
The most orange confiture! Recipes for delicious jam from oranges with peel and without peel.

First I'll complain - last night I couldn't go to LiveJournal!
I was told that our beloved goat ate the face Frank chewed the wires :))
I couldn’t go further than the profile - I watched such a cunning face all evening yesterday:

What's what is not clear. Today, it seems, ok, I hope the "ok" will continue :))

And I wanted to tell you about the drop dead orange confiture from Tanya dichulya !
Confiture from the book of the wonderful Provencal chef Guy Gedda "Petites Lecons de Cuisine en Provence" - Guy Gedda "Little Lessons of the Cuisine of Provence".
This legendary chef, by the way, gives a master class at Nika's school! :)
In general, Tanya has the recipe.
When I saw this recipe, I immediately decided I would make it!
Moreover, for a long time I wanted to cook orange confiture myself.
Well, what can I say .. it's great!
We immediately ate half a jar with scones (there will be a recipe), we didn’t even let it cool down :))

In general, I want to praise Tanya in every possible way - a wonderful girl and a very interesting magazine! (Tanya, don't be shy! :))
I found her thanks to Marmotik, went to read and leafed through the magazine a year ago on the very first evening - she tells and shows so fascinatingly :)
About your wonderful dogs, chickens, ducks, rabbits, horses and pintades, about marmalades, cheeses and wines, about foie gras, yeah :) and various other delicious French and not only food!
About life in Gascony, beloved colonel and the Pyrenees :)

"The richest in taste and aroma (with bitterness) - and the lightest in the sense of the invested" overwork "confiture from oranges
(can be done in half with grapefruit or lemon - the main thing is to observe the proportions of water - fruit - sugar).
No meat grinders, no graters, no juicers.

I translate word for word - (my clever thoughts will be in brackets):

For 4 jars - 200 ml approximately

Preparation - 15 min + cooling (overnight)
Cooking - 2 hours + 20-30 minutes

1 kg - oranges - raw
1 kg - sugar sand or gelling
1 orange - squeeze juice

If the oranges are not bio / processed, they should be washed with "dishwashing" soap - rubbed with a sponge, rinsed with warm water.

(I have 6 small oranges hung per kilo)

Put them in a deep large saucepan and pour 1.25 liters of water, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook "on a quiet, calm boil" for 2 hours. Remove from heat and leave to cool overnight until completely cooled.

The next day, remove the oranges from the pan with a slotted spoon, peel on the board - (I peeled as usual, fresh - the skin is easily separated) - return the pulp to the pan with the liquid where the oranges boiled.
I scraped off the excess "white" skin with a spoon and put it into the pan.

Zest - leave the skins alone for now. And bring the pot with liquid and pulp to a boil over a very high heat - and boil for 5 minutes - intensively, until 700 - 750 ml of liquid remains.

Strain through a cheesecloth sieve into another bowl.

and the pulp, squeezing - throw away.

Rinse the saucepan.
Finely cut the zest into strips with a knife.

(It is cut very easily - it is boiled and soft).

Return the filtered liquid to the pan, add the chopped zest, add sugar and juice of one orange.

Place over high heat and stir until all sugar is dissolved.

Stop stirring and reduce heat to "small" bulbs. When using gelling sugar, the confiture is ready in 4-5 minutes.

With ordinary sugar, it is cooked for 20 minutes. To check, we put a drop on a cold plate - it should keep its shape, and when touched with a finger, it will become covered with "wrinkles".

If the drop is too liquid - cook for another 3-4 minutes.

(do not digest - when it is hot, it is very liquid - it looks as if it is not ready - check it drop by drop.)

While the confiture is cooking, sterilize the jars in boiling water. Dry on a towel.

Store in a cool dark place for 4-5 months. After opening the jar - in the refrigerator.

A lot has been written, but cooking is very easy!
I cooked strictly according to the recipe, because. first time:)
I think next time I'll try to add a little less sugar - 800 grams - it should be no worse and, like, more useful :))
He didn’t want to harden quickly (I didn’t add gelling sugar), so I cooked it longer - 40 minutes.
Yes, and it seems liquid at first, then it will cool and thicken, so don't be afraid!
Tanya, merci to the side! :)

The best site for quick recipes

Homemade food is much more pleasant than restaurant delights. And this is due not only to a comfortable atmosphere and familiar dishes, but also to a careful selection of the best products and attention to the benefits of what is cooked. As they say - everything is prepared with soul, that's why it's so delicious. But many modern housewives, in addition to culinary duties, still have a lot of worries and troubles - work, children, cleaning, shopping in the store. They would like to cook something and please their loved ones, but if it were possible to do it quickly and tasty, as well as desirable and healthy, and not just some kind of semi-finished products. It turns out there is quick recipes, allowing you to become a queen in the kitchen and stand at the stove for a long time. All of them are collected for modern hostesses who combine work and household duties.

