
Apples in syrup: simple and delicious recipes for canned fruits. Apples in syrup for the winter in slices - a summer dessert in the winter cold

I do harvesting fruits for the winter every year, because sometimes I want to eat something from fruits in the autumn-winter period. It is not always possible to buy fresh fruits, and they are expensive in the off-season, and then you open a jar and eat the fruits of your own preparations.

I roll apples in 700 ml jars, because. Our family is small, and for two people, for one meal, this is quite enough.
If you have a large family, then you can easily wrap pears in 3-liter jars, although then the rate of vinegar essence from 0.5 tsp will need to be increased to 1 tbsp. spoons, and so the whole technology is the same.
If you are interested in this recipe, then let's start cooking!

The original composition of the products.

Our preparation consists of: apples, sugar and water.

Step-by-step preparation of apples for the winter, canned in syrup .

1. Preparation of syrup.

I cook fruit in a 6 liter saucepan - this is convenient, because. comes out 11 (700 ml) jars of the product.
I pour water and add sugar one-time. Add 4 liters of 500 ml to the pan and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, I fall asleep an incomplete 700 ml jar of sugar.
We don’t like very sweet apples, and our variety is sour, so I take just such a rate of sugar. But if you like a pronounced sweet taste, then you can add a liter jar of sugar instead of 700 ml.
While the sugar syrup boils, prepare the pears.

2. Preparation of apples.

Before starting the cooking process, the apples must be thoroughly washed and then cut into pieces. For this, an apple is taken, cut into four halves. From each half, you need to remove the core and seeds.
If the fruits have damage in the form of wormholes and festering, then they must also be removed.
After some time, the apples are prepared, now you can proceed to the next stage.

3. Heat treatment.

Since apples have a certain rigidity, the best and fastest option is thermal, short-term processing.
As seen earlier, I added water and sugar to the pan in such a way that there was room for laying the fruit.

It is best to lay apples in small portions at once, in my case it is 1 kg each. because if you lay one thing at a time, there is a possibility of uneven boiling. The first fruits can be boiled soft, and the last ones cannot be boiled, so it is better to fill up the entire norm at once. And what norm you will have all depends on the place you set aside for this place.

The syrup boiled, the pears were laid and left in the liquid for 2 minutes - regardless of whether the water boils or not. I cover the entire contents with a lid and mix the apples twice with an interval of 1 minute.

Please note that if your apple variety is loose, then you need to blanch it for 1 minute. Otherwise, there is a risk that your fruits will simply boil.

4. We roll up products.

As soon as the allotted time has passed, we take out the pieces of apples with a slotted spoon and lay them out in sterilized jars. I have a very convenient device - a funnel with a wide mouth, which I insert into a jar and calmly fall asleep fruits. After the first batch is laid, the jar needs to be shaken and the apples distributed inside the container. As soon as the last apple is placed in the jar, cover it with a sterilized lid and leave until the syrup is poured.

As soon as the fruits are all redistributed to the banks, we begin the final process.
We take a jar of apples, put it in a deep plate - this is in case the jar bursts, then the syrup will not spill on the table, but remain in the plate. So, do not pour the boiling syrup to the top, but leave it 3 cm below the top edge of the jar. Then pour 0.5 teaspoons of acetic 70% essence and add the syrup so that it fills the jar to the top.

The syrup with which we fill the jars is enough for 10 (700 ml) jars. But since I didn’t fill all the jars tightly with apples - I had enough blanks for one more jar. The only thing is that there was not enough syrup for this jar, but I was not upset, but did this.

I put 1 tbsp in a jar. a spoonful of sugar. I boiled water in a kettle and poured apples with sugar with this boiling water, but not to the top. Then she added 0.5 teaspoons of vinegar essence 70% and only then poured boiling water over the entire contents of the jar to the very top.

Now it remains for us to roll up the jar with a lid, turn it slightly (check whether it holds firmly), turn the jar upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket for 24 hours.
Then you can transfer to a cool room. We do this procedure with each bank. This recipe makes 10 cans (700 ml).

The conservation process has been completed. Enjoy eating canned apples in winter.

Good luck!

We have a lot of apples this year, and I decided to make several different preparations to satisfy the tastes of all household members. Apples in syrup - a fairly simple, but very tasty preparation. When you want something sweet in winter, you can always open a jar and enjoy fragrant apples with pleasure.

The syrup in which the apples will be will also not be left without attention: you can simply dilute it with water and drink it instead of compote, or you can give it a wider use, for example, to soak biscuits for a cake. Also, the syrup is suitable for making jelly. I prepared a jar with a volume of 1.5 liters.

