
Varietal features of melon “Torpedo. Uzbek melon Torpedo: useful properties of cultivation and care

In medicine and cosmetology, natural ingredients are often used. So, melon Torpedo, its benefits and calorie content have repeatedly become the subject of research by dietitians. Experts have found that this product is unique. Melon does not require additional additives, it in itself is able to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole, increase immunity, help in the prevention of many diseases, and also improve appearance.


Due to its low calorie content, Torpedo melon is considered a dietary product. It effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, activates metabolic processes and allows you to part with a few unnecessary kilograms in 4-5 days. Nutritionists recommend weekly unloading melon days.

For weight loss, it is necessary to use only fresh melon, since the calorie content of the dried product increases dramatically to 342 kcal per 100 g.

Melon Torpedo is a universal product in which both the pulp, the peel, and the seeds are useful. It has many valuable properties:

  • has a mild laxative effect, therefore it is indispensable for prolonged constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • due to the high content of ascorbic acid, it helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • the high content of iron in its composition helps to saturate the blood with oxygen and increase the level of hemoglobin;
  • has a diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic effect;
  • removes excess antibiotics from the body during treatment with such means;
  • helps to maintain emotional balance and contributes to the stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • melon peel tea is a cure for depression: it improves mood, relieves fatigue, relieves insomnia;
  • pulp compresses relieve burns, scars and other skin defects;
  • regular use of melon Torpedo has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole.

The inclusion of melon in the daily diet has a positive effect on the appearance of a person.

Cleansing the body, this product tidies up the hair, softens the skin, strengthens the nail plate.

Torpedo melon is popular as a main ingredient in homemade beauty recipes. Funds based on it

  • prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • smooth out already existing skin irregularities;
  • reduce pigmentation and lighten freckles;
  • treat acne;
  • stimulate the production of collagen;
  • give the face a beautiful peach shade;
  • restore the hair structure;
  • give freshness and shine to the lips;
  • relieve brittle nails.


Melon can be harmful if combined with other products. You can’t eat melon for dessert: at least an hour must pass between eating it and eating. It goes especially badly with alcoholic beverages, fermented milk products, cold water.

Naturally unripe melons may contain carcinogens that promote cancer. To choose a melon without harmful substances, you need to focus on its smell. In ripe melon, it is a mixture of pear, vanilla and pineapple flavors.


The calorie content of 100 g of Torpedo melon is 35 kcal, which is 1.7% of the recommended daily allowance. The table shows the number of kilocalories in a medium-sized whole melon.


Melon is well tolerated by pregnant women, so it is not contraindicated during this period. It helps to improve the mood of the expectant mother, saturates her body with essential vitamins, and prevents the appearance of edema. It is not recommended to consume more than 2 pieces of melon (200 g) per day during pregnancy.

Pediatricians do not advise giving melon to children under 3 years of age. The product is difficult for the child, since the fragile body lacks the necessary enzymes for its digestion. The use of melon at a young age can cause a severe indigestion in the baby, accompanied by profuse diarrhea, bleeding from the intestines, and vomiting. For the same reason, melons should not be eaten by nursing women.

The use of melon Torpedo is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • with diabetes;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • when combined with any food and drink.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Torpedo melon contains many vitamins necessary for the human body:

The main minerals contained in the Torpedo melon:

Only seasonal melon should be used for consumption. The most valuable for the body and tasty are late varieties. If there are contraindications to the use of Torpedo melon, you should consult a specialist.

For most people, late summer is associated with. With her bright presence, she helps to dilute the already boring summer diet and make it more pleasant and useful. Despite the large number of various varieties of the product, the most popular is the Torpedo melon. In this article, you will find out the answers to the following questions: how to grow a melon from seeds, where the melon grows, as well as many interesting facts about this wonderful culture.

Variety Description

Due to its external similarity with a self-propelled underwater mine, this melon variety was called "Torpedo". In addition to the elongated shape, the vegetable has a very dense crust, which makes it possible for it to endure long transportation without any difficulties. Also, the crust has a yellow color and a pattern in the form of a fine mesh. As for the internal characteristics, the melon pulp is endowed with a special taste, texture and aroma, as a result of which it simply melts in the mouth.

Did you know? Since the melon is a member of the Pumpkin family, it is customary to classify it as a vegetable.

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of culture, but this does not make it impossible to grow the fruit in other areas. The fact is that a feature of the region are high temperatures. For this reason, the product grows in the shortest possible time with the maximum set of taste qualities.

