
Where papaya grows - a melon tree. Papaya: useful properties and contraindications, photo

Papaya belongs to woody plants, the genus Karika, the Dwarf family. This is a low palm-shaped tree, on average it reaches a little more than a dozen meters in height, Mexico and the central regions of America are considered the birthplace of growth. It is limited by climatic conditions, since even small frosts can destroy the plant, but it grows well in artificially created conditions at a certain temperature and humidity.

In the wild, papaya is found in Asia and tropical America. There are also experimental plantings in the south of our country, as it is considered a fruit tree, but where it is grown, their own varieties are bred that are suitable for climatic conditions.

plant description

The tree grows for only a few years, so it cannot be called a long-liver, it has a straight trunk, completely devoid of side shoots. The color of the trunk is green or dark purple, without a core, the base itself is a little over thirty centimeters. The leaves are rather large in diameter, located in the upper part of the stem, palmately dissected with long petioles. The leaves can remain on the plant for up to six months, after which they fall off.

Peduncles are formed in the axils of the leaves, subsequently turning into large fruits, orange or yellow, they can grow up to 8 kilograms. There are plants only with female or male peduncles, but there are also mixed flowering. Pollination of flowers occurs, possibly with the help of wind or insects, it is not known for sure, but in order to get a higher yield, papaya is artificially pollinated.

What a papaya looks like with fruits is quite an interesting sight, the fruits are arranged on it like clusters hanging from top to bottom.

types of papaya

There are mainly two types of this plant, Hawaiian and Mexican varieties.

Growing a plant

When growing this plant, choose well-drained soil and elevated areas, as it does not tolerate excessive moisture. It is desirable that the soil be fertile and neutral, so acidic soil can destroy the plant.

The site is chosen with good sun exposure and closed from the winds, in hot weather the soil needs constant moisture, while in cold weather it should be dry. Proper watering is essential for good papaya growth and prevention of root rot.

Since this plant grows very quickly, it constantly needs to be fed with nitrogen, as well as concentrated organic fertilizers, in particular, bird droppings.

The papaya plant does not need pruning, but some gardeners sometimes pinch seedlings to get additional side shoots.

Propagation of papaya fruit

Papaya is mainly propagated by seeds. For planting, sterile soil is prepared, consisting of sand, soddy soil and humus, planted in cups or small containers with well-moistened soil, several seeds, no more than three. Under ideal conditions, seed germination can take up to two weeks, but usually seedlings appear after a month and a half or a little less.

After the plants grow a little, the strongest sprout is left, the rest are removed. After the plants get stronger, they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth, very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Since they do not like transplants, this process is carried out only once. When transplanting to a permanent place, two or three plants are also planted in the prepared hole, in order to subsequently leave only the healthiest and strongest seedling.

You can propagate this useful fruit and cuttings. But this is a rather laborious process, and with this method of reproduction, papaya will begin to bloom only after a few years.

Diseases and pests

Aphids and spider mites are considered the main pests of this plant; preparations designed to destroy them are used to combat them. Powdery mildew is considered one of the diseases of papaya, which can appear during prolonged rains and cool weather; copper sulfate is used to eliminate this problem.

Beneficial features

Papaya, this exotic tropical fruit has been known for its beneficial properties for centuries. Its beneficial properties are used in medicine, used in cooking. This healthy fruit contains:

  1. Fats.
  2. Squirrels.
  3. Vitamins.
  4. Carbohydrates.
  5. Alimentary fiber.
  6. Water.

Papaya is a tasty and healthy product that contains a large amount of nutrients. It contains the enzyme papain, which breaks down heavy protein compounds that are present in animal meat. Therefore, papaya has long been used to soften meat products, adding it during cooking. Ripe fruits of this plant are eaten fresh, unripe ones must undergo heat treatment, as they contain a large amount of latex in their composition.

Possessing powerful antioxidant properties, eating papaya helps prevent many diseases.

In addition, papaya is widely used in cooking. Salads are made from it, in ripe form they are used as a nutritious and complete breakfast, they are added in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, soups, to improve their taste. Unripe fruits of useful papaya are used for stuffing meat dishes, which gives them a special taste and sophistication. Syrups are made from the pulp of papaya, which are used to make alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Papaya fruit contraindications

Practically, like all tropical fruits, this healthy fruit has its own contraindications, such as pregnancy and lactation, low blood sugar, allergies to papain and latex, it is not recommended to eat papaya before the upcoming operation for at least two weeks.