To prepare apples in syrup for the winter, prepare dense apples, sugar and water.

Cut each apple in half, and then cut each half into 2-3 slices, depending on the size of the apple. Cut out the cores with seeds.

Fill the jar with apple slices to the very top.

Boil water in a saucepan, pour apples in a jar for 20 minutes. Cover the jar with a lid. Can be used with both seaming and screw caps.

After a while, pour the syrup from the jar into a saucepan and add sugar. Put the pot on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves.

Pour hot syrup over apple slices in a jar, tighten the lid tightly. Turn the jar over immediately and wrap well until completely cooled. Apples in syrup slices are ready for the winter!

Apples prepared for the winter in syrup are perfectly stored at room temperature. And in cold times, such apples will certainly be in demand and brighten up gloomy gray everyday life.

Delicious preparations for you!

Good day or night, my reader!

Hooray! I got jam from small apples, as it turned out once with my grandmother, during her life! The apple tree variety from which I prepared this miracle is called “Ural Bulk”.

As a child, I loved to feast on translucent apples in syrup. They were perfect for my grandmother. And this taste of childhood is simply unforgettable!

But due to the fact that in those days I was a child, I naturally did not need a recipe for this. The main thing is that it was very tasty and that's it. Real heavenly apples!

As an adult, I have not tried any methods of making this jam. The apples fell apart and that's it, it turned out to be porridge - malash. As a result, I threw into the far corner all my attempts to prepare this deliciousness and beauty. I must say that I rarely make jam at all. Instead, I intensively use freezing vegetables and fruits. But you can’t freeze apples, therefore, we store winter varieties, right up to the end of March, in a pit. Thankfully, this year's harvest allows for this.

Here, quite recently, my wonderful friend “dug up” on the Internet one simple recipe for making heavenly apples in syrup, cooked it herself, she succeeded, as a result, she shared with me. I listened, but did not burn with the desire to again take on an idea that was useless to me. I decided in the search engine to simply type the request I needed, to which, of course, the desired answer came.

I dared ... And I got apples in syrup exactly - in - exactly like my grandmother's! Look, taste, and quality! Transparent, amber, melting in the mouth. Joy knew no bounds! Finally, I didn’t explain on my fingers to my family about the taste of this, one might say, royal dessert, which I ate as a child, but I gave it a try and prepared this pleasure for the winter.

Do you want me to share with you, my reader? Then write down or memorize the recipe and act!

Paradise apples, a recipe like grandma's


  • Apples(Ural Bulk or Golden Chinese) - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg 700g
  • Water - about 1.5 liters

My cooking method:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly, do not peel the stalks
2. We prick each apple with a fork or in several places with a toothpick, put it in an enamel basin

3. Cook the syrup - pour sugar into the water, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the sugar

5. Turn off the fire and leave the apples for a day (can be less) for impregnation
6. Bring to a boil and turn off again, leave for a day
7. Bring back to a boil and boil for about 3 - 4 minutes

Thus, we cook for about three days.

All! Paradise apples, like my grandmother's are ready!

Apples are everyone's favorite fruit that can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, canned. Pies and other pastries with apples are prepared by many, but in the cold season it is difficult to get homemade fruits to make a dessert. It is in such cases that canned fruits come in handy.

Apples in slices or whole in sugar syrup - a very simple preparation that every housewife can do.

Why close apples for the winter?

When summer ends, autumn comes, in all gardens it's time for apples. Today, there is a huge variety of fruits from other warm countries on store shelves, but unlike their own - homemade and local apples, they are not so healthy and tasty.

In autumn, apples fall to the ground, trees bend from the weight of the fruit, which can be useful for spinning compotes, jams or syrups with pieces of fruit. Apples are a very useful product, they are rich in vitamins and nutrients, which are so lacking in winter and early spring. Compotes and simply closed apples in jars will be an excellent addition to the table in the form of a dessert, decorate any cold evening and are perfect for tea drinking.

Canned apples have a special flavor that develops after several months in a jar of syrup. There are so many ways to roll apples: whole, in pieces, in syrup with nuts, with the addition of other fruits - each of which has a unique taste. Compote or apple slices will be enjoyed by even the smallest children.

Principles of cooking apples for the winter

If you follow a few simple rules, then it will be much easier to prepare fruits, they will come out tastier and fresher:

Classic recipe for cinnamon apple slices

The recipe will require the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh apples;
  • 0.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • cinnamon stick or a few pinches of ground spice to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. clean boiled water.

