
Lunar calendar for November sauerkraut. Moon Phase Sourdough: Tips and Recipes

In 2019, as in any other, it is worth preparing more sauerkraut. Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking it, but the vegetable should be fermented on certain days, which are indicated in the lunar calendar.

Basic fermentation rules

What rules will have to be observed during the preparation of cabbage? There are several and All of them are mandatory:

  • Cabbage varieties are best taken late.
  • Heads of cabbage should be dense.
  • The stumps must be cut out.
  • Shred the vegetable into very thin strips.
  • They ferment it only on the growing moon.
  • To make the cabbage crispy, horseradish leaves are added to it.
  • If you do not like table vinegar, you can replace it with apple or aspirin, or lemon juice.
  • As for the amount of salt needed, everything is very simple - compact the chopped vegetable in a jar and apply salt over its entire area, this will be enough.
  • Do not use iodized salt, otherwise the cabbage will not taste good.

These rules will help to correctly prepare a vegetable for the winter.

When to salt cabbage in 2019

Some housewives wonder why they don’t get a delicious dish. It's simple - they salt the cabbage at the wrong time. And with proper salting, the vegetable will not only be tasty, but will also be stored for a long time - up to 7 months.

The most unfavorable period for pickling is the full moon. If you work with cabbage at this time, it will turn out tasteless, soft, and quickly deteriorate. On the full moon, you should not preserve other foods, with the exception of beets. You should not ferment anything even when the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

Sour cabbage according to the lunar calendar (video)

The best option is to harvest vegetables on the waning moon, preferably on the 3rd or 6th day after the new moon. It will be great if you ferment cabbage on the growing moon in Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus or Leo. So the workpiece will turn out crispy and will be stored for a long time. Important! Get the vegetable on the table should also be in the indicated signs!

It is believed that cabbage should be harvested only 10 days after the first frost. It mostly happens in October or November. This remark is due to the fact that during these periods the acid turns into sugar, so the cabbage turns out to be very tasty.

Another point, if you pickle a vegetable in tubs, do not open them often, otherwise the blanks will dry out. In terms of days of the week, the best days to do work are: Thursday, Tuesday and Monday.

Delicious sauerkraut recipe

Before you start harvesting a vegetable, you need to put in order the container in which, in fact, it will be stored. To begin with, the barrel, if you have chosen it, you need to thoroughly wash it using a brush and laundry soap, then fill it with clean water for several days. It should be taken into account that it will not work to immediately wash all the muck, it will settle in the water, so dirty water must be changed.

After the preliminary manipulations are completed, you can start preparing a "broth" - water with the addition of fragrant herbs - in order to then pour it into a barrel. It is recommended to cover the container with a canvas cloth, and leave it for 12 hours to cook cabbage.

So, consider the recipe for fermenting vegetables. To make everything perfect, you should:

  • Take a special cleaver for shredding cabbage and chop it.
  • Transfer to a clean container, for example, in a basin and add a generous handful of salt (large table salt will do) and the same amount of granulated sugar.
  • Now you can do the supplements. Put what you like: carrots, onions, cranberries or fragrant greens.
  • Then you need to carefully grind everything with your bare hands, mash, slightly squeezing the juice.
  • If there is no desire to get orange-colored cabbage, carrots should be cut by hand.
  • All the resulting mixture remains to be sent to the barrel and lightly tamped.

In order for the cabbage to "breathe", i.e. so that air does not accumulate and it ferments, you need to make several holes in the workpiece along the entire length of the barrel. Readiness is tested empirically.

Lunar calendar of sauerkraut in 2019: favorable and unfavorable days

According to the lunar calendar, cabbage preparations should be made on certain days. Only in this way will it turn out crispy, with a pronounced pleasant aroma. Consider which periods are the most favorable and unfavorable for work.

