
Cherry jam. Thick cherry jam: a modern recipe with gelfix

Cherry jam cook for 2 hours.

How to make cherry jam

Jam Products
Fresh cherry - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 1 cup
Soda - 1 teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Thoroughly wash the cherries, remove the bones with a hairpin, tear off the stalks.
2. Scroll the cherries through a meat grinder and pour into a container for cooking jam.

How to cook cherry jam in a saucepan
1. Put the jam on medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
2. Add soda, mix well.
3. Pour sugar into the cherry mixture, bring to a boil and cook for another 40 minutes, removing the foam.

How to cook cherry jam in a slow cooker
1. Put the cherry in the slow cooker.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the jam without closing the lid for 1 hour.
3. Add soda, mix.
4. Pour sugar, cook jam for another 40 minutes, removing the foam.

How to make cherry jam in a bread machine
1. Put the berries into the shape of the bread machine.
2. Close the lid of the bread maker, set to the "Jam" mode and cook for 30 minutes.
3. Open the lid, pour in soda, wait until the foam subsides.
4. Close the lid of the bread maker, continue cooking on the "Jam" mode until the signal (another 50 minutes).

Harvesting cherry jam for the winter
Pour cherry jam into jars, roll up, turn over and wrap in a blanket. In this state, wait for the jam to cool and put it away for storage.


- Cherries for jam must be taken with twigs - especially to keep the berry structure intact and to start the processes of decay and the emission of juice.

Since cherries do not contain sticky substances, like apples, for example, to achieve the consistency of jam, cherries must either be boiled for a long time or use pectin. In case you want to cook dietary cherry jam, it is recommended to resort to the use of gelatin. To do this, for 1 kilogram of berries, provide 10-20 grams of gelatin (if up to 0.5 kilograms of sugar is added, then 40 grams of pectin should be put). Gelatin must be diluted with cooled cherry juice or water, and poured into the boiled jam 5 minutes before the end of cooking. After that, the jam must be constantly stirred.

The way to make cherry jam thick without gelatin is to add 400-500 grams of apples to 1 kilogram of cherries and in this case use sugar not 1 cup, but 1.5.

When making cherry jam, keep in mind that 1 kilogram of cherries will make a 400-gram jar of jam. Basically, the decrease in volume is affected by boiling and removal of stones.

Soda in cherry jam is then needed to enhance the bright color. The addition of soda does not affect the taste of the finished jam.

To quickly peel the pits from cherries, you can use a regular pin. To begin with, it must be disinfected, then holding the berry in the left hand, stick the pin into the cherry almost to the end with the right, bending around the bone, pry off the bone and pull the pin along with the bone towards you and slightly to the side.

All sweet lovers can easily list the most popular treats, such as cakes, pastries, Turkish delight and other culinary delights. Cherry confiture can also be added to this list. This wonderful dessert not only has a special taste, but is also healthy. After all, in this treat you can find all the useful substances that are in the composition of cherries, which are rightfully considered a storehouse of iron and vitamins. It's good to know how to cook it, and therefore we offer a recipe for making a dessert.

A bit of history

Cherry confiture is considered one of the varieties of jam or jam. This word comes from the French word "confiture", which means "boil in sugar." However, it is believed that the origin of the dessert originates from Eastern Europe (Hungary, Bulgaria, and so on). In these parts, in the 17th century, a girl of marriageable age had to have the ability to cook various types of such treats.

Confiture is traditionally a very thick jelly with small pieces of fruit or whole berries. In France, it was originally made from quince, apricots and apples, later culinary masters began to add currant or cherry juice, which gave the dessert a special aroma and taste. Also, vanillin, citric acid, gelatin, starch and other thickeners gradually became constant ingredients of the treat.

Manufacturing technology

Cherry confiture has a special delicate taste, but in order to get a successful result, it is better to follow all the conditions prescribed by the recipe. In order to prepare this treat, you need:

  1. Prepare cherries (1 kg). Wash the berries and remove the seeds.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials with sugar (800 g) and pour over the juice of one lemon. Leave the mass for a while until the juice comes out.
  3. Boil the cherries for about 10 minutes, cool and separate the syrup from the berries.
  4. Cut two apples into small pieces and put in cherry syrup. Boil fruits until the volume of liquid is halved.
  5. Put the cooked cherries into the mass and grind everything with a blender. Put the cherry jam back on the fire (about 10 minutes).
  6. Pour the hot mass into a glass container and cork.

