
How to make apricot jam. Apricot jam for the winter

Today we will offer you simple recipes that even a young or inexperienced hostess can easily cope with. As a result, you can prepare fragrant apricot jam with different flavors. This treat will delight your family and guests all winter, until the new season.

Classic apricot jam recipe

If you are lucky enough to collect a rich harvest of fruits in your garden, then be sure to use this recipe. A sweet dessert can always be served with crispy toast for breakfast or light cakes can be made from it.


  • apricots - two kilograms;
  • lemon juice - a quarter cup;
  • water - half a glass;
  • sugar - four glasses;
  • gelatin or pectin - one sachet.

First you need to process the fruit. Wash, remove the seeds, and cut the flesh into small pieces. Wash and sterilize the jars in any convenient way. Boil the lids on the stove for a few minutes.

Combine water, lemon juice, half the sugar and gelatin in a large saucepan. Mix the products, transfer the fruits to them. Boil the mixture over a fire and then add the remaining sugar. After that, increase the heat and bring the jam to a boil again.

Checking the consistency of the future dessert is very simple. To do this, cool the spoon in ice water and scoop up the jam with it. If the result does not suit you, then add a little more gelatin to the pan and boil the food for some more time.

After a minute, remove the pan from the stove and pour the hot dessert into jars.
Roll up the lids with a key and turn the dishes upside down. When the jam has cooled, it can be served immediately with hot tea or stored until winter.

Jam with apricots and rosemary

Using a slow cooker will simplify the process of cooking dessert and make it even more enjoyable. Apricot jams for the winter can be prepared with aromatic herbs and spices. This time we suggest using rosemary, and in the future you can experiment with other additives.


  • two kilograms of apricots;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • two sprigs of rosemary.

So, we are preparing apricot jam. In a slow cooker, you need to put peeled and finely chopped fruits, and then pour them with water (it will take about half a glass). Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the fruit for half an hour.

Put rosemary in a saucepan and pour 100 ml of water into it. After the broth boils, boil the herbs for another five minutes. Remove the sprigs from the pot and set them aside.

When the apricots become soft, remove them from the bowl and beat with a blender. Then return the puree back and fill with fragrant broth. Add sugar and set the cooking mode to 40 minutes. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam and mix the sweet mass.

If desired, you can cook jam on the stove in a regular saucepan. In this case, the cooking time will increase to one and a half hours.

When the jam is ready, put it in jars and roll it up. As usual, it is better to cover the dishes with a woolen blanket or a warm blanket. The next day, the treat can be sent to the pantry or any dark and cool place. And, of course, you can open one jar right away to enjoy your favorite dessert to the fullest.

Apricot jam with almonds

The original taste of this sweet homemade preparation allows you to expand the scope of its application. For example, you can use apricot jams with nuts as a filling for fluffy puffs or buns.


  • apricots - 30 grams;
  • almonds - 30 pieces;
  • cane sugar - 200 grams.

The recipe for apricot jam is very simple. You will be convinced of this when you read it to the end.

Pour hot water over the almonds, and after a couple of minutes, drain the liquid and peel the nuts from the skin. Immediately after this, you need to dry the kernels in a dry frying pan.

You can achieve the original taste without the help of almonds. To do this, you only need a few nucleoli extracted from apricot pits. Add them to the jam a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

Wash fruits, peel and remove pits. After that, cut them into slices and grind with a blender. Pour sugar into the resulting puree and beat the products again. Send the fruit mass to the fire and bring it to a boil.

After five minutes, remove the film from the surface of the jam and add the prepared nuts to it. Boil the treat for another two or three minutes, and then transfer it to glass jars. Roll up the blanks in the usual way, cool them and take them to the pantry

Apricot jams, the recipes of which we have described on this page, are very tasty and beautiful. Having a jar of sweet treats in stock, you can always please your guests with a fragrant dessert or prepare a fruit pie for their arrival.

Video recipe for apricot jam with orange slices

I always close apricot jam for the winter - it is very loved in my family. And over the years I have accumulated many of his recipes. Each of them is good in its own way: it cooks very quickly, with orange zest - it turns out incredibly fragrant, etc. But this year, the undisputed leader was the recipe for apricot jam with the beautiful name "Fabulous".