The average growing period, for example, in Uzbekistan is 60-70 days, that is, melons can be seen on the shelves in mid-August. In this case, the weight of the fetus can reach 15 kg.

conditions for growth

In order for the growth of the fetus to be as productive as possible and without complications, it is necessary to adhere to all the necessary conditions for this.

Temperature and Humidity

Since melon is a heat-loving crop, when choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to avoid areas where the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. Seeds can develop normally only at daytime temperatures of 20-25 degrees and at night - not lower than 15 degrees.

Important! You should not buy melons in July and even more so in June. Most likely, such specimens were grown using chemical means.

Cold wind gusts are also very undesirable.


If you do not have the opportunity to place the fetus in an unshaded space, you can create additional lighting, the intensity of which should be from 5000 to 6000 lux (lux).

Soil composition

The preparation of the soil must be approached with all responsibility, because the more fertile it is, the better the melon. The proportions for creating good soil look like this:

  • 25% peat;
  • 25% sand
  • 50% humus.
If we are talking about planting on open ground, then black soil and gray forest will be the most suitable option. First, the earth must be loosened.

Popular growing methods

Two types of cultivation are the most popular: spreading and trellis.

In spread

The essence of this method is as follows: the main shoot is pinched over the fourth leaflet, while two side shoots are left. Other shoots are pinned to the ground, as a result of which the development of an additional root system is stimulated.

The question arises: what is the use of these actions? The fact is that thanks to this principle of pinching, nutrients are spent not on the green mass, but on the melon itself.


Growing melon "Torpedo" in this way is appropriate for the most part only in or in case of a critical need to save space on the site.

First you need to stretch two tapestries at a height of 2 m. You can use wire or rope as them. Then, 4-5 days after landing, the shoots must be tied to the trellis (one shoot to the left rope, the other to the right).

Important! At home, it is best to grow by seedlings.

This gives the whips excellent access to lighting. After a certain period, the melon will no longer need a garter, as it will be able to wrap itself around the ropes.

Melon sowing rules

For hundreds of years of growing this crop, a number of certain rules have been developed that must be followed, counting on a good harvest.

Seed preparation and selection

When choosing seeds, be guided by the following criteria:

  • Size. Always choose larger seeds. As practice shows, such seeds are of better quality.
  • Purpose. You need to focus on seeds intended for planting in your climate zone.
  • Fitness. When purchasing seeds, you need to know everything about your soil type. The success of the further development of the fetus depends on this.
After the purchase, seed preparation follows. Its first step is etching. To do this, the seeds must be placed in gauze and in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 6 hours. Then there is germination and pecking.
It is worth mentioning one popular method for identifying empty seeds. If you put all the seeds in water for a day, some of them will float. It is from these seeds that you need to get rid of, since they are empty.

Seeding scheme

The process of growing melon seedlings begins with the acquisition of peat pots with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. This is followed by filling the pots with earth. And finally, the main stage is sowing seeds. For 1 pot, it is enough to throw 2-3 seeds to a depth of about 1.5 cm.

Warming up the seeds will help you get a bigger harvest. Leaving them at 60 degrees for 4 hours will increase your yield by 25%.
Experienced gardeners sow the seeds in pots 35 days before they move the seedlings into open ground. Such a warning allows the plant to prepare as much as possible for sudden changes in the situation.

Planting seedlings in open ground

In order not to damage the roots of the plant, it is necessary to water the pot with seedlings and only then remove it. After extraction, you need to place the bush in the hole to a depth of 4-6 cm with an interval of 80-90 cm between each hole.

Important!You should not grow representatives of the pumpkin family, including melons, in the same place for several years. At best, this will lead to a decrease in the amount of the crop, and at worst, to its absolute death.

The distance between the rows should be about 1-1.5 m. Place the bush in the hole so that the root collar is at the level of the soil.
The hole itself should be filled with a mixture of organic matter (or) and warm water. Ready! It remains only to protect the seedlings for the first 2-3 days from direct sunlight.

How to care for a plant?

Despite the melon's resistance to many adversities, there are certain subtleties in care, the neglect of which can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant.


It is recommended to water the melon only when the soil is dry, but always with warm water, with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. During the ripening period of the vegetable, the best solution would be to reduce watering to a minimum, or even stop it altogether.

