
Fruit salad with yogurt - recipes with photos. How to make fruit salad with yogurt sauce step by step

Fruit salad with yogurt - general principles of preparation

We all love sweets. This is not surprising - sugar is a fast-digesting carbohydrate that immediately penetrates the bloodstream and gives a very noticeable burst of energy, which improves mood and even gives a feeling of euphoria. But it has long been no secret how harmful industrial sweets are. Not only does excessive consumption of sweets not have the best effect on our appearance, plus sweets and flour products harm our body. What exactly? The fact is that a high content of empty, that is, unhealthy calories, trans fats, palm oil, preservatives in the composition envelop our organs with a thick layer of fat and do not allow us to look healthy and beautiful.

Such products are simply dangerous to health. However, giving up sweets is not at all necessary, especially since sweets have such a good effect on us.

The fact is that it is easiest and most useful to replace harmful sweets with healthy natural desserts. Light fruit salads with yogurt are a great substitute. Eat them every day, have fun and be good every day.

Fruit salads with yogurt - preparing food and dishes

Since one of the ingredients is fruits and berries, wash them well under running water before preparing the salad. If you buy apples or pears out of season or imported, be sure to peel them off - this is where most of the wax and preservatives accumulate in order to make the fruit look good.

The second important ingredient is yogurt. Yogurt, which we are used to seeing on store shelves, with sugar and fruit, is just a sugary dessert. Natural yoghurt is an unsweetened fermented milk drink with a delicate, neutral taste. Pure yogurt is also sold in stores, on the shelves with fermented milk products. You can also make it yourself. To do this, you need to purchase probiotics at a pharmacy or supermarket - bacteria for sourdough yogurt and add them to warm homemade milk, then put them in a warm place for a day to start fermentation processes. Homemade yogurt is delicious and healthy and is the perfect accompaniment to making delicious yogurt fruit salads.

What is the best dish to serve fruit salad with yogurt? Choose a serving method. Serve the salad in bowls or clear tall glasses.

Fruit salad recipes with yogurt:

Recipe 1: Fruit Salads with Yogurt

Our country is not rich in citrus or tropical fruits, but apples are available to us all year round. Red, yellow, green, sweet and sour, juicy and delicious. Apples keep well if each fruit is wrapped in paper and kept in a cold place. Harvested in the summer, the harvest will delight you throughout the year. Make a simple fruit salad with apple yogurt.

Required Ingredients:

  • apple variety "Semirenko" - 1 piece
  • Golden apple - 2 pieces
  • Ligol apple - 2 pieces
  • dried apricots - 100 grams
  • yogurt - 200 grams.

Cooking method:

Apples must be washed well. After that, cut them, remove the seeds and tails. Cut apples into cubes or slices.

Steam dried apricots in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and cut into small pieces.

Mix fruits and season them with yogurt. The salad will turn out very sweet and will not require additions in the form of sugar.

Recipe 2: Fruit Salads with Yogurt and Citrus

Citrus fruits are a great antioxidant. If you have a stressful job or spend a lot of energy on housekeeping, this salad is what you need. Prepare a great fruit salad with citrus fruits every day, recharge with healthy energy and be cheerful and cheerful!

Required Ingredients:

  • oranges - 3 pieces
  • tangerines - 2 pieces
  • grapefruit - 1 piece
  • yogurt - 200 grams

Cooking method:

Peel the skin off the fruit. By the way, the peel is an excellent product for further preparation of colored candied fruits. Divide the fruit into slices and remove the film if possible, remove the bones. Cut the slices into 2-3 pieces each.

Mix citrus fruits with yogurt and serve. Fruit salad with yogurt and citrus fruits can be decorated with colorful candied fruits.

Recipe 3: Fruit Salad with Exotic Yogurt

Tropical fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are sold in our stores throughout the year, and at the moment have sufficient affordability.

Required Ingredients:

  • kiwi - 3 pieces
  • banana - 2 pieces
  • canned pineapple - 200 grams
  • orange - 2 pieces
  • yogurt - 200 grams.

Cooking method:

Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut into thin semicircular slices.

Remove the peel from the banana and cut it into cubes.

Open canned pineapples, pour out the juice, and cut the fruit into cubes.

