
Jam from pine branches. Pine cones, pine needles in a healthy diet: a decoction of pine buds, an infusion of cones and needles, cone jam, pine "honey"

Jam based on spruce cones is a rather exotic delicacy, which, moreover, will help to heal from many diseases. Gum, pollen and essential oils of spruce have miraculous healing effects that have been used by our ancestors since ancient times. Making spruce jam is not difficult even for novice housewives. In this article, we will talk in detail about its benefits and cooking methods in order to simplify your culinary process as much as possible.

Spruce cones and their use

Spruce cones are used not only for original crafts, they are used to prepare jam, tinctures, compresses, infusions and syrups. Jam based on spruce cones helps to cure flu and colds, strengthen the immune system and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The syrup will benefit from dry and chronic cough.

Did you know? The word "cone" (conos) was first used by the Greeks. In translation, it means« Pine cone» .

Alcohol tincture of spruce cones helps to restore normal cerebral blood supply after a stroke. Of course, official medicine questions this method of therapy, but there is official evidence of the effectiveness of such a remedy. Compresses help with various skin diseases and dermatitis, and also effectively cope with joint pain.

Composition of jam

The composition of the jam contains phytoncides, tannins, antioxidants, essential oils, bioflavonoids, linolenic acid and other substances useful for the human body.


Spruce jam is rich in various vitamins that have a positive effect on various functions in the body:

  • strengthen and prevent the development of stress and neuroses;
  • strengthens bone tissue and is involved in protein synthesis;
  • helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protects the body from various infectious diseases;
  • prevents the rapid aging of the body, significantly improves the condition of the skin;
  • It is designed to stabilize the work of the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of the capillaries.


This product is rich in the following minerals:

  • - has a positive effect on the activity of enzymes and digestive glands, strengthens bone and epithelial tissues;
  • - the main catalyst for oxygen exchange processes, also supports the functioning of the thyroid gland and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • - puts in order the work of the digestive system, participates in the synthesis of collagen (a substance responsible for the elasticity of the skin);
  • - the main task of this chemical element is to maintain a normal balance of sugar in the blood serum.

About the benefits: what is useful cone jam

Jam from spruce cones is used to treat many diseases. This miraculous remedy will also bring its benefits in the prevention of various diseases. In addition, this jam has good antioxidant properties due to the presence of vitamins C and E in it.

General strengthening properties

Due to the high content of vitamins and other useful chemical compounds in the sweet product, it has a high immunostimulating effect. Due to the presence of vitamin C, the coniferous product increases the overall tone of the body and increases physical and mental performance. B vitamins, together with tannin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Due to this effect, it is possible to prevent the development of heart attack and stroke in hypertension and thrombosis.

Important! Self-medication can harm your health! Before therapy with folk remedies, be sure to consult a doctor.

Due to the antioxidant properties, spruce cone jam perfectly resists cancerous growths. In most cases, oncology occurs due to the increased content of free radicals of heavy metal salts in the body. Antioxidant properties allow you to suppress the level of heavy metals. The product also has an invigorating and tonic effect, gives strength and energy to people who are prone to chronic fatigue.

Disease resistance

Phytoncides are very useful biologically active substances that help the human body get rid of harmful viruses, bacteria and pathological fungi. Pine cone jam is used for colds, flu, runny nose, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other infectious diseases. It can also be applied to the skin when affected by fungal microorganisms.

This useful delicacy has an expectorant effect, which is why it is advisable to use it in small portions during a cough caused by infectious microorganisms. In addition, spruce jam helps to cure tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
Coniferous delicacy can help quench the body's pain reactions in case of skin inflammation and mechanical damage. This product can also be applied to inflamed gums. It is necessary to make lotions and compresses: apply a little jam on a soft bandage or cloth and apply to a sore spot. Folk healers often use this jam to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

Is it possible

This product can harm the body if the dosages in use are not observed. In addition, spruce cone jam should be consumed according to certain rules during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood.


During pregnancy, you can eat pine delicacy, but only after consulting a doctor. It should eliminate the risk of possible allergic reactions, as well as establish a clear dosage in use. Spruce jam during pregnancy helps to cope with anemia, strengthen immunity, significantly reduce the risk of developing colds and other infectious diseases. In addition, this product will saturate the body of the expectant mother with many useful natural substances.


During breastfeeding, this delicacy should be eaten with extreme caution, because it can cause allergic reactions in infants. It is best to consult your doctor before use.


