
The history of the development of cooking. France had a significant influence on Russian cuisine

World culinary and culinary arts

History of culinary development
Not tens, not hundreds - tens of thousands of dishes created throughout history world culinary. There are so many books written about food that if you start to re-read them, there will not be enough human life.
Primitive cuisine, as it was among primitive peoples, went through a long and difficult path of development before finally turning into an exquisite Culinary Art that absorbed the achievements of modern science.
The history of the development of mankind from ancient times to the present day has seen unprecedented rises in the art of cooking and the same sharp falls. That food was lifted up to heaven, considering it one of the most best pleasures, then they treated her almost with contempt, believing that even talking about food and dishes was “unworthy of a true gentleman.” Take the ancient Hellenes. In Sparta, they treated food with restraint: on a campaign and in war, it was necessary to make do with easy-to-cook food. And very close by, in Athens, they excelled in cooking the unheard of holiday dish: a tiny olive was baked inside a dove, a dove - in a goat, a goat - in a sheep, a sheep - in a bull, all this was fried on a spit, and the very honored guest got that same olive ...

Is it surprising that later in Ancient Rome did the art of cooking flourish precisely with the help of the Greek chefs? Cooks were considered, the prestige of this or that noble house depended on them.
During the Second Punic War, there were even uprisings of cooks who subjugated some cities. Under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius, the first schools of culinary art were organized, headed by the magician of the cauldron and ladle - great cook Apicius. Therefore, it is not surprising that some emperors were real gluttons. Under Vitellius, for example, food was prepared that cost a fortune - a million sesterces. It was made from the brains of pheasants, peacocks, flamingo tongues (poor birds), the liver and spleen of the rarest fish at that time.
Then, after a long stagnation, at the end of the Middle Ages, thanks to the rapid penetration of spices from the eastern colonies, the gourmet cuisine was further developed. cradle gourmet cuisine became Italy, especially the south and Sicily.
Under King Louis XIV, France experienced the rise of culinary art, and since then these European countries have been in constant culinary rivalry.
In the development of culinary art participated not only professional chefs, but also many scientists, philosophers, statesmen. It is known that the inventors of new dishes were Richelieu, Mazarin, Michel Montaigne wrote the book "The Science of Food". So far in Italian restaurants dishes invented by the composer Rossini are in use. France is proud that Alexander Dumas, the great Balzac, made a contribution to the national cuisine.
In the 19th century, schools of culinary art began to open again one after another. And oddly enough, the first of them began to operate in England - the "National Training School for Cooks" - after all, it is generally accepted that the British are not too partial to food. Most likely, the opening of the school was caused by economic reasons: the expansion of the network of small cafes and restaurants. The culinary school, opened in Paris in 1891, had two departments: women's and men's. Women were taught free of charge how to run a domestic economy. For men, training was paid - they comprehended the secrets professional cooking. They were also taught the history of cooking, botany, modeling, drawing, accounting.

In the 90s of the 19th century, the First Practical School of Cooking Art appeared in Russia, as well as the School culinary arts and the School of Kitchen Art of Public Health in Moscow, Odessa and St. Petersburg. There was a lot to learn. After all, the then Russian cuisine sacredly kept many traditions of Old Russian.

An important role was played by pies - hearth from leavened dough and spun from unleavened. Russians added saffron, which was imported by eastern merchants, as well as garlic to all kinds of dishes.

Back in the 16th-17th centuries, onions and garlic were included in the list of products with which the inhabitants were obliged to provide scribes who compiled scribe books.
In Russia in the old days salt was consumed very little. Possibly ethnographic, but to a greater extent economic reasons have strongly influenced the assortment of Russian dishes. With the exception of dishes from valuable species of fish, pies and kvass, in the Russian cuisine that Gilyarovsky beautifully describes in Moscow and Muscovites, Western European dishes already prevailed, which, of course, were available only to the wealthiest people.

Today, national Russian cuisine is the most diverse in the world. There are more than 60 cabbage soups in it! Each new dish needs to be mastered: what if it doesn’t work out? It is not for nothing that cooking is called an art: it requires both skill and patience.

