
Homemade wine from raspberry jam without yeast. Recipe for wine from old jam at home

If your jam is sugared, sour or fermented for five minutes, do not throw away the blanks. Make homemade wine from this sweet mass.

It is easier to make wine from jam than from fruit - raw materials do not need to be washed, cleaned, and the fermentation process will go faster. And the resulting drink will not yield to the taste of alcohol from fresh ingredients.

Wine from jam at home - cherry

A wine drink is made from any pitted jam. But it’s better not to use moldy jam - the liquid will absorb an unpleasant odor and your work will go down the drain. Try our easy cherry wine recipe. The method is suitable for sweet berries and fruits: strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, apples, pears.

You will need: 1.5 kg of jam, 200 gr. sugar, 2 liters of water, 50 gr. raisins. For the first stage of fermentation, take a five-liter pouring pan, for the second - a glass bottle. Stock up on a rubber glove.

  • Put jam, sugar, raisins in a saucepan. Fill with warm boiled water. Close the lid, hide in a dark place for 12 days.
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the pulp that has risen to the top. Strain the wort through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle using a funnel.

Tip: pre-wash the wine container with soda and rinse with boiling water.

  • Put a glove on the neck of the bottle. Poke a hole in your finger with a needle to let air out. Remove the wine to the pantry for fermentation.
  • A day later, the rubber palm will inflate - secondary fermentation has begun. After a month, the glove will lean to the side, which means the drink is ready. Pour it into any containers without disturbing the sediment. Put the cherry on exposure and after 60 days you will get a foamy drink with a strength of 10 to 13%.

Cherry wine pairs well with red meat and game, and you can't go wrong with a sweet dessert or chocolate cake.

Wine from jam at home - currant

If the jam is made from sour berries - gooseberries, blackberries, honeysuckle, then more sugar will go, and the sourdough will have to be strengthened. Let's figure out how to make wine from a currant five-minute.

  • In a large pouring container, mix the jam with boiled water 1: 2, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 cups of raisins with seeds, 100 gr. raw rice. Cover the pan with a light cloth, put in a cool place.
  • After a week, remove the pulp that begins to smell, strain. Taste the liquid, if sour, add sugar.
  • Fill the bottle 2/3 full with purified wort. Put a glove on the neck or insert a rubber stopper with a tubular outlet - a water seal.

Define the wine in a secluded corner for a month and a half, then filter it, bottle it, put it in the kitchen cabinet.

Alcoholic drinks from jam at home

Want to get fortified wine instead of dessert wine? Add high-grade alcohol to the recipe.

strawberry liqueur

Take: 1 kg of jam, 200 gr. sugar, 400 ml of water, 1.5 liters of vodka. In a saucepan, heat sugar with water, put strawberries, boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain the mixture, pour vodka. Pack in storage containers. Taste after a week.

apricot liqueur

As an alcohol base for liquor, take inexpensive cognac - one liter bottle. Water will go 0.5 l, jam and sugar - 500 gr each.

Pour water into the pan, put sugar, jam, boil. Cool, add alcohol. Leave to brew for two weeks, filter, pour into a container.

Raspberry tincture for colds

A good cold tincture is obtained from jam with the addition of medicinal herbs. Fill half a three-liter jar with raspberry jam. Add a handful of lime blossom and strawberry leaves. Fill the rest of the container with vodka. Place in the sun for active fermentation. Shake daily. After a month, strain, cork, take at the first manifestations of the disease a glass at night.

As you can see, making homemade wine from jam is easy. This process is creative, exciting, cheap, however, requiring a little free time. But it will more than pay off with the resulting original drink with a pleasant berry aroma and taste.

Surely everyone involved in conservation has encountered such a problem when it was the turn to restock for the winter, but there was no space in the pantry - the shelves were full of jars of jam prepared in past seasons. And then a dilemma arises, what to do with this good - it seems to be a pity to throw it away, but on the other hand, you want to eat only a fresh product. We give a hintyou can make wine from jam at home.