This approach will help the plant accumulate the maximum amount of sugars, while an excess of moisture leads to an excess of them.

top dressing

Often the plant is fed 2-3 times, depending on when the leaves close. Let's look at all three top dressings in turn:

  1. The first time the melon is fed two weeks after disembarkation. As a means of feeding use. 20 g of this drug is diluted with a bucket of water. The resulting mixture is distributed in 2 liters for each bush.
  2. Repeat the process during the budding phase.
  3. The last top dressing is carried out 3 weeks after the previous one, during the growth of the ovaries. This time, a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is used, 50 and 20 g per bucket of warm water.

Pinching and removing ovaries

Correct restriction of fruit growth is one of the main keys to a successful harvest. Pinching is carried out regarding the main lash and lateral ones, but not all of them completely: you need to leave about 2-3 shoots. It is also necessary to pinch the top of each of the lashes.

Melon (Cucumis melo or literally "inflated fruit") is a false berry or vegetable belonging to the gourd family. Its closest relatives are cucumber and pumpkin. This annual melon culture has hundreds of varieties of various shapes, sizes and colors. On sale, you can most often find European melons "Kolkhoz Woman" and Uzbek ones - "Torpedo". They are absolutely not similar to each other, but in composition they do not differ too much from each other.

Description of the melon variety "Torpedo"

The Uzbek melon "Torpeda", called in the homeland "Mirzachulskaya", has been known in Russia for more than three centuries. It has an elongated shape, the yellow crust of the fruit is completely covered with a fine mesh. The pulp is very tender, white, juicy and fragrant. It tolerates transportation over long distances. This is a heat-loving variety of melon, the fruits of which in Uzbekistan reach a weight of up to 15 kg. In the Moscow region, where there is not enough heat for them, you can grow melons weighing up to 5 kg.

This variety belongs to the late ones, the fruits reach the peak of ripeness by the end of August. Therefore, melons sold at the beginning of summer should be treated with caution. After all, they were harvested unripe, the “ripening” of these fruits was carried out artificially using chemicals hazardous to human health.

Melon "Torpedo": features of the variety (video)

Benefits, nutritional value of melon

"Torpedo" refers to the sweet varieties of melons, its calorie content is maximum for these vegetable crops and is 36 kcal per 100 g of pulp. This means that overweight people should not avoid this extremely healthy low-calorie product.

The benefits of melon "Torpedo" are undeniable and it consists in the following:

  • The fruits are rich in enzymes that improve bowel function. And fiber cleans it and removes toxins from the body.
  • Vitamins C, A, B, PP and trace elements contained in it - potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, silicon - help to increase immunity, stabilize the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, bladder, heart and blood vessels . Melon is also useful for anemia, it is recommended to restore blood volume after surgery.
  • Substances found in melon pulp help to relieve depression and improve mood.
  • Zinc, which is rich in melon seeds, has a good effect on the skin and hair. They are advised to eat with honey, but in moderation, because. excess zinc is harmful to the spleen.

The beneficial properties of this fruit are used by nutritionists when compiling the so-called melon diets, which help to get rid of extra pounds. However, such unloading is best done no more than twice a week.

Melon is an independent dish, which is not desirable to combine with other products. Melon is especially not combined with milk, because. can cause allergies and eating disorders. The break between meals after eating melon should be at least 2 hours.

There are only a few contraindications for the use of the fruit of the mentioned variety:

  • It is not recommended to feast on this sweet melon for diabetics, ulcers.
  • It is not indicated for nursing mothers, because. can cause intestinal colic in the baby.

Features of cultivation and care

Melon "Torpedo" is a southern, heat-loving plant, so in the middle lane it is better to grow it in a glassed greenhouse or greenhouse. For its shallow root system, a twenty-centimeter fertile soil layer is sufficient, which includes one part of peat and black soil and three parts of humus. Germinated seeds are planted on loosened beds, keeping a distance of 50 by 80 cm between them.

Undesirable neighbors for melons will be their closest relatives - cucumbers, because. over-pollination of these plants spoils the taste of melon.

Important conditions for a good harvest of these southern melons are:

  • sufficient amount of heat and light;
  • regular loosening and watering of plants;
  • pinching and removing excess ovaries;
  • their monthly feeding with mullein infusion.

