
Broken glass with cottage cheese. Dessert "Broken glass": gourmet cuisine for novice cooks

This excellent recipe cake " Broken glass» We advise you to try it on hot summer days when you want something sweet and cool. We will describe the options for making a cake called Broken Glass, there are several recipes with photos that you can use to cook this delicacy. In fact, this dessert consists of sour cream soufflé, which has inclusions of multi-colored jelly and pieces of biscuit. It is worth noting that instead of a biscuit, cookies are often used, and some generally prefer to make a dessert only from soufflé and jelly.

When the dessert is ready, it can be immediately cut into portions. The cake holds its shape perfectly after freezing, and the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces look very festive. The delicacy is quite simple to prepare, so you can cook it even with the kids. Below we will describe several options for preparing such an unusual cake.

Cake Broken glass - option one with biscuit

Ingredients for homemade biscuits:

Filling Ingredients:

  • jelly different color(you can shop) - 3 pieces (a glass of each color);
  • large tangerines - 2 pieces;
  • ripe kiwi - 3 pieces.

Base Ingredients:

  • fat sour cream from 25% - 965 grams;
  • gelatin in granules - 2 packs;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.

Biscuit making process:

Getting ready to start fluffy biscuit for the Broken Glass cake, according to the presented recipe with a photo step by step at home. To do this, take a cup into which they break six chicken eggs, this product whisk until a sufficiently stable foam is obtained.

Gradually, granulated sugar is added to this mass, and then the products are whipped again. The result should be a resistant and glossy mass.

Now a pack is added to this bowl vanilla powder and add flour in batches. Mix the dough from the bottom up, this makes it possible to get the most fluffy cake. If the hostess is not confident in her cooking abilities biscuit dough, then additional baking powder is added to the mass.

For baking, you can use any form, but better fit exactly round. She's lubricated butter and then the dough is poured into it. Baking is carried out at a temperature of at least 180 degrees, the baking process can last thirty minutes or more.

As soon as the cake is ready, it is removed from the mold and transferred to the wire rack to cool the biscuit.

Cooking jelly:

If already used finished jelly, then it is simply laid out from jars and cut into cubes. When for a cake called Broken glass, according to the presented recipe with a photo step by step with biscuit and fruit, jelly needs to be prepared, it is worth doing it in advance. To do this, powder jelly is poured necessary quantity water and then refrigerate.

When the jelly is ready, it is cut into cubes and transferred to a bowl. The plate is removed in the cold so that the jelly does not melt.

Filling preparation:

Now we are starting to prepare the filling, it is not difficult to do this, since the main product here is fatty sour cream. First of all, gelatin in granules is soaked, it is left for the time required according to the instructions so that the product has time to swell. Once this happens, you can move the cup to water bath, and wait until the gelatin dissolves.

Sour cream is transferred to a large cup, granulated sugar is immediately added to it and the mass is whipped until fluffy and thick. The easiest way to do this is with a mixer, if there is no appliance at home, then you will have to use a regular whisk.

Gelatin is poured into the resulting thick mass, after which the cream is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The cream is left aside for now, and in the meantime, they are preparing the fruit. To do this, kiwi is peeled, they also come with tangerines. Kiwi is cut into circles, and tangerines are cleaned of stones and films, and then cut into pieces.

We assemble the dessert:

Can be taken silicone mold, where the cake was previously baked, and crumble half of the biscuit into pieces there. The pieces are distributed over the bottom of the mold as evenly as possible to form a base. One third of the dough is poured onto the surface of the biscuit pieces, and then chopped jelly cubes are placed on it. Top everything with another layer of sour cream.

Now you can put the fruit in the Broken glass cake, according to the proposed recipe with a photo step by step with a biscuit. To do this, the pieces are placed on the surface of sour cream, and on top everything is covered with chopped biscuit cake. The top is again poured with the rest of the cream and everything is carefully leveled with a spoon. The surface of the dessert should be as even as possible. Such a dessert in the form is sent to the refrigerator for five hours, during which time the cake will receive the necessary shape, and the biscuit and fruit will grab well in the soufflé. Dessert must be served on a large dish, it is decorated with pieces of any fruit on top.

