
How much coffee can you drink. How many cups of coffee can you drink a day without harm to health

Julia Vern 5 760 0

Coffee, especially in the morning, uplifts and invigorates. During the day, the drink gives no less pleasure, but only to those who know how to limit themselves in it. So how much coffee can you drink a day so as not to harm your health, are there differences in the consumption rate for men and women and how to enjoy a drink without negative consequences? The opinions of doctors are ambiguous, so everyone makes the final decision on their own.

Everything is good in moderation. Even the most helpful medicinal products can become poison if you forget about the norm. Coffee is no exception. Regular excessive consumption of it will not only cause significant harm to health, but will also become addictive with the need to constantly increase the dosage.

Comparison caffeine addiction with alcohol, drugs or nicotine is not appropriate. However, in the captivity of coffee, people also face serious problems, experiencing discomfort both on the physical and psychological levels.

It is possible to say that the body tolerates coffee poisoning in the following cases:

  • the appearance of a headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • excessive activity;
  • drowsiness;
  • panic attacks;
  • tachycardia;
  • trembling in the body.

All of these signs indicate an excess amount of caffeine and are a signal to reconsider the rate of consumed drink. When adjusting the dosage, you need to understand that a lot depends on the recipe, the quality of the beans, and the roasting. So, for example, espresso is an order of magnitude stronger than Americano diluted with milk or water.

When choosing between natural and instant coffee, you should definitely give preference to the first one, even though it will take more time to prepare.

Natural ground coffee beans not only have more rich in taste and aroma, they are an order of magnitude safer than soluble granules. Flavorings and other additives are not added to such coffee. harmful additives. In addition, in an instant drink, the level of caffeine is higher than in natural, and we are talking about its synthetic counterpart, which is hazardous to health, therefore it is instant coffee that causes more tangible harm in case of poisoning.

How to Calculate Your Caffeine Rate: Regulating Your Intake

To stay healthy, full vitality And Have a good mood, you need to watch not only nutrition and water balance. Health care for coffee lovers also lies in controlling the amount of caffeine consumed per day. Below is the amount of caffeine in different options preparing a drink. Based on these data, the rate of caffeine per day can be derived on an individual basis, taking into account age, health status, and physical activity.

It is believed that the safest daily intake of caffeine is no more than 150 mg per day. But this data may vary. Using the table above, you can determine what kind of coffee and how many times you can afford without harm to health, given that other products are also a source of caffeine, such as carbonated drinks, tea, chocolate and others.

For those who count the number of caffeine in traditional recipes coffee is too high, the option with a drink containing it in a minimum amount is suitable - “decaffeinated coffee”.

What you need to know about coffee cups and their volume?

To understand how many cups of coffee a day you can really afford, you should understand the volume of the container for the drink. Often for coffee cocktails use the wrong utensils, making changes to the standard recipe, and therefore, reducing or increasing the final amount of caffeine.

When they say - "a cup of coffee", they mean a special coffee cup with a volume that meets the recipe. So, for example, if it is espresso, then the smallest cup is used - 70-80 ml. Americano is served in cups with a volume of 200-250 ml, Latte - in tall glasses up to 330 ml.

Given this moment and clearly understanding how much caffeine a particular drink based on coffee beans contains, you can determine for yourself how many mugs of coffee you can drink without consequences.

At what time and how many times can you drink?

Coffee is a natural natural stimulant. The tonic effect is achieved due to the caffeine alkaloid. The drink, getting into the body, enhances the production of adrenaline, causing short-term excitement, accelerating metabolic processes.

In addition, caffeine promotes the production of dopamine and serotonin - hormones responsible for the ability to show resistance to stress and good mood. That's why just one cup invigorating drink influences so much emotional condition and is tempted to keep it that way throughout the day.

In fact, we must not forget that there is a norm of coffee per day, which depends on the amount of caffeine in the drink prepared according to a particular recipe, the quality and roasting of the beans.

This means that you should adhere to the rules established by doctors and limit yourself to coffee, as well as other caffeine-containing products, in favor of a cup of flavored drink.

The optimal time for consuming coffee smoothies and brewed bean mixture is in the morning after breakfast and in the afternoon. In the morning, when the body needs an extra shake-up, the drink will help speed up the processes, energize for several hours and really benefit. The main thing is to drink coffee an hour after breakfast.

