
High quality Chinese knockoffs. Fake city Paris

Incredible Facts

As you know, China is famous for fake bags, watches and pirated DVDs. But some people have achieved unsurpassed skill in this matter.

The ingenuity and diligence that scammers put into their fakes sometimes reaches enormous proportions.

Here are some of the most incredible things ever counterfeited in China.

1. Successful businessman for rent

In China, white people can be hired for a day, a week, or even a few months. The locals call this work " White guy in a tie".

The fact is that many Chinese companies are willing to pay good money to a fair-skinned foreigner just for the fact that he will pretend to be an employee or business partner. All you have to do is be white, don't speak Chinese, and pretend like you just got off the plane.

By hiring fake businessmen, the Chinese thus create a solid image of the company. As they explain, this makes people think that if a company can hire a foreigner, then it has a lot of money and very important connections abroad. Most often, such work is taken by models, actors, teachers who go to meetings and dinners in costumes, shake hands with others and earn money from it.

2. Copy of the Apple Store

The Apple store in Kunming, China, looks quite ordinary from the outside: glittering iPads on the table, promotional flyers, and energetic salespeople in blue T-shirts always ready to help you pick out the latest gadgets.

However, upon closer inspection, you can see some details that indicate that something is not right here.

For example, under the Apple logo is written Apple Store, while in real Apple stores you can only see the image of "apple".

As you might guess, the store is fake, although all products are real. The most interesting thing is that they store employees are convinced they work for Apple.

3. Fake IKEA Store

Apple stores are quite small and easy to fake. But the Chinese went even further and created a copy of the IKEA furniture store. Stores in the form storage facilities so huge that it seems impossible to fake them, but not in China.

So, in the southeastern part of the country, the 11Furniture store was discovered, where not only IKEA products were copied, but also the characteristic yellow and blue color scheme.

On over 100,000 sq. meters settled down trading floors and you can find branded mini pencils for customer notes. There are also restaurants with characteristic minimalist tables, although the dishes are predominantly Chinese - pork and chopped eggs, instead of the traditional Swedish salmon and meatballs.

4. The imaginary owner of the bank

In China, where everything from fake iPhones, pirated DVDs and copies of Louis Vuitton bags can be counterfeited, rice merchant Lin Chunping decided to take things to a whole new level. He invented an American bank and claimed to have acquired it.

The media reported that he bought the Atlantic bank for $60 million, and Lin himself said that it took him 2 years of negotiations to buy the bank from the Jews, whom the Chinese respect for their business acumen.

In the merchant's hometown, he became famous, he was offered a prestigious political post, and began to be called nothing more than a "legendary" businessman.

However, as it turned out, Lin did not buy any bank. Moreover, there was no such bank in the USA, and the failed entrepreneur was arrested for fraud.

5 Fake University

If the university looks like a real one and everything in it is real, how can it be fake? The answer is simple: if the fake university is inside the real one.

According to the Jinan Times newspaper, such an incident occurred with some students of the Shandong Institute of Light Industry, who, on the eve of graduation after 4 years of attending a higher education institution, they found out that they were deceived.

As it turned out, the man Zhao Lianshan sent fake university acceptance letters, rented a classroom and hired teachers.

However, after four years of study, the students found out that they would not receive a diploma from the Shandong Institute, as they were not enrolled there. It was at this time that the swindler seized the moment and disappeared from the city.

6 Fake Police Academy

Last year, Chinese police uncovered an entire fake police academy. The Jiamusi People's Police Academy offered students a three-year policing course.

The young policemen were promised a diploma that would secure them a job in the police force.

Interestingly, would-be police officers were trained to spot and apprehend enterprising scammers who counterfeit products, including nuts, vintage wine, and Rolex watches.

The fake police closed down after two real policemen signed up to the academy under the guise of students and denounced its "honorary president" Wei Zhenhai and his accomplices.

7. Fake Museum

Fake art is nothing new. But what about the whole a museum filled with fake exhibits? This can only be seen in China.

Now in China there is a real museum boom, when almost 400 museums open a year.

So a few years ago, the Jibaozhai Museum was opened, the construction of which took 60 million yuan (9.8 million dollars).

AT 12 exhibition halls one could admire unique artifacts. One of the exhibits, which was presented as a 17th-century Qing Dynasty vase, was decorated with modern cartoon characters.

