
List of types of alcoholic drinks. Weak green alcoholic drink

A rare holiday or a sad event in Russia does without alcohol. Low-alcohol drinks are gaining more and more popularity today. They enable the consumer to be "under a small degree", while not getting drunk much. Because of this, many young people do not miss the opportunity to drink a cocktail or beer every evening. There is an opinion that the harm of low-alcohol drinks is not so great. Doctors argue that the damage caused to health by low-alcohol drinks is sufficient to stop using them. But let's get it right...

Types and composition

The main classification is based on the amount of alcohol contained. Ethyl alcohol is the basis of any alcoholic beverage. Depending on the amount of this clear liquid with a characteristic odor and burning taste, alcoholic beverages are divided into types.

In highly alcoholic drinks, the percentage ethyl alcohol reaches 96. Strong drinks such as vodka, cognac, whiskey and rum contain from 31 to 65% ethyl alcohol. Liquor products and wines are classified as medium-alcohol drinks, which are characterized by an alcohol content of 10 to 30%. Low alcohol drinks contain only 1.5 to 9% alcohol. The most popular representative of this category is beer.

Ethyl alcohol in Russia is widely used in various fields. In industry, medicine, food industry and the national economy cannot do without it. But it has a very detrimental effect on the human body.

Where did outlandish drinks come from in Rus'

"Long drink", or drinks that should be drunk for a long time, stretching out the pleasure, appeared in Russia in the early nineties. The first swallows arrived, as expected, from Europe. Not yet spoiled Russian buyers were attracted by the unusual taste and affordable price of foreign treats. Domestic manufacturers noticed high demand, simplicity and cheapness of technologies, so they quickly became serious competitors to European brands.

In the history of the production of Russian low-alcohol drinks, there have been recessions, crises, and prosperity, as well as import bans. Today, production and foreign deliveries are well established, and there is a huge assortment of low-alcohol drinks on store shelves.

Manufacturers are preparing thoroughly for the onset of summer: they are replenishing the list of low-alcohol drinks, creating new flavors, experimenting with packaging, updating design, and looking for new outlets.

How low-alcohol drinks won the love and wallets of buyers

The vast majority of adult customers have tried a low-alcohol cocktail at least once in their lives, and many have become its true connoisseurs and regular consumers. What is the secret of the popularity of these drinks?

First, there is a huge selection. The buyer, even with the most unusual gastronomic preferences, can find a drink to taste. The most common drinks are lemon, orange, grapefruit, raspberry, banana, exotic fruits and, of course, beer.

Secondly: pricing policy. As noted above, low-alcohol tonic drinks are much more attractive in price than alcohol of a higher strength.

Thirdly: walking distance. Today, on the shelves of any store, supermarket, cafe or club menu there is a huge selection of cocktails.

Fourthly: the effect created by the drink is the opportunity to relax and unwind. With this drink, a person can not only quench his thirst, but also, thanks to a small dose of alcohol, relax and liberate himself, without fear of getting drunk to the point of recklessness.

Of course, low-alcohol drinks are mostly preferred by active young people. Most manufacturers are guided by them when choosing technologies, containers and advertising strategies. People belonging to the older age category prefer stronger drinks and beer.

Drinks to tone up

A modern person, especially in a metropolis, lives in constant hustle, noise, stress and habits. Including he gets used to being in trend and living at a frantic pace. Of course, this requires strength and rest. But where to take time for rest, how to spend it with benefit and make the body work longer and the brain more productive? Many young people use low-alcohol tonic drinks as a “recharge”. The list of popular brands on the market is very extensive.

Tonics include non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks that contain a tonic. Such a component requires very little to have an exciting (toning) effect on the human body.

Part energy drinks includes carbohydrates, caffeine and plant extracts. These components have a stimulating effect on a person. It is believed that not only harm, but also benefits the body bring low-alcohol tonic drinks. The list of organs that they positively affect is impressive: digestive system, stomach, intestines, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

But there are categories of consumers who are not recommended to use tonic drinks - these are pregnant women, adolescents, the elderly, as well as people suffering from insomnia or with an unstable psyche. Even a healthy adult should not drink more than one bottle (can) per day.

Popular types of low-alcohol drinks in Russia

Increasingly, low-alcohol drinks began to fall into the shopping cart. Affordable price, large selection and relaxing effect of drinking makes them attractive to consumers.

The following drinks are considered the most famous:

    Kvass is a traditional Russian drink with a strength of up to 2.5%. To obtain kvass, you need bread or milk sourdough. dairy and acetic acid endow kvass with useful properties. It helps to improve digestion, metabolism, as well as normal muscle tone. In addition, it includes a bouquet of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that provide positive influence on the body. But kvass is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, children under the age of three, as well as people with stomach ulcers and liver cirrhosis.

