
Lean baked pies. Quick Lenten Pies

On Holy Week before Easter, you can bake delicious meatless pies in the oven. The recipe with a photo of this dish is quick and easy to perform. Soft yeast dough and juicy blueberry filling will appeal to all lovers of homemade cakes.

The Great Forty-Day Fast is coming to an end, when believers denied themselves fast food. The last week is the hardest. If a person complies with all the requirements, then he needs to adhere to dry eating. But children, pregnant women, the elderly and sick people can be allowed to deviate from the restrictions and offer hot baking from lean yeast dough.

Lenten pies can be made with savory mushroom filling with rice, buckwheat; from fish with onions; from cabbage with carrots and onions, from peas or beans.

Delicious lean yeast dough pies are made with fruits (apples, pears, plums), dried fruits, jam, nuts or berries (fresh or frozen).


For test:

  • wheat flour - 800 g;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • boiled warm water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • blueberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking lean pies in the oven. Recipe with photo

Yeast is covered with sugar, poured with warm boiled water at room temperature. The mixture is left in a warm place for 15-20 minutes to form a cap. To speed up the process, you can put a cup of yeast, sugar and water in a bowl of hot water.

When the yeast rises, it is stirred and poured into a bowl with sifted wheat flour. Add salt.

Everyone stirs with a spoon as long as possible.

Then knead the dough with your hands until it slightly sticks to your palms.

The finished dough for lean pies in the pan is left warm, covered with a napkin for 20 minutes.

Yeast lean dough is rolled out on a board sprinkled with flour to a thickness of 4-5 mm. Using a cup, cut out round blanks.

Frozen or fresh blueberries are washed and allowed to drain.

A teaspoon of berries are placed on top of the dough cakes, sprinkled with sugar (0.5 tsp). The edges of the dough cakes are connected, pinched.

Lenten pies are laid seam down on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Give them time to warm up. After the baking sheet is placed in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 30 minutes.

Ready lean pies in the oven are moved from the baking sheet to the cutting board, covered with a clean towel. If you need a shiny crust, lubricate your choice

  • sunflower oil;
  • liquid honey.

Fragrant homemade lenten pies in the oven will cheer up all households. I want to return to the house where it smells of fresh pastries. Home baking is a symbol of comfort, a family hearth, a full bowl. This is a great addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Dough options for lean pies in the oven

  1. Method one

Yeast, granulated sugar, two tablespoons of flour, ¼ tbsp. warm water is mixed and left in a warm place. Within 30 minutes, foam appears, which indicates that it is time to knead the dough.

Salt is added to the sifted flour, the dough is poured and the dough is kneaded.

  1. Method two

Pour 100 ml into a large saucepan. sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. warm water. Add 100 g of sugar. Everything is boiled and left to cool. Put 50 g of yeast into the warm mixture, stir. Leave warm for 30 minutes. After half an hour, pour the sifted flour and knead the dough.

  1. Method three (at night)

Pour 350 ml of warm water into a large saucepan, add 80 g of sugar, 40 g of yeast. Everything is mixed and poured into 100 ml. vegetable oil, salt, vanillin (5 g). Mix again, pour out 850 g of sifted wheat flour in several steps. Knead the dough, cover with a lid and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Top 7 delicious toppings for lean pies in the oven

Toppings for your favorite pastries are numerous and varied. The number of ingredients depends on the amount of dough and varies at the request of the hostess and the stock of food in her kitchen.

  1. Mushroom filling for lean pies in the oven

Wash wild mushrooms or champignons, boil in two waters. Then drain and fry in sunflower oil with chopped onions for 15 minutes. Salt, season with spices, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Cool down.

  1. Cabbage filling for lean pies in the oven

Chop white cabbage as thin as possible, put in a pan with heated sunflower oil. Chop the onion with a knife, add to the cabbage. Stir and fry for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Salt, season with spices, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Cool down.

  1. Pea filling for lean pies in the oven

Soak dry peas in cold water for 30 minutes. Drain the water, rinse the peas twice, pour into a saucepan with cold water (1 liter per 300 g of peas). Put on fire. Peel carrots and onions, chop, fry in sunflower oil, add to boiling peas. Mix everything, salt, season with spices, cover with a lid. Cook until pureed and no more water, 30 minutes. Cool down.

