
Plant and drink a bit like coffee. Morning joy cocktail

Coffee substitutes. What plants can be used to make a fragrant and healthy drink?

blooming chicory

Coffee, brought in the Middle Ages from America, quickly gained popularity in the Old World. It is natural that coffee beans were expensive, afford a cup of real fragrant coffee only wealthy people could. But the fashion for coffee has spread to other sectors of society. It was then that people began to experiment, trying to create drinks similar in taste and color to coffee, but made from available and not expensive plants.
To prepare drinks similar to natural coffee, they began to use various cereals, vegetables, roots of garden and wild plants, acorns, chestnuts, seeds, berries, etc. Often, substitutes turned out to be very similar to real coffee. It was not without falsification, when in inexpensive coffee houses an inexperienced visitor could be served a drink in which real coffee was mixed with surrogates, or even completely replaced by them.

Over time, substitutes for the popular drink gained popularity, and not only among people who could not afford real coffee because of the high price, but also among those who, for medical reasons, had to limit themselves to drinking it. It is curious that many coffee drinks They were not only tasty, but also much healthier than real coffee.

Perhaps the most commonly used coffee substitutes are chicory roots, barley, and acorns. Other plants also came into play. There are several dozen recipes for making coffee drinks, including those from exotic plants that do not grow in Europe or are extremely rare. But many recipes for making ersatz coffee are quite affordable, since the ingredients necessary for their preparation can be bought at a vegetable store, grown independently in a garden, collected in a field or in a forest.

Chicory has been known since ancient times. Pretty blue flowers of this plant can be seen in urban wastelands, along roadsides, along ditches and ravines, in meadows and river banks. Previously, chicory was used in cooking, preparing salads and seasonings from its leaves. And also in traditional medicine. traditional healers chicory preparations were used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, to normalize metabolism, improve appetite and digestion. The plant is also used to treat skin inflammations, etc. They even tried to treat hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver with chicory.

Chicory is still widely used in folk medicine, but it has long been better known as a coffee substitute. To prepare a coffee drink, long chicory roots are used. Best time for harvesting roots - autumn. If possible, then the stems from the roots are not cut off, but in this form the plant is laid out for ten days in the shade, so that during the drying of the stems and leaves, part useful substances of them passed into the roots. Then the roots are washed off the ground, cut into small pieces and dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of 60-80 degrees.

To prepare a coffee drink, dried chicory roots are fried in a pan or baking sheet until brownish and ground in a coffee grinder or mortar. Brewed to taste, usually a teaspoon of roots in a glass of water, brought to a boil and kept for 3-5 minutes on low heat or a water bath. Then they give some time to brew. Milk or cream can be added to the drink. Sometimes the drink is immediately prepared with milk. Connoisseurs of useful and fragrant drink from chicory, it is recommended to add not sugar, but honey to it.

Harvesting chicory roots is not so simple. Those who do not have such an opportunity can be advised to use other plants for making a coffee drink, for example, ordinary vegetables that can be bought in a store or grown in a personal plot. Moreover, the process of making ersatz coffee from beets, carrots or Jerusalem artichoke does not take much time and effort.

To prepare a coffee drink, medium-sized red beets are used, which are pre-cleaned, cut into small pieces(you can use coarse grater) and dried in the oven. Before preparing the drink, dried beets are fried in a pan or baking sheet. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the taste of the drink will turn out to be unnecessarily bitter.

Roasted beets are ground in a coffee grinder or mortar. If beetroot powder is made in excess, it can be stored in glass jar With tight lid. The principle of brewing a coffee drink from beets is about the same as from chicory. The time of boiling and infusion is chosen independently, in this, as in the preparation of real coffee, there may be various options, including the use of an electric coffee maker.

The procedure for preparing a coffee drink from Jerusalem artichoke or carrots is the same as from red beets. I met mentions that you can make a drink from sugar beets, moreover, you don’t need to add sugar to it. The only problem is the sugar beets in retail practically never occurs.

There are a significant number of other plants from which you can make a delicious and healthy coffee drink.

Various plants are used to make coffee drinks. In the previous part of the article, it was told how to make ersatz coffee from. Not less than original drink can be obtained from rye, barley, sunflower seeds, beans, acorns, and even or. And this list is far from complete.

Many people are probably familiar with barley coffee drink. I don't know how it is now, but Soviet times V baby food it was not recommended to use real coffee, so in school canteens and pioneer camps they usually gave it instead barley drink. In those days, the powder for making such drinks was freely sold, even the name is vaguely remembered, either “Spikelet”, or “ barley ear", or just "Barley".

Probably, something similar is now available for sale. But if desired, the powder for such a drink can be prepared independently. To do this, you can use barley or rye. Clean the selected grain from impurities, rinse, dry and fry in a pan or baking sheet with constant stirring. Grind in a coffee grinder, brew in the same way as natural coffee, adding milk, cream, sugar to taste. If it is difficult to buy real barley, you can use it.