    Cider and Perry - Apple must and yeast are used to make these drinks. For the manufacture of cider, a special variety of apples is grown, so it is not the cheapest in its category. Perry is considered a type of cider, only it is based on the fermentation of pear juice.

    Champagne - not all such wines are classified as low-alcohol drinks, for some the fortress exceeds the threshold of 9%. Champagne is a drink of celebration and celebration. It is produced by one of the methods: autotrophic or bottled champagne. IN quality drink the bubbles will be small, not large or medium as in sparkling water. Champagne is credited with a number of useful properties due to the polyphenol that is included in its composition. This drink has bactericidal properties, lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the brain. But they get drunk very quickly from it, the bubbles can cause putrefaction in the stomach, and when pregnant women drink champagne, the fetus can develop cerebral palsy.

    Wine is one of the most noble drinks. Although most wines do not fall into the category of low-alcohol drinks, since their strength mark starts at 9%. The main raw material is grapes different varieties. Distinguish between red and white wine, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, table, rose. Very often on the shelves you can find a bottle at a very low price, indicating that the drink is based on powder. Natural wine really has beneficial properties, because it contains vitamins, acids, trace elements, antioxidants, iron and other biologically active substances. active substances. If you drink wine within reasonable limits, it helps to lower cholesterol, remove toxins from the body. With the abuse of such a drink, a person is threatened with coronary heart disease, diabetes and the development of cancers.

    Beer - weak alcoholic drink which is prepared using barley malt, hops, yeast and water. This product took all the best from cereals: vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, H, C, K, acids and trace elements. Drinking beer in moderation improves metabolic processes and reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

    Kumys is not a very common drink in Russia, but it definitely deserves attention. This product is based on mare's milk and, of course, yeast. The strength of such a drink can vary significantly from different manufacturers - from 0.2 to 40%. Kumis is endowed with useful properties due to vitamins, minerals, fats and live lactic acid bacteria that make up its composition. It has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    • Liqueur-based cocktails - Gin Tonic, Jaguar, Strike, Hooch, Screwdriver, Shake, Revo, Rum-Cola, Brandy-Cola and more. There are a large number of such drinks on the shelves, we have given only a few examples. There are a lot of preservatives in jars and bottles with such products.

    These are the most popular drinks in our country. If low-alcohol drinks are considered more carefully in cultures of other countries, the list will be much longer.

    Large-scale and single releases of low-alcohol drinks

    Every customer knows about the existence of low-alcohol drinks. Today, such a large number of rarely drinking citizens can easily get confused in it. Let's figure out what applies to low-alcohol drinks.

    Low-alcohol drinks are considered to be drinks, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 9%. In their preparation, juices, extracts of plant materials, bee products, grapes and sugar are used. The recipe also includes flavoring and aromatic additives, dyes and water. Naturally, this is an incomplete list of ingredients for preparing an alcoholic drink. The production and sale of alcoholic beverages is strictly regulated by the state.

    Gardeners have their own drink production secrets varying degrees fortresses. Beer, cocktails, liqueurs, wine, kvass and other low-alcohol drinks at home are easy to prepare. Home "producers" like to talk about the benefits of their drinks, in any case, you should not abuse such products!

    Stages of intoxication

    The word "alcohol" comes from the Arabic "al kegol", which means "intoxicating". Undoubtedly, drinks containing alcohol have an intoxicating effect. There are several stages of the influence of alcohol on the body of an adult:

    The effect of alcohol on the male body

    There is a myth that, unlike strong alcoholic beverages, low-alcohol products are harmless. Negative impact on male body Low-alcohol drinks also have a list of consequences of which depends on their composition.

    Most often, beer is consumed in large quantities. Consider the result based on it:

    • "Beer belly" is a well-known trait of beer drinkers. The deposition of fat in males occurs according to the female type and leads to further obesity. The fat formed due to the love of beer breaks down very quickly and enters the liver, forming cholesterol there.
    • In the future, such men are waiting for atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
    • Men who consume beer in large quantities develop gynecomastia. It is expressed in an increase in the mammary glands, an increase in the timbre of the voice, a cessation of the growth of bristles, an emotional disorder, and often as a result of such changes, impotence develops.

    To help a man cope with hormonal disruptions and other problems caused by the frequent use of low-alcohol drinks, can healthy lifestyle lives, diets, and the rejection (even if only a significant reduction) of these dangerous foods.

    The effect of alcohol on the female body

    Low-alcohol drinks often deal devastating damage female body especially when consumed in large quantities. Ladies who are accustomed to drinking alcohol are threatened by:

    • the occurrence of a stroke;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • mental decline and memory impairment, since alcohol in any dose kills human brain cells;
    • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
    • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
    • change in figure, deterioration in color and structure of the skin;
    • hormonal disruptions, the development of infertility.