Sweet fillings for lean pies in the oven

  1. apple filling

Wash apples, peel, cut into small cubes, mix with sugar and cinnamon. Can be used for cooking lean pies in the oven.

  1. Apple cinnamon filling

Wash apples, grate, mix with sugar and cinnamon. Add steamed washed raisins, mix.

  1. Pear-honey stuffing with dried apricots

Pears wash, cut into small pieces, mix with honey. Add steamed dried apricots, which are cut into strips. Mix everything. You can cook lean pies in the oven.

  1. Nut stuffing

Chop walnuts with a knife, mix with lingonberry (or other sweet and sour jam).

Options for cutting dough for lean pies in the oven

The dough is punched down, rolled into a ball, rolled out with a rolling pin on a table sprinkled with flour. The thickness of the circle should be 5 mm. Identical circles are cut out of the resulting circle using a glass or cup. Place a tablespoon of filling in the center of each cake. The edges pinch. Lenten pies in the oven are placed seam down and lightly pressed.

The dough is punched down, rolled into a ball. Then small lumps 4-5 cm in size are pinched off from it. Koloboks are rolled from them, which are placed on a cutting board sprinkled with flour. Each ball is pressed with the palm of your hand against the board, forming a cake. Place the filling in the center. All edges are connected together like a bag. Lenten pies in the oven are placed on a baking sheet with a seam down, slightly flattening at the same time.

The dough is punched, rolled up with sausage. Its thickness should be 4-5 cm. Using a knife, the sausage is cut into pieces 4-5 cm thick. Each cube is turned into a ball, the ball into a cake, the filling is placed on the cake and a lean pie is formed in the oven.

  • strong tea brew with sugar
  • sweet water.

After removing from the oven, lean pies are greased

  • honey
  • vegetable oil.

On the significant days of Passion Week, when believers mourn the difficult events that led to the crucifixion of Christ, Lenten pastries will become a ray of warmth and light.

Cook with us, live with love.

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Lenten pies - an ancient creation of Russian ritual cuisine, will support during strict days and will be useful to those with a sweet tooth after. A huge selection of dough, sweet and savory toppings will satisfy the most sensitive taste buds and diversify the table with less high-calorie pastries, relieving many of the attachment to traditional baking.

The recipe for lean dough for pies should not contain animal products, so eggs and milk should be excluded, and butter should be replaced with vegetable oil. Several types of dough: yeast, unleavened and puff, will satisfy even the fussy, because kneading and baking are faster than traditional baking.


  • flour - 900 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.
  2. Add sugar and salt. Stir.
  3. Pour the mixture into the flour, add the oil, knead and set aside for an hour.
  4. Punch down and form lean pies with your favorite toppings.

Lenten pies with potatoes - a classic home cooking recipe, created from products that are always at hand. A simple potato filling, diluted with fried onions for juiciness, and lush yeast dough, over time, turned into a popular snack, which is difficult to recognize as healthy, but quite tasty and ruddy.


  • flour - 600 g;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.


  1. Pound the yeast with sugar, pour in 250 ml of water, mix.
  2. Pour in 200 g of flour, knead and set aside for 20 minutes.
  3. Add the rest of the flour and water, 40 ml of oil, knead and send to "rest".
  4. Boil the peeled potatoes, mash.
  5. Fry the onion, add to the potatoes.
  6. Form tortillas, stuff and fry lean potato patties.

Lenten can be insipid, which will not affect the taste of the dish and the choice of toppings. Traditionally, vegetable filling was used for such a test, and specifically cabbage. Juicy, with high dietary qualities, simple cooking and low cost - it is always appropriate for home cooking.


  • flour - 350 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • cabbage - 700 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Chop vegetables and fry.
  2. Dissolve the salt in warm water.
  3. Pour the liquid into the flour, add 20 ml of oil, stir.
  4. Roll out the dough, cut into circles, stuff and fry in oil.

