
How to make thick wine from chokeberry. Wine from chokeberry juice

The season of fruit and berry wines is almost over. It's time to get ready for classic winemaking, where the main ingredient, as is customary in civilized countries, is grapes. But before that, be sure to make wine from chokeberry, which domestic winemakers characterize as " High Quality". It is not difficult to prepare it, and the drink turns out to be very rich, thick and fragrant. True, for an amateur.

Chokeberry, it is also chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), and in the people it is simply chokeberry, - common in North America plant, where there are about 15 species. Three grow in our latitudes: arbutus-leaved, plum-leaved and chokeberry. The fruits of chokeberry are very useful and are widely used in medicine. Apple-shaped fruits with dark red flesh are often used for cooking medicinal syrups And vitamin complexes. In addition, chokeberry effectively lowers blood pressure Therefore, it is often recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

The fruits of chokeberry, including all products made from them, are highly undesirable for people suffering from increased blood clotting, arterial hypotension and hypotension, gastritis, peptic ulcers.

Aronia is highly valued by winemakers. The wine from it is obtained thick, extractive, rich ruby ​​color. The drink is well clarified if the fruits were harvested in mid-September, when they are filled with juice as much as possible. Any kind of wine can be made from chokeberry, but dining rooms are rarely prepared, as they turn out to be too tart and “heavy” in taste. It is best to prepare dessert and strong wines. Also, chokeberry is often mixed with other juices, in particular with juice autumn apples, - then the wine is not so tart and more drinkable for the weaker sex.

In general, making wine from chokeberry is no more difficult than any other fruit and berry wine. That is why, first read the cooking recipe, where the technology is described in more than detail. First you need to get the juice and this is the most difficult. In total, there are three ways to extract juice and prepare wort:

It makes no sense to describe the classical one, since it implies the use of only chokeberry juice, and the pulp remains out of work (or is used to make jam, jelly or other culinary delights). At the same time, wine from chokeberry according to classical technology is slightly extractive, contains a minimum useful substances, and its taste will not be to everyone's taste. Therefore, pay attention to two other technologies.

Extraction of juice by fermenting the pulp

This is a classic technology that is used in most cases. First you need to squeeze the juice from the berries, which then needs to be poured under the very neck into glass containers, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. The pulp, that is, the remaining cake, must be poured with water, add a little sugar and yeast sourdough and let it ferment for 2-4 days. This can be done in large enamel saucepan or in a bottle, the neck of which can be plugged with a cotton plug. The pulp needs to be stirred a couple of times a day so that it does not become moldy. After 2-4 days, the mixture should be squeezed well and mixed with previously squeezed juice. Next, the necessary amount of sugar is added, and the resulting wort is put on fermentation.

This method is used by experienced winemakers, and wine requires special attention, because the pulp of chokeberry tends to mold quickly, so you need to mix it regularly and on time. After the must is placed under a water lock, the preparation of wine follows the usual technology for making fruit and berry wines, which I will describe in detail in the recipe below.

Extraction of juice using Cahors technology

This method is considered the most suitable for making wine from chokeberry. Its essence lies in the fact that after squeezing the juice, the pulp is poured hot water up to two times and the resulting infusion is mixed with the squeezed juice. Thus, all useful things get into the wine. nutrients, which is what we need. After the resulting wort is added required amount sugar and yeast starter. Everything, the wort is ready for fermentation. This is the method I chose to compile the recipe, as it is ideal for beginner winemakers.

To make wine from aronia in a 10-liter bottle, you can be guided by the following proportion: 40% - pure rowan juice, 10-20% - juice of other fruits or berries, the rest - the liquid obtained as a result of squeezing the remaining pulp.

Separately, you should pay attention to the addition of sugar to the wort. In order for the wine to acquire sufficient strength and ferment well, it is better to add sugar in portions. The exception is table wine, in which sugar can be added immediately to in full, but I do not recommend cooking table wines from chokeberry. Therefore, initially we add to the wort only 10-15% by weight of the volume of the wort, and then we add sugar every 5-7 days equal parts as soon as fermentation subsides. I described this principle of making in more detail in the recipe below.