Month of the year auspicious days bad days
January from 3.01-7.01, from 18.01-26.01, 28.01, 30.01, 31.01 from 10.01-14.01
February from 1.02-06.02, from 14.02-20.02, from 24.02-28.02 from 9.02 -13.02
March 1.03, 3.03, 05.03, 07.03, from 16.03 - 24.03, 26.03, from 28.03-30.03 from 9.03-13.03
April from 01.04-4.04, from 15.04.-30.04 5.04, 06.04, 10.04- 12.04
September from 09.09 - 10.09, from 21.09 - 23.09, from 28.09 - 30.09 from 5.09 - 07.09, from 18.09 - 20.09
October from 08.10 - 12.10, from 18.10 - 22.10, 22.10, 24.10, 25.10 from 3.10 - 7.10, from 16.10 - 17.10, 30.10 - 31.10
November 8.11, from 14.11 - 15.11, from 17.11 - 20.11, 22.11, 24.11, 25.11 from 3.11 - 5.11, from 12.11 - 13.11, from 27.11 - 28.11
December 12.12, 14.12, 17.12, from 19.12 - 22.12, 24.12, from 26.12 - 27.12, 29.12 from 2.12 - 3.12, 4.12, from 7.12 - 8.12

We ferment cabbage only according to the lunar calendar, and it comes out surprisingly delicious! You will succeed too.

How and when to ferment cabbage (video)

Many housewives claim that it is best to ferment cabbage in 2019 according to the lunar calendar. Only in this way will it turn out crispy, tasty and healthy!

Cabbage is an excellent supplier of a large number of vitamins and minerals. But in order for it to succeed, the technology of its preparation should be observed. Of course, it affects the taste and cooking time of the vegetable, so in order for everything to turn out perfectly, you should follow the lunar calendar.

Cabbage is an excellent supplier of a large number of vitamins and minerals

Why we ferment the presented vegetable is because it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Not everyone knows that sauerkraut:

  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • gives anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial and analgesic effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • gives a laxative effect;
  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to ferment cabbage (video)

But a vegetable has the indicated properties only if it was cooked correctly and according to the lunar calendar. If you prepare it on the wrong days, the preparation may become moldy or tasteless.

Kvasim cabbage in 2019 according to the lunar calendar: favorable and unfavorable days

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to ferment cabbage during the new moon or immediately after it. So the delicacy turns out to be crispy and tasty.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to ferment cabbage during the new moon or immediately after it.

Important! When performing work, it should be remembered that salt should be taken no more than 2% of the weight of the root crop. The best option is 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 kg of vegetable. One more point: to get soft cabbage for hodgepodge or pies, ferment it after the new moon.

So, let's consider which days are considered the best for work in 2019.

Full moon

New moon

auspicious days

In February

In October


You need to use salt correctly to ferment cabbage! It should be medium stone or large. Iodized salt should not be used.

If you are harvesting cabbage for the winter in a barrel or large pot, often do not open the lid, otherwise, the vegetable will begin to ferment faster. And this is fraught with the fact that the workpiece can dry out and no longer be so tasty.

Cabbage should always be in brine. If you need it, it is better to immediately put it in a jar so as not to constantly open the lid of the barrel. Only in this way will the microclimate useful to the vegetable be preserved in it.

You need to ferment cabbage correctly using salt

Take cabbage for sourdough should be strong. The best option is a vegetable cut immediately after a slight frost. The starter itself is best done at a time when the Moon is in Aries, Sagittarius or Leo. At this time, it is possible to harvest a white vegetable in large volumes.

Previously, only oak barrels were used for the process. Such a technique made it possible to obtain a product of excellent taste and aroma.

The starter itself is best done at a time when the Moon is in Aries, Sagittarius or Leo

The best month for pickling is October. In November, it is also recommended to carry out the work presented, but it is important to choose the right vegetable. It must be late.

During cooking, to make the cabbage even tastier, you can add beets, lingonberries, apples, plums and cranberries, various herbs and spices to it. And you need to cook it only in a good mood, otherwise it will be bitter.

