
Flower jam: the best selection of recipes - how to cook flower jam from the petals of various plants.

Incredibly fragrant, with rich refreshing notes, bright green or golden color… It sounds very impressive, but if you try at least a spoon, and now mint jam becomes your favorite dessert. Make it don't amount special trouble, especially if there are several mint bushes in the garden. By the way, such jam can not only be spread on bread, but also put directly into tea or make a mojito out of it. Moreover, it acts as spicy seasoning during the preparation of lamb dishes.

Experienced cooks know all the subtleties of how to cook mint jam at home, so that it turns out transparent, and at the same time has beautiful colour, besides, it was also stored all winter.

What ingredients should be added to mint?

It is quite clear that you “do not blind” jam from one mint. As additional ingredients should be prepared:

  • 400 g mint (together with petioles);
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • agar-agar or ready mix for making jam.

It is necessary to prepare in advance: rinse, cut, cover with sugar. Pour at the end warm water(so that the sugar dissolves faster) and leave to infuse for 3 hours.

How to cook green mint jam?

After three hours, the resulting mint infusion should be filtered and brought to a boil. Add 20 g of jam mixture to it and, constantly stirring with a whisk, let it dissolve completely. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Mint itself does not have a rich in green, and so the jam often comes out brown. You can give it a beautiful color using greens:

  1. Grind in a blender until a mushy state of 200 g of spinach and parsley.
  2. Submit green puree into cheesecloth and carefully squeeze out all the juice from it.
  3. Heat the squeezed juice until steam begins to rise above the saucepan.
  4. Pour ice cubes into a separate bowl and cover with a waffle towel on top.
  5. Pour hot vegetable juice on a towel and set aside for a while so that all the water is glassed. Chlorophyll will remain on the fabric, which will act coloring agent for jam.

For 250 g of mint infusion, put 3 g of green grounds (chlorophyll) and mix well. Beautiful green mint jam is ready. As it cools, the consistency will thicken.

How to make golden sour mint jam?

To give the dessert a golden hue and a slight sourness, you need to remove the foam from the hot mint infusion with a spoon. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the remaining liquid and boil for 30 minutes.

Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Secrets of making mint jam, video

Exuberant colors! Delightful aromas of flowering cherries, walnuts, peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspberries.

Zealous housewives are in a hurry to hide all this splendor in freezers and jars, so that in winter it would remind you of a generous summer and autumn. They start already in June, when the fruits are mostly still green.

If only you knew how delicious and unique they are!

Such at the time of my childhood they regaled unexpected guests. Cold sparkling water from the cellar and a saucer with gourmet jam. I wonder if this custom still exists today? Haven't been in for a long time.
Photo: Zoonar/Julija Sapic, PressFoto.ru

We stormed the abandoned orchards at the edge of the town in a noisy gang and returned home with baskets full of unripe wild apricots, nuts and plums. Moms cooked from them incomparable jams, and we, choking on saliva, were anticipating - waiting for the appearance of foam.

Try to make unique jams from green apricots, green plums, green walnuts, unripe gooseberries, green tomatoes and physalis.

Green apricot jam

For 1 kilogram of unripe apricots - 1 kilogram of sugar, 3 glasses of water, juice of half a lemon.

Pierce with a needle along and across through a soft bone. You can make additional punctures with a fork. Wash thoroughly in cold water. Thrice in a colander dipped briefly in boiling water. Strain off. Spread out to dry.

Lowered into ready sugar syrup, add the juice of half a lemon and cook until tender, removing the foam with a slotted spoon. Add vanilla if desired.

Photo: sagasan, PressFoto.ru

Green plum jam

From green plums it happens in the same way as from apricots, only the tips of the fruits are additionally cut off on both sides.

Emerald royal jam from unripe gooseberries

Clear 5 glasses of unripe . Remove seeds from large fruits.

Pour a handful of cherry leaves cold water. Bring to a boil and pour the gooseberries with the boiling solution along with the leaves. Let cool. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, pour 7 cups of sand with 2 cups of the resulting juice and bring to a boil. In the resulting syrup, put the berries taken out of the broth and cook for about 15 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add 10 pieces fresh cherry leaves, which will already remain in the jam. In order for the green color of the jam to be better preserved, after cooking, the jam must be cooled as quickly as possible.

Photo: olenka-2008, PressFoto.ru

Green tomato jam

At the beginning of the summer season and by the end of it, along with ripe bright red tomatoes, there are many unripe tomatoes. Green colour. They are usually left to “ripen” in the heat, or you can make excellent jam from them.

A greenish trifle is suitable, best of all is “cream”. For 1.5 kg - 1.2 kg granulated sugar and 1.5 cups of water.

Boil syrup. Pour the tomatoes in a bowl for jam with cold syrup and leave for a day. The next day, drain the syrup and, having boiled, again pour the tomatoes with the already hot syrup. After a day, repeat this procedure and cook until tender on a very low heat.