Lenten pies with mushrooms

Lenten potato pies with mushrooms will come to the rescue of bakers who are skeptical about baking, but who want to diversify the menu with tasty and nutritious food. A worthy replacement for dough - potato mass - does not require kneading, and fried mushrooms as a filling will add flavor and piquancy.


  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.


  1. Saute mushrooms and onions.
  2. Wash the potatoes and boil in their skins.
  3. Grind into a puree.
  4. Add 80 g of flour, knead the dough and shape into cakes.
  5. Put in the filling and fry.

Lenten in popularity is akin to potato, and occupy a leading position among sweet desserts cooked in a pan. A budget dish with homemade filling and lush ruddy dough is harmonious and able to please everyone not only on strict fasting days, but also on holidays.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • apple jam - 200 g


  1. Dissolve the yeast in water, add 150 g of flour and set aside for 30 minutes.
  2. Add sugar, rest of flour and 30 ml of oil. Let me come.
  3. Punch down, shape into cakes, stuff and fry lean yeast pies until golden brown.

Lenten pies with apples

Lenten pies in the oven are healthy, nutritious and amaze with a variety of toppings. The most accessible and simple, and from that popular - apple. Pirozhki with apples continue the traditional Russian cuisine with their recipe and demonstrate not only impeccable taste and amazing aroma, but also the usefulness of heat treatment in the oven.


  • flour - 400 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • apple - 4 pcs.


  1. Combine flour and yeast.
  2. Add 20 g sugar, water and oil.
  3. Stir and set aside for an hour.
  4. Peel the apples, cut and mix with sugar - the filling for lean pies is ready.
  5. Punch down the dough, form, fill and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 25 minutes.

Lenten pies with cherries

Lenten continue the recipe for simple homemade pastries that can diversify complex fasting days at minimal cost and surprise with special properties. So, tender dough with yeast and vegetable oil helps to keep products fresh for a long time, and therefore you can stock up on pies for future use.


  • flour - 600 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • frozen cherries - 300 g.


  1. Mix yeast with 20 g sugar, add water, oil and 300 g flour.
  2. Knead and set aside for 20 minutes.
  3. Add flour, stir and set aside for an hour.
  4. Pour cherries with water, strain and mix with sugar.
  5. Roll out the dough, cut out circles, fill and bake lean cherry pies at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Lenten pies with potatoes in the oven

Lenten pies without yeast - a dish not so popular, but with a special appeal and simplicity. An unpretentious dough mixed with flour and water, in tandem with potatoes, undergoes gastronomic metamorphoses, and in a short time turns into not only a nutritious hot snack, but also into an independent meal.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil -100 ml;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • green onion - a bunch.


  1. Mix oil and water, add the mixture to the flour. Knead.
  2. Boil the peeled potatoes, mash them into a puree, add the onion.
  3. Roll out the dough, start and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Lenten pies with pumpkin

Lean baked pies continue the culinary variety. This time, the vitamin pumpkin will act as a juicy and fragrant filling, taking care of reinforcing the body with useful substances not only on difficult days of fasting, but also all year round - fortunately, the vegetable is always available. A simple dough recipe will speed up the baking process.


  • flour - 350 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • pumpkin pulp - 350 g;
  • honey - 50 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc.


  1. Grind pumpkin and carrots, add honey and set aside.
  2. Squeeze vegetables. Mix the juice with soda, quenched with vinegar, and oil.
  3. Pour the juice and water into the flour, knead the dough.
  4. Roll out and, after filling, give shape.
  5. Bake lean pies at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.

Lenten puff pastry pies

Lenten in the presence of store-bought puff pastry is a high cooking speed, simplicity, affordability and an unprecedented variety in the choice of sweet and salty fillings. Apples and a handful of raisins in the filling are nutritious and tasty, and make up the diet of fasting people, and therefore are perfect as a juicy, vitamin filling.

While fasting, fatty foods should be avoided. Usually pies are high-calorie pastries with different fillings.

There are recipes for delicious pies that can be eaten in fasting, while the dough is lean, and the fillings are made from buckwheat, jam, mushrooms or potatoes.

Lenten pies with potatoes

These are lean hearty pies made from yeast dough and potato fillings with fried onions.


