
Apricot jam for the winter at home. Tricks of making apricot treats

Apricots this year surprised with their generosity, which means that it's time to cook tasty and fragrant apricot jam.

The traditional jam recipe is simple - boil fruits and berries and add sugar.

Apple jam, apricot jam, plum jam delicious options jam. If you cook for a long time or add gelling additives, you get delicious jam. I have a favorite Strawberry jam mint or chic plum jam and its chocolate variations. If you cut the fruit into pieces or slices and cook in several stages with the gradual addition of sugar, you get fragrant jam. Cherry jam with bones Strawberry jam By unusual recipe, apple jam already waiting for their winter triumph in the basement.

Jam recipes are on our website, and step by step photos will help turn the recipe into reality in the form of an appetizing jar of jam. That's the whole difference - jam, jam, jam. brew delicious jam according to the season, at least two or three jars, and then by the fall you will have a solid supply of yummy.

Choose apples and you will have a delicious apple jam that breaks all records in popularity.

Sultry "Hungarian" will give you a thick fragrant jam from plums, which can be added to plum pie, spread it on pancakes or just spread on bread and butter. The recipe for jam from apricots will remind you for a long time winter evenings about all the delights of summer and will warm you with these delicious memories.

You can also make jam from apricots with the help of modern home helpers. Apricot jam in a bread machine, jam in a slow cooker, choose! delicious homemade jam, cooked according to all the rules, will retain its original color and aroma. Apricots also make delicious marshmallows. the recipe of which can also be found on our website.

To prepare this yummy, you will need fruits, sugar and hot summer sun, that's all. Preparations for the winter will turn out a hundred times tastier if you make them with desire and inspiration.

Apricot jam recipe:

  • Ripe apricots - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - sand - 3 kg;
  • Sterile lids and jars;
  • Utensils for cooking jam - a stainless steel pan, an aluminum basin or a cauldron.
  1. Prepare banks. To do this, they need to be sterilized in any way convenient for you - in the oven, in the microwave, over steam. The lids also need to boil in a saucepan for at least five minutes.
  2. Sort the apricots, cut off the spoiled parts and wash. Fruits need to be chosen ripe, soft and fragrant, then apricot jam will be delicious.
  3. Break in half and take out the bone. Fold the apricot halves into a cauldron and pour literally half a glass of water there.
  4. To put on slow fire and wait until it boils, stirring all the time. The apricots will release their juice and gradually become soft.
  5. Leave them in the cauldron until completely cooled. Now the resulting mass must be crushed to a homogeneous state. For this, it is better to use a blender. With it, the apricots will turn into a homogeneous mass, which we have to boil. If there is no blender, then wipe the mass through a sieve.
  6. All these cooking steps are also suitable for preparing apricot jam. Apple pectin or any jam thickener will help here. Sprinkle the cooled mashed mass with pectin or Jelefix, bring to a boil and pour in the sugar. Boil for five to ten minutes and you will have thick jam. If without pectin, then boil several times at intervals to cool. According to this recipe, apricot jam is thick, but rather dark.
  7. If you plan to close jam for the winter, then gradually add sugar and stir well.
  8. When the jam boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer for twenty minutes. Stir all the time with a wooden spoon.
  9. Pour hot jam into jars to the very top and roll up. Turn over and wrap a warm blanket for at least a day.

One of better ways fruit preservation for the winter - apricot jam. If it is not digested, then in winter we will get a complex of vitamins (A, K, C, group B) and trace elements (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others). That is why it is important to cook apricot jam correctly.

Jam classic


  • apricots - 5 kg;
  • white sugar of domestic production - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l.


