
The most delicious apricot jam recipe. Pitted apricot jam

Apricot trees were developed in Southeast Asia and soon spread to many countries. This plant was especially popular in Armenia, which is probably why in Latin the apricot is called Prúnus armeniáca. There are about 20 varieties of this fruit in the world, the sweetest of which come from Central Asia received the name apricot. There are also wild apricots growing in Moldova and the North Caucasus, they are called poles.

But no matter what particular type of apricot is discussed, it is worth mentioning the extraordinary value of this product. It contains a lot of vitamin C, folic acid, carotene (provitamin A), tartaric acid, trace elements (potassium, magnesium, forfor, iron, iodine), flavonoids, sugars, tannins, pectin and much more. Apricots are very useful for vitamin deficiencies, anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Unfortunately, all year round to eat fresh apricots the Russian climate does not allow, but you can make jam from them, which will be no less tasty and healthy. For jam, depending on the recipe, you can use as ripe fruit and slightly immature. You can cook it only from apricots, or you can combine different fruits. Texture ready-made treats can also be different, besides traditional jam it can be jams or jams.

Apricot jam - preparing dishes

Enamelware is required for cooking. Its volume is selected at the rate of approximately 1.5 liters per 1 kg fresh fruit. It is better if the pan is wide and low, then it will be easier to stir the jam during cooking. Used to store jam glass jars which should be sterilized first. To do this, pre-washed jars are placed in a large container of water and boiled for several minutes. To get jars out of boiling water and not burn yourself, it is better to stock up on special tongs. The size of the container is determined by the appetites of your household. It is better not to store an open jar for a long time, that is, than less jam you can eat in a couple of days, the smaller the container should be. As for the lids, you can use metal on the screw, glass, plastic, or you can simply close the jar with parchment and tie it with twine.

Apricot jam - fruit preparation

For jam, you can use any variety of apricots, including semi-wild perches. Overripe fruits should not be used. Apricots are boiled either as a whole or in the form of halves, after separating the bones. Some housewives only slightly incise the fruit so that after removing the stone, the fruit is almost whole. This mainly depends on the size of the fruit and individual preferences. Sometimes kernels extracted from the seeds are put in the jam, but you need to be careful with such recipes, because sometimes the kernels can cause unpleasant consequences, up to poisoning.

Apricot jam (option 1)

To make such a jam, it is better to use lightly unripe fruits. They should be thoroughly washed, dried on a towel, freed from stones and put in an enameled container. Next, a syrup is prepared from sugar and water in a ratio of 4: 1 (that is, 800 g of sugar is required for 200 ml of water). Sugar is poured into water separate saucepan, and with continuous stirring, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil. Next, prepared apricots are poured with syrup at the rate of 1 liter per 1 kg of fruit. After that, the container must be covered with a towel and left in cool place for 10-12 hours (for example, at night). Then the syrup is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil again, poured over the fruit and again left for the same time. The process should be repeated 3-4 times, then the fruit in the finished jam will remain whole and appetizing in appearance. After all this, the jam is put on slow fire and cook for 35-40 minutes. Then it is poured into prepared jars, tightly closed with lids and placed in a cool place.

Apricot jam (option 2)

For those who do not have time to repeatedly manipulate the syrup, there is another recipe. Apricots should be washed, dried and pitted. Next, they need to be covered with sugar in the ratio of 1 kg of sand per 1 kg of fruit. It is necessary to wait until the fruits give juice, which completely covers them. After that, the container is placed on a slow fire, and the jam is brought to a boil with constant stirring. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, it is removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature. After that, bring to a boil again, repeating this procedure 2-3 times. This also contributes to a better preservation of the fruit in the finished jam.

Apricot jam with oranges

For those who love a pleasant sourness in dishes, fit recipe apricot jam with oranges. For this dish you will need 1 kg of oranges and 2 kg of sugar per 4 kg of apricots. Oranges should be cut into half rings, and apricots should be divided into halves, removing the seeds. Next, the fruits are laid out in enamelware and sprinkle with sugar. After 2-3 hours, put the dishes on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Cool down and repeat the process. Then spread in jars, close tightly and put in a cool place.

