
Glasses for red wine what should be. Dessert and fortified wine

Wine is the exquisite elixir of the gods! Ruby and golden drink fascinates with richness of taste and aroma. Why is there a bitter liquid with a sugary smell in the glass, despite the high cost of the bottle? The whole secret is in the shape and processing of the glass ...

More than 60 years ago, the Austrian Klaus Riedel designed glasses for every kind of elegant drink: red, white, sparkling, fortified. The glass master took into account the grape variety and the region of its production, taste and aroma, the presence of tannins, and the level of acidity. Many glasses are named after the wine they are served with. For half a century, Klaus' dishes have been considered the best option for a divine elixir: it helps to reveal a sophisticated bouquet with subtle notes of plants, fruits, berries, oak. Properly choosing a glass, it is easy to balance the sourness, astringency and sweetness of the drink. What is the secret of this perfection?

Features of human taste buds

Nature has endowed us with incredibly sensitive receptors: they are able to catch the slightest aftertaste and aroma of foods, to enjoy food and drinks. Microscopic villi are located on the tongue, in the nasopharynx, in the sky, saliva and teeth play an important role. Filiform, grooved, foliate papillae in contact with chemicals products, recognize the taste and send impulses to the brain.

Taste buds are arranged in a special way:

  • with the tip of the tongue we feel sweetness;
  • salty food and mineral notes of drinks are easy to recognize if you put the product on both sides of the "sweet" zone;
  • acidity is more noticeable if the liquid falls on the side of the tongue;
  • sharp, burning, astringent, tart taste help to distinguish between tactile and pain receptors;
  • bitterness is felt at the base of the tongue;
  • with the help of smell, you can catch the smallest flavor notes of the drink;
  • tannins are felt by teeth and palate.

Knowing the functions and location of receptors, it is easy to select perfect shape glasses to direct the exquisite liquid in the right direction. What glass to choose for wine so that it does not turn into grape vinegar?

Klaus Riedel created several types of tableware:

  • tulip-shaped;
  • apple-shaped, balloon-shaped;
  • glasses with a narrow, wide and straight bowl;
  • with narrowed or expanded edges;
  • with a cone-shaped bottom;
  • pear-shaped (glass of Lear).

The bouquet will open partially: a subtle note of vanilla or oak will block the rich aftertaste of berries, flowers, fruits, and plants. Wateriness, bitterness, burning acid, unpleasant astringency may appear. Why?

The shape and material of the glass is the secret of the bouquet

Based on the configuration of the glass, we drink wine in different ways, on a subconscious level. Tasting a drink from vessels with a narrowed border and a long bowl, the tongue involuntarily curls up into a tube, and the head throws back. The liquid falls on the tip of the tongue, then on its back and goes immediately into the throat, touching the sides to a minimum. Acidity is practically not felt, because sweetness with fruity notes appears in the foreground.

With wide glasses, the opposite is true: to drink the liquid, you need to tilt your head, so the exquisite aroma is felt first. The elixir falls on the teeth and the center of the tongue, and then spreads throughout the mouth. Rieslings, champagne and other sour wines should not be drunk from such dishes: they will turn into grape vinegar without taste and smell!

Substances that are formed in wine, upon contact with air, become ethers and gradually evaporate. By selecting a glass of the desired volume, shape and rim diameter, you can control the intensity of the aroma, the composition of the bouquet and the flavor range. The tapered edge of the dishes traps odors, so they serve delicate wines with light fruity and vegetable tones. Lowering your head to the elixir, you can feel the fragrantness and elegance of the drink, and with the first sip - a delicate flavor range. The extended rim helps to get rid of the rich and heavy smells that appear in mature drinks, focusing on its aftertaste. If full-bodied wine is poured into narrowed dishes, then massive tones will completely block the sophisticated bouquet, because alcohol first of all raises the aromas of vanilla and coffee to the top.

Features of the shape of the vessels

The diameter of the edge of the bowl allows you to catch the finest shades of aroma or concentrate on the taste. Direct the drink to the desired areas of the tongue.