Peel the orange, remove the film from the slices and remove the seeds. Cut the slices into 2-3 cubes.

Mix ingredients with yogurt and serve.

Recipe 4: Fruit Salad with Basket Yogurt

The salad will turn out to be especially tasty if you combine all the fruits in one dish - both tropical and "domestic". In addition, you can add some chopped dried fruits to the fruit salad with yogurt.

Required Ingredients:

  • apple - 2 pieces of medium size
  • oranges - 1 piece of medium size
  • bananas - 2 pieces
  • kiwi - 2 pieces
  • grapes - 200 grams
  • yogurt - 200 grams.

Cooking method:

Prepare all fruits for cooking: wash them well, cut off the tails, remove the peel and remove the seeds.

Apples and oranges should be cut into cubes.

Cut bananas and kiwi into semicircular thin slices.

Grapes need to be separated from the bunch, but if they are very large, then cut each into two halves.

Mix all the ingredients and season with yogurt, Fruit salad with yogurt "Basket" is best seasoned before serving so that the dish does not glass!

Recipe 5: Fruit salad with yogurt with berries

The berries taste sweet and sour, so you may want to sweeten the salad. To do this, it is better to use honey or a handful of raisins, but do not spoil the naturalness and usefulness of the dish with sugar. In extreme cases, add a spoonful of fructose to the salad. It has the same calories as sugar, but is a natural product and is absorbed more slowly without raising blood sugar levels.

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 100 grams
  • raspberries - 200 grams
  • currant - 200 grams
  • raisins - 200 grams
  • yogurt - 200 grams

Cooking method:

Berries should be washed well. If they are frozen, then use only thawed berries.

Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the raisins again under running water.

Mix the ingredients and dress the fruit salad with yogurt.

Fruit salads with yogurt - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Fruit is best used in good quality. Apples should be firm, without "dented barrels". Bananas should not be stale, not very soft, without dark spots on the peel.

You can use fruits and fresh frozen. Fruits that are frozen do not lose their useful qualities and properties at all, but they must be thawed before preparing the salad.

Fruit salad with yogurt can be made into a drinkable smoothie. To do this, grind the finished dish with a blender. The resulting drink will be very tasty, and most importantly - 100% healthy.

You can add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the dish to make the fruit salad with yogurt more flavorful.

If you do not have enough sweetness in the salad, then instead of sugar, you can add a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins or dried apricots, chopped with a knife, or a little bit of natural fructose.

If the recipe contains pineapple, then fresh fruit can be used, but keep in mind that it will be slightly bitter in the salad. Canned pineapple doesn't have that bitterness.

How to decorate a fruit salad with yogurt? Use nuts, sesame seeds, candied fruits.

If you serve fruit salad with yogurt in bowls, then you can not mix it, but spread the fruit in portions, and pour yogurt on top.

Fruit salads with yogurt should be consumed in the morning. The fact is that this method of use is the most optimal. In the morning you will receive the necessary boost of energy that will not leave you throughout the day.

Fruit salad with yogurt is a real culinary masterpiece that solves several problems at once. Firstly, children will appreciate such a dish at their holiday. Secondly, fruit salad will be an excellent substitute for cakes and other complex desserts. Finally, fruit salad with yogurt is an interesting breakfast option.

In general, the combination of fruit and yogurt is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Such a dish will be an interesting substitute for canned curds and dessert yogurts. And in such salads you can add hercules, nuts, honey.

However, often many housewives are faced with the same problem - almost all fruits turn black under the influence of oxygen and yogurt, thereby the dish loses its presentation appearance. To prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle fruit with lemon juice. Or serve yogurt dressing separately.

How to cook fruit salad with yogurt - 15 varieties

A classic of its kind fruit salad is a combination of sweet and healthy.


  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Peach - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon
  • Yogurt


Clean and wash all fruits. Cut the kiwi into small cubes. We clean the apple from seeds and rub it on a coarse grater.

So that the apples do not darken, mix them with lemon juice.

We cut bananas into circles, and each circle into quarters. Peaches cut into small cubes.

Mix salad with yogurt and you can serve.

Bon appetit.