After all, if you figure it out, everything that grows, blooms and smells is really suitable for jam. In the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is boiled from cones of mountain pine, from sage, lavender, linden flowers.

After all, if you figure it out, everything that grows, blooms and smells is really suitable for jam. In the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is boiled from mountain pine cones, from sha lfeya, la vanda, linden flowers, sirens and horse chestnut , white acacia and black elderberry. Turks make it from jasmine flowers, Romanians from water lilies, Egyptians from hibiscus, Armenians from petals. r oz and from white flowers irie owls , and the French - from violets.

Greens and herbs jam

It is unlikely that anyone doubts the healing properties of herbs, which are called medicinal. As in the fact that every plant has substances that make it useful. Therefore, we can say that any "herbal" jam has healing effect. So, from the category of delicacies goes into the category of potions. So it is better to use it without fanaticism and carefully studying the contraindications.

But the cooking process is pleasant and exciting. And if you connect children to it, you get a whole workshop on "potions".

However, not all the jam that is cooked with sugar: more often the words “jam”, “syrup”, “honey” or even “nectar” are more appropriate here. So the name is conditional - tradition is tradition.

1. Sorrel jam

For 500 g young sorrel we need the same amount of sugar. We wash the leaves in cold water (it is better to cut the stems, but some leave them) and dry. Then we crumble smaller and fall asleep with sugar. Stirring, cook over low heat until cooked (any hostess knows how to check it: if the drop does not spread on a plate, it's time to turn off the jam). Pour into jars and roll up.

Important: sorrel should not be boiled in a copper bowl! It is better to take aluminum, cast iron or enameled.

2. Jam and mint syrup

Long searched suitable recipe mint jam. One contains too much sugar and too little mint, the other needs vinegar for some reason, the third adds lemon balm, and this is a separate conversation. The option from Dr. Agapkin seemed relatively acceptable to me.

You will need:

  • 250 g fresh mint
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 medium lemons
  • 500 ml water

Mint and lemons (together with the peel), cut, pour water and bring to a boil. Remove after 10 minutes and leave overnight. The next morning we filter, add sugar and simmer for 2 hours over low heat. That's all)

According to another version (which I prefer), you need half the sugar:

  • 250 g fresh mint
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1-2 lemons
  • 500 ml water

The sequence of actions is the same. Still, it tastes lemon-mint, and I like it clean, without impurities. That's why I cooked syrup - "ten minutes".

mint syrup recipe

We take 1 part of water and 2 parts of sugar and mint leaves each (my fragrant beauty has already stretched to 25 cm and has grown rather thick stems, but they are still very young and tender, so they went into the syrup along with the leaves). In numbers it looks like this:

  • 500 g fresh mint
  • 500 g sugar
  • 250 ml water

Wash the mint, put it in a colander and finely chop. We put water with sugar on medium fire, add chopped greens there and, stirring, cook it all together for about 10 minutes. Turn off, let the syrup cool completely (at the same time infuse), filter, pour into a bottle and put in the refrigerator. It turns out a wonderful fragrant "sauce" for cottage cheese casserole, cheesecake or ice cream.

And one more thing: in reality, the result is not as bright as in the photographs. For rich color a few drops are usually added to it food coloring.

3. Jam and thyme syrup

Thyme, too, has already moved away from hibernation and is overgrown with young leaves.

You will need:

  • 0.5 l water
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tsp gelatin
  • 300 g green thyme

In a syrup of sugar, water and freshly squeezed lemon juice, put the washed and dried thyme and cook for about half an hour over low heat. Then remove from the stove and strain. Dissolve gelatin separately in a glass of water. We return the syrup to the fire, bring to a boil and carefully pour in the gelatin. Boil for another 4-5 minutes, turn off, pour into jars and roll up.

If three hundred grams of thyme has not yet been collected in your pharmacy garden, you can prepare an excellent anti-bronchitis syrup: it will take only 50 g of this fragrant miracle.

thyme syrup recipe
You will need:

  • 50 g green thyme
  • 1 st. water
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • juice of 1 lemon

Pour thyme with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then filter, add lemon juice with honey and put on slow fire. Cook for 15 minutes, cool and pour into a bottle.

flower jam recipes

And yet the most spring jam is floral. Like it or not, herbs and greens will grow all summer, and flowering will different trees and shrubs lasts only 2-3 weeks. So the southerners should hurry with the “preparations” today, and the residents middle lane still have time to meet the "harvest" fully armed.

4. "Honey" from acacia

But first they will have to be cut off and the receptacle, pedicels and stamens removed. The remaining white flowers - they will need about 250 g - are washed in cold water with 0.5 tsp. lemon juice or citric acid so as not to darken, and recline in a colander.