The processing of the rim (rounded, cut, thick, thin, polished) also allows you to control the flow of wine. If it is cut at a right angle or obliquely, then the drink flows smoothly to the center of the tongue. Such a glass will create a harmonious combination of fruit shades and tannins. The rounded edge of the dish, on the contrary, prevents a smooth flow, the liquid falls on the tip of the tongue. With the help of the rim of the glass, it is easy to emphasize the dryness and acidity of the wine, highlight light floral tones.

The total volume of dishes allows you to control the flow of air and the formation of esters. In a huge liter vessel, the drink is enriched with oxygen more intensively, which affects the taste and overall bouquet of the elixir. Often, decanters are used before serving. Red wines in glasses of Burgundy or Bordeaux are gently rolled over the walls to enhance the amazing aroma. It fully opens and is divided into three zones: floral and fruit tones rise to the edge, vegetable tones remain in the middle, heavy smells sink to the bottom.

The saturation of aroma, taste, concentration of alcoholic vapors depends on the height of the glass, so fortified wines are always served in small narrow glasses.

For the manufacture of glasses, only transparent and thin material is used. The fragile walls of the vessel drastically affect the perception of the elixir, helping to direct the flow of liquid to the desired areas oral cavity. By choosing a bowl without drawings, you can visually enjoy the color and texture of the drink. Determine the degree of viscosity by observing how the drops flow down. In a thin-walled glass, the wine does not warm up as quickly as in a thick glass vessel, it remains cool for a long time. Rieslings with champagne become too sour and unusable when warm, so crystal and massive glasses are not suitable for them.

The goblet glass is sometimes used for serving wine, but it is more intended for cocktails. Its walls are thick and uneven, often with three-dimensional images of vines, mythical creatures, and faces.

Types of glasses - how to understand the huge assortment?

Champagne glasses - sophistication in every sip

Sparkling wines captivate with bubbles rising up. Drinks are usually too acidic, so the glass should be narrow, long and with a high stem. They are served only chilled (4-6 ° C) in order to slightly muffle the sourness and make the aftertaste more harmonious. The wine glass is pre-frozen, do not hold the bowl with your palms, otherwise the taste will irrevocably deteriorate. The desired volume is 160-300 ml.

The Flute glass is considered a classic vessel for sparkling wines. It has an elongated and straight bowl shape. It does not allow the bubbles to evaporate quickly, and you can enjoy their game for a longer time.

For a more refined and vintage champagne, choose similar glasses, but with a narrower rim to retain the wine's elegant aroma.

It is advisable to buy wine glasses with a small indentation turning into a leg. With it, the bubbles will be thin and stable.

A Trumpet glass is made conical shape with extended edges. Suitable for sparkling wines with moderate acidity and rich bouquet.

A glass bowl or bowl (volume 120-200 ml) was used in Soviet times when champagne was made too sweet, about 150 g/l. The shape of the glass is wide and low, so ordinary champagne will seem like real grape vinegar!

Now the bowl is used to create a festive pyramid: the dishes are lined up in a slide, and then poured onto its top. sparkling drink creating a waterfall effect. Streams of pink liquid look especially beautiful. For spectacular presentation it is better to buy Italian semi-sweet Prosecco.

Glasses for white wines - sophistication and elegance

The drink of Dionysus is served exclusively chilled (6-10 °C). The dishes are always smaller than for red wine, and wider than for sparkling.

For an incredibly sour Riesling, you should choose narrow and long glasses with a thin, narrowed edge, as for sparkling wines.

Icewein wine (made from frozen berries) has a great aroma, so it beckons with sophistication from a glass with open rims. Riedel has developed special diamond-shaped wine glasses. They are pre-frozen in the chamber, and then put on the table, because it is impossible to enjoy an amazing drink from warm dishes.

The classic White Bordeaux glass (volume 150-260) is made in a tulip shape and is served with almost all white wines. It has a slightly tapered rim to smooth out the excess acidity of the drink. Not to be confused with red wine and water bowls, as their bowls are much larger.

A glass of Chardonnay or Montrachet (named after a region in Burgundy) is designed for aged and concentrated drinks with a rich bouquet and taste. The bowl is wide, apple-shaped, but not high, 340 ml. Lets enjoy delicate aroma and rich taste, while excess and more saturated odors safely disappear. Wines aged in oak barrels with moderate acidity. The vessel is not used for red wine or Riesling. If the Chardonnay drink is poured into a smaller container, it will seem bitter and alcoholic, and in a bulky vessel it will turn out less aromatic.

