
Raspberry jam without cooking. Step by step cooking recipe

What could be more fragrant in winter than delicious strawberry jam? Probably only strawberry jam without boiling berries according to the best recipe! Thick, fragrant, with whole berries and unsurpassed taste, jam will become one of your favorites. Do you think it's difficult? Not at all, try it and see for yourself.

Strawberry jam without cooking - the best traditional recipe

The meaning of jam without boiling berries is to leave the maximum amount of vitamins. Jam in jars looks not only more neat, but also appetizing compared to conventional recipes.

So what do we need for this:

  • First and of course the most important is the strawberry. For our recipe, medium-sized ripe berries are best suited. Small ones can blur, and large ones will not give up their juice completely. Strawberries need to take 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg. These are indicative data for a medium sweetness jam. If you like it sweeter, then you can add a little to your liking, or vice versa, reduce the amount of sugar.
  • Water - 0.5 cups. No more need be added as the strawberries will give you their juice. And if you overdo it with water, you can get compote.

Before cooking, strawberries must be freed from tails and washed thoroughly. It is better to wash in a colander so that later you can immediately put the berries to drain, we do not need excess water. After all the water is gone, pour the strawberries into a bowl and work on the syrup.

To prepare the syrup, take a bowl or pan (preferably with a thick bottom) and pour sugar and water into it. Cook everything until thick, about 6-7 minutes. Then pour strawberries with ready-made syrup and leave to cool completely.

We filter the cooled berries through a sieve or colander. Pour the berries into a bowl again, and pour the thinned syrup into a bowl and boil again for 6-7 minutes.

Jam without cooking also called " raw", although it should have been vitamin.
Without unnecessary heat treatment, the berries retain the greatest amount of useful substances and trace elements.

Basic cooking rules

Seedless berries are best suited for such a preparation: strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle, black, red and white currants, blueberries and.
Mixing different types of berries for jam without cooking is undesirable, as they will lose their taste and aroma.

Most berries will require 1.5 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of peeled pulp.
If the berries are watery, loose or sour, then the amount of sugar can be increased to 2 kg. Conversely, if the berry is sweet and dense, then it can be reduced to 1 kg.

To prevent jam from fermenting, jars and lids for it must be sterilized by any convenient method (steamed, in boiling water or in a hot oven). The berries themselves must be ripe, unspoiled and well washed.

Store jam without cooking should only be in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Soft types of berries without a dense skin are best crushed with a wooden crush for mashed potatoes or rubbed through a sieve. So the loss of berry mass will be minimal.
Thick-skinned berries (black currant, gooseberry, sea buckthorn) are appropriate to pass through a meat grinder or blender to achieve a uniform consistency of jam.

Liquid honey, ground spices (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla) or zest can be added to “raw” jam. According to traditional recipes, they should be introduced and stirred immediately after combining the berry mass with sugar.

Blackcurrant - jam without cooking
The recipe is designed for proportions of 1: 2 (for 1 kg of berries 2 kg of sugar)

Currants, sort, rinse, remove brushes and leaves. Let it dry slightly, scattering it on an old cloth napkin (which is not a very pity, since the blackcurrant juice that stands out will immediately color it).
Grind with a pestle or pusher, gradually adding sugar. It is better not to use a blender, as it will turn the mass into a puree, and pieces of berries are very tasty in this raw jam. Add all the sugar, mix well.
Pour into clean, dry jars.

Cranberry jam without cooking
But after trying cranberry jam according to this recipe, which has not been on fire for a minute, you will change your mind that jam must be cooked.
Cranberries - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 0.5 kg, liquid honey -1 tbsp. l., cloves - 4 buds, cinnamon - 1 tsp, l.

Peel cranberries from litter, put in a colander, rinse in cold water and wait until they are completely dry.
Transfer the berries to an enamel saucepan, add sugar and grind the berries with it using a wooden pusher. You can grind with a blender. Add cloves and cinnamon to the finished gruel and leave the mass to soak in the aroma of spices for 30 minutes.
Sterilize a 1.5-liter jar over hot steam for 15 minutes, keep the lid in boiling water for 2 minutes.
Place grated cranberries in jars, pour 1 tbsp. l. honey and tightly close them with lids. Store in a cold place.

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Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. Jam and compotes are made from it, some are frozen in the freezer, you can find it on our website.

In order not to subject the berries to unnecessary heat treatment and to preserve all the useful substances, ways have been devised to preserve them for the winter without boiling. This "jam" is also very fragrant, very similar to fresh strawberries.

Raw Strawberry Jam Recipe

This recipe for making strawberry jam without cooking is suitable for those housewives who do not have a large freezer and nowhere to freeze strawberries. The recipe is delicious and very simple.

“Raw” jam is covered with a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm) to form a “cork”, which will protect home preservation from spoilage and mold.

You need to take sugar and strawberries in the same proportions. These ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and laid out in sterilized jars.

When the jars are filled with strawberries, a layer of sugar “for conservation” is laid on top. Our no-boil strawberry jam is ready.

In order for jam to remain jam, and not turn into homemade liqueur, you need to follow only 3 rules:

  1. Berries should be clean, fresh and ripe.
  2. Jars for storing jam - sterile.
  3. Store raw jam in the refrigerator or cellar.

Strawberry jam without cooking

For 1 kg of strawberries you need to take 800 g of sugar.

1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stalks or dry them. Cut each berry into 4-6 pieces.

