
How to cook dolma from grape leaves? Dolma recipe from grape leaves, photo. Video: Recipe for Turkish dolma from grape leaves

Dolma from fresh grape leaves is cabbage rolls, only minced meat is wrapped not in cabbage leaves, but in fresh grape leaves. Thanks to this, dolma is much more tender than cabbage rolls. This dish has a piquant sourness and amazing aroma, which even the most sophisticated guest cannot resist. In our recipe, we will tell you how to cook dolma from fresh grape leaves in Uzbek style.

If you use fresh grape leaves, then they must first be washed in cold water, then poured with boiling water and left for 4 minutes, and if salty, then we advise you to pour them with warm water and leave overnight to let the salt come out. There are also canned grape leaves, but no matter what leaves you use to make dolma, you must remove the cuttings from them. To make the filling acquire a unique taste, we will add a little dried apricots.

Minced meat for the filling is prepared from lamb, but in our opinion it can be any, in our recipe we used mixed minced meat: beef - 70%, pork - 30%. The total cooking time was 1 hour 30 minutes. Dolma made from fresh grape leaves is a worthy dish that everyone should try. Read our step by step recipe and cook with us.


  • Minced meat - 400 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Dried apricots - 2 Art. l.
  • Grape leaves - 300 gr.
  • Rice - 100 gr.
  • Greenery
  • Spices

How to cook dolma from fresh grape leaves

Step 1

Pour the dried apricots with water and leave for a few minutes. Pass the onion through a meat grinder and add to the minced meat.

Step 2

Also add pre-boiled rice, finely chopped greens and salt to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3

We wash the grape leaves in cold water, tear off the cuttings and scald with boiling water, leave in hot water for 4-5 minutes. Put the minced meat on the bottom edge of the sheet and carefully wrap it.

Step 4

We completely lay the bottom of the cauldron with grape leaves, put dolma tightly on top and add dried apricots. Then we press all the contents on top with a plate and fill it with water so that it covers the dolma with water.

We put the cauldron on a slow fire and cook for 50 minutes.

Dolma from fresh grape leaves, the recipe of which I offer you, may seem difficult to prepare for someone. In fact, everything is simple. Dolma - miniature cabbage rolls made from minced meat, rice and vegetables, wrapped in grape leaves. Prepare almost the same way. In Moldova, not a single holiday, not a single feast is complete without this national dish. A plate with cabbage rolls gets empty very quickly, even despite the abundance of hot and cold appetizers, salads, so they always cook with a solid supply, in a large cauldron. Every housewife knows how to cook dolma, and each housewife has her own filling recipe, but usually there are only three ingredients: rice, minced meat and vegetables. They also put a lot of greens, black pepper, sometimes tomato sauce, and fill the cabbage rolls with salted water. During cooking, grape leaves give their unique sour taste to the gravy, so nothing but salt is added to the water. And so that the cabbage rolls do not stick together during cooking, each layer is sprinkled with vegetable oil.
For dolma, grape leaves of the same size are selected, about the size of a palm and not very carved. The grape variety is not important, the main thing is that there are no pimples on the reverse side, and the leaves themselves are not damaged.

How to cook Moldovan-style dolma from fresh grape leaves


- fresh grape leaves - 80-90 pieces;
- minced meat - 400 gr;
- rice (dry cereal) - 1 cup;
- carrots - 1 large;
- onions - 2-3 onions;
- greens of cilantro, celery, parsley - in a bunch;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - 1-1.5 teaspoons (to taste);
- vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Pour rice washed in several waters into a cauldron and pour cold water in a ratio of 1: 1 (how much rice is how much water). You need to cook it until half cooked, so that the inside of the rice remains dense.

Sort the grape leaves, cut off the stems. Rinse each on both sides under running water.

Put 15-20 leaves in a bowl, pour boiling water for a minute. Take out the leaves with a slotted spoon. Lay out the next batch and so on until all the leaves are scalded. The color will change from bright green to olive, the leaves will become soft. Now they are ready for stuffing, let them cool, and we will prepare the filling. We do not pour out the water in which the leaves were located, it will be needed to fill the cabbage rolls.

Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a fine or coarse grater. Pour half of the required amount of oil into a deep frying pan (the rest will go to lubricate the cabbage rolls). Fry the vegetables in oil until soft, first the onion, and when it is a little browned, add the carrots.