A simple recipe for chokeberry wine

We turn to the most interesting, namely the recipe. We will be guided by the following table:

Table for compiling 10 liters of must for making 8 liters of medium quality chokeberry wine (acidity - 1.0%, sugar content - 5%)

For example, we will prepare dessert wine, but I’ll make a reservation right away: in theory, everything sounds beautiful, but in the process of cooking you will definitely come across a situation where you have to trust your intuition and make decisions at your own peril and risk. But that will be your experience. Valuable experience.

Extracting juice, compiling and setting the wort for fermentation

So, based on the table, we need:

  • 9 kg of berries;
  • 2.78 liters of water;
  • 3.70 kg of sugar.

We sort out the berries, wash and grind, for example, with a meat grinder. We squeeze the juice. You should get about 5 liters of juice (here you can increase the number of berries to get exactly 5 liters). You can be guided by the principle described above and use just enough juice so that it takes 40% of the total must. At this stage, you can also add other fruits, for example, take some autumn apples or grapes, which is enough for 0.250 g per 10 liters of must, that is, for our volume. Also, 50 g of dried hibiscus leaves can be added to the pulp to reduce the effect of chokeberry, which lowers blood pressure.

We hide the juice in the refrigerator, and pour the pulp, together with apple or grape pomace, with half the water indicated in the recipe, which must be heated to + 78-84 ° C. We wait until the water cools down, drain it and add the second portion hot water. We wait again, filter through a sieve and mix both infusions with juice. You should get about 10 liters of wort, which is already ready for infection with yeast.

Cahors technology has one drawback - when heated, very little oxygen remains in the must, which is necessary for the normal fermentation process. To fix this, the wort can be enriched with oxygen: pour it several times through a colander or shake it in parts in a bottle.

Infection of wort with yeast fungi

Sugar must be added to the wort before the yeast starter is added. We need 10-15% of the total must, that is, 1-1.5 kg of sugar. To begin with, we add 1.5 kg and mix everything well. As a basis for yeast sourdough, you can use not washed grapes, raisins, but better berries strawberries or raspberries. You can also use purchased wine yeast which is best. Make from raisins good starter difficult, so try to get raspberries - they will provide the "right", intensive fermentation(you can buy a frozen berry in a supermarket and try to make a starter from it, and if it doesn’t ferment, then just put the berry on, for example, on gin).

The sourdough must be prepared in advance, 3 days before the preparation of the wine. You need to take 2 cups of berries and grind them, then pour them into a bottle, where add a glass of water and half a glass of sugar. The bottle should be closed with a cotton plug and put for 3-4 days in a warm place (+ 18-20 o C). After 3-4 days, fermentation should begin - the sourdough is ready. It must be strained and used within 10 days. The resulting sourdough can be used to infect our wort. After that, a water seal is installed on the bottle in which fermentation will take place. The bottle should be placed in a dark place or covered with a thick cloth. Optimum temperature fermentation of wine from chokeberry is + 20-22 o C.

Rapid fermentation, sugar addition, wine pouring and quiet fermentation

After 5-7 days, you need to add a second portion of sugar. Considering that our wine will ferment vigorously for up to 1 month, we will add sugar in three to four doses. Let's stop at three. Divide the remaining 2.2 kg of sugar by three. Add 730 g of sugar and again under the water seal. Again we wait 5-7 days and repeat the procedure. A week later again. After that, we wait until the wine ferments completely and the sediment falls out. Carefully, using a straw, pour the already young wine from yeast sediment. It is better not to hesitate, otherwise the wine will start to taste bitter.

Next, young wine needs to be put on quiet fermentation V cool place. To do this, it must be bottled up to the very neck and not corked too tightly so that rare bubbles carbon dioxide could get free. You can also install a water seal for your peace of mind. It is better to defend young blackberry wine in a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature fluctuates between + 8-10 ° C. Every two weeks, it is better to drain the drink from the sediment so that the bitter yeast taste from the sediment is not transferred to it (it is better to do this every week).

In principle, the wine is already ready and you can drink it, but the degree of readiness is determined by taste. Connoisseurs recommend keeping it for at least a year - you are unlikely to like the young. Also, if desired, sugar can be added to the wine to taste, since we are talking about a dessert drink, but the technology I have described is best suited for making strong wine. If the drink is bitter, it can be frozen in the freezer - chokeberry wine will survive this procedure without visible damage. If for some reason the wine did not work out or you notice signs of souring, fix it with vodka and let it stand - you will get decent drink(Don't forget about overflow too).