Cake "Broken glass" - the second option with sour cream and strawberries

Constituent Ingredients:

  • strawberry jelly- 1 sachet;
  • cookies or biscuit - 145 grams;
  • fresh large strawberries - 235 grams;
  • fat sour cream not less than 25% - 1.2 liters;
  • gelatin in granules - 1 pack;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla powder - 1 pack;
  • zucchini - 115 grams.


  1. Cooking a cake Broken glass, according to the presented recipe with a photo step by step with cookies or a biscuit, begins with the preparation of berries. Strawberries are washed in water, and then they are allowed to dry and the tails are removed. Now the berries are cut into pieces and transferred to a deep container. The berries are left aside, and at this time strawberry jelly is being prepared, with which strawberries are poured. The prepared container is removed for several hours in the refrigerator chamber so that the jelly mass freezes.
  2. Now gelatin is taken in granules, it is soaked in water for a while, and then diluted in a water bath until completely dissolved. As soon as the jelly with strawberry pieces in the refrigerator hardens well, you can begin to prepare the cream. To do this, sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar, and then add vanillin there and beat for another ten seconds. Now the mixer is switched to the highest speed, and the gelatin diluted in water is gradually introduced into the mass.
  3. The finished jelly is taken out of the refrigerator, and then cut in small pieces. Now these pieces are placed on the bottom of the prepared form, it is best to cover the container cling film. Candied fruits are spread over the pieces of jelly, the resulting layer is poured with half of the sour cream. Now they break the biscuit or biscuit into pieces, and then spread it on a layer of sour cream. You can make a biscuit base, in this case on jelly cake Broken glass, according to the recipe with a photo, there is no need to pour two layers of cream, one is enough.
  4. Freezing is the last step. finished dessert. The form is removed in the refrigerator for three hours. During this time, the gelatin will have time to grab the cream, and the delicacy will keep its shape well. If the container was not covered with cling film, then it is enough to lower the form into hot water for a few seconds, then invert the cake onto a large plate.

Cake "Broken glass" - the third option with cherries


  • frozen or fresh cherries - 265 grams;
  • cherry jelly - 1 package;
  • purchased biscuit cake- 210 grams;
  • gelatin in granules - 1 pack;
  • cream "Ganache" - 325 grams;
  • canned peaches - 230 grams;
  • granulated sugar 310 grams;
  • Baileys liqueur - 95 ml;
  • fat sour cream - 1500 ml.


  1. This Broken Glass cake recipe, according to the presented recipe with a photo step by step with a biscuit, is similar to the recipe from Emma's grandmother, but Ganache and liquor are used here in addition. It’s worth starting with the preparation of a biscuit, if it has already been bought, then it’s enough just to soak it with liquor. Berries are placed on the surface of the finished cake, and then biscuit base rolls up into a roll. Ready roll cut into pieces and set aside.
  2. Now granulated sugar is taken and placed in a bowl, where it has already been transferred fat sour cream. This mass is whipped in splendor, it is easier to do this with a mixer. The mixer is transferred to high speed, and then gelatin, diluted in advance, is added to the mass.
  3. It is worth preparing cherry jelly, it is poured with water and put into the refrigerator, it is better to dilute the jelly in a container so that when cutting the cubes are more even. All the components of the dessert are already prepared, so you can start cooking the cake.