To begin with, we choose the right apricots for jam - these should be well-ripened fruits, soft enough, but not wrinkled, without damage to the skin, not wormy. Wash the selected apricots and divide them into halves, remove the seeds. Next, cut the fruits finely enough - you can slice, you can cubes and place in a container for cooking jam. It can be a large basin or a cauldron, a saucepan. We cook syrup from water and sugar, let it boil for a minute and a half, then pour apricots over it and leave to cool. After that, you can start cooking the jam: as soon as the contents of the container boil, make the fire minimal and, stirring, cook for about 20-30 minutes. Next, gently rub the apricots through a sieve or colander. We get delicious apricot jam, which can be closed for the winter, or can be used immediately, for example, as a filling for bagels for tea. To roll up the jam, simply move it after wiping it back into the container and boil for another 5-6 minutes after boiling, after which we put it in jars sterilized with hot steam and close the lids sterilized in boiling water.

Another cooking option

If you do not add water, you will get a thicker apricot jam than in the first version. True, in this case, you need to look after him more closely.


  • ripe apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar produced in the CIS countries - 4.5-5 glasses;
  • - 12 y.


We prepare apricots: wash them, let them drain, remove the seeds and pass the halves of the fruit through a meat grinder or turn them into puree using a blender or food processor. Add sugar and citric acid to the puree, mix and let stand for about an hour so that the sugar disperses. Not everyone knows how to cook apricot jam in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins. Meanwhile, everything is simple. We cook the jam in an enameled basin, stirring constantly, as the mass is very thick and can burn. Cooking time - 5 minutes. After that, let the jam cool completely and repeat the process, again we interfere continuously. After that, you can wipe the mass through a sieve, or you can roll it up like this. We distribute the boiling jam in and immediately roll up.

In the same way, we cook apple-apricot jam, while it is not particularly important to keep the proportions: they can be 1: 1, the taste of jam can be enhanced in one direction or another by putting more apples or apricots. A prerequisite is that the apples must be peeled off and the seed boxes removed. The rest of the technology is the same: grind the fruit in a puree, add sugar and citric acid, cook and roll.

Apricot jam in a slow cooker



Wash apricots, cut in half and remove pits. We put the halves in the working bowl of our multicooker and pour in water. In the "baking" mode, we leave our apricots to cook for 20 minutes, after which we transfer them to a sieve and wipe them, if we want to remove the skin, if we leave it, just knead the apricots in puree. Pour sugar and cinnamon, in the same mode, cook jam for about 40 minutes. After that, the finished apricot jam can be closed for the winter, or you can serve it with tea.

Apricot jam is fragrant and tasty, it can be spread on fresh bread or use for baking. Many adults and children love to eat this sweetness with tea. There are many recipes for apricot jam, they differ in ingredients and the time it takes to cook. Many housewives carefully keep their signature recipe that is passed down from generation to generation.

To prepare a delicious apricot delicacy, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Dessert is well prepared ripe fruits. Unripe apricots do not give a rich taste and aroma.
  • In the process of cooking, the product should be constantly stirred, as it burns quickly.
  • For packaging the finished product, half-liter jars are prepared. They are pre-washed with soda and dried in the oven.
  • For cooking, use a deep aluminum bowl or pan. You can take a stainless steel pan.

In addition, you need to prepare lids, a seaming machine, a large wooden spoon and a plate for skimming.

To accurately measure the ingredients, you must use a kitchen scale. If you take products by eye, the taste of the finished product may not be what you want.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Apricots sorted, washed running water and lay out to dry on a towel. After that, the fruits are divided in half and the bones are pulled out. Care must be taken not to get rotten fruit, otherwise the jam will be spoiled.

How to make apricot jam at home

You can make apricot jam different recipes. You can cook sweetness on the stove, in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Easy winter recipe

The simplest is the recipe in which the jam is cooked only from fruits and sugar.

  • Peeled apricots are poured into a bowl and covered with sugar, at a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Leave the fruit in sugar for 3-4 hours so that they let the juice flow.
  • Put the bowl on low heat and cook, stirring constantly. It is important to regularly remove the foam, then the finished product will be transparent.

Jam is brought to a boil, boiled for 15 minutes and removed from heat. Re-boil after 3-4 hours, after which they are rolled up in pre-prepared jars.

The jar is first placed in a dry plate, and only then hot jam is poured into it!

In a slow cooker

It is not difficult to prepare apricot jam in a slow cooker, you should follow this recipe.

