
Lunch for a 1 year old. What sweets can a child a year

At one year old, the baby most likely already has teeth. Even if there are few of them, this is a natural signal that the child is ready for more adult food. - this is everything that you can chew, try and you need to help the child learn all this. These are more complex dishes in terms of digestion, as the food is no longer mashed and becomes more varied. One year old babies may show interest in raw foods such as apples, carrots, lemons. My daughter tried to pick up and gnaw even an onion, that was laughter from her disappointed face.

There is only one more to add. they are quite suitable for older children, the only question is how much their tastes correspond to the recipes presented on these pages.

03/01/2013 Anet

I have been staring at this recipe in a collection of children's recipes since the time when my little daughter was a baby. But then I didn’t have a double boiler yet, and I didn’t dare to cook such an omelet in the oven in a water bath. Not that it was difficult, just there were no dishes of a suitable shape and size. In general, they replaced such an omelet with ordinary boiled eggs. - a dietary, light dish. You can make it for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Kids of all ages will love this dish.

28.01.2013 Anet

Rice porridge with pumpkin is the first pumpkin dish I learned how to cook. Back in school days, when I first bought a pumpkin, I looked at it with a questioning look. How to make it tasty? The easiest option is to cook porridge. I'm posting this recipe for the kids menu because it's healthy. Moreover, the recipes for cereals are as old as the world; out of habit, I also remember my childhood.

Pumpkin porridge can be cooked with both rice and millet. Moreover, with rice, I see it more holistic, let only the pumpkin boil. But with millet it tastes better when everything is so boiled. For adults, you can add a piece of butter generously, and children can eat it like that (it will turn out more dietary).

21.09.2012 Anet

It's been a long time since I've posted recipes for the kids' menu. My child is growing, more and more often he eats with his parents from the same table. The parent's table is as useful as the children's, but still, this is a different section. In addition, summer gave us so many fresh fruits and berries that I rarely had to bake something, invent it. The child did what he flew with an appetite for blueberries, grapes, melons and watermelons. And now it's time to prepare for autumn and replenish the piggy bank of ideas for children's meals. It would be great to learn how to decorate dishes in order to cheer up your beloved child in the cold seasons.

06/19/2012 Anet

This puree soup is ideal for small children up to a year. Since you started introducing vegetables and chicken yolks. Until the yolks are introduced into the diet of the little man, the soup can be cooked without it. I did. This is a three-in-one recipe. I already said this with and without an egg, but you can also use it besides soup. Which can be given to babies between feedings as a drink.

When it comes to including soup in the children's menu, you need to follow some recommendations about cooking vegetables and preserving vitamins in them. Before cooking, they must be thoroughly washed with a brush from dirt.

06/03/2012 Anet

National Russian soup in an easy version for children. Prepared with fresh cabbage. The consistency is quite thick, with fine grated cabbage. The high fiber content in this soup fills the stomach, leaving a pleasantly light feeling. Increases the efficiency of the intestines. Indeed, in this miracle vegetable there are so few calories, there is practically no starch and a lot of vitamins.

May 29, 2012

The first year of life, children happily eat sweet squash puree, without adding anything. (Yes, yes, I’m back to you with zucchini.) But when more and more varied food gets into the mouth for testing in the following months, the little person also has his own taste preferences and customs. Why am I saying this, because I ate the last published squash puree for baby foods from 6 months old!))

The children's menu needs constant updating. The new, as we know, is the well-forgotten old. to diversify the taste of a children's dish, it is not necessary to add many different products. It is enough to slightly embellish the familiar and leave the same sparing way of cooking, do not fry.

May 16, 2012

Incredibly I love to read various books on cooking by foreign writers and chefs. You can also find a lot of interesting things about children's cuisine, although their views are sometimes slightly different from ours, but you can’t take away your fantasies there! What beautiful photos and presentation, sometimes each of us has a lot to learn. But I wanted to talk today on a different topic - protein. Obviously, it must be included in the composition of the dishes. And this is mainly: meat, fish, dairy products and legumes. It is believed that protein is better absorbed from meat products, the same is with the most useful microelement iron. But for good digestion, you still need to sometimes dilute food with plant foods, as it contains a lot of fiber.

my daughter really liked it, she ate it in just a few minutes, as if nothing had happened on the plate. This is because somewhere this soup tastes like everyone's favorite mashed potatoes. I advise everyone to try. Even if the kids do not go, enjoy yourself.

05/07/2012 Anet

Summer is coming and the berry season is about to begin. And some freezers may still have stock from last year. You can cook berry soup for your children. It tastes like sour jelly. To be honest, I'm more accustomed to calling soup something salty, meat, vegetable. But the berry soup is good, satiates and pleases.

I want to say a few words about the recipe before sending the reader deeper into this post. This recipe is for children's cuisine, a joy for mothers and little peanuts, who need vitamins like no one else. You can’t hide the fact that many people have been very fond of potatoes since childhood. And children are no exception. Our dotsik loves mashed potatoes, just boiled potatoes. Why not make it healthier with spinach? Mashed Spinach Potato is another creative new color idea for a kid's plate, a nutritious meal, a complete meal for kids, and a perfectly crafted meal for a kid's menu.

Small carrots should be washed and peeled. After that, it is finely rubbed on a medium grater, granulated sugar is added and seasoned with sour cream. For 100 g of carrots you will need: 10 g of sour cream, 5 g of granulated sugar.

lettuce green

Lettuce leaves are carefully sorted. Sticks should be separated. The leaves are washed in cool running water. After that, they are finely chopped. Fresh cucumber is also washed from the skin. It should be finely chopped and mixed with leaves and chopped chicken egg. The salad is dressed with kefir or sour cream. For cooking you will need: 1/4 egg, 50 g of cucumbers, 3-4 lettuce leaves, 10 ml of kefir or sour cream.