For young dry white and rosé wines, a small tulip-shaped glass with narrowed edges on a thin stem is suitable. Mature wines are good in wide vessels with extended rims.

A glass of Sauvignon Blanc (about 300 ml) is created in the shape of an elongated tulip with a narrow enough edge to fully enjoy the harmony of aromas and reduce acidity. The flow of the elixir is directed closer to the base of the tongue, bypassing the side zones.

Glasses for red wines - richness and aroma

A vessel of Pinot Noir (grape variety) or Burgundy can be of any shape and volume (700 ml-1 l), depending on palatability guilt. Usually made in the form of a large tulip with outwardly curved edges or an apple-shaped (balloon) with a narrowed border.

It is much taller than Chardanay, which is often served by an incompetent sommelier instead of Burgundy. The glass is best used for rich and concentrated wines with moderate amount tannins, because the vessel reveals the taste of berries and sweetness, balances acidity, smoothes the level of alcohol. Amazing fragrance concentrated in the narrowed part of the dish. If it is served in a glass of Bordeaux, then the remains of the bouquet will be lost and the drink will turn out to be watery.

Tannins are substances (polyphenols) found in plants and bark. They give red wine viscosity, bitter aftertaste, astringency.

The craftsmen made the Bordeaux vessel (600-860 g) in the shape of a tulip, which is almost straight near the edge. This allows for less contact with the teeth and the upper palate, as the glassware is great for a high tannin drink. The volume of the bowl is 2 times larger than that of Sauvignon Blanc. If you pour wine from Bordeaux into Chardonnay, it will become more aggressive, too sour and tart.

The classic red wine glass is similar to Bordeaux, but much smaller.

Shiraz or Syrah (650 - 700 ml) is a non-standard vessel for red wine. It has a more elongated shape, a high bowl with a narrowed border, so the liquid enters the tip of the tongue and slowly flows down to its base. Rich aromas mature in the middle of the glass and turn into an amazing bouquet at the exit. The drink of the same name has a high level of alcohol and tannins. Due to the shape of the dishes, the aftertaste is sweetish with a fruity tinge, with light and pleasant notes of bitterness.

Rosé wines - romance and freshness

A glass of Lear is suitable for a rich drink (for example, Tavel) and sweet white wines. It is quite wide at the base, slightly narrowing upwards, but the border is widened and turned outwards. Similar to an Armagnac vessel, but larger in volume (400 ml). The flow of liquid is directed to the front of the tongue, so fruity notes, refined sweetness and freshness are well felt. Aromas do not evaporate, but are concentrated in the lower part.

The Rosé (Blache, "rosebud") glass is similar to the Lyre, but much lower. A barely noticeable "waist" is located in the middle of the bowl, the edges are slightly expanded. This shape allows you to keep the smells in the narrow part and fully enjoy them near the unfolded edge. The vessel (volume 200 ml) helps to fully feel the coolness and fruity tones, soften the high acidity.

A classic white wine glass is perfect for a young rose drink.

Fortified and dessert wines – harmony of taste

Cahors is considered a dessert drink, but is often served in a classic red wine glass. Coming from the fortress bright aroma and taste qualities, it is better to use small glasses, Madeira or dessert (like classic vessels for white wines, but of a small volume).

Madeira glass (75 ml) is indispensable for vermouth, dessert and fortified wines. Due to the small size, straight and tapered shape, refined aromas with taste come to the fore, and not the evaporation of alcohol. You should not use wide and tall dishes for fortified drinks, otherwise the alcohol will kill the unique bouquet and taste.

A lafite glass (125-150 ml) perfectly reveals the flavor range of red table wines due to the wide bowl of a slightly conical shape.

A rave glass (100-150) is indispensable for white table wines. The stem and bowl may be greenish in color, as they used to hide turbidity grape drinks from the Rhine valley. A small bowl resembles half an apricot with straight walls and edges.

Glass for dessert wines small size with a narrower and more straight bowl is suitable for a drink with moderate acidity.

Home bar glass set

The sommelier assures: when choosing glasses for wine, it is worth considering the grape variety and the region where the drink was produced. However, buying dozens of wine glasses is too expensive and there is not always a place to store them. Is it really necessary to spoil a fine wine with the wrong dishes?