You will not believe that almost everything can be cooked tasty and quickly - from second courses to preservation. On website collected quick recipes for desserts, side dishes, salads, meat - everything that can be done in a hurry for the first, second, for dinner and for a snack. All stages of preparation are described in detail and each has a photo. Among other things, the recipes have tips, useful information and indicate the number of products per serving. Everything is quite simple even for a novice hostess.

These recipes are shared not by chefs of elite restaurants, but by ordinary women from their experience, so they do not contain incomprehensible and rare ingredients, but only affordable products, but in an interesting presentation with their own cooking secrets that give the dishes originality and an unusual pleasant taste. Therefore, if you don’t know what to cook tasty and quick, then go to Bistrovkusno, new recipes are constantly appearing here and you yourself can participate in this process if you know quick and simple dishes and can capture the cooking steps on camera.

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Let us remind you once again that the Bistrovkusno website is not just a culinary portal. He focuses on quick recipes with detailed instructions - this is a culinary knowledge base for a modern housewife who wants to leave more time for herself and at the same time eat normally. Quick and delicious homemade meals provide many benefits.


This confiture was born quite by accident. The fact is that deposits of fruit have formed at home, a lot is bought, but little is eaten.
And among these deposits, 3 forgotten oranges were discovered. No one would eat them, there is no one to drink juice either. And then I remembered that once my friend asked me for a recipe for "good jam" from oranges. There was no recipe then, but now the recipe has been invented. THIS IS DELICIOUS. I write exactly as I did.

  • 3 large oranges
  • 350 g sugar
  • 50 - 70 ml juice of 1 lime (1/2 large lemon)
  • 50 - 70 ml Orange liqueur (COINTREAU)
  • Thoroughly wash the oranges (if processed, wash with baking soda and pour boiling water over several times, dipping into cold water after each time)
  • Using a needle, toothpicks, make very frequent small punctures over the entire surface of the oranges (not reaching the pulp of the orange)
  • Place the oranges in a deep bowl and cover with cold water.
  • Changing the water 3-4 times a day, soak the oranges for 3 days.
  • With a very sharp knife, remove the skin from the oranges, taking care to cut only the zest without the "white" layer.
  • Cut the skin into pieces of 5 - 7 cm and then cut with a sharp knife into very thin strips (julienne)
  • Remove the "white layer" of the skin from the oranges and cut into circles about 1 cm thick
  • Cut each circle into 4-6 pieces
  • Put the zest in a bowl, add lime juice, oranges and cover everything with sugar, leave for 12 (or more) hours
  • Put the oranges on the fire and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat to the minimum (no foam should appear when boiling) and cook for 30-40 minutes
  • Remove from heat, cool without closing, and leave until the next day.
  • Repeat the whole process 2 more times
  • Add (optional) liquor to the confiture, mix gently and put in a clean jar.


Composite recipe. Therefore, the most important thing is to remember the proportions of sugar.
I have 3 peeled oranges (no white skin) weighed 487g.
The proportions, in almost all recipes for orange jam, that I have met are the same.
FOR 500 g of peeled oranges - 300 g of sugar
I added 50 g more because the lime was very large.
Confiture came out unusually fragrant.
In Valencia, oranges of a special variety are grown, slightly bitter, and they make a luxurious confiture from them.

Unfortunately, we only grow ordinary oranges, and therefore, in order to give a slight "bitterness" to the confiture, I put the zest.
True, bitterness practically did not work out, and if it did, it was barely noticeable. But the zest in confiture turned out to be much tastier than the oranges themselves.

If anyone prefers traditional confiture, ordinary sweet, then you don’t need to put the zest at all and use only oranges in the same proportions with respect to sugar.
Although the amount of sugar still depends on the sweetness of the oranges.
And one more important point. ORANGE SHOULD BE JUICY.
It is better to take those that have fairly thin skin.
During the cooking process, a large amount of juice is produced. But you don't have to take it anywhere. When the confiture cools down, all the juice will thicken.