  1. To assemble goodies worth taking big shape for baking a cupcake, it will look beautiful round cake, with a hole in the middle. Now, in the recesses of the mold, they begin to lay the prepared pieces of biscuit in pieces. Next, jelly cubes are laid out between these pieces, it is also worth putting peaches in canned. Peaches can be cut a little so that they are not so large.
  2. Now the mass is poured with sour cream, which has been mixed with gelatin. The cake is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, the dessert will seize, and it can be transferred to big dish. If no additional decoration will be used, then when laying the products, it is worth considering the design of the dessert in advance. In our case, ganache is used. This chocolate cream simply pour onto the surface of the cake and leave the dessert in the refrigerator for another thirty minutes.
  3. You can serve this dessert even on a hot summer day, as the delicacy is served cold. If desired, the cake is decorated with fruit or fresh berries. Instead of a biscuit, it is allowed to use cookies soaked in liquor.

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours

Recipe Description

To prepare a dessert you need:

  • Sour cream of any fat content - 400-500 grams;
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Pineapple, raspberry and lemon jelly.

Cooking step by step:

So where do we start? We take 3 packages of instant fruit jelly and pour each flavor into a separate bowl. I had lemon, raspberry and pineapple, but it doesn't matter. Dilute with warm water, according to the instructions, and stir with a spoon until the lumps dissolve. I poured 400 ml into each bowl.
We put the jelly in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Now let's deal with gelatin for sour cream. Pour 20 grams into a cup and pour 200 ml of water.
Leave it to stand for 10 minutes, so that the gelatin swells and mix. When there is not a single lump left in the cup, it is ready for use.

Add sugar to sour cream and stir until completely dissolved. Sour cream should not be too cold (take it out of the refrigerator in advance), otherwise the gelatin will take lumps.
If the sour cream is still very cold, you can heat it in a water bath, at the same time the sugar will dissolve. Do not rush to mix gelatin with sour cream because it will thicken before your eyes.

First you need to cut into cubes fruit jelly and divide into glasses.

After that, it is already possible to mix sour cream with gelatin, pouring it in a thin stream and stirring constantly.
The resulting mixture is poured into glasses with cubes of fruit jelly.
Here's what I came up with.
All these portions sold out in one evening, because everyone wanted to get a supplement. Such a dessert is often served in cafes, but it is not cheap, so I advise you to learn how to make it yourself.
Dessert "broken glass" will decorate the table on children's day birthday or any other holiday.

How to cook jelly "Broken glass"? The recipe for this dessert will be presented in detail a little later. We will also tell you how to easily and quickly make delicious and very beautiful cake For children's holiday.

Broken glass jelly: recipe great dessert

You can make this delicacy in different ways. We will present you the most simple and easy way which even a novice cook can master.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Jelly? The recipe for its preparation requires the use of:

  • instant gelatin - about 50 g;
  • thick sour cream - jars;
  • drinking water - 1.3 cups;
  • multi-colored juices (apple, orange, cherry, etc.) - 1.3 cups each;
  • white sugar - a few tablespoons large.

Dilution of gelatin

Jelly "Broken Glass" with sour cream should be started by preparing a multi-colored treat. To do this, we decided to use apple, orange and. If you wish, you can purchase ready-made powder with different flavors, which should simply be diluted with water.

After preparing the juices, it is necessary to start diluting the gelatin. It is required to pour it into a glass (20 g of the product) and pour it warm. In this state, it is desirable to keep the product for 40 minutes. In this case, the gelatin should swell well. In the future, it must be slightly warmed up (preferably in a water bath). As a result, you should get a light and transparent liquid, which should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

Cooking "broken glass"

Jelly "Broken glass" with sour cream is often used as a dessert for a children's holiday. After all, almost all kids like sweet and bright treats.

For the preparation of "broken glass" it is necessary to prepare several bowls in advance. Pour juices into them (separately), and then pour in several large spoons of sugar. Next, you need to pour in the dissolved gelatin to them and mix the components thoroughly in each bowl. As a result, you should get three bright liquid masses, which should be immediately placed in the cold.

Cherry, apple, and must be kept in the refrigerator until they are converted into a hard and elastic jelly. After a few hours, they should be taken out, and then turned over and cut into cubes or diamonds. In the future, “broken glass” needs to be mixed and put into glasses or cups.