Homemade jam wine

You can prepare this delicious alcoholic drink from freshly rolled jam, last year's and even fermented. The wine comes out of it fragrant and quite fortified: 10-14%. If the jam is sugared, then it must be heated to dissolve the sugar.

Important! It is forbidden to use moldy jam, as this can affect both the quality of the wine and have adverse effects on your health.

The preparation process is very simple, but long - the wine can be consumed in four to five months. In advance, it is necessary to prepare a container where the fermentation process will take place. It must be glass. It is advisable to wash it thoroughly with warm soda solution and pour boiling water over it before use. To get wine, you need jam and slightly warm boiled water in a ratio of one to one. They need to be mixed well. To 3 liters of the mixture add half a glass of sugar and a handful of raisins. The liquid is poured into a container and sent to an unlit place with a temperature of +18 ... +25 ° С.

When the pulp (pulp) comes up, the wort should be filtered. Then add half a glass of sugar and pour into the prepared clean glass container, closing it with a pierced rubber glove or a water seal. In order for the future wine to ferment well, it is again sent to a dark and warm room, where it is languished for three months. At the end of this period, the wine drink is bottled using a thin rubber tube so as not to touch the sediment. It usually takes a couple of months for the wine to fully mature.

Important! To infuse wine in bottles, they are placed in a dark, cold place, placed in a horizontal position.

This alcoholic drink can be prepared from jam, which contains various fruits and berries. The most delicious is obtained from strawberry, currant, raspberry jam. However, this is to our taste. You can experiment, and perhaps your favorite drinks will also be made from apple, pear, apricot jam. And you can cook several types of wine at the same time and do tasting on long winter evenings, choosing the most delicious. Below you will find several recipes for delicious homemade wine from various jams.

Recipes for homemade jam wine

Indeed, a second life in the form of wine can be given to any jam. However, we want to warn you that mixing different jams in the same container is undesirable. This will spoil the taste of the drink.

Important! Since different amounts of sugar are used to make various kinds of jam, it will be a matter of time and your personal taste to choose its proportions when making wine. Usually 20% sugar is added to the total volume of the liquid.

To get wine from raspberry jam, you will need a liter jar of jam, 150 g of raisins and two and a half liters of boiled water, cooled to 36-40 ° C. Mix everything and pour into a container, while filling it by two thirds. Next, you should proceed in the same way as when making wine from any other jam: put on a pierced glove on the neck, place the container in a room without lighting and with a warm temperature for 20-30 days. Strain the drink, pour into a clean glass container, tightly close the lids. It is necessary to insist it for three days. After that, without shaking the sediment, pour into bottles. The wine will be ready to drink in three days.

Wine made from strawberry jam

For wine from strawberry jam, 1 liter of it is taken, 130 g of raisins, 2.5 liters of boiled water cooled to a warm temperature. The technology of preparation is similar to the previous ones.

Wine from apple jam at home is prepared according to this technology: 1 liter of jam is mixed with 1.5 liters of boiled water, 200 g of unwashed rice and 20 g of fresh yeast are added. Dissolve yeast in a small amount of water. To prepare the wort, you will need a three-liter bottle. Further - according to the scheme: close with a rubber glove or a water seal, place in an unlit warm place, wait until the liquid becomes transparent and the glove deflates. After that, pass the wine through several layers of gauze, pour into bottles and insist. Add sugar if necessary.

Did you know? Apple wine contains a high amount of pectins and iodine, which is good for the thyroid gland. It also helps to remove excess salts from the human body.

Wine from currant jam

Ingredients for making wine from currant jam:

  • 1 liter of red or black currant jam (assorted);
  • 200 g of fresh grapes;
  • 200 g rice (unwashed);
  • 2 liters of water.
The preparation technology is identical to those described in the previous sections.

Did you know? Wine made on the basis of blackcurrant jam is able to strengthen the walls of human vessels.