I am a big fan of adding alcohol to desserts, pastries, etc., of course, I also added liquor to confiture. Delicious, but I think that even without it, confiture would not have lost a bit in taste.

There is no delicacy tastier than a pancake or toast richly smeared with homemade jam. Every year, housewives prepare various berry jams for the winter. An excellent alternative to berry jams is orange jam, which has an incredibly pleasant, refreshing taste. There are many options for preparing orange confiture - from the pulp, with zest or additives. Such a delicacy will appeal to lovers of unsweetened sweets.

Fragrant orange confiture is a great idea for breakfast. Sweet orange jam with zest goes well with toast, ordinary bread, pancakes, pancakes. It is used as a filling for pies or as a layer in cakes. Such a dish will appeal not only to adults, but also to little gourmets, it will charge you with positive emotions for the whole day and will favorably affect the health of the household. Orange jam stabilizes the stool and normalizes bowel function.

To prepare 400 ml of orange jam with zest, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 pieces of large citrus;
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • granulated sugar.

The process of cooking and cooking dessert is quite laborious, so you should be patient in advance. Step by step cooking recipe:

The result is a medium-thick jam with pieces of fruit and zest. The consistency of the finished product directly depends on the cooking time. To make the jam liquid, boil it for 15-20 minutes. A sweet dessert keeps well in the refrigerator if you put it in an airtight container.

Owners of a slow cooker are incredibly lucky, because this device can greatly facilitate the process of making orange jam at home. Thanks to a smart machine, it will be possible to save cooking time and preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit. Preparing such confiture with peel.

To get one liter jar of jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 large oranges with a thin skin;
  • half a lemon;
  • granulated sugar.

The amount of sugar depends on how much refined product is obtained after the preparatory stage of preparation. Its mass is calculated in proportions of 1 to 1.

The cooking process can be conditionally divided into 5 stages:

While the fragrant, vitamin-rich jam from oranges with peel is preparing, you can sterilize the jars. The finished product must be poured hot. Bright, healthy and tasty orange jam can be served immediately to the table along with pancakes, pancakes, buns, ice cream.

Not every connoisseur of unusual desserts may like the light bitterness of an orange peel, so housewives have come up with many recipes for making jam without zest. Translated from French, confiture means a kind of thick jam with whole pieces of berries and fruits. Fragrant citrus dessert goes well with homemade cakes, and is also used as a sauce for meat dishes.

To prepare orange confiture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • peeled fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 850 grams;
  • purified table water - 1.25 liters.

Orange slices, previously peeled and white films, send to a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add water to the main ingredient and put the pan on the stove. After the contents boil, cook all the ingredients under a lid over low heat for 50 minutes.

Strain the fruit decoction (no need to pour it out) through a fine sieve and cut the cooled fruit into small cubes. During cutting, remove the bones if they are caught in the fruit, but do not rush to throw them away. Lay the orange seeds on cheesecloth and tie the fabric with a thread to make a bag.

Combine the strained broth with granulated sugar and put it on the stove. Add pieces of citrus to the boiled syrup, lower the gauze bag there. It is necessary to boil the product for 35 minutes.

Remove the bag of pits and pour the hot orange jam into the jars. Only a cooked delicacy in hot form can be served immediately to the table.

Cooking citrus jam in a bread machine is much easier than in a saucepan or slow cooker, because the hostess does not even have to stir the contents so that it does not burn. A smart machine will do it itself. The main thing is that the “Jam” function is provided in the device. To prepare confiture, you will need the following components:

  • 3 large oranges;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • 5 tablespoons of potato starch.

The process of making orange jam in a bread machine is as simple and fast as possible and looks like this:

  1. Peel the fruit from the peel and cut into small pieces. At the same time, remove the bones. Transfer the crushed oranges to the bowl of the bread maker.
  2. Add sugar, citric acid, 200 ml of water and starch to the container. Shake the bucket well to mix all the ingredients.
  3. Put the container in the bread machine and set the desired cooking mode. In the "Jam" mode, the products will cook for about an hour, and the finished confiture will turn out to be quite thick.

If desired, the bread machine can be turned off a little earlier in order to preserve useful trace elements and vitamins. Pour the finished hot mass into jars that have undergone preliminary sterilization. Such a delicacy can be served immediately to the table or rolled up for the winter.