  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • 5 gr. dry yeast;
  • a glass of warm water;
  • greenery;
  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • bulb.


  1. Mix flour with yeast, half a spoon of salt. Add warm water and half a glass of oil.
  2. Set the lean pie dough to rise in a warm place.
  3. Boil potatoes in salted water and mash.
  4. Finely chop the greens, fry the onion and add to the puree.
  5. Roll the finished dough into a sausage and cut into several identical pieces.
  6. Roll out each piece, put a portion of the filling in the middle and close the edges.
  7. Fry the pies in oil until golden brown.

These lean yeast pies are perfect for tea for breakfast, dinner or a snack.

Lenten pies with buckwheat and mushrooms

This is a recipe for lean pies with an unusual filling of mushrooms and.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 cups of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • half a kilo of flour;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • 300 g of buckwheat;
  • 150 g of champignons.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Mix water with butter, add a little salt, flour.
  2. Let the dough rest for half an hour, covered with a towel.
  3. Boil the buckwheat. Chop the onion and mushrooms and fry.
  4. Mix the roast with buckwheat, salt and leave to cool.
  5. Divide the dough into 14 equal pieces.
  6. Roll each piece thinly into a rectangle.
  7. Put the filling near the edge of the rectangle, fold the edges with an envelope and roll the pie into a roll.
  8. Bake pies for 20 minutes in the oven at 200 gr.

Ready-made lean pies in the oven are crispy and look like puff pastry pastries.


  • water - 150 ml;
  • half a kilo of flour;
  • 15 g fresh yeast;
  • one and a half st. spoons of sugar;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • table and a half. spoons of oil grows .;
  • 80 jammed anyone.


  1. Mash yeast with a fork and add sugar. Stir.
  2. Add 1/3 cup of flour to the yeast, pour in water in portions, stir.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place until it triples in size.
  4. Sift the rest of the flour, pour the dough into it.
  5. Leave the dough to rise.
  6. After an hour and a half, add butter to the dough.
  7. The dough has risen - you can start baking.
  8. From the dough, make several identical balls, roll out, put jam in the middle. Seal the edges of the pie.
  9. Fry the pies in oil.

Food must be at room temperature before cooking. You can fry pies in a pan or deep-fry.

Lenten pies with cabbage

For pies, knead the dough in the evening, and start baking in the morning.

Required Ingredients:

  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • fresh yeast - 50 g;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 180 ml. vegetable oils;
  • 3.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • half a bag of vanillin;
  • 900 g flour;
  • one and a half kg. cabbage;
  • spices;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Make dough. In a large bowl, mix sugar and yeast in warm water.
  2. Add butter, vanillin, one and a half tablespoons of salt, mix. Pour in the flour.
  3. Knead the dough and cover the bowl with a lid. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. Shred the cabbage finely. Put in a frying pan with oil, add a spoonful of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. Stir and simmer.
  5. When the cabbage settles, add ground pepper, two bay leaves. Stir and continue to simmer until cabbage is soft.
  6. Make equal balls from the dough and roll into cakes one at a time. Put the filling in the middle, pinch the edges from the bottom so that the top of the pie becomes smooth.
  7. Lay the patties seam side down on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

The pies are crispy, tender and delicious. Chopped dill can be added to the filling.

Slavic, in particular Russian cuisine stands out for its hospitable traditions. And all kinds of pies, pies, kulebyaki from various doughs are the pride of the table and an indicator of family hospitality.

The experience of cooking lean pastries in Rus' is huge and the time of fasting is not a reason to become discouraged and refuse delicious food.

A quick-witted and inventive hostess can always quickly prepare a variety of lean pies stuffed with gifts from mother nature.

Lenten pies - general principles of preparation

You can cook lean pies from different types of dough: puff, yeast, soda and cereal. It is only important to remember that when preparing flour products during fasting, you need to use products that are allowed during this period and avoid animal fats, natural dairy products, and eggs.

Lenten pies "Moscow"



Flour - 300 g;

Oil - 80 ml.;

Pressed yeast - stick;

Water - a glass;

Salt, sugar - 10 g each;


150 g of millet;

A handful of raisins;

Spoon of granulated sugar;

40 ml. oils.