The origins of cooking originate from those ancient times when mankind was born. Nutrition is the basis of people's lives, and tasty and beautifully prepared food is an incomparable holiday. We do not know how and what people ate tens of thousands of years ago, we do not have information about the cooking of prehistoric civilizations. Studies by scientists in this area have shown that ancient people who ate roots, larvae, plants, fruits from trees, the meat of slaughtered animals already in those days learned to mix food. This phenomenon can be called the birth of the culinary arts of our time.

With the advent of fire in man, cooking has become much tastier and safer. Heat treatment food has reduced the likelihood of poisoning and infection. Fried meat appeared in the diet of people, baked fish, cakes from ground roots. People discovered the grain, from which they began to make flour. Agriculture began to develop.

Man domesticated animals. Animal husbandry began to develop. They regularly began to eat meat and milk.

The creativity of culinary specialists stepped to a new stage of development.

The next leap in the development of cooking occurred with the discovery by mankind of salt and sugar, vinegar and all kinds of spices. New opportunities in creating the unseen palatability inspired culinary specialists to great creativity. In different parts of the Earth developed their own national characteristics in cooking, created their own culinary secrets. The food was taken products available in the regions of residence of the peoples.

Curiosity, the desire to learn new, unknown, the search for more favorable living conditions attracted people to new places. In the history of mankind, information about numerous campaigns, migrations of peoples, and the seizure of new territories has been preserved. This phenomenon has influenced the world of culinary. The secrets of cooking began to spread and mix. During the times of travel and great discoveries, people began to learn the culture, customs, as well as the cooking skills of the peoples of the north, east, south. The Vikings brought their knowledge to southern Europe, taking new knowledge back to their homeland. Along the ancient Silk Road, the peoples of Asia brought elements of their culture and cooking recipes to the Mediterranean oriental dishes. The conquerors brought their traditions to the occupied territories, adopting all the best from the enslaved peoples. Thus, the knowledge of culinary specialists expanded.

Defending the peculiarities of the national cuisine of various peoples, historians often argue who owns this or that discovery. However, these disputes are of little importance to those who use these discoveries today. The inhabitants of our planet are grateful for the opportunity to cook brilliant masterpieces of world cuisine.

The way of life of people left its mark on the conditions of preparation and storage of food. If a person was on the road for a long time, then he needed products that were stored for a long time and did not deteriorate. Such people had a modest, unpretentious and economical cuisine. Rusks, cereals, spices, salt - this is the main list of products that they took on trips. At the same time, marching people used smoked meat, lard and fish for food. These products could long time be preserved without damage. Settled residents prepared more sophisticated food, indulging themselves excellent taste prepared hot and cold dishes, various drinks. Here it became necessary to keep the cooked goodies longer. These places of storage were first cellars, then ice storages.

Finally, the era of technological progress has come. Refrigerators came to the aid of cooks and freezers. For fast food food were invented various heating devices. Many people began to give up the tiresome home cooking food and began to use the services of restaurants, cafes, canteens. Home delivery services for breakfast, lunch and dinner have appeared. This caused another explosion in the development of culinary skills. Now gourmet dishes are prepared by professional chefs, masters of their craft. However, one should not discount home cooking. Today, the vast majority of people cook and eat at home. Many people are creative in their own culinary arts.

The number of recipes for various dishes is already in the hundreds and thousands, but millions. Nowadays, thousands of recipes are born every day!

Not tens, not hundreds - tens of thousands of dishes have been created throughout the history of world cuisine. So many books have been written about food that if you start to re-read them, there will not be enough human life. Primitive cuisine, as it was among primitive peoples, went through a long and difficult path of development before finally turning into an exquisite Culinary Art that absorbed the achievements of modern science.

The history of the development of mankind from ancient times to the present day has known unprecedented ups and downs in the art of cooking and the same sharp falls. Either they lifted food to the skies, considering it one of the best pleasures, or they treated it almost with contempt, believing that even talking about food and dishes was “unworthy of a true gentleman.” Take the ancient Hellenes. In Sparta, they treated food with restraint: in a campaign and in a war, one had to make do with easy-to-cook food. And very close by, in Athens, they excelled in preparing an unheard-of festive dish: a tiny olive was baked inside a dove, a dove in a goat, a goat in a sheep, a sheep in a bull, all this was roasted on a spit, and the most honored guest got that very olive ...

