
Fruits of Thailand, the biggest review. Dried fruits dried mango tongues - “if papaya is too cloying for you, but you want a tropical taste, dried mango is ideal! vitamin replacement for sweets

When going to popular holiday destinations, for example, to India, novice travelers are interested in: what fruits grow there? Which of them can be eaten and how to do it correctly? After all, unfamiliar food can unexpectedly harm digestion. The fruits of India are presented quite a wide range items. Traditionally, in the country of yogis and fans of a vegetarian attitude to the world, they are consumed a lot and with great pleasure. And one of these gifts of the jungle is even a national symbol. We will talk about this and many other interesting things in our article.

fruits of india

This country is quite extensive in area and has a huge population. It is located in several climatic zones at once, which makes it possible to cultivate a large number of plant names. The most famous are mango, passion fruit and papaya, guava and chicu, carambola. In general, a real exotic. There are peaches and apricots, kiwi, banana, pomegranates and pineapples, apples and grapes that are more familiar to us. Such fruit abundance is due to the fact that the Himalaya ridge provides many areas of the country with excellent protection from cold winds from the north, which are unfavorable for the growth of air currents. And, in general, in India, tourists can meet and try fruits that are characteristic of both tropical, subtropical and subequatorial climates, as well as temperate ones.


Mango is one of the symbols and the national fruit of India. The Hindus themselves say that as many varieties of this fruit grow in the country as there are dialects (according to unverified data, from 800 to 1000). The word itself comes from the Tamil "mang kai", which translates as "unripe fruit". The national fruit of India boasts such species as chauza, dussheri, totapuri, kezar, nilam. Fruit stands out, huge, the size of a watermelon - bainganpalli, the king of varieties - alfonso. And it's all mango! In this country, almost every region can boast of its own variety. And for the traveler there is a good opportunity for sampling and choosing, among taste variety. They eat fruit in its natural and processed form, sprinkled with salt and pepper seasoning. Juice is made from them (by the way, in the USSR this fruit was known precisely by the delicious mango nectar imported from a friendly brotherly state), adjika, sweets, they are added to many culinary specialties. So do not be surprised if you are offered two different types of fruits in different parts of India, but they are called in one word - mango!

passion fruit

Until recently, many Russians had no idea what passion fruit looks like. Meanwhile, in India, this evergreen vine that grows in the tropics, or rather, its fruits, are very popular. Although the homeland of the liana is considered South America, it is cultivated with great success in India (and all over the world: from Israel to Hawaii). But, by the way, it itself came from an Indian word. What does passion fruit look like? These are rounded fruits of a yellowish-green color with speckles. They have a sour-sweet taste, which perfectly invigorates and tones up in the heat (very popular and tasty - mix the pieces with yogurt or orange juice). Passion fruit is widely used in medicine to create medicines. There are many in her pulp useful substances. Among them is iron, which is necessary for blood formation and strengthening immune protection, amino acids and vitamins. The fruit is also used in cosmetic purposes(creams and masks).

"Poor Man's Cow"

The fruit of India is represented by the avocado. It is here that this fruit is called such a strange name - "the poor man's cow." The fruit of a plant of the laurel family is very useful and high-calorie, and the plant itself has an ancient history (perhaps, dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago ate it). pulp fresh avocado tender, soft, reminiscent of oil in structure, has a yellow-green tint. The fruit contains many benefits, and it tastes quite pleasant. It got its name "poor man's cow" in India due to its calorie content (100 grams / 240 kcal), and it has more amino acids than citrus fruits and bananas. No wonder that in 1995 it was entered in the book of records as the most nutritious of all fruits that exist today.

What does papaya look like?

These fruits are cultivated on all continents where there is a suitable climate. But India occupies one of the first places in the cultivation of papaya: more than four thousand tons annually. The plant was called "melon tree". What does papaya look like? Remotely, the fruits resemble a melon (hence the name came from). The product itself has a low calorie content (39 kcal / 100 grams), which is interesting for nutritionists different countries. But you should always remember that papaya should only be consumed when fully ripe. An unripe fruit is dangerous to human health and can cause allergic reactions, quite serious (not in vain in traditional medicine the immature fetus is used as a powerful contraceptive and drug for abortion). So be extremely careful when buying and using it.