It is enough to choose several options for each drink, taking into account personal taste features. For lovers of mature white wine, you should buy Chardonnay, for a fragrant pink liquid - Rosé or a classic white vessel. The result should be a small set:

  • tulip-shaped bowls with narrowed edges and wide glasses for white and red wine (young and mature);
  • one champagne set;
  • for lovers of fortified wines - Madeira glass;
  • for a pink elixir - Lyra or Rose;
  • for a collection drink, it is enough to buy 1-2 expensive glasses of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Shiraz, Aisvan.

Sommeliers believe that dishes should be valued no less than a bottle of grape elixir. Many try to choose a universal glass that will be suitable for different drinks, but this does not happen in practice. In cheap restaurants, they offer to drink any wine from a durable and thick-walled Joker glass. If the proposed vessel is filled with Chardonnay, then a pronounced vanilla with bitterness and an attack of alcohol fumes will be felt. Pinot Noir loses its exquisite bouquet, becomes heavy, sharp, sour. Joker is lower than Sauvignon Blanc and widens at the top, which is unacceptable for Riesling. It is not wide enough for the grape elixir to breathe well and release the flavors completely. The drink heats up quickly, losing originality.

Sometimes even in collection wines sediment can appear. To remove it, the drink is filtered before serving or a special shape of the glass is selected. At the bottom of the bowl there should be a small depression, resembling a drop, the particles of wine settle in the funnel and do not rise up while drinking.

How to wash and store glasses?

Wine is too noble and gentle drink. Any foreign odors can interrupt its charming notes. Coffee, tea, cigars, spices, smells of cooked food are quickly "absorbed" by glasses and turn into a divine liquid.

Each manufacturer gives recommendations about washing dishes. Some suggest rinsing only in the dishwasher, others - exclusively by hand and with special means. Glass should be immediately rubbed with a linen cloth. It is undesirable to hold the leg and scroll the bowl, copying the waiters. A fragile glass is easy to break! Cleanliness must be checked sunbeams: streaks and dried drops are unacceptable. It is better to store wine glasses in the boxes in which they were sold.

How not to buy bad glasses?

Poor-quality dishes turn white after a while, become cloudy, which affects the overall perception of wine and taste sensations. When buying it is worth considering:

  1. the leg should be comfortable and high enough;
  2. the bowl is shiny, smooth to the touch, without seams;
  3. the edges are even, without notches and roughness;
  4. the glass is as thin and transparent as possible, without drawings;
  5. the composition of the material should not contain lead;
  6. the best option is glasses made of crystal, Bohemian glass with the addition of titanium, barium (for strength);
  7. better trust good producers like Riedel (Autria), Schott and Spigelau (Germany) or Bohemia (Czech Republic).

Wine in the wrong glass, like flowers without fragrance and bright petals! By choosing the right and high-quality vessel, you will feel the fullness flavor range and bouquet, sophistication and originality.

At the end, I offer a video with tips on how to properly care for wine glasses and any other glassware:

Professionals know that wine should be drunk from glasses designed specifically for this type of drink. When choosing glasses, I advise you to observe next rule- the average cost of one glass should be about the same as the price of a bottle of wine that you intend to taste. We will consider the remaining nuances further.

Taste good wine directly depends on glassware into which it is poured. You can verify this by tasting the same wine from a lemonade glass, a shot glass and a wine glass. The aroma and taste will be very different.

The main factor influencing the choice of glasses for wine is the type of drink. Ideally, you need to have nine or ten different sets, but at home you can limit yourself to just two sets for white and red wine.

When buying a glass, you should pay attention to its shape, the height of the bowl and the diameter of the rim of the channel. The form has not only aesthetic value, it allows you to fully experience the drink and appreciate all its advantages. The diameter of the rim determines how strongly the aroma will be concentrated at the outlet of the glass. The smaller the diameter, the higher the aroma concentration will be. The saturation of the wine with oxygen depends on the height of the bowl.