Is it surprising that later in ancient Rome, the art of cooking flourished precisely with the help of Greek cooks? Cooks were considered, the prestige of this or that noble house depended on them.

During the Second Punic War, there were even uprisings of cooks who subjugated some cities. Under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius, the first schools of culinary art were organized, headed by the magician of the cauldron and ladle - the great cook Apicius. Therefore, it is not surprising that some emperors were real gluttons. Under Vitellius, for example, food was prepared that cost a fortune - a million sesterces. It was made from the brains of pheasants, peacocks, flamingo tongues, liver and spleen of the rarest fish at that time.

Then, after a long stagnation, at the end of the Middle Ages, thanks to the rapid penetration of spices from the eastern colonies, the gourmet cuisine was further developed. Italy, especially the south and Sicily, has become the cradle of gourmet cuisine.

Under King Louis XIV, France experienced the rise of the culinary arts, and since then these European countries have been in constant culinary rivalry.

Not only professional chefs, but also many scientists, philosophers, statesmen participated in the development of the art of cooking. It is known that the inventors of new dishes were Richelieu, Mazarin, Michel Montaigne wrote the book "The Science of Food". Until now, dishes invented by the composer Rossini are still in use in Italian restaurants. France is proud that Alexander Dumas, the great Balzac, made a contribution to the national cuisine.

In the 19th century, schools of culinary art began to open again one after another. And oddly enough, the first of them began to operate in England - the "National Training School for Cooks" - after all, it is generally accepted that the British are not too partial to food. Most likely, the opening of the school was caused by economic reasons: the expansion of the network of small cafes and restaurants. The culinary school, opened in Paris in 1891, had two departments: women's and men's. Women were taught free of charge how to run a domestic economy. For men, training was paid - they comprehended the secrets of professional cooking. They were also taught the history of cooking, botany, modeling, drawing, accounting.

In the 90s of the 19th century, the First Practical School of Cooking Art appeared in Russia, as well as the School of Culinary Art and the School of Kitchen Art of Public Health Protection in Moscow, Odessa and St. Petersburg. There was a lot to learn. After all, the then Russian cuisine sacredly kept many traditions of Old Russian.

An important role was played by pies - hearth from leavened dough and spun from unleavened. Russians added saffron, which was imported by eastern merchants, as well as garlic to all kinds of dishes.

Back in the 16th-17th centuries, onions and garlic were included in the list of products with which the inhabitants were obliged to provide scribes who compiled scribe books. In Russia in the old days salt was consumed very little. Possibly ethnographic, but to a greater extent economic reasons have strongly influenced the assortment of Russian dishes. With the exception of dishes from valuable species of fish, pies and kvass, in that Russian cuisine, which Gilyarovsky magnificently describes in Moscow and Muscovites, Western European dishes already prevailed, which, of course, were available only to the wealthiest people.

Today, national Russian cuisine is the most diverse in the world. Some cabbage soup it has over 60! Each new dish needs to be mastered: what if it doesn’t work out? It is not for nothing that cooking is called an art: it requires both skill and patience.

The history of the development of culinary "The fate of a nation depends on the way it is fed."

A.Brilla-Savarin "Physiology of Taste".

This quote from a French culinary lawyer has several convincing historical examples as its basis. The mode of nutrition of a nation, of a people, whose expression is the culinary art, is not such a secondary issue, and the study of the history of nutrition is not such a meaningless matter. For example, drowning in luxury, including the table, the Roman Empire fell, and Sparta, moderate in food and professing the simplicity of food, for a very long time gave the world perfect citizens in all respects.

So what is culinary art?

In one of the dictionaries it is defined as economical cooking food that is nutritious, tasty and digestible. Although this definition is from the distant past, it continues to be the most accurate today.