The museum's senior consultant acknowledged that while the museum did not have the necessary permits, at least 80 out of 40,000 exhibits were authentic. And the owner generally stated that "even the Gods cannot distinguish fakes or not."

8. Staged death

This incident occurred recently in the Chinese province of Hubei. The soda seller decided fake your own death to get monetary compensation amounting to tens of thousands of yuan.

He convinced his friends to take his "body", covered with a sheet, through the streets, claiming he had been beaten to death by city officials.

During the incident, more than 300 people and 80 police officers gathered to maintain order. However, the idea was not destined to become a reality, because suddenly the "corpse" got up, grabbed a bottle of water and began to drink greedily with the words: "It's too hot, I can't take it anymore."

9 Fake City Paris

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, but if you find yourself in China and want to fly to Paris, you may be asked: "Which Paris do you want to go to?".

If many Western countries have specially designated Chinatowns, then in China itself you can find little Paris - a copy of the famous European city with the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe and a fountain in the garden of the Palace of Versailles.

The city is designed for 100,000 people, but there are much fewer people living in it, and this is because many people simply cannot afford expensive living.

Here is the tallest Eiffel Tower in China, which is 8 meters higher than the one located in the city of Shenzhen in the south of the country.

10. Copy of the White House

One of the richest people in China, Huang Qiaoling spent $10 million to build a replica of the White House in your garden.

The replica stands next to the replicas of Mount Rushmore and the Washington Monument. But the structure is similar not only externally.

Every detail of the interior decoration has been impeccably reproduced from the original, including the Oval Office - the office of the President of the United States and the portrait gallery of American presidents. Now the property of the magnate is a tourist attraction, and in 2002 he was visited by former US President George W. Bush.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

The phrase " Chinese fakes For most of us, it evokes the most ambiguous emotions. On the one hand, these products allow you to save money. On the other hand, their quality often leaves much to be desired.

But those times when only the lowest quality goods from China entered the world market have slowly begun to fade into the past. The economy of this country is growing, and the quality of Chinese fakes for European and American is also increasing. trade marks. This applies not only light products industry, but also the automotive industry.

In particular, Chinese fake cars are gaining popularity all over the world today. And the point is not only in their cheapness, but also in a fairly acceptable ratio of price and quality.

What does Made in China mean for a car

Chinese fakes on cars - not quite an accurate definition. The fact is that the manufacturers of this country have their own trademarks, partially copying the more popular and successful brands. Badges, appearance and even the filling of such cars can be similar to the paraphernalia of cars of world-famous brands. In fact, these are copies with a different name, a different price and quality. The buyer only has to decide whether it is worth saving.

But, as mentioned earlier, the characteristics of Chinese auto fakes are often at a fairly high level. As a result - good sales and increasing consumer demand.

What do well-known manufacturers do in this case? Nothing, they can only improve the quality of their products and try to reduce their prices, because even legally Chinese fakes have every right to exist. Next, a list of the most popular copies of Chinese cars will be provided.

Popular fakes

Chery qq

This car of the Chinese manufacturer Cherry is considered to be a fake for Daweoo Matiz, which became popular many years ago. Wherein for a long time it was believed that Cherry was developed together with Daewoo Matiz, but this information is erroneous.

Despite the huge similarity of this fake, Cherry's design was patented as original, although among the obvious differences, only a different shape of the taillights can be distinguished.

Concerning technical equipment, then the superiority of the Chinese product over the Korean is noted. In the cabin you can see quite high-quality materials. In general, for 340,000 rubles, the buyer received the best car of this class.

Laibao SRV

Unlike the previous car model, this representative of the Chinese auto industry is not sold in any country in the world, except for China itself. Probably because its quality leaves much to be desired even for third world consumers. This is a fake Honda CR-V, but not entirely successful. This applies to both the exterior and the interior of the car. The gaps between the body parts here are simply huge, there are obscenely cheap materials in the cabin, and the engine is so weak that it is difficult to start it even with a slight decrease in temperature.

So that the exterior of this fake car did not fall under a legal ban, it was changed for the worse. If we translate the cost of this “masterpiece” into rubles, then it will be approximately 400,000. What can I say here, perhaps the Chinese know better whether it is worth paying that kind of money for a domestic SUV.