Glasses for red wine There are two types: "Bordeaux" and "Burgundy". The most common type is Bordeaux. These glasses can be used daily with any red wine such as Beaujolais, Dolcetto or Sangiovese. The bowl must be at least 600 ml, otherwise some rich red wines will not fully develop their aromas.

glass "Bordeaux"

Burgundy glasses are ideal for wines with moderate tannins and high acidity. They are designed for Pinot Noir, Barolo, Barbaresco and others. The volume of Burgundy glasses is usually 700-750 ml, and the shape of the bowl resembles a ball, which is also called a "balloon". Glasses "Burgundy" are often used by professional tasters, as they can quickly determine the weakness of the wine or its fragile structure, that is, the low quality of the drink.

glass "Burgundy"

Glasses for white wine they resemble the Bordeaux type in shape, but have a smaller volume (up to 350 ml). They allow you to save optimal temperature drink. From a small glass, wine is drunk faster, and it does not have time to warm up (the serving temperature of white wines is usually lower than red ones).

classic white wine glass

Champagne glasses and other sparkling wines have an elongated shape called "flute". For champagne, a glass with a narrow neck is ideal, having a small indentation at the bottom of its cup, this makes the bubbles more stable.

standard champagne glass

It is correct to hold any glass by the leg and fill with wine only a third, so as not to greatly affect its temperature. Wine can be further oxygenated by slowly swirling the glass. The lightest aromas are always concentrated in the upper part, these are floral and fruity tones. Earthy and vegetal tones are concentrated in the middle part, and the heaviest aromas (wood and leather) are felt near the surface of the tasting wine.

A lot depends on the right types of wine glasses, because they allow you to catch the finest shades of taste, appreciate the color and transparency of the drink and get aesthetic pleasure from using truly beautiful and elegant glassware. We talk about what glasses are and how to choose the right ones for different wines.

When did the first wine glasses appear?

The concept of the Horn of Plenty is directly related to the wine glass, because the first vessel for this drink was the horns of bovid animals. They were used by the Thracians and Scythians, who lived in the 8th century. BC.

The peoples of the Caucasus still use the horn as a wine glass.

To this day, wine glasses are a symbol of prosperity, abundance and prosperity. They are given for various holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.

With the advent of glass, the number of forms of glasses has increased many times over. Initially, these were vessels of the correct form, and only then did a scientific explanation appear why different forms of vessels are needed for different wine drinks.

Types of wine glasses

The shape of a particular glass is influenced by the receptors of the tongue and their location. The tip of the tongue senses sweetness, the receptors on the sides sense sourness, and the root of the tongue senses bitterness.

The shape of the container affects which receptors the fluid flow will be directed to.

wide products, open form let us put our heads down to take a sip.

When we drink from narrow glasses, we throw our heads back, so wine drink first it gets to softening receptors and only then to the zone of receptors responsible for the perception of sour.

Now there are a huge variety of wine glasses made of different materials on the market, professional tasters and collectors often have a set of dozens of products, while lovers need only three types at home: for red wine, white and champagne.

Differences of glasses for red wine

Wine glasses for red wine are distinguished by a large bowl tapering to the top, which helps to feel the whole aroma of wine, such wine glasses are of two types: "Bordeaux" and "Burgundy", their recommended volume is at least 600 ml.

The chosen form is not accidental, since its main purpose is to allow the volatile aroma to open up in the wide part at the base, and then concentrate in the upper tapering part.

Experts advise choosing red wine glasses made of thin plain colorless glass so that you can appreciate saturated color drink.

The volume of glasses for red wine should be at least 600 milliliters.

Features of white wine glasses

Their bowl is smaller than that of red wine glasses, with a narrower middle part. Their volume should not exceed 350 ml, this is due to the temperature of serving wines: drinks from white grapes served chilled. Due to the fact that the wine glass has a small volume, we drink from it faster, respectively, the drink does not have time to heat up.

The photo clearly shows the difference between glasses for white and red wine.

Some varieties of white wines are different hyperacidity. For them, the best option would be a tall narrow wine glass, shaped like a champagne flute.

Thus, due to the elongated shape, the wine first enters the tongue zone, where a large number of softening receptors, and only then is it in the zone of receptors that are responsible for the perception of sour.

Glasses for white wine made of carved crystal.

Blown glass white wine glasses with gold trim.

Original products - with a gold spiral.

Is there a difference between white and red wine glasses?

The shape of a wine glass affects the content of aromatic compounds in wine, which determine the bouquet and influence the taste of the drink and its perception. In a wide glass, where the contact surface of the drink with air has a large area, the compounds quickly turn into esters, giving the drink a more pronounced dry taste.