Cooking method

Millet is sorted, washed several times until the turbidity disappears and boiled in water with salt. Sugar, washed and steamed raisins and a little salt are added to the cereal. The filling is seasoned with vegetable oil, mixed and put into a warm oven while the dough is being prepared.

Warm liquid is poured into a convenient bowl, yeast is diluted, sugar is poured, a little flour. The mixture is stirred, covered and cleaned in a quiet place for half an hour.

After the allotted time, the remaining ingredients are added to the tamp that has grown in size and a soft dough is kneaded. From now on you can continue cooking lean pies in 2 ways:

1. The bowl of dough is covered and left alone for 40 minutes. At this time, the yeast continues to work: a carbon dioxide reaction takes place and the flour mass grows. In the process of growth, it should be kneaded 2 times. After the increase in the volume of the dough is over, it is laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour, rolled out and cut into pieces.

The filling is laid out in the middle of each sector, the ends of the dough are connected. Pies are formed in the shape of a boat and laid out on a baking sheet, slightly oiled and baked in an oven for 20 minutes. Baking temperature 190 degrees.

2. In another version, the newly kneaded dough is divided into balls weighing 40-50 g. Each lump is left for proofing on the desktop, after which it is rolled out or stretched and filled with filling. A sheet with formed lean pies is placed in a cold oven. The temperature and time indicated above are set in the oven, the pies slightly increase during heating and are baked.

After the pies are taken out of the oven, they need to be greased with oil and covered with a towel for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the pies lose their residual frying density and become soft.

Lenten pies-pies "Novotroitskie"



30 ml. oils;

250 g flour;

150 ml. brine (from cabbage);

10 g of soda;

80 g of lean mayonnaise;

1 teaspoon of sugar.


A cup of cabbage, sauerkraut;

1 onion and carrot;

Oil for sauteing.

Cooking method

The recipe does not provide for the addition of salt to the dough, it is usually enough in the liquid from pickling vegetables and in mayonnaise. Fans of more salty foods can add a little of this spice, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Juice is squeezed from cabbage, it is washed and sautéed alternately with onions and carrots. The filling is mixed and cooled.

Flour is mixed with soda and sifted. Sugar dissolves in brine until the crystals disappear and combines with mayonnaise and flour. The dough is kneaded, pieces of equal size are separated from it. Each is rolled out with a cake, the filling is placed in the middle. The edges of the dough are lifted and pinched in such a way that an open middle remains.

Lean pies are baked for 35 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

To make the dough more obedient, 150 g of mashed boiled potatoes are added to it during kneading. Potatoes also improve the taste of lean pies and make them more magnificent.

Kundyumy - buckwheat lenten pies with mushrooms



Glass of water;

300 g flour;

½ teaspoon of salt.


100 g of buckwheat;

2-3 small onions;

A handful of mushrooms (dried);

20 g butter;

10 g of salt.


A few peppercorns;

Bay leaf;

sprigs of parsley;

3 cloves of garlic;

150 g lean mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Kundums are a type of lean pies that need to be stewed in mushroom broth after frying or baking.

Mushrooms are washed and poured overnight with water (1 glass).

The next day, the mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes in the same water, along with garlic, peppercorns, parsley and bay leaf. After the broth is drained, filtered and salted.

Buckwheat is boiled like ordinary porridge and combined with chopped mushrooms fried with onions.

From flour, water, salt, a steep dough is quickly formed, covered with a film and after an hour, rolled out on an oiled surface.

The layer is cut into squares, the filling is placed on them and the dough is wrapped diagonally into a triangle. The ends are fastened with a pigtail.

Lenten pies are optionally deep-fried or baked for 15 minutes in a non-hot (160 degrees) oven.

After the selected heat treatment, kundums are placed in a heat-resistant form, poured with mushroom broth mixed with sauce and languished in the oven for 20 minutes.

Apple Lenten Pies



100 ml. oils;

stick of yeast;

2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;

½ cup milk (soy);

350 g flour;

Salt on the tip of a spoon.


1, 5 art. spoons of sugar;

Cinnamon for flavor.