It is recommended to add this coniferous product to the children's diet from the age of three. Children under 12 years old can be given 1-2 teaspoons of treats per day: add to tea, smear on bread or eat in their natural form. Children over 12 years old are allowed to eat jam 1-2 tbsp. l. per day in order to strengthen bone tissue, prevent infectious diseases and enhance mental activity.

Signs of quality jam

Fir cone jam can be purchased on the market and in specialized stores, but in order not to make a mistake when choosing, we bring to your attention several characteristics of a high-quality product:

  • One of the most important characteristics of a quality treat is the size of the buds. They should be small (1-3 cm). It is small cones that contain the greatest amount of useful substances and have a delicate and tasty aroma in the finished product.

Did you know? Some species of African cycads have cones that weigh up to 50 kg!

  • The bumps in the finished product must be whole. If they are sliced, then this is the main sign that they were collected late. Late buds are often old and hard and should not be purchased.
  • Always pay attention to GOST, which is the key to high-quality jam (pleasant taste and aroma; appropriate composition, color and consistency). According to standardization, a natural and high-quality product has the following marking: GOST R 53118-2008.
  • In a jar of jam, the content of cones should not be less than 70%.
  • Check the product for the presence of dyes and preservatives. A natural delicacy should contain only sugar, water and cones.

Peculiarities of use: delicacy or medicine?

For preventive purposes, spruce delicacy should be consumed in such portions (per day): 1-2 tsp. for children under 12 years old, 1-2 tbsp. l. for adults. Children may like this product and they will eat it at 50 g per day or more, but parents need to monitor the consumption of treats by children.

Sometimes an allergic reaction can develop to a coniferous product, so if your child has never consumed this product before, then give him just a little first. If after a day the baby’s health does not worsen, then the jam can be safely used for general strengthening of the body.

Important! In some diseases of the liver and kidneys, it is forbidden to eat jam from spruce cones; for detailed information, you should contact a specialist.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spruce delicacy should be eaten 3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l. (for adults), 1-2 tsp. (for children). But remember that self-medication with traditional medicine can be harmful to health, so a doctor's consultation should be mandatory. By the way, he will tell you about the dosage and the rules for taking it for a particular disease.

How and When to Harvest Buds to Make the Best Jam

To prepare a high quality product, it is necessary to take seriously the collection of raw materials, that is, cones. Of course, raw materials can be purchased, but if time and place of residence allow you, then it is best to collect it yourself.

We offer you a recipe for delicious, fragrant and healthy jam from spruce cones, which will enrich the body with all the necessary beneficial vitamins, minerals and other chemical compounds.

Grocery list

To prepare this healthy treat, we need:

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of young spruce cones;
  • 0.5 liters of water.
If you want to get a natural product with a natural flavor, then it is better not to add any other sweeteners and flavor enhancers to the jam. Even honey, and that is better not to translate for nothing. Step by step:

In order to independently prepare tasty and high-quality cone jam, you must adhere to the following cooking recommendations:

Did you know? In ancient times, the pagans considered the cones to be the holy parts of the needles. They symbolized fertility and a bountiful harvest.

Storage rules

The finished product must be stored in a dry and dark place that is inaccessible to children. The storage temperature should be between +5 and +20 °C. Shelf life is not specified, but it is best to prepare a few jars for the winter, so that next year you can again make a fresh delicacy, and not be content with last year.

Contraindications and possible harm

Experts and traditional healers recommend strictly adhering to the rules for using this product. It is best not to eat more than 4 tbsp. l. such jam per day, otherwise severe headaches, indigestion, skin rash (allergic reaction), vomiting may occur as side effects.

If you purposefully adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat jam from spruce cones as a preventive measure, then it is better not to use more than 1 tbsp. l. treats per day. Remember that only moderate use will benefit without harm.

Important! It is forbidden to use this delicacy in diabetes mellitus, since the composition of the product shows that it contains an increased amount of sugar.

Spruce delicacy also has a list of contraindications. It should not be used by the following categories of people:

  • older people over 60;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • people with individual intolerance to the body of coniferous components. Also, with caution, such jam should be used by people prone to frequent manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • patients with renal insufficiency and acute hepatitis.

Unusual but useful jam

In addition to jam from spruce cones, there are some other varieties of this delicacy.


A very tasty, fragrant and unique delicacy that resembles a pleasant aftertaste of spring honey. Dandelion product is useful for hepatitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis. It saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals, gives energy and vigor, charges with a spring mood.