Another recipe

It is probably interesting to know how to make cherry jam with chocolate and almonds. To prepare it, you need to proceed as follows:

Thus, you can prepare cherry confiture for the winter, if you roll it immediately into a sterilized dish. This dessert is very tasty and very useful, since the technology for making this treat will keep all the useful qualities of the ingredients almost in their original form.

Cherry is a tasty and healthy berry known for its antioxidant properties. It is the high content of the antioxidant anthocyanin that gives it a rich red-burgundy color. Juicy berries reduce cholesterol levels, are useful for cardiovascular diseases and gout, increase immunity, improve blood formation.

There are a great many recipes for home preservation of berries. One of the most popular cherry preparations is jam. This is a wonderful dessert that can be served with tea, cottage cheese, semolina, make delicious sandwiches or use as a filling.

Today on the site "Popular about Health" we will look at how to make pitted cherry jam according to a simple recipe for the winter and consider more than one.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced housewives on the selection and processing of berries:

Preliminary preparation

If you will be making jam from purchased berries, it is better to buy them in the market, where they are fresher than store-bought ones. Choose dense, with a shiny skin. Do not take damaged and wrinkled. It is advisable to buy with stalks (they are juicier).

Sort at home, rinse thoroughly with cold water, discard in a colander. Remove the stalks and place in a bowl.

How to remove pits from cherries?

Now you need to remove the bones. If there is no special device, you can use improvised means, for example:

Take a regular hairpin. Insert the arcuate part into the base of the berry, hook the bone in a circular motion and pull it out. You can use a paper clip the same way.

Suitable for this and crusher for garlic. Namely, the old models - where the handle at the end has a round hole (bottom) and a pin (top). Put the berry on the hole and push the pin. The bone will easily separate and come out.

For cooking jam, use only enameled dishes. Wash pots, jars and lids thoroughly. Boil jars with lids or bake them in the oven.

Now you can start cooking:

Thick cherry jam according to a simple recipe without pits

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar.


Sugar according to this recipe will be added in parts, as it is cooked. Therefore, immediately divide the entire volume into 4 equal parts.

Now process the cherries, as we said above, put them in a large, wide pan. Pour in one part sugar. Stir, boil over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring.

Pour the second part of sugar, cook for 5 minutes. Then the third, also cook for 5 minutes and fall asleep the last part, reduce the heat and boil a little longer - 10 minutes.

It remains to shift the jam into hot jars and tightly tighten the lids. Don't worry if it looks runny to you. After seaming, it will quickly thicken, literally, for 2-3 days.

Another recipe for cherry jam for the winter

It's a little more complicated:

Us need: for 1 kg of cherries - an incomplete kilogram of sugar (approximately 800 g).


Pour the pre-treated berries into a saucepan. Do not add sugar at this stage. Place on the stove, make medium heat. Once it boils, lower the temperature. Cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly, removing the foam. Now leave to cool completely. It is best to postpone cooking until the next day.

Now grind the berry mass with a blender until smooth. Bring to a boil, lower the temperature, cook for 40 minutes. Let cool completely again.

Boil the third time, cook for 15 minutes. Stir constantly so that the mass does not burn. Cool down again.

And only at the fourth stage, add sugar, boil, reduce the temperature, cook, stirring, for half an hour. Arrange jam in jars, roll up.

Cherry jam for the winter with gooseberry juice

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1.5 kg of sugar, 150 ml of freshly squeezed gooseberry juice.


Grind pre-treated pitted cherries with a blender or scroll through a meat grinder. Transfer to a saucepan, add sugar. Leave for a few hours for the juice to mix well with the sugar.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 40 minutes. Stir more often, remove the foam. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the gooseberry juice. Continue cooking while stirring. Transfer the finished jam into jars, roll up.

Jam "drunk cherry"

This method of preparing the original recipe came to us from Spanish cuisine. Cherries prepared according to this recipe are served with ice cream and fried meat. In the second case, the sweet-spicy taste goes well with a freshly cooked steak. Let's try to cook such cherry jam for the winter:

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, 400 ml of dry red wine, 100 ml of rum. You will also need 2 tablespoons of gelatin.