The same goes for lunch time. An hour after a hearty lunch, a cup of coffee will help get rid of drowsiness and tune in to continue an active day.

But as for the evening, it is worth limiting yourself in the consumption of caffeine, not forgetting that it invariably affects the biological clock, excites nervous system, can cause insomnia and a breakdown in the morning of the next day.

Pregnancy and caffeine - about the daily dose and effects

Is it harmful to drink coffee for pregnant women and what daily allowance can we talk about in this case? Doctors say that even 4-7 cups of the drink a day increase the likelihood of fetal death up to 33%.

British scientists note that caffeine actively stimulates the nervous system and affects the development of the child. So, for example, only 100 mg of a plant alkaloid per day (and it contains not only coffee, but also cola, chocolate, tea) reduces the weight of the baby by 50 mg, in addition, they have Negative influence on its development in the first trimester.

At the same time, it is considered that safe dose coffee with up to 100 mg of caffeine will not harm either mother or baby, moreover, it will help a pregnant woman to cheer up and tune in a positive way. But is it worth risking the health of an unborn child for the sake of a moment of pleasure? Each woman decides for herself.

In conclusion, we note that how many times a day you can drink coffee depends on a number of factors:

  • health conditions;
  • age;
  • working conditions;
  • diet;
  • types of drink;
  • cooking recipe;
  • degree of roasting of grains, etc.

Given these factors, and taking into account the recommendations of physicians regarding the daily dosage of caffeine, you can derive your own safe rate, not forgetting the favorable time of day for caffeine pleasure.

Adherents of invigorating drinks with great pleasure make a mug of coffee a part of their morning awakening ritual. However, some abuse it large quantities, mistakenly believing that the drink is absolutely harmless. It must be understood that the accumulation of caffeine in a certain way affects the functioning of the most important systems and organs of a person. Today we arrange a "debriefing" and find out how much coffee can be consumed daily.

The effect of coffee on the body

According to numerous reviews, it can be concluded that some people do not consume the presented composition in doses, thinking that there is no harm from it. But nothing goes unnoticed, respectively, and coffee affects health in the most direct way.

It helps to cheer up in the morning, because it stimulates the activity of the brain and literally says that it's time to wake up. Mug quality drink starts work urinary system, and also prevents all diseases associated with it. What can we say about increasing the efficiency of both mental and physical.

But coffee lovers, wanting to prolong this effect, begin to abuse the coffee potion. Irritability appears, the psycho-emotional environment is greatly depleted, the drink is addictive. When a person drinks less than usual, he becomes lethargic and lethargic.

Since coffee causes dehydration, after drinking it, it is mandatory to drink at least 0.25 liters. water. Otherwise, absolutely all metabolic processes will slow down, useful qualities from the drink will not. The work of the heart and the hematopoietic system will worsen.

Rules for drinking coffee

In order not to harm your own body, you need to study the intricacies of drinking coffee potion.

  1. So, you can drink an invigorating drink three times a day. As for the amount, it should not exceed 150 ml. at a time. If you prefer coffee with milk, then the one-time volume is doubled.
  2. Under no circumstances should a drink be taken empty stomach, have breakfast first. After a third of an hour, drink coffee and then a glass of filtered water room temperature. Coffee cannot be combined with sweets.
  3. If you consume the presented drink with frequent intervals, your body will simply stop perceiving it. The effect will get worse. Therefore, day after day, reduce or increase the amount so that it is always different.
  4. The last cup is consumed at least 5 hours before going to bed. Otherwise invigorating properties will not let you sleep or the rest will be short, intermittent, nightmares may appear.
  5. It is highly desirable to give preference to freshly ground coffee beans. Such raw materials are the most useful, concentrate everything the most valuable substances and in the best way reflects on the state of health.
  6. Instant coffee, in turn, only irritates the esophageal mucosa, so there is a risk of developing peptic ulcer or gastritis. If you do not have the opportunity to prepare a drink, the amount of soluble composition must be reduced and drink no more than 1 cup per day.

