
Cherry syrup from chokeberry. From frozen chokeberry

There is in my bins a recipe for making syrup from chokeberry. It is so simple that it will not be difficult to make syrup even for a “newbie” in blanks.
You will need:

Blackberry berries
- 3 liter jar
- 1.5 kg of sugar
- 30 grams (3 tablespoons) citric acid
- boiling water

So, we take a clean 3x liter jar, pour washed, dried (not wet) chokeberry berries into it to the shoulders of the jar, add 30 grams (or 3 tablespoons) of citric acid to the jar with berries and pour boiling water up to the neck (maybe a little more). We leave for 2-3 days, loosely covering the jar with a lid (napkin, cloth, saucer ...). After 2-3 days, we drain the resulting liquid (it is possible through a special canning lid with holes, it is possible through a strainer ...), add 1.5 kg of sugar (granulated sugar), put the container with the contents on the fire and start heating, stirring. The point is to dissolve the sugar, no need to boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove from heat, leave to cool completely. Then pour into dry, clean containers (jars, glass bottles, plastic dry clean bottles for carbonated drinks, in general, in the container that you have), close the lids and put in a dry, dark place.
Such a blank does not require storage in a cold place, but if such a place for storage is convenient for you, then please. The syrup is perfectly preserved for several years, so the output finished products I can’t say now, I did it 3-4 years ago.

Such preparation and chokeberry fruits are not recommended for use when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with gastritis, frequent constipation, hypotension, increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis.

How to use - like any fruit, berry syrup. It can be added to compotes for taste and coloring, to mineral (carbonated water), ice cream, cereals, kefir, you can simply savor it in small sips - this is a matter of taste.

What is useful chokeberry:
It contains rich natural complex vitamins (P, C, E, K, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene), macro- and microelements (boron, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), pectin and tannins. For example, in the fruits of aronia, vitamin P is 2 times more than in black currants, and 20 times more than in oranges and apples. And the iodine content in chokeberry berries is 4 times higher than in strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries.
Contained in chokeberry pectin substances remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, retain and remove different kinds pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins normalize the functioning of the intestines, eliminate spasms and have a choleretic effect. Medicinal properties chokeberry contribute to the strengthening of the walls blood vessels improving their firmness and elasticity.
Also, one of the most useful properties of this berry is the normalization blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol levels. Black fruit is prescribed for various disorders in the blood coagulation system, bleeding, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diabetes and allergic diseases. Recent studies have shown that chokeberry improves liver function, and regular use This berry improves immunity and positively affects the functioning of the endocrine system.
Bon appetit, good health.

Chokeberry syrup for the winter can be eaten just like that, with a cup of tea, or you can use it for baking, making creams or cocktails.

Chokeberry syrup for the winter - recipe

The end of September-beginning of October is the time for the beginning of the collection of chokeberry. If the berry has ugly on your site, then take the chance to prepare a simple, full of flavor syrup. Since chokeberry does not have a pronounced aroma, as part of this recipe, we will add cherry leaves to the berries.


  • chokeberry berries - 2.8 kg;
  • water - 3.8 l;
  • sugar - 3.8 kg;
  • citric acid - 85 g;
  • cherry leaves - 80 g.


Pour the sorted blackberry berries into enamelware, and then lay the cherry leaves and citric acid. Pour the contents of the container with boiling water and leave for about a day. Drain the liquid into a separate container, and twist the berries and squeeze the cake well. Mix juice with berry infusion and add granulated sugar. We boil the syrup for about 15-20 minutes after boiling, and then pour it into a pre-sterilized container.

Preparation of chokeberry syrup for the winter

For more variety, mint leaves can be added to the syrup. As a result, you will get an amazing base for a refreshing drink, which will only need to be diluted with water before drinking.


  • chokeberry - 2.3 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • citric acid - 45 g;
  • water - 1.7 l.


As in the previous recipe, the chokeberry is first sorted out and washed. After, the dried berries are placed in an enameled or plastic utensils along with mint leaves. Berries are poured with boiling water diluted with citric acid. After a day, the liquid will be colored and absorb the taste of berries and mint - it can be drained, and the chokeberry itself must be twisted and squeezed well through a gauze cut. After mixing the juice and berry infusion, granulated sugar is poured into the mixture and the syrup is left to boil over the fire for about 15 minutes. While the syrup is on fire, you will have time to sterilize the container for it. Pour boiling syrup into sterile bottles and immediately close them with sterile lids.

Black rowan in syrup for the winter

Clusters of black rowan sugar syrup for the winter - spectacular and tasty way keep fruits in the cold. The cooking scheme here is similar to two previous recipes, only instead of getting the berries out of the syrup and squeezing the juice out of them, we close the syrup right with the berries.

I have been carrying the desire to reproduce the taste of chokeberry syrup since childhood. She began to realize her gastronomic dream in real life not so long ago and now for 5 years now I have a tradition - every autumn I cook chokeberry.
I will not talk about the benefits of this berry. She is without a doubt. I want to talk about incomparable taste syrup.
By itself, chokeberry is not very tasty - with bitterness, it knits the mouth. Its feature is aroma. Fragrant, delicately spicy. Saturated color the berry itself allows you to prepare a tasty and sweet treat from it. Now is the time to do it.
For syrup, you need a ripe, but not overripe berry. The main thing in harvesting is to get ahead of the birds that adore chokeberry.
We collect the berries, free them from the stalks and wash them well. Since the mountain ash grows in a bush, on which worms and snails with waste products like to sit, the mountain ash can be soaked for half an hour in cold water.