Process the cherry, remove the seeds. Grind with a blender or with a meat grinder. Put the mass in a saucepan, pour half of all the sugar. Stir, leave for a few hours to mix the juice with sugar. Soak gelatin in a glass of water, leave to swell, about 40 minutes.

Put the pot on the stove, boil. Lower the temperature, boil for 15 minutes, stirring and removing the foam.

Mix the wine and the rest of the sugar in a separate saucepan. Pour in the gelatin solution, mix well. Bring to a boil over very low heat. Pour the finished syrup to the cherry, boil for another 10-15 minutes. Now pour in the rum and stir. Arrange the finished dessert in jars, roll up.

Now that the cherry season has begun, eat as many healthy fresh berries as possible. If possible, be sure to prepare it for future use in order to enjoy its taste, summer aroma, and health benefits in winter.

Unlike jam, which can be cooked both with and without seeds, it is grated cherries boiled with sugar until a gelled mass is obtained. Cherry jam is always thicker than jam - this is its main difference. To obtain a thick consistency, boil it in several stages, or add gelatin or pectin. There are recipes that use baking soda.

Of course, such a jam will have a specific smell. Adding gelatin or pectin to cherry jam significantly reduces the cooking time and makes the jam thicker. These thickeners simplify its preparation and justify themselves in the case when there is no time. But if there is time and desire, then it is best to cook thick cherry jam without them.

Cherry jam is not only a delicious treat and dessert, but also a kind of medicine. It is recommended to use it to prevent cardiovascular diseases and influenza, to increase hemoglobin levels and immunity. In addition, cherries have proven to be an excellent natural antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering agent. In any case, a spoonful of fragrant, thick and incredibly tasty cherry jam will definitely cheer you up.

Of course, jam is delicious on its own, but homemade cakes with its use are incredibly tasty. If you love baking, then try using it in cakes, pies, pies and rolls. This is delicious. To make truly delicious jam, you need to follow a few subtleties. First of all, this is the choice of berries, on which its taste will initially depend.

For the preparation of cherry jam, it is advisable to use fully ripe, but at the same time not overripe cherries. The second is the choice of dishes. Jam pots should be enamelled or stainless steel. In principle, this also applies to bowls. Do not use copper or aluminum bowls when sorting and pitting cherries. And now let's consider cherry jam recipe.


  • Cherries - 1 kg.,
  • Sugar - 1 kg.,

Cherry jam - step by step recipe

Sort the cherries, putting aside the damaged and spoiled berries, and also removing the twigs, if any. Wash them. After that, remove the bones in a way convenient for you - manually or using a special device.

Put the prepared cherries in a blender bowl. Grind them to a puree. You can also grind cherries the old fashioned way - in a meat grinder Pour cherry puree into a saucepan.

Sprinkle the cherries with sugar.

Stir. Put on a slow fire. Simmer the cherries over low heat for 30 minutes. During cooking, periodically remove the foam formed during the boiling process.

After half an hour, remove the pan from the heat.

After the cherry jam has completely cooled, boil it again for 30 minutes. This technology of cooking jam in two or three stages will allow you to get a thick consistency and do without gelatin or pectin. The readiness of cherry jam is checked classically. Drop a drop of boiled jam on a plate. If the drop slowly spreads and becomes thicker after cooling, then cherry jam ready.

It is best to close cherry jam in small jars, which, together with the lids, must be sterilized before pouring it. You can sterilize jars over steam. In the microwave or oven. Screw caps or metal seam caps are best immersed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Cherry jam can also be closed with steaming plastic (nylon) lids. Immediately after canning, cherry jam jars should be turned upside down and wrapped until completely cool. Cherry jam, photo which you see, I photographed hot. As it cooled, it became much thicker.

Cherry jam. Photo

Cherries are famous for the antioxidant anthocyanin. Actually, it is he who gives it a red-burgundy color. Cherry, fresh and canned, is useful for gout, problems of the cardiovascular system, it is also able to lower cholesterol. Cherry jam is especially recommended in winter - it is an excellent tool for preventing colds, activates the immune system and improves blood formation.