The rice is steamed, put it in a bowl, knead it so that it becomes crumbly.

Dolma in Moldavian is prepared from any minced meat. It can be mixed pork and beef, lamb, only pork (not lean), or only beef. This is different from other dolma recipes that do not use pork.

Add minced meat and fried vegetables along with oil to the rice. We mix.

Finely chop any greens to your liking, add salt and ground pepper to the filling. Mix everything again and leave for a few minutes.

Lay the prepared leaves on a table or board with the ribbed side up. Put in a teaspoon of filling.

We wrap the edge, then one side (the one that will be from below), so that the filling is closed on both sides.

We turn it into a tube, push the free edge of the sheet with a finger inside, closing the filling. Cabbage rolls are small, no bigger than a matchbox.

At the bottom of the cauldron we lay cabbage leaves or pour a little vegetable oil. We spread a layer of cabbage rolls, pour oil, again a layer of cabbage rolls and so on until the cauldron is filled.

Salt the water left from the steamed leaves to taste. Fill the cabbage rolls, covering them completely.

Place an upside down plate on top. We put on low heat, wait until they begin to boil, make the minimum fire and cover with a lid. Dolma will be ready in 35-40 minutes.

Unlike stuffed cabbage in cabbage leaves, there is no gravy in dolma, it is all absorbed during cooking. Instead of gravy, dolma is served with thick homemade sour cream or with

Dolma is a type of stuffed cabbage wrapped in grape leaves. Grape leaves are a classic casing for dolma, and for stuffing for dolma, it is best to use lamb or prepare a mixture of beef and lamb.

How to cook dolma is known in almost all countries that were under the Ottoman yoke. They also know how to cook dolma in Ukraine and Russia, only this dish is called cabbage rolls.

What is dolma made of?

1. Pickled grape leaves - 40-50 pieces
2. Minced lamb (lamb with beef) - 500 grams
3. Onion - 2 onions
4. Rice - 100-150 grams
5. Parsley, cilantro, thyme, mint - a small bunch
6. Garlic - 2 heads
7. Salt and pepper to taste

Dolma - cooking recipe:

And now let's go directly to the recipe for making dolma. To prepare it, you need grape leaves, the minced meat itself and the sauce with which the dish is served.

Grape leaves for dolma:

For dolma, either fresh grape leaves or pickled ones are used.

If you decide to cook dolma from fresh grape leaves, then first rinse them, and only then pour boiling water over them and leave for 5-6 minutes.

If fresh leaves are not available to you, then you can purchase salted grape leaves.

If you purchased them, then soak them before using salted leaves. Just fill with enough warm water and leave overnight. During this time, excess salt should be removed from them.

If you could not find either fresh or salted leaves, then buy canned grape leaves in the store or in the bazaar.
Whichever option you use for dolma, in any case, before the cooking process, cut off the stalk from each of the leaves.

Sauce for dolma:

Ideally, dolma is served with matsoni sauce. But my family loves my own recipe sauce. To prepare the sauce, I mix sour cream and mayonnaise and add garlic and finely chopped greens. I mix it all up well. And the dolma sauce is ready.

How to do dolma:

1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil until half cooked. While the rice is cooking, pass the onion and meat through a meat grinder, add chopped herbs and spices to your liking.

Rice, already boiled until half cooked, rinse with cold water and add to the prepared minced meat. Then mix everything well. The filling for our dolma is ready.

2. Lay out the grape leaf on a cutting board. Put about 30 grams of minced meat on top of it (this is about 1 tablespoon) and fold the sheet with the filling into an envelope

3. Choose a pot for cooking dolma with a thick bottom. Cover the bottom of the pot completely with a layer of grape leaves. Then to each other, lay out dolma in dense layers.

Top the dolma again with a layer of grape leaves.

4. Now fill the contents of the pan with water so that the water is at the level of the upper grape leaves. If you use fresh grape leaves, then the water must be slightly salted.
Leave the dolma to languish over low heat for about 50-60 minutes.

5. Serve the finished dolma on the table hot, after decorating it with herbs and sauce.

Watch the video recipe for making dolma.

Ever since the existence of the Ottoman Empire, dolma in grape leaves has been a part of the Sultan's cuisine and one of its brightest representatives. The recipe has survived to this day almost unchanged.