In the meantime, we cook syrup from sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 (for our 250 g of flowers, you need to take 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water). Then we lay the flowers in it and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into jars and close.

5. Black elderberry jam

For the aroma of black elderberry in spring, everyone has one epithet - “intoxicating”. And it really is. But you need to be especially careful with it: all parts of the plant are moderately poisonous, with the exception of flowers. Inflorescences and berries of black elderberry serve as raw materials for medicines, as well as the basis for various decoctions and infusions in folk medicine.

And they also make a useful jam with its own flavor, for which we need:

  • 2 tbsp. (slide) black elderberry flowers
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 1 st. water

Clusters of blossoming elderberry need to be washed, dried and cut off the flowers from them. Having finished this dizzying activity, pour everything with hot sugar and water syrup. Leave for 12 hours (or better for a day). Then we put it on fire again and let it boil for about 20 minutes. The jam is ready, you can close it!

Only petals of wild violets are suitable for him, large-flowered varieties and hybrids will not work.
You will need:

  • 250 g violet petals
  • 500 g sugar
  • water

Rinse the petals, dry and crush in a mortar. We cook the syrup separately: pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water - just enough so that it barely covers the sugar. Stir and cook over low heat. As soon as the syrup begins to thicken, add the petals to it. Continuing to stir, bring the jam to desired consistency and take it off the fire.

violet syrup recipe
This simple and refined product will take its rightful place in all kinds of desserts. Yes and try it in pure form many people will be interested.

You will need:

  • 1 st. violet petals
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 1.5 st. water

Pour the violets with boiling water, cool and put in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Then we filter, add sugar and cook the syrup over low heat until it thickens.

7. "Honey" from chestnut flowers

However, he cannot boast of such a strong aroma as acacia or lilac. Therefore, chestnut flower honey is prepared according to the principle triple fish soup, laying in the "broth" several servings of flowers one after another.

To do this, first pour 1 liter of water into the dishes for cooking and bring to a boil. Then we take 300 g of flowers, divide them into 3 parts and alternately lower them into boiling water (each batch is removed only after it has been boiled until softened). Strain, add sugar and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes.

8. Lilac jam

If even ice cream is made from lilac, how not to cook a thick and fragrant delicacy from it?

You will need:
250 g lilac flowers (not white!)
250 ml water
250 g sugar

First, carefully cut off all the flowers:

We fill them with water and put them on fire. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, then remove from the stove, cool and filter. Now you need to crush the flower mass with sugar, pour the syrup again and boil for another 20 minutes.

9. "Honey" from dandelions

The hit of the season is sweet and viscous dandelion honey. To prepare it, almost all the authors of the recipes, as if by agreement, demand to collect 300-400 "suns". Don't ask me why, it's just the way it is.

So, we need:

  • 350 dandelion blossoms
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 lemons
  • water

We clean the flowers of everything superfluous, leaving only the yellow part. Rinse thoroughly, put in a bowl and pour a little water: it should only cover the dandelions. And leave for 24 hours. After that, drain the infusion, add another 500 ml of water to the flowers, bring to a boil, put sugar, chopped lemons and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. When the jam thickens and becomes like honey, remove it from the heat, strain and return to the stove to boil for just a minute. Now it's done)

Unusual mint jam pine branches

Many field and garden herbs are known for their healing properties. Each plant contains substances that make it especially useful. Jam from such herbs will retain their properties, and therefore will have a healing effect.

green jam

Before using such a drug, be sure to study the contraindications for each plant that will be included in the ingredients, as well as the dosages of use. This is very important, because healing herbs affect human organs in different ways, and can affect blood pressure.

Sorrel jam

This plant is one of the first to appear on the site, and has many useful qualities. It is very easy to make sorrel jam to use as a pie filling or to drink with tea.

Apples are often added as an addition to it, and lemon juice or zest can complement the taste. Most importantly, cook it in cast iron or enamelware, but not in copper, since oxalic acid oxidize it. This jam is especially useful in fresh, it is not recommended to store or preserve it for a long time.

mint syrup

For the preparation of a delicious and sweet syrup that perfectly complements the taste of ice cream or milk dessert, it is enough to have fresh water, mint and sugar. It can be prepared as a jam or as a tincture by pouring hot water but without boiling the mint.

The second method is much more useful, but does not allow you to store the syrup for more than a week. To make the color saturated, you can add a little food coloring to the tincture, it is also made alcoholic, replacing 40% of the liquid with alcohol.

flower jam

The most spring jam is floral, as many trees bloom only in spring, and for only three weeks. It is useful to make syrups and tinctures from cherry, apricot, apple and lime blossom.

