
A meat dish of French cuisine invented by an Englishman. Making an excursion into the history of cooking, in an endless series of dish names you can find the names of famous writers

It seems that no national cuisine has been subjected to such criticism as English. And in order to dispel this myth, we decided to quote from an essay by the great English writer George Orwell (George Orwell, real name Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950), who set out to put an end to such injustice by publishing in 1945 the famous essay "In protection of English cuisine Addresses of the most popular and famous restaurants in London can be found in the section.

What is the traditional food of the British?

English breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausages, oatmeal (Porridge), toast with butter, jam (also called marmalade), orange juice. Smoked herring (Kippers) is often eaten for breakfast. All this, of course, washed down with plenty of tea or coffee.

Lunch or early lunch. One of the traditional lunch dishes is baked meat with vegetables and potatoes (Cornish Pasties) or stewed meat in a pot (Hotpot) - this can be lamb, pork or chicken.

Tea. English tea drinking is the most traditional event. But it does not happen at five o'clock (five o "clock), but at 16.00, in some establishments it is served from 15.00 to 17.00. At this time, the whole country drinks tea. This tradition is offered to be followed in many old hotels (Ritz Hotel, Brown " s Hotel, Dorchester Hotel). Tea treats are very diverse. Of the traditional - triangular sandwiches with cucumbers (Cucumber Sandwich); impressive-sized shortbread pastries (Scones), on which very thick cream and jam are spread. And many more muffins, buns, types of cookies, not to mention the incredible number of teas that are drunk with milk, cream and without everything, enjoying the natural taste.

Dinner. By far the most popular English dinner meal is roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. A hefty piece of beef is baked in the oven along with potatoes, onions, garlic and vegetables. Pudding is made from a mixture of eggs, flour, with the addition of milk and the juice of fried meat.

In conclusion, a few more traditional dishes should be mentioned in addition to the above.

Lancashire Hotpot - lamb and black pudding with potato slices, baked over low heat.

Suit Pudding - veal kidneys or meat baked in a dough mixed with kidney fat.

Fish and Chips - pieces of fish fillet fried in breadcrumbs with fried potatoes and pickled cucumbers - a delicious thing from the category of fast food. Eat at any time, serve almost everywhere. Haggis is the dish mentioned by Orwell in the above essay. A mixture of oatmeal and giblets (heart, liver, intestines) is boiled in a sheep's stomach. It is usually served with mashed turnips and potatoes.

Shepherd's Pie (Shepherd's pie) - a potato casserole where minced meat is made from lamb with onions, garlic and celery.

Sweet puddings are the obligatory completion of a traditional meal; Sherry Trifle, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Sticky Toffee Pudding are just some of the long list.

If you want to taste traditional English dishes, it is better to go to the pub.

Chicken roll with cheese and nuts: composition chicken breast - 500 gr. hard cheese - 100 gr. walnuts - 100 gr. egg - 1 pc. breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. tablespoons salt, pepper - to taste. Chicken roll with cheese and nuts: cooking method Beat off the chicken breast. Cheese cut into cubes. Walnuts […]

Quick filling: composition 1 kg of bones, 4 liters of water, 500 g of ham, 1 pack of gelatin and 1-2 carrots. 2-3 onions, 1 parsley root, 2-3 bay leaves. 3 eggs, 3-5 peas of allspice, parsley, salt to taste. Quick aspic: cooking method Boil the bones with carrots, parsley root, allspice and bay leaf. Ready broth is filtered, gelatin, […]

Aspic tongue: composition 600 g of the tongue, 2-3 liters of water, 150 g of meat jelly, 5 hard-boiled eggs and 1 onion, 1 parsley root, 1 bunch of dill, 3 bay leaves, 6 allspice peas, salt to taste. Aspic tongue: cooking method Beef tongue is washed, soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, periodically changing the water. Cooked in […]

Pork in a pot: composition 200 g pork belly, 1 liter of water 2 potato tubers, 1 carrot, half a turnip. 2 parsley roots, 1 onion, 2 pickles, 1 bay leaf. 1 bunch of parsley, 6 peas of allspice, salt to taste. Pork in a pot: cooking method Pork belly is cut into small pieces, placed in a pot of […]