Apricot jam

For this dish, you need to take very ripe fruits, wash them, dry them, separate the bones and pass through a meat grinder. You can also grind in a mixer, blender or food processor. Next, the resulting puree should be mixed with sugar at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. Cook jam over high heat with constant vigorous stirring for 12-15 minutes. They are laid out in jars hot, wrapped warmly and kept until completely cooled. Store the finished jam in a cool place.

Tip 1. Only fruits are suitable for jam with seeds large size with nucleoli having a pleasant sweet taste. If the nucleolus is bitter or sour, it is not recommended to use it.

Tip 2. In order for the apricot to remain whole, the stone can be removed not by cutting the fruit, but simply by pushing it out with a wooden stick. A sine qua non for such a decision The apricot must be very ripe.

Tip 3. For better preservation, you can add a little to the jam. citric acid(about ½ teaspoon per 2 kg of jam).

What does each good hostess in the summer, except for trips to the country or holidays at sea? Of course, a lot. But in the list of these activities there will definitely be a place for such an item as preparations for the winter. And definitely jam. The most popular, perhaps, is pitted apricot jam.

And this is not surprising, because its taste and sweetness are incomparable. And it's such a pleasure to open one jar in cold winter, for tea, with toast or cookies. Mm… Delicious.

It is done, by the way, much easier than you think. In this article, we will share with you the knowledge of how to cook pitted apricot jam. And we will analyze several recipes at once, which, we are sure, even a novice hostess can handle.

So, we will cook apricot jam according to the following recipes:

  • Classic recipe;
  • Recipe "five minutes";
  • Recipe for jam slices;
  • Royal recipe;
  • And let's not forget about the jam recipe in the slow cooker;

All recipes are broken down step by step. minute details, so you can not even doubt that pitted apricot jam will definitely come out and will be insanely delicious.

Well, let's start!

A classic recipe for apricot jam

And first on our list is classic version cooking this beloved delicacy by many. Ours in this case cooked in three stages. This method allows you to save as many vitamins as possible, as well as save them natural taste. Among other things, the color itself will come out very bright, which is also a small plus.

What do we need for this:

  • Apricots - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

In fact, the quantity can be as you wish, but please note that the ratio of the composition must be taken one to one! That is, if you want to take two kilograms of apricots, then there should also be two kilograms of sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  • First you need to prepare the fruit. Rinse the apricots thoroughly and pat dry to leave as much as possible. less water. We take out the bones.
  • Next, put everything in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Now leave until the evening or right until the next morning. It is required that our fruits give as much as possible more juice. Only then can you start cooking.
  • So. Stage one. Let's say you left the fruit until the morning, and they released the juice. And the sugar almost melted. Great. Now put the pan on the stove and let it boil. Now we make the gas smaller and let it boil for just another three minutes. Then we leave alone to wait for a new day.
  • Stage two. Fruits are saturated with syrup and it's wonderful. Now we make a small fire on the stove and gradually bring the jam to a boil. And then immediately remove from the stove until the next day.
  • And finally, the third stage. Our fruits are well soaked and our sweetness has become transparent. We do it under jam medium fire. When it boils, let it boil for a few minutes.
  • And now we pour it into jars.
  • When the jars are already rolled up, you need to turn them over and let them cool completely.

This is all! Congratulations, your efforts were not in vain and apricot jam classic recipe finally done!

Pitted apricot jam "five minutes". Express method

Jam "Five minutes"

And now you will learn how to cook pitted apricot jam in almost five minutes! After all, many of us, in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, often may not have enough time to cook according to “full-fledged” recipes, but we really want jam! This is where our “five-minute” will come to your aid.

And don't worry - your jam will turn out just as sweet and tasty as according to the classic recipe, because this method has been tested by more than one generation of hostesses.

Note! There is a small twist to this recipe. For 1 kilogram of apricots, you need to take approximately 500 grams of sugar. That is, we take half as much sugar for the available mass of fruit. Remember? Then let's get started!

How to cook:

As in last time fruits must first be washed and dried. Now cut in half right along the natural "seam". Separate the bone. If your fruit is large, it is advisable to cut in half again. We weigh our fruits already pitted, so as not to overdo it with sugar.

Now add sugar and smooth out so that the apricots are completely covered. We cover and let it brew for four hours so that the fruit releases the juice.

In the meantime, let's prepare the jars. It is noteworthy that they can be sterilized even in the oven. Now let's talk more about this method. Washed jars should be placed in a cold oven. The temperature level should be set in the region of 120-130 C.