Hongqi HQD

This is a clone of the American Rolls Royce Phantom. Moreover, Chinese manufacturers boldly stated that the design of this fake even surpassed the appearance of the original. However, the car has a number of the following problems:

  • the resemblance between the legendary Phantom is only superficial;
  • low-quality materials were used in the cabin;
  • in appearance, there is a clear cheapness;
  • demand for a car even in China is at an extremely low level.

In addition, at the moment, law firms are putting a ban on this car, which means that it is still unrealistic to sell it even on the domestic market.

Land Wind

It's incredible, but the Chinese have coveted the holy of holies of the British car industry - the Range Rover Evoque. So, at the last automobile exhibition in Guangzhou, its almost exact fake Land Wind was presented. The similarity of the cars is so strong that they practically do not differ in anything, the difference can be seen only in the details of the front bumper and in the optics.

This caused a lot of violent protests among the British, but they can do nothing, the clone design was patented as original. Many will be interested in the question, what is inside this car? SUV equipped with:

  • a two-liter turbo engine with 190 hp;
  • eight-speed automatic transmission;
  • very poor interior equipment.

Chery Amulet

This car is one of the most popular Chinese creations of the auto industry in the Russian automotive market. Seat Toledo is its prototype. The success of this model has become an incentive to expand the production of other cars manufacturer Cherry. Low price and good economic performance are the advantages of a Chinese car. The disadvantages include extremely poor safety performance for the driver and passengers.

Geely MK Cross

Another incredibly popular car on the roads of the CIS is the Chinese fake Dacia Sandero, another favorite brand among Russian car enthusiasts. This copy is quite a successful experiment, and has excellent sales figures due to the low price and decent quality. The advantages of this model include the presence of two body types: sedan and hatchback. The sedan in domestic open spaces is more in demand.

The appearance of the Chinese car is pleasing to the eye. Body is different high quality assembly compared to other Chinese knockoffs. The interior uses relatively high quality materials. Technical indicators are also quite decent:

  • 94 l. With.;
  • 15 liter four-cylinder gasoline engine;
  • five-speed manual transmission.

The economic indicators of Chinese cars are an average of 5 liters of gasoline per 100 km. This brainchild of the Chinese auto industry costs about 8 thousand dollars. Passenger safety is at a decent level, this is facilitated by the use of sufficiently high-quality materials in the assembly of the body.

Attention! This instance can be called one of the most successful Chinese-made automobiles in the world.


When buying a car from a Chinese manufacturer, you should understand that savings are not always combined with quality. Sometimes characteristics suffer and appearance auto, and sometimes - safety indicators.

Before purchasing such a car, you should carefully read all its features and capabilities. It is often more profitable to buy a used but better quality car from trusted European, American and Asian manufacturers. The only good news is that very bad Chinese clones do not enter our market.

Ecology of life: The Chinese are great masters of imitation. They learned how to perfectly copy clothes and accessories, gadgets and paintings, architectural structures and entire cities. But if, thanks to the craving for fakes, there appear on the market artificial eggs You should think about your own safety.

The Chinese are great masters of imitation. They learned how to perfectly copy clothes and accessories, gadgets and paintings, architectural structures and entire cities. But if, thanks to the craving for fakes, artificial eggs appear on the market, you should think about your own safety.

The talent of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom in the field of counterfeit food is not at all new. You may have already read about unique food fakes, including glowing pork and cardboard buns. It would seem that making an egg is much more difficult. But no! Artificial you can hardly distinguish from chicken.

In real eggs, a whole storehouse nutrients: fats, proteins, glucose, carbohydrates, minerals, many enzymes, as well as a set of vitamins (A, E, D, group B). There is also cholesterol, which does not harm human health. That is why experts advise eating one egg a day, and in children's menu this product is considered indispensable.

A fake egg is an absolute “dummy”, there is nothing useful in it. The shell is made from gypsum, calcium and paraffin. Protein and yolk are formed from a mixture of gelatin and calcium alginate, with the addition of pigments.

Enjoy such a work of art several times and the consequences can be unpredictable.

Prolonged use adversely affects nervous system. Children may experience excessive mobility, while mental development is inhibited.

How do they do it

They make fake eggs so skillfully that they even recreate the air membrane at the bottom of the shell. Don't hold back!