There is another recipe for preparing a powder for a coffee drink from grains, but more complex. The selected grain of rye or barley is soaked for 15-20 hours in cold water. Then washed and boiled until the grains begin to burst. Washed again and dried. The further principle of preparation is standard.

If desired, you can make a coffee substitute not from grain, but from flour, although this is more troublesome. To do this, a stiff dough is kneaded from rye or barley flour in milk with the addition of eggs, which is rolled out and cut into small noodles. Further preparation goes the same way as from grain - the noodles are dried, fried, crushed, etc.

Sometimes, according to the same principle as from rye or barley, a coffee drink is prepared from sunflower seeds. But more often, sunflower is not used on its own for a drink, but is added to give an original flavor to the powder from chicory, beets, barley, etc.

It is not difficult to prepare a coffee substitute from small beans. To do this, they are soaked in water for several hours, washed, boiled for 15-20 minutes, washed again and dried. The further order of preparation is standard.

A coffee drink can also be made from acorns. To do this, the acorns are peeled, cut into several pieces, poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 10-15 hours. After that, they are dried, fried, chopped, etc. A coffee drink is made from chestnuts (real ones, not horse ones!), Only in this case, you can do without soaking.

The original coffee drink can be prepared from the roots of fireweed, burdock, dandelion, parsnip, wheatgrass, reed (bulrush, not to be confused with cattail). The procedure for preparing drinks is, in principle, the same for all these plants. Just keep in mind that burdock (a biennial plant) uses the root of the first year. The roots are washed, cut into small pieces, dried, fried until brown, etc.

A tasty and healthy coffee drink can be prepared from seeds, hawthorn, viburnum, rose hips. But this is rather exotic, since okra is just beginning to gain popularity among our gardeners, and in order to prepare the seeds of other plants, you will have to tinker. In addition, rosehip seeds must be washed very thoroughly so that there are no hairs left in them. But for the sake of experiment or for testing, drinks can be prepared from them, fortunately, all these plants are medicinal, so ersatz coffee will be not only original, but also very useful. The principle of making drinks from these seeds is standard: drying, roasting, grinding, etc.

It is not necessary to make a coffee drink from just one plant. The taste will be richer and more original if you use a mixture of different plants in the preparation. Similar recipes with quantitative ratios can be found on the Internet. But it is much more interesting to experiment on your own, perhaps you will get ratios that allow you to get a drink with not only the original, but also exquisite taste. It is worth considering that the listed plants are far from exhausting the list of those from which coffee drinks can be prepared. So there is a lot of room for experimentation.

Among gardeners and gardeners okra everything is perceived as, although in Lately it is becoming more and more popular. This is largely facilitated by its excellent taste and the possibility of using in diet food. The birthplace of okra is Africa, in the southern countries where this plant has been cultivated for a long time, it is known by many names - bhindi, okra, vegetable hibiscus, gombo.

In Russia, attempts to cultivate okra began a long time ago, especially since it is not so difficult. I met references in the literature that it was grown in the Moscow region, the former not only famous writer but also by a practicing physician. Apparently, he was interested not only in its taste, but also in its healing properties.

In the Mediterranean, the healing properties of okra have been used since ancient times. Its fruits contain many vitamins, carotene, easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, potassium salts, mucous substances. From the seeds of okra, an oil is obtained that can compete with olive oil. The plant is traditionally used to restore strength after an illness or when the body is depleted, to feed people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions of young fruits are used in the treatment of bronchitis.

Okra is an annual plant of the Malvaceae family, its "relatives" are garden mallow, cotton. Like most mallows, the plant is tall. Varieties considered dwarf reach 30-40 centimeters, they are usually grown as ornamentals. To obtain fruits, tall forms of plants are often planted, reaching two meters in height. Young fruits are eaten, resembling long pods of green pepper 5-25 cm long. The fruits grow very quickly, if they are not harvested at the age of 3-5 days, they become coarse, begin to turn brown and lose nutritional value. Fruits are allowed to ripen only for the sake of seeds, unripe seeds are used for food instead, ripe ones are used in medical practice to obtain oil and a substitute.

Okra fruits are eaten as fresh(they can be used in the preparation of salads), and boiled, stewed, fried, used as a seasoning for soups and sauces. In addition, they are dried, frozen, canned. There are many recipes for cooking dishes with okra. If you wish, you can experiment, since it is difficult to spoil dishes with okra.

Growing okra under conditions middle lane presents no particular difficulties, but has its own characteristics. Okra is a heat-loving plant, so it can be planted with seeds in the ground only in areas with a relatively hot climate or in heated greenhouses. Gardeners often plant seedlings of okra in the first half of June, when the soil warms up enough.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in late April - early May in deep pots (preferably in peat humus), as the plant has a long taproot, which is highly undesirable to injure during transplantation. The soil for seedlings is prepared from light fertile soil with the addition of humus and mineral fertilizers. Seeds are usually deepened by 2-4 centimeters and watered moderately so that there is no waterlogging and no crust appears on the ground.