Dandelion honey

This jam is very sweet, beautiful and viscous. It is very similar in taste and color to honey, which is why it is called so. Preparation of dandelion honey takes a lot of time, since you need to collect about 400 inflorescences, clean them of all excess, leaving only the yellow part.

violet jam

For this extraordinary delicacy only flowers of wild violets, not varietal, growing at home and in flower beds, are suitable. Jam turns out thick and very beautiful, purple.

Lilac jam

From the flowers of this tree, you can cook fragrant and thick jam or jam. The flowers should be cut off and crushed with sugar. It is important to let the mixture steep for several hours before starting cooking. To make the jam beautiful, it is better not to use white lilac.

chestnut honey

From chestnut flowers, honey will turn out to be very fragrant. It is prepared according to the triple fish soup principle: add equal portions flowers in sequence. Keeping between them the digestion time of 15 minutes.

Acacia honey

Jam from acacia flowers is very fragrant and tasty. But, before you cook it, you need to collect quite a lot of color, and remove the pedicels, stamens and receptacle from it. So that only white flowers remain.

Cone jam

This delicacy turns out to be unusually tasty if it is cooked correctly. It is best to make jam from cones in late spring or early summer so that you can collect the cones while they are green and not hardened.

I looked at a thousand pictures and read, perhaps, the same number of recipes - so I wanted to study everything thoroughly, understand all the difficult moments and not miss something important. And here and there I was haunted by a recipe for mint jam - chaotic, with strange proportions, but with a bright green color (like Tarragon soda) and some kind of jelly consistency. IN original recipe, which I hardly found among the many copies and reposts, the author in the comments got confused in the testimony, could not make friends with the volume of the glass and grams and gave conflicting advice to various commentators, and for those who really tried to make this jam, but it turned out completely different - the girl answered nervously that they had mixed up something in proportions and had read inattentively.
And I got hooked! I also decided to try to make mint jam, but not to blindly believe this skinny girl, but to study the issue from all sides.
Fortunately, in mid-July, my mint grows into uncontrolled bushes, and recycling into tea does not help at all.

Please note that there is absolutely no need to cook such jam in large volumes - it is quite specific in taste and you just don’t eat it with a spoon from a jar, and small proportions just stain the pan with sugar.

For 300 ml. jam required:

  • 300 grams of mint (without coarse stems)
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon pectin (for thickening)

300 grams of mint is quite an impressive broom!

1. We wash the mint, dry it, remove the flowers, dry leaves and rough stems.
We wrinkle a little, rubbing between the palms, fall asleep with sugar, pour in lemon juice and leave for at least 6 hours - during that time the mint will release the juice.

2. Thoroughly crush everything with a pusher or spatula, wring out (we throw away the stems and leaves)

3. Add water and cook mint syrup. Cook enough to pass the drop test. This means that enough liquid has evaporated from the syrup, and if you make a drop on a plate, the syrup will not spread and will keep its shape even when the dishes are tilted.
This will take 20-30 minutes.

By the way, have you noticed that the jam has a yellow-brown color? During heat treatment, any greens oxidize and darken (remember the parsley that you add to borscht during cooking, or the green peel of an apple in charlotte). Therefore, do not believe the pictures from the Internet with a mean recipe that just picking mint in the garden and boiling it with sugar, you will get bright green jam! No! It's all because of the dyes (albeit food ones)

4. Cool the jam on the stove until room temperature- it will still be liquid. To thicken it even more, you can bring the jam to a boil again and cook for 15-20 minutes, cool and check the consistency. And in this way to achieve the desired density. But it should be remembered - the more we boil the jam, the less liquid remains in it, the smaller the volume of the finished product.
Well, from such a long cooking (when there is almost no liquid left in the syrup), the jam quickly burns, because. caramel forms at the bottom, and the jam itself in a jar is candied.
The second thickening option saves time and effort, and does not reduce the volume of jam - you just need to add 1 teaspoon of pectin to the syrup and boil the jam for 5 minutes.

5. Pour the hot jam into small jars, at the same time filter from the remaining leaves.

So, we found out about the color - real mint jam cannot be bright green, only like this amber, and all shades of green are the merit of dyes.
And what about taste? The jam tastes really minty, but there is no expected chill, like from candy or chewing gum.
Its consistency is not at all jelly, as in the pictures with "green" jam, which are full on the Internet - the texture is more like honey. Jam slowly flows from the spoon, leaving traces on the surface.

If you store mint jam in a vase without a lid, then its surface quickly becomes covered with a crust, it thickens, and then it completely becomes like a piece of sugar - I so imprudently left the jam for a couple of weeks, and then picked it with a knife and threw pieces into tea instead of sugar . And I liked the taste! With all my love for all herbal and floral, but certainly sweet teas, it turned out perfect combination When I brew regular black tea and add a teaspoon of this jam, the tea has both a minty aroma and a sweet taste.

IN next year I will try not to miss the season of dandelions and cook jam from them))