In all other respects, this is an incredibly tasty and healthy product that can be consumed by almost everyone, but at the same time observe the measure.

Here are 8 health benefits of papaya:

1. Papaya is tasty and rich in nutrients.

papaya fruits grow on a tree Carica papaya(melon tree). The taste of these fruits is so good that Christopher Columbus in those ancient times called them "the fruits of the angels." Papaya originated in Central America and Southern Mexico but is now grown in many other parts of the world.

Papaya fruits contain the enzyme papain, which can break down the heavy protein chains present in animal meat. Due to this property, for thousands of years, people have used papaya to tenderize meat. Ripe papaya fruits can be eaten raw. As for immature fruits, they should always be thermally processed before use, especially during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the unripe fruit contains a large amount of latex, which can stimulate contractions.

The papaya fruit is similar to a pear and can reach up to 50 cm in length. The skin of unripe fruits is green, and when ripe it becomes orange. The inner flesh can be yellow, orange or red, and there are many black seeds in the center. They are also edible but have a bitter taste.

One small papaya (152 g) contains:

  • calories: 59
  • Carbohydrates: 15 grams
  • Cellulose: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Vitamin C: 157% DV
  • Vitamin A: 33% DV
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9): 14% DV
  • Potassium: 11% DV
  • Trace amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E and K.

Papaya also contains antioxidants called carotenoids, among which the most powerful is lycopene, which is present in large quantities in this fruit. What's more, these beneficial antioxidants are better absorbed from papaya than from other fruits and vegetables.

Summarize: Papaya is a tropical fruit that is high in vitamins C and A, along with fiber and beneficial plant compounds. It also contains the enzyme papain, which is used to tenderize meat.

Photo: Papaya tree with fruits - Hawaii

2. Has a powerful antioxidant effect

Free radicals are reactive molecules produced during your body's metabolism. They perform some important functions, including helping to destroy harmful bacteria. However, if you generate too many free radicals, your body is in a state of oxidative stress, which can lead to disease.

Antioxidants, including carotenoids found in papaya, are able to neutralize free radicals, making them unable to cause harm. Studies have shown that fermented papaya can reduce oxidative stress in the elderly and those with prediabetes, mild hypothyroidism, and liver disease.

In addition, many studies show that an excess of free radicals in the brain is a significant factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease. In one study, Alzheimer's patients were given a fermented papaya extract for 6 months, resulting in a 40% reduction in 8-OHdG biomarkers. This marker of oxidative DNA damage has also been linked to aging and cancer.

The reduction in oxidative stress is due to papaya's lycopene content and ability to scavenge excess iron, which is known to promote free radical formation.

Summarize: Papaya has powerful antioxidant properties, which can help reduce oxidative stress and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

3. Papaya has anti-cancer properties

Studies show that the lycopene in papaya may reduce the risk of cancer and may also be beneficial for people undergoing cancer treatment. The anti-cancer properties of papaya appear to be related to its ability to reduce free radicals, which contribute to the development and progression of cancer.

In addition, papaya may have some unique effects on the human body, unlike other fruits. Among 14 fruits and vegetables known to have antioxidant properties, only papaya has demonstrated antitumor activity in breast cancer cells.

In a small study involving older people with inflammation and precancerous changes in the stomach, a fermented papaya preparation was found to reduce oxidative damage. However, more research is needed before any recommendations can be made.

Summarize: Early research has shown that the antioxidants found in papaya may reduce the risk of cancer and possibly even slow the progression of cancer.

4. Antioxidants in Papaya May Improve Heart Health

Adding more papaya to your diet may be good for your heart. Studies show that lycopene and vitamin C, abundant in papaya fruit, may help prevent heart disease, while antioxidants may protect your heart and increase the protective effects of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol.

In one study, people who took fermented papaya supplements for 14 weeks experienced a reduction in inflammation and an improvement in the ratio of LDL to HDL fat compared to people who took a placebo. An improvement in the ratio of low-density and high-density lipoproteins is associated with a decrease in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Summarize: Papaya is rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which can improve heart health and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

5. Papaya fights inflammation

Chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases, and unhealthy foods and lifestyles can exacerbate the inflammatory process. Inflammation can be measured with a blood test for several markers of the inflammatory response such as C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).