Okra usually germinates in 1-2 weeks if the soil temperature is close to 15 degrees. At lower temperatures, seed germination is delayed, and seedlings appear frail. After germination, it is advisable to feed the plant with phosphate fertilizers, you can use nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water). Periodic top dressing is carried out during the growth period.

When planting in the soil, it must be borne in mind that okra does not like thickening. Usually, in a row between plants, the distance is 30-40 cm, and between rows - at least 50 cm. It does not require abundant watering, but it also does not tolerate drying out of the soil. The plant has a long root, so the earth should be well moistened to a depth of at least 30-40 cm. When growing okra in greenhouses, periodic ventilation is necessary to prevent overheating and high humidity.

Okra grows fast, bloom and bear fruit early maturing varieties usually start 2-2.5 months after planting. During the fruiting period, it is advisable to moderately feed with humus and potassium nitrate. Harvesting is carried out at intervals of 2-4 days, not allowing the pods to overripe. Since the fruits are plucked unripe, they are stored poorly - they begin to coarsen. It is advisable to use them for food or for canning in the first days after collection.

Okra bears fruit for a long time, until the onset of the first frost. It can survive short-term frosts down to minus 3 degrees, but fruiting will slow down with a decrease in temperature. To produce seeds on several plants, the pods are allowed to fully mature. By the way, ripe okra seeds are an excellent coffee substitute. The drink turns out to be fragrant, and since it does not contain caffeine, it can be drunk at night and given to children. Thanks to its excellent taste and high yield, okra is becoming more and more popular. Recently, on sale you can find seeds of several varieties of this interesting plant. According to the Internet, most often lovers of this exotic plant the following varieties are grown: Green velvet, White velvet, White cylindrical 127, Lady fingers, Dwarf greens. Try and you plant this representative of sultry Africa on your site.


When looking for the perfect coffee substitute, be sure to try a lot of things until you settle on something that suits you. Although there is no need to stop drinking coffee if you use it in reasonable doses. But if you are still seriously thinking about it, then try some of this.

1. Lemon tea with goji berries

To date lemon tea with goji berries is the best coffee substitute. This tea is a novelty, but it is becoming popular very quickly. Famous bloggers like Cathy Patalski from the Happy Healthy Life blog are in love with this drink. To make this tea, you need to brew a spoonful of green or black tea with squeezed lemon juice and add a couple of tablespoons of goji berries to it. add red Bell pepper with maple syrup or honey - to taste.


Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin A, which prolongs life, strengthens immune system and cleanses the skin. Lemons, maple syrup or honey, and capsicum are excellent cleansing foods, while black and green tea are rich in antioxidants and contain caffeine. The combination of all these flavors immerses us in a real nirvana, like coffee, and this drink is incredibly warming.

2. Cocoa with poppy seeds

One of better ways making something more or less like coffee is pretty easy. Let's not lie, but its taste is practically no different from real coffee. Cocoa also improves mood and gives energy for the whole day. To prepare it, simply boil water for one cup. When the water boils, immediately pour it into a cup and add one teaspoon of powdered poppy seeds, two teaspoons of cocoa powder and, to sweeten the drink, a spoonful of honey. And in order for cocoa to become warming, add a drop of capsicum.


Enjoy! Maca fruit powder is a natural substitute for cream and will give you a feeling of lightness. Also, the drink will balance and give the body a boost of energy. cocoa or raw chocolate powder enhances the action of dopamine in the body, like coffee, and also provides you with incredible energy. The combination of all these flavors is simply divine, it is preferable to drink such a drink after dinner when you need something tonic.

3. Green tea with stevia and lemon

If you want a simple but effective method add energy, then start, perhaps, with a simple green tea. Add a little stevia herb decoction (stevia is a genus of perennial plants of the aster family) for sweetness, as well as lemon for a pleasant taste, and believe me, you will quickly get used to the soothing and cleansing properties of this tea. In principle, you can drink black tea, but green is still preferable, as it has been proven that it contains more antioxidants than other types.


Perhaps you are in love with latte? Then you don't have to give it up. Just do it with Japanese tea matcha instead of coffee! He has a very handsome green color, and therefore it is more fun to drink in the morning, it is very similar to a green smoothie. Matcha is unheated powdered green tea, which makes it richer in antioxidants, and is heated during preparation. Matcha tea is incredibly energizing, toning and cleansing. It will perfectly replace your coffee in the morning, although the taste of both drinks is completely different.