Another original and unique type of delicacy in its taste. Prepared on the basis of exceptionally dense tomatoes, citrus fruits and various spices. A very tasty product that helps to remove the thirst for "sweet" and fill the body with useful substances.


Zucchini jam is a real feast for the soul and body. This delicacy is prepared on the basis with the addition of citrus fruits, and various natural spices. In addition to the excellent aroma and taste, squash jam has great benefits for the body.
Now you know what the benefits of spruce cone jam are and how to cook it at home. Gather raw materials, prepare a delicious treat and get your dose of vitamins and minerals daily!

It is known that spruce branches and shoots contain oils with bactericidal properties, ascorbic acid, carotene, tannins, microelements, which are directly involved in metabolism. Spruce jam, the recipe of which we will now give, doctors often prescribe a patient for colds or weakened immunity. It is a natural remedy for the fight against a variety of diseases. But even more interesting is the fact that spruce is widely used in cooking. Jam based on needles, cones or young shoots of this tree will surpass sea buckthorn and raspberry preparations in taste and medicinal properties. Such a delicacy can be eaten during a cold, stress. It is also very useful for those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack.

Shoots have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, firming, diuretic and soothing properties. There are also contraindications - pregnant women, lactating women and people with allergies should not use such preservation.

A selection of the best jam recipes based on needles and spruce shoots

Jam from young spruce shoots

For cooking, you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place on a very low fire, and even better - on the coals from the fire. Cook the mass, stirring constantly, for about twenty minutes. The cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

Jam from needles and spruce branches

Spruce needles have a bile and diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Perfectly helps jam from colds.

To make spruce jam, take one kilogram of branches, pour three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcohol propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and arrange in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You should not eat jam in large quantities - a small portion will be quite enough for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

The jam obtained according to this recipe, in addition to its healing properties, has a delicious taste and coniferous aroma. Adults and children will eat the medicine with pleasure all year round, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening the immune system.

Spruce jam with wild rose

It is best to use sugar or natural bee honey in jam, as well as citric acid. Subject to the cooking technique, the workpiece turns out to be dark raspberry, and its taste is resinous and tart.


  • 1 cup chopped spruce needles;
  • 1/2 cup rose hips;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 700 grams of sugar or 500 grams of honey.

Step by step preparation:

Grind the needles of the Christmas tree and mix with the wild rose, previously crushed in a mortar for jam. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water and left for 12 hours. We filter the resulting infusion and add sugar or honey to it. We put a container with spruce jam on the fire and bring to a boil. When you cook, you can add the juice of two lemons.

Now cook the jam until thickened over low heat, remembering to stir it occasionally. The resulting preservation will help you fight a cold. It is enough just to eat 2 tablespoons of goodies at breakfast, and you will be able to avoid many ailments.

Recipe for jam from spruce branches with lemon


  • spruce needles - 2 cups;
  • rosehip - 1/2 cup;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 300 grams.

Cooking method:

Grind spruce needles in a blender, mix with wild rose. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. Strain the spruce infusion and add sugar to it.

Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer the jam over low heat, stirring constantly, for an hour until thickened. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the jam. Cool the workpiece and put it in the refrigerator.

Video recipe: Spruce jam

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Pine needle jam not only tasty treat, but also very healthy. It is often used in the treatment of tuberculosis or bronchitis. Coniferous jam is an ideal product for strengthening immunity and protecting against various colds.

Needles are best collected away from the city in the autumn-winter period. Pine branches must be scalded with boiling water. After carefully separate the needles from the branches. You can use scissors for this.


    - pine needles - 2 tbsp.

    - lemon - 1-2 pcs.

    - wild rose - 1 tbsp.

    - sugar - 250-300 g

     water - 1.5 l and 1.5 l.


1. Pour boiling water over pine needles (700 ml) and grind in a blender.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and pour the remaining water (700-800 ml). Then add a glass of wild rose, cover and leave to settle for 12 hours.

3. After that, it is necessary to strain the solution and pour it into a saucepan with water (1.5 l). Add sugar and put on a small fire, stirring constantly. The mixture should boil down a little and thicken. This will take about 1 hour.

4. At the end, add lemon juice. This will help get rid of the bitter taste. Coniferous jam should be stored in glass jars.