Research has shown that antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like papaya help reduce these inflammatory markers. For example, one study found that men who increased their intake of fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids had a significant reduction in CRP.

Summarize: Chronic inflammation underlies many diseases. Papaya contains a very high amount of carotenoids, which can reduce inflammation.

6. Papaya May Improve Digestion

The enzyme papain present in papaya fruit can facilitate the absorption of protein. People in the tropics consider papaya a remedy for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In one study, people who took papaya supplements for 40 days experienced significant relief from constipation and bloating. Studies have shown that the seeds, leaves, and roots of the papaya tree are also effective in treating stomach and duodenal ulcers in animals and humans.

Summarize: Eating papaya and taking dietary supplements based on it can relieve constipation and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. The seeds and other parts of the plant are also used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers.

7. Protects against skin damage

In addition to keeping your body healthy, papaya can also help your skin look firmer and younger. Excessive free radical activity is believed to be responsible for most of the wrinkles, sagging skin and other skin damage that occurs with age.

The vitamin C and lycopene in papaya protect your skin and may help reduce these signs of aging. In one study, taking lycopene supplements for 10-12 weeks reduced skin redness after sun exposure, a sign of skin damage. In another study, older women who took a mixture of lycopene, vitamin C, and other antioxidants for 14 weeks experienced a visible and measurable reduction in facial wrinkle depth.

Summarize: The powerful antioxidants found in papaya can help your skin recover from sun damage and protect against wrinkles.

8. Delicious and versatile fruit

Papaya has a unique flavor that many people really like. However, ripeness is key. Unripe or overripe papaya fruits can taste very different from fruits at their peak. When papaya fruits are optimally ripe, their color can range from yellow to orange-red, although a few green spots are normal. The fruits should give in to light pressure, like an avocado. Like mangoes, papaya fruit flavor improves when refrigerated, so you may want to refrigerate it before eating.

It is also an incredibly versatile fruit. After washing, you can cut it in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and eat it from the skin with a spoon, like a melon or a watermelon. Papaya pieces can also be mixed with other foods to complement its flavor.

Here are some simple recipes for eating 1 small fruit:

  • Breakfast: Cut it in half and fill each half with Greek yogurt, then top with a few blueberries and chopped nuts.
  • Snack: Cut into strips and wrap each of them with a piece of ham or prosciutto.
  • salsa: Cut the papaya, tomatoes, onion and cilantro and then add the lemon juice and mix well.
  • Smoothies: Add chopped fruit with coconut milk and ice to a blender, then blend until smooth.
  • Salad: Dice papaya and avocado, add diced boiled chicken, drizzle with olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
  • Dessert: Mix chopped fruit with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, 1 cup of almond milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Mix well and refrigerate before drinking.

Summarize: Papaya is a very tasty fruit, the taste of which is most pleasant when ripe. It can be eaten on its own or in combination with other foods.

Side effects and contraindications

Papaya is probably safe for most people when consumed in normal amounts, and probably safe when taken by mouth as a medicine. It is possibly unsafe when taken orally in large amounts or when applied to the skin as papaya latex. Eating large amounts of papaya can damage the esophagus, and applying papaya latex to the skin can cause severe irritation and allergic reactions in some people.

Special precautions and warnings:

  • Pregnancy and lactation: Papaya may not be safe to take by mouth during pregnancy. Do not take papaya supplements for medicinal purposes during pregnancy. There is some evidence that unprocessed papain (one of the chemicals found in papaya) can poison the fetus or cause birth defects. There is not enough information about the safety of papaya during breastfeeding. It is best to avoid eating it in amounts that exceed the normal amount of food.
  • Diabetes: Fermented papaya can lower blood sugar levels. People with diabetes who are taking blood sugar medications should pay close attention to their blood sugar levels while taking fermented papaya preparations, as the dosage of their diabetes medications may need to be adjusted.
  • Low blood sugar: Fermented papaya can lower blood sugar levels. Taking this form of papaya can lower already low blood sugar levels.
  • Allergy to papain: Papaya contains papain. If you are allergic to papain, avoid papaya or papaya-based medications.
  • latex allergy: If you are allergic to latex, there is a good chance that you will also be allergic to papaya. If you are allergic to latex, avoid papaya or papaya-based products.
  • Surgery: Fermented papaya can lower blood sugar levels. Theoretically, this form of papaya could affect blood sugar levels during and after surgery. If you are taking papaya supplements, you will need to stop taking them 2 weeks before surgery.