Step by step preparation:

  • All fruits must be washed, damaged ones removed, dried on a paper towel, then seeds removed and cut into slices.
  • All the water indicated in the recipe is heated, sugar is added and boiled for ten minutes so that the crystals dissolve and the syrup begins to thicken. Two half-liter jars will be enough to spin so many fruits.
  • A cinnamon stick is placed at the bottom of the container or spice powder is poured, after which slices of apples are loaded. Syrup is poured on top so that it reaches the neck of the jar and sprinkled with citric acid on top.
  • Fruit containers are pasteurized in boiling water for ten minutes, after which they are covered with tin lids and put upside down under a warm blanket so that they cool down.
  • After two days, the apples will cool completely and they can be put away in a cool place for storage until winter.

A simple recipe without spices

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 2 kg of whole apples;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 2 liters of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

First of all, you need to rinse the fruits and let them drain, divide each apple in half and remove the core, then cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Next, pour water into a saucepan, heat to a boil and pour sugar with lemon juice. The syrup should boil for fifteen minutes to thicken.

Then slices of fruit are lowered into the hot mixture, the contents of the pan are stirred and boiled for a couple of minutes over low heat. Then the hot apples are transferred to sterilized jars using a slotted spoon, which was previously scalded with boiling water, after which the syrup is again put on the stove and brought to a boil.

Now they fill the jars with apples with syrup so that it reaches the top of the container, roll them up with tin lids. Each jar is turned over and cooled, only after that it is put away in a cool and dark place for storage for many months.

Flavored apples with saffron

The recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of green apples;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of saffron;
  • 0.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 0.75 l of boiled water.

First of all, water is poured into the saucepan and boiled, after which sugar is poured and mixed so that it does not stick to the bottom of the container. Saffron is added to the hot syrup, stirred and brought to a boil again, after which the liquid is boiled for no more than ten minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup becomes amber in color.

From clean and selected apples, they cut out the core, remove the seeds and cut the fruits into slices at their discretion. Then the pieces of apples are dipped in boiling syrup, gently stirred so as not to damage the pulp of the fruit. Boil the pieces in syrup for about fifteen minutes so that the apples do not have time to boil and turn into gruel.

Next, the mass with fruit and syrup is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. The first two days they are stored upside down under a blanket, then they are removed to the cellar, garage or refrigerator for further use.

Recipe for spiced apples in syrup

For one half-liter jar you need to take:

  • 0.3 kilograms of sour fruits;
  • a pea of ​​allspice and a few pieces of cloves;
  • 0.2 kilograms of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of ground cinnamon;
  • a whisper of vanillin;
  • one and a half glasses of water.

The first step is to wash the apples, cut into slices. Put cloves and allspice in a clean jar at the bottom, then place fruit on top. At this time, boil water and pour it into jars, cover with lids and leave for half an hour. Then pour the water from the container into the pan and bring to a boil.

Next, add sugar and vanilla with cinnamon, mix and cook the syrup for about ten minutes. Fill the container with apple slices with syrup and tighten the lids. Leave the jars to cool upside down, then remove the preservation until winter in a dark and cool place.

Apples in currant syrup

For cooking, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 liter of currant juice;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.

First, clean apples are cut into slices and loaded into clean glass jars. At this time, currant juice is brought to a boil, sugar is added and simmered over low heat so that all sugar crystals dissolve. When the juice syrup is ready, fill it with apple slices in jars and cover with lids.

Next, you need to send the container for sterilization in boiling water, then roll up the lids and store upside down under a blanket to cool for a couple of days, and then in a dark and cold room until winter.

Apple slices in vanilla syrup

Ingredients needed to seal one half liter jar:

  • five small apples of the same size;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanillin, salt;
  • 0.75 l of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Step by step preparation:

  • The fruits are washed, cleaned of dirt and cut into small slices, after removing the core.
  • The jars are sterilized in an oven at one hundred degrees or boiled in boiling water for an hour, after which they are cooled at room temperature. Lids are sterilized in boiling water for fifteen minutes.
  • Next, put the apple slices in jars, pour boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes, after which the water is poured into the pan, sugar and vanillin are added.
  • Citric acid is diluted in a glass with two tablespoons of hot water, then poured into hot syrup.
  • Fill the jars with apple slices with hot syrup, roll up the lids and turn over to cool further. Pickled fruits are stored in jars only in the cellar, refrigerator or garage, where there is no light and cool.