Start with yolk. The chemical mixture is dyed yellow with pigments and dipped into a mold to become spherical.

All this chemical mess is immersed in potassium carbonate, so a protective film is formed and in the future the artificial yolk will not spread. In another form, the yolk is wrapped in protein.

They cover the workpiece with an artificial shell, dipping it several times in a solution of paraffin, potassium carbonate and gypsum powder.

Dried up and done! Outwardly, an egg made by a craftsman is no different from that produced by a chicken.

The meaning of fake

If someone agrees to spend time on painstaking manipulations with chemicals look for profit. Fake chicken eggs in the Celestial Empire has long outgrown amateur experiments and turned into a very profitable business.

It turns out that the cost of making a fake does not exceed 25% of the price of a real egg. You can put them up for sale a little cheaper than the market value and make great money!

So, of course, they do. Visitors to markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major Chinese cities in any case risk buying a dozen or two "chemical" eggs.
Do you think it's not worth worrying, let the Chinese worry? In vain. Fake eggs have long been sold in our country.

How to recognize

A tired buyer after a hard day's work will definitely not notice anything suspicious. Unless the price can pleasantly surprise, but this is not a reason to accuse someone of falsification. However, if you carefully compare two eggs, fake and natural, you can still find some differences.

The artificial shell glistens more, but this is a moot point. Break such an egg and leave it in a container for a while, gradually the yolk and protein will mix into one mass, because they are made of similar materials.

Have you noticed that a hard-boiled egg that has lain in the refrigerator for about 6 hours has a slightly blue yolk? So with the "chemical" this will not happen. The yolk will not crumble, but will become more jelly-like, but the protein will turn slightly yellow and may crack into pieces.

When frying, you will not see the differences and the dish will not have a strange aftertaste.

This will be of interest to you:

The sale of surrogate food products is prohibited, but this does not stop entrepreneurs who want to make money. There are a lot of people in the Middle Kingdom who have to save on food, so there will always be a demand for cheap eggs. It is sad that such products safely seep across the border and may end up on our table. Well, let's be careful. published

China occupies a very unusual place in the global economy. It is home to some of the cheapest productions in the world, but it is also famous for huge amount cases of piracy and copyright infringement. Many companies take a big risk by sending their products to China for manufacturing, but they still do it because of the cheapness of the services. There is a thriving black market in the country, and counterfeits have already become an integral part of society, which most likely will not change, at least for the foreseeable future.

An incredibly popular counterfeit among the Chinese is fake receipts. Due to their illegality, many people were executed in China, but they are still sold on the streets, and can also be purchased on websites that are advertised on signs in various cities in China. So, people can buy any type of receipts, including traveler's checks, rent receipts, waste receipts and value added taxes.

The buyers then provide receipts to evade taxes or defraud employers. Similar checks are also used in larger scams. One such case involved a British pharmaceutical company whose four executives embezzled millions of dollars over the course of six years using fake receipts while operating in China.

One of the counterfeiters said that they charge a percentage for issuing checks for large receipts, usually around two percent, and claimed to have once issued receipts for $16 million for a construction company. This means that he received $320,000 for simply printing checks.

Judging by the name of the product, the origin of Tennessee whiskey is quite obvious. Jack Daniel's. Interestingly, the recipe Jack Daniel's there is one unique feature - for the manufacture they use special water from a source located on the territory of the distillery. There is a Chinese fake whiskey, created by the method of " leaven”, its name is J Ohns Daphne Tennessee or Joens Danhse Tenderness Whiskey.

Jack Daniel's is not the only alcoholic drink counterfeited in China. Actually production homemade alcohol in this country is big business. It is believed that of all the alcohol consumed in China, 30% is made with moonshine stills. In addition to being illegal, fakes are also potentially dangerous, because who knows what they are assimilating. human body, consuming this product. Pay attention to the 20 most expensive bottles of Scotch whiskey.

For some people, success is nothing more than driving a luxury car. Pay attention to the 20 most expensive cars. If you want one of these machines, let's say Rolls-Royce Phantom, then you see a price tag of at least $ 400 thousand.

For those who are not going to pay so much, there is Emgrand GE from a Chinese car manufacturer Geely, which looks almost the same as Phantom, but its price is $30-40 thousand. Geely Emgrand GE, originally named Geely GE, first appeared at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2009 with plans to go into production in 2012, then the car was supposed to go on sale in 2014, however, as of the fall of that year, the site Geely not for sale any Emgrand GE.