Moderate interaction - be careful with this combination:

Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with papaya. Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. Papaya may increase the effects of warfarin (Coumadin) and increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.

Papaya is a palm-shaped tree no higher than 10 meters, the fruits of which look like our melon. Southern Mexico, America is considered the homeland, now the tree grows in tropical countries around the world, there are even plantings in southern Russia. The tree bears fruit all year round. The diameter of the papaya fruit is from 10 to 30 cm, the usual length is from 15 to 45 cm, it all depends on the variety. The botanical name of the plant is Carica papaya, a species and family of caricaceae. Foliage, trunk and fruit contain milky juice. Ripe soft fruits of yellow or amber color are used for food. Medicines are made from the juice of leaves and unripe fruits.

Papaya is an exotic and healthy fruit

When choosing papaya for their food, they take yellow, soft, with pinkish sides - these are considered ripe and sweet. There are varieties that give a green-colored fruit, they are taken according to the degree of softness.

You can eat this exotic fruit like an ordinary melon - raw, after peeling it from seeds and peel or stew (often an unripe fruit is prepared this way). There are such ways of serving to the table:

  • cut the “melon” lengthwise, cut out the seeds with a special spoon (discard), then grab the ripe pulp with a spoon and enjoy;
  • peel (like zucchini), cut, remove seeds, cut into slices.
The taste of papaya is very diverse. In addition to the melon taste, there are those reminiscent of carrots or zucchini, there are sweet apricot shades, there is the Holland variety - the pulp of these small-sized fruits gives notes of coffee and chocolate, there are “floral” flavors. Fans and connoisseurs of these exotic fruits recommend trying papaya from unsweetened varieties.

A few well-known palatable varieties are:

  1. Holland Papaya (Dutch). In orange peel, even better with pink sides. In Indonesia, this variety is called California.
  2. Red Lady. This variety is characterized by a rounded shape (it is not elongated like the others), it is also distinguished by a small content of seeds. It has bright red flesh and a taste unique to this variety.
  3. Hawaiian papaya. The name does not reflect the place where this variety grows. It is grown in Thailand. The soft ripe fruit is very juicy, tastes like chewing gum (as in childhood). In Thailand, the price of one kilogram of fruit is about 40-60 baht (1.5-2 dollars).
  4. Solo papaya. It grows only in the Philippines, differs in small size and light yellow color.
  5. Pulled Philippine papaya.
  6. Papaya torpedo. Its weight is the largest, about 4 kg.
  7. Wild papaya.

How to peel and eat papaya?

Being in Thailand for a long time, I have seen enough of how the locals clean this fruit there. Everything is very simple:

  1. cut the fruit in half lengthwise;
  2. Scoop out tough black papaya seeds with a tablespoon and discard;
  3. peel off a thin and soft peel with a knife;
  4. then cut the pulp into slices, cubes, etc., as it is convenient for anyone to eat and serve. But as a rule, they are cut into cubes, so it is more convenient to eat.

By the way, advice: after you cut the papaya into cubes, put it in the refrigerator for an hour, a cold and juicy fruit in hot countries of the world is exactly what the body needs!

Also, this fruit can be cut into thin slices and dry in the oven at 60 °C. In dried form, it can easily be stored for 2-3 months or more.

Composition of papaya: vitamins and calories

The raw pulp of the fruit is very healthy and non-caloric. papaya calories per 100 grams - 39 kcal.

In the ripe pulp of the fruit per 100 g there is:

  • Fat - 0.14 g
  • Proteins - 0.61 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8 g
  • Water is also nutritional value - 88.83 g
  • Monosaccharides / disaccharides - 5.9 g
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.04 g
  • Ash - 0.6 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.8 g
Useful vitamins:
  • C - 62 mg
  • A (RE) - 55 mcg
  • B9 (acid) - 38 mcg
  • The remaining groups B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic) - from 0.02 to 0.2 mg
  • E - 0.7 mg
  • K () - 2.58 mcg
  • PP - 0.34 mg
  • Choline - 6.1 mg
Other macro- and microelements:
  • Magnesium - 10 mg
  • Calcium - 24.1 mg
  • Sodium - 2.98 mg
  • Phosphorus - 5 mg
  • Potassium - 257 mg
  • Zinc - 0.07 mg
  • Iron - 0.1 mg
  • Copper - 16 mcg
  • Selenium - 0.6 mcg
  • Manganese - 0.01 mg

Papaya will bring considerable benefits to those who want to lose weight, like. It is nutritious and low in calories. The composition of the juice of fruits and leaves contains an enzyme - papain (protease), which is similar in physiological benefits to gastric juice. Therefore, papaya is in demand as a dietary product that improves digestion.