Primitive cuisine of primitive peoples

has passed a long and hard way of perfection before becoming an exquisite Culinary Art, full of the achievements of modern science. Cooking has been known since prehistoric times, it originated even before the advent of earthenware. Animal meat was roasted on a spit. They cooked meat by heating water with hot stones, which were lowered into a vessel with water, and these vessels were first wooden, and later clay. Our distant Siberian ancestors used birch bark as vessels.

history of culinary development

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been incredible ups and downs in the culinary arts. Either they sang about food, considered it one of the highest pleasures, or they treated it with almost contempt, even talking about food and dishes became "unworthy of a true gentleman." For example, in Sparta, on a campaign and in war, it was necessary to make do with easy-to-cook food, and in neighboring Athens they excelled in preparing an incredible festive dish: a tiny olive was baked inside a dove, a dove in a goat, a goat in a sheep, a sheep in a bull, then all this was roasted on a spit, and the most honored guest got that same olive ...

Nowadays, cuisine is becoming more and more international.

But many peoples are trying to preserve and develop their national culture, their customs, their way of life and their cuisine. You can mention the words of the author of the first cookbooks in Russia, E. Avdeeva, who wrote: “Without condemning either German or french cuisine, I think that for us, in all respects, our native, Russian, is healthier and more useful, what we are accustomed to, what we have got used to, what has been extracted by the experience of centuries, passed down from fathers to children and justified by the locality, climate, way of life. It is good to adopt someone else's, but one should not leave one's own, and one should always consider everything as the basis. The cuisine of the people is a part of their culture, and just like literature, painting, music and poetry, Russian cuisine has gone through a difficult historical path of development. It was constantly influenced by various currents and trends, the cuisines of neighboring peoples and nations. The most noticeable was the influence of Greek culinary art on Russian cuisine. It manifested itself especially strongly after Christianity was adopted in Rus' and our ties with Greece became permanent and fairly close.

history of culinary development

Many peoples attribute the discovery of new dishes to themselves, and this is absolutely true, because the culinary art of most peoples is the result of centuries of searching for this particular people. But at some point, most often when interethnic ties arise, the process of mutual borrowing begins, including in cooking.

history of culinary development

Development of national cuisines

occurred unevenly, some peoples ran ahead in their development, some lagged behind for some reason. Nutritional historians believe that the most perfect development of culinary art was achieved first among the Persians, the Assyro-Babylonians and the ancient Jews. While the neighbors of these peoples were quite content simple meals, which were dominated natural products with minimal processing. The cuisines of these peoples were already familiar with gourmet dishes and even distinguished by the splendor of the table. Greece, which was in close relations with these countries, was the first to resist advanced Eastern customs and mores in nutrition. The Greeks began to adopt the luxury and sophistication of the gastronomy of the East, and then even surpassed them. The Greeks were the first to perpetuate the beginning and flourishing of their culinary art: Hellenic doctors created culinary drawings, which contained dietary prescriptions and research results on the benefits and harms of certain foods, on the norms of their consumption; the first literary works on cooking were created, advice on the preparation of products, on their quality and use in nutrition, on certain groups of foods, on culinary secrets and cooks.

From the ancient texts on Greek cuisine

the work of Athenaeus is most notable. He writes a lot about chefs, leads long list prose writers who wrote about the culinary arts in antiquity and quotes from their books. Also wrote about Greek culinary art: the Stoic philosopher Chrysippus (3rd century BC), Artemidorus (author of dream interpretations), Semonaktides, Heraclids, Sophon, Epainetos, Parmenon, Glaukos. The Athenian Efidemos is the author of a poem about salted fish from the Black Sea. Matron gives a description of the dinner party in "Homeric expressions and actions." Important Information Plutarch, Dioscorides, Hippocrates report about cooking. Greek doctor Lenasey, who lived in the 70s. AD, described the duties of a cook, baker, cellar caretaker. They should be: immaculate (shameful), moderate and temperate, obliged to meticulously monitor their bodily purity.

IN Ancient Greece the kitchen was in charge of the female housewives and slaves, until the 4th century it was difficult to find a male cook. Male cooks participated only in large festive feasts.

history of culinary development

The nutrition of the ancient Greeks was modest. For example, regular lunch ancient Athenian was: 5 small meals standing on a large tray, which included following products: 2 sea ​​urchin, 10 shells, green or onion, a little salted sturgeon and a little sweet pie or biscuits. Another lunch option: boiled eggs, roast hare, small fried birds and honey biscuits. To stimulate the appetite, the Greeks slurped fish broth, later it was replaced by light snacks: eggs, oysters, shells, crayfish, salty fish with salad and herbs, vegetable oil, vinegar. Except fresh sea ​​fish The ancient Greeks were very fond of roast pork. After him came Domestic bird(chickens and geese), and then - a wild bird and a hare.