Yes, this tea is quite expensive, but the packaging will last you a long time. All you need to make matcha tea is to warm up a glass of milk (the taste will be incomparably richer if you use almond or coconut milk instead of cow's). Once your milk is warm but not boiling, add 1/2 teaspoon of matcha. You can, of course, pour a full spoon, but it is very strong. Then add some stevia, honey or maple syrup. And finally - a pinch of cinnamon, ginger powder or mint - whichever you prefer. Believe me, this tea is insanely delicious! It will be easier to give up coffee when you drink matcha tea.

5. Cocoa latte

One of my favorite ways to get a dose of pleasure at night and without caffeine is to drink a cup of cocoa. Cocoa latte has more rich taste than plain cocoa or hot chocolate.

Our recipe is this: put on slow fire a cup of almond milk, wait until it is hot but not yet boiling, and add three teaspoons of dark cocoa powder. For a warming effect, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon and stevia for sweetness. And at the end, add whipped cream and wait until it melts. When they begin to melt, it forms on the surface delicious foam. Sprinkle with additional cocoa powder or grated chocolate.


This tea has established itself as the best tea for weight loss. Let's say with confidence - this is a very cool tea with a slight aftertaste of milk. It is obtained by processing raw tea with natural milk vapors. This tea is not for every day, rather tea-holiday. Simply brew oolong tea and add some honey to it, which is the best sweetener for this drink.


If you like, add some lemon juice to boost energy. This tea improves skin condition, heart function, and is also a source of antioxidants that fight cancer.

7. Rooibos tea

Another incredibly delicious drink. Rooibos tea, or red tea, as it is also called, is unfermented, it is rich in antioxidants and with incredible taste. It makes the skin beautiful, and also reduces cravings for sweets - you can safely get enough of them alone.

We like vanilla rooibos, but you can choose any other that you like. Great to add to a drink different spices for milk teas and prepare it in a regular coffee maker that you use to make coffee.


After that, add some stevia for sweetness, as well as cinnamon. And finally - 1/4 almond milk and mix.

8. Barley “coffee” with baked milk

The recipe from the childhood of our mothers and grandmothers is unfairly forgotten today. But we want to revive it - you will not regret if you try to make a drink using our recipe. To start, some information. Barley "coffee" is a storehouse of useful substances. It contains all the B vitamins, fiber and alimentary fiber, which cause a mild choleretic effect, act prophylactically on the formation of kidney stones and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaque. This drink can be safely drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, without fear that the stomach will begin to express dissatisfaction, as happens with coffee. Do not think that we will persuade you to drink instant sachets of bourda. If you drink barley coffee, then real.


By the way, if you remember, the hero of Agatha Christie, detective Hercule Poirot, had great respect for barley drink ... So, the recipe. Rinse some of the barley grains, put in glassware with a wide bottom, pour water so that it barely covers them. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place, change the water twice a day until the sprouts hatch. Fry the second part in a pan so that the grains are browned and slightly burst. Turn the first grains through a meat grinder, the second - grind in a coffee grinder.

Take one teaspoon of both, pour water in a Turk, bring to a boil and boil under supervision for about two minutes. Let it brew for five minutes and strain. And during this time, warm up baked milk to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, pour it into a milk jug. Serve with honey, milk and fried cheese.

The tonic properties of coffee are one of the reasons for the first, second, third ... tenth cup of coffee in the morning. Perhaps a drink made from guarana, the caffeine content of which is several times higher than coffee, will help you cheer up. Brew green tea and pour a third of a teaspoon of guarana extract into a teapot with tea leaves.


Sweeten is better brown sugar. And it is worth diluting with milk or ice cubes so that the heart does not jump out of the chest.

10. Rosehip coffee infusion

If there is absolutely no way without coffee, but you still need to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, try drinking coffee with rosehip infusion. Take the rose hips and crush them (but so that the contents do not come out, otherwise the villi will come out, and this is unpleasant), put half of your usual portion in the turkey ground coffee and twice as many rose hips. Pour in water, boil and simmer for a minute.


It is better to brew such a drink in a Turk on the sand. Let steep for a couple of minutes, strain and serve with brown sugar or honey.

We're not telling you to stop drinking coffee forever, but sometimes why not take a break and experiment? If you're looking for a way to kick your coffee addiction, then try any of these alternatives.

Do you drink coffee? If not, then what is your favorite morning drink? Tell us about it!

How can you cheer up without coffee, what drinks have a stimulating effect or a similar taste? In other words, how to replace coffee with those who want to protect their nervous system from overstimulation or champions of a caffeine-free lifestyle?

8 most popular coffee substitutes

An invigorating drink is avoided by people for various reasons, so search worthy alternatives depends on the state of health, personal taste and other factors.

Let's start in order.

Tea instead of coffee

The most popular coffee substitute. It has a stimulating and tonic effect due to the high content of a whole complex of substances - caffeine, theophylline, theobromine and theanine. It is thanks to the latter that tea has a milder effect compared to coffee, because theanine helps the brain form alpha waves that promote relaxation.