Secrets of cooking apples in syrup

In the process of preserving apples, some rules are followed and secrets are taken into account:

  1. 1. Apples should not be crushed too much, because during the process of cooking and preservation they will lose their shape, turn into mashed potatoes.
  2. 2. It is best to take slightly unripe and strong fruits so that they do not fall apart under the influence of temperature.
  3. 3. So that the apples do not darken during the cooking process, they can be held in a one percent solution of vinegar for twenty minutes.
  4. 4. When pouring fruits, the temperature of the liquid must be at least seventy degrees.
  5. 5. Preservation can be stored on an insulated and closed balcony, but should only be used before the onset of heat.

Whole apples in sweet filling

This recipe for harvesting fruits in jars for the winter does not require long-term processing, which allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients. It is only important to select dense, elastic and ripe apples so that they are not spoiled. To prepare whole apples in syrup, you will need the following ingredients: 1.5 kilograms of apples, one liter of water; 300 grams of sugar.

Wash apples, sort into clean and sterilized jars. You need to put a container of water on the fire, gradually pour sugar into it and bring to a boil, boil for ten minutes to get a thick syrup. Pour the hot liquid into jars with apples, close the lids and wait five minutes, then drain the syrup and boil a second time.

Then again pour the container with the fruits with boiling liquid, roll up the lids and store in a dark and cool room so that the apples can be soaked in sugar syrup. Canning in this way allows you to preserve the whole fruit.

You can preserve and use such apples in pieces or whole in sugar syrup in various dishes, desserts or sauces. Apples are very juicy, sweet and fragrant, if you add such spices: cinnamon, saffron, vanillin, cloves and others.

Pies, pies, soufflés, as well as a large number of other sweets, are easy to prepare using home-canned fruits. They are perfect for any home tea party on a winter evening with the family. The calorie content of such a delicacy is rather low: 450 kcal per hundred grams of product. Bon appetit!

This apple preparation is not as popular, say, as jam or compote, but this is rather due to the ignorance of the housewives. Having tried such a delicacy once, most likely you will harvest it every year. After all, this is not only a wonderful independent dessert, but also an indispensable filling for pies, as well as an additive to other pastries, cereals and other sweet dishes.

How to cook apples in syrup with slices for the winter - a recipe


Calculation for a three-liter glass jar:

  • ripe fresh strong apples - 2.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 550 g;
  • filtered water - 2 l;
  • citric acid (for syrup) - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • citric acid (for apples) - ¼ teaspoon per half liter of water.


For harvesting in syrup, we select apples with strong pulp, wash them, cut them in half, carefully remove the core with seeds and the stalk, and chop the pulp into medium-sized slices. Initially, we lower them into water slightly acidified with lemon (so as not to darken), after which we catch them with a slotted spoon and transfer them to an enameled bowl or basin.

In a suitable vessel, we heat filtered water to a boil, pour in granulated sugar and citric acid, let the crystals dissolve, and lower the prepared apple slices into the resulting syrup. We boil them for a couple of minutes, after which we move them to a pre-prepared sterile container. Let the sugar syrup boil again and pour it over the apples. We cork the container with a metal lid boiled for five minutes, turn it upside down and leave it for two days for slow, gradual cooling and natural sterilization, wrapping the workpiece thoroughly.

Apples and pears, cut into slices in syrup for the winter


  • ripe fresh strong apples - 1.2 kg;
  • ripe strong pears - 1.2 kg;

For syrup:

  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • citric acid - ¼ teaspoon.


You can also prepare a mix of apples and pears in sugar syrup. To do this, we remove the washed fruit from the core and cut into neat slices. We put them in clean jars and fill them with sugar syrup. To prepare it, bring filtered water to a boil, add sugar and let the crystals dissolve. Add a little citric acid, boil the syrup for a minute and pour it into jars with fruit slices, filling them to capacity. We cover the containers with lids and put them in a bowl of hot water for further sterilization. We boil liter containers for twenty minutes, and boil three-liter containers for forty minutes. Now we cork the lids, let the vessels cool, and move them to storage to other blanks.

Apple slices in cinnamon syrup for the winter


Calculation for a half-liter glass jar:

  • ripe fresh strong apples - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 75 g;
  • (stick) - ½ pc.;
  • filtered water - 250 ml;
  • (for syrup) - ½ tsp.


A special taste of apples in syrup will give a cinnamon stick, added directly to the jar. To implement the recipe, we remove the washed apples from the stalks and entrails and cut into neat slices. In jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, we throw half a cinnamon stick and fill them to the top with apple slices. We cook syrup from water, granulated sugar and citric acid by mixing the components in a saucepan and boiling them with frequent stirring for twenty minutes.

Now pour apples in jars with ready-made syrup, cover them with lids and sterilize in boiling water for about five minutes. We cork the vessels and turn them over until completely cooled with the lids down.