Beetroot Cranberry Salad

Beets must be washed, peeled and boiled in slightly salted water. After that, it is finely rubbed and seasoned with cranberry juice, sugar syrup and cream. To prepare this salad, you will need: 100 g of beets, 5 ml of sugar syrup, 10 g of cream, 5 ml of cranberry juice.

Semolina soufflé

A viscous porridge should be cooked from milk and semolina. After that, butter is added, and the whole consistency is well whipped. Let the porridge cool down a little and add 1 chicken egg. A fresh apple must be washed, peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in water. Combine ready-made apples with semolina and pour everything with sugar syrup. The resulting mass is transferred to an enamel bowl, greased with butter. The soufflé is prepared in a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. For its preparation, the following ingredients are required: 1/4 pc. chicken egg, 5 g butter, 100 ml milk, 10 g semolina, 50 g apples, 10 ml sugar syrup.

Ready semolina soufflé should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

meat broth

For a child, it is preferable to prepare meat broth from beef meat (sternum, shoulder blades). It can also be made from poultry or meat bones. Before cooking, bones or meat should be rinsed well with water. First, the meat is boiled for 5-7 minutes. After that, they are washed and boiled until tender. Approximately 40 minutes before the end of cooking, onions, white celery roots, and carrots are added to the broth. Onions should not be completely peeled and chopped. Remove only the top layer of the skin from it.

Rinse the onions well with cool water.

Celery and carrots are peeled, washed with cold running water and cut in half lengthwise. Before laying in a boiling broth, they are fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. 20-30 minutes before readiness, the broth is salted. For cooking you will need: 10 g of vegetables, 300 ml of water, 50 g of meat, 1.5 g of salt.

Despite the fact that loving parents try to make the children's menu as varied and useful as possible, children often have their own opinion about what should be present in it. Each family has its own stumbling blocks, one of which may be meat, which not every three-year-old baby can be convinced to eat.

The child does not eat meat

Meat is a source of animal protein and is necessary for the full development of the body, but situations when a child refuses meat in any form are quite common, so you should not make a tragedy out of this. Firstly, taste preferences are quite fast and it is quite possible that after a while he will appreciate the taste of a particular meat product, which will reassure his parents.

Secondly, instead of making a scandal from every meal and trying to feed the baby with meat that he doesn’t like so much, it’s much more useful for both digestion and the nervous system to choose meat alternatives. If a child is ready to eat a particular type of meat or a dish from it, you don’t have to worry about the fact that his menu is not varied. Any kind of meat is a source of protein, and food abundance is more a sign of a socially prosperous society.

Substances present in meat can also be found in fish and seafood, cheeses, nuts, legumes, broccoli.

Should a child be forced to eat meat?

You should not force-feed a child with any product, as this is unnatural and can lead to psychological trauma. Food should evoke joy, not be associated with punishment, scandal, or torture. It's bad when they try to make a cult out of it. Therefore, it makes sense to show cunning, and not try to blackmail with the absence of a TV or sweets when refusing meat, this will not lead to anything good.

One of the consequences of force feeding is causing the child to vomit, and this is another reason why one should not try to break taste preferences by force.

Meat dishes for a child of three years

Here you can go in two ways: either serve unconventional and familiar dishes, or add meat to the foods that the child eats. An example of the first approach would be meatballs or miniature patties that have spaghetti stuck all over the top, making them look like prickly hedgehogs. Or a snowman made from meatballs and adorned with a real carrot and a bucket on its head made of egg white.

In terms of dish options where you can add meat for, there are practically no restrictions. These can be homemade dumplings, minced meat pies, pancakes, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers. Minced meat can be added to pasta, which many children eat with pleasure, stir in soup or porridge. So it remains only to show imagination and find one that the child will like.

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Tip 3: Children's menu: cottage cheese dishes for children under 3 years old

Cottage cheese is a product that must necessarily find a place in the diet of children. For the first time, acquaintance with cottage cheese should be organized at the age of 6 months, earlier pediatricians recommended the “first meeting” at the age of 3-4 months, but over time, these recommendations have undergone a number of changes.

Homemade cottage cheese

The choice of cottage cheese for children's dishes should be approached with special care. The best solution would be to make it yourself. You can get 300 g of a healthy fermented milk product from 0.5 liters of milk and 1 liter of kefir. Add kefir to boiling milk, after curdling begins, remove the pan from heat and let cool. Place the resulting curd clot in clean gauze, folded in 2-3 layers. Store the resulting cottage cheese in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

If you take acidophilus milk to make cottage cheese, you will get a product that can inhibit the activity of putrefactive bacteria. To prepare, put 700 ml of milk in a water bath. Increasing the temperature starts the curdling process, place the resulting curd lump in gauze and let it drain. As a result, you will receive 100 g of healthy fortified cottage cheese.

The issue of the consumption of calcined cottage cheese should be agreed with the pediatrician. If the specialist's answer is positive, you can safely go for the ingredients: 10 or 20% calcium chloride solution and milk. Pour 650 ml of milk into a saucepan, add 20% calcium chloride solution in an amount of 6 ml. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and bring to a boil. When cooling, the same cottage cheese is formed, which is placed in gauze. Calcined cottage cheese is stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese casserole

It is recommended to give such a dish to children not younger than 2-3 years old, since it is not desirable for babies up to a year to consume sugar, which is part of it. To get a portion of the casserole (100 g) you will need:
- cottage cheese - 60 g
- fruits - 10 g
- sugar - 5 g
- semolina - 4 g
- butter - 1 g
- milk - 15 ml
- wheat crackers - 1 g
- sour cream - 8 g.