  • Who suits: people who just want to change one stimulant to another, more gentle.

cocoa instead of coffee

A great option for those who find it difficult to refuse rich and thick taste. Cocoa contains a minimum of caffeine, about the same amount is found in a serving of decaffeinated coffee. Bright, chocolate taste- not the only advantage of cocoa. High content trace elements, in particular, magnesium and calcium, potassium and zinc beneficial effect on cardiovascular system generally. Especially well, these substances strengthen the heart muscle. Cocoa is a storehouse of flavonoids. They improve the condition of the skin, and most importantly, neutralize free radicals, thus protecting our cells from destruction.

  • Who suits: those who want to improve their diet while maintaining a taste for life

Chicory instead of coffee

An ideal replacement for coffee for medical reasons. The drink does not contain caffeine at all, but it is rich in inulin. This substance improves the intestinal microflora, regulates blood sugar levels, and the content of magnesium, calcium and other beneficial trace elements strengthens the system of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, chicory has bright aroma, very similar to coffee, with a characteristic bitter taste and gives a rich coffee-colored infusion.

  • Who suits: for those who want a drink that is as close as possible to the taste of coffee, but without caffeine stimulation.

barley coffee

Its taste is very remotely similar to a decoction of coffee beans, but in terms of healing effects, barley coffee is worthy of being at the top of the list. Renders positive impact stomach, intestines, pancreas, heart, gallbladder, vessels. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and restorative action. It is prescribed for those who are recovering from surgery, severe stress or a nervous breakdown. A big plus is the complete absence of contraindications for barley.

  • Who suits: those who are undergoing therapy, recovering from an illness or taking care of the prevention and improvement of the body.

Ginger instead of coffee

Everyone has heard about the tonic properties of this root. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, warms up and stimulates blood flow, strengthens the body's defense system. The acceleration of metabolism helps in the complex of healthy weight loss. Ginger infusion is nothing like coffee, however, many fans of the drink choose ginger infusion as an alternative. Perhaps because of its bright, expressive taste.

  • Who suits: those who are looking for a good stimulant of natural origin.


Another environmentally friendly and safe tonic. It is famous for its strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on the immune system, and normalizes blood sugar levels. Ginseng tincture speeds up metabolism and activates most body systems, so it can be used as an invigorating morning drink.

  • Who suits: lovers of exotic and refined taste sensations.

Schisandra chinensis

Another plant that helps the body to work in full force. A cup of lemongrass infusion will help relieve stress. Its tonic properties help to recover from prolonged stress, it also normalizes blood pressure well and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Who suits: for those who seek good remedy get a morning boost of energy without excessive stimulation of the nervous system.

Some of the active substances that make up the plants have contraindications, so consult your doctor before you start using this or that infusion.

What foods can replace coffee?

What would you eat to lose weight? - this ironic question is known to everyone who has ever been on a diet. We ask in a different way: what would you eat to cheer up? Here is a small but proven list of foods that can replace coffee in your diet.


The product is unique in many ways, its benefits are so great that some biologists and geneticists of the past predicted for them the fate of "second bread". It hasn't worked out yet, but who knows what's ahead of us. In the meantime, a handful of any nuts will help renew and maintain strength, activate the brain and even improve mood. Champions in saturated fatty acids and other benefits are the most common walnuts.

Fresh red berries

They are rich in fruit acids and antioxidants, well tone up and activate the body, normalize blood pressure, blood sugar levels. In addition, red berries and their juice help fight excess free radicals, protecting cells from damage. Raspberries, red currants, cherries - eat to your health. You can add pomegranate seeds to them. Do not be upset if the berry season has passed, stocks prepared by shock freezing store many useful substances.

Dark chocolate

It is not only the joy of the sweet tooth, but also a valuable source of vivacity and good mood. Under its influence, the brain releases an additional portion of endorphin - the hormone of happiness. vigor, performance and good mood you are guaranteed. The sugar found in chocolate will help you solve intellectual problems better.


Yes, yes, a morning serving of apples is quite able to compete with coffee for an invigorating effect. The fact is that this fruit contains a large number of boron, which helps to focus on details, as well as quercetin. It helps the brain to stimulate muscle fibers to work actively, so you are guaranteed a burst of energy after eating an apple.


Orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine perfectly tone up due to the large amount of vitamins. Especially useful is the use of citrus fruits in the morning, at breakfast, the feeling of cheerfulness will not leave you for a long time.

Modern scientists believe that it is more useful to use fruits and berries in their natural form, and not to make fresh juices and smoothies out of them.

Have you tried replacing coffee with something else? Let's share our experience in the comments! Maybe we, inveterate and inveterate coffee lovers, will think about an alternative?