And when the oven heats up, we stand there for about seven minutes so that our jars dry completely. And then let them cool down. It is enough to put the lids in a separate bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave for ten minutes.

So, our four hours passed and the apricots started to juice. We put the pan with jam on a small gas and heat it. There is no need to stir. Even when they are hot, you can gently stir from the bottom up.

We continue to heat up. Our task is to dissolve the remaining sugar. Stir occasionally. When our jam boils, boil for another seven minutes. And now you can pour into jars that we sterilized earlier.

Well, we spilled our delicacy to the very necks. Now roll up and quickly turn over. We put it in a dark place, wrap it up and let it cool.

And one more little tip:

Since there is not much sugar in this jam, it would be better to store it somewhere cooler.

That's all! Of course, a five-minute pitted apricot jam is not cooked in just five minutes, but much faster compared to other recipes. You did a great job!

Apricot jam slices

I must say that this recipe has one slight difference from the previous two. And it lies in the fact that the jam is almost not boiled, but only poured with syrup. But this happens over the course of three days.

The composition is the same - we take a kilogram of sugar per kg of fruit.

Let's start cooking:

We start the process with the same actions - we wash the fruits, dry them, take out the bones. Here you can take apricots slightly underripe.

Pour sugar into a saucepan. The ratio of water and sugar should be somewhere around 15 ml. per 1 kg. We stir on gas and let it boil. Now you need to boil for about another five minutes. It is better to stir more often, so as not to burn.

Our syrup is cooked and now we fill it with fruits. Try to distribute the fruits so that they are completely covered.

Close with a lid or foil. We do not touch the whole day.
Our delicacy let the juice out, and it must be carefully poured into a separate saucepan. We are removing the apricots. We put the saucepan with juice on medium gas. Constantly stirring the syrup, let it boil. After that, let it boil for about three more minutes.

Next, remove the syrup and immediately pour into the apricots. Cover the pot with a lid or cling film. Again we leave alone our delicacy for the whole day.
The next time we do the same - we drained the syrup, boiled it well and poured the fruit again. After that, we again leave alone for the whole day, ours is already almost ready jam.

The fourth and final day came. Boil the jam and let it boil for five minutes. At this stage, it will not be superfluous to pour in a little citric acid, or a few drops of lemon juice. Turn off the stove and pour our jam into jars.

Congratulations! You did great!

Pitted Apricot Jam - Royal Recipe

And in this recipe we will reveal the secret so delicious jam that they would not be ashamed to treat even themselves English queen! The method of preparation, and the composition is quite non-standard for ordinary apricot jam.

Still Pitted Apricot Jam royal recipe preparation is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main feature is that nuts are added to the jam. Most often walnuts, but any other is possible. The essence is in the nut itself. If there are no nuts available, you can simply replace them with apricot pits.

So, let's start with the list of components:

Apricots - 2 kg;
Sugar - 2 kg;
Water - 500 ml;
Nuts - 150 g.

Let's start making:

Start, as always, with standard manipulations - wash and dry. Please note that for this jam apricots should be of medium maturity. You could say solid.

The stone must be removed so as to leave the fruit intact. That is, it is not required to completely separate the halves. Carefully make an incision along the seam and remove the bone. And now the most interesting. The bone is also carefully replaced with a nut. And we do this procedure with all apricots.

We remind you that if you do not have nuts, you can take the bones themselves for this. They need to be carefully split, the nucleoli removed and put back into the fruit. But it’s better to use nuts anyway, because the nucleoli can add bitterness to the delicacy, and we don’t want that, right?

Now let's make the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan. Let it boil and add all the sugar. Stir often so that the sugar melts and does not burn. We spread our apricots in syrup. Boil for about five minutes, then turn off and close. Leave alone for six hours. Fruit should be soaked in syrup.

After this time, put on the gas. It barely boils - we remove it from the stove, remove the foam and again forget about it for six hours.

When the jam was again allowed to boil, reduce the gas and boil for half an hour. And now we pour it into jars.

All is ready! It is noteworthy that two liters of jam and half a liter of syrup came out of the amount of apricots we took. We wrap the banks and wait until it cools down.

Apricot jam - a recipe for a slow cooker

Seedless apricot jam can be made even in a slow cooker. This recipe, like the rest, will be step by step.

What components do we need:

  • Apricots - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Agar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Juice from half a lemon.