As a result, you will get a strong, very fragrant, beautiful ruby ​​hue wine from chokeberry, which you heroically prepared at home. Now you know how to make it using Cahors technology. Fermenting the wort isn't much harder to do, so keep trying. I will gladly answer all your questions. Good luck with your experiments!

Chokeberry has many useful properties, one of which is associated with the normalization of blood pressure. However, blackberry compotes and jams are not very popular. Blame it all tart taste, which is not a hindrance for winemaking. Wine from chokeberry, prepared at home, turns out to be moderately tart, has discriminating taste and aroma characteristic noble wines. But in order to prepare such a drink, you need to try. Ignorance of some subtleties of technology leads to the fact that the idea to make homemade rowan wine perishes in the bud.

Technology Features

Chokeberry grows everywhere, so it will not be difficult to pick it up, especially since wild-growing ones are also suitable for wine. However, ignorance of some of the features of this berry, important for winemaking, will lead to the fact that the entire berry will go to waste.

  • Rowan wine can be bitter - it all depends on the variety of the berry. However, by making wine from chokeberries, bitterness can be avoided. The fact is that after freezing, the mountain ash loses its excess bitterness. This means that it is not necessary to collect it at any time, but only after the frost hits.
  • The second problem faced when making wine from chokeberry at home is the difficulty of obtaining from it enough juice. There are two ways to get her to give this juice. The first is blanching: the berry is poured with boiling water, after half an hour the water is drained, boiled again and the procedure is repeated, after which the chokeberry is poured with cool water (the same, but cooled to room temperature) and knead thoroughly with it. The second method is fermentation. With this method, the mashed berry is poured with water, covered with sugar and put in a warm place to ferment, covering the bucket with the pulp with a thin cloth. The "chokeberry" should not ferment for 2-3 days, like other berries, but much longer - 7-9 days, only then it will be ready to give up the juice. During the whole week, the pulp should be stirred at least 2 times a day. When the juice is squeezed out of it, it is not thrown away: sugar and water are again added to the pulp and left to ferment, but for more short term(up to 5 days), after which the pulp is squeezed again. Two servings of juice are poured together. A combination of the two will give excellent results.
  • If you want to get transparent and delicious wine from chokeberry as soon as possible, it must be poured into a clean container during fermentation every week, trying not to touch the sediment. This must be done until the fermentation is over. Only after that the wine can be bottled, but it is not worth drinking yet: the young wine must mature. It should be insisted in tightly closed bottles during three months. If it becomes cloudy, then in the middle of this period you need to drain it, freeing it from sediment, and pour it into clean bottles. If you do not follow these recommendations, then it will take much longer to wait for the settling and maturation of wine from chokeberry.
  • Rowan fermentation can not wait at all if you collected it after the rain or decided to wash it. Sweep wild yeast located on its surface is not worth it. If this still happens, you will have to purchase pure culture yeast and add it according to the instructions on the bag.

In conclusion, it should be said that dessert wines are truly delicious from chokeberry, table wines often lack taste and aroma. However, there are lovers who appreciate them.

Aronia wine: a classic recipe

  • chokeberry - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar- 4 kg;
  • water (pure spring or boiled) - 2 l;
  • raisins (unwashed) - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the mountain ash well and chop the unwashed with a food processor. You should not use a juicer, as it will quickly become clogged.
  • Pour rowanberry puree with sugar in the amount of 2 kg and pour 1 liter of water. It is important that it be warm, but not warmer than 30 degrees, otherwise the yeast will die.
  • Having covered the container with mountain ash with gauze, put it in a warm place for a week. Twice a day, stir its contents so that it does not become moldy or sour.
  • After the specified time, strain the juice through a regular sieve, but do not throw away the pulp.
  • Pour the juice into a clean glass bottle, close it with a water seal.
  • Pour the pulp with the remaining water and pour the remaining sugar into it. Stir it for 3-5 days, and then strain through cheesecloth. This time the cake can be thrown away.
  • Mix the liquid squeezed out of the pulp with the first portion of chokeberry juice. Close the water seal again.
  • A week after thin tube pour the wort into another clean bottle, then seal it with a water seal. Such actions should be repeated weekly until fermentation completely stops.
  • Filter the wine through cheesecloth and pour into clean bottles, filling them to the very neck. Close the bottles and wait 3 months.
  • Strain the wine again and bottle again, corking them and sending them to storage.