  1. To calculate for sure in what “cup” volume a drink is allowed to be consumed, it is necessary to determine how much caffeine is concentrated in one mug. Everyone knows that espresso is much tougher, for example, latte or americano.
  2. Caffeine norms for an adult vary within 300 mg. daily. This volume should not be exceeded, so as not to provoke a negative reaction of the heart muscle and nervous system.
  3. Since about 120 mg is concentrated in one cup of an invigorating drink, respectively, more than 3 cups should not be taken.
  4. Turkish coffee is the hardest, it contains 170 mg., That is, you can drink 1.5 mugs. Espresso is softer, it contains 130 mg., It is allowed to use 2 mugs. Cappuccino is allowed to drink in the amount of 3.5 cups.
  5. To cut negative impact caffeine on the body, it is worth adding high cream percentage fat content or high fat milk.

When and how much to drink coffee

  1. Studies have shown that a caffeinated drink is best consumed in the morning. In extreme cases, you can drink a cup of coffee a couple of hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you will experience insomnia. After waking up in the mirror you will see a swollen face.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink coffee exclusively with milk. on an empty stomach Reviver V pure form absolutely contraindicated. No more than 4 small cups are allowed throughout the day. In this case, the drink should not be scalding or cold.

Which coffee is healthier

  1. If you want to extract maximum benefit from a drink, give preference exclusively natural composition. Freshly ground grains contain a mass beneficial trace elements. There is practically no benefit in instant coffee. Also, the taste and aroma leave much to be desired.
  2. The problem is that in soluble composition tannins, lipids, mineral salts, vitamins, carbohydrates, tannins and organic acids are completely absent. Coffee beans on the contrary, they are saturated with all the listed substances.
  3. Instant coffee contains only pure caffeine. It acts on the body more aggressively. Also don't consume coffee drinks which can be purchased at banks. Nothing good is contained in them, as well as in energy drinks.

Decaffeinated coffee is also not recommended. The problem is that the substance cannot be removed without the use of solvents of organic origin. Such substances in the drink create dangerous chemical compounds. Such enzymes contribute to the development of oncological pathologies in the human intestine and stomach.

Video: how much coffee can you drink?

How nice it is to drink a cup of strong in the early morning, invigorating coffee. The aroma of this drink for many becomes a source of good mood for the whole day! But how many of these cups can you afford without harming your health? Today we are together looking for an answer to the question, how much coffee can you drink a day?

The debate on this issue is quite fierce. Some believe that you can safely drink up to 6 cups of coffee a day, while others insist that a stimulating drink can be taken in almost homeopathic doses, but certainly not more than one serving.

Correct coffee cup size

To begin with, it would be nice to define the terms. The words "cup of coffee" are interpreted by many consumers very loosely, depending on the volume of their favorite vessel. Not everyone uses neat cups with a volume of 70-100 ml for coffee. Many people prefer glasses of 300-350 ml. Meanwhile, in the description of studies, the results of experiments and other literature, the phrase “cup of coffee” means just standard, ordinary coffee utensils, with a volume of approximately 100 ml. When it comes to espresso, a cup means an even smaller volume of 70-80 ml.

It's time to move on to the main thing!

Coffee is a good natural stimulant. This effect of the drink is provided by the presence of the natural alkaloid caffeine. It has a stimulating effect on our body. Under its influence, the production of adrenaline increases, which makes the heart beat faster, quickens breathing, and speeds up metabolic processes.

Under the influence of caffeine, the production of other hormones - dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for pleasant emotions and stress relief, is also activated. Therefore, a cup of drink helps to cheer up, but how many times a day can you drink coffee?

The chemical composition of the grain is very complex and not fully understood, but it is clear that the infusion has many additional properties. For example, it prevents the pathogenic development of the bacterial flora, reduces allergic manifestations, and even acts as a prevention of neoplasms. It would seem, drink coffee, but rejoice! However, it is worth remembering the principle of the ancient Aesculapius, who said: “There is medicine in a spoon, poison in a cup!”. Therefore, everything is good in moderation. Excess coffee excessively excites the nervous system, depresses digestion, overloads the heart.

What portion of coffee can be considered optimal for an ordinary person?

Doctors say that an absolutely safe dose is 1 cup of coffee a day. For relatively healthy person three to four cups of coffee a day will allow you to fully experience the beneficial effects positive properties drink.

The limit beyond which the effect of coffee becomes less favorable is six cups of coffee a day.

