
Pies on yeast dough in the oven recipe. What is this dough good for?

Find perfect recipe yeast dough for pies is a task that can take more than one year, because there are more recipes than stars in the sky. On milk, on kefir, on water, on sour cream and on creamy or vegetable oil, sponge, bezoparnoe - really yeast dough for pies prepared in a thousand and one ways! Eyes run wide - which recipe to choose? To reduce your torment of choice to zero, we have selected the most popular recipes that collect a sea of ​​rave reviews. That is, in fact, collected in one article the most fashion trends modern home baking delicious pies. Recipes are arranged from the easiest and fastest to the most difficult, requiring certain culinary skills.

Let's start with step by step instructions, for those who do not know at all which end to take on the yeast dough. Even if you have never dealt with yeast, according to this recipe you will learn how to make excellent yeast dough for pies in the oven. Although, probably, everyone in childhood was spinning in the grandmother’s kitchen and remembers how the dough hidden under a towel rose, this smell is unique, a table laden with plates with different stuffing(my grandmother, for example, baked pies not only with cabbage and with onions and eggs, but also with poppy seeds and berries), the feeling soft bun in the hands, which had to be crushed, and then rolled out with a rolling pin on a table sprinkled with flour. And even if the first pies did not turn out as neat and plump as grandmother's. But even a hand-made pie that was crooked and split at the seam seemed the most delicious. This dough is ideal for pies with meat, cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, rice and eggs.

Having mastered the basics, go to the most "cool", I would even say magic recipe yeast dough from our collection. This is a yeast dough for pies with dry yeast in milk. Sounds pretty normal, right? What is the magic? And the fact that you do not have to wait until the dough rises. Kneaded, cut - and immediately into the oven! Unbelievable but true. The pies are downy, any filling is suitable - both sweet and savory. Recipe.

Just as universal is the yeast dough for kefir pies. It is precocious, but still requires an extra hour of time to rise. Its main advantage is a special tenderness and amazing taste. Dairy products in a special way affect wheat protein, giving it an incomparable noble taste. (Go to the recipe.) And if you, like me, think that there is no limit to perfection, try yeast dough on sour cream, a dry yeast recipe, I have tried it many times and is the absolute favorite of my collection.

AND latest recipe for those who like more difficult culinary tasks - the famous puff yeast dough. It is prepared quite differently than usual. No prolonged cooling or ice on the table. On the contrary, we will use a soft oil that is easy to spread. The process of preparing the dough is very pleasant, although it requires painstaking and time. But the result is worth it.

Step-by-step recipe with photo: yeast dough for pies in the oven

For the first experience, we offer the simplest yeast dough for pies, step by step recipe with a photo especially for beginners, who definitely needs to see how the approached yeast looks, what is the consistency of the dough and whether a mistake was made during kneading. The dough is made even simpler than the usual dough for pies with yeast in milk. It is very pleasant to work with, elastic, non-sticky, does not tear, that is, you can roll it thin enough, which is especially important for those who like to have more toppings than a test. Pies are easily pinched, do not open when baking. Taste - soft, fluffy. The dough is especially good for pies with meat, mushroom, potato, cabbage, rice, onion or egg filling. That is, for savory pies par excellence. If you want sweets, then for them great dough V next recipe. I will give food for two baking sheets of pies. Enough to feed all the afflicted without getting tired of cooking.

  • Flour 2 cups with a volume of 250 ml *,
  • Refined vegetable oil 8 tablespoons (50 ml),
  • Yeast dry fast acting 1 sachet weighing 11 grams,
  • Water 200 ml (strictly!),
  • Sugar 1 heaping teaspoon
  • Salt ½ teaspoon

* (with a slide approximately 1 cm high)

How to cook dough step by step

First, we shave all the ingredients so as not to confuse anything. The success of this particular yeast dough largely depends on how correctly the ratio of flour and water is observed. Water should be exactly 200 ml. Dial it from a separate container. This will avoid the error.

Take a cup, pour yeast, sugar into it and pour a small amount of water (pour from the container in which we collected 200 ml of water - the rest of the liquid will go to knead the dough). Stir and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, the yeast is activated and forms just such a thick bubble cap.

You can knead the dough. We take a basin or a bowl. Pour flour, pour water, add salt, vegetable oil, pour in the risen yeast. We mix with a spoon. And then we begin to knead with our hands. Note the time - you will need to torment the dough for at least seven minutes. And 10 is better. A little sticky at first, it will gradually become soft, elastic, it will be easy to move away from the hands.