  • Peeled fruits are twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender.
  • fall asleep apricot puree into the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar at the rate of 1:1. If the apricot is sweet, then the amount of sugar can be slightly reduced.
  • Set the mode "Jam" and cook until tender.

The finished apricot delicacy is poured into dry jars and twisted with lids. After that, the jars are well wrapped with a blanket and left for a day.

In the oven

In the oven, you can cook unusually tasty and thick jam. Remarkably, with this method of preparing sugar, an order of magnitude less is needed than with traditional way. To prepare fragrant apricot jam, you need to cook:

  • pitted apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • ½ cup wine vinegar.

Fruits are washed, pitted and poured into a heat-resistant pan or deep baking dish. Fall asleep with sugar and leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature.

After that, pour into apricots vinegar and mix well. IN finished product there will be no vinegar taste.

Put a container with apricot mass in the oven and boil over low heat for 2 hours. After this time, the pan is pulled out and sweet mass pour into sterile jars.

The sweet mass should be constantly stirred, as it quickly burns and becomes covered with a caramel crust.

Through a blender

Grind the prepared apricots with a blender. Pour the resulting puree into a bowl and pour sugar into it at the rate of 1:1. We put the container on a slow fire, and cook for 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly.

Some housewives put gelatin in such jam, at the rate of 40 grams of dry powder per 1 kg of sugar. But it is not necessary to add it, since the sweetness solidifies so well.

Through a meat grinder

You need to cook apricot jam through a meat grinder step by step. The recipe is this:

  1. The prepared fruits are twisted in a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting puree is weighed and sugar is added 1:1.
  3. The puree is well mixed and put on a slow fire, where I boil until tender.

If you really need thick product, a full tablespoon of gelatin is first added to the sugar. After hardening, such a product resembles marmalade.

Amber-transparent jam

Cooking such a delicacy is a little more difficult than other recipes. For cooking, you need the following products:

  • apricots - you need to take ripe and dense fruits;
  • sugar;
  • citric acid or lemon juice.

Apricots are laid out in a bowl in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. In this state, the product is left for 12 hours. During this time, the fruit will release juice.

Put the bowl on low heat and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off. The next time they cook after 12 hours and again only 5 minutes. After the third cooking, the sweet mass is poured into jars and wrapped in a blanket.

With oranges

Such jam has amazing taste and a flavor that is hard to put into words. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 2 kg of peeled apricots;
  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • 1/3 teaspoon citric acid.

To weld delicious dessert, must be adhered to next recipe. Oranges are washed, peeled and divided into slices. The pits are removed from the apricots. The products are combined, covered with sugar and water is added. Boil over low heat until the fruit is ready, then grind them to a puree consistency and add citric acid. Cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly, and lay out in jars.

with carrots

If you need delicious thick filling for pies, you can cook apricots with carrots. You will need:

  • pitted fruits - 1 kg;
  • peeled carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - an incomplete glass;
  • citric acid - 1 incomplete teaspoon.

Cut the carrots into slices, fill with water and simmer under the lid until soft. Add apricots, sugar and lemon to the carrots, then cook until tender over low heat.

The sweet mass is cooled slightly and ground to a puree state with a blender. Then boil for 10 minutes and roll into jars.


Apricot jam is almost always pitted, so you can use one of the above recipes. Fruit and sugar are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, if desired, you can add a tablespoon of gelatin per 1 kg of apricots.

chocolate jam

Spoiled sweet tooth can be offered apricots boiled with cocoa. This delicacy has refined taste and aroma. To prepare you need to cook:

  • apricots - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons.

Pour the apricots into a bowl, add water, 1 kg of sugar and boil over low heat. Grind the sweet mass to a puree state.

Separately, mix a glass of sugar with cocoa and add to the apricot puree. Cook for 10 minutes, then pour into jars and wrap with a blanket.

How to cook apricot jam for pies

For pies and pies you need a thick jam in pieces. To prepare it, take 3 kg of apricots, add 4 kg of sugar and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the apricots over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave until the evening. In total, you need to cook jam 3 times, after which it is laid out in jars.