This salad does not require a lot of time, exotic products and any special culinary skills to prepare. It takes 5 minutes to prepare this salad and the desire to have a tasty snack.


  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Fat yogurt


Peel the fruit from seeds and peel. We will disassemble the oranges into slices, and cut the slices into small triangles. Banana cut into circles. Cut the apples into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and pour over the yogurt. Decorate with kiwi slices.

Children will appreciate this dish first of all. Moreover, it is not even clear what they will be attracted by a variety of sweet fruits in one dish or a drop of melted chocolate.


  • Cherry - 300 g
  • Apple - 3 pcs.
  • Tangerines - 3 pcs.
  • Bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Yogurt
  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Butter - 50 g


We clean the bananas, cut them into small pieces and put them on the bottom of the bowls. We clean the tangerines, disassemble them into slices and spread them on bananas, pour over yogurt. Cut the apples into slices and lay out the bowls in a circle. Decorate with pitted cherries, pour salad with yogurt. In a water bath, melt the chocolate and butter, pour the salad with chocolate sauce.

Bon appetit.

Easy, tasty, and most importantly, a simple dish can be prepared in just 5 minutes. Don't believe? Check it out!


  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Yoghurt natural
  • Flakes


Fruit opening in hot water. Peel off the skin. Cut into small pieces. Now lay out in layers.

  1. Banana
  2. Yogurt
  3. Flakes
  4. Yogurt
  5. Flakes
  6. oranges
  7. Yogurt.

In fact, such a salad can consist of a variety of ingredients, you can put any fruit, add berries and nuts.

When the question of a children's menu comes up, even the most experienced housewives start to panic. After all, childhood is such a period when you are always waiting for a holiday, when everyone wants to surprise you, when even the simplest salad turns into a haute cuisine dish.


  • Strawberries - 100g
  • Peach - 150 g
  • Ice cream - 100 g
  • Pineapples - 100 g
  • Whipped cream - 50 g
  • Raisins - 30 g
  • Chocolate - 50g
  • Yoghurt natural


Pineapples can and should be used canned. We spread the pineapples on the bottom of the creamer. Peel the peach and cut into cubes. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Put ice cream on pineapples, then peaches. Now fill the fruit with yogurt. Fill the salad with whipped cream. Decorate with raspberries with small chocolate chips, raisins and mint

Serve immediately after preparation. Bon appetit.

Such salads are popular among children. Moreover, in order to at least somehow occupy them for a while, you can offer to cook a salad together, because there is nothing difficult in cooking.


  • Grapes - 100 g
  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Pears - 3 pcs.
  • Tangerines - 4 pcs.
  • Yogurt


First of all, we will wash all the fruits and peel them and remove the seeds. Now cut the banana into circles. You can remove the skin from apples if it is tough and cut them into cubes. Pears are cut into shape and size in the same way as apples. Peel the tangerines and cut into slices. Rinse the grapes well and cut the berries in half. Mix all the ingredients and dress the salad with yogurt.

Bon appetit.

Such a salad can become not only a pleasant delicacy, but also a table decoration.


  • Strawberries - 200g
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Banana -1 pc.
  • Yogurt.


Cut the pineapple in half. Remove the pulp with a spoon. Wash the strawberries and cut in half. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces. Peel the oranges. Peel bananas and cut into cubes.

Dressing salad should be right on the table. The thing is that dessert is usually left for last. During the waiting time, the fruit may become sour or deformed in the yogurt.

We spread the fruit in pineapple and season with yogurt.

Bon appetit.

They say a horseshoe brings happiness. Such a horseshoe will definitely bring happiness to everyone who tries it. Delicious, satisfying and most importantly low-calorie.


  • Banana - 1pc
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 100g
  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Natural yogurt - 180 ml.


Rinse fruit well in hot water. Peel banana and cut into cubes. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces. Peel the apple from the seeds and cut into cubes. Cut grapes in half. Fill with yogurt. Grind chocolate on a grater for decoration.

Bon appetit.

Have you ever indulged in a combination of tomatoes and pineapples? No! But this is a big omission. Go to the kitchen to prepare an unusual salad.