From ancient history

the fate of a certain Mytaikos, the first native of the Greek West, the author of one of the first cookbooks, is known. When he arrived in Sparta in the 6th century to exchange experience, he was simply expelled from the country, because he tried to accustom the Spartans to delicious food, and luxury in food was not honored even in the 6th century in Sparta.

In ancient Rome

culinary art flourished precisely with the help of Greek chefs. Cooks were respected, the prestige of the house depended on them.

During the Second Punic War, there were uprisings of cooks who subjugated some cities. Under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius, the first schools of culinary art were created, headed by the great cook Apicius. Some emperors were real gluttons. Under Vitellius, for example, a dish was prepared that cost a million sesterces, and this was a fortune. This dish consisted of the brains of pheasants, peacocks, flamingo tongues, liver and spleen of the rarest fish.

history of culinary development

At the end of the Middle Ages,

after a long stagnation, thanks to the active invasion oriental spices, gourmet cuisine continued its development. Italy, especially the south and Sicily, has become the cradle of gourmet cuisine.

Under King Louis XIV

the rise of culinary art in France began, and since then there has been an incessant culinary rivalry between these European countries. Not only professional cooks, but also scientists, philosophers, and statesmen took part in the development of culinary arts. The inventors of new dishes were Richelieu, Mazarin; Michel Montaigne is the author of The Science of Food. Even today, dishes invented by the composer Rossini are popular in Italian restaurants. The pride of France is the contribution to national cuisine Alexandre Dumas the father and the great Balzac.

history of culinary development

In the 19th century

cooking schools began to open again. Despite the fact that the British are not generally considered to be too partial to food, the first school appeared in England - the National Training School for Cooks. Most likely, the school was opened for economic reasons: due to the expansion of the network of small cafes and restaurants. Parisian cooking school, opened in 1891, had two departments: women's and men's. Women were taught free of charge home economics. Men studied for a fee - they comprehended the secrets of professional cooking. They were also taught the history of cooking, botany, modeling, drawing, accounting.

In the 90s of the 19th century, the First Practical School of Cooking Art, the School of Culinary Art and the School of Kitchen Art of Public Health Protection appeared in Moscow, Odessa and St. Petersburg. Russian cuisine of those times sacredly kept many traditions of Old Russian.

About the nutrition of the Slavs

in ancient times, the historian A. V. Tereshchenko in his book “The Life of the Russian People” writes: “Our ancestors, living in patriarchal simplicity, were content with very little: half-baked food, meat, roots and skins of wild or domestic animals satisfied their needs. Our ancestors did not know luxury for a long time. In the 11th century they still ate millet, buckwheat and milk; then they learned to cook dishes. He dates the beginning of culinary art in Rus' to about the 12th century. But, in addition, A.V. Tereshchenko reports that during the reign of Vladimir I there was no shortage of either fruits or tasty dishes: fish, game and meat were in abundance.

At the end of the X century in Rus'

grown fruit trees. Nestor and his contemporaries noted the abundance of various game and domestic animals. In the charter of Yaroslav, one can see that the Slavs learned to grind grain in hand mills very early - much earlier than the 11th century. Ancient sources testify that in the 10th century bread-baking was already widely developed in Rus'. At the same time they began to make kvass. An important role was played by pies - hearth from leavened dough and spun from unleavened. history of culinary development

The common people ate very moderately: regular food there were bread, kvass, salt, garlic, onions, honey, sometimes meat and fish. The historian N.M. Karamzin wrote in Russian Antiquity: “Schi, various stews, cereals, pies, ham and salted fish were the richness of Russian cuisine.” history of culinary development