Mix milk, sugar, cottage cheese and semolina in a convenient container and transfer to a mold previously greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Send the casserole to the oven, preheating it to 180 ° C. After 20 minutes, sprinkle the dish with sugar and fruit, bake for another 10-15 minutes.

cottage cheese pudding

You can diversify the child's diet with pudding from 1.5–2 years. For Apple Cheese Pudding you will need:
- cottage cheese - 35 g
- grated apples - 40 g
- egg - ¼
- sugar - 10 g
- wheat crackers - 3 g
- butter - 3 g
- jam - 5 g.

Combine and mix thoroughly grated cottage cheese, apples, sugar, yolk, whipped protein. Grease the form with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, shift the mass, put in a water bath and cook for 45 minutes. Drizzle with jam or syrup before serving.

Fruit stuffed with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese and fruits are an amazing tandem that can surprise kids for whom cottage cheese does not bring great joy. Crumbs over 2 years old can diversify the diet with cottage cheese and prunes. Pour 50 g of prunes with boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Dry with a towel and make an incision on one side, if the fruit contains seeds, remove them. Mix the cottage cheese with sugar and put inside the prunes. Bake the stuffed prunes in the oven at 170°C for 10 minutes.

Recipes for babies from 1 year old, selected in our article for "year-olds", will help caring parents diversify the diet of toddlers, supplying their growing organisms with only the most useful substances.

The secret of a good appetite lies in the variety of menus, carefully selected products, and, of course, the culinary efforts of their mothers and grandmothers.

A little imagination, and the culinary masterpiece is ready!

In order for the baby to happily gobble up cooked dishes for both cheeks, it is enough to follow the simple rules of feeding one-year-old children.

  1. Walk more with the baby in the fresh air and move more.
  2. Eat healthy food yourself and offer it to your child.
  3. Do not get annoyed and do not scold the child if he refuses the offered dish. It may take several attempts before the baby tries the innovation and starts eating it.
  4. Teach your child to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.
  5. Do not force the baby to eat everything to the last bite. The baby needs to learn to distinguish between when he is full and when he is still hungry.

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Porridge "Radiant"

Porridge with dried fruits is the perfect start to any day, both for an adult and a baby who has reached 1 year of age.

Dried fruits are famous for the content of various microelements and acids.

So, dried apricots and prunes help cleanse the intestines and normalize its function with a tendency to constipation and diarrhea.

Raisins are valued for their high potassium content; its use strengthens the heart, nervous system and lungs.

Required Ingredients


  1. Millet - 50 gr
  2. Prunes - 20 gr
  3. Dried apricots - 20 gr
  4. Raisins - 20 gr
  5. Milk - 200 ml
  6. Carrot - 40 gr
  7. Honey - 30 gr or powdered sugar
  8. Butter - 20 gr
It is necessary to wash the millet, pour it into boiling milk, add butter and cook until it thickens.

Then dried fruits and carrots (cut into small pieces) are added, everything is thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil, removed from heat, covered with a lid and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

Before serving, porridge is seasoned with honey ( provided that the crumbs are not allergic to it) or sprinkled with a little powdered sugar.

Wheat porridge with pears

Any porridge is the best supplier of fiber, without which the full functioning of the intestines is impossible, since fiber is the main food of beneficial bacteria.

There are a lot of glucides in wheat groats. Pear also has not only great taste, but also it is known as an antimicrobial agent. It contains vitamins B, C, fiber and organic acids.

Required Ingredients


  1. Wheat groats - 2 tbsp
  2. Baby cottage cheese - 1 portion
  3. Milk - 0.25 l
  4. Egg - 1 pc.
  5. Pear - 1 pc.
  6. Sugar - 1 coffee spoon
It is necessary to heat the milk with sugar, bring to a boil and pour in the wheat groats in a thin stream.

It is important to mix the porridge thoroughly and cook it for 15 minutes.

Then you need to beat the egg with baby cottage cheese, pour the resulting mass into wheat porridge and cook over low heat for another 6 minutes.

This dish is served chilled to the baby.


Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin will supply the baby with B and E vitamins, carotene and potassium.

But it's important to know that pumpkin should be given to children prone to allergies with great care!

Required Ingredients


  1. Pumpkin pulp - 2 cups
  2. Turkey or chicken meat - 300 gr
  3. Carrot - 1 pc.
  4. Rice - ½ cup
  5. Rye crackers - a handful
  6. Salt - to taste
  7. Greenery
You should cut the pumpkin into small cubes, pour 1 glass of water and cook until soft.

Then it is important to grind everything to a puree in a blender.

After that, pumpkin puree, chopped meat are added to the broth and boiled for another 4 minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs and croutons before serving.

This delicious soup can be eaten not only by the baby, but also by the mother.

And the amount of soup is enough for the next meal.

You need to put it in the refrigerator, and then just boil it.

Vegetarian borscht

One of the main components of this dish - beets - contains fiber, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium and vitamins B and C.

You can eat it both fresh and boiled, stewed, and for crumbs from 1 year old - boiled beets in borscht with other vegetables - the best vitamin supplement.

Required Ingredients


  1. Beets - 150 gr
  2. Potato - 150 gr
  3. White cabbage - 120 gr
  4. Fresh tomatoes - 100 gr
  5. Carrots - 50 gr
  6. Onion - 30 gr
  7. Sour cream - 1 tsp
  8. Greenery
First, boil the peeled beets in a small amount of water, grate and dip in the same water where they were cooked.