In fact, it is even easier and faster to prepare than the five-minute recipe. But only the owners of multicookers can boast of such happiness.

So where do we start:

At the beginning, as usual, we wash our fruits and let them dry. Be sure to remove the bones. You can do this however you like, leaving the apricot whole or cutting it in half.

We turn on the "Jam" mode on the multicooker and wait a couple of hours.
When the slow cooker finishes its work, add agar.

That's all! Our jam is ready. It remains only to roll it into pre-sterilized jars.

Pitted Apricot Jam with Lemon

In the case of using this recipe, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lemon will give a kind of bitterness. Although, despite this, many people love this recipe.

  • We calculate the amount necessary products to prepare pitted apricot jam with lemon, from the ratio that for 1 kg of apricots, add one lemon, add 1 kg of sugar and about a glass of water.
  • Cut the lemon into rings, leaving the skin on. The resulting rings are cut into quarters, removing the bones.
  • Dip quarters of lemon into a small amount of water and keep it there for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the skin becomes softer, not stiff.
  • My apricots, dry with a towel, divide into slices, extract the kernels, add sugar and insist until the juice appears.
  • Then boil 2 times for 5 minutes and 1 time for 15. When boiling for 3 times, add lemon slices.
  • And we pack the cooked jam in jars.

Pitted apricot jam with orange

This jam can be cooked in 2 ways:

1. Cook in 3 sets for 20 minutes.

2. Boil in 1 run for an hour.

  • We take ripe and elastic apricots in a volume of 3 kg, wash, dry, cut into slices and get rid of the stone.
  • Next, you need to scroll 2 oranges in a meat grinder along with the peel.
  • We evenly distribute the apricots over the vat, sprinkling everything with orange chips, and then with sugar. We are waiting for about 3 hours, during which time the juice will stand out.
  • Then we boil the future pitted apricot jam with orange for 20 minutes, while removing the foam.
  • Repeat the procedure 2 more times and distribute into jars.

Apricot can be safely called one of the wonders of nature. After all, it is not only very tasty, but also has many useful properties. In particular, it contains many vitamins. And how nice it is to put a slice of summer mood on the table for tea in winter.

In this article, we have collected for you only the most simple and very delicious recipes apricot jam. Seedless, pieces and even with nuts! Whichever of these recipes you cook - classic, royal, in a slow cooker - you can be sure that you will definitely get it very sweet and tasty. Bon appetit!

Pitted apricot jam- this is one of the options for harvesting "sunny" fruits for the winter. It is not difficult to prepare it, but it still does not hurt to learn a few simple recipes and advice.

How to cook pitted apricot jam: cooking tips

1. For the preparation of high-quality and delicious product, select only ripe and healthy fruits. Green fruits are categorically not suitable for jam. The preparation will turn out to be non-aromatic and completely tasteless. Do not use overripe, wrinkled and broken fruit, because they quickly boil soft and the workpiece will become like a shapeless porridge.
2. The method of cooking directly affects the preservation of the shape of the fruit. Cooking should be carried out in several stages so that the sugar crystals penetrate gradually. If sugar penetrates into the apricots very quickly, they will boil and become like porridge.
3. You can not stir the jam during cooking, because the fruits lose their shape. The container with the contents only needs to be shaken slightly.
4. Foam will necessarily form on the surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.
5. Pick fruits that are the same size so that finished product had a nice view.
6. If the jam is cooked in halves, then first cut the fruits into halves, remove the nucleoli and crumble the pulp into slices.
7. For packaging, you will need glass containers. Wash them with baking soda water. Pour boiling water on top, dry thoroughly in the oven or with sunshine. Do not pour the workpiece into wet jars. If even a drop remains, it can provoke mold and further spoilage of the product.
8. If seaming will be used tin lids, then they should also be processed.
9. You can close the jam already cooled down. In this case, instead of covers, parchment and thread are used. In this form, seaming can be stored in an ordinary room, placing them as far as possible from heating appliances.

Make this one too a simple workpiece described.

