
Proper brewing of green tea. Benefits and recipes for brewing green tea

Hello, dear guests of the blog "I am a villager." Black tea and coffee are gradually being replaced by green tea. Without additives, it is not as fragrant as its "relatives", but you can get much more benefit from it.

Green tea has been popular for several centuries, but it has only been in the last ten years that it has been established. healing properties. Today we will answer the question of how to properly brew green tea so that it does not lose its properties.

We briefly describe useful and harmful properties. Let's talk about which tea is better to choose in order to get the maximum benefit.

Green tea is made from the leaves. They are processed at a temperature of 170-180 degrees, then fermented for no more than two days, the fermentation is completed by heating. finished product has a color from light green to dark green.

And the finished drink can turn out yellowish, orange or greenish. The taste should be slightly tart with hints of herbs. If the taste is bitter, then the tea has poor quality, it is overexposed or improperly brewed.

To get a drink High Quality, buy a leaf product without additives. You won't get any health benefits from tea bags because they are waste products from the tea business.

For example, in Asia they use tea with "bricks". It consists of old leaves (75%) and branches, has tart taste and be stored for a long time. But still, tea of ​​the highest quality will bring more, without any additives.

Benefit and harm

Our hero has a lot of useful properties. He took a worthy place not only in Food Industry but also in cosmetology. Experts recommend that they wash their faces, wipe the skin with ice cubes with frozen broth.

Video about the benefits of green tea

Any product has its contraindications or limitations in use. weak drink will not cause such harm as strong.


  • During pregnancy, because it contains caffeine and prevents the breakdown of folic acid.
  • For diseases of cardio-vascular system and nervous disorders.
  • At elevated temperature, as it is able to increase it even more.
  • With a stomach ulcer, due to an increase in the acidity of the bile juice.
  • With liver disease, poor absorption of iron.
  • Negatively affects the skeleton and bones, reducing their density.

How to make tea, rules

To make the drink tasty, fragrant and as healthy as possible, you should adhere to several simple rules. In addition, some varieties of tea require certain brewing conditions, they should be clarified when buying.

Three basic rules:

  1. temperature and water quality.
  2. A portion.
  3. Brewing duration.

By adhering to these criteria, you will get an amazing drink.

A portion of a dry leaf depends on the strength of the tea, the size of the tea leaves. Usually 1 tsp is taken. to a glass of water.

The duration of brewing is calculated rather individually. It depends on the size of the leaves or tea leaves and on the strength of the tonic effect that you want to get. Theine, which is part of the composition and awakens vigor in us, dissolves already in the first minute, and then it mixes with tannins (first the body absorbs them, and only then theine).

If you want to get a weighty, intense boost of energy, do not brew tea for more than 1 minute. And if you want to get a not very intense charge, but a long one, leave the tea leaves in the water for longer. Over time, you yourself will learn how to choose the brewing time depending on the specific situation.

To get a high-quality and healthy drink, use spring water if it is not filtered, and if only tap water is at hand, let it settle.

Distilled water won't work, it won't work either. boiling water. It kills all useful substances. Therefore, the average temperature for brewing is 80-90 degrees. It can be determined by hand - the steam should not burn the hand.

The most the best dishes for brewing, this is a kettle, for a long time holding temperature. Porcelain or clay cups, silverware are used.

The brewing procedure itself is not long, but has its own nuances. Before pouring tea, the teapot is warmed up and a clean, dry spoon is used for brewing. As soon as the tea leaves are poured into the teapot, it is wrapped in a warm cloth; gourmets have beautiful attributes for this.

The teapot stays warm for a couple of minutes, then the tea leaves are filled with water by a third, it stays that way for a couple of minutes, and only then the teapot is completely filled. Cups for tea drinking are also poured with boiling water, and tea is poured in small portions so that all guests feel the same taste.

Do not drink a drink with sugar; for dessert, it is better to use honey or dried fruits. Green tea with ginger will bring to your body double benefit. High quality tea is brewed 7 times, but still it is not recommended to do this more than twice.

Green tea is very healthy if brewed properly. However, do not forget about contraindications.

Video - brew tea correctly

Today we learned how to properly brew green tea. Wish you have a nice tea party And good mood. Subscribe to news, comment, share with friends if the material was useful to you.

Green tea is very beneficial. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant activity! It contains the most biologically preserved active substances, but he gives them with difficulty, so you need to brew it correctly!

First, choose the right type of tea. It should be pure green tea, without aromatic and flavor additives, medium or large leaf. You can start with cheaper varieties, gradually choosing higher quality ones, so you can appreciate the whole aromatic range of good tea. We choose the right dishes: the teapot and cups should be ceramic, porcelain or earthenware, that is, from a material that retains heat for a long time.