The best month for fermentation is October

A simple cabbage recipe in jars

The easiest way to cook a vegetable in jars. To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of cabbage;
  • 200 g of salt;
  • 2 kg carrots.

The vegetable is chopped into thin strips 2 mm wide. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Then the vegetables are sent to a large basin, salt is added and everything is rubbed with hands until the juice appears. After that, they are sent to banks, which are covered with clean gauze on top.

Useful properties of cabbage (video)

After that, it remains only to pierce the cabbage with a stick every day so that the gas comes out. After the brine in the jars becomes transparent, the blanks can be put in the refrigerator.

Attention, only TODAY!

Few people think about when it is better to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar, without attaching much importance to this. It turns out that this information is still of great importance, both for the final taste of this product, and for its benefits.

The benefits of sauerkraut

Harvesting for the winter from the above vegetable is not only extremely tasty, but also very healthy. It turns out that sauerkraut has the following properties:

  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • is an excellent antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic and analgesic agent;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs and the system as a whole;
  • acts as a laxative.

To make this vegetable tasty enough and retain its properties, there is a certain time when it is better to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar. If this process is carried out on “undesirable” days, then the workpiece will quickly deteriorate and become moldy, in addition, it will be completely tasteless and useless.

When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

The end of autumn is cabbage time. This is a great time to pickle cabbage. In most cases, no special day is chosen for this process. But in vain! It turns out that there are days when it is better to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar, then it will be more crispy and tasty. And at some time of the week, this process is completely undesirable.

Experts say that her 5-6 day is the best time to ferment cabbage. Also of particular importance is what days to ferment cabbage. More suitable for this process are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (the so-called

Delicious and crispy sauerkraut will turn out even when the Moon passes through such signs of the zodiac as Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus and Aries.

Learning to pickle cabbage

How to prepare this vegetable is quite simple and does not contain complex ingredients. For this you will need:

  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • spices (bay leaf, black pepper in peas, horseradish and currant leaves, several branches of dill).

For the winter? Pretty easy if you follow these tips.

Wash the cabbage, remove the upper leaves and chop about 5 mm thick.

Wash and peel carrots. A large grater is perfect for grinding it.

At the bottom of the container in which you will put the cabbage, you need to put some of the above seasonings. Mix cabbage and carrots, salt and knead with your hands. Then, in several layers, you need to tamp the vegetables in a barrel or tub.

It is important not to forget to remove the foam that will form during the fermentation of cabbage. After a week, you can safely eat.

If you are interested in the question of when it is better to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar, remember the following recommendations:

  • The full moon is the most inopportune moment for this process. Cabbage will turn out too sour and soft, quickly deteriorates.
  • This vegetable will become moldy if it is fermented on the days of the week when the Moon passes through such signs of the zodiac as Pisces, Virgo and Cancer. Cabbage turns out to be completely tasteless and does not last long.
  • It is not recommended to ferment cabbage on the days of women's menstruation.
  • Non-iodized salt must not be used in this process.
  • Sauerkraut in a barrel should not be opened frequently. This speeds up the fermentation process, in addition, the vegetable can simply dry out or, as the grandmothers say, “weather out”.
  • On the days of Leo, Cancer and Virgo, it is not allowed to take cabbage out of the container. It is believed that this can contribute to the formation of bacteria and the rapid drying of the vegetable.

Sauerkraut is extremely beneficial for the human body. In order to preserve its properties as much as possible, it is important to follow simple recommendations. First of all, it matters which days to ferment cabbage. Secondly, some mistakes in the cooking process itself should be avoided.

The time for splintering continues. Residents of the region for several months roll up jars with various salads, marinades and other goodies, which will then delight us all winter. Now it's cabbage time.

Many readers of Altaiskaya Pravda are interested in when to salt and sour cabbage in 2017 according to the lunar calendar. It is believed that the best days for salting cabbage are the days of the growing moon.

In November 2017, the full moon is November 4th. Therefore, if you have not yet salted cabbage, you can already safely proceed to this important and responsible business. True, at the beginning of the month, the lunar calendar allocates hostesses for salting only a couple of days.