Volume is also very important, because it also affects the quality and intensity of aromas.

Choosing the wrong vessel for wine, you run the risk of not enjoying all the flavors of the drink, especially if it is an expensive collection wine.

The right glass is the key good taste drink.

Large wine glasses

Whatever the volume of the glass you choose, follow the basic rule - you need to fill it only by a third, so as not to greatly affect its temperature. Correctly hold it by the leg, you can slowly rotate it to further saturate it with oxygen.

The lightest aromas are always concentrated in the upper part, these are floral and fruity tones. Earthy and vegetal tones are concentrated in the middle part, and the heaviest aromas are felt near the very surface.

Czech products are rightfully considered the best wine glasses, they are durable, elegant and of the highest quality.

Large wine glass with a volume of 650 milliliters.

Glass for red wine with a volume of 700 milliliters.

What to choose?

What should be wine glasses to fit any person? It should be said that universal products do not exist, as well as identical drinks. For each type of wine, it is necessary to select glasses of suitable shapes and volumes, this is especially important for true gourmets and connoisseurs.

When choosing glasses, experts recommend immediately purchasing three types of glasses: for red and white wines and champagne. This will be enough to enjoy the taste of most varieties. If you plan to become a professional taster, you will need at least 10 options.

In our stores there is such a variety of alcoholic beverages and excellent glasses to serve them that we have difficulty in choosing. In the article we will talk about wine glasses and show in the photo which glasses and under which wine to serve in such a way as to reveal the taste and aroma of wine products.

You, no doubt, notice that the same drink has an unequal strength, taste and aroma intensity in glasses with different form bowls. Let's take a closer look at this topic - for the maximum enjoyment of the divine nectars that winemakers from all over the world create for us with such love.

A new era of wine enjoyment culture

A new era began in 1973, when the Austrian art glass manufacturer, Professor Klaus Josef Riedel, created a unique collection of Sommeliers wine glasses, with the active participation of the most famous wine connoisseurs in its testing. To date, the shape of the glasses self made brand Riedel are the benchmark for wine glasses.

It was Klaus Riedel who traced the dependence of bouquet, taste and strength alcoholic drink from the shape of the goblet bowl. The same wine composition in different containers revealed all the new characteristics!

The key marker was the grape variety, which was characterized by a unique set of wine components and their ratio. Each grape variety has varietal characteristics in terms of acidity, alcohol content, fruitiness and tannins.

What qualities of wine can be assessed with a glass?

Each glass can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: a stand, a leg and a bowl. The diameter of the stand and the height of the leg are design elements, but the shape, diameter and size of the bowl are responsible for the degree of enjoyment from varietal features grapes or their blend. It is the cup that is responsible for the feelings that we experience when tasting the wine composition and inhaling its aroma.

Let's list the main characteristics of wine products that are easy to identify with the right glass:

  1. Bouquet or intensity and originality of wine aroma.
  2. The texture of the drink is its consistency, velvety, watery and silky, i.e. a fascinating variety of tactile sensations in the mouth and on the tongue.
  3. Taste - the harmony of balance between mineral, fruit, bitter, tart and sour components of the wine composition.
  4. The aftertaste is long, pleasant, multifaceted and iridescent.

Biology of wine drinking

Receptors in different areas on the surface of the tongue respond to different tastes. The tip of the tongue “catches” the sweetness, closer to the larynx, the receptors recognize bitter notes, we determine sour tastes by the side surfaces, but salty tastes - by the center of the tongue.

The shape of the bowl forces us to direct the drink to certain areas of the tongue - where it will most fully reveal its secrets to us or partially mask what should be shown in the aftertaste.

Containers with a wide open bowl encourage us to tilt our heads while taking a sip. The liquid gets on the tip and in the center of the tongue. If the container has a narrow and high bowl, we, on the contrary, throw back our heads, helping the liquid to be distributed along the side cavities of the mouth and get into the larynx.

For taste recognition, the very first point of contact of wine with the tongue is important. By the way, this first contact depends not only on the shape and size of the bowl, but also on the thickness of its rim, and on its processing.