Then you should chop all the other vegetables, add to the beets and cook until tender.

The amount of liquid missing up to a liter is supplemented with hot water and brought to a boil.

Before serving the dish, some greens and sour cream are added to the borscht.

Meat dishes

Steamed beef cutlets

Beef contains protein, zinc, iron, potassium, vitamins A, B, C and PP.

Its use improves the condition of the circulatory system, gives strength and energy to a growing body, helps to concentrate.

lazy cabbage rolls

Meat and vegetables are the perfect mix. One of the main components of this dish - white cabbage - contains tartronic acid, 16 amino acids, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, E, C and U.

Vitamin C saves from colds, tartronic acid prevents the baby from gaining excess weight, and fiber increases intestinal tone.

Required Ingredients


  1. Meat (turkey / beef or rabbit) - 50 gr
  2. Cabbage - 50 gr
  3. Rice - ½ tbsp
  4. Chicken egg - 1/3 pc or quail egg - 1 pc
  5. Carrots - 1/3 piece
  6. Onion - 1 pc.
  7. Flour - 1 tsp
  8. Sour cream - 1 tbsp
  9. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  10. Salt - a pinch
  11. Greenery
It is necessary to pass the meat through a meat grinder twice, grate 1/2 onion and cabbage.

Then rice, egg and a little salt, boiled until half cooked, are added to the mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, divide into 2 cakes, fry in vegetable oil and transfer to a saucepan.

At the next stage, carrots and ½ onions are fried in vegetable oil, sour cream is added to them, everything is mixed, ½ cup of clean drinking water is poured and brought to a boil.

Pre-fried cabbage rolls are poured with the resulting mixture and stewed for 30 minutes.

The finished warm dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs before serving.

vegetable dishes

Italian cauliflower

Cauliflower florets are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron and folic acid.

Required Ingredients


  1. Cauliflower inflorescences without a stem - 150-200 gr
  2. Lemon - ¼ piece
  3. Grated parmesan cheese - 30 gr
  4. Sour cream - 1 tbsp
  5. Nutmeg - a pinch
  6. Salt - a pinch
To prepare this dish, you need to boil water, dip the cauliflower into it, bring it to a boil again and then drain the water.

You should heat the sour cream in a saucepan, adding parmesan and a pinch of grated nutmeg, and then mash the cauliflower in this sauce.

The dish can be served.

Instead of sour cream, you can use olive or butter.

Snacks, desserts

Hot peach cookies

Peaches increase appetite and stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Especially Peaches are good for children with poor appetite.

Banana cream with avocado

This dish combines both a dessert and even a vegetable dish.

It is worth remembering that bananas are especially important for young children with beriberi and with weakened protective functions of the body.

The tender pulp of bananas is rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A and B.

Required Ingredients


  1. Ripe banana - ½ piece
  2. Avocado - ¼ piece
  3. Kiwi - ½ piece
  4. Natural yogurt - 1 pc or cottage cheese - 2 tbsp
  5. Sugar - ½ coffee spoon
  6. Green lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
It is necessary to peel the banana and avocado from the skin and beat them with a mixer, adding granulated sugar and lemon juice.

Then you should add yogurt or cottage cheese, pour the resulting mass into a suitable size form and refrigerate for 5 minutes.

You should peel the kiwi, cut into thin slices and decorate the dish with them.

Apples with cottage cheese

Apples contain pectin, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, tartaric and malic acids, potassium, antioxidant quercetin. They strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion.

Cottage cheese also contains lactic acid, proteins, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is perfectly absorbed by the children's body, which is why the little ones are so necessary.

Bon appetit! A lot of useful tips about feeding a child after a year, you will learn by watching the video. You can also see visually how to cook some of the dishes described above.

After the celebration of the first birthday, the child's diet expands significantly. During this period, breast milk and artificial formula are no longer the basis of the menu, but may be included in it. Experts advise not to interrupt lactation, because even episodic breastfeeding is useful for the baby. If complementary foods were started in a timely manner, then by 12 months the main food groups are already present in the baby's diet. Let's figure out how to properly compose a child's menu at 1 year old so that it is useful and varied.

The menu of a child at 1 year old is filled with new tastes, food becomes even more diverse

Nutrition principles

The menu of a one-year-old child should be arranged in such a way that he consumes 1200-1250 ml of food per day. The optimal distribution of this volume:

  • breakfast - 25%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • afternoon snack - 15%;
  • dinner - 25%.

The recommended number of meals is 4. In addition, you can enter a snack between breakfast and lunch. It is important that at the age of 1-2 years, the intervals between feedings should be no more than 4 hours. It is advisable to offer the crumbs food at about the same time. Thanks to this, he will develop a reflex: at certain hours, the digestive system will begin to synthesize juices and enzymes.

It is still too early to transfer a child at 1-2 years old to adult nutrition. Dishes should be given a mushy texture. In some children, chewing teeth appear by 12 months. In this case, the food can be cut into pieces up to 2-3 cm.

In many families, they try to please kids with chocolates, pastries and cakes. However, such delicacies are unhealthy due to the large amount of sugar and fat. It is better to give the child marmalade, marshmallow, jam or jam.

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky insists that the introduction of any new foods into the baby's diet should follow certain rules. You should start with a small amount - 5-10 g, but not for dinner, but in the morning. In the absence of negative reactions (rashes, stool disorders, abdominal pain), the volume can be doubled every day. You can not enter more than one product in 5-7 days.