Cherry jam - preparing dishes

Only enameled pots and bowls should be used for making cherry jam. And you need to close the jam only with varnished lids. Otherwise, the color of the product may change. Any dishes, whether pots or jars, must first be cleaned with soda and then sterilized.

Cherry jam - fruit preparation

Cherries, like cherries, by the way, must ripen on the tree - this will allow them to preserve their incomparable taste. Cherries that will be intended for canning must be plucked with their stalks. If you pick only berries, then juice can flow out of them, moreover, such fruits will deteriorate much faster. And just before cooking, the berries are sorted out, separated from the stalks and washed.

Cherry jam - recipe 1

You can make delicious cherry jam with gooseberries. Which will require a kilogram of cherries, 1.1 kilograms of sugar, 150 grams of water and gooseberry juice. If necessary, all ingredients must be increased proportionally.

The cooking method is:

1. Washed cherries should be pitted, for which you can use toothpicks or a special device. After that, the berries must be passed through a meat grinder with a grate with a hole diameter of 2.5 millimeters.
2. Crushed cherries should be placed in an enamel basin and water should be added at the rate of 150 grams per kilogram of fruit. Cherries with water must be boiled on low gas.
3. After that, sugar is added (1.1 kilograms of sugar is taken for each kilogram of cherry fruits), and the mass is boiled until cooked. It is important to prevent burning by constantly stirring the jam.
4. At the very end of cooking jam, you must add pre-squeezed gooseberry juice (150 grams of juice will be required per kilogram of cherry fruits).
5. Jam, still in a boiling state, must be poured into hot dry jars and covered with varnished lids. Then hermetically cork and, turning the jars upside down, leave to cool.

Cherry jam - recipe 2

Cherry jam also harmonizes perfectly with red currants. The method of preparing such a jam is similar to the previous recipe. Only at the end, instead of gooseberry juice, currants should be added. As for the ingredients, you will need a kilogram of cherries, half a kilogram of red currants and 0.75 kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the red currant, it is necessary to sort it, remove the twigs and stalks, wash the berries and chop them in a meat grinder.
2. Currants passed through a meat grinder are placed in an enamel basin and about 100-150 grams of water per kilogram of currants are added. This mass should be boiled until thickened.
3. Boiled, as described above, cherries are mixed with thickened currants, sugar is added and boiled again until the jam is ready.
4. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lacquered lids. After hermetically sealing, the jars are turned upside down and covered with a blanket for even cooling.

Cherry jam - recipe 3

Since cherries have low gelling properties, other berries must be added when making jam to obtain a dense consistency. But gelatin can also be used. Here is a recipe for cherry jam with gelatin. To prepare it, you need a kilogram of pitted cherries, 0.9 kilograms of sugar, half a liter of water and 5 g of gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to boil the sugar syrup and put the pre-dissolved gelatin into the still hot syrup (for this, take cold water) and pitted cherries.
2. Cherries in syrup are boiled over moderate heat, constantly removing the emerging foam.
3. When the mass acquires the consistency of jam, it is necessary to cool it slightly, and then decompose it into sterilized jars.

Cherry jam - recipe 4

You can also make cherry jam with lemon juice. This recipe will require a kilogram of cherries and a kilogram of sugar, as well as a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Cherries should be sorted out, the stalks should be separated, washed and pitted.
2. In an enamel bowl, the fruits must be covered with sugar. And soak the berries for an hour so that they release the juice.
3. After that, the cherries need to be cooked for 30-40 minutes over low heat, not forgetting to constantly stir the mass.
4. Appearing foam must be removed periodically.
5. Lemon juice should be added when the jam thickens. After that, the mass must be mixed well. Boil for a few more minutes and remove the jam from the heat.
6. Mix the finished jam well again and place it in sterilized jars.
7. Banks are closed with lids, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely. Jam prepared according to this recipe has a thick and rich color. Cherry jam is prepared without pits. Meanwhile, every housewife knows that cherry jam with pits has a slightly better taste and aroma. To give the cherry jam an incomparable aroma, pour the extracted bones with water (so that the water barely covers the bones). Boil them on the fire, strain and use the resulting broth in the preparation of jam instead of water.