The optimal regimen for taking coffee is three times a day, one small cup each. If you drink cappuccino or latte, then the volume of the drink may be more than the standard 100 ml, because such cocktails contain a lot of milk or cream.

We drink coffee right!

The rules of healthy coffee drinking are easy to follow, and the result will be not only the enjoyment of taste, but also the benefits of your favorite drink.

  1. It is better to drink coffee after a meal or after one and a half to two hours, but not on an empty stomach.
  2. Coffee immediately after a meal should not be accompanied by sweets and sweets, this will overload the stomach. But if you have prepared yourself a cup of an invigorating drink in between meals, you can treat yourself to an additional dessert.
  3. In case of functional disorders of one of the body systems - cardiovascular, digestive, nervous - be sure to consult a specialist. Let him give you personalized coffee recommendations.
  4. Limit one intake of your favorite drink to 100-120 grams of pure coffee. Milk, cream and other additives are not included in this volume. By the way, keep in mind that milk, lemon, cream reduce the concentration of caffeine and partially neutralize its effects.
  5. Choose natural grains. Instant coffee has no useful properties, and when used on an empty stomach, it has an extremely harsh effect on digestive system. There is evidence that regular intake instant coffee on an empty stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.
  6. Regular consumption of coffee reduces the sensitivity of the body to caffeine effects, so for an inveterate coffee lover, the rate of coffee consumption may be at the upper limit. allowable rate- 5-6 cups a day.
  7. The last coffee intake should be at least 4-5 hours before bedtime, after 5 pm it is better not to drink it at all. Otherwise, the body may not be ready for a quiet rest and you will have difficulty falling asleep.

IN Lately More and more evidence is being found for the thesis that the effect of a drink depends not so much on the caffeine content, but on the genetic disposition of the person himself. What follows from this? Just the thesis that optimal rate coffee is a very individual indicator and can vary greatly in each specific case. If you are not inclined to experiment with your own body, then use our recommendations and drink your favorite drink no more than 3-4 times a day.

The taste preferences of coffee lovers and the amount that each of them can drink vary. For one category there is only a drink natural origin, the other finds pleasure in soluble. But instant coffee, of course, is less popular. There are those who drink a drink without caffeine. But everyone invariably asks the question, how much coffee can you drink?

How to drink coffee without harm to health?

Often a person does not think about how much coffee you can drink. It is important to figure out how many cups and mugs of coffee you can drink. Traditional small coffee cups are out of fashion these days. Increasingly, preference is given to large universal mugs. True, some drink half the capacity, while others drink the full one. Therefore, it is more correct to put the question this way: how much coffee per day can be consumed, regardless of whether you drink it from a glass or from a porcelain cup.

It matters how much milk is in coffee. Various drinks differ in composition.

Thus, due to a large number external factors, the measurement is usually carried out in accordance with a single coffee unit (abbreviated - KE) - 10 mg of caffeine. So, this dose is indicated in the following formulations:

How much caffeine per day can be without harm to health?

What matters is the total amount of caffeine per day that your body receives from other foods: chocolate, tea, energy drinks.

Actually, potential harm Coffee's health benefits are linked to its caffeine content. Therefore, the type of drink also matters: natural or instant. Someone prefers in general: the caffeine content in it is minimal.

So the challenge comes down to determining how much caffeine you can get per day. According to experts, 400 mg of caffeine per day is completely harmless. For the public, this option looks like this:

  • espresso - 8 servings (4 double servings);
  • cooked natural coffee- 800 ml.

How many spoons of coffee to put in a mug?

This issue depends on individual taste preferences everyone. However, too much coffee will make the drink simply tasteless. Usually put a couple of teaspoons per 200 ml, but this is a matter of taste. Again, someone likes to brew coffee in a Turk, someone drinks exclusively instant coffee varieties, someone buys coffee beans and manually grinds them with a coffee grinder.

In this regard, there is a need unified system measurements. The table will help you, how many grams of coffee are in a teaspoon of coffee.

In order not to harm the body, control the total amount of caffeine consumed. It is believed that 100 mg of caffeine is 1 KE, which corresponds to 3 teaspoons for ground coffee and 2 teaspoons directly for instant.

How many grams of coffee is allowed to drink in 24 hours?