Cherry jam wine

The way to make wine from cherry jam will also not differ from those given earlier. Only the aroma, taste and color of the finished drink will be different. This wine is prepared from 1 liter of cherry jam (preferably pitted), 100 g of raisins and warm boiled water. We add enough water so that the three-liter container is filled no more than 75%.

Wine from fermented jam

If you are interested in the question of how to make wine from fermented jam without adding sugar, then you can use the following method. Take 3 liters of any jam, add 5 liters of water and, stirring constantly, boil over low heat for 3-4 minutes. Then cool the liquid. Pour the drink into cleanly washed glass containers, filling them no more than 75% - the remaining space will be needed for carbon dioxide and foam. Raisins are added directly to the bottles.

The containers are closed with punctured rubber gloves. When the wine has fermented, after about 1.5-2 months, the gloves should deflate and no more air will come out of the water seal. In this case, the liquid must be transparent. It is bottled using a tube, as in the previously described recipes. Sediment should not get into the wine.

Did you know? For making homemade wine fortified from jam, canned last year's compote may also be suitable instead of water.

There is a recipe using yeast. However, we want to warn you that this method is undesirable, since in the end you may not ferment wine, but mash. If available, it is better to use wine yeast. In the absence of such, those that are introduced into the dough for baking are suitable. Do not try to use beer.

So, how to make homemade wine from jam with the addition of yeast:

  • 1 liter of fermented jam;
  • 1 glass of rice cereal;
  • 20 g yeast (fresh).

Prepare a clean three-liter glass container sterilized with boiling water. We put all the ingredients in it and add 1 liter of boiled water. We close the container with a glove or a water seal, put it in a warm unlit place. After the formation of sediment and when the drink becomes completely transparent, we pour it into bottles. We put the wine in the refrigerator for a couple of days. If the drink came out sour or not particularly sweet, you can add sugar (20 g / 1 l) or sugar syrup. Spices, such as mint, cinnamon, etc., can also be added to the finished wine drink. Spices will give the wine a stronger aroma and refined taste.

To make wine from old jam at home, the following recipe is suitable:

  • 1 liter of any jam;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of boiled water (warm);
  • 100 g raisins.

Important! Since raisins contain natural yeast on the surface, without which the fermentation process will not start, it is not necessary to wash them.

For winemaking using this method, you will need a five-liter glass container. If this is not found, then it is necessary to use two three-liter bottles, which are filled with the prepared liquid by two-thirds. Mix all the ingredients and send for 10 days in a warm place where there is no light. Instead of sugar, you can also use syrup by dissolving 250 g of granulated sugar in half a liter of water. After 10 days, the risen pulp is removed, the liquid is poured into bottles, rubber gloves are put on their necks, in which holes are cut in advance to give oxygen access and gas outlet. Gloves are attached to the neck with threads, rubber bands or ropes. It is also possible to use a water seal.

Sometimes many housewives find that a jar of their favorite jam has fermented or the taste of homemade treats turned out to be worse than expected. In this case, you should not be upset, because you can make a delicious wine that will have a berry flavor and a pleasant sweetness.

Recipe for wine from old jam at home

It is not recommended to use yeast, since it is not easy to get wine yeast, and ordinary ones give an unpleasant taste. Instead, prepare raisins. You can use a treat from apples, raspberries, strawberries and other fruits and berries. It is not recommended to mix two different types of treats, as the taste may turn out to be unexpected.

If the treat is not too sweet, then add sugar, given that 250 g of sand must be taken for 500 ml of water. According to this recipe, a natural alcoholic drink is obtained, in which the fortress will be 10-13%.

For cooking, you should take the following ingredients: 1 liter of water and jam, as well as 115 grams of raisins.