On the basis of an extract from papaya juice, medicines are prepared for intervertebral hernia, for neuritis of the facial nerve, for cerebral and spinal arachnoiditis, for osteochondrosis, for the treatment of diseased joints and keloid scars. Papaya juice heals burns, eczema, lightens freckles, strengthens hair.

Video about the benefits of papaya with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live healthy!”:

Papaya Contraindications

Papaya is a very useful dietary fruit, but still, ignorance of some of its features can harm the body.

The composition, more precisely, in the juice of the whole plant, contains the alkaloid caripain, it is called latex juice. In large doses, it is a dangerous poison that causes skin irritation, allergies, indigestion, abdominal pain, poisoning, and contains unripe fruit. Therefore, when choosing papaya, it is important to choose ripe fruits: soft, smooth, yellow. If there are doubts about maturity, then it is better to stew its pulp and serve it on the table like a stew.

It is dangerous to use papaya for people prone to allergic reactions or those who know about intolerance to this product.

The papaya fruit is still quite exotic for our country, so the harm, like the benefits, has not been fully studied by Russian scientists. With this in mind, including papaya in your diet, try to stick to the measure.

One of the names of papaya is melon tree. Because the fruits are the same amber on the outside, but in shape and taste they resemble a melon.

When the pulp of the fruit is cooked on a fire, it emits an inimitable smell of bread crumb, hence another name - breadfruit.

Papaya fruits and leaves contain papain, which breaks down proteins. Therefore, in some countries, in order to make the meat softer, it is cooked with pieces of this fruit. For example, if a piece of meat is placed in a papaya palm leaf, then after a while it becomes more tender.

Video recipe - cupcake with papaya and nuts:

Summary of the article

Papaya is known not only in the tropics, where it grows, but also on other continents. This fruit is also called melon and breadfruit. According to its economic purpose, papaya is the leader among other plants, since not only its fruits are used, but also bark and wood.

This fruit is cultivated on an industrial scale in India and Brazil, where they receive annually 4,000 tons and 2,000 tons of fruits, respectively.

Origin of papaya

The culture of growing a melon tree goes far back in time, so even its ancestor is still not known. Perhaps this plant has become a hybrid descended from several species of other representatives of the flora.

Scientists suggest that the place of its growth was originally Central America or Southern Mexico.

Papaya resembles ordinary woody plants. During growth, the palm-shaped trunk lives through several stages. It does not lignify like other types of wood, so papaya grows rapidly, reaching a height of 4-6 meters in just three years.

Young seedlings have a trunk filled with soft tissue at the core, while with time it becomes empty inside. The strong bark consists of weaves of exceptionally strong fibers that are used in the manufacture of ropes and ropes.

How papaya grows

Papaya begins to bear fruit at an early age. Some varieties in hot Indonesia throw flowers at the age of three months. The life of the plant is short-lived, because even good care does not guarantee that the papaya will live for more than 5 years. This is not a tragedy, since the tree bears fruit up to a maximum of this age.

Healing properties

Many centuries ago, people, having met this fruit, tried it on themselves. health benefits of papaya. The fruit has a healing effect on the digestive system as a whole.

An amazing substance found in papaya is called papain. This enzyme in its action resembles gastric juice, and therefore perfectly breaks down proteins, promotes the absorption of starch and fats.

Papaya is used as a dietary product that helps in digestion and not only. What diseases can be treated with papaya? Its benefits are invaluable when:

duodenal ulcer;
Bronchial asthma;
Diseases of the stomach.

Papaya juice immediately eliminates pain from burns and helps with insect bites, it is recommended to use it for worms. Traditional medicine recommends using papaya fruits in the treatment of osteochondrosis, because it contains substances that help in the restoration of connective tissue.

What else is papaya good for? It helps in the normal functioning of the liver, as well as the regulation and maintenance of normal blood sugar levels. Papaya cleanses the body of toxins, harmful substances and toxins.