The wine according to this recipe is quite sweet, but not too strong - from 10 to 14 degrees. At temperatures up to 18 degrees, it can be stored for 5 years.

Aronia wine with cinnamon

  • chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries well, mash them with your hands or with a wooden pestle. Add sugar and cinnamon. Put in a free container with a wide mouth (a basin, a bucket will do), cover with a cloth, put in a warm place.
  • Stir as often as possible until well fermented. After 8–9 days, squeeze the juice out of the pulp, filter it thoroughly several times.
  • Put the juice in fermentation tank wait for fermentation to finish.
  • Filter the wine, mix with vodka and bottle.
  • Cork the bottles and place in a cool place.

The wine will mature in six months. To taste, homemade chokeberry wine prepared according to this recipe resembles liquor.

Wine from frozen chokeberry

  • juice from frozen chokeberry - 3 l;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 2.4 kg;
  • raisins - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze 3 liters of juice from thawed berries, warm it to room temperature.
  • Mix juice with water and sugar. Immediately drain the wort into the bottle where fermentation will take place. Pour raisins there, in no case do not wash it.
  • Install a water seal. Wait for the wort to ferment, ferment and clear.
  • Drain the wine, freeing it from sediment, pour into clean bottles and send to ripen in a cool place.

After three months, you will get a real wine, quite light and pleasant to the taste.

Aronia wine: a simple recipe

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 2 g;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash the berries, crush them, sprinkle with sugar, pour two glasses of water and cook, stirring, for half an hour.
  • Let cool, squeeze juice. Pour the cake with the remaining water, add spices and citric acid, boil again for half an hour, cool and squeeze.
  • Mix the juices of the first and second extraction, strain, add vodka to them, stir and bottle.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to call the resulting drink real wine, however, it turns out to be quite pleasant in taste and is quite capable of replacing wine on the festive table.

Aronia wine prepared in a jar

  • chokeberry - 0.7 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries and pour them into a clean three-liter jar.
  • Pour 0.3 kg of sugar, unwashed raisins into it, pour in water.
  • close the jar nylon cover, making a small narrow hole in it with a knife. Put in a warm place.
  • Every day, mix the contents of the jar by tilting it and shaking it gently.
  • After a week, open, add 0.3 kg of sugar, mix, return the lid to its place.
  • Repeat the procedure after a week.
  • After another month, add the remaining sugar, close the jar again and do not touch it again until the berries sink to the bottom and the wine becomes transparent.
  • Pour over finished wine, strain and bottle.

This method of making wine from chokeberry at home will appeal to novice winemakers who did not have time to acquire large 20-liter containers.

Delicious are blended wines from chokeberry. For example, you can mix 2 parts of mountain ash and 1 part of currant. Other options are also possible. When making wine from mountain ash, there is an opportunity to show imagination and demonstrate your winemaking abilities.

Aronia wine is incredibly fragrant with a pleasant tart and slightly astringent note. In addition, the drink takes over the lion's share valuable properties inherent in chokeberry, which makes it a priority compared to analogues prepared on the basis of other berries and fruits.

How to make homemade chokeberry wine - a simple classic recipe


  • chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • unwashed - 55 g;
  • filtered water - 990 ml;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


Chokeberry for wine should be chosen only ripe, without rotten berries, and ideally slightly frozen or harvested after the first frost. We sort out the berry mass and get rid of unnecessary specimens. Now we knead the mountain ash well so that not a single whole remains. You can use a crusher for this purpose or just crush the berries with clean hands.

At the next stage, the resulting pulp must be put on primary fermentation. To do this, mix it in a suitable container with sugar (700 g) and unwashed raisins and place it indoors at room conditions for seven days. Be sure to stir the contents of the vessel every day to avoid souring.

A week later, using a gauze cut, we filter the fermented pulp and separate the juice from the pulp. Pour the liquid base into a fermentation vessel, install a water seal on it or put on a rubber glove with one finger pierced by a needle.

Mix the pulp remaining in the gauze with granulated sugar (1.3 kg), add filtered water and let ferment again, covering with a towel or cloth and not forgetting to stir daily. After another seven days, we again squeeze the pulp in gauze, get rid of the pulp, and add the liquid juice to the main fermentation vessel, removing the water seal or glove for a minute. During the entire fermentation process, every week it is necessary to drain the base of the wine from the sediment, first also removing the foam. As soon as the bubbles in the water seal system cease to stand out or the glove deflates, you can drain into last time young wine from the sediment and bottled for further aging in a cool place. In order for the taste of the drink to become balanced and harmonious, it needs to stand for three to five months.