  • Canned pineapples -1 bank
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.
  • Ginger - 100g
  • Rice vinegar - 20 ml
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml
  • Yoghurt natural


Peel oranges and cut into small pieces. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Ginger grate on a fine grater. Let's mix all the ingredients.

Let's prepare the sauce. Mix yogurt, lemon juice and rice vinegar.

Dress the salad with dressing. Bon appetit.

As a rule, fruit salads are similar to each other. You need to mix fruit with yogurt and that's it, the salad is ready. Moreover, as a rule, such salads are dietary. This recipe will break all ideas about fruit salad.


  • Full fat yogurt - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Strawberries - 200g
  • Cherry - 200 g
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Walnut - 50 g
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.


The composition of this salad can be free, cherries can be replaced with grapes, kiwi with peach, and so on. The highlight of this dish is the sauce. To prepare it, you need to beat yogurt with sugar.

We wash all berries and fruits and clean them from the peel and seeds. Lay fruit in layers in a salad bowl. Strawberries lay out the first layer, previously cut into pieces. Sprinkle with sauce and sprinkle with nuts. The next layer is bananas. They must be cut into pieces and also smeared with sauce. Then lay out the cherry halves. Again, spread the sauce. Kiwi cut into small pieces and lay out the next layer. Spread a layer of sauce. Layers can be repeated as desired. You can decorate the salad with nuts.

An interesting combination of sweet fruits and vegetables will surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets.


  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Walnut - 220 g
  • Yoghurt -400ml
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Celery - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 100 g


So, first of all, you need to clean the ingredients from excess peel and seeds. Grate carrots on a Korean grater. Cut apples and celery into cubes. Drain juice from canned pineapple. We chop the nuts. Mix all the ingredients and dress the salad with yogurt.

For a brighter taste, you can add lemon zest and vanillin to the salad.

For some reason, not many people prepare desserts for the New Year's table, although the New Year is also a holiday. However, since cakes and pastries will not be appropriate, let's prepare a lighter dessert - a salad.


  • Yogurt
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Tangerines 3 pcs.
  • Cherry juice - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Pineapple juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Canned pineapples - 100 g.


Remove the skin from the apples, remove the seeds and cut them into cubes. Peel the kiwi and cut into quarters. We will clean the tangerines and disassemble them into slices, if necessary, cut the slice in half again. Cut pineapples into cubes. Mix all the ingredients. Pour cherry and pineapple juice, mix well. Top the salad with yogurt before serving.

This salad is exotic not only because of its appearance, but also because of its composition.


  • Grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Sorrel - 100 g
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 120 ml
  • Cumin - 1 pinch
  • Nuts -100 g
  • Yogurt.


Cut the grapefruit in half and carefully remove the core. Peel the avocado and take out the pit. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Rinse the sorrel, dry it and tear it into small pieces. Peel the oranges, cut the pulp into small pieces. Nuts can be taken cashews or walnuts, they must be chopped. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with olive oil and yogurt.

Now mix all the ingredients and season with the sauce. Divide the salad among grapefruit salad bowls.

You can add a pinch of cumin if you like.

Bon appetit.

In the morning you always want something tasty, light, and most importantly healthy. Here is one of many examples.


  • Herculean flakes
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry
  • Banana
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • nuts
  • Raspberries


Mix yogurt with ice cream until smooth. Peel the banana and cut into small cubes. Rinse the berries and cut if desired. Put bananas on the bottom of the salad bowl, then sprinkle with oatmeal flakes and nuts, pour honey. Lay out the berries. Fill everything with yogurt and ice cream. Let's leave the dessert to infuse.

Bon appetit.


  • Yogurt
  • Cream 33%
  • Raspberries
  • Cherry jam
  • Peaches


Rinse raspberries and peaches in hot water. Cut the peaches into pieces. Whip the yogurt and cream into a homogeneous mass. Put the peaches in a salad bowl, pour cherry jam and yogurt sauce. Thus, we alternate layers. The top layer is yogurt sauce, just what you need to decorate with raspberries.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with traditional pastries as a dessert, but fruit salad with yogurt will become an alternative to the festive end of the celebration. Both adults and children will like this delicacy. In addition, the benefits of a light dessert will be much greater than that of a cake or pastry.