Many housewives know firsthand about candied orange peels and often prepare such a sweet for children. This is not the only dessert that can be made from zest. Orange peel is great for making homemade jam. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • orange peel - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • purified water - 250 ml;
  • half a lemon.

Sort the orange peels well and soak them in cool water for a day. Periodically, the water needs to be changed in order to get rid of the bitter taste of the zest. Cut the soaked crusts into small cubes. If after peeling the orange there are seeds left, then you should not throw them away, they contain pectin, which is a natural thickener. Gather the bones into a piece of gauze and tie it.

Pour the crushed peel and a knot with stones with purified water. Put the container with the ingredients for the jam on the stove and cook for half an hour (after boiling, the fire must be reduced to a minimum). Take out the bag with orange seeds and pour granulated sugar into the broth. It is necessary to boil the products for one and a half hours over low heat. Before the end of cooking, squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a saucepan and stir the confiture well.

Jam is poured into sterilized jars, used for making homemade cakes (pies, cheesecakes) or as a layer in a cake. The finished product tastes like orange marmalade.

Orange goes well with other fruits. As an additional component, berries, apples, kiwi, pineapples and other products can be added during confiture cooking. Jam made from oranges and peaches is especially popular among housewives during the preparation of blanks for the winter. It will need the following products:

The cooking process is multi-stage and will require painstaking work from the hostess, but the incredible taste of the finished confiture, its amazing aroma and delicate texture are worth every minute spent. Orange jam recipe:

Do not forget to stir the fruits so that they do not burn and do not lose their pleasant taste. Ready orange and peach jam is poured into jars and rolled up in the traditional way.

Cinnamon, star anise, cloves will help diversify the taste of jam. Thanks to these ingredients, you get a dessert that tastes like mulled wine. Citruses go well with almonds, cardamom and other spices.

Cooking delicious confiture is a real art. Feel free to experiment and mix oranges with different fruits, nuts, spices.

Step-by-step recipes for flawless confiture from oranges with lemon, berries and crusts on gelatin and gelfix, as well as without it on the stove and in a slow cooker

2018-07-24 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


45 gr.

180 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Orange Confiture Recipe

Orange confiture is ideal, like any jam, for tea drinking with cookies or hand-fried waffles. But how to make it right and what additional ingredients can be added, we will tell in this collection.


  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe oranges;
  • 1 kg of regular sugar;
  • two glasses of water.

Step-by-step recipe for orange confiture

Wash all ripe oranges with a brush. Then remove the thick soft peel with your fingers or a knife. Set her aside.

Remove whitish films from the resulting fruits. After that, cut each into small pieces, in the process, choosing and discarding the bones.

Throw citrus fruits into a basin and cover with all the planned sugar. Shaking the container, leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

At the next stage, turn on a strong burner and put oranges on top. Cook for about fifteen minutes, then grind everything with a blender right on the stove in a basin.

Reduce the temperature to a small indicator, introduce water and leave to languish for an hour. At this time, remove a little zest from the set aside skins (total weight - 30-40 grams). Pour into orange marmalade.

As soon as the sweet preparation thickens enough (in your opinion), turn off the burner and pour the contents of the basin into jars (washed and scalded).

When you grind the citrus mass with a blender, try to leave small pieces so that the confiture turns out to be voluminous and heterogeneous. If at the same time you come across pieces of white rigid partitions, it is advisable to remove them so as not to spoil the structure of the jam.

Option 2: A quick recipe for orange gelatin jam


  • 1000 grams of oranges;
  • 1000 grams of white sugar;
  • 15-16 grams of gelatin;
  • water for gelatin.

How to cook fast

Warm filtered water in the microwave to 35-40 degrees. Pour dry gelatin with warm liquid. Set aside.

Now chop together with the skin the most thoroughly washed (preferably with a brush) ripe oranges.

Citrus pieces (without small and medium seeds) are thrown into an enameled dry basin. Grind with an immersion blender "into porridge". Sprinkle with sugar immediately.

Bring to a boil over the highest heat. Remove the foam from the sweet mass. Boil in the same mode for another three to five minutes.

Now turn off the burner, pour in the gelatin well dissolved in water and mix everything.

Immediately pour the orange confiture into jars, which are rolled up at the same second.

Depending on the juiciness and ripeness of the fruit, it is determined whether it is necessary to add additional water (not counting the one in which gelatin is diluted). After crushing citrus fruits, adding sugar, and starting a vigorous boil, you will see if there is enough liquid.