Brewing water should be soft, not boiled. The ideal option is spring, but filtered or frozen is also suitable. Pour water into the bottle, put in freezer when the water along the walls freezes by 1/2 of its volume, we drain the one that is not frozen, and use the melted one for brewing.

Dishes must be preheated before brewing. To do this, at home, simply rinse with boiling water. Pour with a dry teaspoon right amount tea leaves in a teapot. Basically 1 teaspoon of dry tea per 200 ml of water.

Pour the tea for the first time with water and immediately (after 10-15 seconds) drain. So washed away tea leaf and additionally warms the kettle. The second time we pour water into the kettle and let it brew. Brewing time depends on the variety and ranges from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Water for brewing is brought to a boil - 95 degrees, and then cooled to 80 degrees. Ready tea pour into cups in small portions in a circle. This is done in order to achieve the same strength of tea in all cups. Cups should be warm too! Otherwise, tea that cools down quickly in them loses its aroma.

Green tea, depending on the variety, can be brewed from 2 to 7 times, but each time after brewing it is necessary to pour out all the water from the kettle. When brewing green tea, it is important to observe all the subtleties. This will help keep it delicate fragrance and taste and get maximum benefit from a healing drink.

Prefer green tea, knowing about it almost miraculous properties? And you are doing it right. That's just teabags, brewed with boiling water, has nothing to do with a real drink. How to brew green tea correctly? Let's talk about this.

Secrets of tea art

Why art - but because brewing green tea according to all the rules is not an easy task, you need to know so many nuances in order to get a really invigorating, healing and with excellent palatability drink.

What water will we take for brewing?

How to brew green tea correctly - ideally, special water should be used: spring water containing a minimum of salts. But we are realists - where in the conditions of the city should most consumers take such water?

Therefore, we take filtered water, in extreme cases - from the water supply, but it needs to be given time to settle. Bottled water will do too.

How to brew green tea - fill the tea leaves with water desired temperature. And it is from 70 to 90 degrees. Why can't you use boiling water? It will kill everything useful that is contained in the tea leaf.

Well, how to measure the desired temperature? Did you know that water boils at 100 degrees? So - we don’t bring it to this, we catch the right moment, it is called the “state of the white key”. When the bubbles rise up from the bottom of the kettle and there is a slight turbidity of the water, this is exactly what it is.

We remove the kettle and let the water cool a little - up to 80-85 degrees. Water that has not boiled will not be able to brew a drink, and boiled for a long time will kill all the benefits of a tea bouquet.

What is the best pot for brewing?

High-quality porcelain, clay of special grades - here best materials if you are wondering how to brew green tea correctly.

Special Grade Breathable Clay - perfect option, but we do not live in China, we will be content with local realities. And we choose expensive, high-quality porcelain. Compared to faience and glass, it is softer and warms up better.

How to brew green tea correctly - we must warm up the kettle before we brew tea in it. To do this, rinse the container 3-4 times hot water.

Brewing technology

We have prepared the kettle, the water has reached the desired temperature, it's time to start the brewing procedure itself.

How long to brew green tea? Follow the manufacturer's advice. But it's good to know the basic rules:

  1. Pour the tea leaves into the prepared teapot with a dry spoon.
  2. Pour tea leaves with water of the desired degree of heating and immediately drain this water.
  3. We keep the tea leaves in a teapot covered with a lid and wrapped in a napkin for no more than 3 minutes. Too long aging is fraught with bitterness of tea.
  4. Pour water into the kettle by one third and hold for up to 3 minutes, after which we add hot liquid to the top of the container.
  5. Before serving, rinse the cups with hot water - this way they will maintain the optimum temperature of the drink.

What else you should know about how to brew green tea correctly - already 15-20 minutes after preparation healing drink begins to lose its qualities and even becomes harmful to our body.

How many times can a drink be brewed? It depends on its variety. Average optimal amount repeated brewing: from 3 to 5.

How to drink green tea?

It is perfectly acceptable to add a little sugar to the cup - in order to tea bouquet opened up better. In general, it is recommended to drink it with honey, various dried fruits. One of the most popular is Chinese green tea (the country produces elite varieties drink).

They drink tea slowly, in small sips, enjoying the aroma and bouquet. tea drink. And although there are many varieties of green tea - with jasmine, in balls - it is better to use it in pure form before meals - somewhere in an hour and a half or after dinner - after 2 hours.

How to brew green tea correctly - see this video:

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In the East, they said about this product that it softens the heart, strengthens the spirit, relieves fatigue and drives away laziness. This very ancient and healthy drink is green tea. Its history began in mysterious China about 4 thousand years ago. It was there that since ancient times they knew how to brew green tea. Spreading first in Asia and then around the world, it has become one of the most beloved drinks due to its beneficial properties and variety of varieties. It has become an integral attribute of many national cultures.