Put the dough in a bowl, brush on top vegetable oil odorless (with hands or a brush so that the dough is not covered on top dense crust), cover with a towel or a lid from the pan and leave to rise for about forty minutes. It is not necessary to put in a warm place. At room temperature, the dough will rise to about double. You no longer need to crush it. Immediately spread on the table and proceed to cutting the pies. There should be about 15 of them.

The best yeast dough for pies - with dry yeast in milk

If you look at recipes for pies on yeast dough, then perhaps the most unpleasant moment in kneading yeast dough is an hour and a half wait until it finally rises and you can start baking. That's why this yeast dough without proofing has become a real lifesaver for me. It is kneaded literally in 20 minutes + 20 minutes for baking, it does not require any time to rise at all. Knead - and immediately you can sculpt in the oven. Beauty! The dough is universal, suitable for both pies with sweet and savory fillings.

  • milk of any fat content 1 tbsp.,
  • water 50 ml (5 tablespoons),
  • margarine for baking 1 pack (200 g),
  • medium sized eggs 2 pcs.,
  • sugar 2 tablespoons,
  • high-speed yeast 1 sachet weighing 11 grams,
  • salt half a teaspoon without a slide,
  • flour 600 g (3 full + 3/4 st.).

Method for preparing quick yeast dough without proofing

To make a great dough for yeast pies with milk, you first need to give the yeast strength so that it can rise the dough very quickly. To do this, mix the yeast with a warm sweet liquid. Mix the yeast with sugar, pour them, stirring, with five tablespoons of water. As soon as all the grains disperse, set the bowl aside in a warm place for ten to fifteen minutes. Our dough will not rise and infuse, but the yeast still needs to be given time, so to speak, to activate.

Time will fly faster if you simultaneously prepare the rest of the ingredients for the dough. Melt margarine, after chopping it into medium-sized pieces - this way it will melt quickly and evenly. And in order to prevent boiling, it is better to heat it in a water bath or in a thick-walled vessel and at a minimum heating of the stove.

Salt melted margarine and mix with milk. This milk mixture should be warm. You can check its temperature by dropping a couple of drops of liquid on your wrist.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs quite a bit, then add them to the milk and beat again lightly.

By this time, a lush bubble cap of a decent size should already appear on the yeast - a sign that the yeast is working perfectly, and it's time to introduce it into the liquid component of the dough.

When the yeast mixture is in place, stir the dough again and you can add the last ingredient to it - flour. Pour it should be gradually, immediately sifting through a sieve. The dough is easy to knead. It turns out very tender and soft. Doesn't stick to hands at all.

Everything, the dough is ready for sculpting pies.

A few tips for future work. When forming pies, take the flour for dusting to a minimum. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I get pies on two baking sheets. So the first batch of pies should be put in a cold (!) oven, you don’t need to warm it up in advance! Pies are baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Well, the pies of the second batch, whatever one may say, have time to distance themselves, because a heated oven is the most suitable place for them.

Yeast dough for pies on kefir

There are so many recipes for making pies on yeast dough now that it is not so easy to choose the most suitable one for you. And to make it easier for you, I will immediately tell you about all the benefits of this recipe. Yeast dough on kefir is a real lifesaver for busy housewives. It will take you no more than an hour to knead it, I'm not afraid of this word, great dough. Only 20 min. for kneading, 30-40 min. on the rise - and now you have the most delicate yeast dough ready, which will fit on any pastry you want!

  • kefir (2.5–3.2%) 200 ml,
  • milk (any fat content) or water 50 ml,
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil 100 ml,
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.,
  • yeast (dry) 3/4 sachet,
  • soda pinch,
  • salt 1 tsp,
  • flour (wheat, BC) 3.5 tbsp. (250 grams).

How to cook yeast dough on kefir

Warm milk (water) slightly, dilute half a spoonful of sugar in it, after which we introduce yeast into this sweet liquid and stir them until completely dissolved. We set aside the bowl with the dough to the side in order to allow the yeast to wake up and work. On average, this takes about 10 minutes.

As soon as you notice that the dough has grown noticeably and a fluffy yeast cap has appeared on top of it, you can continue to cook the dough. Now it's the turn of kefir. If it is cold, warm it up slightly (it is more convenient to do this in the microwave) and pour it into a mixing bowl. In kefir, add literally a pinch of soda, salt and mix it well. Why in the dough is coming soda, if it is yeasty, and it does not perform any lifting functions? It's simple: soda this case needed in order to rid the finished pastry from the characteristic kefir acidity. If this sourness does not bother you, it is quite possible to do without soda.