Cooking method

Sugar, flour, butter, salt combine and mix. Pour vegetable milk with diluted yeast and knead the dough. Divide it into lumps and roll out.

The peeled apple is rubbed on a coarse grater. Fruit puree is distributed on cakes, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. The ends of the dough are fastened together.

It will take 25 minutes to bake lean pies with apple filling. The oven temperature is 180 degrees.

Such lean pies are quickly baked and do not stale for a long time.

Lenten pies with dried apricots (made from cornmeal)



300 g of corn flour;

1 teaspoon of sugar and salt;

2 cups soy milk;

50 g of lean mayonnaise;

¼ spoon of soda;

30 ml of oil.


200 g dried apricots;

¾ cup granulated sugar.

20 g starch (any).

Cooking method

Dried apricots should be soaked for several hours in cold water, then boiled in it with sugar until soft.

Drain the water and grind the dried apricots in a blender to a puree state.

Cornmeal is steamed with hot soy milk, the remaining ingredients are added to the sticky mass and everything is mixed together for several minutes.

The dough is divided into parts, which are kneaded with wet hands on sheets of parchment, oiled. The filling is placed in the cakes. With the help of the edge of the paper, part of the cake covers the other and a rook pie is molded.

Pies are baked for 40 minutes in a hot oven (at least 200 degrees).

Lenten puff pastries (with mushroom cream)



400 g flour;

A pinch of lemon (acid);

Glass of water;

¼ teaspoon of salt;

200 g vegetable margarine (spread).


A cup of mushrooms (canned or fresh);

1 teaspoon of starch;

1 st. a spoonful of mayonnaise;


Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

Onions are fried in oil, after which mushrooms are sent to the passerovka.

After cooling, these ingredients are ground in a meat grinder or blender.

Salt, starch and spices are added to the puree (optional). The filling is ready.

Water is poured into a bowl, acid, salt are added, flour is poured. Knead the dough with a wooden spatula to a dense consistency. If the dough turns out to be liquid, flour is added.

The mass is kneaded for 5-7 minutes, until it begins to stick well from the hands. The dough is formed into a ball, covered with a bowl and aged for 20 minutes.

Further, the dough is rolled out with a rolling pin into a layer of 2 cm. The central part is smeared with a thick layer of spread. The ends of the dough roll cover the fat in the form of an envelope. This envelope is rolled out in a thinner layer and folded again. The procedure is repeated at least 8 times. The more seams, the more layered and fluffier the finished product.

Before working with the finished dough, it needs to be cooled for some time, so it will be easier to roll out and cut.

A rolled not too thin layer is cut into squares. They are filled with stuffing and closed in the form of triangles. The surface of lean semi-finished pies is smeared with a mixture of oil and pepper.

Baking pies occurs at 200 degrees until golden brown.

Pugya glyka - original Lenten pies


150 ml. oils;

250 g flour;

A glass of sugar;

1 tsp baking powder;

200 g crushed nuts (walnuts);

1/2 sachet of cloves and cinnamon;

120 g honey (thick).

Cooking method

For the dough, sugar, mayonnaise, butter are mixed. Flour and soda are added to the mixture. It turns out a thick dough.

For the filling, honey is combined with nuts, honey and cinnamon.

The dough is rolled out, circles with a diameter of 15 cm are cut out of it. A tablespoon of the filling is placed in the circles. The edges of the dough gather around the filling in the form of a bag.

Semi-finished products are oiled and baked for 20 minutes. The recommended temperature is 190-200 degrees.

Quick Lenten Pies


80 ml. oils;

250 g flour;

Packet of poppy seeds (80 g);

1/3 teaspoon salt

150 g apricot or plum jam.

Cooking method

Oil is poured into a glass and filled with water and salt to the top.

Flour is poured onto the work surface in the form of a slide, liquid is poured into it. A fairly steep dough is kneaded, which is rolled into a layer of medium thickness. Medium-sized circles are cut out of it.

Poppy is steamed, gets rid of the remaining water and mixed with jam.

The filling is placed on the flour rounds. The ends of the dough are pinched.