Option 3: Orange marmalade with crusts

The next option will especially appeal to those who love to eat confiture in its pure form, because we will make it with thin sticks of orange peels.


  • a kilogram of oranges;
  • large orange;
  • 1.25 kg of filtered water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to cook

Place well-washed oranges in a bowl with a wide bottom. Pour in water, which should cover the whole citrus fruits. Put on a big fire.

Boil the fruit for twenty minutes. Then drain the water, and peel the fruits after some cooling. Set aside the crusts.

Grind the resulting mass (with a knife or blender) and cover with sugar in a clean container. Set to continue cooking. Now pour in the juice squeezed out of a large orange (without pieces of films and seeds).

While the orange confiture is languishing, cut the skin into thin sticks. At the end, throw them into a sweet mass thickening before your eyes.

Bring the sweet contents of the basin to the desired consistency, which will take about 30-40 minutes. All that remains is to pour the jam into jars, the inner surface of which has previously been scalded with boiling water.

After the oranges are cooked as a whole, be sure to leave them to cool slightly. Otherwise, you run the risk of burning your hands with juice flowing from the inside. But it is better to squeeze out the contents of a large citrus fruit in advance, so as not to waste time on this process later.

Option 4: Orange and Berries Confiture

To fill the bittersweet orange confiture with sour notes, we recommend using any small white, green, pink or yellow berries for harvesting.


  • 2000 grams of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg of white sugar;
  • a glass of red currant.

Step by step recipe

Pour a glass of red currant into a colander. Remove the berries from thin twigs and discard the leaves.

After washing the currant, throw it into a basin with an enameled surface. Also send peeled and finely chopped oranges there. Sprinkle everything with sugar. Put in the refrigerator (lower part) for two to three hours.

During this time, peel off the zest from the removed citrus peels with a grater or a special knife.

Place the infused mass that has let the juice on the stove. Turn on the big burner. Add prepared zest.

While mixing, boil the orange confiture until thick. If the mixture does not seem homogeneous enough to you, additionally chop everything with a submersible blender. Pour hot into clean jars. Sweet preparation can be transferred to a storage location.

We used redcurrant, which won't change the color of the orange jam too much, but will only saturate it with warm pink hues. That is why it is permissible to take any other light-colored berries, such as apricots, peaches or gooseberries.

Option 5: Orange marmalade with lemon and gelfix

We will make the next option not only using a large lemon, but also with gelfix. By the way, the latter will not need to be soaked like gelatin. This makes it especially handy!


  • 1000 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 120 grams of lemon;
  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • gelfix packaging.

How to cook

Squeeze out a liter of juice from a sufficient number of carefully washed oranges. Remove the bones if they get inside. Pour the liquid into the basin.

Now, in a stationary blender, grind (along with the skin) a fresh large lemon. Together with sugar, throw lemon porridge into a basin with juice.

Rearrange the container with citrus fruits on a high fire. While the sweet mass boils, remove the zest from the skins. Throw it in the basin.

Boil confiture from oranges for 25-30 minutes, then pour a bag of gelfix into a thick mixture.

Mix the powder well into the citrus mass and turn off the stove. Immediately, picking up the jam with a ladle, pour the contents of the container into sterilized jars. Roll up tightly.

We do not recommend using purchased juice, as it usually already contains sugar, preservatives, and dyes. Such a product is not entirely suitable for long-term storage blanks. Therefore, it would be better, nevertheless, to squeeze it out of fresh citrus fruits.

Option 6: Orange confiture in a slow cooker

We will boil the last version of confiture in a slow cooker, thanks to which the sweetness will turn out to be especially tender.


  • 2.5 kg of ripe oranges;
  • 2 kg of white sugar;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Step by step recipe

Wash each orange thoroughly. Remove the skin and remove the white films. Disassemble into slices and cut each into three parts. Throw all the pieces into the bowl. Pour in sugar.

Squeeze a glass of juice from a sufficient amount of lemons. Also pour the resulting liquid to citrus fruits. Mix in a few circular motions.

Close the lid of the machine until it clicks. Simmer orange confiture in the "Stewing" mode for about half an hour.

Then open the lid of the multicooker (completely) and bring the jam to a strong structure. At the very end, introduce the sweet-sour mixture into scalded jars, which must be rolled up immediately.

Under a closed lid, the mass will never thicken, as we need it. Therefore, 30 minutes after the start of the quenching, be sure to open the slow cooker and boil it the way you like best.