Next, we introduce the egg into the dough, the remaining unused sugar and the dough that has already come up. Lightly and gently beat the mass with a whisk (or fork), after which we introduce half the flour into the dough. Stir the dough so that all the flour disperses, a rather thick lumpy mass is obtained. Now pour the last ingredient - oil into this mass and knead again.

Without stopping stirring, we introduce the remaining flour into the dough, and when it thickens so much that it becomes inconvenient to work with a whisk (fork), we switch to kneading the dough with our hands. To do this, sprinkle the work surface with a small amount (literally one handful) of flour and intensively knead a very soft, pliable dough. It stops sticking to your hands after 10-13 minutes of kneading.

As soon as it stops sticking, we send the dough for proofing. And now, after some 30-40 minutes, the dough will be completely ready for further use.

Yeast dough for tender pies on sour cream and eggs

There is nothing tastier than mom's pies! I'm sure every hostess will say so (or almost so). She always makes them tender, tasty and fragrant. I don’t remember a single time when her yeast dough for pies on sour cream and eggs turned out unsuccessful. I picked it up myself not too long ago. No, it's not difficult at all! It just takes 3-4 hours of free time (taking into account the time for preparing the filling, of course). The main advantage of this test option, what it is worth spending these hours in the kitchen for, is simply fabulous. tender dough, which is impossible to spoil, even if suddenly you come across not the most good yeast. Plus, it can be used with different options fillings. If you need a “package” for a sweet filling, such as fruit or poppy seeds, you can add a little more sugar if desired, or a couple of 11-gram bags vanilla sugar, for fresh - reduce its amount to a minimum. One way or another, such pies fly away in an instant, because I'm used to kneading this yeast sour cream dough immediately for 400 g of sour cream.

  • medium fat sour cream (15-20%) 400 g,
  • water 80 ml (about 1/3 cup),
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l. (incomplete),
  • dry yeast 1 sachet,
  • flour 1 kg (6 tablespoons with a slide).

*glass volume = 250 ml

How to cook the most delicious yeast dough on sour cream and eggs

The main thing in yeast dough for pies is dough. With it, we start cooking. We heat the water a little, literally 10-15 seconds in the microwave at maximum power, and dilute dry yeast and one spoonful of sugar in it. Not the slightest grain should remain. Divorced and cleaned in a warm place, to the battery, for example. There is no need to cover the dish with the dough. In addition, it is easier to follow the open one so that it does not run away.

While the dough is ripening, mix with a whisk (or a mixer at minimum speed) the eggs with the remaining sugar and salt. Then add sour cream to this sweet mixture and mix everything again with a whisk. Important! Mixed products should be approximately the same temperature. And this means that, as you planned to bake pies, take everything you need out of the refrigerator, leave it for 30-60 minutes in the kitchen on the table, and only then start cooking.

Sift the flour into this bowl and knead a pliable, soft dough. Due to the fat content of sour cream, it practically does not stick to hands. When working (modeling pies), flour for dusting is not required, it is enough to lubricate your hands with any oil.

We cover the kneaded dough and send it to grow somewhere warm for about an hour. Be careful, the dough increases three times, so do not make a mistake with the choice of dishes for it.

As soon as the dough has grown, take it out, punch it down and you can fill it with the filling. Then the dough should come up again: when the pies are already formed and ready to be sent to the oven. Leave them for 20 minutes, then gently grease (yolk, oil, sweet water- optional) and also carefully send for baking.

Yeast puff pastry for pies

This is a recipe for those who already know how to make dough for pies with yeast in milk. The recipe by me personally, as they say, suffered, because I took up the process of making real yeast puff pastry only when I mastered the technique of kneading yeast dough, one might say, to perfection. I confess that this time-consuming procedure with constant folding / rolling and freezing the dough scared me, so at first I tried fast option. What to say? It turns out well, but you can hardly call it puff. It comes out the usual yeast, but a little more airy. And of course, it cannot be compared with the option that I will discuss below. Yes, it's yeast puff pastry for pies it is long and tedious to prepare, but, believe me, the result will surpass all your expectations. Do not be afraid to try, and you will definitely succeed!