Piglet in aspic with lemon: composition Piglet carcass, 3-4 liters of water, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root and celery. 1 lemon, 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Piglet in aspic with lemon: cooking method Boil the carcass of a pig in salt water with roots, cool, cut into small pieces and put into molds. Garnish with lemon and carrot slices. […]

Marinated chicken baked in batter: composition 300 g chicken fillet, 2 liters of water, 2 eggs, 2 onions and 3 garlic cloves. 1 bunch parsley, 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, Citric acid on the tip of a knife, salt and pepper to taste. Marinated chicken baked in batter: cooking method Chicken fillet […]

Chicken in jelly: composition 400 g of chicken, 1 glass of water, 1 pickled red pepper, 2 pickles. 2 onions, 1 teaspoon gelatin, salt and pepper to taste. Chicken in jelly: cooking method The processed chicken is rubbed with salt and pepper, fried until golden brown and cooled. The chicken is then garnished with pickled peppers, chopped onion rings, salted […]

Turkey stuffed with veal liver: composition Turkey carcass, 450 g veal liver, 100 g boiled veal tongue and 1 onion. 1 carrot, 6 truffles, 1 bay leaf, 2 slices of white bread and 7 allspice. In addition, 1 celery root and parsley, 1 glass of milk and 1 glass of red wine. 0.5 cup melted butter […]

French cuisine is world renowned. The city is considered the culinary capital of France. But in all corners of this country there are dishes that are truly proud of. We offer you to get acquainted with the most famous representatives of the French culinary tradition.

  • Cassoulet

This traditional dish from the region is made with white beans and meat. The dish got its name from the name of the terracotta dish (kassol) in which it was prepared. According to legend, cassoulet appeared in the city of Castelnaudary during the Hundred Years War (1337 - 1453). During the siege by the British, the inhabitants of this city were forced to cook together from all that was left in stocks in order to feed their defenders. And there were beans and meat. A beautiful version, which, however, is refuted by historians, because beans appeared on the European continent only in the 16th century. If the dish was cooked, then, most likely, from beans. This story highlights the characteristics of the dish: it is made from leftovers and is very nutritious.

  • Ragout of white veal meat with white sauce - blanquette de veau

A traditional French dish of boiled veal, carrots and white sauce. It got its name from the white color of the sauce (in French "blanc"). In principle, any white meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, pork) can be used to prepare this dish. But it is veal that is considered classic. A well-known literary character - Commissioner Maigret - was a lover of this stew.

  • Ratatouille

A typical dish of Provencal and cuisine. Initially, ratatouille was called a stew of prefabricated vegetables. "Rata" in military jargon meant a mixture of beans and potatoes, then various vegetables, bread and meat. The classic ratatouille recipe features eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes, onions, garlic and olive oil. There are two methods of preparing this dish: all vegetables are cooked at once together or each separately. Usually ratatouille is served as a side dish, but it can also be an independent dish.

  • Frog legs - cuisses de grenouilles

Frogs are eaten not only in France, but it is in France that, according to statistics, they are eaten the most. And the closest neighbors of the French - the British, and after them the rest of the world - call them frogs (Frog-eaters, froggies). Frogs appeared on the tables of the French elite in the 16th century. There are many ways to cook and serve, such as with garlic sauce and parsley.

  • Croque-monsieur sandwiches

The title translates as "Eat Man". This is a type of hot sandwich with ham and (most often the Emmantal variety), fried in a pan or oven, or in a special apparatus. It seems that for the first time such a sandwich appeared in 1910 in the menu of one of the Parisian cafes on the Boulevard des Capuchins. The origin of the name is unknown, several versions are put forward, according to one of which the cafe owner Michel Lunarka, who invented this sandwich, started a joke that there was human meat in the sandwich. The fact was that his new cafe became very popular very quickly, and competitors, wanting to spoil Michel's reputation, spread the rumor that he was a cannibal. On the birthday of the sandwich, the cafe ran out of baguette, and the sandwich was made on bread. When the customer asked what kind of meat was inside, this was the answer.

One of the varieties of the sandwich is “Eat Woman” (Croque-madame), fried eggs are placed on top of it.