    It is better for girls and women to abstain or reduce the dose of alcohol intake. And there are times when alcohol, even with the smallest alcohol content, should be completely excluded from the diet. The use of low-alcohol drinks during pregnancy or lactation is strictly contraindicated!

    The effect of alcohol on children and adolescents

    Of course, if we talk about kvass and kefir, which also contain fermentation, then parents give these products to children without hesitation. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, it is worth remembering their effect on children's body and do not allow the child even to taste.

    Keeping track of a teenager is very difficult. Young boys and girls can't wait to try adult life and entertainment. But the harm of low-alcohol drinks is colossal, this needs to be explained and "hammered" to your child. A strong blow to an unformed organism can lead to tragedy. Here we are not only talking about lethal cases, but also diseases, mental and mental disorder, infertility and impotence.

    Law and soft drinks

    Many countries have introduced various bans on low-alcohol and tonic drinks.

    In Russia, the legislation provides for penalties for such violations:

    • drinking alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks in the wrong places;
    • sale of alcoholic beverages in unauthorized places;
    • after 22:00;
    • non-compliance with advertising restrictions;
    • disregard for age restrictions in the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    State struggle with alcoholic products is inextricably linked with the promotion of such goods, since their producers are serious taxpayers.

    To drink or not to drink, everyone decides for himself. But we must remember that momentary weakness can have an irreparable effect on a person. If you abuse even low-alcohol drinks, the body will not forgive you!

The low-alcohol drinks presented on the modern market contain alcohol, which was produced by fermentation, and not by processing in a distillation cube.

Soft drinks include

  • grape wine;
  • vermouth;
  • liqueurs;
  • Martini;
  • beer;
  • punch;
  • cocktails;
  • physicists;
  • champagne;
  • sake and other drinks.

The percentage of alcohol in them, as a rule, does not exceed 20 - 22%. But in some countries, drinks with an alcohol percentage of up to 28% also belong to the category of low-alcohol drinks. This point must be taken into account when purchasing this or that product for subsequent sale.

Low alcohol wines

These drinks are created using the technology of natural fermentation of grapes or other natural fruit juice. The strength of wines can vary from 9 to 16 revolutions. They are dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. In addition, fortified wines are on the market, the required alcohol content of which is achieved by adding a certain amount of alcohol to the original product.


We are talking about drinks, the alcohol content of which is from 15 to 20 revolutions and for the flavoring of which spices are used, medicinal herbs or spices. Most experts classify vermouth as a fortified wine.


This is a low-alcohol drink that is infused with more than 35 types of herbs. Its strength varies from 18 to 20 turns.

For making a martini unique taste are used:

  • yarrow;

  • immortelle;

  • chamomile;

  • mint;

  • sagebrush;

  • carnation;

  • ginger;

  • cinnamon;

  • St. John's wort;

  • coriander, etc.

The drink belongs to the class of vermouth.

Low alcohol liqueurs

Liqueurs are prepared on the basis of grape brandy, and then insist on a variety of fruits, leaves of fruit trees and bushes, seeds, etc. They contain a large amount of sugar, and the strength of liqueurs can reach 25 revolutions or even exceed this value.

Low alcohol and non-alcoholic beer

This drink is prepared using the technology of fermentation of malt wort with hops and yeast. The most commonly used wort is barley. The strength of the beer can vary from 3 to 14 revolutions. There are more than 1,000 different varieties of this drink on the modern market, and they differ not only in strength, but also in taste, preparation technology, and the type of initial ingredients.


This category includes a wide range of hot, cold or chilled cocktails based on fresh or concentrated fruit, as well as fruit juice. As an alcoholic component, vodka, brandy, arak, rum, grappa, wine, etc. can be added to the punch. The sugar content in the punch varies from 30 to 40%, and its strength is from 15 to 20 turns. The drink is mainly prepared at receptions and parties.

Low alcohol cocktails

This is a broad category that includes drinks obtained by mixing a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic ingredients. Cocktails are prepared in certain proportions, on which their strength directly depends. According to the rules, the volume of one serving of a cocktail should not exceed 150 ml.


These are all refreshing soft low-alcohol drinks with a foamy sparkling structure. Their main components are ice and carbonated water (as an option, sweet carbonated drinks). Physi can be prepared with or without the addition of alcohol. The drink is usually prepared by hand right before serving. However, in some cases, refreshing fizy with a foamy-sparkling structure are bought ready-made and simply chilled before use.