  • milk 250 ml (1 faceted glass with a rim),
  • sugar 1.5 tablespoons,
  • butter 200 grams,
  • dry fast yeast 5-6 g (half a sachet),
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • wheat flour VS 3 tbsp. (full, 250 grams),
  • salt 1 tsp

How to make homemade yeast puff pastry

This kind of dough is kneaded sponge method, therefore, we will first put the dough. To do this, immediately in a large bowl suitable for kneading yeast dough, mix dry yeast and sugar, pour them with about a third of lukewarm milk. If you have fresh yeast instead of dry, then 25 g will be enough (based on: 50 g per 1 kg of flour).

Beat the yeast mixture with a fork or whisk and send the bowl to a warm place for 10 minutes. Then put the remaining milk and egg into the bowl to the dough. Beat the mixture again with a whisk and let stand alone for another ten minutes. During this period of time, the mass should increase at least twice.

Next, sift the flour into the liquid mixture and knead the dough, which should be elastic and not stick to your hands. At first it will be soft, but in the process of kneading it will acquire the consistency we need. Thorough kneading usually takes 5-7 minutes. Since oil has not yet been added to the dough, a little flour will be required for dusting.

The dough will no longer fit, therefore, as soon as we have finished kneading, we dust the work surface and wipe the rolling pin with flour. We roll out the dough from the middle to the edges into a rectangular (preferably) layer about 5 mm thick, thinner is not needed.

Now the most tedious process begins - the formation of layered dough. Heat the butter slightly so that it only softens, but does not begin to melt. You can simply take it out of the refrigerator in advance and, while the dough is kneaded, it will reach the desired state. Lubricate the dough layer with oil so that one third and about 1 cm along the edges remain not smeared. That is, we oil only two or three layers, leaving clean sides around the edges.

Next, take this clean third and wrap it in the middle of the oiled part, and wind the remaining free oiled third of the dough in the middle. It turns out that the layer of dough is folded into three layers, and each layer is smeared with oil. Lightly press the edges, hide the folded dough in a special cling film or just in plastic bag and hide it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Good butter has time to seize during this time.

Then we take the dough out of the freezer onto the work surface, sprinkle with flour and roll it out again into a long rectangle. Important! Roll the dough in one direction only!

Next, repeat the procedure with lubricating the dough with oil and folding, hide in a film and in the freezer for another 15 minutes. Ideally, the procedure of rolling, greasing, folding and cooling is carried out 3-4 more times, but I usually limit myself to only three. Then ready dough put in the freezer for 8-10 hours and you're done! Now the yeast puff pastry can be used for baking.

Hopefully one or more recipes pie dough will become your favorite. Happy baking!

Even the simplest homemade baking will always delight with its taste qualities stronger than any factory one, so the housewives try to master at least a few basic recipes to pamper your family. Can delicious dough for pies to be quick and how to achieve perfect splendor and softness without using yeast?

How to make pie dough

Such a dish has no restrictions - although fried air baking yeast-based, there are many more ways to make dough for pies. It is only important to be able to imagine the desired end result and correlate the base with the filling. The most common oven pie dough options are:

  • with yeast base;
  • on leaven;
  • on soda with an acidic environment (whey, curdled milk, kefir, etc.);
  • on a baking powder.

Recipe for dough for pies in the oven

Exploring the options below for the base for baking with step by step photos will help you not only find the perfect recipe for pie dough for the oven, but also learn the basic subtleties of working with sourdough. You will understand how to choose the dough for the filling and vice versa, learn how to save time by making sure that "quick" and "delicious" in one sentence coexist perfectly.

On kefir

Yeast-free baking in the oven, it can also be lush and tender, if you knead the dough correctly. Having tried this version of it, you are unlikely to understand whether yeast was present in the recipe. air structure, long-term preservation softness beautiful crust- everything suggests that the dough for kefir pies deserves no less popularity than the classic one with live yeast. If you intend to make a sweet dish in the oven, add 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara.


  • fresh kefir - half a glass;
  • flour grade - 240 g;
  • egg 2 cat.;
  • baking soda - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute soda with kefir - acidic environment will extinguish it, saving future pies from characteristic aftertaste. Leave for 5-6 minutes.
  2. Beat the egg separately, adding salt. Gently pour into kefir, mix.
  3. In portions, add the flour sifted twice, making sure there are no lumps.
  4. Knead homogeneous, soft dough, which should easily turn into a ball. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and forget about it for half an hour.
  5. Sculpt pies from kefir dough you can already after this period - you do not need to wait for a change in volumes, since the rise will occur only in the oven.


The the recipe will do housewives who are looking for a way to cook tender, soft pies without insisting the dough for several hours. Rising baking powder works no worse than yeast, and is considered safer for the body. The only nuance is quick dough for pies in the oven is rich, so not the most dietary and not lean at all.