Indeed, with a low calorie content, the dish is saturated with moisture, fiber, vitamins and trace elements, which are so necessary for a healthy and energetic life.

Below we will look at 10 of the most delicious and easy-to-prepare salads that will please even the most fastidious gourmets.

Fruit salad with apricots and yogurt

For dessert, you will need to take 100 g of fresh apricots, strawberries and cherries; the same amount of yogurt without additives or heavy cream and a little powdered sugar. All fruits must be washed well and wiped dry. Divide the apricots into two halves and remove the pits, then cut into small cubes. Peel strawberries from cuttings and cut into 4-6 pieces. Divide the cherries in half and remove the pits.

Put the fruits in a deep bowl and mix. Top with yogurt. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar if you wish. You can serve both on a common dish, and in portions, having previously laid out the salad in small bowls.

How to make a dessert for a children's party

Sometimes getting kids to eat at least a slice of an apple or oranges is almost impossible. Although everyone knows that they are very useful. What then to say about dairy products? A simple and healthy recipe for fruit salad for children will come to the aid of parents. In addition, such a dessert can be prepared for the holiday.

For 4-5 servings you will need:

  • 3 large apples;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 4 kiwis;
  • 3 pears;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of any yogurt;
  • powdered sugar;
  • a few sprigs of mint;
  • hard cookie cutters.

All fruits must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Then cut into plates approximately 0.5-0.7 cm wide. After that, cut out the figures with a metal mold. Banana can be cut into slices.

If there are no special devices, then you will have to cut diamonds or triangles manually. You can also use small round objects, such as small caps. Then the whole salad should be cut into such mini-circles. The main thing is that the contents of the plate are different from what the child sees every day.

After that, the chopped fruit must be gently mixed and seasoned with yogurt. Divide the resulting mixture into bowls, sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with mint leaves.

Simple fruit salad with yogurt

To make an ordinary dish look like a king, it is enough to serve it beautifully. For the salad, you will need the following ingredients: medium-sized fresh pineapple, orange, kiwi, strawberries, chocolate chips, yogurt.

Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise. Using a knife and a spoon, remove all the pulp without damaging the skin, and cut it into cubes. Divide each strawberry into four parts. Peel orange and kiwi and cut into pieces. Gently mix the products so as not to damage their shape.

Now you need to put the fruit mixture in the pineapple halves, pour yogurt on top and sprinkle with chocolate chips. This is a very simple but beautiful dessert ready!

Cooking "Fruit Assortment" in a hurry

When the guests are on the doorstep and it was not possible to prepare the dessert in advance, a very quick recipe with simple ingredients will do. For the salad, you will need canned peaches and pineapples, raisins, apples, bananas and yogurt. Optionally, you can also add kiwi and orange.

Fresh fruits need to be washed and peeled, and in apples, take out the middle. Then cut into small slices or cubes. Peaches and pineapples are most often already cut into pieces, so they can only be chopped into small segments.

Mix fruits in a large bowl, add raisins and pour over yogurt. After that, the dish can be served at the table.

Fruit salad with creamy yogurt and strawberries

For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 5 apricots;
  • orange;
  • 100 g blackberries;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml creamy yogurt;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.

Wash fruits and dry with a towel. Peel the strawberries from the stalks and cut into 4-6 pieces, depending on the size. Remove pits from apricots and cut into 4 pieces. Peel the zest from the orange to make about 1 tbsp. l. Then peel it and cut into cubes. Add to chopped fruit with blackberries and mix.

In a separate bowl, mix yogurt, powdered sugar and cinnamon, beat lightly. Pour the mixture over the salad and top with orange zest.

Instant Vitamin Dessert

In winter, it is not always possible to please yourself and loved ones with healthy products. Therefore, a reliable way to replenish the supply of useful vitamins is to prepare a fruit salad. And all the ingredients can be easily found on store shelves.

For two servings of dessert, you will need the following products: persimmon, large apple, banana, cream (you can choose any fat content) and pomegranate. Persimmon is rich in potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and E. This fruit protects the heart and blood vessels from various diseases, improves brain activity. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium and calcium, as well as B vitamins. There are also substances that contribute to the production of dopamine, i.e., the hormone of joy. Apple and pomegranate saturate the body with iron, which helps to increase hemoglobin levels and improve blood circulation. Natural yogurt contains bifidobacteria that improve bowel function, as well as calcium, which strengthens bones.