Breakfast is the right start to the day

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For breakfast, you can cook porridge in the amount of 150-200 ml. It is better to boil it in water and then add some milk or mixture. Cereal options suitable for a child over 12 months old:

  • gluten-free - buckwheat, rice, corn;
  • with gluten content (if there is no allergy to this protein) - oatmeal, wheat, semolina.

Porridge can be supplemented with butter (5 g) and half a chicken yolk. In addition, the baby should be offered fruit puree separately or as a “topping” for porridge.

The basis of breakfast in a child at 1.5-2 years old can be not only porridge. Another option is a steamed omelette (with whites and yolks), as well as a sandwich with bread, butter and cheese. At this age, a baby can eat 15-20 g of butter per day, and bread - up to 40 g. It is better to choose products made from white flour, as they are easier to digest.

For a child from a year old, children's sandwiches are perfect for breakfast.

Morning meal must include a drink. Options - weak tea, fruit infusion, juice, compote, jelly.

Full lunch

A one-year-old child's lunch includes three courses - salad, soup and vegetable puree with meat or fish. At the beginning of the meal, the crumbs can be offered raw vegetables, chopped or coarsely grated. Suitable cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots. Salad is allowed to fill with sour cream (5-10 g) or vegetable oil (5-7 g).

  1. Milk vermicelli. Pasta should not be given more than once a week. The maximum amount is 35 g.
  2. Vegetable - recipes with any vegetables that the child is familiar with - borscht, cabbage soup, cauliflower soup, and so on. Soups can be plain or mashed.

The second dish is vegetable puree and meat. After 12 months, in addition to the usual potatoes, carrots, onions and various types of cabbage, young peas, beets, beans, turnips can be added to the puree.

Potatoes should account for no more than 1/3 of the main course. This vegetable is high in starch. It can cause weight gain, increased gas formation in the intestines, stool problems and allergies.

Veal, beef, rabbit are suitable for a meat dish. Possible options are meatballs, mashed potatoes, meatballs or soufflés. It is better not to give bone and meat broths to your son or daughter. Meat should be cooked separately. After a year, you can add chicken and offal to the diet - heart, tongue, liver. Fatty and hard to digest meats (pork, duck, goose, lamb) are not recommended for children under 2-3 years old. In addition, the time has not yet come to introduce the baby to sausages.

After a year, the menu should be diversified with fish (river or sea) with a low fat content. Pollock and hake will do. You can give the baby 25-30 g per day. The best option is to cook fish 2 times a week, offering the child portions of 70-80 g.

Lunch should be supplemented with jelly, compote or juice. Juice can be freshly squeezed or industrial. In the latter case, you need to choose sterilized drinks for children under 3 years old.

Snack after sleep

Kefir for a child - a healthy and tasty snack after a daytime sleep

The usual afternoon snack for a one-year-old child is cottage cheese and kefir. Cottage cheese dishes - souffle, cheesecakes (with sour cream sauce), pancakes with cottage cheese will help to diversify this meal. Pancakes should be offered no more than once every 7-10 days closer to a year and a half, when the crumbs have enough teeth. The afternoon snack should also contain juice or fruit puree. Sometimes a peanut can be given biscuit cookies.

It is important to choose the right dairy products. In its raw form, the child is allowed to offer only children's cottage cheese and kefir. Their production is strictly regulated and checked from the point of view of safety. Market, as well as ordinary cottage cheese from the store, should be used in order to prepare various dishes.

healthy dinner

As a dinner, a one-year-old child will eat vegetable dishes along with meat or porridge. Options offered by nutritionists:

  • meat puree and squash soufflé;
  • oatmeal with pumpkin;
  • vegetable stew and meatballs;
  • stewed beets and apples.

Supplement for dinner - juice or fruit. In the child's menu at 12 months, you can gradually include kiwi, gooseberries, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, cherries. The optimal daily amount of juice or puree is 100 g.

At night, a breast-fed baby should be fed with mother's milk, with an artificial one - with a mixture. An alternative option is a sour milk drink.

Menu for a day

In order not to wonder how to feed a child after 12 months every day, it is worth planning a weekly menu in the form of a table. This approach helps to save time, as well as to make a varied and balanced diet. A great helper for mom is a global network where you can find many recipes with photos.

E.O. Komarovsky does not advise trying to introduce the baby to many new products during the second year of life. Caution and selectivity should be exercised, because his gastrointestinal tract is still very vulnerable.

Meal plan for the week:

DayBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
Mondaymilk soup with vermicelli and cheese (we recommend reading:); steam omelet; slice of bread.soup with rice and cauliflower; cod meatballs; potatoes and green peas in the form of mashed potatoes; slice of bread; compote.milk pudding; sweet tea; biscuit cookies.broccoli puree; children's cottage cheese; a piece of bread; tea with milk.
Tuesdaysemolina porridge with pumpkin; a drink made from chicory and milk; slice of bread.vegetable soup; chicken meat soufflé; carrot puree; fruit juice; slice of bread.cottage cheese pie; milk; pear.pumpkin-curd casserole; apples with dried apricots baked in the oven; slice of bread; tea.
Wednesdayoatmeal; tea with milk; slice of bread.carrot puree soup with croutons; mashed potatoes; a piece of fish for a couple; vegetable salad; berry juice; slice of bread.apple puree; biscuit cookies; kefir.casserole with meat and beets; carrot puree; milk.
Thursdaysemolina porridge with carrots; tea with milk; slice of bread.cream soup with vegetables and spinach; lazy pigeons; stewed beets and carrots; rosehip infusion; slice of bread.cheese casserole; pear; curdled milk.potato and fish casserole; tea with milk; slice of bread.
Fridayrice porridge with prunes; tea with milk; slice of bread.cabbage soup; beef cutlets; mashed potatoes; tomato juice; slice of bread.biscuit cookies; apple; kefir.beet and apple puree; children's cottage cheese; slice of bread; compote.
Saturdaysteam omelet; slice of bread; compote.broccoli soup; zucchini puree; cutlets from turkey meat; slice of bread.bun; fruits; milk.vermicelli and tongue casserole; slice of bread; jelly.
Sundayporridge "Mix of cereals"; cheesecakes (more in the article:); tea.turkey soup puree (more in the article:); squash fritters; liver puree; slice of bread; fruit jelly.crackers; kefir with applesauce; fruits.semolina; steam omelet; slice of bread; milk.