  • flour - 170 g;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • baking powder - 3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • eggs 1 cat. - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour, mix with baking powder, sugar and salt.
  2. Melt the butter, warm the milk, combine both masses, let cool slightly.
  3. Beat the eggs with a mixer, adding a pinch of sugar to them. When the volume of the mass increases, and it acquires a light shade, carefully pour it into the butter-milk.
  4. Mix liquid and dry ingredients, make a soft, pliable dough. It should not stick to hands, so it is possible to use more flour. Proofing is not required, so the pies can be started to sculpt immediately.

With dry yeast

This recipe is mainly used by housewives to cook pies fried in a pan, but baking in the oven is no worse. It rises well, bakes well. It is advisable to take a vegetable filling - sour (sauerkraut) cabbage, eggs with onions, potatoes. This dough for pies, yeast on dry yeast is lean and very thin, so the filler should not be too wet and sugary.


  • light beer - 200 ml;
  • boiled warm water - 100 ml;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp with top;
  • flour - 5 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the beer from the refrigerator - before starting work, the liquid must have room temperature.
  2. Make a yeast dough with water.
  3. Sift the flour with a slide, pour sugar and salt into the recess. Pour in the brew, beer, vegetable oil.
  4. Knead with your hands pie dough, leave for 3-4 hours. You can do this in the oven if it's cool at home.
  5. Before forming pies, be sure to knead the dough.


Significant advantage this reciperye sourdough, thanks to which your pies can keep splendor and softness much longer. digestive tract(especially the intestines) will also thank you for the absence of yeast, but in the photo ready-made pies from the oven they are not inferior to classic yeast. If desired, this simple oven-baked pie dough can also be used to bake Viennese buns. The only negative is that the starter takes time, you need to put it 5 days before the start of the main work with future pies.


  • Rye flour- 100 g;
  • warm water (38-40 degrees) - 160 g;
  • wheat flour - 510 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs 2 cat. - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. In the morning pour flour (25 g) warm water(40 g). The container should have a volume of 2-3 liters, otherwise the leaven will run away when raised. Put in a preheated to 50 degrees and turned off the oven, covered with a lid.
  2. The next morning, add the same amount of flour and water, mix again, put back in the oven. This step will need to be repeated 2 more times.
  3. On day 5, beat the eggs, adding sugar there.
  4. Butter melt, combine with vegetable and warm milk. Mix. When the liquid has cooled, add the egg-sugar mixture and the sourdough.
  5. Leave the dough base in a warm oven overnight.
  6. In the morning combine with sifted flour, vanilla. Without proofing, start forming buns for pies.

On milk

This recipe can also be considered fast, since proofing takes only an hour and a half - most of pie compositions require 4-5 hours, and some are taken all night. Light and airy yeast dough for pies in milk is great for baking in the oven and for frying. It is important that the liquid component is fresh, otherwise the taste and appearance may be spoiled, and it is recommended to warm the egg in advance in the kitchen.


  • flour - 450 g;
  • milk - 210 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • higher egg cat.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a dough based on warmed (do not boil!) milk, yeast and a pinch of sugar.
  2. Separately, beat the egg with sugar. Pour oil in here.
  3. Sift flour twice, mix with a pinch of salt.
  4. Gently combine all the components of the dough for future baked pies, knead.
  5. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees, turn off. Put a bowl covered with a towel there for half an hour (grid, medium level). After you can form pies.


If you are thinking of sweet pastries - with raisins, curd mass, fruit, jam - you need to know how to cook butter dough for pies in the oven. This recipe is ideal even for large holiday pies, and with the complete exclusion of sugar, you can try to make a vegetable, meat or fish filler. It is not recommended to replace butter with margarine, but in place of sour cream there may be milk or even cream.


  • butter 82.5% - 100 g;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • fat sour cream - a glass;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter, combine with sour cream. Beat until smooth.
  2. Combine yeast with flour, mix very well - the grains should be distributed evenly. Pour in sugar and salt.
  3. Gently pour the sour cream-butter mixture there, make a homogeneous smooth lump of dough.
  4. Let him rest for half an hour, then knead and again put to rest under a towel. After an hour, you can start sculpting pies.

On the water

Pastries prepared according to this recipe for yeast pie dough are considered the most tender, tastiest, most airy. Look at the photos of the hostesses - the pies are all like a selection! This effect can only be achieved with live yeast, which contributes to an incredible rise both during proofing and when baking. Learning how to cook this dough for pies on the water is recommended to every housewife who wants to pamper her family. delicious pastries.