This is also a very interesting food exotic. The fruit has a specific taste (as the classic of humor used to say), reminiscent of a mixture of apple, cucumber and gooseberry. And it looks like a star. The locals harvest twice a year: 1 - in January, 2 - in May. How is carambola eaten? This information can be very useful for a novice traveler.


The fruits of India are also represented by this very exotic fruit. It kinda looks like a lemon. This is a generally recognized record holder for vitamin indicators (there are much more of them in it than, for example, in citrus fruits) - guava. Its taste is sour-sweet. Application in culinary arts the same as that of citrus fruits: juice, seasonings for dishes and salads to give them sherbet. To choose the right guava, for example, in the market in Goa or India, you need to feel a few of these fruits. Take the softest guava. It is also necessary to examine the fetus for cuts and bruises. By outer color The guava should be bright green fading to yellow (avoid dark green or brown fruits). You can eat guava just like that: just wash and cut into slices (like apples).

This exotic fruit, although it still represents some mystery for many, is fraught with many valuable and useful properties.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is called " fruit of angels«.

Papaya is a spherical or pear-shaped fruit that is orange and sometimes green or yellow color with yellow or pink flesh. All these fruits contain rounded black seeds - they are also edible, but slightly bitter.

Papaya comes from Central America, where it has long been revered by the Indians. Thanks to the participation of the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, papaya came to many other countries. Now it is grown in India, the Philippines and different parts Africa. In the 20th century, these fruits were brought to the United States and began to be grown in Hawaii. Now the largest suppliers of papaya can be considered the United States and Mexico.

Papaya in the context - photo

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Papaya is becoming more and more popular, although, unfortunately, its price prevents enough frequent use. However, if you decide to purchase this fruit, try to choose those fruits that differ in clear orange with a red tint. A study conducted in Austria shows that these are the fruits that can be considered ripe. Plus, they are high in antioxidants.

A few dark dots on the skin of a papaya will not affect its taste, however, fruits with “bruises” should be avoided. Ripe papaya should be refrigerated and consumed within one or two days.

papaya can be used different ways. cook from it fruit salad or pulp with a spoon. If desired, prepare a cocktail.

If you want to mix it with other fruits, do it just before serving because it will have a softening effect on other ingredients in the dish.

It's worth knowing that papaya seeds add an interesting, spicy flavor to gravies and salads.

This fruit contains in 100 g:

papaya is excellent source Very beneficial vitamin c, folic acid and potassium. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin K.

Help digestion and prolong youth ...
Papaya has a number of beneficial properties - it is an extremely rich source of proteolytic enzymes. This chemical substances that provide protein digestion. Here we are talking specifically about papain, which contributes to the fact that this fruit helps our body in the digestion of protein foods. Many experts claim that papaya owes its rejuvenating effect to this enzyme, especially in the fight against premature aging.

Cancer protection.
Scientists from Florida have proven that papaya leaf extract stimulates the production of signaling molecules - cytokines of the Th1 type, which suppress the growth of tumors. In addition, the superiority of papaya over other fruits in terms of protection against cancer, we see in studies. 14 plants were studied in terms of their ability to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. This list includes such common and popular ones as avocado, mango, pineapple, grapes, tomatoes and papaya. And then it turned out that only papaya provided significant influence to stop the growth of breast cancer cells.

What are the benefits and harms of papaya? These fruits are worth adding to your diet for more than just their digestive and cancer-fighting properties. It is also valuable to others:


Papaya seeds should not be consumed by pregnant women as they may cause damage to the fetus. Animal studies have confirmed this effect. It has also been proven that the mature fruit itself does not have such an effect.

Papaya - wild exotic tree originally from Thailand. It's stemless fruit plant, whose height varies from 5 to 10 m, depending on age. Many call this plant a melon tree. In appearance, its fruit looks like a melon. For some, the papaya fruit is associated with mangoes.

Description of the fetus

Brazil is the leading country in the cultivation of this exotic. Papaya cultivation is also practiced in other tropical countries– Mexico, Indonesia, India and Nigeria.

This is a plant with massive leaves - about 60-70 cm in diameter. Flower buds form in the axils of the leaves. After they bloom, fruits form in their place. ripe fruit papaya 15 to 30 cm in diameter and 20 to 50 cm long, turns amber yellow and becomes soft, so it is very similar to mango. Inside the fruit contains a sweet, juicy and soft pulp of a reddish hue with numerous seeds.

