
Linden jam. How to make lime blossom jam? How to make linden jam

Linden smells outside the window. Its aroma fills the whole apartment, which is probably why I didn’t manage to pass by these amazing flowers. I took a disposable bag and picked flowers to brew them later. My family liked the tea, and when I took it to work (preliminarily, having brewed it at home and poured it into a thermos), then my colleague. Smelling a unique smell, I began to be interested in what kind of tea it was. I told her that this tea was made from linden flowers, treated her to it, and during the conversation it turned out that my colleague even makes jam from fragrant flowers. It was a sin not to try it, therefore, on the next weekend, I again confessed to the old occupation - collecting lime blossom. Fortunately, I managed in time, as the linden began to fade.
You know, after making jam, I was extremely glad that now in the cold season I can slightly increase immunity with this delicacy. I always try to use as much as possible in winter what is useful and contains natural vitamins. So, we are preparing linden jam, the recipe for which I advise you to definitely take note.


- half a kilogram of linden flowers,
- 1 kilogram of sugar,
- half a liter of water.

How to cook with a photo step by step

I'll fight, I started with cooking sugar syrup. I poured water into the pot.

I poured sugar and put everything on fire.

While the sugar was dissolving in the water, I went through the linden well, removing the green leaves.

Then I put linden flowers in sugar syrup.

She put the pan back on the fire and boiled the jam for about ten minutes.

After that, she simply strained the jam through a sieve. pure jam put into banks.

That's basically all, the process of making jam from linden flowers turned out to be quite quick and simple. Just as easy to cook

The season for brewing lime blossom jam is quite short, and the collection and preparation is a laborious process. But the work will not be in vain, because fragrant and healthy linden jam will delight you on a cold day in the winter.

This delicacy - linden jam - has a lot of advantages: usefulness, aroma, taste qualities. You can involve the whole family in the collection process, because the linden blossom collected with your own hands will be even more valuable.

We need to have:

  • lime blossom - 100 gr;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • citric acid - 3 gr or Fresh Juice lemon - 1 tsp

How to cook linden jam for the winter

Harvest lime blossom in dry, sunny weather. Sort out flower stalks so that there are no leaves and branches. Arm yourself with scissors and cut off the leaves, leaving only the flowers.

Weigh flowers. They should be at least 100 grams, but may be more.

Linden blossom rinse under running water and dry.

In a convenient container, send water to the fire. After boiling add sugar. Cook sugar syrup until viscous over low heat (this will take about 15 minutes).

Pour linden flowers into sugar syrup.

A wonderful aroma will immediately go through the kitchen, and the syrup will acquire a beautiful yellow tint. Cook for about 5-7 more minutes.

Flowers can be left in the jam, but it is better to remove them, leaving only a little for beauty. Pour jam into prepared jars and roll up with a special key.

Turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel. Leave jars to cool completely. Remove cold jars in a dark place for storage.

The whole process of making lime blossom jam will bring a lot of pleasure, because fragrant flowers will please the eye and smell. The result will please no less, because the jam will turn out to be magically useful, strengthen health and give strength to survive the cold season.

Healing Linden Blossom Jam - Delicious and Healing

Fragrant, healthy and incredibly tasty jam from linden flowers. It tastes like liquid honey. Worth a try!

Products (for 1 serving)

  • Linden flowers - 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Citric acid - 3 g
  • Water - 200 ml

From the indicated amount of ingredients, you can prepare 0.5 liters of jam.

How to make Linden Blossom Jam:

The first step is to collect lime blossom. Linden flowers are recommended to be collected in warm weather (up to 25 degrees) with variable cloudiness and humid air, when nectar is intensively released in them.

Flowers do not separate well from adjacent leaves, so they are cut with scissors. In flowers, the stalks and adjacent leaves are cut off.

The flowers are then placed in a colander.

Rinse with running water.

Dry (spread on a dry clean towel and put in the sun for 5-10 minutes) and transfer to an enameled basin.