From rice and prunes

Porridge from rice and prunes

Ingredients: prunes (40 g), water (50 ml), rice (40 g), milk (100 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Wash the prunes, put in a saucepan, pour water (hot). Cook until softened.
  2. Turn off the fire. Leave the prunes in the water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pull dried fruits out of the broth. Salt the liquid a little. Boil.
  4. Wash the rice and pour into the boiling broth after the prunes. Simmer until moisture is absorbed.
  5. Pour milk into cereal. Cook until done.
  6. Combine chopped prunes and sugar with rice, warm slightly. Fill with oil.

Manka with pumpkin

Semolina porridge with pumpkin

Ingredients: pumpkin (150 g), semolina (20 g), water / milk (150 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Cut pumpkin into small cubes. Pour hot water/milk over it. Cook until soft.
  2. Add semolina to the pumpkin (thin stream). Cook, stirring, until done.
  3. Add sugar and heat through. Fill with oil.

Cereal mix

Ingredients: milk (150 ml), buckwheat and rice ground in a coffee grinder (8 g each), water (50 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Pour buckwheat and rice with a third of warm milk. Mix well.
  2. Pour the remaining milk and water into the container. Drop salt and sugar. Boil.
  3. Pour buckwheat and rice diluted in milk into a boiling liquid. Cook, stirring, over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add oil.


Carrot with croutons

Carrot soup with croutons

Ingredients: carrots (1 medium size), vegetable broth (200 ml), rice (2 large spoons), vegetable oil, butter (6 g), white bread croutons. Stages:

  1. Clean the carrots. Chop into straws.
  2. Pour oil into the pan, throw in the carrots. Passer a little.
  3. Place the carrots in a saucepan and pour in the broth. Boil.
  4. Add pure rice, salt, sugar. Cook.
  5. Grind the soup in a blender (through a sieve). Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove from fire. Top with butter and croutons.


Ingredients: carrots (15 g), swede / turnip (15 g), potatoes (20 g), onions (10 g), green peas (10 g), parsley root (5 g), water (100 ml), cream / milk (5 ml). Stages:

  1. Wash and clean vegetables. Finely chop carrots, turnips, potatoes, parsley root and onions.
  2. Put carrots and rutabagas in a saucepan. To fill with water. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add potatoes, peas, onions, parsley root to them. Cook.
  4. Remove the vegetables from the pot and grind. Give the soup the desired consistency with a decoction.
  5. Salt and boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and add cream.

Rice and cauliflower

Rice and cauliflower soup

Ingredients: rice (8 g), cauliflower (20 g), carrots (15 g), water, cream/butter (6 g). Stages:

  1. Boil rice in an arbitrary amount of salted water. Drain excess liquid. Grind rice.
  2. Boil carrots and cauliflower in 150 ml of water. Pull the vegetables out of the broth. Grind with a blender.
  3. Combine rice, vegetable puree and broth (100 ml). Add salt. Boil. Fill with butter.

Meat, fish and offal dishes


Ingredients: beef or chicken (50 g), wheat bread (10 g), chilled water. Cooking steps:

  1. Soak bread in cold water. Skip the meat through a meat grinder.
  2. Combine bread and meat. Grind again.
  3. Add salt and a little water to the minced meat. Whisk.
  4. Form cutlets. Lay them in a single layer on the bottom of the pan. Fill with water ½. To cover with a lid. Simmer for 30-40 minutes. You can use a steamer.

Chicken meat soufflé

Chicken meat soufflé

Ingredients: chicken meat (60 g), quail egg yolk, butter (6 g). Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the meat twice. Add salt and yolk to it. Mix.
  2. Lubricate the form with butter. Put mince in it. Bake 30-35 minutes in the oven.

By analogy, you can cook a soufflé from turkey or rabbit meat. When serving, the dish should be sprinkled with herbs.

Liver puree

Ingredients: beef liver (50 g), vegetable oil, milk (15 ml), butter (6 g), water (25 ml). Stages:

  1. Rinse and clean the liver. Cut into pieces.
  2. Lightly fry in vegetable oil. Transfer to an ovenproof dish.
  3. Fill the liver with hot water. Bake covered for 7-10 minutes.
  4. After cooling, grind 2 times and rub through a sieve. Salt.
  5. Add hot milk. Boil. Put butter.

Fish stuffed cabbage

Fish stuffed cabbage

Ingredients: fish fillet (50 g), cabbage (2 leaves), rice (15 g), onion (1/4), vegetable oil, cream (15 ml), water. Stages:

  1. Rinse the cabbage. Put in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop fish and onion. Fry in oil separately.
  3. Boil rice. Combine fish, rice and onion. Wrap stuffing in cabbage leaves.
  4. Grease the mold with oil. Put the doves in it. Pour in cream.
  5. Cover the mold with a lid and bake for 20 minutes at 180°. Remove lid, simmer for 10 minutes.

fish meatballs

fish meatballs

Ingredients: cod (60 g), wheat bread (10 g), quail egg yolk, vegetable oil. Stages:

  1. Clean the fish from the insides, skin and bones. Soak bread in water.
  2. Grind fish and bread. Add egg yolk, salt and oil to minced meat. Whisk.
  3. Form balls. Put in the form. Fill half with boiling water. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.