Many peoples are still heatedly debating about who came up with the idea of ​​stuffing grape leaves, cabbage and vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplant. The Greeks insist on its Greek origin, calling the dish “dolmas”, the Armenians and Georgians appropriate the appearance of this dish for themselves, calling it “tolma”, the Uzbeks called it “dulma”. There is also the possibility that dolma originated in Turkish cuisine due to its rich culinary traditions. The presence of this dish is typical for many countries that succumbed to Turkic influence. During the conquests, the Turks significantly enriched and diversified the cuisines of many countries with original culinary innovations.

In any case, according to many sources, the recipe for dolma in grape leaves was developed for elite cuisine, as it contains a number of different cooking techniques, requires certain cooking skills and the ability to harmoniously combine various ingredients in one dish.

Dolma recipe from grape leaves in Armenian

To prepare dolma you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • 100 g round rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 0.5 chili peppers;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 30-35 large grape leaves;
  • 5 sprigs of cilantro, parsley;
  • a pinch of dried basil, tarragon;
  • 0.5 tsp. grains of coriander and zira;
  • 30 g butter;
  • salt pepper.

Traditionally, Armenian-style dolma is served with a creamy garlic sauce or a thick fermented milk product - matsun, which can be replaced with homemade yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

To prepare the sauce you will need:

  • 200 ml cream;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3-4 sprigs of mint, parsley, cilantro.

Sauce preparation:

  1. Shredded fry in melted butter for 3 minutes over low heat.
  2. Pour cream in small portions and bring them to the state of "first bubbles". Switch off the stove.
  3. Finely chop the greens and mix it with cream.
  4. Salt the sauce to taste.

In traditional Armenian cuisine, in the process of preparing dolma from grape leaves, 3 types of meat are used for minced meat - lamb, beef, pork in equal parts. Also a serious point is the fact that the meat is not minced in a meat grinder, but chopped into small pieces with sharp knives.

Food preparation:

Dolma in grape leaves

Step by step recipe with photo:

For the filling of lean dolma (“pasuts tolma”), it is worth trying to use not only traditional rice, but also products such as lentils, chickpeas, small red beans, and wheat groats.

Dolma formation:

You can more clearly familiarize yourself with how to cook dolma from grape leaves and form it correctly by watching the video.

For stuffing, it is best to take young grape leaves harvested in spring, then the finished dolma will be tender and rough veins will not spoil the impression of the dish.

The formed bars should be laid tightly one to one in a deep pan with a thick bottom, lined with the remaining grape leaves (or put a plate upside down on the bottom of an ordinary pan) so that the dolma does not burn during the cooking process.

Next - pour salted boiling water to the level of the top layer of grape rolls (you can also use meat broth), add a piece of butter and cover with a heavy thick plate or put a load in the form of a can of water. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to simmer for about 1 hour. You can check for readiness by breaking one bar: the sheet should be easily separated, and the rice should be soft and cooked.

Ready dolma should be given time to rest and infuse. To do this, it is best to wrap the pan with a blanket and leave for 20 minutes.

Dolma in grape leaves can be easily cooked in a slow cooker, given the fact that it initially contains a non-stick bowl and is a thick-walled container.

The recipe for dolma from fresh grape leaves is almost the same as the recipe for pickled ones. The difference will be the only process - soaking canned leaves to get rid of excess acid. They do not need to be further boiled. It is only necessary to pour boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes.

Despite the fact that in Armenia annual festivals are held in honor of dolma with a demonstration of various culinary experiments (for example, serving a popular dish with mushroom, cherry, pomegranate sauces or walnut and pea fillings), it is no less famous in Azerbaijan, where dolma is also considered part of national cuisine.

The preparation of dolma from grape leaves in Azerbaijani style is different in that for the filling it is more traditional to use salted fish (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, etc.) rather than meat. If minced meat is used, then lamb is used for its preparation. In the summer, with an abundance of vegetables, mainly fruits and vegetables are stuffed - peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, quince, apples, as well as cabbage leaves, sorrel, figs. Azerbaijani dolma is seasoned with lemon or apple juice, nuts, various vegetable oils with many spices. About a dozen dishes in Azerbaijan contain the word "dolma" in their names.