Champagne is a sparkling wine, which can be prepared from one or several grape varieties at once using double fermentation technology. It is sold in bottles and is about the same strength as grape wine.


This japanese drink, which is prepared using rice fermentation technology. Depending on the additives used by the manufacturer, sake may taste like bananas, grapes, sherry, apples, spices or spices. The strength of the drink varies from 14 to 20 turns, and its shade can vary from transparent to greenish or yellowish.

Low alcohol drinks at the exhibition

The range is very wide, and if you constantly deal with similar products by the nature of your activity, you can learn much more about it and about the raw materials used for its production. Just register as a participant or visitor in the international exhibition "Prodexpo", which is held in the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre".

Alcohol and human civilization, according to historians, appeared almost simultaneously. Under natural conditions, the honeycombs of wild bees in the hollows of trees, flooded with rainwater, turned into a heady liquid, and the rotted roots of some plants in the Amazonian selva gave rise to certain types of alcohol.

There are several common types of alcohol. These are weak, and medium, and strong alcoholic drinks. How not to "get lost" in this abundance? Let's try to figure it out.

Alcoholic beverages around the world are usually divided into three large groups depending on their strength. This is first of all:

  • low-alcohol brands of alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • hard alcoholic drinks.

Alcoholic drinks of weak strength

Did you know? The category of alcohol of weak strength includes brands of alcohol in which the alcohol content does not exceed 9%.

In the market line of this series there are:

  • traditional beer, the production technology of which is based on the fermentation of wort from malt while catalyzing the entire process with brewer's yeast;

  • various home brews are original mixtures that appear during the fermentation of a “cocktail” from various vegetable and fruit fruits. Braga contains various yeasts. Usually this is an intermediate product used as a raw material for the preparation of strong alcoholic varieties of alcohol;

  • cider is made from fresh apples where yeast is not used in the process;

  • toddy - exotic for northern latitudes brand. It is made by fermenting the juice of coconut and tua palms. Sometimes a yeast fungus is added;

  • koumiss is a popular low-alcohol product made from mare's milk. During fermentation, it gains a small amount of ethanol.

Medium strength alcoholic drinks

Did you know? Medium-strength alcohol includes drinks containing up to 32% alcohol in their composition. In the last and the century before last, before the general festive feast guests were offered various tinctures and aperitifs of medium strength, which contributed to the "whisking up the appetite."

  • - a product made from grapes, which is prepared both according to unified and author's technologies. Wine collectors today count more than 12,000 of its varieties;

  • - mead - - alcohol made from honey and some other waste products of bees (honeycomb partitions, etc.). Various spices are often added to it, sometimes yeast;

  • Mulled wine is a product that is prepared by heating dry and semi-dry wine with various spices and fruits. Mulled wine is heated, not boiled. Often sugar and various herbs are added to it, and red wine is preferred;

  • Sake is the national brand of Japan. This is vodka made from rice. Its fortress is 16-22%. The production technology of this rice vodka is very labor intensive. Here it is only worth recalling that in the manufacture of sake, special (“heavy”) rice and water from special sources are used, which is devoid of manganese and iron;

  • “punch” is the common name for a product made by mixing wines and various juices. Punch is served both hot and cold. His homeland is India, from where he migrated to the English metropolis and immediately gained popularity. There are a lot of punch recipes. However, initially the punch included five components: water, rum, tea, lemon juice and sugar. Punch usually starts with large piece sugar, gradually adding rum until the sugar head is completely melted. It is served at the table in large bowls.

Strong alcoholic drinks

Did you know? Strong types of alcohol include brands in which the ethyl alcohol content is above 30 degrees.

These traditionally include:

  • - This is alcohol, which is made by distilling the wort from cereal plants. IN industrial scale the product is subjected to thorough cleaning through filters made of activated carbon or enriched starch. Modern technology vodka production appeared at the end of the 19th century;

  • Whiskey is a strong product that has sophisticated technology production. After fermentation and enrichment with malt, followed by distillation, the drink is kept in oak barrels. Whiskey can be made not only from wheat. Some types of this alcoholic drink are made from cereals of rye, barley, corn, and buckwheat is very popular in England. The alcohol content in whiskey, depending on the recipe, can range from 36 to 67 degrees;

  • - strong product fruit base. Various recipes brandy combines a production technology that includes a distillation process grape wine or fruit and berry mash. Most popular varieties This spirit is made by distillation of grape wine. The strength of brandy can vary over a wide range from 39 to 55 degrees. There are a lot of brands of grape brandy. This includes certain types( , ), manufactured in the French city of the same name. These brands make double distillation guilt. (the name corresponds to the geography of the French department), unlike cognac, it is prepared only by one long distillation from grapes harvested in one year (millesim type), cognac is a blended drink, prepared from grapes different years. Degrees of Armagnac varies in the range of 40 - 50%, for cognac - the upper limit reaches 40, Armagnac's aging time is much longer than for cognacs. Sheri brandy was invented by winemakers in southern Spain. This is a sherry product made from brut grape varieties. The distillation of dry wine gives it excessive astringency;