How to store apricot jam

Properly cooked apricot jam is well stored in the cellar. If there is no cellar, it is quite possible to store it in the pantry or in the kitchen, away from heating appliances and stoves.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years. After this time, the jam may change color and taste somewhat.

Step 1: prepare the apricots.

For the recipe we take 1 kilogram fresh apricot. After processing, their number will decrease significantly - by 2 times. Therefore, if you want to cook a lot of jam, you must adhere to the appropriate proportions according to the recipe. So, first of all, we wash the apricots well under running water. warm water. Put the pure ingredient in a deep bowl. With a knife, cut the apricots in half into two slices. And now, with clean hands or a knife on a cutting board, we take out the bones from the fruits. We do not throw away the cores, but put them aside in a deep plate. apricot halves put in deep large saucepan. Apricots must be ripe but by no means rotten. Therefore, we carefully sort out each apricot, cut off the spoiled places with a knife and throw it away. Put the pot on small fire and simmer under the lid until the fruits soften and release the juice. To prevent the apricots from burning at the bottom of the container, you can add quite a bit of water and mix them with a spoon from time to time. After that, turn off the burner and move on to the next moment. We need to separate the skin from apricot pulp. And for this, open the lid of the pan and let our ingredient cool slightly. In general, such jam in Bulgaria is called "marmalade". Most likely, this is because conservation is practically obtained without fruit pieces like jam. So, put a little bit of apricot halves into a sieve over a deep bowl with a spoon and, pressing the fruits with a spoon, rub them through the inventory so that only the skins remain on the surface of the sieve. Attention: now you need to weigh the apricot mass again using a kitchen scale so as not to overdo it with other components. According to the recipe for 1 kilogram of such a mass, 400 grams of sugar must be added.

Step 2: cook apricot jam.

One of the most painstaking moments of jam preparation has already been completed. Now let's move on to the next step. We bet on medium fire saucepan or bowl with our main component and evaporate the apricot mass 25-30 minutes stirring with a wooden spoon every 2-3 minutes. The amount of time depends on the amount of mass. As soon as apricot ingredient becomes thick, and liquid evaporates on its surface - add a tablespoon of sugar. We make a small fire and continue to cook until the sugar is completely dissolved and a dense jam is formed. Every 2-3 minutes Continue to stir the apricot mass with a spoon so that it does not burn. And you can check the readiness of jam in this way: pour a little with a spoon fruit mix into a plate. And if the jam does not spread, then it is ready! 5 minutes before ready do not forget to add a teaspoon of citric acid, adhering to the proportions (1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of chopped steamed apricots). Mix everything well again with a spoon. And at the end, when we remove the jam from the stove, add a bag of vanillin and mix again.

Step 3: Sterilize the jars.

There are many ways to sterilize jars. This can be done with the help of the oven, and the microwave, and with the help of a double boiler, and in the dishwasher. But we'll use the old grandmother's method! So, pour some water into a medium saucepan. Put the container on big fire and after boiling water - make a medium fire. On top of the pan we place either a flat sieve or a grate from the oven. In a word, we put clean jars upside down so that they stand well on the surface and do not fall in the process. If you are processing several cans at once, place them at a small distance from each other so that they do not hit. Why do it at all? There are many micro- and microorganisms that live on any surface. Therefore, if the storage container is poorly handled and hands and fruits are not kept clean, these organisms release toxins in the course of their life activity and lead to poisoning of our body. IN best case banks can explode. So, we sterilize the container for a couple approximately 15 minutes until the droplets in the jar begin to flow down the walls. After that, carefully rearrange the jars with a cloth towel on a clean table surface covered with a cloth or another towel. Banks are not turned upside down. In this state, they can be stored for up to two days. Just in no case do not touch them with dirty objects and do not turn the containers over until their time comes. Now boil the lids and gum in a small pot of water up to 15 minutes. If the jars can be sterilized in advance, then the lids must be boiled just before rolling. When everything is ready, pour apricot jam into clean jars with a tablespoon. Using a seaming key, close the containers well with lids. To do this, we place the gum in the lid along the inner edge, cover the jar and work tightly in a circular motion with a special key. Our jam should infuse and completely become room temperature. Therefore, we turn it upside down and put it on the edge of a large towel or bedspread in some secluded place where no one will disturb it. We cover with the other side of the bedspread closed banks so that the jam cools slowly. It'll all go somewhere 2-3 days. And only after that we put our apricot jam for another seaming.