Ready dolma should be served hot with sauce as an independent dish or cold as an appetizer with herbs. In any of the options, it will be a bright decoration of the table and its main extraordinary dish. Do not be afraid of a large number of processes for its preparation. Indeed, in terms of complexity, dolma is significantly inferior to the usual cabbage rolls - preparing cabbage leaves is much more time-consuming work than simply soaking grape leaves in water.

This is an international dish that people like to cook in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Iran and Greece. In each country, dolma is prepared according to special customs and recipes.

According to the method of preparation, it resembles cabbage rolls, but the filling is wrapped in young and soft grape leaves, and not in cabbage leaves.

You can use both fresh and prepared pickled leaves.

The traditional filling of dolma consists of rice cereal and meat. This dish is perfect for serving on a festive table.

Dolma in grape leaves - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of classic dolma, two types of grape leaves are used - ag shany and kara shany. They are suitable both fresh and rolled up for the winter. Rinse the leaves preferably with boiled water.

Any meat is used: beef, lamb or pork. For a more delicate taste, you can combine two types at once.

There should not be a lot of rice in dolma, otherwise the taste of the dish will be spoiled. Rice itself is desirable to use round grain.

One of the essential components of the dish is pakhla. You can replace it with lentils if you wish.

Before cooking dolma, the bottom of the pan should be covered with grape leaves so that the dish does not burn.

You can wrap "dolmishki" in cubes or a tube. Put them in an even layer in the pan. Pour water two fingers down.

In the Caucasus, dolma is served with katyk mixed with garlic. This fermented milk product can be replaced with sour cream.

Dolma in grape leaves - a classic recipe

480 g minced lamb;

350 g of fresh young grape leaves;

Half a glass of rice cereal;

One onion;

One bunch of green onions;

130 g sour cream;

70 g of tomato paste;

Glass of water;

Ground black pepper.

1. Rinse the grape leaves, cut off the rough parts and dry the leaves in the air or dry with a towel.

2. Peel, rinse and chop the onion.

3. Sort the rice if necessary, rinse and cook until half cooked, cool.

4. Mix minced meat with onion, rice, season with salt and ground pepper.

5. Stuff prepared grape leaves. To do this, spread the sheet on a table or cutting board, put a little minced meat on the top of the sheet, wrap the top of the sheet, then the right and left parts to the center and roll it down.

6. Fold the whole dolma tightly to each other in a saucepan, pour in a mixture of water, sour cream and tomato paste, simmer for about an hour and a half until cooked.

7. Prepare the sauce. To do this, fry the flour a little in a dry frying pan until a brownish tint is obtained, mix with the sauce remaining from the stew and pour this mixture over the dolma prepared for serving.

Dolma in grape leaves with vegetables

450 g lamb;

90 g of fat tail;

380 g fresh grape leaves;

Three red tomatoes;

Two eggplants;

One hot pepper;

Two bell peppers;

60 g butter;

A pinch of ground pepper.

1. Peel and wash the onion.

2. Grind lamb, fat tail and onion in a meat grinder.

3. Wash vine leaves well and cut off rough areas.

4. Transfer the minced meat to the pan and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. Season with salt, softened butter and ground pepper. Mix and leave to cool.

5. Wash and peel tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Remove seeds and stems from peppers. Place the peeled eggplants in a container with salted water to remove excess bitterness, then squeeze and dry a little, laying on a paper towel.

6. Cut the vegetables into cubes and simmer until half cooked.

7. Mix minced meat with vegetables, stuff grape leaves with them.

8. Place the resulting dolma in two layers in a saucepan or saucepan. Pour water into it (1-2 cm above the level of the dolma) and simmer for a little more than an hour.

Dolma in grape leaves with fish

Grape leaves fresh or salted;

30 g of rice cereal;

300 g fish fillet;

Vegetable oil;

3-4 st. l. lemon juice;

1 st. l. tomato paste;

200 g of water;

Ground white pepper.

1. Carry out the processing of grape leaves. To do this, cut off coarse veins and a twig from them. If the leaves are salty, you must first soak them in water.

2. Chop the fish fillet with a knife into small pieces or chop with a meat grinder.

3. Peel and finely chop the onion, saute with the addition of vegetable oil.

4. Rinse rice and boil until half cooked.

5. Mix chopped fish, onion and rice. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

6. Spread the minced meat on the grape leaves and twist them. You should get something similar to cabbage rolls.

7. Gently fold the fish dolma into a saucepan, pour over a mixture of water and tomato paste. Simmer over moderate heat for 35-45 minutes.