Scientists call this fruit a berry. In the wild, trees give large fruits weighing from 5 to 7 kg. In the cultivated form of papaya, the fruits are smaller - weighing from 1 to 3 kg.

Papaya trees are bisexual. Male plants pollinate flowers, while female plants bear fruit. Sometimes even on male trees fruits suitable for food can appear. This phenomenon still remains a mystery of nature.

One of the most important features of this tropical exotic is intensive growth and rapid fruiting. Already in the first year of planting, berries are formed on the seedlings.

Useful properties of papaya

Thanks to its low calorie content, exotic fruits papaya can be eaten daily. This product is part of diet food. The calorie content of 100 g of papaya, just like that of mango, ranges from 30 to 75 k / cal.

papaya berries, beneficial features which are known to many, are rich in fiber, glucose, organic acids, B vitamins, vitamin C, D, as well as the most necessary microelements for the body - phosphorus, iron, potassium and sodium.

Useful properties of this berry appear only during its full ripening. Green fruits contain a poisonous substance - milky juice, which must be drained during the preparation of the fruit.

Not so long ago, in the USA, papaya berries began to be made effective remedy for the treatment of herpes.

The danger of papaya fruit - what you need to know

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of papaya are so great, do not forget about hazardous properties this tropical product. An alkaloid found in unripe fruits melon tree, very dangerous.

It can provoke an allergic reaction, disorders digestive system, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

At ripe fruits juice has a white uniform color. When buying this fruit, you should pay attention to its appearance. It should be bright orange in color and soft to the touch, just like a mango.

How can papaya be used?

Exotic papaya fruit is recommended to eat in fresh. The maximum shelf life at home is no more than three days, in a cool room or refrigerator - 7 days.

Papaya is used to make savory and very delicious dishes. This exotic fruit, like the mango, is eaten fresh. The fruit is cut in half, the seeds are removed, the skin is removed and cut into slices. In tropical countries this sweet melon usually eaten for breakfast. It has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

When unripe, the fruit of the melon tree can be consumed as a vegetable. This product is served raw, salted with spices as an appetizer for meat and fish. Papaya vegetable goes well with cheese, ham and seafood. It is boiled, stewed and added to minced meat. IN exotic countries this vegetable is stuffed with meat, like our zucchini.

Papaya fruit can be eaten and combined with exotic fruits- mango, orange, lime. Nutritious fruit smoothies from these components can be eaten every day. They increase immunity, give strength and energy.

In the previous post, I told you in detail about everyone, and now I will tell you and show in the photographs how they grow. Enjoy your Thai fruit tour!

How they grow.
This fruit grows very unusual - on long strings. Moreover, quite large fruits can hang on these threads. In season the mango tree looks like Christmas tree, decorated with many toys. Such mango trees are very common throughout Thailand.

Here you can clearly see how mangoes grow on strings:

And this is how mango trees bloom:

How durians grow.
Durian trees are large and have a thick trunk. In some provinces of Thailand and on some islands, there are large durian plantations (farms, orchards). This is very interesting place for lovers of durians, but it is advisable to visit them only in helmets, because if you fall on your head, you are unlikely to survive. It is believed that durians fall only at night, but it is not uncommon for these prickly fruits to fall during the day ...

Durian tree.

The fruits are growing very nicely.

Durian trees, if they do not yet have fruits, are easily recognizable by their leaves.


This is how the durian blooms.

Jackfruit trees can grow very large, up to 20 meters tall, with a very thick trunk. It is these trees that bear fruit with 30-kilogram jefruit! The fruits grow on thick stems. To remove a ripe one, you need to twist it around the leg. The ripeness of the jackfruit is determined by pressing - the fruit should be slightly soft, not oaky. If the jackfruit has acquired a brownish tint, then this does not necessarily mean that it is ripe. The surest test is a test for the softness of the peel.

In a year, one jackfruit tree can produce up to 300 fruits!

Since it is a relative of the jackfruit, it grows very similarly.

How they grow. coconut palms strewn all the islands and provinces of Thailand! When palm trees are young, they are low, and are about the height of a person. But the older the palm trees, the higher they grow, and you can get coconuts either using a ladder or with the help of monkeys. They are launched onto a palm tree, they unscrew the coconuts and throw them on the ground. In Thailand, there are green coconuts (the most common are 3 types of green coconuts) and golden ones.