Cooking scheme:

  • mix the contents well, and then close the jar with a nylon lid. Put the container in a warm place for 10 days, but just beware of direct sunlight. After the time has elapsed, open the lid, remove the pulp from the surface, and strain the liquid through several layers of gauze;
  • Pour the pure wort into a clean jar, and then put an ordinary medical glove on the neck, in which you should first make a hole in one finger using a needle. If there is a water seal, then use it. Leave the jar for 40 days. During the fermentation process, the glove will inflate, and when everything is ready, it will fall off, and all the sediment will be at the bottom;
  • It remains to carefully pour the wine into bottles. It is important that the sediment remains at the bottom of the jar. Move the bottles of alcohol to the basement, placing them in a horizontal position. Duration of storage - at least 2 months.

How to make homemade wine with honey and spices from jam?

It is worth choosing a delicacy from red berries, in which case the drink will turn out with a pronounced taste and aroma. If you want to surprise your guests at the next holiday, then be sure to treat them with a glass of such wine.

To prepare a drink, you should take the following products: 1.5 liters of spring water and jam, 500 g of sugar, 5 g of cinnamon and cloves, 50 g of honey and 300 g of raisins.

We will prepare like this:

  • take a jar of 3 liters, sterilize it and pour homemade treats and water into it, and add sugar. Mix everything well and leave in a dark and cool place for a month;
  • when the allotted time has passed, open the container and remove the resulting pulp. Strain the liquid through a few layers of gauze and pour it into another clean jar. Send cinnamon, cloves, honey and raisins there. Close the jar again and leave for another month;
  • after the allotted time, the liquid must be filtered again and can already be poured into jars. Wine can be considered ready. It can be drunk as an independent drink, and also used to make mulled wine.

Recipe for making homemade rice jam wine

This recipe is best used if there is a jar of blackcurrant blanks. The result is a drink not only of a beautiful color, but also with a bright taste and aroma.

To make a delicious alcoholic drink, prepare the following products: a 1 liter jar of jam, 200 g of grapes and rice, and another 2 liters of water. If it is not the season of fresh grapes, then use 100 g of raisins.

Cooking steps:

  • put on a glove from above, making a hole in it with a needle. Leave the container in a warm place for a month. A lowered glove will indicate that the fermentation process is over;
  • it remains to strain the wine, pour into bottles and close with tight lids. It is important to do everything carefully so as not to pour the sediment. In principle, the tasting can be carried out immediately, but it is best to leave it all for another couple of weeks to infuse.

Quick Jam Wine Recipe

Consider the option of preparing a delicious alcoholic drink, which is prepared in a short time. To speed up the process, we will use yeast, but just try to find wine.

You need to take the following ingredients: 1 liter of fermented treats, 1 tbsp. rice cereal, 20 g of yeast and boiled water.

  • put the prepared ingredients into the prepared container, including water, so that its level reaches the shoulders of the container;
  • put a glove on top of the neck and prick one finger with a needle. Place the container in a warm but dark place. After the fermentation process is completed, all the air will leave the glove, and sediment will appear at the bottom. The wine itself will be clear. Be sure to try it and, if necessary, add granulated sugar, assuming that 1 liter should account for 20 g;
  • all that remains is to carefully pour everything into bottles, but just make sure that the sediment remains in the container. The drink can be drunk in 2-3 days. To add originality to the wine, you can add cloves, cinnamon or mint.

Homemade jam wine with cane sugar

Cane sugar makes the drink tasty and original in taste. Today you can buy this product in almost every supermarket. Try to find a large bottle to ensure a quality fermentation process, which means that the final product will be tasty and aromatic.

Prepare the following set of products: 1 liter of jam and boiled water and 100 g of cane sugar

Here's how everything is prepared:

  • put the bottle in a dark place and leave for 2 months. The next step is to remove the pulp, and strain the liquid through a few layers of gauze. Pour it into a clean container and leave for another 40 days also in a dark place. When the allotted time has passed, you can conduct a tasting.

How to store wine made from fermented jam at home?

In order for the prepared drink not to spoil, it is necessary to store it properly. This is important not only for the preservation of taste, but also for the duration of the storage period.