Dentists claim that this fruit helps in the prevention of tooth decay and some other oral diseases. Papaya fruits are beneficial for both a woman preparing to become a mother and a growing child's body.

How to eat papaya

When choosing fruits, you need to make sure that it is smooth, elastic, but at the same time soft enough and has a yellow color. For further sale, as a rule, slightly unripe fruits are selected, which can be stored in a cold place for up to several weeks. If you urgently need to bring them to maturity, the temperature is artificially increased.

Papaya is eaten both fresh and after cooking. Fresh, very ripe fruit is suitable for preparing dessert dishes. Although papaya tastes similar to, the aroma resembles, rather, the smell of raspberries. But if you lightly bake a golden yellow fruit on a fire, it starts to smell like bread, hence the second name.

By the way, in dried form, papaya fruits are no less useful, they retain all the qualities inherent in raw fruit, while not yielding to them in taste.

By the way:Dried papaya is more suitable for long storage.

Before eating papaya, cut it in half and remove the skin. Inside the fruit there are bones, they must be removed with a spoon and left to be added to dressings and salads.

Bones are edible, they can successfully replace pepper, while being much more useful than a burning fellow. After that, the pulp can be cut into pieces or simply eaten with a spoon, as is sometimes eaten either.

It must be borne in mind that papaya improves digestion, so it would be correct to eat it half an hour before taking the main course.

The taste of papaya is sweet. With all this, the calorie content of papaya is only 39 kcal per 100 g. This is an indicator of a dietary product that can be consumed without fear of ruining your figure.

Papaya is rich in fiber, fructose, glucose, vitamins B and A, C, D. The fruits contain the most important elements for the human body - these are sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus.

  • Fruit oil is successfully used in cosmetology. Papaya seeds are processed into an oil that is used in the preparation of numerous creams and other products for the skin of the body and hair.
  • Papain has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, so it is used in the manufacture of medicines, in ointments to remove freckles, and keratin obtained from papaya is added to products that remove unwanted hair.
  • The ability of papain to break down proteins is used to soften the tough meat fibers. If you wrap it in papaya leaves for a while, the meat will become incredibly soft.
  • The local population of Florida uses papaya leaves to wash clothes, which is why papaya is called Negro soap.
  • Papaya extract is used not only in cosmetology, but also in a variety of weight loss programs. It helps to maintain a slim figure and removes fats and bad cholesterol from the body.

How papaya grows: photo

Growing at home

Papaya or "karika papaya" is an inhabitant of the tropics and subtropics. However, if desired, this tree can be grown at home. It may well begin to bear fruit.

Papaya seeds are the main way to propagate the fruit, and their germination rate reaches 100%. It is recommended to sow seeds in the spring in the soil, which is a mixture of turf, earth, peat and sand in equal parts.

After 7 - 10 days, sprouts appear, which subsequently require two or three transplants into larger pots. This will happen within the first year.

You can propagate papaya and cuttings, but this is a more time-consuming process that is not suitable for everyone. In one - two-year-old papaya, a stem up to 1.5 cm thick is selected, after which it is divided into segments 8-10 cm long.

Before planting, the cuttings are dried in a dry and warm place. After two days, the cuttings are placed for rooting in a sandy substrate.

For the growth of papaya, some conditions are necessary:

  • Since papaya is a light-loving plant, it must be illuminated with fluorescent lamps during the growth period.
  • Papaya should be transplanted as soon as its roots reach the walls of the pot, and the next one should exceed the previous one by 5 cm in diameter.
  • If papaya is rarely transplanted, its growth may stop, and therefore flowering will be delayed for several years.
  • The root system of papaya does not deepen, so pots for it are recommended low and wide enough.
  • The plant does not tolerate sudden fluctuations in temperature and drafts, so the following mode is suitable for it: in summer up to +26 degrees, in winter up to +20 degrees.

The benefits of watering and spraying are enormous and should be done regularly, but should be done in small doses. Excess moisture is dangerous by rotting the root neck of the plant. In spring, papaya is fed with ammonium nitrate; in summer, superphosphate is suitable.

Of the pests, the most dangerous for papaya are spider mites and aphids. It is easy to fight them - just make a decoction or infusion of insecticidal herbs, it can be garlic, onion, yarrow. Against powdery mildew, which is also dangerous for papaya, use a weak solution of copper sulfate or colloidal sulfur.