How to make homemade wine from chokeberry according to a simple recipe with vodka?


  • chokeberry - 400 g;
  • cherry leaves - a handful;
  • filtered water - 1.6 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • - a pinch.


For those who do not want to make wine in a simple way classic recipe above, due to the length of the process, we suggest preparing a drink simple and fast way with vodka.

To implement the idea, as in the previous case, we select only high-quality berries. They can be either fresh or frozen. In the latter case, the drink will turn out to be less tart and astringent. We rub the berry mass with a pestle or knead with our hands, after which, together with the washed leaves from the cherry, we put it into a saucepan. Pour filtered water into the berry mass with leaves and place the bowl on the burner of the stove. After boiling, with occasional stirring, reduce the heat and boil the mass for about fifteen minutes.

Next, filter the broth and squeeze a little, add to liquid base granulated sugar and citric acid and stir so that all the crystals dissolve. After complete cooling, the resulting sweet and sour liquid is mixed with vodka, bottled and allowed to stand on the refrigerator shelf for three weeks. As time passes ready drink you can taste.

Many gardeners have chokeberry growing on their plot as an ornamental shrub, which in our country is most often called chokeberry. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant, which is characterized by early maturity, not only decorates the garden, but also gives people the opportunity to improve their health. Indeed, in the composition of the berries there are many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP), trace elements (boron, molybdenum, iodine, fluorine, iron, manganese, copper). The use of chokeberry has a beneficial effect on the condition blood vessels, reduces high arterial pressure increases the level of immunity.

Aronia berries are sweet-sour, tart, black, about 7 mm in diameter, ripen in late August - early September. From chokeberry they make jellies and mousses, dry them for making tea, prepare fillings for pies, cook compotes. They also make homemade dessert wine from the berries - fragrant, moderately tart, pleasant sweet and sour in taste, maroon in color. The strength of the drink varies between 10-12%. Dry wine from chokeberry it comes out too sour (the sugar content of the berries is no more than 10%), and the strength of the drink will be low. Not everyone loves sweet wine.

How to prepare chokeberry?

Chokeberry, as some winemakers call the berry for short, is harvested on a warm, dry day. The chokeberry is usually harvested in September, but if the weather allows, you can cut the berry combs in October, right up to the first frosts. When collecting, you need to be careful, because the juice of chokeberry leaves marks on clothes that are poorly washed.

The whitish coating that is present on the berries does not need to be washed off. Otherwise, the yeast that lives on the berry skin will die. True, if the mountain ash was frozen, you will have to add wine yeast or unwashed raisins, otherwise the wine will not ferment. By the way, raisins are often added to wine even from fresh chokeberry, so that fermentation takes place actively.

For making wine from chokeberry at home, the highest quality berries will come in handy. From rotten, immature and spoiled fruits by birds (birds love to damage the berries of chokeberry) you need to get rid of, otherwise the taste of the drink will suffer. The ridges on which the berries are held, as well as accidentally plucked leaves, will also have to be removed.

By the way, only the chokeberry itself should be unwashed in the process of winemaking. The container for fermentation should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried. Also important is the cleanliness of hands, spoons for stirring the wort, sieves (gauze), a tube through which wine will be poured from the sediment. It is advisable to choose glassware for fermentation, of stainless steel or with an intact enamel finish. Sometimes, in the absence of such, plastic containers are used, but this can adversely affect the taste and aromatic qualities of the wine. Tanks made of aluminum or copper are categorically not suitable for winemaking due to the tendency to oxidize.