How they grow. Mangosteen trees are similar in size to mango trees, only with more large leaves. This is how they grow and how the fruits begin to sing.

How rambutans grow. Rambutans reach a height of 3-6 meters. Rambutans grow in clusters on them, turn red as they ripen, and the hairs remain green.

How they grow. Despite being a relative of the rambutan, their trees reach a height of 9 meters, much taller than their relative. The fruits also grow in clusters. The lychee trees look very beautiful, all covered with small red fruits.

How does a sugar apple grow? Trees of medium height, 3-6 meters. This fruit belongs to the Anona family, sometimes called anona scaly. It happens Green colour and purple as well different sizes. They differ in the degree of sweetness and the number of seeds. Here is how the fruits grow:

How it grows. The tree grows up to 5-12 meters in height, bushy, dense crown.

How it grows. No matter how they call this fruit - the dragon's eye, pitaya. This is the fruit of a cactus. There are several varieties of pitahaya - pink on the outside and white on the inside, pink on the outside and burgundy on the inside, as well as yellow pitahaya. They ripen at the ends of the "branches" of the cactus.

How it grows. Bushy tree, 3-4 meters high.

How it grows. This tree reaches 12-15 meters in height. The fruits grow in clusters. is a relative of the lychee and is called Dragon Eyes.

How Langsat grows (). The tree is straight, slender, reaches a height of 10-15 meters. The fruits grow in inflorescences on the trunk and on the main branches.

How it growsMafai) . A bushy tree, mafai fruits grow like bunches of grapes. Here's what it looks like.

fruits . pink apples There are several varieties - burgundy, light pink and light green. The fruits grow in clusters.

Tamarind. The tree can reach 20-25 meters in height, and the girth of the trunk can reach as much as 8 meters. A very powerful tree. The fruits are pods (beans). These pods are dry, coffee-colored.

Santol(thai apple)

pomelo. The tree grows up to 15 meters in height. The trees look like this:


PS: All photos of growing fruits are taken by me, except for photos of lychee, pitahaya, longan and mafai trees - I have not yet been able to see them in person.

I don't really like fresh mango. No matter how many times I try it, it's not mine at all. At one time I quite liked it in yogurts, but, in fact, I just got used to it because of the benefits, but I liked the dried one right away, and became the only dried fruit that I simply must always have at home!

I don't like the taste of mango itself. Even mature, and what can we say about some "coniferous" immature. I didn’t know what to expect from dried fruit, but its bright and beautiful view made me take it for a test, and I was very surprised.

The dried fruit has absolutely no coniferous taste, as well as a distinct mango flavor. Visually, he somehow reminded me dried papaya, and the consistency also seemed similar. But if the texture of papaya is associated with Turkish delight, then mango is more like marmalade.

I love cloying, but I understand that even after the first piece of papaya, many will not want a second one; with mango, the situation is slightly different - although it is sweet, it is not cloying. The taste is also not as bright as that of papaya, but very unusual and evokes a tropical mood.

Dried mango is like eating exotic sweets without sweets, moreover, a couple of leaves are enough even for a sweet tooth, although they (I) will still want to visit a jar with this delicacy during the day.


314 kcal per 100 grams of dried product.

Dried mango in its composition contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, it contains great content carotene and 12 kinds of amino acids, as well as calcium, fructose, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Useful properties of dried mango:

Able to normalize digestive tract improves metabolism. Due to the fact that dried mango contains alimentary fiber that are able to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body.

Useful for of cardio-vascular system, the use of this product is a prevention against diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia.

I buy from a store near my house that sells dried fruits by weight. The cost is 50 rubles per 100 grams. It's fairly light and doesn't weigh much. There are exactly 100 grams on this saucer, the pieces are not thin:

Recently began to import and yellow. Since fresh yellow in stores costs 2 times more than usual (about 200 rubles apiece at a discount), I expected extravaganzas.

But she didn't show up. The consistency is the same, but the taste is weak, very neutral, it even reminded me of a pumpkin, there is less sweetness in it. Same price as orange.

I strongly advise you not to buy in Auchan, because. there is no mango (and no papaya), there is no taste, as if sugar with gelatin, and not fruit (yellow papaya sticks generally taste like melon).

Only markets and departments with dried fruits.

These petals are beautiful and useful replacement sweets. Quickly saturate and leave behind sunny mood and warm thoughts about exotic islands.