Simultaneously prepare sugar syrup. IN enamel pan add water and sugar.

Boil for 5-7 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

After that, the syrup is filtered through three or four layers of gauze.

Then bring to a boil.

And fill them with flowers.

Since the flowers float and are not covered with sugar syrup, they put a flat plate on them and put a jar of water on top. Leave it like that for 10-15 minutes.

When the flowers are covered with syrup and settle, linden jam is boiled in one step until cooked for 30-40 minutes over low heat.

At the end of boiling, linden flower jam is added citric acid.

The jar in which the jam will be stored is sterilized.

There are many methods of sterilization: boiling, in the oven, steaming ... But it is most convenient for me to sterilize in the microwave: I pour 2-2.5 cm of water on the bottom of the jar and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes.

The lids are sterilized by boiling: they are thrown into boiling water for 2 minutes.

Jam from linden flowers is ready.

The jar will be filled with jam.

Screw on the lid and leave to cool.


Linden-lemon jam

Decided to show the recipe unusual jam, brewed from dried flowers and linden leaves (my grandmother called it "linden blossom"), which she first tried to make last year.)

Want to treat family and friends unusual jam? Then prepare delicious and fragrant linden blossom jam. Such a dessert is very healthy and pleasant to the taste, besides, it ideally complements tea.


  • Linden flowers 0.5 Kilogram
  • Sugar 0.5 Kilogram
  • Water 200 milliliters
  • Citric acid 1.5 grams

From the collected linden flowers, the stalks and leaves must be removed. Rinse them well under running water and let dry.

While the flowers are drying, we will work on the jam syrup. We send sugar to the pan and pour everything necessary quantity water.

Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes, stirring to dissolve all the sugar. Then we strain it and bring it to a boil.

Add dry and clean flowers to the syrup, cook the jam until tender. It must be constantly stirred, because the flowers float and are not covered with syrup.

Cook jam until done. It is easy to check this: the flowers were covered with syrup and settled, or a drop of syrup on the saucer quickly froze. Add citric acid and pour the jam into jars. We give time to cool and send to a cold place.

Linden flower jam - step by step recipe from photo to

Do you want to treat your family and friends with unusual jam? Then prepare delicious and fragrant linden blossom jam. Such a dessert is very healthy and pleasant to the taste, besides, it ideally complements tea.

Linden jam - healthy and tasty

The season for brewing lime blossom jam is quite short, and the collection and preparation is a laborious process. But the work will not be in vain, because fragrant and healthy linden jam will delight you on a cold day in the winter.

This delicacy - linden jam - has a lot of advantages: usefulness, aroma, taste. You can involve the whole family in the collection process, because the linden blossom collected with your own hands will be even more valuable.

We need to have:

How to cook linden jam for the winter

Harvest lime blossom in dry, sunny weather. Sort out flower stalks so that there are no leaves and branches. Arm yourself with scissors and cut off the leaves, leaving only the flowers.

Weigh flowers. They should be at least 100 grams, but may be more.

Rinse lime blossom under running water and dry.

In a convenient container, send water to the fire. After boiling add sugar. Cook sugar syrup until viscous over low heat (this will take about 15 minutes).

Pour linden flowers into sugar syrup.

A wonderful aroma will immediately go through the kitchen, and the syrup will acquire a beautiful yellow tint. Cook for about 5-7 more minutes.

Flowers can be left in the jam, but it is better to remove them, leaving only a little for beauty. Pour jam into prepared jars and roll up with a special key.

Turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel. Leave jars to cool completely. Remove cold jars in a dark place for storage.

The whole process of making lime blossom jam will bring a lot of pleasure, because fragrant flowers will please the eye and smell. The result will please no less, because the jam will turn out to be magically useful, strengthen health and give strength to survive the cold season.