The cooking method is very simple. Be sure to wash all the fruits, peel the banana and pomegranate, remove the pit from the persimmon, and remove the core from the apple. Cut the food into small cubes, and squeeze the seeds out of the pomegranate. Mix ingredients together and top with yogurt.

Fruit salad with apples, bananas and figs

For a large portion of salad for several people you will need:

  • figs - 6-7 pcs.;
  • ripe banana - 2 pcs.;
  • green apple - 2 pcs.;
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 3-4 st. l. honey;
  • 150 ml of yogurt.

If the fig is dry, then it must first be soaked in water for 2 hours and then cut. Fresh fruit is cut into 4 parts at once. Peel apples and bananas and cut into cubes, sprinkle with lemon. Mix the ingredients together, add honey, yogurt, and top with coconut flakes.

Recipe with walnuts

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • raisins - 50 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • walnuts - 6 pcs.;
  • fruit yogurt - 150-200 ml;
  • banana, kiwi, apple, orange, plum, pear.

Steam dried fruits in boiling water for 1-2 hours, then cut dried apricots into 4 parts. Peel nuts from shells and chop finely. Wash the fruit, remove the bones, peel and cut into small pieces. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and pour over yogurt.

Heavenly delight on your table

This dessert can be prepared at any time of the year, but it will give a special pleasure in hot weather.

Ingredients for two servings:

  • large apple;
  • orange (if desired, you can take two tangerines);
  • pink grapes - 150 g;
  • ice cream - 100 g;
  • mint.

Peel the orange from the peel and internal partitions, cut into small cubes. Remove the core from the apple and cut into slices, and then divide each piece into segments. Cut the grapes in half and remove the bones.

Fruits are washed, if necessary, peeled and cut into medium cubes. Grapes can be cut into halves, or you can leave whole berries. You can choose the type of cheese of your choice. It is good if it is one of the noble types with blue mold, but any other will do. So, the cheese is also cut into small cubes and added to the fruit. The finished salad must be seasoned with yogurt and gently mixed.

Serve dessert in beautiful bowls, garnished with mint leaves, or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

As you can see, in order to prepare a fruit salad, it is not at all necessary to become a great culinary specialist. It is enough to find your favorite combination of different fruits and more often pamper yourself and loved ones with various dessert variations.

Fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt is the easiest dessert to prepare, which will be mastered not only by an adult, but also by a child. The composition of the ingredients can be changed depending on your taste preferences, getting new original options. The low calorie content of the dish allows you to use it for a snack and a light dinner, even during the period of weight loss.

fruit salad with yogurt and watermelon

At the end of summer, watermelon is the most popular fruit that can be used in recipes for various desserts, including salads. Such a dish should be eaten immediately after preparation, since watermelon is a juicy berry, and if the dessert is long, it will look ugly.

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 320 g of watermelon pulp;
  • 2 nectarines, pears and kiwi;
  • 110 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 st. yogurt, lime.


  1. We cut the pulp of the watermelon into a small cube, and the pear into thin strips. Peel the kiwi from the peel and cut into slices together with the nectarine;
  2. Separately combine lime juice and dairy product. We rub the cheese on a medium grater;
  3. In prepared bowls or in half a watermelon, lay out the ingredients, add the dressing and mix. Sprinkle with cheese on top.

fruit salad with yogurt and honey

The composition of the dish includes exotic fruits that allow you to get the original taste and aroma. It can be served for any meal and for a holiday.

For this dish, you should prepare such products:

  • apple, mango, banana, kiwi, any nuts;
  • For refueling, we will use 1 tbsp. low-fat yogurt;
  • the same amount of orange juice;
  • 1 teaspoon honey and orange peel.


  1. First, we prepare the dressing, for which we thoroughly beat the dairy product with the addition of honey, zest and juice. The resulting mass is sent to the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  2. We turn to fruits, for which we peel them. Then cut into cubes, transfer to a salad bowl and mix. Fill with prepared dressing. We decorate the dish with chopped nuts.