Pitted apricot jam recipe

You will need:

- fruit essence - 10 drops
- water - ½ liter
- granulated sugar- 1.6 kg
- apricots - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash ripe fruits, cut the stalks. Divide each fruit in half, exactly along the groove. Take out the kernels. Pour granulated sugar into a suitable bowl, add right amount water, do sweet filling. If it becomes cloudy during cooking, strain it through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Place the cut into the cooking bowl, placing it with the cut side up. Carefully pour in hot syrup, let stand for a day to soak the fruits. The next day, drain the syrup and boil the contents. Pour the apricots again, let stand for another day. On the third day, place the basin together with the contents on a low fire, boil, continue cooking until the required density is formed. At the end, enter the essence, diluted with filling, add vanillin. Remove from the stove, cool completely, pack, cover with a sheet of parchment, tie with a thread.

Weld also.

Pitted apricot jam for five minutes

Required products:

Filtered water - 400 ml
- granulated sugar - 1.6 kg
- apricots - 1 kg

How to cook:

Select ripe, but undamaged fruits, rinse, cut off the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalks. Divide the fruit in half, remove the nucleoli. If necessary, crumble the pulp into pieces. Put the apricots in the cooking bowl with the centers up. Layer each layer with granulated sugar, leave for a while (from 6 to 8 hours). During this time, the juice will start and the sugar will partially dissolve. Pour water into the basin, rearrange on the flame. For getting thick treat, water can not be added, but dispensed with apricot juice, which will be released during the cooking process. Shake the basin during the cooking process is impossible. Let's turn it to different sides. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, removing and discarding the foam.

Place the basin on the table, insist its contents for about 3.5 hours (up to 5 maximum). Set a rather weak fire, bring to a boil, cook again for five minutes. After 5 hours of infusion, repeat the operation again. Pour hot into containers, pack in clean, dried jars.

Delicious pitted apricot jam

Required products:

Granulated sugar - 0.95 kg
- pure filtered water
- apricots - 0.95 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut them into slices, peel them from the nucleoli. Leave them as they are if you wish, but you can also cut them into pieces. Fold the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin a deep saucepan, layer with granulated sugar, leave it in this form for 12 hours. The fruits will begin to release their juice and be saturated with sweetness. If you have little time, pour only 190 ml into the cooking container and immediately send it to the tile. In both cases, fruits should be boiled for only a minute. At the same time, be sure to remove the formed foam. Fruit again insist 11 hours. Now put on a small fire. After the start of the boil, cook the fruit for only 12 minutes. hot billet Pour into clean jars. Seal after pre-sterilization.

Prepare also.

Seedless apricot jam for the winter


Clean water - ½ liter
- granulated sugar - 1.6 kg
- apricots - 1.6 liters

Cooking steps:

Rinse the fruit, lay on a napkin to dry. Free the apricot fruits from the stones, cut into slices, pour into an enameled basin in several layers. Lay so that the halves "look" with the cuts up. Sprinkle each layer with sugar. While the fruits begin to release juice, set them aside and start preparing containers for seaming.

Pour infused fruits with clean, boiled water, send to the stove. Set the heat to medium and continue cooking for 5 minutes. The contents must be defended for three hours. Repeat the procedure three times. If you want to leave apricot slices whole, do not stir the workpiece, but simply move the basin in a circle. Remove the foam after boiling. Pack in dry jars.

Do and .

How to cook pitted apricot jam

You will need:

Gelatin - 30 g
- granulated sugar - a couple of glasses
- apricots - 1.1 kg

Cooking steps:

Free the clean fruits from the peel, remove the seeds from all, divide into halves. Layer with sugar, put in a previously selected container for cooking, pour gelatin here. Leave the mass for 24 hours. The next day, place the resulting mass on a very low heat, bring to a boil and remove the formed foam. Boil the jam, pour into jars, twist. Before eating, place the seamings for a while on the shelf of the refrigerator. This is necessary so that it has time to freeze.

Pitted apricot jam sliced

Take in the same amount granulated sugar and fruits. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut out the seeds. Crumble into slices of a suitable size, fold into an enamel basin in several layers. by the most last layer there must also be sugar. Leave the fruit all night for the juice to go. Be sure to stir the contents. To save beautiful slices just shake the basin with the workpiece with your hands, but do not mix. Bring the apricots to a boil on the stove. After half an hour of cooking, package the cooked delicacy in dry, pre-calcined jars, and then seal. At the end, enter a little "lemon".

Enjoy and.