  • live yeast - 21 g;
  • warm water - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 600 g;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil - 1/3 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the yeast with flour (4 tablespoons), pour warm water, add a little sugar. Wait until the dough starts bubbling.
  2. Add oil, stir.
  3. Add the remaining dry ingredients in small portions to the dough, continuing to stir. Be guided by its structure - it should be light, otherwise the pastry will not rise.
  4. Classic base for pies in the oven will be ready in an hour.


Among the previously reviewed recipes, there were also options that did not involve the use of yeast. However, this oven dough is very different from them. Firstly, the basis is cottage cheese, and secondly, so little time is spent that you can cook dough without yeast for pies in the morning to get hot pastries for breakfast. It is desirable to make the filling sweet: fruit or berry, from jam, jam. You can even use the same cottage cheese, but with spices.


  • home fatty cottage cheese- cup;
  • fresh milk - 70 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub through a sieve or grind cottage cheese with a blender. If it is dry, add a spoonful of sour cream / cream, then let stand for half an hour. The mass must be homogeneous, otherwise the dough will become lumpy.
  2. Dissolve sugar in milk, pour oil into it. Mix, combine with cottage cheese.
  3. Enter soda, salt, quickly knead the base. You can’t work with it for a long time - 6-7 minutes maximum.
  4. You need to roll out after cooling (20-30 minutes). In the oven, pastries will rise a little, but they still can’t argue with classic yeast in terms of splendor, and the crust will become harder the next day.


This recipe is chosen by the hostess when they intend to cook pies in the oven with vegetable or meat stuffing- sugar will create a taste dissonance, so the base should be neutral. It is extremely ascetic: flour, water, vegetable oil, coarse salt. For splendor, sour cream is used, but you can replace it with yogurt or kefir. Quick pies from unleavened dough in the oven - it's tasty and not as harmful as yeast. The exact amount of water is not given as it varies according to the degree of gluten in the flour.


  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil (odorless) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water(40-45 degrees) - about a glass;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour three times flat surface, creating a hill. Make an indentation with a spatula.
  2. Pour in salt, pour in oil. Add water very carefully so that it does not spread outside the hole.
  3. The dough is kneaded by adding flour from the edge to the center, while the movement is clockwise.
  4. Knead by hand a fresh, yeast-free base for 5-7 minutes, until it appears inside a large number of oxygen. The ball should not stick to the hands, but it should not be too cool either. If necessary, you can add a little more warm water.
  5. Such a dough does not need to rest, so you can immediately form pies, lay the filling and send it to the oven.

On sour cream

All the housewives who tried to bake according to this recipe noted that the structure of the pies turned out to be airy, and the pies had a crumb - like fluff. This is due to the liquid ingredient, represented by fresh low-fat sour cream. It is best to use rustic, but store-bought will also work well, and a light mayonnaise is also possible. This thick crust for pies on sour cream with yeast, it tends to turn out perfectly even with the most inexperienced hostess so be sure to copy the recipe for yourself.


  • sour cream - 2 cups;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • flour - 800 g;
  • eggs 1 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • warm water - 75 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle yeast on warm water(not vice versa!), Drown with gentle movements, smoothly mixing from the edges to the center and clockwise.
  2. While the dough for the dough for pies in the oven is coming up, beat the eggs, pouring sugar into them in a stream.
  3. Add sour cream while continuing to work with a mixer or whisk.
  4. Gently introduce the dough with a “cap”, pour the sifted flour in small portions.
  5. Get a soft dough (you can do this with a bread machine), give it an hour and a half for proofing. For this, you can place it in an oven preheated to 50 degrees and turned off (!) The oven, be sure to cover it with a damp towel.

Dough for baked pies - cooking secrets

Baking is one of the most difficult dishes, so you can’t do without borrowing someone else’s experience. Professionals tell how to avoid the main mistakes:

  • If you have yeast pies if they don’t work out, try the starter – this is a laborious task, but the chance of success is higher.
  • For dough, the water should not be hotter than 40 degrees, otherwise the yeast will be killed.
  • The dough for baked pies cannot be kneaded for a very long time - as soon as the mass becomes whole, it must be left.
  • If you are afraid that the pastry will be dense, spread the dough for pies in the oven: put it on a baking sheet, cover with a towel, place a pot of boiling water on the bottom. This technology was used earlier for Riga baking.

Check out other recipes.