  • Potato casserole - gratin dauphinois (gratin dauphinois)

Traditional French dishes from the Dauphine region. The first official mention of it was recorded in 1788 in the description of a dinner given to the officers of the city of Gap by the Duke of Clermont-Thonaire Charles-Heinrich, who at that time served as Lieutenant General Dauphine. To prepare this dish, a special type of potato is chosen, always yellow and well-boiled. Garlic, milk/cream or sour cream is added to the dish.

  • Beef Bourguignon - boeuf bourguignon

This is a representative of the kitchen. Prepared on red Burgundy wine, with the addition of mushrooms, onions and lard. There are numerous options for combining meat with a side dish. It can be potatoes, carrots, green beans, pasta. Initially, it was a festive, then Sunday dish of the Burgundian peasants.

  • Braised beef with vegetables - pot-au-feu (pot-au-feu)

One of the emblematic dishes of French cuisine. This is a dish of long-cooked beef broth flavored with vegetables and herbs. To prepare the dish, invaluable pieces of beef are taken (they require a long cooking time, hence the long cooking time): shank, cheeks, thighs, shoulder blades, etc., as well as pieces with cartilage, vegetables (carrots, turnips, leeks, potatoes, celery , onion) and spices (herbs, black pepper, cloves).

  • Pie in Lorraine - quiche lorraine (quiche lorraine)

A variant of the savory pie from the kitchen. It is prepared from shortbread or puff pastry, from eggs and bacon cooked with sour cream. The pie is recommended to be eaten hot. A very popular dish in France, which can be easily found even in a bakery.

  • bouillabaisse

Traditional Marseille dish. This is a fish soup that is eaten with croutons smeared with garlic oil. This dish was prepared back in Ancient Greece at the time when it was just founded (7th century BC). It was the food of the common people, fishermen and peasants. The fish that remained at the bottom of the fishing nets came across in the soup. And today it is a "serious" dish: the fish is cooked in a broth with the addition of wine, olive oil and even saffron. Bouillabaisse is served twice: first as a broth with croutons grated with garlic and a special sauce; then like a fish. Fish species traditional for bouillabaisse, which should be perfectly fresh: sea ruff (la rascasse), sea dragon (la vive), dory (le saint-pierre), sea eel (le congre), sea bream (la daurade), marlin (le merlin), monkfish (la lotte de mer), gurnard (le grondin). In Marseille, there is even a "Charter bouillabaisse" - this is a detailed classic recipe to keep the dish unchanged. In fact, there are also unscrupulous restaurateurs who, under the name buaybes, sell any fish soup. Tourists need to be on their guard, especially in restaurants near the old port.

  • Rooster in wine - coq au vin

A classic French dish that appeared during the conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar. According to legend, the head of one of the Gallic tribes, in order to make fun of the Romans besieging him, sent them to the emperor a rooster - a symbol of the courage of the Gauls. In response, Caesar invited the Gaul to dinner, during which a rooster cooked in wine was served. Traditionally, the dish is prepared from a rooster (or chicken) cut into pieces, small onions, garlic cloves, bacon, good quality red wine, herbs, carrots, mushrooms, parsley. As a side dish, boiled potatoes or pasta are served with it.

  • Fondue

This is a Savoyard dish made from melted cheese and bread. It is made with cheeses produced in the region: Comté, Beaufort, Savoy Gruyère or Savoyard Emmantal. Together with the rapid development of alpine tourism in the 1950s. Fondue becomes popular throughout France. Eating fondue is a whole ritual. Small pieces of bread on special long forks are dipped in cheese melted in white wine. Cheese melting takes place in a special saucepan, which is heated from below.

  • Burgundy snails - escargot (escargots de Bourgogne)

Traditional snail dish helix pomatia. Prepared for family holidays and Christmas. Man has been eating snails since time immemorial. Helix pomatia snails are found in eastern France and central Europe. In France, up to 30 thousand tons of snails are consumed annually. It should be noted that in view of the threat of extinction of snails in France, a law has been passed to protect them, regulating the collection of this animal. The snails are baked in their house with garlic butter and chopped parsley. They are served in a dozen or 6 pieces with special devices.