It is known that melons intensively absorb harmful substances, accumulating them. Melon "Torpedo" with dishonest cultivation or its sale with violations can become dangerous, causing severe poisoning. Many do not know how to choose a melon so that it brings joy and benefit, and not disappointment. Here are some tips to avoid various mistakes:

  1. Its color should be uniform. A green spot is a sign that the vegetable is not ripe, while a brown spot or dent is an indicator that it has begun to spoil.
  2. A ripe melon is not too hard to the touch, but not very soft either. It should not have cracks or scratches.
  3. The sound when tapping on the peel of a ripe fruit should be deaf.
  4. The tail of a quality vegetable should be thick and dry, and the nose should spring when pressed.
  5. The pulp in the cut should not have white streaks, and the seeds should have a yellowish tint and be full and not dry.
  6. If there is a thin yellowish strip between the peel and the pulp, then this melon was fed with saltpeter. If this strip is greenish, then the vegetable is unripe.
  7. The bright, juicy, shiny skin of the melon, combined with the absolute absence of a pleasant smell in it, are signs of the cultivation of the soil on which these gourds were grown with urea.
  8. You can not buy cut fruits or those that lie on the ground next to the road.

How to grow melons (video)

Melons "Torpedo" - unusually tasty, fragrant and healthy fruits. It is desirable to eat them every day. After all, the season of melons is so short! With the right choice, you will get great pleasure from these wonderful gifts of nature.

Melon "Torpedo" (Cucumis melo) is a plant from the Cucurbitaceae family, or Cucurbitaceae, genus Cucumber, or Cucumis. This melon culture, popular with consumers, includes a significant number of various subspecies and forms, including the Torpedo melon. A ripe melon always exudes a very sweet, delicate and delicate, characteristic melon aroma. It can be dried, dried, processed into melon honey, and also used to make marmalade or tasty and healthy candied fruits.

Characteristics and features

The variety of melon "Torpeda" known to consumers in the territory of Uzbekistan is usually called "Mirzachulsky". The homeland of this variety is the territory of Asia Minor and Central Asia.

Melon called "Torpedo" refers to late varieties that tolerate transportation well. Fully ripened fruits have an attractive elongated shape and are characterized by a pronounced yellow coloration of the skin with a netting. The pulp of ripe melons is always very juicy, white in color, has an unsurpassed taste and a well-defined, but very delicate and delicate aroma.

Main selection criteria

Melon "Torpeda" has excellent juiciness and surpasses in these indicators the fruits of such popular varieties in our country as "Kolhoznitsa", "Gulyabi" and "Thai".

It is not recommended to buy Torpedo melon until mid-August or even the first decade of September, since the natural ripening period of this popular culture is late. Fruits introduced to the market at an earlier date contain excessive amounts of pesticides, as well as nitrates that are harmful to health. Delicious and most useful melon happens at the stage of full ripening.

Melon "Torpedo": variety description (video)

Only by knowing how to choose a ripe and fresh melon, you can protect yourself and loved ones from low-quality products and food poisoning. When choosing fruits, you should focus on the main indicators - appearance and aroma.

Ripeness index Features and Description
The appearance of the fruit The fruit should have an oblong shape and have a yellow surface with small bright yellow longitudinal stripes. Green melons with small longitudinal stripes are immature and tasteless. The presence of dark spots on the surface is an indicator of damage to the fruit, and melons with a soft surface are considered overripe. A ripe "Torpedo" always makes a characteristic dull sound when patted on the surface. The tail of the melon should be dry and the nose should be slightly soft.
The smell of fruits A fully ripe Torpedo melon should exude an odor that resembles a mixture of vanilla, pear and flower honey aromas.

It is impossible to buy a melon at the "collapses" located along the roads, and the cut fruits that are sold are not suitable for food.

Benefits of use and contraindications

Melon pulp called "Torpedo" contains a significant amount of substances useful for the human body, including vitamins, mineral components, as well as carotene and folic acid. The pulp is rich in fiber and a large number of enzymes, which helps to improve bowel function. The melon of the popular Torpedo variety has an antioxidant effect and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin.

Ripe melon pulp can improve metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system and nervous system. Melon is very useful for urolithiasis, as well as cholelithiasis. This melon culture is very often used to cleanse the body, because melon fibers well remove toxic substances from the body. Among other things, the seed material of the melon has long been considered the strongest aphrodisiac, and its taste is uplifting.

The benefits of melon are not disputed. Melon pulp saturates the body with such vitamins as A, B1, B2 and C, and also contains chlorine, potassium, calcium, sodium and iron. This melon culture is indicated for use by almost everyone, except for patients with diabetes mellitus and people suffering from kidney diseases. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage are also a contraindication for the use of melon.