Dolma in grape leaves vegetarian

Two chicken eggs;

Grape leaves fresh young;

Four bulbs;

150 g of round rice;

One bunch of green onions;

One bunch of dill;

180 g of sorrel or fresh spinach;

One sprig of cilantro and mint;

100 g of kefir;

A glass of water or vegetable broth;

Vegetable oil;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

Ground pepper.

1. Carry out the processing of greens. Wash grape leaves and clean from rough areas. Soak green onions, dill, sorrel, cilantro and mint in a container with cool water, rinse and dry a little on a paper towel. Then chop the dried greens in a blender into gruel.

2. Rinse rice and boil a little.

3. Finely chop the onion.

4. Boil eggs, peel and finely chop.

5. Stir the cooked ingredients. Add some vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

6. Stuff the grape leaves with the prepared egg-vegetable mixture, fold into small envelopes. If the leaves are harsh, you can pre-scald them with boiling water and cool a little.

7. Put the dolma in a saucepan or a wide saucepan, pour in the broth or water and simmer until tender over moderate heat.

8. Prepare the sauce. To do this, peel and chop the garlic into a pulp and mix it with kefir and season with salt.

9. When serving, pour dolma with kefir sauce.

Dolma in beef grape leaves

grape leaves;

600 g of beef (neck part);

60 g of rice cereal;

One carrot;

One bulb;

A couple of celery stalks;

A couple of sprigs of parsley;

60 g butter;

Any vegetable oil;

Glass of water;

ground pepper;

Thick bio-yogurt without additives.

1. Rinse the rice grits and soak for a couple of hours in cool water.

2. Rinse the grape leaves, clean them from rough areas and veins, scald with boiling water and cool. If you are using pickled leaves, they should be rinsed in cold water.

3. Rinse the meat, dry and cut into small arbitrary pieces.

4. Peel the onion, wash and chop coarsely.

5. Grind meat and onions with a meat grinder.

6. Rinse the parsley and finely chop with a knife and add to the minced meat.

7. Separate the rice from the water with a sieve.

8. Peel, rinse and grate the carrots.

9. Wash, peel and cut the celery into small cubes.

10. Combine celery and carrots and fry a little in oil.

11. Put rice, salt, pepper, celery and carrots into minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

12. Stuff the grape leaves, put in a saucepan, add water, simmer for about an hour.

13. Before serving, pour over dolma with yogurt.

Dolma in grape leaves with pine nuts and currants

440 g canned grape leaves;

Ten bulbs;

350 g of rice cereal;

70 g parsley;

100 g olive oil;

40 g of pine nuts;

50 g dried blackcurrant;

12 g dried mint;

Four peas of allspice;

A pinch of ground black pepper;

a pinch of cinnamon;

A pinch of sugar;

Lemon juice;

1. Carry out the processing of products. Soak grape leaves in water for 12-15 minutes, dry. Peel and wash the onion. Rinse rice. Rinse the parsley and finely chop.

2. Finely chop the onion, transfer to a frying pan or stewpan, sauté in olive oil for 3-4 minutes. Add pine nuts, sauté for a few minutes. Throw in rice. Simmer until the rice is transparent.

3. Then add all the spices and parsley provided for in the list of ingredients to the pan. Mix. Add 80-90 g of boiling water and simmer with the lid closed over moderate heat until the rice swells. After that, transfer everything to a plate and cool at room temperature.

4. The filling prepared in this way is used for stuffing grape leaves.

5. Place the dolma in a wide saucepan, add lemon juice, a little olive oil and pour boiling water over it so that the water completely covers the entire dolma and is 1-2 cm higher than it.

6. Simmer for about an hour.

If you do not find grape leaves, you can replace them with quince or fig leaves.

Dolma will be very tasty if you add bell pepper or tomato to the filling.

To add flavor to the dish, be sure to put greens (cilantro or dill) in the dolma. It is advisable to cut them large.

Pepper, adava and mint will be good ingredients when preparing dolma in grape leaves. They will help bring out the taste of the dish even more.

If the minced meat is not going into a cutlet, then add an egg to it.

If the filling turned out dry, then add ghee to it.