It really is almost magical - it contains only sugar and apricots, but it doesn’t take long to prepare, but as a result it turns out very beautiful and thick apricot jam. The whole secret is in the unusual way of its preparation. The fact is that sugar is added to apricots not all at once, but in portions.

At the same time, everything happens quite quickly and easily, so that even the hostess who has not been engaged in conservation before will cope without any problems. Especially if she has this master class at hand, which tells in great detail how to cook apricot jam - thick and tasty.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1/3 teaspoon citric acid;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water.

From these ingredients, 1.2 - 1.3 liters of jam is obtained. The weight of apricots already pitted is indicated.

How to make apricot jam:

We sort out apricots. Remove unripe, rotten fruits. Ripe, slightly crushed apricots are quite suitable for making jam. Wash apricots in plenty of cold water.

Using a small knife, cut the apricots along the groove and remove the pits. If the apricots are very large, you can cut each half in half again.

Pour water into the bottom of a wide saucepan with a thick bottom and pour apricots. It is best to take a stainless steel pan, you should not take an enameled one - the jam will burn.

In total, we will have 4 servings of sugar, each - 250 grams. We fall asleep apricots with a portion of sugar and put citric acid. We mix.

We put the pan with apricots on medium heat and, stirring all the time, bring to a boil. We remove the foam, reduce the fire a little so that there is not a very violent boil, and cook for 5 minutes. During this time, stir a couple of times.

Pour the second portion of sugar, mix again and act in the same way - bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Repeat the process for the remaining two servings of sugar.

During cooking, apricots almost do not change color - they remain bright, do not darken. Only each time you add sugar, you will feel how the density of the jam will change. By the end of cooking, the jam will be thick, but everything is very plastic - it will easily spread on a plate. But as it cools, it will get thicker. Completely cooled jam is similar in consistency to marmalade - it can even be cut off with a knife.

During cooking, do not forget to remove the foam from the jam.

We immediately pack the finished jam in pre-sterilized, wiped dry jars and seal hermetically with boiled lids (also wiped dry).

Being rich in pectin, apricots are great for making jams even without additional thickeners. We will describe in detail how to cook apricot jam at home using various techniques below.

How to make apricot jam?

As part of this recipe, jam is cooked using the basic trio of ingredients, without the addition of gelatin or pectin. This technique is much simpler, but it also takes more time to boil the fruit.


  • apricots (halves) - 8 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 55 ml;
  • sugar - 940 g.


Place the prepared apricot halves in an enamel bowl, pour over lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Place the bowl of fruit over medium heat and wait until the liquid comes out of the fruit, mixes with sugar and turns into syrup. When the syrup comes to a boil, turn down the heat and leave everything to boil for half an hour, stirring occasionally to prevent the apricot from sticking to the bottom of the dish. At the end of the time, when the jam becomes homogeneous, it can be laid out in a pre-sterilized container and rolled up.

How to cook delicious apricot jam for the winter?

Apricots can be paired with a wide variety of supplements. In this case, we decided to supplement the jam with alcohol by splashing a little kirsch on the fruit.


  • apricots - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 55 ml;
  • sugar - 590 g;
  • - 10 ml;
  • kirsch - 15 ml.


Prepare the apricots by cutting them in half and removing the pit. Place the apricots in an enamel bowl, fill with water and boil until softened. Pour in the granulated sugar, and continue cooking until the jam becomes homogeneous and thickens. Drop the thickened jam onto a saucer chilled in the freezer to check its readiness. If a drop of jam has frozen, covered with a film, then the workpiece is ready to be poured into a sterile container. Just add kirsch and lemon juice to the jam beforehand.

How to make apricot jam with gelatin?

Gelatin in the recipe for apricot jam helps to significantly reduce the preparation time. True, before a short boil, the apricots will need to stand covered with sugar in order to release a sufficient amount of juice.


  • apricots - 2.3 kg;
  • sugar - 1.8 kg;
  • - 115 g.


Divide the apricots into pieces of the desired size. Place each of the pieces in an enamel bowl and cover with a mixture of sugar and gelatin. Leave the fruits to let the juice out all night, and in the morning place the future jam on medium heat and boil for 7-10 minutes. Distribute the still hot workpiece into a pre-sterilized container.