Harm papaya

Unfortunately, this fruit can be not only useful, but sometimes dangerous for humans. You should be aware that the juice of unripe papaya fruits, eaten, is toxic. If papaya juice becomes colorless and watery, this means that its poisonous qualities are pronounced, and the fruit cannot be used as food.

In general, moderation should be observed with every food consumed, and the same can be said for papaya.

Today we will talk about another exotic fruit - papaya (melon tree or breadfruit), talk about its beneficial properties and contraindications, learn about how it grows and where. One of the informal names is "the tree of the impatient gardener", because. fruiting begins already in the first year of growth, and the typical life time is an average of 5 years.

This culture has been known for centuries, if not thousands of years. There is evidence that papaya was cultivated by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. However, in Russia, papaya is not particularly in demand and is very rarely sold in ordinary grocery stores. Therefore, it is perceived as a curiosity. Next, we will talk in more detail about papaya and its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Where does papaya grow

It is a mistake to think that papaya is a fruit. From the point of view of biology, this is a berry. The original homeland is South America and Mexico, where it is often called "fruit bomb". Now papaya grows in most regions where there is a suitable climate for it. For in the Russian climate, you will have to work hard, and in a suitable climate, it grows on palm-shaped trees, belongs to the genus Karika.

The trunk of the tree is thin and smooth, the most typical length is in the range of 5 to 10 meters, the leaves are up to 70 cm. The fruit itself reaches 35 cm at maturity, the minimum weight of the fruit suitable for consumption is at least half a kilogram, although truly gigantic specimens are found. weighing up to seven kilograms. It does not require much effort to grow growing fruits, the culture is very unpretentious.

Currently, it grows in South America, Brazil, Cuba, Nigeria, where the tropics prevail. At the time of the Union, there were attempts to adapt to our more severe climate, but unfortunately, they failed.

What does papaya look like

There are two main types of papaya. Outwardly, they are quite easily distinguishable from each other:

  • the Hawaiian species has small fruits;
  • Mexican species is distinguished by large fruits.

The papaya fruit can be visually described as follows: a pear-shaped fruit of orange color, less often - yellow or green. The skin is thick and smooth. The average weight is usually 3 kg. The flesh of the fruit is green or yellow. A ripe fruit can be judged by its pronounced, characteristic orange and red hue. They are recommended for consumption. Inside the fruit are seeds in an amount of about 700 pcs.

It is very important to remember that the pulp of an unripe papaya fruit is penetrated by numerous microscopic tubes, milky juice moves through them - it is poisonous. In this case, there is no need to talk about the benefits at all. Its danger lies in the large number of alkaloids. When ripe, the danger of poisoning disappears. Symptomatically, poisoning can manifest itself in the form of gastrointestinal upset, pain in the stomach, and various allergic reactions.

How to choose ripe papaya

Choosing papaya is similar to choosing any fruit. First you need to make a visual inspection of the fruit, evaluate the hardness of the fruit and its aromatic properties.

The fruit should be elastic, should not be squeezed under the fingers. Ripe fruit always has a uniform and rich color.

There are no dents or stains on the surface. Black dots and gray plaque are a sign of depravity. The skin of the fruit should not shine unnaturally. Visible damage should not be present - they saw cracks, a partial absence of the skin - refuse to buy and eat. Wrinkled or deformed papaya is also not a desirable acquisition; rotting processes may begin inside.

A wet or sticky surface is also undesirable, which usually means treatment with chemicals to extend the shelf life and artificially preserve an attractive presentation.

The smell of the fruit resembles the aroma of wild raspberries. Lack of smell and excessive hardness, as well as uneven coloring, indicate signs of immaturity of papaya, and such a fruit can be poisoned. Papaya can be left to ripen at home, but the taste will already be lost.

When cut, we see juicy pulp, in the middle there is a cavity with seeds. The pulp is close to melon in taste. The seeds themselves are not usually eaten, but the locals use them to make a condiment similar to ground black pepper.

If there is any suspicion of corruption, you should refuse to purchase this copy. Only ripe and well-preserved fruit will bring benefits.