Wine from fermented jam should be stored, taking into account the following rules:

  • it is necessary to pour the finished drink exclusively into clean containers and it is best if they are made of dark glass;
  • the ideal temperature for storage is considered to be - 10-12 degrees;
  • to get a really tasty and aromatic drink, it is recommended to withstand it. Usually the process lasts 1.5-3 months;
  • it is important that the bottles are kept in a horizontal position during storage. Protect bottles from temperature fluctuations, vibrations, etc.

Now you know that you can make delicious homemade wine from old jam. Use the presented recipes as a basis for your culinary experiments, using different spices.

It turns out that excellent homemade wine can be made from jam.

And for this purpose, both good and fermented or just old jam is suitable. Surely every housewife was faced with a situation where the jam fermented. It is no longer possible to eat such a product, but it is a pity to throw it away, because so much work has been invested in it! Or last year's jam is left, which is not spoiled at all, but its taste is not the same. No need to throw away these products - make delicious and noble homemade wine from fermented jam! It is prepared from the most common products, the cooking process is simple, and the result is tasty and natural. In our article, you can choose simple homemade recipes.

Recipes for homemade wine from fermented jam

Such wine is made from fermented jam made from any fruits and berries, but currant, apple, blueberry, cherry, etc. are best suited. However, there is one important condition: the jam can be fermented or old, but not moldy in any way, otherwise it can adversely affect the quality of the drink and your health.

Jam wine recipe (any)


  • Jam (fermented or old) - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Warm water - 1.5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l.


Mix water and jam, add raisins and sugar. Pour everything into a glass container (ideally 5 liters). If you use jars with a volume of 3 liters, you need to fill them up to 2/3 of the volume, no more.

Put on a rubber glove (the most common one) on the neck of the bottle, make a hole in it so that the gas comes out, or you can install a water seal.

Leave the bottle in a warm place for several weeks to ferment. When the water seal stops gurgling or the glove deflates, this is an indication that the wine has fermented.

Then it must be very well filtered (this is done through gauze) and add 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Then the drink must be infused in a dark place for 2-3 months.

After that, drain the liquid through a tube so that the sediment does not get into the bottles in which the finished product will be stored. Be sure to cork the bottles very tightly. The wine is now ready to be tasted.

sugar free wine recipe


  • Water - 5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 handful;
  • Jam (for example, currant) - 3 l.


Mix the jam with water and boil over low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool.

Prepare the containers in which the wine will be stored (they must be clean). Pour the cooled jam into bottles: be sure to leave 1/5 of the container free. Add raisins to the bottle.

In order to block the flow of oxygen into the bottles, it is worth using rubber gloves. They need to be tightly pulled over the necks of the bottles. While the wine is fermenting, gloves can not be removed. You have to wait until they fall off on their own. This is a sign that the fermentation process is complete. It lasts approximately 1.5 months. The fully fermented liquid should become clear.

After that, it must be bottled. The wine is ready.

Another jam wine recipe


  • Jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Raisins - 110 g.


Prepare a 3 liter bottle: wash well with soda, rinse with warm water, pour over with boiling water.

Boil water and cool it down.

Transfer jam to a jar, add raisins and water. Mix everything, close the bottle with a lid and put in a warm place for 10 days.

After 10 days, open the jar, remove the pulp from the surface of the jar, strain the liquid through gauze and pour into a new container. Put a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle.

Put the container in a warm place and insist for 40 days. During this time, it will ferment. When the process is complete, the glove will fall off and the liquid will become clear in color.

Pour the wine into bottles and keep them for another 2 months in a dark place. Now the drink is ready.

How to store homemade wine from fermented jam?

It is very important not only to properly prepare wine, observing the entire technological process, but also to store it, since its taste and shelf life also depend on this. The finished product, which is stored incorrectly, will deteriorate very quickly.