The seven Harry Potter books have served to create some of the cottage industries of Chinese counterfeiters. For example, 10 days before the publication of the book " Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows» In July 2007, a book with the same title appeared on the Chinese black market. The fake has nothing to do with the original written by JK Rowling, someone just wrote their own version of the book, stole the title and used Rowling's name on the cover. This is one of the more daring ways of copyright infringement, but not the only one..

There are also illegal translations of Rowling's books. Finally, there are other copies that have been scanned, reprinted and sold for a fraction of the real value. The Harry Potter novels are a perfect example of how many ways there are to use a product to sell on the Chinese black market.

In 2010, the US military bought 59,000 microchips to build military hardware such as missile defense systems and radars that help distinguish between self and enemy forces. It turns out that these microchips were actually cheap Chinese fakes. Good news was that they discovered the falsity of the microchips in time and did not install them in the devices.

After this incident, the US military changed its rules regarding the ordering of sensitive technologies in order to avoid possible attacks " Trojan horse". It would be quite ironic if the American government paid for the Trojan attacks, since it was the cheapest option, which is so inherent in capitalism.

A worrying aspect of the issue of piracy and copyright infringement in China is that scammers have the ability to blatantly defraud innocent people. In August 2015, found a bank in Shenzhen calling itself Goldman Sachs (Shenzhen) Financial Leasing Co. which of course is bank plagiarism Goldman Sachs from Wall Street.

When the representative of the fake institution was asked about the name, she said that she just randomly chose it, the existence of another bank with the exact same name is pure coincidence. The problem with the fake bank was that it allowed people to deposit money, but it was no longer possible to withdraw money from the account. So the Shenzhen Bank not only shares the name with Goldman Sachs, it is also very doubtful.

In the 1970s, one of China's main exports was fossils. Poor peasants looked for them and sold them for a rather modest amount. Of course, since it became possible to make money by selling fragments of various rocks, which preserved the imprints of animals, plants and minerals, Chinese scammers began to make such fossils in order to sell them to willing buyers.

Hardwood and gypsum fakes usually use frog and chicken bones. They are often paired with pieces of a real fossil to make them look more believable. The problem is so serious that it is impossible to tell how many exhibits in China's museums are genuine and which ones are fakes. From here it is impossible to calculate the real value of the collections.

One of the Chinese knockoffs that is causing real concern is jet fighters. Chinese stealth fighter J-31 Shenyang”, first demonstrated in November 2014, is very similar to a fighter-bomber Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. It is possible that China received the blueprints as a result of a hacker attack on lockheed martin in 2009, however, this was not confirmed.

Nevertheless, it is known that outwardly the J-31 is very similar to the F-35. One notable difference between the models is price, with the J-31 costing little compared to the F-35 jet fighters. The worrisome point for many is that the J-31s were designed for export, which means that countries to which the US does not supply this type of product will be able to resupply the air force with high-tech weapons at a relatively low cost.

The construction of the Shijingshan amusement park began in 1986. It was opened in 2006 with the slogan " Disney is too far, please come to Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park". Pay attention to the 10 best Disneylands in the world. Inside the park, visitors can find a large castle with a cartoon mouse that looks a lot like Mickey, a duck that looks exactly like Donald, and a girl that is unmistakably Snow White.

When the park management was asked about their connection to Disney, they said that they do not have any agreement with the company, their characters are just very similar, and it's all just a coincidence. It is obvious that Shijingshan amusement park has tried to cover up traces of the blatant resemblance to Disney since its opening, but the effect obtained from the sight of the doubles of the characters still amazes with the impudence of the organizers.

One of China's most horrific forgeries are replicas of famous cities in other countries. Among them are Paris with the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, Venice, famous for its canals and, of course, London with its many pubs. Each of the miniature fake cities has its own infrastructure, and as of 2014, there were 10 such foreign cities in Shanghai.

The interesting thing is that they are not tourist attractions or part of a theme park, they are inhabited by real people. Also, unlike Chinatowns in other countries, these cities were not built by foreigners in China, but were designed by Chinese architects.