Aronia wine recipe


  • Berries - 10 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

Cooking process

  1. Sort out the chokeberry berries, mash them unwashed (with your hands, with a wooden crusher, with the help of an electric meat grinder), place in a bowl of a suitable size;
  2. Pour half the cooked sugar (1 kg) and all the raisins (unwashed) into the berry mass. Mix the contents of the container well to dissolve the sugar;
  3. Close the bowl with the must with a lid or bandage with gauze. Take the container to a warm place (about 18-25 degrees) for a period of 3 to 10 days. You will need to periodically (twice or thrice a day) stir the contents of the container with your hand or a wooden spoon to prevent moldiness of the wort;
  4. When the berries swell and are on the surface, and when stirred, a strong foam appears, it's time to start filtering the wort from chokeberry. Terms vary from 3 to 10 days due to the room temperature and the degree of fermentation activity. So, squeeze out the pulp (the pulp and skin of the chokeberry that floated to the surface). It is not necessary to throw it away at this stage. Filter the chokeberry juice through cheesecloth and pour into a fermentation container. Put a water seal or a pierced medical glove on the neck and take the container to a warm room;
  5. To the remaining squeezed pulp, add a kilo of sugar and water at room temperature, mix well. Take away to heat, having previously covered with a lid or bandaged with gauze the dishes with the next portion of the wort. Wait 5-7 days, stirring occasionally. Strain the wort, then discard the pulp;
  6. Remove the water seal (glove) from the container where the chokeberry juice ferments. Sting the foam with a spoon, pour in a new portion of the wort. Put on the water seal (glove) again and leave to ferment for a period of 20 to 60 days;
  7. The following facts speak about the readiness of the wine: the appearance of sediment, the clarification of the wine, the absence of bubbles from the water seal, or the fall of the glove. When all these signs show themselves, the time will come to remove the wine from the sediment through a thin tube;
  8. The taste of the resulting wine is not so good, so it is better to let it mature. To do this, pour the filtered drink into a container of a suitable volume to the eyeballs and take it to a cool place (for example, in a cellar) for 3-6 months. As sediment appears, you will need to drain the wine into another container, otherwise the wine will be bitter;
  9. Pour the ripened black rowan wine into suitable bottles, store in a cellar, refrigerator or cellar for about 5 years.
If the strength of the drink is low (usually no more than 12%), you can pour it into young wine(before putting it to ripen) strong alcoholic drink- alcohol or vodka. to received by this recipe wine, you can add 80 ml of alcohol or 160 ml of vodka for each liter of drink. Then the strength of the wine will increase to 20% (assuming that the original strength of the drink is 12%).

Frozen chokeberry wine recipe

If there are a lot of chokeberries in the summer cottage, and there are no large containers available, you can freeze the berries to use them later. If desired, you can make wine from frozen berries all year round. previous recipe, but it is possible to speed up the process somewhat by getting rid of the pulp immediately after squeezing the juice. By the way, sometimes the taste of wine from aronia chokeberry is somewhat changed by adding initial stage to the main ingredients a little cinnamon and cloves.


  • Frozen chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 3 l;
  • Raisins - 200-250 g.

Cooking process

  1. Defrost blackberry berries. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a fermentation tank, dispose of the pulp;
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the juice, mix;
  3. Install a water seal on the neck of the container (or put on a glove). Take away to heat for 1-2 months;
  4. When the fermentation is completed (a sediment appears, the wine becomes lighter, the glove deflates, and gurgling stops from the water seal), drain the wine from the sediment;
  5. Pour young wine from chokeberry berries into a container to the top, transfer to a cool place for at least 3 months. Filter the wine until the sediment stops forming.

Chokeberry is very useful berry. Compotes and jams from it are too tart and sour. And for cooking house wine she fits perfectly. Consider in this article: how to make wine from chokeberry.

The benefits of chokeberry wine

Wine made on the basis of this berry has a number of useful properties:

  • improves immunity;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • helps with rheumatism, radiation sickness, stomach diseases, oncology;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • improves metabolism and fat burning, therefore serves a good remedy those who want to lose weight;

Of course, the drink brings benefits only with moderate use of wine.

Features of making wine from chokeberry

There are always some difficulties during the preparation of wine, if a person makes it for the first time or experiments with a new type of wine, with new components for a drink. To make blackberry wine excellent, you need to know about some features:

  1. So that the wine does not taste bitter, you need to collect chokeberry after the onset of the first frost. It is at this time that the berry loses its strong bitterness.
  2. To get enough juice from this berry, use 2 methods:

  1. In order for black rowan wine to turn out to be of high quality, tasty, and monophonic, it is necessary to pour the wine into other containers weekly during the fermentation stage, without touching the sediment. After that, the drink must be put to ripen in a cool room for 3 months. When cloudy, the wine should be poured into other containers, getting rid of the sediment.
  2. Don't wash the aronia and don't harvest it after rain, as you will lose the natural yeast needed for fermentation. If it so happened that the mountain ash lost required component, it remains to buy yeast.
  3. Sort the rowan well to make a drink.
  4. Find out more precisely whether the purchased container is suitable for storing food. This can affect the future taste of the wine. If you are using old containers, sterilize them with boiling water and dry them.