  • Foie gras

The famous holiday dish. Prepared from duck or goose liver, birds are specially grown and fattened. France is the largest producer and consumer of foie gras. The technology of fattening poultry for the production of liver was invented in Ancient Egypt, transferred to Ancient Rome through Ancient Greece. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the production of foie gras remained in the Jewish communities, as Jews used the liver for frying (it was forbidden for them to fry meat in butter, and olive oil was difficult to obtain). Now foie gras is a traditional dish of the festive feast. Usually served cold and as an appetizer.

Making an excursion into the history of cooking, in an endless series of dish names, you can find the names of famous writers. The great chefs of the past named their culinary masterpieces after the writers, and some dishes received a “literary name” because they were preferred by gourmet writers.

The great culinary specialist of the last century, Auguste Escoffier, liked to give his dishes the names of famous personalities, including writers. In his "Culinary Guide" you can find beef Saute “Tolstoy”, scrambled eggs tunya “Balzac”, jelly “Maupassant” and etc.
Charles Ranhofer, chef at the iconic Delmonico restaurant, prepared for Charles Dickens' visit to New York in 1867 veal pie a la Dickens” and “beet pancakes a la Dickens”. The menu of his restaurant also included "Dumas salad".
The signature omelette by Chef Jean Baptiste Virlogeux of the London restaurant Savoy was named after the English writer Arnold Bennett (you can see the recipe for it here).

And do you know that dessert in the form of tubes with whipped cream or cream in Austria they call ... " Schiller's curls” (Schillerlocken)?

Such an unusual name is associated with a portrait of Friedrich Schiller, painted by the artist Anton Graff in 1786. Copies and engravings from the painting were widely distributed at the end of the 18th century and gave the name to the popular dessert. Now this portrait is in the Dresden Kügelgenhaus Museum.

Now we offer you 3 prescriptionnamed dishes, from which you can make an original “literary lunch” with dessert.

1. Yokai soup

bean soup"Jokai" got its name in honor of the classic of Hungarian literature Mora Jokai (1825 - 1904). A popular novelist and one of the most influential figures in Hungarian literature of the 19th century, he wrote more than 110 novels, short stories, plays and poems during his long creative life. The most famous in his heritage are “Hungarian nabob”, “Zoltan Karpaty”, “Sons of a man with a stone heart”, “Nameless Castle”, “Golden Man”. His short story "Saffy" formed the basis of the operetta "The Gypsy Baron" by Johann Strauss.
At home, Mor Yokai is known not only as a literary classic, but also as a fine connoisseur of good cuisine. Yokai's wife, the famous dramatic actress Róza Benke Laborfalvi, loved to cook and often pampered her husband and his guests with hearty and delicious meals. One of Mora Yokai's favorite dishes was a soup made from beans according to a special recipe. It was this soup that got the name of the writer.
The recipe for Jokai bean soup is taken from the Small Hungarian Cookbook by Karoly Gundel, the founder of Magyar cooking. His cookbook became a bestseller and went through 40 reprints in 20 languages.

Yokai Soup Ingredients ”:
180 gr beans
300 gr smoked sausage
smoked pork leg - 1 pc.
1 medium onion
1 st. l flour
3 tbsp pork fat
3 gr paprika
1-2 carrots
1 tomato
150 gr green pepper
150 gr sour cream
parsley root, bay leaf
Garlic to taste
30 gr chipette ( homemade soup dough)

Rinse the beans thoroughly and soak overnight. Pork leg pour about 1.5 liters of water and cook until it becomes completely soft.
The next day, remove fat from the surface of the broth in which the leg was boiled and fry in it.
sliced ​​carrots and parsley root. Add beans to them (along with the water in which they were soaked) and the broth in which the pork leg was cooked. Season with bay leaf, a little garlic, finely chopped green pepper and tomato and cook with the lid closed. Salt, as a rule, is not necessary, because. smoked pork broth is very salty.
Fry the sausage and cut it into thin circles. In sausage fat, make a white dressing, add finely chopped onion and, at the last moment, paprika. Pour the dressing into the soup when the beans in the soup are soft.
Mix sour cream with a spoonful of flour and add to the soup, then put the cap and sausage circles in the same place. Let it boil again.
Before serving the soup, cut the meat from the pork leg into small cubes and arrange on plates.
If the soup is too sour, you can add a little sugar to it.