Not the most important, but a very important accent in the preparation of chokeberry syrup is cherry leaves. They need a lot. In the recipe, I gave an approximate amount. In fact, the more sheets, the better. cherry leaf will give his berries unique aroma. In tandem, you get just stunning ambergris.
It is advisable to soak the leaves and also wash them well.

Some pre-infuse the leaf, and then boil the berries in the infusion. I laid the chokeberry and leaves in layers.

To shade sugary taste chokeberry, add citric acid to the syrup. I pour the first spoonful directly on the berries. The second - already when I cook the syrup directly.

Pour the stock with boiling water and bring to a boil. You can boil for 1-2 minutes so that the berries open.

We remove the hot pan from the heat and send it to a cool place to brew for a couple of days.

After the allotted time, the resulting infusion is drained through two sieves or several layers of gauze, add sugar and put on fire.

Once the sugar has dissolved, taste the syrup. If too sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid.
Bring the syrup to a boil. Cook for about one minute and pour hot into sterilized jars under metal lids.

The remaining berries are NEVER thrown away. Be sure to cook delicious blackberry jam.

The syrup is deep red in color. From it you can prepare cool tonic or, conversely, warming winter drinks with cinnamon, vanilla. Can be added to baking - soak cake layers, eat with pancakes, pour over ice cream; cook sweet fruit sauces or sorbet. If chokeberry syrup is diluted with alcohol, you get just a luxurious liqueur, which women will especially like.

If you do not have cherry leaves, you can do without them. The aroma, of course, will not be the same, but the syrup will still turn out delicious.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

approximate cost servings: 50 rub.

Well, the long-awaited time has come, the real one has finally come Golden autumn. The time has arrived for the collection of late forest and garden berries. As is known, during the period of the onset of the first frosts, the concentration useful substances they are the highest. Particularly noteworthy in this regard is the legendary chokeberry, which, in essence, is a unique storehouse of vitamins. It is interesting to know that the birthplace of chokeberry ( scientific name chokeberry), is considered the eastern part of the United States of America. However, the variety of fruit shrubs that the inhabitants of our country are accustomed to was bred by the famous Russian biologist-breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. It was he who first drew the attention of the general public to this extremely useful plant, and also did everything possible to popularize it in the vastness of our Motherland. It should be noted that chokeberry is quite popular not only in Russia, but also in Western Europe. What they just didn’t learn to cook from its juicy and tart fruits is both a well-known jam and an exquisite Home wine, and varied delicious pastries and even delightful with absolutely amazing and unusual flavor filling. Today we will talk about how to make a great vitamin syrup from chokeberry berries and fresh leaves cherries.

Delicious medicine - chokeberry with cherry leaves

This in its own way unique and one-of-a-kind recipe came to us from the distant Soviet past. In those dramatic times, the population of a vast country, as you know, was not particularly spoiled by all sorts of culinary delights, and therefore, almost everything that came to hand went into business. As a result, we have instructions for cooking not only quite tasty, but also unusually healthy syrup, which can be added to most variety of dishes, drinks and even pastries.


  • Fresh chokeberry (chokeberry) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Cherry leaves - 150-200 pcs
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon without top

Cooking scheme:

  • Rinse thoroughly cherry leaves, fill with water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, turn off the gas and leave the mixture to infuse for one night. Note: some housewives skip this procedure and simply boil chokeberry berries along with cherry leaves for about 15 minutes.
  • The next day, again bring the cherry leaves to a boil and add to them fresh berries aronia, as well as citric acid.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, turn off the heat and leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.
  • After a day, we separate the collected juice from the berries and pour it into a saucepan.
  • In a saucepan with juice, add sugar and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Then pour the syrup into sterilized jars. It is advisable to store it in cool place or in the refrigerator.
  • From the remaining berries, you need to cook homemade brew, according to any classic recipe you know.

Today, if you have the desire, you can easily order a cake stuffed with black chokeberry, and in Soviet times, even the presence of the most ordinary jam or medicinal syrup from this berry was considered a great luxury. In our opinion, this should not be forgotten at all. amazing recipe inherited from our grandparents. After all, thanks to him, in our hands is not only another confectionery "zest", but also a full-fledged medicine, with which you can prepare a delicious hypervitamin drink for the whole family.

Useful properties of chokeberry

ABOUT useful properties aronia, you can talk almost endlessly, but we will try to tell you only about the most important of them. Distinctive feature This berry is that vitamin P, for example, it contains 20 times more than in oranges or apples, but the iodine content is 4 times more than in strawberries or raspberries. In most cases, fresh chokeberry berries and its juice (including canned) are used to treat stage 1 and 2 hypertension, as well as to prevent atherosclerosis. However, in addition to this, chokeberry is able to remove radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body, significantly improve the condition of the liver and bile ducts, and quite positively influence the condition of blood vessels, making them more elastic and resilient. Doctors are very willing to prescribe it for rheumatism and diabetes. It is not recommended to use it only for people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure), gastritis or stomach ulcers. Scientists unanimously argue that healing properties, have not only fresh and natural fruits of chokeberry, but also all without exception culinary specialties prepared from it. So, if you ever really want to surprise the guests who have gathered for children's holiday in your home, then try to purchase the original