Classic chokeberry wine recipe

This recipe is one of the best chokeberry based recipes available. The drink is very tasty and aromatic.


  • chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking technique:

The shelf life of this wonderful drink in a cool room is 3-4 years.

Aronia wine with cinnamon and vodka

This method makes it possible to get amazing wine with spicy taste And pleasant smell. The cinnamon and added alcohol make the drink feel like a great liquor.


  • chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully sort the berries and mash them by hand or with a crush until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour sugar and cinnamon into it, mix. Put the mixture in a clean container, cover it with gauze and place in a warm room for 7-9 days.
  3. During this time, stir the wort 2-3 times a day. Then strain the juice from the pulp and pour it into a new container. A fermentation bottle works well.
  4. Install a water seal on it, and wait for fermentation for about a month and a half. When the process is completed, pour the young wine into a container, add 500 ml of vodka there, mix. Then bottle and let the wine mature in a cool place like a cellar. It will be ready in 3-6 months.

With the addition of grapes

Grapes and black chokeberry go well together. Wine at home, prepared according to this recipe has classic taste and smell. The big plus is good fermentation grapes.


  • chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • grapes - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking technique:

  1. Carefully sort out the mountain ash and grapes. Not a single berry should be unripe, rotten or spoiled.
  2. Mash all the berries by hand or with a wooden crush. Add sugar and water. Mix the ingredients well, set to ferment and follow the same principles as in the above methods.
  3. When the mixture stops playing, strain it and leave for 40 days for the next stage of fermentation.
  4. When it is over, strain the wine, bottle it and let the drink mature for 2-4 months.

Homemade chokeberry wine with apples

This method is suitable for patient people who want to enjoy the summer taste of this drink in cloudy weather or in winter holiday. Patience is needed here for repeated additions of sugar.


  • chokeberry - 3 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1.2-1.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. First, sort the apples and wipe them with a dry cloth. You can not wet - you will lose natural yeast. Remove seeds and wormholes. Seeds will spoil the taste and benefits of the drink. Chop fruit.
  2. Sort the rowan, mash it. Pour half a kilogram of sugar into it and stir the mixture with apples. Add water and mix again. Tie the container with gauze and put it in a warm place for a week. Stir the mixture 2-3 times daily.
  3. Install a water seal and add a pound of sugar once a week for 2 weeks, stirring the composition every day.
  4. The fermentation stage will last about a month. After its completion, strain the composition and bottle it. Remove for storage.

With cherry leaves

These components make a wonderful mixture of autumn and summer berries. It turns out an unusual, bright, aromatic wine.


  • chokeberry berries - 3 kg;
  • a handful of cherry leaves;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • raisins - 100 g.

How to do:

  1. Rinse cherry leaves and dry.
  2. Thoroughly mash the mountain ash and add to the mass of sugar, raisins, clean water, cherry leaves.
  3. Set to ferment classical pattern: with standard temperature, daily stirring, etc.
  4. Strain, install a water seal and put the wine for another month. Check - if it is still sharp, not overplayed, then insist on.
  5. Strain off the sediment and store. Can be fixed with vodka in an amount of 0.5 liters.

With orange flavor

Such a drink is made in 2 ways: with the addition orange juice or with orange peel. Last option is preferable, as it gives a more tasty and aromatic wine.


  • chokeberry - 4 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pieces;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 750 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Sort the berries, mash by hand or with a pusher. Add 1.5 l of water and 500 g of sugar to the mass. Put in a warm place for 9-10 days.
  2. Wash oranges with soap and dry. Remove the skin and chop.
  3. Strain the mixture, separating from the pulp. Add crushed skin, 250 g of sugar to the juice. Mix everything and put the composition to ferment for another 7-8 days.
  4. Strain again. Put a water seal and put the composition in a warm place for another 40 days.
  5. Pour the wine into another container, getting rid of the sediment. To ripen, put in the basement or refrigerator.

Any person, if desired, can make such wine. You just need to follow the instructions experienced winemakers, do not miss the slightest detail of the recipes so that the drink turns out to be of high quality. No wonder they say: "The devil is in the details."