New Moon - November 18th. Then the best days are from 22 to 30 November. In December 2017, according to the lunar calendar, it is advised to salt cabbage on December 1 and from the 22nd to the 31st of this month.

By the way, in our family, cabbage is traditionally salted on November 4, and it always turns out delicious, juicy and crispy.

Choosing cabbage

For pickling, clarified, ripened heads of cabbage are selected. An unripe head of cabbage has dark green leaves. They are not as juicy and bitter in taste.

It is better to choose varieties of local selection. Foreign selection is aimed at breeding lettuce and cabbage varieties and hybrids suitable for long-term storage.

In the market, be attentive to every head of cabbage. Indeed, the taste of pickled and sauerkraut is influenced not only by the recipe, but also by the variety, quality and even the time when it was cut. Some housewives advise buying cabbage for pickling in advance so that it lies down a bit and “gathers juice”.

By the way, in addition to cabbage, do not forget to prepare carrots. It is used in most recipes. Don't forget the spices too. Their choice depends on your taste and recipe. But in most cases, dill, cumin and black pepper (usually in peas) cannot be dispensed with.

delicious cabbage recipe

There are many recipes for salting cabbage. I offer you "branded". We have been using it in our family for decades. The most important thing is a wooden trough and a cut, a special knife for chopping cabbage.

Large pieces of cabbage are folded into a trough and chopped into slices. Grated carrots are added to chopped cabbage. As a rule, we do everything by eye: for 10 kilograms of shredded cabbage we put about 300 - 500 grams of carrots.

Salt is also added (without any additives), dill grains and other spices to taste. Everything is mixed up. Cabbage is laid out in jars, compacted. But don't close the lid. We put the jars in a large container (cabbage juice can flow through the top of the jar), and wait until the juice gives. As a rule, cabbage should stand in a warm room for a day.

After that, you can close the lid. We put it in the refrigerator or lower it into the cellar.

crispy sauerkraut recipe

For brine for 10 liters of water we take 1 kg of salt. Boil the brine and cool. Finely chop the cabbage and dip it in a salt solution for 2-3 minutes. We take it out of the brine, mix it with carrots chopped on a coarse grater and stuff them tightly into jars.

Leave in a warm room for two to three days. If there is not enough brine in the jar, then boil a new brine of the same concentration and add it. We close the jars with plastic lids and lower them into the cellar.

Each housewife has her own cabbage recipes. The most important thing is that everything is done with the soul.

Sauerkraut is considered a Russian national dish, but this is not entirely true. Initially, it was fed to builders involved in the construction of the Great Wall of China. Then the vegetable was brought to the Czech Republic and Romania, only then to Russia. In the old days, sauerkraut was stored in barrels and fermented any day, so cabbage was not always tasty. Over time, they learned to make it crispy and salted it only on auspicious days.

Sauerkraut can be used as a snack and used in other dishes as one of the ingredients. Sauerkraut is usually served with fatty meat, sausages, sausages.

It is suitable as a side dish for many dishes.

In some families, it is on the table all year round, because it is healthy and tasty. The vegetable is rich in its composition, because it contains:

  • vitamins (B, A, C, PP);
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, fluorine, chromium).

Suitable days for sauerkraut

It is better to pickle cabbage about the lunar calendar and take into account the corresponding days. On the full moon, salting a vegetable is undesirable. During this period, it turns out to be soft and does not have the desired taste. This applies to all homemade preparations, except for beets, for which it is better when they are soft.

The most favorable days for salting cabbage are the days when the moon is growing This happens right after the full moon. At this time, harvested vegetables will be the most delicious: the fermentation process is active, fermentation occurs quickly, which ensures a long shelf life of the finished product.

When the moon is in the growth phase and in the constellations: Aries, Taurus and Capricorn, you can get delicious fermentation. During this period, the cabbage is crispy and can be stored for a long time. The finished workpiece should also be brought to the table during the period of domination of these signs of the zodiac. On other days, bacteria can get into the fermentation and spoil the taste.