Chipetka ( homemade soup dough )

Name chipette test comes from the Hungarian word “chipkedni”, which means - pluck. To prepare such a dough, you will need 80 grams of flour, 1 egg and salt.
Knead a stiff dough from flour, eggs and salt (without water). Roll it out on a floured board into a sheet about 1 mm thick, then pinch off shapeless pieces about the size of a fingernail from it with floured hands. Boil these pieces in a boiling soup. When the chips are ready (after 3-4 minutes), they float to the surface.
(More about personalized soups can be read).

The Chateaubriand steak is named after Viscount Francois René de Chateaubriand (1768 - 1848), a writer and diplomat who entered the literary pantheon of France as the first representative of romanticism. The influence of Chateaubriand on French literature is enormous (“ I want to be Chateaubriand or nothing once proclaimed the young Victor Hugo).

The “father of romanticism” got into the history of cooking thanks to the juicy steak named after him. There is a legend that recipe beef steak invented by the viscount's personal chef in 1822, when Chateaubriand served as ambassador to London.

According to legend, the steak was prepared by frying several steaks stacked one on top of the other over an open fire. When the outer steaks were charred, they were simply thrown away. This method ensured that the steak cooked evenly and retained its juiciness. It is interesting that such a recipe was used - a brilliant artist and, moreover, a skilled chef.
Served with Chateaubriand steak sauce from white wine, demi-glace, shallots, lemon juice and tarragon, also called “chateaubriand”, and as a side dish - oval-shaped potatoes no larger than an olive (!), fried in oil.
Now Chateaubriand is prepared from a large piece of tenderloin up to 1.5 kg, which is served whole and slices are cut off from it already on the table. The second cooking option is a piece of beef tenderloin at least 5 cm thick (“ two fingers”) are fried in a very hot pan for 2 minutes. on each side, and then bring to readiness in the oven. Before cooking, the meat can be marinated in olive oil with a little pepper for several hours.

3. Cake (cake) Runeberg

Cake or Runeberg cake - traditional Finnish dessert in the form of a cylindrical cake with sugar icing and raspberry jam. It got its name in honor of the Finnish national poet Johan Ludwig Runeberg (1804–1877). He entered the history of Finnish literature as an epic and lyric poet, and the author of the national anthem. During his lifetime, he became the first great man of Finland. Runeberg's popularity is so widespread that the poet's birthday on February 5 is celebrated as a national holiday.
There is a legend that the recipe for the popular cake was invented by the poet's wife, Frederika, although back in the 18th century, a similar dessert was prepared by confectioner Lars Asterius from the city of Porvoo. However, for the first time a cooking recipe runebergintorttu was published in 1850, in a book of home furnishing advice written by the poet's wife. Johan Ludwig Runeberg himself considered the cake of his name to be the best breakfast and always supplemented it with a small glass of fragrant Finnish liqueur Punssi.

Runeberg cake recipe

1 egg
75 gr sugar
100 gr butter
50 ml cream
200 ml flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
50g chopped almonds (or walnuts)
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon Amaretto liqueur

Traditionally, cakes are baked in a special form in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 5 cm and a height of about 6–7 cm. As an alternative, cake pans are 5 cm in diameter and 5 cm in height.
Melt the butter and let it cool down a bit. Whip cream to soft peaks. Beat eggs with sugar, adding liqueur, melted butter and whipped cream.
Mix the dry ingredients and, adding to the butter - egg mass, knead the dough.
Lightly grease muffin tins and pour batter into them. Place the molds on a baking sheet and bake the cakes at 175 - 200°C for 15 - 20 minutes.
While the cupcakes are baking, make sugar syrup with 100ml sugar, 50ml water and 1 to 2 tablespoons of rum or cognac.
Mix raspberries and sugar (100 g raspberries - fresh or frozen and 50 g sugar), bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes. The mixture should be thick. You can use ready-made raspberry jam.
Prick the finished cupcakes with a toothpick and fill with warm syrup. Leave for 1-2 hours for the syrup to absorb.
Using a teaspoon, cut a small hole in each cake, filling it with raspberry jam and decorating with a circle of icing sugar.