Chemistry of wine drinking

The size and shape of the bowl of the glass has an impact on the phenols in the drink. Phenolic compounds just determine the aromatic bouquet of wine and partly its taste. There is a clear relationship: the larger the evaporation surface of the drink, the more pronounced its dryness. Upon contact with air, phenols are instantly converted to esters, revealing true taste drink.

If the bowl of the glass has a large volume and a narrow bell (the upper part of the bowl), then this means that this container is designed to convey the quality and intensity of the wine bouquet.

With a narrow upper and wide middle part of the glass, the wine at the bottom of the bowl gives off its phenolic compounds in layers, which do not immediately come out of the glass, but mix in the middle wide part and give us their own kind of dance called “bouquet”.

Wines and glasses

We have tried to summarize the most common forms of wine glasses with their photos into an informative table, in which we indicate the names of the glasses corresponding to the names that Klaus Josef Riedel assigned to them when creating his reference collection "Sommeliers" (Sommeliers), and also tell you for what what glass of wine to serve.

wine glass The name of the glass and its characteristics For which wines
Bordeaux (Bordeaux) Bowl capacity - 860 ml

Height - 270 mm

The liquid is directed to the center of the tongue, from where it is distributed throughout the mouth, forming a balance of tannins, acidity and fruitiness.

Bordeaux red, Cabernet red, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chablis, Merlot Ideal bowl shape for tannic red wines with medium acidity.

wine glasses large sizes allow tart red wines to “breathe” and reveal their unique flavors. The richer in taste and aromatic composition the wine, the more space it needs in the glass.


Capacity: 1050 ml

Height: 248mm

The extended top of the bowl maximizes the fruitiness of the drink. The liquid from such a container is sent straight to the front of the palate, mixing acidity and fruitiness and harmonizing them.

This form emphasizes all the components of the wine composition: bouquet, acidity, fruitiness, aftertaste.

Container for Burgundy wine.Designed for fine wines with a complex bouquet, as it is able to decompose even the most complex aroma into its components.

Suitable for dry red wines with high acidity and moderate tannins.

Hermitage Bowl capacity: 620 ml

Height: 235 mm

The wines produced in the French region (appellation) Hermitage are highly valued. They are white dry, white sweet and red. Hermitage wines are rich in aromas with a variety of fruity tones, often with high content alcohol and noticeable astringency. Cahors are served in Hermitage glasses, red and pink ports are served.
Chablis (Сhablis)Capacity: 350 ml

Height: 216 mm

The liquid is sent to the center of the tongue, connecting all tastes in divine harmony.

Chablis, Aligote, White Bordeaux, Chardonnay, White Muscat, Sauvignon, dry white wines with medium acidity. If a large-capacity Bordeaux glass is designed for red wines with a rich bouquet, then Chablis brightly emphasizes the taste of the wine composition.
Rose (Rose) Capacity: 350 ml

Height: 178mm

The bowl shape directs the liquid to the tip of the tongue, emphasizing the fruitiness and freshness while masking the high acidity.

Suitable for young dry rosé wines with a simple bouquet.
Montrachet Capacity: 520 ml

Height: 200 mm

The liquid enters the tip of the tongue, where the acidity of the wine is defined as a slight tingle. The top of the glass helps mask the acidity, bringing out the fruity flavors.

This shape emphasizes the dryness of the drink.

Created for dry white wines with high acidity and exquisite fruitiness.
Champagne Glass Capacity: 170 ml

Height: 245 mm

Emphasizes fine bouquet and richness of taste. The liquid immediately falls on the tip of the tongue, accompanying its taste with a tingling of sharp bubbles.

Designed for light and dry champagnes.

General principles for selecting wine glasses

  1. Red dry wines with a rich bouquet are served in glasses of large capacity, with a wide middle part and a narrow top. This requirement corresponds to the architecture of Riedel "Bordeaux".
  2. Dry white wines are distinguished by their fruity aroma and acidity, so glasses are suitable for them, thanks to which we can appreciate their taste first of all. Their bowl is smaller than that of red wine glasses, with a narrower middle part.
  3. If you prefer certain types of wine and savor them often, then it will be justified to purchase wine glasses that fully correspond to the main characteristics of your favorite drink.