Among the supporters of a healthy lifestyle, the dangers of ordinary coffee have not been argued for a long time, this harm is beyond doubt. But how can you cheer up in the morning without coffee? Which drinks have a stimulating effect and/or similar taste? In other words, how to replace coffee with those who lead healthy lifestyle life? And also for those to whom ordinary coffee, even in small doses, is contraindicated (pregnant women, children, the sick). Introducing the top 20 coffee substitutes.

1) Coffee substitute - Chicory.

Chicory is the most common alternative natural coffee. The substances that make up the chicory root help to remove toxic substances from the body and stimulate the immune system and intestinal microflora. Also instant drink from chicory dilates blood vessels, eliminates attacks of tachycardia and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. chicory in separate form- This dietary product, useful also for diabetics due to the content of inulin. In addition, chicory is used in combination with roasted and ground barley, rye and oat grains as well as natural coffee. This coffee has a pleasant bitterness, fragrant aroma and coffee flavor despite the fact that it does not contain caffeine. To prepare a delicious drink from chicory, it is enough to dissolve two teaspoons of the powder with boiling water, bring everything to a boil and cook over low heat for three minutes. Before drinking coffee, it is necessary to let it brew and strain, if desired, you can add a spoonful of sugar or honey.

Coffee substitute - Chicory

1) Coffee substitute - Acorn coffee (coffee from acorns).

It is now becoming more and more popular as a coffee substitute. Acorns contain proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, tannins, starch and quercetin, which relieves swelling, spasms and inflammation. In addition, acorns, due to their composition, are able to have a diuretic and antioxidant effect. Acorn coffee is considered one of the best substitutes for traditional coffee. Such a drink has tonic properties, is useful for diseases of the heart, stomach and respiratory system.
You can cook it with your own hands. To do this, you need to collect acorns (in late autumn), select only whole and ripe fruits from them and bake in the oven. Baked acorns are peeled and ground in a coffee grinder. You can prepare such coffee both in a Turk, and simply by dissolving a teaspoon of the powder in boiling water. This drink does not contain caffeine, but at the same time it is not inferior to natural coffee in terms of taste characteristics.
In a weak roast, this drink is somewhat reminiscent of cocoa with milk, in a stronger roast - ordinary ground coffee.
You can make coffee from acorns yourself or order our branded, hand-made coffee on the website. own recipe in the estate. We became the first producers of this drink in Russia.
There is no caffeine in coffee from acorns, so it can be drunk by children, pregnant women, and those people who are unable to drink natural coffee for any reason.

Coffee substitute - Acorn coffee

3) Coffee substitute - Beetroot coffee.

For cooking beet coffee beets are cleaned, treated with boiling water and cut into small cubes, which are then fried in a pan and hot grinded in a coffee grinder. The resulting mass is placed in boiling water in the ratio of two teaspoons per 200 ml of water, boiled for 5 minutes, and then allowed to brew. To complement the taste, lemon or sugar is added to the drink. In order to preserve the taste of the resulting coffee for a longer time, it is recommended to store it in a jar with sealed lid or in the freezer, just like traditional natural coffee.

Coffee substitute - beetroot coffee

4) Coffee substitute - Barley coffee.

Barley drink is prepared from barley grains, which have a mass useful properties. For example, they help with diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs. Barley contains proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, as well as a whole complex important trace elements: vitamins A, E, B, D, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine. Thus, it is safe to say that barley coffee is not only original, but also healing product. In some stores, you can buy ready-made coffee made from ground barley grains, which can be brewed in a Turk. However, you can prepare barley powder yourself, for this grain you need to rinse and dry. Next, the dried barley grains are fried in a pan, constantly stirring, preventing the grains from burning, after which they are ground in a coffee grinder. The second cooking option - use fried in a pan until brown barley flour. To complement the taste barley coffee, you can add some chicory or acorn coffee to it, because the barley drink is not so aromatic.

Coffee substitute - barley coffee

5) Coffee substitute - Roasted baobab seeds.

In a baobab, all parts of it can be used as food. The leaves, for example, are used for salads and seasonings, oil is obtained from the fruit, the pulp of the fruit contains vitamins B and C and tastes like ginger. Baobab seeds contain a lot essential oils, are consumed roasted and used for the preparation of extracts and coffee substitutes. To do this, the seeds are roasted and ground, and the resulting mass is used to brew a drink that tastes very much like coffee.

Coffee Substitute - Roasted Baobab Seeds

6) Coffee substitute - Mugitya.

Mugicha is a Japanese drink made from roasted cereals, usually wheat, barley, and oats. For this, unrefined cereals are roasted for cast iron pan to a brownish-golden hue, insist and brew. This drink is usually consumed cold. original taste possesses mugita cooked according to old recipe, when whole grains of oats are poured with boiling water, after which the container is tightly wrapped with a towel and allowed to brew for about five minutes.

Mugitya coffee substitute

7) Coffee substitute - Carob.