Fruit salad with yogurt and dates

Today, everyone can prepare the main ingredient for a salad at home. To do this, you should buy milk and the usual sourdough, which is available in almost every pharmacy. A dairy product prepared at home turns out to be as healthy and tasty as possible, and it also allows you to reduce the calorie content of fruit salad with yogurt.

For cooking, you should take such products:

  • orange, sweet apple, banana;
  • 10 dates;
  • 2.5 st. spoons of almonds and yogurt.

The amount of filling depends on individual preferences.


  1. Cut dates into small pieces. Peel the citrus and banana. As for nuts, they need to be crushed in any way;
  2. We cut the fruits into a medium cube, add dates, nuts to them and season everything with yogurt.

fruit salad with yogurt and ice cream

This dessert is the perfect solution for a children's party. Kids will enjoy the taste, and parents will be sure of the benefits of the dish. This refreshing dessert will help you cool off in the heat. If desired, ice cream can be replaced with whipped cream.

For this dish you will need such products:

  • a pineapple;
  • 2 peaches, mango, papaya, apple, banana, natural yogurt;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey and ice cream.

Fruits can be used both fresh and canned.


  1. We peel the fruits, and then cut them into small cubes. Put them in a bowl and mix;
  2. Separately, mix the dairy product with honey and pour the salad with the resulting dressing. Serve it in bowls with a scoop of ice cream.

fruit salad with yogurt and chocolate

Another simple recipe that even a child can master. A delicious dish that both adults and children will like. Depending on the method of serving, it is suitable for both a family dinner and a holiday.

For cooking, you need to take such products:

  • banana, apple, orange;
  • 120 g of seedless grapes;
  • 3 art. spoons of natural yogurt;
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • 25 g chocolate.


  1. Peel the banana and cut it into strips. To do this, first we cut it into rings, and after that we make straws;
  2. My apple, wipe off excess water, remove the core and cut into strips, like a banana;
  3. Peel the orange and make a fillet, that is, cut the pulp without a film with a knife. After that, the resulting pieces are cut into triangles;
  4. Grape berries are cut off from the branch, washed and cut into halves;
  5. We combine all the ingredients, pour them with a dairy product and mix gently. Top everything with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.

fruit salad with yogurt and cereal

This recipe will appeal not only to sweet tooth, but also to people who monitor their weight, and all thanks to the use of healthy and non-caloric products. The cooking process is so easy that even children can be involved in it.

For this dish, you need to take such products:

  • banana, apple, kiwi, half a lime;
  • 4 prunes;
  • 3.5 st. spoons of natural fermented milk product;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of muesli and mint.


  1. To prepare a fruit salad with yogurt, peel the apple and kiwi, and then chop the fruit
    thin straw;
  2. Leave the prunes for 10 minutes. in boiling water, and then, thoroughly washed and cut into thin strips;
  3. Peel the banana and break into small pieces. We put them in a blender, add mint and grind until a homogeneous consistency is obtained;
  4. Put half an apple in a salad bowl and sprinkle it with lime juice. We put half of the prepared prunes and kiwi there. Spread one part of the muesli on top;
  5. Drizzle with part of the dressing, add the rest of the ingredients in layers. Add dressing again and garnish with mint. The dish should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it is soaked.

  1. It is important to choose only fresh ingredients, otherwise the taste will be spoiled, and the benefits of such a dessert are doubtful. You can also use fresh-frozen and long-frozen foods. They must be properly thawed, leaving for some time at room temperature;
  2. You can lay out the dish not only in ordinary bowls, but also, for example, in half a pineapple, apple or watermelon;
  3. Dessert can be decorated with mint leaves, lemon or orange zest, grated chocolate, or chopped nuts;
  4. Another secret is the type of cutting. Do not cut the ingredients too finely, as the result will be an ugly mass that looks like porridge. You can use special vegetable cutters or curly knives, which allows you to get wavy or ribbed edges;
  5. To prevent fermented milk dressing from exfoliating, it is recommended to pre-dry the ingredients with napkins.

If desired, you can change the composition, supplementing them with your favorite fruits or berries. To improve the taste, you can use spices, for example, cinnamon or vanilla.