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2. Place the berries in layers in a bowl, alternating with sugar. leave at room temperature overnight. During this time, strawberries will give juice, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. If necessary, gently stir the jam several times with a spoon.

3. Sterilize the jars over the steam of a boiling kettle for 10 minutes. Arrange the jam in hot jars, close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

Strawberry jam without boiling berries

Strawberry jam prepared in this way has a beautiful rich color and aroma, which is very well felt in winter.


  • 2 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 cups of water

Recipe for jam in syrup:

1. For strawberry jam, we take a small but ripe strawberry. We remove the stalks, wash the berries under running water and strain on a sieve. Then put the strawberries in a bowl.

2. In another bowl, cook the syrup: add 0.5 cups of water to 1 kg of sugar and set to boil over medium heat. Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes until it becomes thick but not white. Checking it is quite simple, take a little syrup with a spoon and blow it lightly, if the syrup has become viscous and almost frozen, then it is ready.

3. Now pour strawberries with hot syrup, cover it with a lid and let it cool. Strawberries at this time give their juice and the syrup becomes liquid.

4. Then we filter the cooled strawberries on a sieve, and set the strained juice to boil for 5-7 minutes.

5. Put the strawberries back in a bowl and pour boiled hot syrup over. Let the strawberries cool completely again.

6. And once again we repeat this procedure.

If you want the syrup to be thick, then add more sugar and boil well.

7. After the third such procedure, we put the strawberries in sterile jars and pour boiling syrup, roll up the lids and put them in a blanket.

The point is that we do not boil the berries at all, only the syrup is boiled 3 times, maybe 4.

The main feature of any dessert prepared for the winter is the remaining whole berries. Yes, the trouble is, during heat treatment it is impossible to preserve vitamins, most die the death of the brave. I will share a recipe on how to make strawberry jam without boiling berries. This method will allow you to keep all the useful properties of the berries intact, the dessert will turn out to be unusually tasty, fragrant. And whole strawberries will float in the syrup - the goal is achieved!

How to make strawberry jam without boiling

The secret of the jam is that the strawberries are poured with boiling syrup, but they will not stand on the stove for a second. When you open the jar in winter, the aroma of fresh berries will float around the apartment. The color of the workpiece will also please, it will become a little lighter and nothing more.

A couple of tips for beginners:

  • Select small berries, just eat large strawberries fresh. A trifle will retain its shape better, but the size will not affect the taste.
  • Observe the proportions of sugar and berries, since there will be no large hot processing, we will insure the safety of jam without cooking with sugar.
  • Love unusual dessert recipes, add cinnamon, cardamom, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Strawberry jam - recipe without boiling berries

From the number of components indicated in the recipe, about a liter of jam will come out without cooking. I advise you to lay out the dessert in small jars, it is more convenient and will not ferment.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.

Jam recipe step by step:

  1. Sort the berries, set aside the substandard for making jam. Dispose of spoiled ones without pity. Rinse the berries, then remove the stems. I advise you to act in this sequence, because without tails, strawberries will absorb a lot of water when washed.
  2. Place the berries in a bowl.
  3. To prepare the syrup, pour water into another saucepan and add the sugar. Dissolve the sugar over high heat, stirring constantly.
  4. After boiling the syrup, reduce the fire and cook for 5-7 minutes. You will see a grayish film - be sure to remove it.
  5. Pour the syrup into the strawberries directly from the fire, gently melting the berries. Don't mix, mind you.
  6. The pan is left to stand at room temperature until cool. The berries, as it were, are a little cooked, giving the juice to the syrup and giving a pink color. They become denser and lighter.
  7. After a couple of hours (usually during this time the workpiece cools completely), drain the syrup back and return the pan to the stove.
  8. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Get rid of foam if it appears. Wait for the syrup to thicken a little, and pour it back into the pan with the berries.
  9. Leave the strawberries on the table to cool for a couple of hours.
  10. Repeat this procedure 2 more times (a total of 3-4 fills are needed).
  11. The last time, boil the syrup for a longer time, 10 minutes, achieving the required density. If you like it quite thick, add some sugar.
  12. On the eve of the last brew, prepare the jars by sterilizing in any acceptable way.
  13. Arrange the berries in jars, fill and tighten the lids. Recently, I began to use screw ones, they are much more convenient.
  14. Turn the workpiece over, wrap and let cool.
  15. It is better to store in the cellar and refrigerator. It is advisable to eat an open jar quickly.

If there is a little syrup left, pour it into a separate container and use by adding it to ice cream, casseroles, cheesecakes and other desserts.

Raw strawberry jam

A good way to keep vitamins in their entirety is not to cook strawberries. I offer a wonderful recipe for raw strawberry jam without cooking. It will help out perfectly if there is not enough space in the freezer, and you want to save a fresh berry for the winter.

  • You will need an equal amount of sugar and strawberries 1: 1.

How to make jam:

  1. Prepare the berries by selecting not too large specimens. Rinse, remove ponytails.
  2. In a wide bowl, lay the strawberries in layers, sprinkling with sugar.
  3. Leave for 8-10 hours at room temperature. The berry will have time to give juice in which the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. During the infusion, very carefully, so as not to crush the berries, mix the workpiece.
  5. Sterilize the jars, spread the jam and close. Move to cold storage.

Watch the video for a step by step recipe. Good luck preparing for the winter!