The tea ceremony is a long and leisurely process of enjoyment. wonderful drink and it can be very difficult to allocate the time necessary for this in the conditions of the continuous rhythm of modern life. But if you know how to brew green tea, you can learn how to unlock its full potential at home. To do this, it is not enough to pour a pinch of tea leaves with boiling water to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma of the drink. First you need to prepare the dishes, water and tea itself.

Choice of utensils for tea drinking

To properly brew tea, you need to seriously approach the choice of tea accessories. Traditionally, ceramic, porcelain, earthenware and glassware is used to brew this drink.

Choice of water for drinking

The taste and aroma of the drink depends on the quality of the water used to brew it. Of course, it should not be from the tap. Green tea can be brewed only in pure spring water without impurities. To finally make sure of its quality, you need to freeze several bottles of water from different manufacturers and choose one in which there will be no sediment after defrosting. You can also use home filters for cleaning.

Tea selection

Before you properly brew tea, you need to familiarize yourself with its assortment and choose the right one. The main indicator of the quality of tea is the color of its leaves. It should be green with a silver or golden hue.

And, of course, no bags - most often waste is sold in them. tea production flavored with dyes. Real green tea should be leafy, whole, not broken. Then he retains all his qualities. To choose the right drink to taste, it is better to try several varieties of green tea and give preference to your favorite.

So, having decided on the choice of brewing dishes and preparing high-quality water, you can proceed to brewing. This ceremony is best done in free time, leisurely, to fully enjoy this aromatic drink.

Brewing tea

The process begins with heating water in a kettle. The state to which it is necessary to properly bring the water is called "silver boiling" - bubbles are just beginning to appear. So, it's time to remove the dishes from the fire and rinse the teapot. It should warm up well so that the walls retain the heat of the water for brewing.

Put the required amount of tea leaves with a dry spoon in teapot. Usually one teaspoon of tea leaves is enough for 150 ml of water. On green tea packages it is written how much it is recommended to take tea leaves and how long it takes to brew it. The first water must be drained, after rinsing the tea leaves - this is how the dust that gets on them during processing in factories is washed off.

The temperature of the water for brewing depends on the type of green tea. For elite - 61 ̊С-69 ̊С, for low-grade - 80 ̊С - 87 ̊С. For cheap tea, the temperature should be as high as possible and it takes more time to reveal all the taste and aroma. Among expensive varieties the drink is so delicate that it takes only 30 seconds to brew. The rest can be kept for no more than 3 minutes. Then the tea will be prepared correctly.

Now you can make tea. The volume of water should be equal to the number of cups so that the tea leaves do not remain in the kettle. This makes the tea bitter. If, nevertheless, the drink turned out to be more than necessary, it must be poured into another teapot - it will be more useful without leaves.

A distinctive feature of green tea is that one serving can be brewed several times (up to 5-6).

Selection useful substances, which tea leaves are saturated with, occurs gradually with each new tea leaves. The water temperature for each new portion should correspond to the type of tea.

Among fans of tea drinking, there are lovers of brewing a drink right in a cup or glass. In principle, this is possible if you follow all the rules: warm the cup well and only then pour the tea leaves, but not more than 1 spoon. Pour in water and hold for the required time. The yellow-brown foam that appeared on the surface of the tea indicates that the drink was prepared correctly.

Having become acquainted with how to brew green tea, you can arrange tea ceremonies at home, delighting your friends and relatives with fragrant and healthy drink. If you follow all the rules for making green tea, it will become a faithful assistant in the fight against many ailments for a long time.

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Do you know how to brew green tea properly? How much to brew and what is better, how to drink green tea? Read our material and enjoy.

The most popular drink in the East is green tea. And not in vain. He has many useful properties, perfectly refreshing and invigorating. What you need in the heat and in the cold - this drink is appropriate at any time of the year. Provided that you will brew and drink it correctly. No wonder the Chinese invented the tea ceremony. A real, good one requires thoughtfulness and creativity, only then will it reveal all the facets of its delicate taste. And you need to start your acquaintance with the drink with how to brew green tea - this is its whole secret. By the way, few people know how to brew it properly, which is why they do not appreciate this drink. But there are a lot of subtleties - how much to brew, how much to take, what dishes to use ...

How to brew Chinese green tea?

First you need to choose the dishes for brewing. If we're talking about Chinese tea, then there are only two options: ceramic or porcelain teapot. And since the tea is green, it is better to choose porcelain dishes. By the way, the dishes affect the taste and aroma of the drink, and porcelain is the best in this regard. It is desirable that not only the teapot was porcelain, but also bowls for a drink. It is bowls - in Asia I use such dishes for a reason.