Base preparation

Broken glass jelly, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be very sweet and tasty. And so that the dessert does not turn out too sugary, it is recommended to dilute it fresh base. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour warm water into the remaining gelatin. boiled water and then leave to swell for 40 minutes. After that, a thick and sticky mass should be heated over a fire and filtered through a sieve.

Having carried out all the described actions, it is necessary to put fresh sour cream in a deep bowl, pour into it big spoon sugar and then pour drinking water. After mixing all the products together, gelatin (dissolved) should be added to them. On this, the process of preparing the base is considered complete.

We form a bright and beautiful dessert

We will tell you how to make the Broken Glass Cake below. Now I want to tell you how the usual delicacy for a children's holiday is formed.

After the milk base is prepared, it should immediately be poured into those bowls where multi-colored jelly was previously laid out. Wherein sour cream must completely cover the colored particles. In this state, the dessert should be sent back to the cold for several hours.

How to serve?

Of course, the Broken Glass jelly cake is made much longer than regular dessert, the recipe of which was presented above. Therefore, for fast food homemade treats we recommend using this option.

After the sour cream mass has completely hardened, the bowls should be removed from the refrigerator, and then put their contents on saucers. To do this, you just need to turn the dishes upside down. Serve such a dessert to the table, preferably with a cup of tea.

Broken glass cake: recipe

If you don't want to do portioned jelly for your guests, but you want to surprise them with a big and delicious cake We suggest using this recipe. Unlike a store-bought dessert, it turns out much tastier and more beautiful.

What products are needed to make a broken glass cake? The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • dry crackers (it is better to take round ones) - about 300 g;
  • instant gelatin - 30 g;
  • colored jelly in packages (strawberry, apple, orange) - 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi, orange and banana - 1 fruit each;
  • medium-fat sour cream - about 500 g;
  • white sugar - about 100 g

Preparing colorful jelly

Before forming a Broken Glass Jelly Cake, it must be properly prepared. To do this, the sweet powder from the packages must be poured into separate bowls, and then diluted with water as indicated on the package.

After you get a homogeneous liquid mass, you need to immediately place it in the refrigerator. It may take several hours for the jelly to set. After this time, the colorful delicacy should be removed and randomly cut into small pieces.

We process fruits

To make the “Broken Glass” cake with a cracker especially tasty, it is recommended to cook it together with ripe fruit. We decided to take an orange, kiwi and banana. These ingredients should be thoroughly washed, and then peeled and cut into the same pieces as jelly.

In addition, it is necessary to place about 200 g of crackers in a separate bowl and break them into 3-4 pieces with your hands.

Making the base for the cake

The basis for such a dessert is best made from sour cream. It should be combined with sugar and beat well with a fork or mixer. Next, you need to mix gelatin with water and let it swell. Subsequently, the product must be slightly heated until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. After cooling a little, it should be poured into sour cream and mix everything thoroughly.

How to form a jelly cake?

Having carried out all the described actions, it is necessary to proceed with the formation of the dessert. To do this, you need to take any relief form (deep) and grease it a little vegetable oil. This is necessary so that in the future our cake easily moves away from the walls.

In the prepared container, you need to put chopped fruits and broken crackers. After that, all components should be gently mixed using a large spoon for this. In the future, they must be filled with previously prepared sour cream base. Moreover, it should completely cover all products.

In conclusion, it is recommended to lay out one layer of crackers on the surface of the dessert. This should be done very carefully so that the cookies do not sink, but remain "afloat". After that, the formed cake must be placed in the cold and kept in this state for less than 3 hours. During this time, the sour cream mass with gelatin should completely harden.

Proper serving of homemade treats to the table

Now you know that "Broken Glass" with fruits is a cake that is not difficult to make at home. After jelly treat harden, it is considered completely ready. It must be removed from the refrigerator and put on a large cake rack. This should be done by turning the container over flat dishes. If for some reason the cake does not come out of the mold, the bowl needs to be lowered into hot water for a few seconds. This process will contribute to the partial thawing of gelatin, and subsequently its separation from the walls.