From pumpkin and cottage cheese

Ingredients: pumpkin (300 g), milk (100 ml), semolina (50 g), cottage cheese (150 g), eggs (2), apple (1), vegetable oil, sour cream (15 ml), sugar. Stages:

  1. Cut pumpkin into cubes. Fry in vegetable oil or bake in the oven until soft.
  2. Cook thick porridge from milk and semolina. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. Lightly beat two eggs. Pour a small amount into a separate container.
  4. Wash and peel the apple. Grate it with a fine grater.
  5. Combine and mix pumpkin, apple, semolina, eggs and sugar. Lubricate the mold with oil.
  6. Pour the mass into the mold. Top with egg.
  7. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Drizzle with sour cream before serving.

From fish and potatoes

Fish and potato casserole

Ingredients: potatoes (1), fish fillet (150 g), milk (150 ml), quail egg, butter (6 g). Stages:

The age of one and a half years is the time to expand the child's diet. His digestive system improves, the number of teeth increases, which helps him chew harder foods. Mom does not need to carefully chop food, as in the first year of life. The components of the dishes can be cut into small pieces without resorting to a meat grinder and a blender. A varied menu introduces the baby to new tastes and provides valuable vitamins and minerals.

The diet of a child after a year should be made taking into account the recommendations of specialists.

The diet of a one and a half year old child

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are main and two are snacks. Some kids refuse the second breakfast, switch to 4 meals a day with a break between meals at 4 hours. Whatever the habits of the baby, the main thing is to invite him to the table at the strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions for the digestion of food.

The diet of the child after a year

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When choosing food for a child after a year, light dietary products should be preferred. The children's menu must include cereals, light soups, sour-milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. For dressing dishes, you should use vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Kashi can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many useful trace elements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if there is a tendency to constipation. Less popular corn and millet porridge is a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can also offer barley groats, which contain iron and potassium, and barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer is the best time for light salads. Baked vegetables, mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

The children's menu should be not only varied, but interesting and beautiful.

For cutlets and meatballs, it is worth using lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help to prepare it. Low-fat fish dishes should be in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will give the body important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Eggs, dairy products and fats in the diet

Milk, fermented milk and dairy products give children calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin D. They contain milk sugar, easily digestible acids, carbohydrates, and minerals.

From cottage cheese you can make cheesecakes, casseroles, lazy dumplings, which you can already try for your baby.

Chicken eggs are valued for amino acids and lecithin. A whole egg can be given to a grown-up child for breakfast every other day or steamed scrambled eggs from it, added to dishes. If you are allergic to protein, it is removed from the menu. You can also try dietary quail eggs.

A child older than a year can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half daily), and not just the yolk

Fats are oils (sunflower, olive, butter, corn) that are useful in their own way. The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids they contain give strength and support metabolism. The daily norm of butter at the age of 2 years is from 6 to 10 grams. (including adding to cereals, puddings, casseroles).

Bread, pasta and sweets

In the diet of children of one and a half years of age, pasta from durum wheat may be present. They contain carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B9, PP, B2, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements. Up to 2 years, the inclusion of bakery products with bran is not recommended by WHO and pediatricians, among whom is Dr. Komarovsky. However, at 1.5 years old, you can introduce a child to bread made from rye flour.

The daily norm of black bread should not exceed 10 grams. In total, a two-year-old child is allowed to eat up to 100 grams of bread per day (70 grams of wheat and 30 grams of rye). If a child refuses bread, you should not insist - it will be completely replaced by porridge.

Sweets and chocolate should be given to the baby in a very limited amount, it is better to prefer dried fruits and biscuits (see also:)

You should not include sweets and confectionery in the diet of a 1.5-year-old baby. Once a week, you can marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, biscuit cookies and dried fruits (see also:). The daily norm of sugar is 40 grams (sugar added to cereals, pies, cottage cheese is considered).

Harmful and heavy food from an adult table at this age should not be tried. Under the ban are heavy, fatty, fried foods. You can not give mushrooms, pickled vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, marinades. The taboo applies to concentrated juices, soda, margarine and spread, coffee.

Menu for the day in 1.5-3 years

A varied and balanced diet is the basis for the harmonious development of a 1.5-2 year old child. The basis of the children's diet should be products with a protein content - eggs, fish, meat, dairy products.

The daily correct set of dishes that should be given to the baby is shown in the table:

Name of the dish Age 1.5-2 years Age 2-3 years
Liquid buckwheat porridge with milk150 ml180 ml
Steam omelette50 g60 g
Fruit juice100 ml140 ml
Beet salad with sour cream30 g50 g
Vegetarian vegetable soup50-100 ml150 ml
Lean beef puree or pâté50 g70 g
Macaroni boiled with butter50g50-60 g
Dried fruits compote70 ml100 ml
afternoon tea
Kefir150 ml180 ml
Biscuit or oatmeal cookies15 g15 g
Fruits (apple, banana, pear)100 gr100 gr
Vinaigrette or fresh vegetable salad with butter100 gr100 gr
Fish meatballs50 gr70 gr
Mashed potatoes60-80 gr100 gr
Tea with milk100 ml100 ml
Total calories: 1300 kcal 1500 kcal

The calorie content of the daily ration is distributed evenly 30%/35%/15%/20% (breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner). Nutritionists and WHO recommend calculating calories and sticking to a similar ratio during feedings. If the child asks for food at night, it is better to feed him with kefir, low-fat yogurt or milk.