Taste finished baking depends on how the yeast dough for pies is prepared in the oven. Fragrant, ruddy, lush, melting in your mouth pies that you can’t get enough of, are not only in a fairy tale. Of course, you can’t buy such pastries in a store, our mothers and grandmothers know how to bake them, passing the secrets of cooking from generation to generation.

Most often they make yeast dough for pies in milk, but there is good recipes on water, kefir, whey and even on potato broth. To make the pies tasty, you need to be patient, yeast dough does not like haste. It is better to cook such a dough in warmth, without drafts. During kneading, every little thing is important - milk should not be taken cold or strongly heated, it optimum temperature should be around 40 degrees.

Lush pies are obtained from flour with good gluten. The dough after kneading should not spread on the table. You can not overdo the dough, from this the pastries will not become tastier. As soon as the dough is ready, proceed to the formation of pies. The filling that is put inside should not be cold or hot. The formed pies are left to rest on the sheet for 20 minutes, during which time they should rise slightly. Do not open the oven during baking so that the pies do not fall off. 5 minutes before taking the pastry out of the oven, brush it with a beaten yolk or egg.

The filling for pies can be sweet or salty. sweet pastries prepared with stuffing jam, fresh or canned fruit with sugar, cottage cheese, boiled condensed milk, etc. For a salty filling, take boiled potatoes with fried onions stewed cabbage, boiled meat, mushrooms, offal pate, rice with egg and green onion and etc.

Taste Info Dough


  • Wheat flour - 3.5 tbsp.;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.

How to cook delicious yeast dough in milk for lush pies in the oven

Let's heat up the milk. Pour it into a cup, add dry yeast.

Put sugar in milk. The amount of sugar depends on the filling. For sweet pies granulated sugar can be increased to 2 tablespoons. If you want to add even more sugar, do not add all of it to the dough, put only 1 tbsp. l., and the rest along with flour. We also put a bag of vanilla sugar in the batch for sweet pies.

Add two tablespoons of flour to the milk. It is advisable to pour milk with yeast into a bowl with flour, gradually rubbing the lumps.

Mix the ingredients for the dough, leave it warm for 15 or 20 minutes.

Here is such a steam turned out. A yeast cap has formed above the surface.

Sift wheat flour into a separate bowl. Add salt to it. We mix the ingredients. Make a funnel in the center.

Let's break one into a flour funnel egg, pour vegetable oil.

In small portions, add the dough to the flour. If during kneading the flour is not enough, you can add a little. It is convenient to do the final kneading on a cutting board, adding flour as needed. Just do not overdo it, the dough should not be tight, otherwise the pies will turn out dry. If it still sticks to your hands, add a little vegetable oil, and for the next pies we buy better quality flour.

Knead the yeast dough. We put it in heat for an hour and a half. Half an hour before the readiness, we crush the dough with our hands so that it comes out carbon dioxide, and the batch has risen again, so the pastries will be more magnificent. In winter, cooking takes longer due to the lower room temperature.

Yeast dough for pies in milk is ready. You can sculpt pies by laying them on a greased baking sheet and brew tea while waiting for delicious pastries.

Bon appetit and delicious pies!

Pie Recipes

This article tells you how easy it is to cook fragrant, very mouth-watering pies in the oven. Recipe illustrated with photo and step by step explanation

1 hour

200 kcal

4.9/5 (10)

Homemade pies - favorite treat children and adults, so it will be useful for every housewife to learn how to cook them. Many modern women believe that this is a complex, time-consuming process that takes time and effort. But actually it is not. There is more than one dough recipe for making yeast pies in the oven. Read more about quick recipes for making pies. Now we will tell you how easy, tasty and very fast to make such a dish.

Benefits of oven pies

Ease of preparation

Baking in the oven is much faster and easier. All blanks are placed on one large baking sheet and baked. Cooking on the stove takes longer. One frying pan will fit only a small amount of. You won’t be able to move away from the stove, because you will need to turn over, change portions.

Benefit for health

When frying on the stove, oil during prolonged overheating begins to release carcinogens that are dangerous to health, the digestive tract, liver, of cardio-vascular system. fried food more fat and high in calories. Butter pies in the oven - not only very tasty, but also more healthy than fried ones.

Rich taste

In the process of frying, especially in the same oil, the taste qualities products are not good. Wind - on the contrary, they are saturated with the aroma of all ingredients.

Which flour to choose

Flour is one of the most important ingredients, the choice of which will depend on the finished product.