Thus, from a medical point of view, Torpedo melon is recommended for the following purposes:

  • removal of excess fluid from the body due to the presence of strong diuretic properties in melon;
  • bowel cleansing due to high fiber content;
  • excretion of decay products and various toxic substances from the body;
  • sedative and antidepressant effect on the body;
  • removal of bad cholesterol from the body;
  • increasing the protective properties and immunity of the body;
  • increased hemoglobin in anemia and iron deficiency anemia.

It is strictly forbidden to drink milk or any other dairy products, as well as alcohol or cold water after eating melon. This food combination often causes severe poisoning. It is recommended to take any food not earlier than half an hour after eating melon.

Nutritional value and caloric values

The ripe pulp of a melon called "Torpedo" is characterized by the content of too many carbohydrates with low calorie content of the product. On average, 0.6 g of protein, 0.24 g of fat and 7.7 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of pulp. The percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 7.1: 2.8: 90.1. The average calorie content is 35.7 kcal or 149 kJ. Low calorie content allows the melon of this variety to be used in dietary nutrition.

How to choose a melon (video)

A variety of mono-diets, which are based on the use of melons in food, help to remove toxins accumulated by the body. However, it is not recommended to get involved in such a diet, since the variety has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is for this reason that it is undesirable to stick to a melon diet for more than three days. It should be remembered that the calorie content of dried melon is almost three times higher than the calorie content of "Torpedo" in its raw form. There are about 340 kcal per 100 g of dried melon, which should be taken into account when eating the fruits of this melon during a diet.

Melon is a tasty and quite popular product, it is grown and cultivated in different parts of the world. This is an annual plant with large leaves and a recumbent stem, has large multi-seeded fruits. In its juicy and delicate taste, melon is unlike any other vegetable or fruit, its aroma is multifaceted, and its beneficial properties are not inferior to medicinal plants.

Origin and varieties of melon

India and Africa are considered to be the birthplace of the melon, it was there, even before our era, that the first varieties of melons were bred and its plantations were bred. Later, melons began to be cultivated by other countries in Central and Asia Minor. But melon came to Europe relatively recently, only in the Middle Ages.

Melon has many varieties that differ in the degree of usefulness, sweetness and ripening time.

The most popular of them:

  • Torpedo
    Melon torpedo does not like cold climates and is usually grown in Uzbekistan. This melon variety is considered late and goes on sale at the end of the annual season. The torpedo withstands long transportation, is saturated with a bright aroma and sweet taste.
  • Collective farmer
    This is a very common variety, its recognizable yellow round fruits have a specific aroma and taste. Kolkhoznitsa is an early ripening variety that contains a minimum of calories, but also much fewer nutrients and minerals.
  • Altai melon
    The melon is early, its fruits are oval in shape, weighing about one kilogram. This variety, as a feature, has a thin peel and adaptability to harsh climates.
  • Melba
    This is a small melon, considered an early and well-bearing variety. The fruits have a reticulate yellowish pattern and a pronounced aroma. The variety is well adapted to low temperatures, suitable for growing in the Urals.
  • canary melon
    Early variety, very sweet and juicy, light in weight, characterized by smooth skin and white flesh. It has a high taste rating, reminiscent of Torpedo melon.
  • Cinderella
    This is the earliest ripening variety, it has large round fruits up to 1.3 kg, as well as a mesh pattern on the skin and a bright yellow color. The flesh of Cinderella has a greenish tint and excellent taste.
  • honey melon
    This variety is popular for growing in the Urals, as it is resistant to weather conditions. Melons are medium in size, round and very sweet.

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Nutritional and energy value, vitamins and minerals

The melon contains a large amount of water, about 90%, which allows you to satisfy your hunger and restore strength. Melon juice will cleanse the kidneys and relieve the symptoms of bladder disease. Also, melon is rich in fiber, which is very useful for proper digestion and metabolism in the body.

So, melon contains in 100g:

  • proteins 0.8 g.
  • fats 0.3 g.
  • carbohydrates 7.5 g.

As well as useful macro and micronutrients, such as:

  • magnesium 13 mg
  • potassium 117 mg
  • calcium 15 mg
  • sodium 31 mg
  • phosphorus 11.5 mg
  • chlorine 49 mg
  • sulfur 11 mg
  • fluorine 19 mcg
  • iron 1.5 mcg
  • iodine 2 mcg

Melon is rich in vitamins, namely:

  • Vitamin PP 0.35 mg
  • Vitamin A 68 mcg
  • Vitamin C 19 mcg
  • Vitamin B5 0.25 mg
  • Vitamin B9 5.5 mcg
  • Vitamin E 0.1 mg

In addition, melon contains starch, dietary fiber, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as water and ash. The energy value of melon varies from 33 to 38 kcal, depending on the melon variety.