Step 4: serve apricot jam.

We have worked hard and deserve a pleasant rest with a cup of tea with a spoon of this fragrant jam! Usually canned food is prepared for the winter. But it is not necessary to wait for this season, you can pamper yourself in the warm season. In this case, the jam is served with in small pieces bread, and also it will serve delicious stuffing for homemade pies and bagels. Bon appetit and sweet rest!

- - As for the choice of jars and lids for conservation! Before processing this inventory, be sure to inspect all cans so that they do not have cracks, chips or other flaws. Covers must be new and even. If you are using metal lids, then they should be free of rust and a brand new rubber band should be attached.

- - When using a container for cooking jam, be sure to use an aluminum bowl or pan. Thanks to this inventory, jam will not stick to the bottom, and then you will have less work with cleaning dishes.

- - It is very important to adhere to the proportions of the recipe! We equate all ingredients by weight to the processed apricot mixture.

- - And here apricot kernels may not be thrown away. There are two options for what else they can come in handy! First - they can be dried, and then just eat! These seeds contain vitamin B17. It is very useful and protects our body from cancer cells! But also in in large numbers They are not safe to use either. Before use, it is necessary to remove the skin from the seeds with a knife, as it contains acid that is harmful to the body, which can lead to poisoning of the body with serious consequences. And the second option is to pre-peel the seeds from the shell with a hammer and 15 minutes before the apricot jam is ready, add them to the pan with the mass, mixing everything well with a spatula.

Fragrant and sweet jam from apricots - a piece of sunny summer in your pantry.

For me, this jam is one of the most simple ways preparations for the winter of apricots. With all my love for these sunny fruits, to stand at the stove for hours, stir and boil jam - not for me.

I prefer simple and easy way blanks jam from apricots for the winter. I do not grind the fruits, but only boil them in sugar syrup and then grind it down a bit. This method not only simplifies the process of harvesting apricots, but also preserves their natural aroma and taste. Jam from apricots turns out to be thick, fragrant and bright in summer, golden-amber color. This jam can be served for breakfast, toast, pancakes and pancakes, or used as a filling in pastries and pies.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Rinse the apricots, pat dry, cut in half and remove the pits.

In order for apricots to stand out more juice, I randomly pierce the halves with a fork, this is especially true if your fruit is ripe, but not overripe. Sometimes a little water is added to fruit and sugar for the same purpose, but I like it better when the process happens naturally - without the addition of liquid.

Arrange the apricot halves in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

Leave the apricots for several hours at room temperature or in the refrigerator overnight until the fruit releases its juice and the sugar has partially dissolved.

Then place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stirring occasionally and removing the foam, cook the future apricot jam for 30 minutes.

During this time, some of the apricots will boil. naturally, but in order for the mixture to turn into real jam, it is necessary to additionally chop the remaining pieces of fruit.

I use pusher for mashed potatoes or immersion blender. When chopping fruit with a blender, the jam becomes a little lighter and more airy.

The resulting apricot jam, stirring, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and put it in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids. Turn over and wrap until cool.

Sometimes, if the apricots are very ripe or even overripe, a lot of juice is obtained, and it may take a little longer for the jam to acquire the classic density and density.

In this case, after boiling the apricots for 30 minutes and chopping them, I leave the jam to brew and cool overnight. The next day, I bring the mixture to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook for another 10-15 minutes until the desired density.

Remember that hot marmalade will always be slightly thinner in consistency, but will thicken as it cools.

Apricot jam for the winter is ready! Happy tea!