Powder carob used as one of the surrogates for coffee, although it is not widely used in Russia. A drink made from carob powder tastes like cocoa, in addition, a natural sweetener - carob syrup is very popular. In the homeland of the plant, it is actively used in the culinary and medical fields, in Europe it is used by people on diets. You can usually buy carob powder from online stores that sell this product shipped from Spain.

Coffee substitute - carob.

8) Coffee substitute - Dandelion root.

Dandelion root is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful elements, which contains 40% inulin, about 20% proteins, 15% sugar, organic compounds, vitamins C, B2, P, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, sterols, nicotinic acid, choline, flavonoids, tannins. For one cup of coffee, you will need the roots of two or three dandelions. Dandelion roots are harvested mainly during periods of early spring and late autumn, it is at this time of the year that they are not depleted of flowering and have medicinal properties. Dandelion roots are cut into small cubes, roasted or dried and used to make a drink at any time of the year. To prepare dandelion coffee, processed root pieces are placed in cold water and bring it to a boil. When the drink acquires a brownish coffee color, it is removed from the fire and infused. This coffee has an original slightly sweet taste, and somewhat reminiscent of chicory.

Coffee substitute - Dandelion root.

9) Coffee substitute - Guarana (contains caffeine!)

Since ancient times, guarana has been used to treat headaches, as an antipyretic and invigorating agent. Guarana is a dried pulp made from the processed seeds of the Brazilian tree vine. During the grinding of guarana, small particles of the peel remain in the finished mass and give the drink an original chocolate taste with a slight bitterness. Guarana contains even more caffeine than coffee or tea, so it may not be suitable for people looking for a decaffeinated alternative to coffee. A drink made from the seeds of this plant is common in the cultures of many peoples. Guarana coffee gained its wide popularity in the 19th century among the French, in other countries alcohol was added to the powder, obtaining an original drink with unique taste characteristics.

Coffee substitute - Guarana (contains caffeine!)

10) Coffee substitute - Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke ( earthen pear) - perennial herbaceous plant aster family. Jerusalem artichoke is native to North America. Now Jerusalem artichoke is actively grown in Russia. This plant has many useful properties, and for diabetics it is completely ideal, since the content of inulin in it is only 20%, which is not found in any other product. The value of Jerusalem artichoke are rhizomes. To prepare a drink from Jerusalem artichoke, you first need to wash it, chop it into pieces, dry it for fresh air and then roast in the oven until browned. Next, Jerusalem artichoke cubes are crushed in a coffee grinder and brewed according to classic recipe making coffee. Cream and sugar can be added to the prepared drink, as well as a small amount of natural coffee to enhance the taste.

Coffee substitute - Jerusalem artichoke.

11) Coffee substitute - Sweet potato.

Sweet potato is a plant in which all parts are edible, it contains glucose, ascorbic acid, various minerals and vitamins. Also noted in the sweet potato great content riboflavin, thiamine, iron, niacin and others valuable substances. Sweet potato seeds are also used to make a drink that tastes like traditional coffee, for this, dry the product cut into pieces in the oven or in a frying pan, then grind it in a coffee grinder and brew it in a Turk.

Coffee substitute - Sweet potato.

12) Coffee substitute - Pear seeds.

In a pear, not only their fruits are useful, but also a change rich in oils, from which you can make a drink that is great alternative natural coffee. To do this, fruit seeds must be fried for hot pan, grind in a coffee grinder and brew in the same way as classic ground coffee.

Coffee substitute - Pear seeds.

13) Coffee substitute - Beech nut.

Beech nut has found wide application in the production of oil, which replaces Provence, walnut, poppy and other types of oils. In addition, beech nut is actively used for the manufacture of coffee surrogate. To do this, dried nuts are roasted in the shell until a shade of natural roasted coffee appears. Processed nuts are crushed in special mills until a fine-grained structure is formed.

Coffee substitute - Beech nut.

14) Coffee substitute - curly lily.

Curly lily is a perennial bulbous plant of the lily family, has beneficial properties, has a calming and analgesic effect. In addition, this plant has a food purpose, it is used raw, boiled, fried and as a seasoning. To make a lily coffee surrogate, the bulbs are dried and ground into a powder.

Coffee substitute - curly lily.

15) Coffee substitute - Chufa (Cyperus esculentus), or ground almonds.

Chufa - a perennial plant from the sedge family, is a natural antioxidant, has antiseptic properties, helps lower cholesterol, improve metabolism and dilate blood vessels. Chufa is a nutritious product, the most valuable part which are considered to be its nodules (underground cones), they contain 20% sugar, 25% starch, 20-25% oil and up to 8% protein. Cyperus tubers taste like almond kernels, they are used boiled and fried, used in the manufacture of confectionery, drinks and coffee substitute.

Coffee substitute - Chufa (Cyperus esculentus), or ground almonds.

16) Coffee substitute - Blood red hawthorn.