Linden blossom jam - how to cook linden jam, step by step recipe with photo

Linden jam - healthy and delicious season Lime blossom jam is quite short, and the collection and preparation is a laborious process. But the work will not be in vain, because fragrant

Linden jam - healthy recipes. How to cook linden jam

Harvesting lime blossom is recommended only during the day and in dry weather, after dew has fallen from it, when the buds themselves are already completely dry. On the eve of the collection, by the way, do not forget to look at the sky, because if you collect linden flowers after a rainy day, they will quickly darken and lose absolutely all their healing properties.

Dry the collected inflorescences without fail on outdoors, but it is important to protect them from direct sun rays. There are also special dryers, in which lime blossom is exposed to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

From one kilogram of fresh flowers, on average, 300 g of dry raw materials come out. At proper storage dried flowers are able not to lose their medicinal properties for three whole years! At least that's what folk healers say.

How to make linden jam:

Harvest linden flowers in warm weather, when the weather is partly cloudy, humid air and at least 25 degrees Celsius. It is under such conditions that maximum amount the nectar we need. Linden flowers are not so easy to separate from the leaves adjacent to them, so stock up on scissors in advance.

If the leaves and stalks still remain, carefully cut them off with a knife. Now pour the flowers and petals into a colander, rinse with cold running water, then be sure to dry and put in a large enamel basin.

While the flowers are drying, prepare the sugar syrup. Pour into any enameled pan granulated sugar and fill it with water, heat over medium heat for five to seven minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved in water. Now the syrup must be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in three or four layers.

Bring the purified syrup to a boil, and then immediately pour it over the linden flowers. Constantly stir the future jam, because the flowers strive to float to the surface. They should be completely covered in syrup and sink to the bottom. Once this has happened, cook the dessert until fully prepared, and at the very end, add citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Some housewives add zest there as well.

Linden Jam: Recipe

Linden jam - healthy recipes. How to properly prepare linden jam Harvesting linden blossom is recommended only during the day and in dry weather, after dew has fallen from it, when

Healing and fragrant linden jam

Probably more fragrant jam does not exist. Created on the basis of lime blossom, it simply exudes a floral scent throughout the kitchen, inspiring the hostess to create culinary masterpieces.

This great option sweet billet, which turns out not only appetizing and original, but also very useful.

This dessert is stored very well, so having prepared several jars of fragrant jam, you can enjoy it for a long time with your family and friends.

The main rule for making lime blossom jam is to collect the main ingredient in the midst of flowering, in dry weather, in the daytime. Only then the inflorescences retain their aroma and taste in full.

Do you know that not only delicious tea but also jam? Do not know? Well, from linden you can cook simply divine, fragrant, healthiest jam. IN winter time year, linden flower jam will be especially appropriate. After all, by eating or adding it to tea just 1 spoon, you can strengthen not only the immune system, but also stock up on a positive mood for the whole day. Helps very well this jam with headaches. You probably didn’t know that it’s enough just to breathe in a fragrant smell to remove headache. Yes, what can I say, even doctors recommend drinking linden tea or eating jam from it in the morning, instead of the usual cup of coffee. And for women in general, you need to include almost in daily diet various teas and linden desserts.

Today I will show you how to cook delicious jam from linden and present a photo recipe. Linden does not bloom in winter, but what if those people who did not have time to stock up and dry the miracle flowers? Everything is simple to open a jar of treats, on the recipe of which I will stop.
So the required ingredients are:
- 350 grams of linden flowers,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 300 milliliters of water.

To begin with, thoroughly wash the linden flowers under running water. Flowers should be collected and used when they are fully opened.
Put the washed linden in a deep bowl, ladle or pan.

Let's add water to the mix. It is better to use peeled or boiled.

Then carefully pour sugar, by the way, it can be safely replaced with ordinary honey.

Put the bowl of linden on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and boil the jam for 30-40 minutes.

Cool the finished linden jam and pour into jars, roll them up with lids. We will take it to the cellar or pantry.
Here is such a fragrant jam from miracle flowers turned out.

It turns out no less bright and useful