  • Be sure to use only clean containers into which wine will be poured. Moreover, this rule applies at all stages of its preparation, and then storage. It is best to bottle the drink in dark glass bottles.
  • Homemade wine from jam is best stored at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. It is at this temperature that it best retains its taste.
  • This rule applies to product aging. It is necessary to strictly withstand the wine from the fermented jam for the allotted time. In different recipes, it differs: from 1.5 to 3 months. If the drink is not kept for the prescribed period, it will not be tasty or fragrant.
  • Wine bottles must be stored horizontally. Otherwise, the cork with which the bottle is closed may dry out, the tightness will be broken and the wine will deteriorate.
  • It is very important to protect bottles with a drink from temperature changes, vibrations, shaking, etc. This can also adversely affect the quality of the wine.

  • In no case should you pour unfinished wine from one container to another - fresher wine will simply go bad. The opened bottle can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. This drink quickly absorbs odors, so keeping it with products that have a specific aroma is also not worth it.

In every house, there is probably one or more jars of old jam that no one will eat anymore. Do not rush to throw it away, the product can be used as the basis for home-made wine. Moonshine brew is also made from jam, but this option is not suitable for people who prefer less strong drinks. We have collected for you a worthy collection that will help you make wine yourself. The product will not be inferior in quality to expensive drinks.

apple wine

The resulting drink is easy to drink, has a sweet and sour aftertaste and a sensual aroma.

  • apple jam - 1.2 kg.
  • rice (round-grain, long-grain) - 220 gr.
  • liquid wine yeast - 25 gr.
  • filtered water
  1. It is necessary to sterilize a three-liter jar so that the future wine does not deteriorate prematurely. To do this, boil it, then wipe it well and dry it.
  2. Mix rice in a jar (no need to rinse first) with apple jam. In another container, dilute the yeast with purified cool water. When they swell, send the composition to the jam and rice.
  3. Pour boiled warm water into the jar so that the level reaches the beginning of the neck (“shoulders” of the container).
  4. Put a medical rubber glove on the neck, take a needle and make 3 holes in the middle finger.
  5. Place the jar with the future drink in a warm (temperature from 25 degrees) and dark place for 3 weeks.
  6. The sediment at the bottom of the can and the translucent composition will tell you about the readiness of the wine. After that, you need to prepare a filter: fold gauze or bandage in 6 layers, place cotton wool between them. Filter the wine several times, taste it.
  7. If the drink is sour, sweeten it. Sugar (cane) is added at the rate of 20-25 gr. per 1 liter guilt. If you poured sugar, leave the wine to infuse for another 3 days.

The drink resembles raspberry juice, it emits a light aroma of ripe berries and has a delicate, slightly tart aftertaste.

  • raisins - 165 gr.
  • raspberry jam - 1 kg.
  • filtered water - 2.4 l.
  1. Take a large glass container (volume more than 3 liters), sterilize it and add jam. Pour in water, mix, add unwashed raisins. Ultimately, the composition should not go beyond 2/3 of the total volume of the can.
  2. Put a rubber glove on the neck, pierce a few holes in the middle or index finger.
  3. Place the composition in a dark and warm place so that it ferments properly. The exposure time ranges from 3 to 4 weeks.
  4. Prepare a filter for straining: place cotton wool between 6 layers of gauze, skip the drink.
  5. Pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid, let stand for another week. If necessary, repeat the straining procedure if sediment forms after the expiration date.

It is very rare to find wine based on strawberries on store shelves, but in vain. The drink is sweet and light, so it is ideal for ladies. If desired, you can mix strawberry jam with currant to make the wine sweet and sour.

  • strawberry jam - 1 kg.
  • seedless raisins - 125 gr.
  • purified water - 2.2 liters.
  1. Dilute the jam in 2 liters of warm water, mix. Cover the container with plastic wrap, wait half an hour. Soak raisins in 400 ml. hot water, leave to cool completely.
  2. Combine both compositions with each other, pour into a pre-sterilized jar so that the mixture reaches the beginning of the neck. Pull a rubber glove over the bottle, pierce one hole on the middle finger.
  3. Send the future drink to a dark place for fermentation. The glove must first rise and then fall. This will signal the readiness of the wine.
  4. When this happens, strain the mixture: first pass the wine through a colander, getting rid of the raisins. Then make a filter of gauze and cotton wool, repeat the previous manipulations.
  5. At the end of the infusion and straining, pour the wine into bottles, close the lid, place in the refrigerator for 1 month.