  • -rum- - in the list of names of strong alcohol occupies a special place. It is produced by fermenting and distilling molasses and syrup from sugar cane followed by aging in oak barrels. Rum is very often used as a separate ingredient in confectionery industry. The indicators of alcohol from this line may fluctuate depending on different regions planets from 39 to 72 degrees;

  • - belongs to the category of strong alcohol, which is highly respected by lovers of complex cocktails. IN pure form gin tastes dry and tart. It is made from grain alcohol, where juniper berries, blackthorn, zest, orris root, various herbs, angelica stem and other ingredients are added. Then this mixture is distilled twice in vertical cubes, obtaining at the output a product not lower than 38.2 degrees. Today, juniper vodka often does not contain juniper berries and does not have the appropriate aftertaste. However, the brand has become so respected by consumers that both cocktail lovers and admirers pure product still prefer it.

The alcohol market is developing dynamically. Some brands of alcohol go into oblivion, others appear. Technologists experiment a lot with recipes for wines, spirits and beer. Popularity and longevity of any alcohol brand depends on the totality of market circumstances, the work and talents of many people: technologists, manufacturers, marketers and everyone involved in this complex area of ​​economic activity.

Which drink is this? huge variety do you prefer? Do you like it better strong alcohol Or drinks with a lower degree? Share your opinion in the comments.

Despite its harmfulness to health, alcohol is gaining rapid momentum in popularity. Manufacturers of alcoholic beverages come up with more and more new varieties of products every day. Previously, entertaining cocktails were made by fermenting berries, hops, etc. To date, production technologies have stepped forward, and the ingenuity of companies is striking in composition, brightness, and degree. In this article we will consider a light, medium and strong alcoholic drink, its features and types.

The history of the appearance of alcoholic beverages

As we already know, alcohol appeared many centuries ago. Its first species can be considered fermented berry juice. Pure type alcohol was first discovered by the Arabs. This event took place in the 6th-7th century, and it received the name "intoxicating". Around 8 thousand years BC, people began to brew alcohol from various products Agriculture. For these purposes, grapes, chalk, fruit fruits, etc. were used.

Attention! A large number of scientists believe that winemaking appeared much earlier than people began to engage in agriculture.

Centuries passed, society developed, and today all countries have their own historical drink, which they are proud of, and which is their symbol. In order to make it easier for the consumer to make a choice of alcohol, manufacturers have divided alcohol into separate types. We will look at the classification in the next section.

The simplest classification of alcohol

Since the product range has many varieties of alcohol, it was divided into several groups according to certain criteria. Types of alcoholic beverages are combined according to such characteristics as the number of degrees and the type of raw materials. Let's take a look at each classification. So, in terms of degrees, the following subgroups are distinguished:

  • Light types of alcoholic beverages are weak alcoholic cocktails, in terms of the number of degrees they do not exceed 10%;
  • Medium types - strong cocktails, which on average have from 10 to 25%;
  • Strong alcohol - contains a high number of turnovers: from about 26% and above.

The classification of alcoholic beverages with respect to raw materials, which serve as the main component of the recipe, involves the selection of the following types:

  • Strong and sweet alcoholic drinks, for the preparation of which they use the most popular product - grapes. This group includes wine, grappa and cognac;
  • Cereals. This list is replenished with both strong and light alcoholic drinks, for example, vodka, whiskey and beer;
  • Fruity. Is weak and strong sweet alcohol e.g. cider, tincture, liquor;
  • Alcohol with herbs, such as balm, tequila or absinthe.

Now let's take a closer look at the first classification and find out which alcohol is considered the most popular, and how many degrees it contains. About all this further.

Alcoholic drinks with a low degree

In most countries, the norms for how many degrees in a particular drink are completely different, so they can be above and below the average level. Alcohol can move from one table in the classification to a completely different one if the production used technologies that made it weaker or stronger. In our list of light drinks, we will consider only those that do not exceed 8%. These include:

  • Beer. The most popular types are made by fermenting malt and brewer's yeast. In almost all cases, hops must be present, which gives the drink a special quality. Despite the fact that this alcohol contains a little alcohol, it still has negative impact on the body, so you need to drink it in moderation;
  • Braga. It is a product that is formed as a result of the fermentation of plant matter, for example, various fruits or vegetables. In its pure form, it is used in rare cases. Usually the thick is removed, and the liquid serves as the basis of moonshine;
  • Cider. One of the most popular alcoholic drinks. There are apple, pear, etc. This is a very weak alcohol, which in most cases contains 2% ethanol;
  • Toddy. Belongs to the group of interesting exotic products, for the production of which palm sap is used;
  • Kvass. Of course, it is very difficult to consider it an alcoholic drink, since ethanol cannot be found in the composition itself. However, it is made from hops or herbs, which after fermentation can give slight intoxication;
  • Koumiss. This drink will allow you to stay always in good health, and it can also help in the fight against alcoholism. It is produced from mare's milk, which turns sour and after fermentation receives a low percentage of alcohol.