According to legend, it is desirable to ferment cabbage ten days after the first frost. The period when this needs to be done is October or early November, when the harvest takes place.

Another condition: it is better to choose a male day of the week for pickling (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday). Women during critical days should not be engaged in harvesting cabbage, so as not to spoil its taste.

It is well known that for the correct preparation of vegetables, many housewives use the lunar calendar. The dates when you can pickle and harvest vegetables in the current year differ from the previous one.

The days when you can make blanks in 2017 are as follows:

month of the year auspicious days bad days
January from 3.01-7.01, from 18.01-26.01, 28.01, 30.01, 31.01 from 10.01-14.01
February from 1.02-06.02, from 14.02-20.02, from 24.02-28.02 from 9.02 -13.02
March 1.03, 3.03, 05.03, 07.03, from 16.03 - 24.03, 26.03, from 28.03-30.03 from 9.03-13.03
April from 01.04-4.04, from 15.04.-30.04 5.04, 06.04, 10.04- 12.04
September from 09.09 - 10.09, from 21.09 - 23.09, from 28.09 - 30.09 from 5.09 - 07.09, from 18.09 - 20.09
October from 08.10 - 12.10, from 18.10 - 22.10, 22.10, 24.10, 25.10 from 3.10 - 7.10, from 16.10 - 17.10, 30.10 - 31.10
november 8.11, from 14.11 - 15.11, from 17.11 - 20.11, 22.11, 24.11, 25.11 from 3.11 - 5.11, from 12.11 - 13.11, from 27.11 - 28.11
December 12.12, 14.12, 17.12, from 19.12 - 22.12, 24.12, from 26.12 - 27.12, 29.12 from 2.12 - 3.12, 4.12, from 7.12 - 8.12

What kind of cabbage is better to take for sauerkraut

When preparing to make blanks, you must definitely decide on the type of vegetable, because the finished result also depends on its taste.

For salting, it is better to take vegetables with a high sugar content, with a tight head of flattened shape. Especially crispy cabbage is obtained from white heads of late and medium-late varieties.

Vegetable variety that can be used:

  • Glory. Heads are round, large, weighing up to 4 kg. Ripens mid-October.
  • Present. The variety is used for pickling and pickling. Individual specimens reach up to 5 kg, the color is usually green or white.
  • Belarusian. Cabbage can be stored and fermented for a long time in any month, from autumn to winter.
  • menza. The vegetable is stored from October to spring, the weight of a head of cabbage sometimes reaches 9 kg.
  • Kharkov winter. The vegetable can be stored until spring, it can also be fermented. In terms of taste, it is considered a leader among other varieties of cabbage. Can grow for a long time without watering.
  • Crumont. This variety cannot be used for fermentation; such a preparation will not turn out tasty.
  • Amager 611. Delicious fermentation will not work from this variety, because it is unsuitable for this.

For proper pickling of a vegetable, it is better to take a long and sharp knife. The boards used in harvesting must be round, then the chopped vegetable will not crumble on the table. The width of the strips should be 1-3 mm, because this affects the quality of the finished product.

Narrow strips may ferment too quickly and become sour, while wide strips may not salt at all. It is better to chop the vegetable with beautiful long strips, which will provide excellent taste.

Many housewives have their own trick, which she uses when she ferments cabbage. To make it crunchy, you need to add horseradish and carrots.

The chopped vegetable is mixed with salt, if desired, horseradish and carrots are added, then the mass is folded into special containers.

From above it is covered with oppression. Usually, the workpiece ferments at 16 degrees Celsius from 1 day to a month.

It is better to store the finished product at a temperature close to zero. Prior to storage, it is necessary to remove the gas released during fermentation by piercing the vegetable or squeezing it specially so that it does not taste bitter.

In order for the cabbage to turn out tasty and crispy, it must be fermented on favorable days of the lunar calendar, while observing the rules of fermentation and storage.