The projects of Chinese developers are characterized by freedom of style. For example, some buildings have completely different parameters, dimensions than the original, the material may also differ. However, this glaring resemblance is noticeable to the naked eye, so it is impossible to confuse the miniature copies with the originals.

Thanks to the efforts of craftsmen from the Middle Kingdom, almost everyone, having three kopecks in his pocket, can get a Rolex watch, Prada shoes or the latest iPhone. But not everyone knows that the Chinese went even further and began to forge universities and even cities.

“So, I bought a couple of Goochs, now I need a Vyuttonchik and my dad needs a Rolex,” the brunette in a faux fur coat mutters under her breath, drawing checkmarks on her list, which I scan with curiosity with my eyes, looking over her shoulder. I'm on Shanghai A.P. New XinYang Fashion Market is one of the most popular fake market in the city.

Some time ago, the phrase “I’m going to China to update my wardrobe” plunged me into a stupor. What clothes can you buy there for a Russian girl with a standard Russian size 46? Sweatshirts sewn for Chinese women will be narrow at the shoulders, trousers will be short, shoes (except for very expensive stores) - Bad quality. Not to mention the styles - it seems that the average Chinese woman immediately steps "from 13 to 30" - because with all the diversity of the textile industry, there are two types of women's clothing stores: a) for girls (sweaters with bears, pink leggings) b) for women after 50 (synthetic flowered sweaters, expensive short jackets for office ladies, quilted jackets).

However, most shopaholics flock to the Middle Kingdom not for this at all: their goal is fakes, or “fakes”, as “advanced” mods say. And here China is again ahead of the rest.
Chinese journalists have even stopped being accredited for European fashion weeks. Because as soon as they appear there with their camera, the next “new collection” of some expensive label enters the Chinese markets earlier than in their homeland.

Of course, almost all major brands have their own brand police, which should monitor fakes and stop them. But they cannot interfere in the internal affairs of another state, and in China this can only be decided at the state level.

For reference: annual volume counterfeit products in the world is estimated at $600 billion (and 83% of fakes are made in China), manufacturing companies suffer considerable damage. There is some confusion in terms.

Fake, "fake" - what the Chinese markets are littered with - has nothing to do with the original, except for the name, often written with AshPaks, has nothing to do with it. For the Chinese, all these labels and brands are like hieroglyphs for us. This is how the Puma jacket turns out, in which Adidas is written on the label (variants of Adudas, Addidas, etc. are also possible), and the accessories are Nike.
A copy, replica or version - costs much more than a fake (but, of course, cheaper than the original), is usually made of high-quality material, is as close to the prototype as possible in style. This is on the strength of 10% of the Chinese counterfeit market.

How it's done? For example, there is a factory in Guangzhou that officially produces fabrics for, say, the Hugo Boss brand (and it must be said that now almost all luxury fashion brands are kept afloat thanks to rich Russians and Chinese - thrifty Europeans prefer to wait for sales). So, in addition to this brand, she also discusses a myriad of smaller Chinese "brands", moreover, on absolutely legal grounds - it is worth adding an almost invisible dot or dash to the fabric pattern - and no one will dig under. What brands are copying the most?

Louis Vuitton

Issue price: on the official website - from 500 euros. Chinese counterfeit: about 200 yuan.

According to unofficial marketing statistics, only 1% of products adorned with the LV branded monogram are not counterfeit (!). Once, Victoria Beckham herself showed up at one of the parties with a “burned” handbag. Label creative director Marc Jacobs noticed this and sent the star a real bag with a note - "Honey, keep your brand."


Issue price: on the official website - from 1600 US dollars. Chinese counterfeit: about 250 yuan.


Issue price: on the official website - from 14,000 US dollars. Chinese counterfeit: about 50 yuan.

To date, about 10 million watches of this brand have been produced, not counting fakes. But beyond that, another 40 million counterfeit Rolexes are produced each year in clandestine factories in Southeast Asia. Such data for 2010 was published by Swiss Customs Service. Pirates cause considerable material damage to the brand - last year it amounted to $ 600 million.

Giorgio Armani

Issue price: the belt on the official website is 3, 300 yuan. Watches start at $250. Fake: from 50 yuan.