Rules for serving and drinking wine

Beautiful wine glasses are what we can show our guests. But we can also surprise them! Surprise with what we give true pleasure from a conversation with a bottle fine wine poured into glasses worthy of this divine drink!

Choosing glasses for red wine

Why is it important to choose the right glass

The wine glass familiar to everyone today appeared not so long ago - at the end of the 18th century in Austria. Until that time, the drink was drunk from mugs, glasses and goblets, but today the glass is the invariable vessel for drinking wine. The introduction of a glass into everyday life made it possible to better reveal the aroma and taste of the drink, its aftertaste and layering. It also allows you to enjoy the play of colors, and also get aesthetic pleasure from drinking. According to most sommeliers, the choice of glass plays a very important role in the impressions of the drink.

Key Features of Wine Glasses

Each glass has its own:

  1. Form. When the walls are parallel - Bordeaux, when the glass resembles a ball - Burgundy. The disclosure of the spectrum of aromas depends on this parameter. Wines with a rich bouquet of barely noticeable exquisite fragrances it is better to serve in Burgundy glasses, and drinks focused on one or three bright notes - in Bordeaux.
  2. Size. Depending on the size and shape, the drink enters the mouth in different ways and activates taste buds in the language.
  3. glass thickness. It is believed that the thinner the walls, the better. Previously, crystal glasses were considered the best, today technology without the use of lead oxide, but with the presence of titanium or barium, is popular. Modern glasses are light, durable, with thin, perfectly transparent walls.
  4. Circle diameter. It is he who determines which receptors (sour, sweet) on the tongue the wine will reach in the first place. A large area of ​​contact with air allows a greater degree of aromatic properties. And the narrowed neck allows you to bring together the shades of aroma.

What glasses should you drink red wine from?

It is the shape of the vessel for wine that is decisive. Those who often buy wine are advised to have 1-2 different types glasses for white and red and one kind for champagnes. Glasses for red wine are distinguished by a large diameter of the circumference and a noticeable narrowing of the walls towards the top.

Bordeaux is suitable for Cabernet and Merlot varieties. These varieties are distinguished rich taste, and Bordeaux allows them to open up. From the side, such a glass looks like a petal, its widest part is closer to the middle, the container narrows towards the top and bottom.

For Pinot Noir, Red Burgundy, Barolo and Barbera, a glass of Burgundy is intended. Wide at the bottom and rapidly tapering towards the top, it resembles a cognac glass on a high stem. The wines for which it is intended are distinguished by a sophisticated volatile aroma. In the wide part, the bouquet opens up and rises, concentrating.

If we are talking about very sour wine, regardless of its color, a tall narrow vessel is chosen, which does not allow the drink to go straight to the acid taste buds located on the sides of the tongue. sour wine first it enters the "softening" zone, which will make it possible to feel the whole bouquet. Otherwise, if you drink such a drink from a wide glass, a person runs the risk of not feeling anything but sour taste and aftertaste.

For fortified wines (over 15-17% alcohol), you will need glasses of an elongated shape, similar to a tulip. This option will allow you to inhale subtle wine notes, and the smell of alcohol fumes will not be noticeable. Cognac glasses and thick-bottomed cylinders, which many are accustomed to using when tasting port or sherry, on the contrary, will concentrate a sharp alcohol smell, so they are not recommended.

What affects the size of the glass

The volume of glasses starts from 200 ml and ends at about 900 ml. A natural question arises: "Why do I need such a large glass if I pour only 150 ml into it?". The answer is simple. If we compare wine with an artist, then a small stage in the provinces will be quite enough for a modest, novice talent to reveal its potential. And a well-deserved artist needs a big stage and a hall, and in small ones he will be cramped and not interested. A simple wine will open well in a small glass, but its bouquet is barely enough to fill the container, more than half a liter. But good wines require space to develop their smell and taste. Traditionally, red wine glasses are larger than white and sparkling wine glasses.

Before you take the first sip, the wine is distributed along the walls in a circular motion, which enhances evaporation, which means the smell. It is not advised to hold the glass by the bottom, transferring the warmth of the hands to the wine and overheating it. The height of the leg should be such that it is convenient to take it with the whole brush.

If you often buy expensive and high-quality red wine, it is a must to have suitable glasses of several types. The perception of good wine from an improperly selected vessel will not differ from the impressions of cheap wine from a stall.