How to make pitted apricot jam


Apricots - 1.1 kg
- sugar - 895 g
- half a lemon

Cooking steps:

Wash the sorted fruits, carefully remove the seeds from them, divide them into halves. Fill the apricots with water, place on a burning flame. Enter lemon juice and the specified amount of granulated sugar. It will take exactly one and a half hours to cook food. Collect the collected foam and discard. If you want to get jam at the end, then smear the contents along the walls during cooking.

Weld and.

Pitted apricot jam without water

Required products:

Sugar - 0.8 kg
- peeled apricots - 1.1 kg

Cooking features:

For cooking, you can take any fruit: unripe or overripe. As a vessel, prepare a brass basin with a thick bottom. apricot halves sprinkle with sugar to stand out the juice, leave for 3 days. Prepare containers for seaming. Put a saucepan with fruit slices on the fire. If you want to speed up the cooking process, add a little water. While the sugar has not been added, stir the mass with a wooden spoon so that all the fruits can be covered with syrup.

After all the crystals have melted, leave the treat for 24 hours. After insisting, heat the jam again, putting the pan on the stove, bring to a boil. Be sure to stir the mixture. Add apricots again and leave the mixture for 12 hours. The mass should form thick and viscous, so another procedure may be required. Repeat the second cooking step a third time. Infuse again for 12 hours and cook, stirring the fruit as gently as possible.

Try and .

Seedless apricot jam in a slow cooker


Juice from half a lemon
- granulated sugar - 0.35 kg
- apricots - 0.65 kg

How to make pitted apricot jam:

Choose ripe and unspoiled fruits for cooking. It is desirable that they be as large as possible. Wash them, dry them, remove the nucleoli. Finely crumble, put in a multicooker container, sprinkle with sugar. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. This process will take approximately 30 minutes. If you select the "Bake" mode, leave the lid open. Be sure to stir the jam, but do it as carefully as possible. Pour into dry and pre-cleaned containers, twist.

Bright apricot jam many love. Apricots can be harvested for the winter in halves, whole, boiled thick jam or slices.

Your apricot jam change if you add various nuts, mint, oranges or lemons. In winter, jam is used to make pies, buns or as a fragrant, sweet dessert for tea.

Verified apricot jam recipes for your attention. 5 easy-to-make recipes: apricot halves, thick jam, apricots with walnuts, apricot jam with oranges, apricot jam with pits.

You will come out fragrant apricots halves, tea drinking with such a dessert in winter is a great treat.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 1.2 kg.


Sort apricots, remove rotten and damaged fruits. Wash the apricots in water. Cut the apricots in half with a knife, carefully remove the pits so that the halves remain intact.

Put the halves in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. We leave the apricots for 8-10 hours to let the juice go.

Put the apricots on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Skim off the resulting foam. Wash and sterilize jars and lids.

Finished apricot jam halves Arrange in jars and roll up the lids, store in a cool place. You don't need to cover. I got 1.5 liters of sweet apricot jam.

Jam is very easy to prepare, in the end you will get a very tasty, thick and fragrant jam.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 600 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the seeds by cutting into halves or breaking them with your hands. Place the pitted apricots in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Mix well and put the apricots with sugar in a saucepan to make jam.

Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. cook on your own small fire 15 minutes, if foam appears, remove. Stir the jam occasionally. After the time has elapsed, turn off the heat and leave the apricot jam to cool to room temperature.

Repeat the cooking procedure for 15 minutes and cooling 2 more times. If you cook the jam longer, it will become like jam.

Arrange the finished apricot jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. From this amount of ingredients, 2 half-liter jars with fragrant, thick apricot jam came out.

Addendum walnuts in jam will give a special taste and aroma.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg, walnuts, peeled 150 g.


Wash the apricots and remove the pits. Sprinkle apricots with sugar, mix.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer until clear juice(it took me 15 minutes). Remove foam constantly.

Pour walnuts to the jam, mix and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Prepare jars and lids in advance, wash and sterilize. Pour the finished apricot jam with walnuts into jars and roll up the lids.

From these ingredients came out 3 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

Video - Apricot Jam - Very Tasty and Easy

Very fragrant and tasty jam from apricots with oranges. This jam has citrus aroma with a particularly delicate taste.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.6 kg, sugar 800 g, oranges 400-500 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the pits, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Wash the oranges and cut into half rings with the skin. Combine oranges and apricots with sugar.

We put the pan on the fire, cook over low heat, removing the foam. After boiling, cook for 25-30 minutes, until foam completely ceases to form.

Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

It turned out 1 liter, and 2 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

A delicious delicacy is jam with apricot kernel, which resembles a nut in taste. Children love this jam, which can replace sweets. The nucleolus, being inside the apricot, is soaked with syrup during cooking - it comes out very tasty.

Ingredients: apricots 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 100 ml.


For jam, prepare large and dense apricots with sweet pits. Wash apricots and remove pits. To keep the apricots whole, grasp the fruit with your fingers and use a wooden stick or similar object to push the pit out.

Break the bones with a hammer and take out the kernels inside them.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour boiling syrup over apricots. After complete cooling, drain the syrup and after heating the syrup, pour the apricots again.

Repeat procedure in general 3-4 times. We don't cook apricots. Pour the finished apricot jam with a stone into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store jam in a cold place.

Excellent filling for rolls, pies and cookies. Fragrant and tasty apricot jam very easy to prepare.

Ingredients: apricots 2 kg, sugar 700 g, water 50 ml.


Wash apricots, remove pits. Pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, cover with a lid. Put on fire for 10-15 minutes to soften.

Remove the pan from the stove, grind it into a homogeneous mass with a blender, you can also rub it through a metal sieve, but it takes a long time, but the result is the same.

Add sugar, mix and put on fire. If you have sour apricots, you can add more sugar. Cook after boiling for 30-40 minutes, until the jam thickens a little. Skim off the foam that appears during cooking, and stir occasionally. The duration of cooking depends on the variety of apricot.

While the jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize.

Pour the finished apricot jam into jars and roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Video - Apricot jam with nuts

Here are the most popular recipes apricot jam for the winter, which we shared with you, will always be at your fingertips.

Among homemade preparations, pitted apricot jam for the winter occupies a special place. This dessert is equally liked by adults and children. Such a love for delicacy is explained by the fact that it turns out to be moderately sweet, without an element of cloying. There are many ways to cook apricot jam, but the advantage this recipe is its simplicity. Preparing such a delicacy is not difficult, and its refined taste will please the whole family. The jam cooked according to this recipe turns out to be moderately thick and homogeneous, thanks to which it can be wrapped in pancakes or spread on a bun for tea.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to make pitted apricot jam

For jam, choose ripe and fragrant apricots. The pulp of the fruit should be without veins. Apricots are thoroughly washed in water with the addition of a large number baking soda and then under running water. We throw the washed fruits into a colander, thereby allowing excess moisture to drain.

Then we cut the apricots with a knife along the groove, take out the seeds.

Place the prepared halves of apricots in an enameled bowl, sprinkle them with sugar according to the recipe.

We leave the apricot fruits covered with sugar overnight so that they gradually release the juice.

In the morning next day Carefully loosen the sugar that has settled to the bottom of the bowl, put the bowl on the fire. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes, not forgetting to gently mix the jam. It is advisable to use a wooden spoon or spatula. While cooking the jam, carefully remove the resulting foam. After boiling the jam for 5 minutes, leave it until the next day.

In the evening, boil the jam for another 5 minutes, set aside until the next morning. Then in the morning boil it for 10 minutes. When preparing such a delicious jam from a sweet variety of apricots, add a couple of grams of citric acid for every kilogram ripe fruits.

We place the jam in prepared sterilized jars while hot and seal tightly.

Cooking Tips

  • In order for you to get not only tasty, but also healthy jam, use only ripe, slightly unripe fruits without damage.
  • Cooking in several stages without stirring will help maintain the shape of the fruit and avoid the appearance of porridge. The dishes can only be shaken slightly during the cooking process.
  • You can cook not only tasty, but also beautiful jam if you pick up fruits of approximately the same size.
  • Various nuts can be added to apricot jam: almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts. It will be especially effective to place them in place of the removed bones. also in amber delicacy you can add oranges, lemon or cocoa, which will add some piquancy to the taste of jam.
  • In order to get a fairly thick jam, you can add gelatin or pectin to the recipe. Gelatin is pre-diluted in small amount warm water. However, the most important thing in getting desired consistency is to cook the fruits to the end. The jam that has stood on the stove for the required amount of time (more than 30 minutes) will boil down and turn out to be quite thick, but most likely in this case the berries will lose their structure and may fall apart.

We talked about how to cook delicious apricot jam with slices