This list goes on, but we looked at the most popular drinks with a low degree.

Medium alcoholic drinks

Less light alcoholic drinks contain about 30 degrees. Among the popular ones, the following types should be distinguished:

  • Wine. Fabulous light drink, coined the best craftsmen France. Many poems and songs have been written about him; it is a drink of health, strength, love. If we consider the production technology, then we can boldly say that this is just fermented grapes. What are the types? The most popular are sweet, dry and semi-sweet wines. Alcohol contains a lot of useful trace elements, which allows you to drink it to improve health, but within reason, since alcoholism as a disease can appear at any time;
  • Mead. By name, you can immediately note that honey is included in the composition. Mead can have a transparent or yellowish color;
  • Mulled wines are called light wines cooked on herbs, spices and fruits;
  • Grog. Prepared on the basis of strong rum, but diluted with water and sugar;
  • Sake. A clear alcoholic liquid cooked on rice sprouts or cereals. In Japan it is called rice wine. It is prepared with the help of fermentation, after which the thick mass is filtered and the drink is served at the table;
  • Punch. thick wines diluted with juice, while it can be much larger, which makes the drink weaker.

Strong alcoholic drinks

Strong alcoholic drinks are all types containing more than 30% ethanol. This group contains several dozen titles, among which there are 80%. The most popular types of powerful alcohol are:

  • Vodka. With alcoholism, it is the most important problem, since it is it that “addicts” mainly like to drink and is characterized by a transparent shade of liquid, thick viscosity and a strength of up to 42%;
  • Cognac . One of the most popular and elite types of alcohol, which is characterized by a strength of more than 40%. For production, special grape varieties are most often used;
  • Rum. It contains syrup, which is obtained from the processing of sugar cane;
  • Whiskey. Irish popular type of alcohol, which is obtained after the complex processes fermentation, malting and distillation of cereals;
  • Sambuca. A special kind of vodka with the addition of anise and special herbs;
  • Tequila. For its production, blue agave is used, which is only found on Mexican plantations;
  • Absinthe. A very strong drink invented in Japan. It is made from wormwood, and the turnover rate reaches - 70%.

So we examined the main classification of alcoholic beverages. Remember, any of the above types has a negative effect on the body and can lead to alcoholism, so be careful.

Aquavit- Scandinavian strong drink, in which cumin is added as a spice. Colorless, dry (close to Kümmel, but drier). It is used both in its pure form (chilled), and as component cocktails.

American whiskey- any of the many types of whiskey made in the USA: rye whiskey. Bourbon, negotiable, whiskey, etc.

American bourbon whiskey Whiskey having, immediately after distillation, no more than 80% alcohol. It is distilled from fermented wort obtained from grain (including corn at least 51%). Stored in tarred oak barrels.

American contract whiskey- it is also called “bottled by obligation”, because it is aged for at least 4 years, has 50% alcohol when bottled and is distilled at the distillery alone in the same period. Stored under government supervision until released to the market. The name “Bottled by Commitment” does not indicate quality or guarantee it - it is just a brand name.

American rye whiskey- distilled from grain must, where rye is at least 51%. After distillation, the alcohol content does not exceed 80%. Stored in new tarred oak containers.

American blended whiskey- a mixture of different types of whiskey with aged grain neutral spirits. When bottling, the alcohol content is 40%. The mixing process gives the drink a uniform consistency, lightness, softness and aroma. Confusing terminology, Americans often order rye whiskey when they actually mean blended whiskey.

American pure whiskey- any rye, bourbon, wheat, barley-malt, rye-malt or corn whiskey, distilled to a strength not exceeding 80%. When bottling, the alcohol content is not higher than 62.5% and not lower than 40%. Aged for at least 2 years in new tarred oak vats.

anise liqueur- soft colorless liquor with anise aroma. has a taste of licorice root, sweet.

orange flower water("Orange Blossom") is a delicate flavored substance produced in the Middle East from the flowers of the orange tree. used in Ramos and other drinks.

orange bitters- Flavoring with a bittersweet orange flavor. goes into cocktails and other drinks.