  • It is best to opt for wheat flour superior or first class.
  • Pay attention to the color of the flour. It should be white, clear (or slightly creamy)
  • To check its quality, you need to take a little flour and moisten with water. If it contains a lot of bran, the water will turn reddish, if the grain was not ripe - blue.
  • Flour must not contain moisture, otherwise it will spoil. To check this, you need to squeeze a pinch in your hand. A good one should not gather in lumps. It quickly sticks to the hands, and crunches a little to the touch.
  • Poor quality products have a musty smell.

Which yeast to choose: regular or dry?

To determine this, let's look at the difference between dry and regular (or live) yeast?

  • Different storage conditions - dry sealed packaging, and living need access to open air.
  • Live yeast spoils faster, dry yeast can be stored in the cabinet for a long time.
  • Different appearance. Ordinary ones are in the form of a “bar”, and dry ones are in the form of granules.
  • Using dry yeast will make the dough rise faster.
  • The quality of baking is about the same, but when using live yeast, the product will turn out a little more magnificent. Also, dry yeast should be chosen carefully. Pay attention to the storage conditions and the date of manufacture. Poor quality yeast will lead to bad smell products.

Dough preparation

Let's move on to the most interesting. We offer you the simplest and quick recipe wind pies. Every housewife can learn how to make such a dough. The cake is airy and delicious. You can find out other secrets of making dough.

We will need the following ingredients:


Step by step dough preparation

What dough should be:

  • should move away from the bowl freely and not stick to hands
  • If it sticks, but all the steps were followed correctly, the eggs may have been large. The situation can be corrected by adding a little flour. But, care must be taken so that the consistency does not become too heavy.

Examples of the simplest fillings for wind pies

Pies - universal product. For the filling, berries, mushrooms, potatoes, meat, eggs, fruits are perfect.

apple filling

She prepares very easily. We take fresh apples(pieces 5), remove the peel and take out the core. Cut them into small cubes with a knife and add a tablespoon of sugar.

Apples can be lightly fried in a frying pan in melted butter. To do this, melt the butter, throw the apples into the pan and turn them over several times with a spoon. Then add sugar and stir again. The process should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

cabbage stuffing

Finely chop the cabbage leaves with a knife and put in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and pepper. You can finely chop the dill. Cabbage should be poured over with boiling water and then fried in a pan for several minutes so that the taste is more tender. - a favorite treat for both children and adults.

Meat filling

is the taste of childhood. Take a small onion and finely chop it. Place the onion in the hot skillet and add sunflower oil and mix. When the onion becomes transparent, add 600-700 grams of meat ground beef and wait for the moisture to evaporate.

We form and bake pies in the oven

  1. Knead the dough. We do this on a table or a large cutting board, previously sprinkled with flour on top. You need to knead for at least 10 minutes. If it sticks to the surface, add some flour.
  2. We make blanks. We divide the dough into two parts. From the first we form a sausage and cut it into pieces of the same size. Roll out each piece with a rolling pin until you get a pancake.
  3. We make pies. The finished pancake should be pulled out a little with your hands and put the filling inside. It is more convenient to do this with a small teaspoon. We put the filling in the center, bend the edges to each other and press them tightly with our fingers.
  4. Lay out on a baking sheet. If you want the surface to be even and smooth, you need to lay out ready product seam down. The distance between the blanks should be a centimeter.
  5. We bake in the oven. Before the oven, it is recommended to hold the baking sheet in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. We put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  6. How to make pies brown. To make the pies appetizing and ruddy, grease them with egg yolk before putting them in the oven.

As you can see, pies are not only delicious appetizing homemade dish but also light, simple and very quick to prepare. Bon appetit!

In contact with

To prepare dough for warm milk add yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix and leave for 10 minutes so that the yeast is activated and a fluffy cap appears. Then add the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and beat in the egg, mix well with a whisk. Then pour in vegetable oil and mix well again. Pour the sifted flour in parts and knead a soft yeast dough that does not stick to your hands. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil and put the dough into it.

Then knead the dough and leave for another 30-40 minutes. The dough should become more elastic and double in size.

Wash the berries. Remove pits from apricots and cherries. Cut apricots into small pieces.

Seal the edges of each tortilla to form a patty. Thus blind all the pies.

Butter pies with dry yeast, baked in the oven, are very tasty and airy. They need to be removed from the parchment immediately after baking so that they do not stick to the juice that stands out from them during the cooking process. When the pies have cooled down a bit, you can serve them on the table with a cup. fragrant tea or milk.

Bon appetit!