Honey occupied a special place in the nutrition of the Slavs:

he was included in many dishes, he was eaten in in kind, kvass and sbiten were prepared from it. A honey broth was prepared with St. John's wort, saffron, mint, and later with bay leaves, ginger and capsicum. At honey drink rich historical past. In the old days, our ancestors were very proud of this drink: whoever could drink the most honey and not get drunk was considered indestructible. First, in the princely estates, then, with the advent of Christianity in Rus' and with the emergence of monasteries and other monasteries, with the advent of landlord estates, special mead cooks were engaged in cooking honey. The princes, some boyars and landowners had especially skillful mead makers. But the unsurpassed meadeurs were the monks and nuns. The famous monastery honeys have been surprising all foreigners without exception for centuries, causing them delight.

history of culinary development

Even before the introduction of Christianity

the Slavs were even familiar with delicacy "overseas" products, including spices. Pepper arrived from Constantinople and Bulgaria; almonds, coriander, anise, ginger, cinnamon were also supplied from there, Bay leaf, cloves, cardamom and other spices. IN various dishes in Rus', saffron was added, imported by eastern merchants, as well as garlic. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, onions and garlic were included in the list of products that residents were required to provide to scribes who compiled scribe books. history of culinary development

In Russia in the old days

very little salt was used. Perhaps ethnographic, but to a greater extent economic reasons influenced the assortment of Russian dishes. In addition to dishes from valuable fish species, pies and kvass, the Russian cuisine that Gilyarovsky describes in Moscow and Muscovites was already dominated by Western European dishes, which were available only to the wealthiest people. history of culinary development

France has had a significant influence on Russian cuisine.

First French chef, who left a noticeable mark in this area, was Antoine Karem, a student of the chef Napoleon - Lagupierre. A. Karem seriously studied the history of world culinary arts, knew the ancient Roman cuisine well. He established that the luxurious feasts of Pompey, Caesar and Lucullus consisted of extremely fatty and heavy dishes. Culinary historians call A. Karem a chef-philosopher. He left behind the book The Art of the French kitchens XIX century", in which he placed his aphorisms: "Cooking serves as a conductor of European diplomacy", "An experienced great diplomat should always have a good cook”, “A diplomat is the best connoisseur of a good dinner”, “Gastronomy always goes on a par with education”, “Lunches of the 19th century unite a diplomat, an artist, a writer and an artist”. A. Karem, based on his experience, argued: “A writer knows how to enjoy good gastronomy ... Poets love good lunch and praise the ambrosia… The gloomy philosopher pays little attention to gastronomy.” A. Karem was zealous about his cooking art and could not bear neglect. He even left the position of a cook at the court of the English King Henry IV, because he did not understand anything in the culinary arts. Because of his quarrelsome nature, he broke up with Talleyrand, and then with the Prince of Württemberg, Lord Stewood and the famous Rothschild. history of culinary development

In Russia

Karem was discharged by Prince Bagration, and then he became the personal chef of Alexander I. But because of the bad climate, he left St. Petersburg six months later and went on a trip to the West Indies. There he was captured by wild tribes, who were distinguished by "exorbitant gastronomic claims." After tasting Karem's sauces and stew, the natives proclaimed their captive king, and for many years he combined the duties of king and cook.

Missing Paris, Karem returned to France, where he died "on duty" - he gave a lesson in culinary art to his students.

A. Karem's successors in Russia were Jean Zhebon, Petit, Tyu, Gilta, Zhabon and other cooks of Nicholas I. They created the master's Russian cuisine. Some of them left talented Russian students. For example, a student of Jean Gebon, Mikhail Stepanov, who wrote several cookbooks, became a first-class cook.

When talking about the influence of French cuisine on Russian, this influence is often exaggerated. Along with exquisite French dishes the menu of even rich Russian people has always included masterpieces of Russian folk cuisine.

In our time

national Russian cuisine is the most diverse in the world. There are more than 60 types of cabbage soup in it! Each new dish needs to be mastered: it may not work right away. Cooking is not just called an art: it requires skill and patience.

Have you ever thought about the history of the dishes that we cook on weekdays and holidays? And who came up with our favorite recipes? Surely some of the stories of the dishes of the world will surprise you or at least make you smile.

star of antiquity

History of origin, Russian national dish, which is adored by foreigners, begins in antiquity. Similar round cakes were prepared in Egypt and China 4 millennia ago. But in Rus', pancakes appeared around the 9th-10th century. The very word “pancake” is a distortion from the verb “grind”, that is, cook from ground flour. And although the history of pancakes is often associated with Maslenitsa, they were originally considered a memorial dish.