If you do not know how to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker, then you can also use this recipe. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook all the ingredients for an hour.

How to make apricot jam with Confiture?

"Confiture" is the name of a home-preserving additive that contains sugar, citric acid, and pectin. Thanks to the latter, homemade jams are able to thicken strongly in a minimum amount of time.

All proportions of the ingredients are indicated on the packaging of "Confiture". Prepare the apricots by separating the pulp from the stone, and then place it in an enamel bowl and knead well. Pour the "Confiture" and boil the jam for about 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Greetings, dear readers and friends of the site! Apricot jam I have been making apricots from my apricots for years, and now his recipe is very relevant - the season! Our apricots have long ended, and the apricot holiday has passed, but for many apricots have just begun to appear on the shelves.

Today I will give a simple and easy apricot jam recipe how I was taught to cook here in Greece. By the way, here it is called marmalade. In the first years of my life here, I took any apricots for marmalade and jam. The husband was perplexed - don't you understand that this variety is not suitable? Here will be bebeko(late apricot variety) - they are more fragrant, and cook from them!

And I said, you don't understand! We are accustomed to cook from what is, and not from what is needed! What we managed to buy or grow - from that we cook, not counts!

Now I also understood the difference and became picky - you can cook jam from everything, but the most delicious jam and marmalade is from bebeko. My darling was right!

So, enough of the lyrics, here are the ingredients:

  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 1 kg ripe apricot


  1. We wash ripe apricots, leave the water to glass, and remove the seeds. Next, puree them with a blender. No need to try hard with grinding - when cooking, you will get a homogeneous mass.
  2. In fact, I keep the proportions not by weight, but by volume. For example, you can measure with a bowl - how much chopped apricots turned out - we measure out so much sugar.
  3. Place sugar and apricots in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stirring regularly, bring to a boil and cook until tender. Usually this is when the mass begins to "spit" and becomes like thick sour cream. But try not to overcook, otherwise, after hardening, your jam will have to be cut with a knife! During cooking, do not forget to remove the foam with a spoon.
  4. We lay out the finished jam in prepared scalded jars, I lay out the hot one and roll it up right away. Then I turn the jars over and cover them with a towel until they cool completely.

I hope you enjoy my recipe for Greek Apricot Jam! If yes, then share it with your friends by clicking on the buttons of social networks! Thank you

Elena Meteleva was with you.

Confiture is a jelly-like sweet dish made from berries or fruits. Moreover, the fruits can be crushed completely or found in the form of pieces - if they are fruits, or whole - berries. The peculiarity of confiture lies in the jelly-like state. It is achieved due to the presence of gelling substances in the fruits themselves or the addition of artificial gelling agents.

Confiture is prepared from various berries and fruits. Apricot confiture is one of the most famous and is valued for its excellent taste, delicate texture and orange-sunny color.

Basic principles of preparation of apricot confiture

All jams are prepared in approximately the same way.

First, the fruit - in our case, apricots - is washed, the bones are removed from them. It is advisable to remove the skin as well, since in these fruits it is quite dense and fluffy, moreover. Cut apricots into pieces or grind more thoroughly. They are covered with sugar or poured with sugar syrup and boiled for a certain amount of time.

It is possible to add flavoring seasonings - lemon juice, orange or their zest, anise, mint, lavender, alcoholic beverages such as liquor or cognac. A mix is ​​possible, that is, a combination of apricots and other fruits and berries in confiture.

Gelatin, agar-agar, pectin, gelfix can be added as a gelling agent.

Ready apricot confiture, if it is a preparation for the winter, is poured into jars and covered with lids. Keep cool.

A simple apricot confiture

This is the most simple, basic recipe for making apricot confiture. Gelling agents are not added here - the desired consistency is achieved due to their content in the apricots themselves. However, in this case, a rather large amount of sugar is taken, so the recipe is for the biggest sweet tooth.


    One and a half kilograms of unpeeled apricots

    Two kilograms of granulated sugar

    Approximately 300 ml of water.