For the effect of drinking jam from pine needles, it should be eaten 2-3 times a day in small portions. However, it should be noted that for some people such a delicacy is contraindicated. For example, with stomach ulcers or liver diseases. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor about possible adverse reactions of the body.

While the dish is being prepared, watch the video and smile:

Jokes about food.

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If you combine peaches with nuts, you can make delicious jam

Subtle aromas of pine forest have long been saving humanity from migraines, nervousness and bad mood. But few people know that the beneficial properties of pine can be "rolled up in a jar" in the truest sense of the word. Jam, which is obtained from cones, needles and shoots of an evergreen plant, has an unusual taste and great healing potential. It is actively used to fight colds, strengthen immunity and treat serious diseases.

Pine cone jam has absorbed all the most useful and rare components. A special place in their list is given to phytoncides- natural antibiotics, whose power is aimed at fighting bacteria and viruses. Once in the body, they destroy even those microorganisms that have not yet had time to strike at the immune system.

A walk through the coniferous forest will help cure flu and SARS faster

Responsible for removing toxins and waste antioxidants. Working together with them B, C and P vitamins. They increase protective functions and prevent the spread of infection in the body, contribute to the prevention of ENT diseases.

Conifers essential oils repel viruses, are excellent antiseptics. A short inhalation of the aroma calms the nervous system, relieves stress, eliminates headaches and improves mood.

In winter and autumn, pine cone jam is used to increase hemoglobin in the blood, to restore the body after an illness. In folk medicine, there are many recipes with this delicacy for asthma, bronchitis, indigestion, bleeding gums and general weakness.

Traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation

How is the jam applied?

Buds, buds, needles, shoots and resin - everything is used to prepare a medicine when it comes to health

Healing jam from pine cones is suitable for the treatment of diseases of a different nature. Known techniques will put both adults and children on their feet. In the presence of pathologies and chronic ailments, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

For stroke prevention

If there is a possibility of a stroke, pine cone jam should be present in the diet daily. Also, the tool is suitable for restoring body functions after a stroke. You can drink jam with tea, organize snacks from it or eat on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. Coniferous cones secrete substances that restore blood supply and strengthen the vascular system.

ATTENTION! The daily norm for pensioners is half of the indicated dosage.

With bronchitis

Bronchitis is a common problem during the cold season. To cure the disease, take 1 tsp 3 times a day. pine jam. It is best to drink the drug with a hot drink (water, tea or compote). So useful substances will act faster.

Warm milk with honey is used as an aid in the treatment of bronchitis.

For asthma

Asthma attacks are most often associated with an allergic reaction. Since pine is one of the possible allergens, test the product before use and do not give to children under 12 years of age. Pine cone jam goes well with drug treatment.

Daily serving of pine dessert - 2 tbsp. l. The dose should be eaten during the day gradually, divided into several doses. Everyone should be independent of food intake. It is forbidden to eat jam before and immediately after meals, combine it with drinks.

With angina

Pine cone jam neutralizes the action of harmful bacteria and promotes recovery. The tool relieves inflammation, lowers the temperature and relieves pain. Jam is taken with warm herbal or black tea 2-3 times a day. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to gargle 5-6 times a day with alcohol tincture from pine cones. To prepare it, green cones are cut in half and poured with 40% alcohol. The optimal proportion is 1:10. The medicine is insisted for at least 10 days.

Preparing a medicine on alcohol or vodka for 10 days

During pregnancy

You can bring down the temperature, cure a cold and strengthen the immune system with the help of a natural remedy - cone jam. A doctor's consultation is mandatory. Only a specialist will be able to calculate the correct dosage and give recommendations for use.

For children

Until adolescence, pine jam is given to children in 2 tsp. in a day. It can be eaten at breakfast with or without tea. A safe product will serve as an excellent protection for the child's body. Especially important is the use of jam during an exacerbation of acute respiratory viral infections, flu and colds. Sweet medicine will strengthen the immune system and improve brain function.

Jam Recipes

Cones for jam are harvested in early spring. They should be soft and sticky with resin.

According to the classic recipe, young cones are collected and sorted out to get rid of the damaged ones. After this, the product must be thoroughly rinsed and soaked overnight in cold water. It takes 3 days to prepare.

When the pine cones have settled, put them in a saucepan and cover with water. Add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 liter of water. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil the jam for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to infuse for a day. Repeat the process for two more days.

ADVICE! During cooking, stir the jam regularly and remove the black foam that forms on the surface.

