugar,

raspberries and grated currants, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. Add cherries, mix gently and cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.

7. Allow to cool completely and put on fire again for another 10 - 15 minutes. Drop the syrup on a saucer, if the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.

8. While hot, pour the finished contents into pre-sterilized, absolutely dry jars and close with screw caps. Banks should be stored in a cool place.

Strawberry jam with currant or gooseberry puree


  • 800 g strawberries
  • 800 g sugar
  • 800 g currant (or gooseberry) puree


  1. The currants are washed, the berries are cut off and poured with a small amount of water in a low saucepan. Bring quickly to a boil, boil covered for 10 minutes, then pass through a fruit squeezer. Currant puree is ready.
  2. If you need to cook with gooseberries, they are washed, the stalks and sepals are removed, crushed, a little water is added and boiled under the lid until softened (about 10 - 20 minutes). Then it is passed through a fruit squeeze machine. Gooseberry puree is ready.
  3. Strawberries are sorted, washed well, the stalks are removed. Approximately 3/4 servings of berries are poured with a few tablespoons of water and boiled. A little later, add 1/4 portion of sugar and 10 - 15 minutes intensively boil.
  4. Then add the rest of the sugar, currant (or gooseberry) puree and the remaining strawberries. With constant stirring, thicken so that the contents begin to gel.
  5. Boiling jam is filled to the brim with jars wrapped in a damp towel, the edges are quickly wiped, the lids are quickly strengthened. Banks are turned upside down, covered with a cloth and left to cool. Before storage, the jars are wiped with a damp cloth.

If the jam turned out to be liquid, there is a way out, sterilize the jars for 15 - 20 minutes in boiling water and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam with agar-agar as a thickener - video recipe

As you can see, the process of making jam is not difficult, but fascinating. But in winter, what a delicious meal!

You can see even more about preparing strawberry recipes for the winter in an article by my friend Vladimir: https://garim-parim.ru/varene-iz-klubniki.html

Stock up on recipes - the strawberry season is already starting!

It’s hard for me to say how much jam will turn out from this amount of ingredients, because it literally disappeared before our eyes during the cooking process :). In the end, I got 500 ml of jam

Strawberries, without defrosting, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, cover with sugar and leave for several hours (I left for the night)

This is what defrosted strawberries looked like in the morning

Squeeze juice from half a lemon

Add the lemon juice to the strawberries and use an immersion blender to blend the mass a little. I like it when they stay small pieces strawberries

Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, let it boil for 5-7 minutes. small fire, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and let cool completely. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times until the consistency of the jam meets your requirements. I boiled it 4 times, the jam turned out perfect: not very thick, but not liquid either.

Pour hot jam into clean jars, let cool and refrigerate. Store in refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. It may take longer, but we eat it much faster :) Tasty, bright and fragrant strawberry jam is ready. Add it to porridge or yogurt, serve jam with pancakes, pancakes or cheesecakes. And you can like mine for breakfast, with a croissant and cheese. Bon appetit!

Strawberry jam can be prepared with the addition of regular sugar, and with a gelling component. According to this recipe for preservation ripe berries you will need granulated sugar and a little citric acid. But the result will not disappoint you! Jam for the winter will turn out thick, fragrant and bright. Its composition and preparation technology do not include water, which will reduce the cooking time of the berry preparation, preserve vitamins and taste qualities strawberry jam.

How to use strawberry jam

There are many various options jam applications. Of course, it is quite self-sufficient and can serve as an excellent sauce for cereals or cottage cheese dishes. But experienced housewives use strawberry jam to make homemade jelly or marmalade, for dairy desserts: ice cream, smoothies and as a wonderful layer of homemade cakes. Even sand and yeast products from the dough are friends with a confident density of jam. It is easy to fill all kinds of pastries with jam and please guests summer scent ripe strawberries at any time of the year.

So, the recipe for strawberry jam for the winter. What will be needed?


  • strawberries 1 kg 200 g
  • sugar 1 kg
  • citric acid 3 g

How to make strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter

Put the pot with the future jam on a minimum fire. Slowly warming up and stirring with a spoon along the bottom of the container, bring the puree to 70-80 degrees. Now turn the heat up to medium, add citric acid and continue cooking with occasional stirring. Cook strawberry jam for 20-25 minutes. Adjust the density of the workpiece by cooking time, but you should not overexpose the jam on the fire. In the cold, preservation will quickly acquire the necessary density.

Pour hot jam immediately into dry sterilized jars. Close the containers with jam with boiled lids with the desired thread. Check the tightness of the lids by placing the jars on the neck. Let the strawberry jam cool and store in storage for the winter.

One of the easiest and tastiest berry preparations- strawberry jam, the recipe for the winter is so simple that you can start your harvesting “career” with it without fear that the jars will explode or the berries will not boil, because, unlike jam, strawberry jam has a homogeneous structure. Essentially this berry puree, boiled together with sugar. Strawberries can be turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender, but it is not at all necessary to achieve a perfectly smooth puree structure, you can simply mash the berries with a pusher or fork - then the jam will include small pieces. Boil strawberry jam on low heat to avoid intense boiling, otherwise hot jam will splatter. Adjust the heat so that you get only a slight gurgle. In order for the jam to be guaranteed to stand all winter, you need to boil it for half an hour, let it cool without pouring it into jars, and heat it again, and then boil for another five minutes, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. The jam will be thick, somewhat jelly-like, with a bright color and intense strawberry flavor.


  • 500 g fresh ripe strawberries
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid (or 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice)

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

Strawberries for making jam will be mashed, so, unlike jam, you can take berries of any size, any shape, even fruits with small defects are suitable. Of course, you should definitely cut off the spoiled fruits and remove the rotten places (you can simply cut off the dubious part of the berry). At first cooking in progress the standard preparatory procedure is to remove the stalks from the strawberries, wash the berries under running water and let the moisture drain.

Now everyone needs convenient way chop berries. Using a blender will help you get a perfectly smooth puree. If you mash strawberries with a fork or a potato masher, then the structure of the finished jam will be somewhat different - small pieces will give the jam a special charm.

Carefully transfer the resulting puree to a saucepan or ladle. Add granulated sugar and citric acid (acid can be replaced with two tablespoons of lemon juice). Over medium heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the fire. Jam should not boil much. Boil it for half an hour on a fire less than average.

During cooking, be sure to remove actively emerging foam.

In order for the jam to be guaranteed to stand until spring, it is advisable to boil in two approaches (cool, then boil again for 5 minutes and roll up).

Arrange the finished hot jam in sterile jars and seal with clean lids.

Strawberry jam can be cooked not only as winter preparation, and how summer dessert. To save maximum amount usefulness, vitamins, cook jam for no more than 10 minutes. Leave to cool completely on the stove, transfer to clean jars and refrigerate. In this case, the jam is not so thick, but if you leave it in the refrigerator for ten days, then the jam will noticeably thicken and its structure will become delicious. Jam is not as sugary in taste as jam, and its viscosity makes it possible to apply jam on a morning bun or toast more accurately than jam. Strawberry jam has an excellent color, its taste and aroma are simply amazing!