Hawthorn fruits contain many valuable elements, such as flavonoids, organic acids (citric, ursolic, coffee and others), carotenoids, tannins, fixed oils, vitamins K, E, C. Since ancient times, jelly and jams, as well as tea and coffee substitutes, have been produced from hawthorn fruits. The process of making coffee is practically no different from the preparation of other coffee substitutes, first the fruits are dried in the oven or in a pan, after which they are ground in a coffee grinder, brewed with boiling water and infused.

Coffee substitute - blood red hawthorn.

17) Coffee substitute - Common dogwood.

Dogwood has many useful properties, it has a diuretic, choleretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Dogwood berries contain pectins, which help rid the body of toxins and remove urea. In addition, dogwood strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, relieves swelling and inflammation in the veins. Dogwood fruits are used to make decoctions and jams, and the remaining seeds are used to make a coffee substitute, for this you need to rinse and dry them in a pan. The dried seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, and the resulting mass is brewed in a Turk like regular coffee.

Coffee substitute - Common dogwood.

18) Coffee substitute - Robinia pseudoacacia.

Robinia, or pseudo-acacia, as it is also called, is a deciduous plant of the legume family. Flowers, bark and leaves of robinia have medicinal properties and contain essential oils, esters salicylic acid, tannin. Robinia seeds contain more than 10% essential oils and are used to make coffee substitutes. To do this, the seeds are dried, fried in a hot pan or oven and processed in a coffee grinder.

Coffee substitute - Robinia pseudoacacia.

19) Coffee substitute - Sunflower seeds.

A coffee drink can be made from sunflower seeds. Although most often the powder from these seeds is mixed with chicory, acorns, beets, barley powder to get a drink with an original taste.

Coffee substitute - Sunflower seeds.

20) Coffee substitute - Rye seeds.

The grain must be sorted out, cleaned of impurities, washed, dried, fried in a pan with constant stirring, used to make a drink.

Coffee substitute - Rye seeds.

This is the wealth of taste and benefits that nature gives us! Choose a drink according to your taste and the possibility of collecting and preparing it.

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For many people, the morning begins with a cup of fragrant and invigorating drink, whose name is coffee ... Today we will not talk about its benefits or harms - this is written in detail. We will talk about what can replace coffee. Indeed, sometimes, due to certain circumstances (for example, your health condition does not allow you), we do not have the opportunity to drink coffee, but there is a need to cheer up. So, coffee substitutes from World Without Harm, which have a similar effect, but without the disadvantages of coffee

Drink with lemon and honey

Cocoa with orange juice

With the help of such unusual drink how you can cheer yourself up and give positive emotions to your body and soul for the whole coming day. In addition, such a unique combination - cocoa with orange juice, contributes to the normalization of cholesterol balance, and after a few sips you will already feel full.

In order to prepare this miracle drink, grate a little orange zest, and squeeze orange fresh from half of this sunny fruit. Then, cook cocoa, add milk to it, and then orange juice and zest. If the taste of the drink seems too harsh for you, add a drop of honey or a little brown sugar.

Tea with ginger

Tea with ginger root

Tea with lemongrass

Experts believe that it is tea with the addition of lemongrass that is a complete replacement for coffee, because this drink with pleasant taste and aroma gives you strength, energy, helps to cope with depression, and has a beneficial effect on liver function and your memory.

To prepare this drink, take 10 grams of dried young shoots of lemongrass and fill them with 1 liter boiling water. If this tea seems too concentrated and rich to you, you can simply add a few lemongrass leaves to your ordinary tea. True, in this case, the effect and benefits of the drink will proportionally decrease.

Green tea with jasmine

You can replace coffee with green tea with the addition of. The tonic properties of the drink will remind you of the effect of coffee. However, given that green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, while this caffeine “works” longer than the caffeine from coffee, this should not be surprising. In addition, green tea contains catechins - substances that have antimicrobial, antioxidant and antitumor properties.
You can also add lemon to this tea, but in this case the water temperature should not be more than 80-85 degrees.

Break instead of coffee

In order to charge your body with energy, instead of drinking coffee, take a short break. Take a break from your work, take a break, change the type of activity, 10-15 minutes are enough, after a break you will feel better, besides, after such a physical and emotional break you will be able to work better and faster, respectively, your productivity will increase in times.

Sleep instead of coffee

In most cases, lack of sleep and sleep deprivation is what causes you to feel lethargic and act distracted. So, if you have the opportunity, do not drive sleep away from yourself with a cup of coffee, but rather lie down and take a nap. Enough 10-15 minutes of sleep, as they will give your body the opportunity to rest. At this time, your brain will turn off from problems and worries. Therefore, even a short sleep will give you cheerfulness and lightness, and you can easily concentrate on solving pressing problems and worries.

By the way, researchers are sure that sleep has, where best influence on the human body than caffeine, in addition, sleep has no side properties(of course, if you are not tormented by nightmares in a dream). More about .