After the last cooking, cool the jam and pour into jars. You need to store a healing dessert in the refrigerator. For the prevention of disease, adults can eat 1 tbsp. l. per day, children - 2 tsp. For diseases, follow the recommended dosages.

Pine needles contain no less nutrients than tree cones. The medicine is used to combat tuberculosis, various forms of cough.

Jam ingredients are harvested in the depths of the forest, away from city roads and industrial areas.


  • 2 cups of pine needles;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 glass of wild rose;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.
  • Cooking:

  • Before cooking, scald the pine branches with boiling water and separate the needles with scissors.
  • Needles pour 700 ml of boiling water, chop in a blender.
  • Pour the pine mixture into a convenient container, pour 700 ml of boiling water again.
  • Add the washed rose hips to the chopped needles, cover and leave for 12 hours.
  • Strain the solution. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of water. Add sugar and simmer until thickened. It will take about 1 hour.
  • Before the end of cooking, add lemon juice to neutralize the bitterness.
  • Pour jam into jars.
  • Pine shoot jam

    Pine shoot jam has a consistency similar to honey or syrup


  • Rinse the raw material and cut into small pieces.
  • Sprinkle the shoots with sugar and leave overnight. Optimal proportion: 2 parts shoots to 3 parts sugar.
  • In the morning, fill the shoots with water: 1 liter of liquid for every kilogram. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Remove the pan with the shoots from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours.
  • Repeat the procedure three times.
  • At the last boil, add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or citric acid. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the finished jam into jars and close.
  • Shoot jam is stored in a dark, cool place. An open jar is best kept at the bottom of the refrigerator.
  • Contraindications

    Jam made from pine cones and other parts of the tree is a capricious and potent product. Do not forget that this is not just a healthy dessert, but also a medicine. Compliance with the daily norm is necessary to avoid side effects.

    Conservation is prohibited:

  • with chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • with allergies to needles (in particular pine);
  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • for children under 7 years of age without a doctor's recommendation.
  • For everyone else, cone jam is not only safe, but also necessary to resist viruses and microbes.

    Video: pine cone vitamin jam

    A jar of ready-made coniferous jam is a vitamin bomb that can easily replace half of a home first aid kit. Treatment of off-season colds and other diseases will be effective and enjoyable. Good health along with good mood will accompany you throughout the year, contributing to new achievements!

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    The healing properties of coniferous trees have long been known. Next to them, even the air becomes cleaner, breathe easily and freely. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to arrange a pine forest near the house in order to have such useful helpers at hand. However, during a walk in the forest, several branches are often brought home. You can put them in a vase, and soon the room will be filled with a fresh coniferous smell. And you can cook incredibly tasty, fragrant and healing jam from pine needles.

    Usually, jam preparation is started in the middle of summer or autumn, when fruits, berries and vegetables ripen. But jam from coniferous needles is best cooked in winter - then they have the greatest amount of useful substances.

    See also: - delicious and healthy treat!

    How to properly prepare pine needles?

    Before proceeding with the preparation of jam, freshly picked pine branches must be doused with boiling water. Then cut off the needles and sort them out, removing the dried ones. You will need 2 cups of needles in total.

    Now you should grind the needles. To do this, pour them into a blender and add approximately 700 g of water.

    What else is needed for medicinal jam?

    In addition to pine needles, for a tasty medicine, you need to prepare:

    • 1.5 liters of water;
    • 0.5 st. rose hips;
    • 500 g of sugar;
    • 1 lemon.

    Instead of pine needles, you can use spruce needles.

    After the needles are crushed into a mushy state, it is necessary to pour the mass into a saucepan and add another 800 g of water. Thus, the total amount of liquid was 1.5 liters. Pour washed rose hips (whole berries) to the needles and leave to infuse for 12 hours. During this time, the fruits will also give up all their useful substances even without heat treatment.

    Jam making step by step

    The resulting infusion will acquire a yellowish tint. It must be filtered through three layers of gauze or through a fine sieve and poured into a saucepan where jam will be prepared. Further preparation of the dessert is as follows:

    1. Pour sugar into a saucepan with infusion.
    2. Boil over low heat until the pine-rose hip infusion thickens to a consistency like fresh honey.
    3. At the end of cooking, squeeze the juice from one into the pan. It neutralizes the bitterness from the needles.

    Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up. You can store both in the refrigerator and in a dark cool place (basement, cellar). In winter, a jar of such a “medicine” will help protect loved ones from colds and strengthen immunity.