Putting a jelly treat with fruits and crackers on a cake stand, you can immediately serve it to invited guests. It should be noted that in the context of such a dessert looks very beautiful and bright. By the way, if desired, before serving, the surface of this cake can be decorated with fresh berries, fruits or whipped cream.

Jelly is one of the most delicious desserts which can be enjoyed without special harm for the figure. I offer you a recipe for broken glass jelly. Why this dessert is called so, it becomes clear by looking at it. appearance. There are a lot of recipes for this dessert. This recipe can be prepared not only as jelly, but also as jelly cake "Broken glass", if we take as a basis finished cake, biscuit or crushed . In addition, pieces of biscuit or cookies can be mixed together with multi-colored jelly.


  • Ready jelly in bags - 3 bags with different flavors.
  • Sour cream - 500 gr.,
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.,
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Broken glass jelly - recipe

To prepare jelly, you will need three packages of finished jelly of different colors and flavors. The more colors will be used in it, the brighter and more colorful it will be. Prepare it according to the instructions, only take 30% less water than indicated, then the jelly will turn out more thick consistency. Pour into plastic trays. Send it to the refrigerator to harden.

Jelly "Broken glass". Photo

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I really love all kinds of desserts, although I don’t always have time to cook them, so sometimes I just buy something ready-made in a pastry shop to have a family evening tea party. This is of course much easier, and sometimes the choice on the shelves is so huge that it is not immediately possible to make a decision.
And now, when the next purchased cake is already boring, I still find time to bake my own in a quick way or a cupcake. I recently remembered wonderful recipe cooking amazingly delicious and very beautiful dessert- Cake "Broken glass", which is quite simple and easy to prepare.
The basis for it is a mixture of different jellies and shortbread biscuits, you can also add any fruits and berries - bananas, peaches, strawberries, pears. Pour into the mold with this mixture sour cream jelly and wait until the dessert hardens. It is clear that this requires a certain time - at least several hours, so I am preparing it in stages.
At the first stage, I make blanks - several types of sweet fruit or berry jelly.
See how to cook.
It is advisable to use a different color for the Broken Glass cake so that there is a contrast. As a rule, I use purchased mixtures for these purposes - sachets, the contents of which I dilute with water and pour into molds. This can be done in the evening and left to harden until the morning.
Next, I breed gelatin warm water and mix with sour cream whipped with vanilla and sugar. I cut the ready-made jelly into cubes, put it in a detachable form, pour it with sour cream mixture and add broken cookies and chopped fruit. It all takes me no more than 10-15 minutes. And then I put the form in the cold and forget about it until the evening.
Before serving, I lower the form into hot water and spread the dessert on the dish.
It turns out a very beautiful cut and a delicious dessert.

Cake "Broken glass" - recipe with photo

- sour cream - 500 ml,
- cookies (shortbread) - 100 g,
- granulated sugar - 100 g,
- banana fruits - 2-3 pieces,
- sachets with different jellies(pineapple, kiwi, orange, raspberry) - 2 pcs.,
- vanilla sugar- 1 package,
- gelatin (instant) - 10 g.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The very first moment - getting ready colorful jellies from sachets. It's very simple: mix the powder with warm water and pour the mixture into small molds. Let them freeze for a couple of hours. And then cut the finished jelly into cubes. Or look step by step cooking jelly at the link above.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water and leave it for 10 minutes, then slightly heat and cool.

Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla with a mixer.

And then pour the cooled gelatin into it.

Bananas are peeled and cut into medium pieces.
Add fruits and jelly to sour cream and mix.

Put the cookies on top, slightly melting into the cream.

We put the form in the refrigerator and let the dessert harden for 2-3 hours.

Before serving, remove the dessert from the mold and turn it over onto a dish.

Bon appetit!

Treat your loved ones with one more