Aperitif is a broad term applied to drinks taken before meals to stimulate the appetite, usually liquor.

Armagnac- one of the two world-famous types of French grape brandy. The other type is cognac. The consistency of Armagnac is thicker than that of cognac, it is less delicate and drier. It is produced in a clearly defined area of ​​the Gers department in southwestern France.

Auzo Greek colorless liquor high content alcohol. Flavored with anise.

Velvet beer A type of ale that is very dark in color with strong malt and hop flavors.

Bordeaux- the wines of the most famous wine-growing region of France. The whole area consists of five districts specializing in the production of wine: Grave, Medoc, Pomerol, Sauternes and Saint-Emilien. The wines produced here (red and white) bear the names of these districts.

Brandy- a strong drink made from grape or fruit must. Brandy from grape wines does not require any clarification for the sticker. Fruit brandy must be accompanied by an appropriate explanation: apple brandy, apricot brandy, etc. A popular after-meal drink and as an ingredient in many cocktails.

Burgundy wines- are named after the province in the east of France, where excellent red wines are produced, as well as many excellent dry white wines. The wines of Burgundy bear the name of the city around which the vineyards are laid out, or the name of the most famous vineyard in the area. The Burgundy region consists of 4 main wine-growing regions: Gold Coast, Mason, Beaujolais and Chablis.

Vermouth sweet- sweetish, thick, seasoned, flavored with fragrant infusion, spice plants, especially wormwood (in German, vermouth - wormwood), a drink made from grape wine, sugar and alcohol.

Vermouth dry- dry, tart, light, flavored aperitif white color. The characteristic aroma of vermouth is obtained by skillfully mixing white wines, in which all kinds of herbs and spices were infused.

Wine- a drink obtained from alcoholic fermentation grape juice. The word "wine" implies a grape product, however, it can be made from any other agricultural products, including nuts, berries, flowers. Wines are divided into red and white (any wine with a reddish tint is considered red: red wines range from pale pink to dark ruby, white wines range from pale straw to dark brown; there are no absolutely colorless wines), dry (Where grape sugar almost completely fermented) and semi-sweet (sugar content from 3 to 8%), strong (port, Madeira, sherry, marsala) and dessert (cahors, tokay, nutmeg, etc.), sparkling and flavored (vermouth).

Whiskey- the general name of strong drinks with a strength of at least 40 degrees and distilled from grain wort.

cherry vodka Sherry brandy is a colorless fruit brandy distilled from small black cherries.

Cherry tincture of Kijaf- Danish cherry wine.

Vodka- a colorless alcoholic beverage, practically tasteless and odorless and usually distilled from grain must. Drink on its own or in many cocktails and mixed drinks.

Hawaiian rum- a kind of rum, light, fragrant, dry and very delicate. It is distilled in Hawaii from sugarcane molasses growing on soil rich in volcanic rocks. Aged in old tarred oak barrels.

Bitters- infusion of roots, bark, herbs and other products of the plant world. used to add flavor to cocktails and other drinks, as well as an integral part in the preparation various dishes, and sometimes as a tonic affinity to improve digestion after overuse alcohol.

Grenadine- bright red syrup for sweetening mixed drinks, It is specially prepared so that the flavor aroma has a hint of pomegranate, strawberry and raspberry.

Gin- gin is obtained either after a single distillation of grain must, or after secondary distillation grain neutral alcohols. It acquires its specific aroma from juniper berries (and other plant fruits).

Cereal neutral alcohol- an alcoholic distillate from fermented grain must (usually corn), distilled to obtain a product containing 95% or more pure alcohol. used in blended whiskeys and to make gin, vodka and many other spirits.

golden gin- dry gin, which, after aging in a wooden bowl, has acquired a golden or straw-yellow color. If a gin company ages its drink for any length of time, it cannot by law mention any aging period on its labels.

Irish whiskey- Irish whiskey. made from barley (with or without malt), along with oats, wheat, and sometimes with a little rye. It is usually a blend of pure still distilled whiskeys, but may occasionally include lighter whiskeys from distillation towers. The malt is dried in kilns fired with coal instead of peat and designed so that the smoke from the fire does not reach the malt. Whiskey is aged for 7 years or more. Usually Irish whiskey heavier and has a denser consistency than Scotch whisky.

sparkling wine is a general, widely used term for any sparkling or carbonated wine, including Champagne, regardless of quality, character and place of production.

Canadian whiskey- a specific product of Canada - distilled, aged, mixed with additives and packaged under the obligation under the supervision of the Canadian government. Canadian whiskeys are premium, bottled, usually aged for 6 years or more, have a light texture and, although their aroma is very delicate, retain their originality. Corn, rye and barley malt are the main grains used in the production of Canadian whiskey.