The drink can be made from sugared (old) or fresh jam. The wine is slightly sour, but easy to drink. If desired, the composition can be sweetened with cane sugar.

  • cherry jam (pitted berries) - 1 kg.
  • raisins - 125 gr.
  • boiled water - 2 l.
  1. Take a three-liter jar, put it in a saucepan, fill with water and boil. This must be done for complete sterilization. At the end of the procedure, dry the container and start cooking.
  2. Mix jam, warm boiled water and raisins in one mass, bring the composition to homogeneity with a wooden spatula.
  3. Cover the bottle with a plastic cap, put it in a dark bag and send it to ferment in a warm place. The exposure time is 12-14 days.
  4. At the end of the term, strain the drink through a sieve, and then through a cotton and gauze filter. Pour into a clean container, pull a glove over the neck. Make one hole on your index finger.
  5. Place the bottle in a dark warm place, wait about 1.5 months. The readiness of the wine will tell you first raised up and then lowered to the side of the glove. After insisting, you need to strain the drink again to remove the sediment.
  6. Taste the wine, sweeten as needed. Pour into a plastic dark bottle, leave to infuse for another 3 months.

In addition to the tart sour taste, currant wine is a storehouse of useful vitamins. Doctors recommend using it every evening for 100 gr. those people who suffer from heart disease. If desired, you can mix currants with grapes in a ratio of 5: 1.

  • currant jam - 1 kg.
  • long-grain rice - 220 gr.
  • raisins - 230 gr.
  • filtered water - 2.2 l.
  1. First, sterilize a three-liter jar by boiling it for 10 minutes. After the expiration date, cool, wipe and dry.
  2. Rinse the raisins in purified water, place them on a cotton cloth until completely dry. Mix together water, rice and jam, add dry raisins.
  3. Put the mixture in a warm place (near the heaters), covered with a towel, wait 15 minutes.
  4. After this period, pull a rubber glove over the neck of the container, make a hole in it with a needle. Send the composition to infuse in a dark place, the exposure time is 3-4 weeks.
  5. First, the glove will rise, then fall to one side. This will tell you that the wine is ready. Now it must be filtered through a colander, and then through a filter made of bandage and cotton wool. At the end of straining, sweeten the wine (optional), pour into bottles. Store in refrigerator.

In most cases, the jam disappears if the container was not previously sterilized. A convex lid indicates the unsuitability of the product. Do not rush to throw away the composition, make a full-fledged wine out of it.

  • fermented jam (any) - 1.2 kg.
  • purified water - 1.8 l.
  • cane sugar - 220 gr.
  • seedless raisins - 50 gr.
  1. Heat filtered water to 40-45 degrees, stir in jam, add raisins (do not rinse first) and half the amount of granulated sugar (110 gr.).
  2. Take a five-liter glass bottle, rinse it with hot water, boil it and dry it thoroughly. Pour the mixture into it. In cases where the required capacity is not available, use 2 three-liter jars, spilling the composition over them in equal quantities.
  3. Pull a medical glove over the neck, make 3 holes with a needle. This is necessary so that the resulting gas "does not stagnate", but freely leaves the bottle.
  4. Infuse the wine in a warm place for about a month, after the time has elapsed, add the second half of the sugar and send for another 30-45 days.
  5. After the expiration of the period, the resulting drink must be filtered through gauze and cotton wool placed between the layers.

As you can see, making wine from jam is not particularly difficult. The main thing is not to break the exposure time, strictly observe the proportions and do not drink the drink unstrained. The glove will tell you about the readiness of the composition: at first it will rise, and then fall.

Video: how to make wine at home