Weekly menu for kids 1.5-2 years old

In order for the baby to eat with appetite, his menu should be as diverse as possible.

Despite the limited time for cooking, it is important for the mother to diversify the child's diet as much as possible and introduce him to new tastes. It will also be an additional preparation for kindergarten, where children do not have to choose what to eat. An approximate menu for a week after 1 year and 6 months is shown in the table:

Day of the week Type of meal Dishes
MondayBreakfastSemolina porridge, wheat bread, weak tea with sugar.
DinnerLight vegetable soup, grated beetroot salad, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
afternoon teaFruit juice, cottage cheese, bun.
DinnerVegetable stew, bread, tea.
TuesdayBreakfastOatmeal porridge with milk, bun, cocoa.
DinnerBeetroot, salad of grated carrots and apples, fish meatballs, barley porridge, berry juice.
afternoon teaBiscuits, yogurt.
DinnerPotato stew with chicken fillet
WednesdayBreakfastRice porridge, raisins, milk.
DinnerSoup with meatballs, cabbage and carrot salad,
afternoon teaCompote, cheesecakes (more in the article:).
DinnerSteamed vegetables, juice.
ThursdayBreakfastSteam omelette, brown bread, tea (we recommend reading:).
DinnerVermicelli soup, fresh cucumber, millet porridge, goulash, compote.
afternoon teaDietary crispbread, kefir.
DinnerFish cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
FridayBreakfastCurd casserole, tea.
DinnerRice soup, fresh tomato, stewed vegetables with meat, jelly.
afternoon teaCheese sandwich, berry compote.
DinnerBread with butter and cheese, buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.
SaturdayBreakfastSteam omelet, cottage cheese, compote.
DinnerGreen cabbage soup, cabbage salad, battered chicken cue ball, buckwheat porridge.
afternoon teaOatmeal cookies, ryazhenka (see also:).
DinnerVegetable ragout, jelly.
SundayBreakfastLush pancakes with gravy, cocoa.
DinnerSoup with dumplings, fresh cucumber, pasta, beef meatballs, compote.
afternoon teaBaked apple, bread and butter, tea.
DinnerSteam vegetables and fish, bread, tea.

In my mother's piggy bank: useful recipes

It is important for mom to carefully consider both the selection of products for the child, and their careful culinary processing. It is advisable to make cottage cheese, jelly, yogurt, minced meat, oatmeal and shortbread cookies on your own. Finished products are not always stored in proper conditions, and manufacturers are often silent about their composition. It is necessary to gradually master the recipes for children's dishes and introduce them to the child.

Millet porridge "Caprizka"

Millet porridge "Caprizka"

Initially, boil a viscous porridge from millet, pouring half a glass of cereal with a glass of hot water. After that, add a little sugar and salt to a saucepan with millet and cook until cooked, cool to 40 degrees and serve with one of the fillers:

  • finely chopped dried apricots and raisins, nuts and butter;
  • carrot puree (chopped carrots should be stewed first, and then mixed with porridge and decorate the dish with prunes);
  • pieces of stewed fillet, laid out on porridge.

Delicate chicken cream soup

To prepare one serving, you need to make a broth by boiling 20 grams of chicken fillet in 150 ml. water and adding salt, half an onion and carrots to it. Grind the finished meat and vegetables with a blender, adding half the broth, grind. Separately, dry a tablespoon of flour in a pan, add the rest of the broth and 1 tsp. butter. Keep on fire until thickened, stirring constantly.

Mix the sauce and mashed meat puree with vegetables. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. In parallel, combine a fresh egg with 30 ml. warm boiled milk, boil until thickened in a water bath. Add the resulting mixture to a slightly cooled soup and mix. Serve with greens.

Beets stewed with prunes

Beets stewed with prunes

Grate medium-sized red beets on a coarse grater. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in a frying pan and heat the chopped root vegetable on it. Add 50 grams of chopped prunes, salt and sugar, cover and simmer over low heat until tender. It is important to stir every 2 minutes so that the beets become tender and fragrant.

Fish stewed in milk

Prepare a good cod fillet, sprinkle with salt. Separately chop the new potatoes, add water and cook until half cooked in a ceramic pot. Drain the water, add the chopped half of the onion, prepared fish. Pour the products with a glass of milk and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Meat soufflé

chicken soufflé

Grind 350 grams of a good tenderloin in a blender or food processor. Continuing to beat, add a little salt, 50 gr. butter, a good raw egg. Gradually pour in 0.5 cups of low-fat cream. Put a well-prepared mass into an oiled form, which must be placed in a bowl of boiling water and sent to a preheated oven.

During baking, it is important to ensure that there is always boiling water in the bowl, add it when it evaporates. Signs of the readiness of the dish - an increase and compaction of the mass, its separation from the walls of the form. Before you finally take out the dish, mom should try it. Soufflé can be served on a flat plate with greens and fresh tomato.

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Boil fluffy rice. Add raisins, beaten egg with a little sugar, butter and mashed cottage cheese. Mix well the learned mass and put it on a baking sheet, pre-oiled and covered with breadcrumbs. From above, grease the mass with the previously connected egg and sour cream or pour with melted butter. Bake for 10 minutes at medium temperature. Serve garnished with berry syrup.

Note to mom

A two-year-old baby may refuse dishes prepared by his mother. New products can cause particular rejection. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend insisting.