If you compare how many grams of coffee you can drink per day based on the amount of caffeine per gram of drink, you get a very small amount. A dose of 2 KE is safe, that is, 200 milligrams of caffeine corresponds to one use. If a person drinks 2 double espressos or 400 ml of brewed coffee, then there will be no harm to the health of the body. But on condition that at least 6 hours will pass before the next intake of this drink.

If a person consumes a product with a volume of 2 times less, then he will be able to drink another cup in three hours.

Now you know how many cups of coffee you can drink per day. This is determined by how early a person gets up and how long he is awake.

How much can you drink instant and natural coffee per day?

How many times a day you can drink coffee depends on both the quality and its large or small amount. The amount of caffeine in a product when it is self-prepared is determined in this way. It should be taken as a basis 100 mg of caffeine present in dosages:

  • ground type - three teaspoons with top;
  • soluble type - two teaspoons.

How much instant coffee you can drink per day is also determined by the concentration of the powder. There is no big difference whether two spoons of powder will be diluted in 100 ml of water or 200 ml. Although the second option is preferable.

If we talk only about caffeine, answering how much instant coffee you can drink per day, then the picture is quite clear - soluble kind product seems safer. But it should be borne in mind that among its ingredients there are various chemical substances which negatively affects health. Scientists are confident that 200 ml for a single dose will not affect the state of the body.

Those who want an answer on how many glasses of coffee you can drink per day should be aware of the benefits. If you do not abuse the invigorating drink, then it can be very useful for the human body.

Is it safe to drink coffee for children and how much

Experts say children and teenagers are not allowed to drink coffee. But the drink can be consumed with milk, then the answer about how much coffee a teenager can drink sounds like this: coffee is allowed for adolescents at the rate of 3 mg of caffeine per 1 kg of weight.

When they talk about children, everything here is determined by height - from 30 to 10 milligrams. This number is the limit for them.

Can you drink coffee before bed? How and when is the best time to drink coffee?

To make your favorite drink healthy and happy exquisite taste, important to follow simple rules its uses:

  • coffee can be drunk three times a day, 100 ml each. But for those who are interested in how much you can drink coffee with milk, there is such an answer. The same amount, but the volume can be increased;
  • Can you drink coffee before breakfast? It is recommended not to start the day with coffee, but to do it after breakfast and not to accompany the process with the use of sweets;
  • how much natural coffee can you drink? 5-6 cups are enough, otherwise the body will be damaged. This should be remembered by coffee lovers who seek to raise the tone of the body by increasing the amount of their favorite product;
  • the last cup must be consumed 5 hours before bedtime so that insomnia does not overcome;
  • relevant are the grain or ground type of drink. How much natural coffee can you drink per day? Experts allow up to 400 ml, but soluble, especially cheap, is best limited to one cup.

Coffee - on the one hand, is useful for a person, on the other hand, in large volumes it is detrimental to health. Everything needs a measure - 5-6 doses per day are the limit for coffee lovers.

A cup of fragrant tonic coffee helps to wake up and cheer up in the morning, improves mood and performance during the day, opens a "second wind" and relieves fatigue in the evening.

It is difficult to limit yourself to just 1-2 servings of fragrant and delicious drink, so the daily intake of caffeine entering the body slowly increases. Just the amount of this alkaloid determines how much coffee you can drink without significant harm to health. For an adult without chronic diseases, safe daily allowance 300-400 ml or one and a half to two glasses of coffee is considered. The use of caffeine in such quantities will not have unpleasant consequences for the body.

Some people like to drink strong espresso, while others like diluted Americano. The amount of caffeine they contain varies. European Harm Control Authority food products recommends not to exceed a single dose of caffeine 200 mg and a daily dose of 400 mg.

For comparison: 1 espresso contains 77 mg of caffeine, and one americano contains 2 times more (154 mg). Therefore, the rate of coffee for espresso lovers is 5 cups per day, and Americano fans can afford to drink 2-2.5 servings of their favorite invigorating drink.

The same substance can be a medicine and a poison at the same time, depending on its quantity. Yes, in daily diet the dose of coffee should not exceed 6 cups per day.

The lethal dose of the drink is 80-100 cups per day. Hardly anyone can drink that much. But you can easily exceed the safe amount of caffeine and get caffeine poisoning. Its signs: ringing in the ears, "flies" before the eyes, rapid breathing, intestinal upset, excessive sweating, redness of the skin. It should be borne in mind that each person is individual, and everyone has their own rate of caffeine consumption.