How to eat papaya

Dried papaya - dried fruits. Can be sold as dried without the use of additives, or prepared as candied fruit. If it is prepared without the use of additives, then the method of blowing with heated air is used to remove the excess liquid component. At the same time, the shelf life for consumption will be longer than when using sugar syrup as a natural preservative. Without added sugar, the benefits are more, less. Can be added to yoghurts, ice cream, just as a light fruit snack. Dried papaya is appropriate to consider as a dietary product, since one serving of 40 g has only 20 calories, which is only 1 percent of the required daily intake. In addition, it is tasty and healthy. The benefits of papaya are multi-functional.

The fruits of the melon tree are tasty and healthy. Papaya tastes like the usual melon. The Hawaiian papaya is traditionally eaten raw, like many other exotic papaya in culinary dishes. It is recommended to eat papaya before the main dishes, since the exotic we are considering has a positive effect on the human digestive system and improves the absorption of food. Those who are not familiar with papaya will wonder how to clean it? Usually, the fruit is cut lengthwise into two parts, the seeds are removed with a spoon, the peel is cut off with a knife, cut into slices or pieces. Here one can see an obvious similarity with the melon we are used to. They say that it goes great with juice or orange. The fruits can also be baked on fire, and the smell of bread is felt.

In general, there are a lot of recipes with papaya in the composition: papaya stuffed with rice and meat, it is added as ingredients to fruit salads, desserts, jams, preserves. And, for example, they stew fish with the addition of unripe fruits. Often the pulp of the fruit is part of various sauces. Dried and crushed seeds are an excellent alternative to hot peppers.

The composition and calorie content of papaya

The calorie content of fresh papaya per 100 g is 48 kcal. If you cook candied fruits from papaya, then their calorie content is 327 kcal. The content of bzhu per 100 g is:

  • proteins-0.6,
  • fats-0.1,
  • carbohydrates-9.2.

Candied papaya has a higher calorie content due to the increased sugar content if made with syrup.

To display the rate of breakdown of products in the gastrointestinal tract and conversion to glucose, there is such an indicator as the glycemic index of products, and glucose is the main source of energy. The faster this happens, the higher this index. For fresh, the value is at level 58.

As for vitamins, they are not just a lot, this is a whole storehouse of vitamins in one fruit, and they cannot but be beneficial. Vitamins per 100 grams are presented:

  • beta-carotene - 0.276 mg
  • choline - 6.1 mg
  • vitamin E - 0.73 mg
  • thiamine - 0.027 mg
  • riboflavin - 0.032 mg
  • vitamin A - 55 mcg
  • pantothenic acid - 0.218 mg
  • pyridoxine - 0.019
  • folic acid - 38 mcg
  • phylloquinone - 2.6 mcg

Minerals include phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, and sodium. Again, we see that in terms of the vitamin complex, our exotic beauty is very close. Due to this combination of vitamins, fruits are preferable to carrots for vision problems. But papain, an enzyme similar to human digestive juice, is of particular benefit; we have already noted above that fruit pulp has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also includes arginine, a natural aphrodisiac that qualitatively increases potency. It is worth remembering that the vitamin-mineral and chemical composition depends on the maturity of the fetus.

Benefits of papaya

Due to the composition of papaya, its properties are diverse and allow you to achieve benefits for different systems of the human body. Papaya seeds contain palmitic and oleic acids - these acids help in the prevention of cancer.

Papain, a natural enzyme found in papaya, aids in the digestion of protein foods.

The benefit of papain is that it breaks down the fibrin protein, which is present in cancer cells. The plant enzyme papain prevents the formation of tumors and metastasis in the early stages.

Useful properties of papaya

  • It strengthens the immune system, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps the human body fight diseases.
  • Papaya fruit benefits those who follow the body mass index. There are many different diets, including the mono-diet.
  • The benefits of papaya are also significant for the circulatory system: cholesterol levels are reduced, blood vessels are cleaned, and the likelihood of thrombosis is reduced.
  • When applied externally, it is indicated for thermal burns, irritation of the skin from insect bites, eczema. Cosmetologists use the juice as an exfoliating agent and to level skin inflammatory processes.
  • Speaking about the prevention of caries and the reduction of bleeding gums, dentists note the benefits of regular consumption of papaya fruit pulp.
  • In the absence of contraindications, pieces of a well-ripened berry can also be offered to children from two years old, it is quickly absorbed, giving a tonic effect.
  • Overseas "melon" helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • Slows down aging of the retina

The use by men of 100-200 g of papaya per day contributes to the duration of sexual life and prolongation of sexual activity.