Today, other dishes are also used for brewing - gaiwan, chahai, tipod. A separate category is Yixing teapots, they also require a couple of lines of description. We will talk about dishes a little lower, but for now let's go over other key aspects. Second, important point- water. When it comes to how to properly brew Chinese green tea, water plays an important role. It must be soft and of good quality. However, this is true for any tea.

The water must be boiled, but It is strongly not recommended to brew this drink with boiling water.. Optimum temperature for brewing - 80-90 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then you can determine the temperature by passing your hand over an open kettle - if the steam does not burn, then you can brew. On average, boiling water cools down to 80 degrees in 2 minutes (we do not recommend testing earlier, you can get burned).

How much to take tea leaves? Depending on the variety, the proportions are different, but, on average, 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water is recommended. You should not take more, the drink will be too strong, too tart, and you will not feel all the subtleties of its taste.

And, of course, the most important thing is which tea to choose. There are many varieties of good green tea, so it's easy to choose. Some people like Yellow Needles with their mild taste of freshly cut grass, while others prefer green tea with fruits, spices or flower petals. It doesn't matter which variety you choose, the important thing is that it be real - large-leaf, high-quality.

How long to brew green tea?

Another subtlety that not everyone observes is how long it takes to brew green tea. If too little, the drink will turn out tasteless, and if you overdo the tea leaves, the drink will be tart, sour. However, many people know what it will be like, since in restaurants and cafes they sin by overexposure of tea.

How long to brew green tea? 1 to 2 minutes, no more. Therefore, if you decide to brew a drink and then drink it after 10-15 minutes, this is a completely wrong decision.

How many times can loose leaf green tea be brewed? On average, three brews are allowed, after which the brew should be changed.
So, how to brew leaf tea- it's time to delve into the intricacies of this process. There are two methods - infusion and strait. Infusion is a familiar ritual. The teapot is pre-rinsed with hot water, then tea leaves are poured into it. Then - pour water into the kettle. And here - attention: this water must be carefully drained, insisting literally 5-7 seconds. That's how they do it in China. For what? To wash off the dust from the tea leaves and give it an opening. This is not an obligatory process, but if we observe Eastern traditions, then completely. After this procedure, you can brew for real, insisting the drink for no more than two minutes.

And now more interesting method brewing. For him, it is best to use Typepod (we mentioned it). It is a two-level kettle, in which the levels are separated by a mesh and a damper that opens at the touch of a button. Tea leaves are poured onto the grid and filled with water. After that, you need to open the damper - the infusion will merge into the lower compartment. Remember that the first time the tea leaves are poured literally for a few seconds, and the resulting infusion, according to the rules, is better to pour out. The second time the tea leaves are infused for 5-10 seconds longer, after which the infusion merges into the lower part of the Tipoda. And then poured into cups.

The same ritual can be done with Gaiwan and Chahai. The first vessel is used directly for brewing tea, and the second is necessary for pouring ready drink. The principle of brewing remains the same, but the ritual itself becomes much more beautiful and meditative.

But, perhaps, the most-most Chinese method of brewing tea is in the Yixing teapot. Imagine a city in which the main production is the modeling (handmade) of clay teapots. This chinese city Isin. It is here that clay is mined, from which unique teapots are obtained - they keep heat very well and absorb the smell very quickly. What is the point? The fact that such teapots are not washed - over and over again, their walls absorb the aroma of tea, so over and over again it becomes more and more tasty and rich. True, there is one caveat: it is better to use such teapots for brewing the same type of drink. And you need to store them away from sources of strong odor.

How to drink green tea?

Hmm, are there instructions for this process as well? Of course there is. If there are rules for how many minutes to brew green tea, in what and how, then there must be rules for drinking tea. But you will like them.

So, how to drink green tea. The main thing is the right attitude. Throw away everything that worries and worries you, put aside all things, forget about problems. Leave all this for later, now in front of you is a teapot with divine drink who does not tolerate fuss and nervousness. Perhaps this is the main task of how to properly brew and drink green tea. Calm and serene.

Take your time, let the water boil and cool to the desired temperature. Brew tea, wait a bit and carefully pour the drink into bowls. It is best if these are small bowls, literally for one or two sips - it is in such dishes that the infusion is fully revealed.

Take a bowl in your hands, feel the aroma of tea, all its notes. What will it be? Nuts and honey or fruits, maybe flower petals? We do not know which drink you prefer, but we know that the aroma of each variety is always rich and multifaceted. Try to catch it.

And after that, take the first sip, savoring the taste. If the tea is chosen and brewed correctly, there is no need to add sugar or lemon to it, so the drink will endow you with its multifaceted taste, always refreshing and subtle.

Green tea is not a drink that you can drink in a hurry, in between times. The universal answer to the question of how to drink green tea correctly is to be inspired and savored, that's all.