How many cups of coffee can you drink a day

Researchers from the Düsseldorf University. Heinrich Heine found out how much coffee you can drink per day, and whether there are any health benefits from this. The experiments were carried out on old rodents that suffered from diabetes and obesity. Caffeine contributed to the active entry of the p27 protein into mitochondria, thereby stimulating their functions, which are to protect cells. of cardio-vascular system from damage.

The researchers argued that to trigger the defense mechanism, you should drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day. Now it remains to prove that positive action caffeine has not only effects on mice, but also on humans.

Natural ground coffee

To understand how many cups of coffee you can drink per day, you must first clarify the issue of their size. Some are satisfied with a portion of up to 100 ml, for others, a 300 ml mug is not enough. The strength of the drinks also varies.

Safe daily dose(400 ml of caffeine per day) contains:

  • in 8 cups of espresso;
  • in 0.8 l of natural grain drink brewed in a Turk.

A single safe dose of coffee consumption is:

  • 4 cups of espresso;
  • 400 ml of brewed coffee.

The time interval between taking the maximum portions of an invigorating drink should be at least 6 hours. The alkaloid during this time is excreted from the body. A standard cup of your favorite drink can be drunk after 3 hours.

How much instant coffee can you drink per day

The standard dose of the alkaloid, which is 100 mg of caffeine, is contained in 2 tsp. instant coffee powder or 3 tsp. with top natural ground. What matters is the amount of dry powder poured into the mug, not the volume of water. The norm of coffee per day is 2-3 such servings.

But even for a healthy person powder instant drink is an unacceptable option. It consists of emulsifiers, dyes, stabilizers, various fillers and only 15-25% of natural coffee.

The technological process for the manufacture of instant powder drink involves the use of chemical solvents and acids, which are not completely removed from the finished product.

Decaffeinated coffee without harm to health

Decaffeinated beverages contain minimal amount caffeine - about 4 mg. For this, the grains are subjected to repeated processing, which eliminates the benefits of the drink. The tonic and invigorating effect also disappears.

But you can’t even drink such a decaffeinated drink in liters. The natural acids, fats and sugars it contains excessive amounts can provide harmful effect on the heart, vascular and digestive systems. The daily norm of coffee without caffeine is 800 ml. This means that without harming the body, you can drink coffee in the amount of 4 mugs of 200 ml.

What happens when you drink six or more cups

Depending on the amount, a natural freshly brewed drink can be healing infusion or poison to the body. The researchers found out what effect the coffee drunk during the day has on the human body:

  • 1 cup of a tonic drink is not only harmless, but also reduces pressure and improves the condition of the arteries;
  • 2 cups of drink reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • It is useful to drink 3 servings of the drink as a prevention of ovarian cancer and the appearance of stones in gallbladder, but at the same time increases the likelihood of a heart attack;
  • 4 cups - prevention of development diabetes, oncological diseases prostate, oral cavity, larynx; but at the same time, the likelihood of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of the joints increases;
  • 5 cups of coffee reduce the risk of liver disease, but provoke the development of osteoporosis;
  • 6 cups contain an excessive dose of alkaloid for the body, while researchers believe that the amount of antioxidants obtained from an invigorating drink drunk in such an amount will protect against skin cancer: but caffeine in such a volume leads to dehydration of the body, mental disorders, the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome, causes heart attacks, hypertensive crisis.

Drinking a drink made from natural coffee beans in reasonable quantities (two cups of coffee) has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver and endocrine system and also contributes to:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • expansion and strengthening of blood vessels;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • increase in working capacity.

Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and digestive problems.

A few tips will help reduce its negative effect on the body:

  • give preference to Arabica, which contains less caffeine than robusta;
  • reduce daily allowance drink if you drink it on an empty stomach;
  • maintain a three-hour interval between drinking your favorite drink;
  • if you smoke, reduce the daily dose of caffeine, as nicotine constricts blood vessels, and the load on the heart increases;
  • cream, milk, a slice of lemon contribute to reducing the concentration of caffeine and improving the taste of the drink.

If you have to drink an instant drink, limit yourself to 1 cup. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have chronic diseases.