Meat triumph

The French had a hand in the history of origin. They came up with a thick congealing broth with pieces of veal, pork and game. And they called this creation galantine. In the 18th century, when the Russian aristocracy was going crazy over everything French, it began to be served in best houses. According to another version, the history of development meat dish associated with the student. This dish based on thickened broth was considered the food of the poor for a long time, until it was tasted by the nobility.

Difficulties in translation

The history of lettuce is also connected with France. The legend says that during the time of Alexander I, the Frenchman Antoine Karem worked side by side with the court cooks. One day, when he saw them pour vinegar over a mixture of beets, potatoes, carrots, and pickles, he asked, puzzled, "Vinaigre" (vinegar)? Our craftsmen decided that the chef was suggesting the name of the salad, and nodded in unison: “Exactly, vinaigrette!”. That's where the vinaigrette came from in our country.

Concord salad

No less interesting is the history of the name "herring under a fur coat." Salad appeared in 1918, when political disputes broke out in Moscow taverns, turning into fights. The resourceful cook Aristarkh Prokoptsev prepared a reconciling dish “Fight and anathema to chauvinism and decline”, abbreviated as “Sh. W.B.A. The potatoes symbolized the peasants, the herring the workers, and the beets the revolution. Over time, the history of the recipe "Herring under a fur coat" was forgotten, but the name remained.

hearty gift

History says that they were invented by the ancient Chinese. In our country, the first to taste them were the inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals at the beginning of the 15th century. The name “pelnyan” (“pel” - ear, “nyan” - dough) was changed by Siberians into “dumpling”. Further history of creation cooking recipe associated with a kind of ritual sacrifice in the form of cattle. To ensure prosperity for the family, dumplings were made from three types of meat: pork, beef and lamb.

Recipe from a patron

The meat dish, whose history of origin dates back to the middle of the 19th century, is associated with the name of Count Alexander Stroganov. According to one version, the recipe was composed by the culinary specialist Andre Dupont for the elderly count, who had difficulty chewing food. According to another story, beef stroganoff was invented by the count himself for the " open tables". Any person from the street was allowed to these charity dinners, if he was neatly dressed and moderately educated.

Comedy with pigeons

A very confusing origin story. They are first mentioned in the comedy of Aristophanes, where in question O grape leaves with pork. However, in China there is a legend about how one clumsy sage fell into the river, and his students began to throw clods of rice in cabbage into the water to distract predatory fish. Another story of the origin of cabbage rolls is connected with pigeons baked on a grill. Over time, they were replaced with beef in a cabbage cocoon - and cabbage rolls arose.

Chicken from a snuffbox

Where did the name come from and what does tobacco have to do with it? Actually, nothing. It's all about a special wide tapa pan with a heavy flat lid that serves as oppression. The dish belongs to Georgian cuisine and in the original it sounds like “tsitsila tapaka” - hence the confusion. However, the subtleties of the history of the origin of chicken tobacco did not affect the recipe in any way. The carcass is cooked whole, adding cilantro, green onion and garlic.

Pasta battle

History, like many Italian dishes originates in antiquity. The ancient Greeks and later the Romans baked the thinnest cakes and divided them into wide plates. In the Middle Ages, they were boiled with salt and combined with a thick layer of cheese. A little later, they began to put a mixture of fragrant herbs. However, the history of the lasagna dish haunts the British, who claim that it was first prepared at the court of King Richard II.

Present for the wedding

The history of origin of which dates back centuries, is the most famous Tatar dessert. This sweet noodles always prepared for weddings and big holidays. Marriable girls rolled out and cut the dough, married girls fried it, and the most experienced ones were engaged in viscous pouring. The history of chak-chak shows that the recipe has not changed much and to this day includes flour, eggs, milk, butter and honey. But the form can be any: from a simple mound to funny figures.

We hope this short culinary and historical digression was informative and told something new about familiar dishes. And now you will cook them with skill.