8 chose

How are dishes with a Name born? Culinary masterpieces, over which the chef conjured, may be all his life or successful on a whim or by chance. Dishes named after their author or a famous person who was the first to taste and appreciate their taste. Dishes whose names burn for themselves, which have become a household name in the world of culinary. Dessert pie with apples named after the queen, salad named after the Great Mademoiselle, imperial cake, pizza and cocktail with the same female name, dessert named after the great Russian ballerina - do you recognize them? All of them at one time were masterfully prepared from carefully selected or handy ingredients, but flavored with the same seasoning - the Talent of their creator.

Beth a la Count Stroganov

The popular dish of beef stroganoff literally translates as beef stroganoff. The accessory version of the dish is somewhat. According to one of them, it was named after Count P. A. Stroganov (1772–1817). The author of the dish was the count's chef, who did not disgrace his master - his dish penetrated the world cuisine through diplomacy. having won the hearts of gourmets of the early 19th century and forever settled in the cookbooks of the current century. According to another version, the dish was invented by the French chef Andre Dupont, who served with another count, Stroganov Alexander Grigorievich (1795-1891), and prepared it for an elderly owner who lost his teeth by old age. According to the third, beef stroganoff was served at the table of the same count in Odessa, where he arranged "open tables" for his guests.

Hemingway Drinks and Edda Victor Cocktail

Ernest Hemingway knew a lot about strong drinks, the proportions of their mixing and flavor combinations of their different varieties. He authored several signature cocktails: Champagne Hemingway (Death at Noon), Death in the Gulf Stream, Hemingway Daiquiri and Hemingway's Hammer. The first is a skillful mixture of cold champagne and absinthe, the second is a mixture of gin and lime juice, the third is made from grapefruit juice with liqueur.

The original liquor named after its author Literary agent Ed Victor can be tasted in this place - London's Ivy Cafe. The recipe is kept secret. But it is known that according to the idea of ​​the author of the drink, its color should be like sunrise in the tropics.

Bennett omelette

The signature omelette of the chef of the Savoy Hotel was so fond of the English writer Arnold Bennet that he asked for it for breakfast whenever and wherever he stopped.

Apparently, the hotel's chef shared with the writer the secrets of preparing a complex omelette with smoked fish and several varieties of cheese.

Rockefeller oysters

In one of the oldest restaurants in America, Uanutana, you can try a dish whose recipe is known only to the chef of the restaurant. For many years, the recipe for Rockefeller Oysters, invented by the son of the first owner of the restaurant, Jules Alchitore, in 1889 and named after the richest man in the country, has been kept secret for many years.

eggs benedict

Eggs can be boiled, fried or beaten. And you can cook eggs Benedict! In fact, this is a whole sandwich, which includes the freshest eggs cooked in a special way. Who was the first to cook this dish? Whether it happened at the Waldorf Hotel, where, as he himself admitted, the broker Lemuel Benedict wandered off with a severe hangover, asking for a sandwich with a boiled egg, hollandaise sauce and bacon. The head waiter of the restaurant liked the idea of ​​the new dish so much that it was immediately included in the menu. Or was the original sandwich invented by the chef of the Delmonico’s restaurant in New York, some Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, restaurant regulars who knew by heart and asked for something new? One way or another, but today we will try to cook this intricate dish, so simple in appearance and so original in taste! The main condition is that the eggs must be very fresh.

Eggs "Benedict"

You need (for one serving):

  • 8 toasts (or 4 buns cut in half)
  • 8 slices bacon (or smoked salmon)
  • butter
  • green onion
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 teaspoons 6% vinegar

for the sauce:

  • 3 raw yolks
  • 200 g butter
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • salt, pepper to taste


Cook the eggs one by one: gently break the shell and release the egg into a small bowl. Pour about 3 cm of hot boiled water into a small saucepan, add salt and vinegar. Gently lower the egg into the water and cook for 1 minute (the protein should harden and the yolk remain liquid). Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and carefully transfer to a plate. Prepare the following. For the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan, mix the yolks with lemon juice separately. Put the bowl with the yolks in a water bath, whisking constantly, gradually pour in the melted butter and continue to beat until the mass thickens. Fry the bacon a little on both sides. Fry toast or halves of buns on both sides, put bacon (salmon slices) on top, carefully place the egg, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.