From mouth to mouth fashion world This legend is transmitted: supposedly once a couturier was walking down the street in Hong Kong after the opening of his next boutique. Just then, a nimble Chinese youth appeared before him, persuading Armani to buy an Emporio Armani watch from him for just $18. The maestro was indignant: “They have nothing to do with my business!”

Christian Dior

Issue price: glasses on the TSUM Moscow website - from 7950 rubles. Chinese fake: from 70 yuan.

Dior is trying in every possible way to modernize the classics, but he cannot run away from his pursuers. For example, at the beginning of this year, a collection created by the German abstract artist Anselm Riley appeared in the brand's boutiques. And already in April (!) these bags were collecting dust on the ruins in the market of my town in Shandong province.

Apple, Nokia

Issue price: IPhone4s 18 Gb - from 18 thousand rubles. Chinese fake: from 300 yuan

I personally know several fans of 苹果 and Nokl’s - they assure that if it doesn’t break on the first day, it will serve properly for the next ....-twenty years.


Issue price: a small handbag about 2 thousand dollars. Chinese fake: from 50 yuan

They say that in the distant 50s, Coco Chanel only laughed when an employee complained to her: “I saw a merchant selling fakes for your costumes for 50 francs in the market! They sold out like fresh pies!" Mademoiselle was delighted: “Couture is commerce, not art. So much the better that they copy me. Ideas are there to spread.” I wonder how she would react now, having learned about the scale of this production only, say, in Guangzhou.

Paul Frank

Issue price: in Chinese boutiques, a T-shirt from 250 yuan. In the Chinese market: from 60 yuan.

Things with a monkey muzzle simply filled the Chinese shops, shops and collapses. He is probably one of the most counterfeited democratic brands, along with Adidas and Nike.


Issue price: on the website of the Central Department Store Moscow from 9,030 rubles. Chinese fake: about 300 yuan

Felt boots by the Australian brand UGG entered the global fashion a few years ago, and every winter all fashionistas in Moscow and St. Petersburg consider it just their duty to shuffle around the streets of the city in them. The largest batch of "gray" goods, which included 244,000 pairs of UGG boots of various models and colors, was seized where? That's right, in China.

Dolce & Gabbana

Everything is actively faked - from glasses and bags to knitwear. D&G glasses for 80 yuan are one of the first purchases of my German colleagues after coming to China.

Issue price: on the TSUM Moscow website, glasses from 8,290 rubles. Chinese fake: from 80 yuan.

Where can I buy?

(we list only the most popular places, anyway you won’t go here, right?):

Shanghai: 1) A.P. New XinYang Fashion Market, Art. subway Shanghai Science & Technology Museum (上海科技馆). Foreigners are brought here, so prices are noticeably higher 2) Qipu Lu clothing market st. Metro Tiantong Road (Line 10) - a real, not glamorous warehouse market! Here the Chinese themselves buy goods, it is better not to go without a guide or knowledge Chinese. Terribly annoying agents. 3) Boutiques in the French Quarter (Shanxi Road Subway Station Line 1), especially Changle Rd and Xinle Rd. Here you can buy exactly replicas + good designer items.

Beijing: 1) the market at the Beijing Zoo (Beijing zoo metro station), starts right in the passage 2) Chinese Arbat - Wangfujing (at the subway station of the same name) 3) "golden street" Xidan (Xidan) - very Chinese! You can buy a bag with the LV logo for a thousand euros in a branded boutique, and, after crossing the street, bargain for its equivalent for a couple of hundred yuan in a small shop.

One of my acquaintances once remarked that "a real Tissot in a crowded subway car looks more luxurious than a fake Rolex."

“That sheep over there has a fake Louis Vuitton,” my colleague, the same brunette at the beginning of the article, tells me. However, she has no doubt that everyone believes that when she gets out of her old Peugeot, she has a real Birkin hanging on her shoulder. What makes people buy fakes? The desire to become closer to the world of the rich? Fashion?

Maybe just a low price?

In relation to luxury brands, three groups of buyers stand out: a) "traditional" - millionaires and their families b) middle class - who can treat themselves to New Year or Birthday c) "imitators" - they are the main consumers of fakes, because they cannot afford the original. Paradoxically, it is the latter who make the brand famous: after all, who would know about Gucci, which has become a “people's” brand, if half of the passengers in the subway did not wear copies of these bags on their shoulders?

Indeed, “the darker the night, the brighter the stars”!