Calorie melon Torpedo

Melon Torpedo got its name due to its elongated shape, this melon variety is very sweet, as it contains more than 8 gr. Sahara. There is an opinion that because of sugar, melon is very high in calories and is not a dietary product - this is not at all the case.

The sugar in the melon is easily absorbed by the body, and the calorie content of the Torpedo melon does not exceed 36 kcal per 100 g. product. Even if you eat a whole melon alone, your body burns more calories than it receives. Melon can replace any high-calorie energy bar and improve performance without harming the figure.

Useful properties of melon

Melon has a lot of useful properties and is able to treat many diseases, it is used both for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Beneficial features:

  • Fights anemia and liver diseases due to its high content of folic acid.
  • Calms the nervous system, relieves tension and depression.
  • Stimulates the work of the intestines and removes excess cholesterol, thanks to fiber.
  • Useful for anemia, as it contains a lot of iron, more than in salads, cabbage and carrots.
  • It is a diuretic and choleretic agent, useful in diseases of the urinary system and gallbladder.
  • It treats gout and speeds up the metabolism in the body.
  • Juice and pulp of melon is an excellent remedy for inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  • Cleanses the kidneys, stimulates their work.
  • Melon fights inflammatory diseases and worms.
  • Removes toxic substances during long-term antibiotic treatment.
  • Relieves frequent headaches.

Useful properties of melon in cosmetology:

  • A decoction of melon pulp is an effective remedy for lightening freckles and age spots.
  • Fights acne and inflammatory pimples.
  • Melon mask rejuvenates the skin, smoothes the complexion
  • Tones and nourishes skin cells, makes it supple
  • Controls the fat content of the skin of the face, regenerates tissues.

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Contraindications to the use of melon

Like any product, melon has contraindications, but very few:

  1. It should not be consumed by nursing mothers, as melon can cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract in a newborn.
  2. Melon should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from peptic ulcer and with a weak intestine.
  3. Melon contains a large amount of sugar, so it is contraindicated for diabetics and people with high blood sugar.
  4. You can not mix the use of melon with alcoholic beverages and dairy products, as this combination can cause severe upset of the digestive system.
  5. You can not eat melon on an empty stomach.

So, we can conclude that the melon should be consumed carefully, preferably separately from other products as a snack or dessert.

How to choose a ripe melon?

To choose a ripe juicy and tasty melon for the whole family, you should use some tips:

  • Pay attention to the aroma of melon, from a ripe melon will exude a pleasant aroma even through the peel. If the aroma is barely perceptible, or the melon smells like grass, it is better to refuse to buy it.
  • Check the melon for sound. If you lightly pat the surface of a ripe melon with your palm, it will give a dull sound.
  • Check the peel for elasticity. When pressed with your fingers, the melon peel should spring back a little, if the melon is overripe, then the peel will not spring.
  • Choose a melon with a uniform color. A ripe melon, no matter what kind of melon it is, should have an even color without spots and local darkening.
  • Consider the "tail" and "nose" of the melon. That melon is good, in which the tail is dry, and the nose is soft.
  • Eliminate signs of nitrates. Sometimes for a quick melon, harmful chemicals are used, their presence is given out by longitudinal veins, gray seeds and the absence of a bright aroma.
  • Additionally, you can check the ripeness of the melon by running your fingernail along the top layer of the peel., it should lift slightly.
  • Don't Buy Dirty, Mud-Binned Melons, they may have been transported in unsanitary conditions.
  • After cutting the melon at home, make sure that it is not spoiled.. A ripe melon will melt in your mouth and not cause discomfort.

Also, you should not buy melons near highways and from private sellers, as well as cut and stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Melon is an important and useful product in the diet of every person, in the season of melon ripening, do not miss the opportunity to enrich your body with useful substances.

You can cook many dishes from melon, create unique desserts and mouth-watering snacks, add to cereals and muesli, use to create ice cream and yogurt. There are a variety of recipes for making jam and melon preserves, as well as canned and pickled dishes.

Healing decoctions and cooling drinks, juices, compotes and jelly are also made from melon. Melon, of course, is a low-calorie product suitable for sports and proper nutrition. Of course, raw melon is the richest in useful substances and minerals, preferably from your garden, such a melon will not harm you and will please the whole family with a real ripe taste.

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