Pies prepared for baking are smeared with a mixture of water and oil and sent to a hot oven (220 degrees) for half an hour.

Crab meat patties


4 carrots;

5 bulbs;

100 g tofu (soy cheese);

400 g crab sticks;

80 g of lean mayonnaise;

5 st. spoons of soy milk (cream);

6 art. spoons of flour (or starch);

A little soda;

Lean oil for sautéing.

Cooking method

Carrots are crushed, salted and fried in oil, and then squeezed out of the remaining fat.

The onion is cut into small pieces and stewed for 15 minutes.

Vegetables are combined, grated tofu goes to their company.

Frozen crab sticks are poured with cold water and put on a small fire.

A semi-liquid dough is prepared from mayonnaise, soy milk, flour and soda.

After the water has warmed up and the sticks have thawed, they are thrown back into a colander. Next, they need to be carefully unfolded, filled with stuffing and dipped in batter, fried in deep-fried oil until golden brown.

This bread is equally delicious both hot and cold.

When kneading dough for unsweetened flour products, water can be replaced with conservation brine, this is a better alternative. Thanks to the replacement, the appearance and taste of the lean dough improves.

A little salt is always added to any dough, the amount of this spice is regulated depending on the type of baking.

Vegetable oil is used for dough, frying and fillings in the recipe.

Ingredients for dough and fillings can include lean mayonnaise sauces, vegetable creams and spreads. These food components will diversify and improve the taste of lean baking, and food during the fast will be of high quality and complete.

Fasting is the best time for lean baking. Such pastries are better absorbed by the body than modest ones - on eggs, butter and cream. At the same time, such pastries will add variety to the lenten menu.

Lenten Cherry Pie

For this cherry pie, let's cook. To do this, in two glasses of warm water, knead a bag of dry French yeast, half a teaspoon of salt, half a glass of sugar and half a glass of vegetable oil. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place.

Meanwhile, rinse the cherries in running water. We take out the bones from it. We crush the risen dough, roll it out like a pie. We spread cherries in a greased baking dish on one half of the rolled dough, sprinkle it on top with powdered sugar mixed with a dessert spoon of starch. Cover with the second piece of rolled out dough. Lubricate the top with vegetable oil. We put in the oven for baking.

Lenten apple pie

To prepare such a pie, we will use the same type of dough as above. While the dough is rising, you need to wash the apples, cut them into slices, removing the core. We lay out the apples on the rolled dough in the same way as the cherries in the previous recipe. Only starch should not be added to the filling, since apples do not give such abundant juice as cherries. Sprinkle apples with sugar, cover with a sheet of rolled out dough, grease with vegetable oil, put in the oven for baking.

Lean cabbage pie

We will make the dough for this pie the same as according to the previous recipes, but add a little less sugar - a quarter of a glass, not half of it. While the dough is rising, chop the white cabbage thinly. We put it in a pan with vegetable oil and fry over medium heat. In the meantime, chop the onion and add it to the roasted cabbage. Stir the vegetables while they are frying so that this happens evenly. Lightly salt the filling and pepper it. When it cools down, you can spread it on a rolled out sheet of dough and cover it with a second sheet, pinch the edges and send it to bake in the oven.

Tip: if you want to get a golden hue of lean pies, as if they were smeared with an egg before baking, put a little sugar in strong tea leaves (for sweet pastries) and grease the pie with this solution five minutes before it is ready in the oven. If the pastry is not sweet, you do not need to add sugar to the tea leaves.

Lenten pie in a slow cooker

We suggest making such a pie with carrots for a change in the lenten menu. Grated on a fine grater, mix one carrot with an apple, grated on a coarse grater. We add to them a little less than a glass of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, vanillin on the tip of a knife, one and a half glasses of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, lemon or orange zest, if there is such a desire, but you can do without citrus fruits .

The dough should not be liquid, not thick. So that it spreads evenly over the bowl of the multicooker. We put the resulting in a multicooker. We turn on the "baking" mode (on some multicookers "frying"). Cooking until baked. This pie can be turned over from the multicooker bowl onto a plate, cut into pieces, decorated with fresh berries and powdered sugar or poured with syrup.