Chianti- dry, red, rather strong Italian table wine produced in the Tuscan region of Italy. Most Chianti wines are brought to the market in round-bottom flasks wrapped in straw. Only a small number of the finest Chianti wines are shipped in regular claret bottles. Also produced in small quantities white Chianti, rarely exported from Italy. Classic Chianti is a wine produced in the three communities of the ancient League of Chianti and in some surrounding areas.

Kirschwasser- a synonym for cherry vodka.

Claret- the original name Claret belonged to the red wines of the Bordeaux region of France. Today, dry red wines, produced in almost all countries of the world and with the most varied quality, are sold as Claret or Claret type wines.

Cognac- the world's greatest brandy. Produced in a designated and legally restricted area around the city of Cognac in southwestern France. The various qualities of cognac are often marked with asterisks in ascending order and letters of the Latin alphabet representing the initials. English words corresponding value.

Kümmel- a colorless liqueur with a caraway flavor.

Curacao- liquor made from orange peel on the island of Curacao (West Indies). He usually orange color, but its green and blue varieties are found.

Liquor- a sweet alcoholic drink made from an infusion of herbs or fruits and cereal alcohol, brandy or whiskey. A synonym for liquor is liqueur.

London dry gin- dry colorless gin, originally originated in England, but now produced under the same name in the United States. English gins tend to be somewhat heavier and more flavored than American gins.

Madeira- wines made on the Portuguese island of Madeira off the northern coast of Africa. Produced from mature grapes enhanced with wine-based brandy, and formed at high temperature in special greenhouses. Most Madeira wines are sweet and served chilled.

May wine - light sweet white wine flavored with a special flower called Waldemeister. Served chilled, often with a strawberry or other berry in a glass.

Maraschino- strong white fragrant liquor with a bitter-sweet taste.

March Beer- specially brewed, it is darker, heavier and slightly sweeter than regular (or light) beer.

juniper vodka Also known as "Dutch Gin". This is a Danish production, a vodka with a heavy body and very flavored. It is made by dipping a mixture of juniper berries with other herbal spices directly into the grain must before distillation. Or are the essential oils extracted from vegetable mixture a heavy distillate from fermented wort of corn, rye and barley malt. Served very chilled without any impurities or with the addition of a drop of bitters.

Moselle wines- light, delicate, fragrant dry white wines produced in Germany on the basis of Riesling grapes grown in the valley of the Moselle River and its tributaries. They are also a common denomination for light American wines with similar qualities.

Muscatel- sweet white dessert wine made from Muscat grapes.

Livka- a synonym for liquor.

Non-sparkling wine - any wine, regardless of color and quality, not saturated (unlike sparkling wine).

Beer- a drink made by fermenting cereal seeds and malt and flavored with hops. Beer is usually brewed at more than low temperatures than ale. This boiling process is called bottom fermentation.

pisco- Chilean brandy, similar to Mark, with a spicy aftertaste.

Port wine A sweet dessert wine with a rich aroma, originally produced only in the upper Duro Valley in Portugal, but now also produced in the USA, Africa and South America. Truly Portuguese products are prepared and sent to the market to exacting standards. These standards do not apply outside of Portugal, so while other Ports may be excellent on their own, they rarely resemble the Portuguese product. True port wine is reinforced grape brandy and is always subject to aging.

Puerto Rican rum- dry rum with a light consistency; distilled to high strength in distillation columns, aged from 1 to 3 years and is usually a mixture of different distillates. Two varieties are available, white label and gold label, the latter being slightly sweeter and darker, with a more pronounced rum aroma. But no rum even comes close; however, in terms of darkness and aromatic richness, heavy-bodied rums, such as Jamaican, are close to the golden Puerto Rican. It is drunk neat, as part of many mixed drinks, and is also used as a flavoring for various dishes and confectionery.

Rhine wine- white German wines produced in the Rheingau, Reinhssen, as well as in the Reinpfalz and Palatinet. Each of these regions produces wine with specific differences. The best is made from Riesling grapes. Rhine wines tend to be heavy in body, fruity and semi-dry.

Sake- fermented rice wine. Sake is usually served warm in small cups, it can also be served at room temperature or chilled in wooden boxes with salt around the rim.

Cider- a low-alcohol carbonated drink obtained by fermenting apple juice.

Slivovitz- brandy, distilled from plums and cinnamon, aged in a wooden container.

Tequila- an alcoholic drink from the agave cactus, produced in the Mexican region of Jalisco.

Fitz- a refreshing mixed low-alcohol drink with lemon juice and ice. It necessarily includes mineral or simply sparkling water from a glass home siphon.