Cooking method

    First you need to prepare the syrup, as it is used cold. Boil water and sugar together for a few minutes.

    Wash apricots, dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then in cold water. After this procedure, they are easily cleaned from the skin.

    Remove pits and dip apricot halves into cold syrup.

    Put on a small fire and keep until boiling, stirring constantly and removing the foam.

    When the mixture begins to boil, turn off the heat, put it in a cool place and leave it there for at least half a day.

    Then again heat over low heat, and repeat this a third time. A sign of confiture readiness - apricots should not float, but form, as it were, a single mass.

    Hot pour into jars, if long-term storage is planned - roll up with iron lids. If consumed in the near future, then let cool and cover with nylon lids.

Apricot Vanilla Confiture

This option is similar to the base one, but it does not require such a large amount of sugar, and the addition of lemon juice and vanilla diversifies the taste and aroma of the dessert.


    A little more than a kilogram of apricots - on the basis that there will be a kilogram without stones

    4 cups sugar

    A pack of vanilla sugar or vanillin on the tip of a knife

    Juice of one lemon.

Cooking method

    If desired, peel the apricots from the skin, but you can leave.

    Cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds.

    Mix sugar with vanilla.

    Fold in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar and hold overnight. It is advisable to cover with a lid so that the vanilla flavor does not disperse too much.

    After the set time, put the dishes on a small fire, add lemon juice and keep until the sugar dissolves.

    When the sugar dissolves completely, add fire and cook for a quarter of an hour, removing the foam. The mixture should boil, but not too violently.

    Then reduce the fire again and cook until tender. Readiness is checked with a large drop on a plate. It is carried out with a dry spoon or something similar. The halves of the drop should not connect.

    When this state is reached, the confiture is ready. It must be poured into containers and closed. Turn over, stand, covering, for several hours. Store in a cool place.

Apricot confiture with pectin

Pectin is a gelling agent that is produced from extracts of apples and citrus fruits. In the case of preparing confiture with this additive, lemon juice is not needed in the recipe. The ratio of apricots and sugar depends on what kind of pectin it is. The package usually indicates its ratio with the ingredients of the dish. For example, let's take the average pectin index - 1:2. If the second number is less, then you need to take more sugar. And, accordingly, vice versa.


    A kilogram with a small amount of apricots - based on the fact that about a kilo will be peeled

    Half a kilo of sugar

    Package of pectin labeling 1:2.

Cooking method

    Prepare apricots. If desired, remove the skin by dipping the fruit in boiling water. Remove bones.

    Finely chop the fruit with a knife.

    Mix apricots with sugar and pectin, put on high heat.

    Stir constantly so that the sugar does not burn, but dissolves. If the mixture is very thick, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water.

    After boiling, slightly reduce the heat and boil for five minutes. With pectin, the cooking time for chopped apricots is very short.

    Remove from heat, pour into jars, close. Such a dessert resembles marmalade, where fruit particles are found. If you need a thinner confiture, add more water during cooking.

Fruits and Herbs: Apricot Confiture with Lavender and Lemon

The aroma of lavender flowers gives an unusual pleasant note to apricot confiture. And the use of lemon makes the dessert not cloying and enriches its taste. Lemon juice and zest can be replaced with orange, and lavender with mint.


    Kilogram with small apricots

    Sugar, depending on desire, from 500 grams to a kilogram

    1 whole large lemon or two small ones

    A teaspoon of dried lavender flowers

Cooking method

    Wash apricots. If the skin is even, and they themselves are very ripe, then you can not peel. If the fruits are not too soft, and the skin is with a clear fluff, it is better to peel. Immerse for a couple of minutes in boiling water, cool, remove the skin.

    Remove the bones, divide into halves.

    Put in a container for cooking jam, pour sugar.

    Remove the zest from the lemon with a grater or a special device - you should get a couple of teaspoons.

    Then squeeze out the juice - the more the better.

    Add juice and zest to apricots with sugar.

    Put on a small fire and cook for 20 minutes.

    Remove, cool slightly and run a blender through the mixture. You can achieve a homogeneous mass, or you can leave a few whole pieces.

    Boil the confiture until tender, check drop by drop - if it does not spread, the dish is ready.

    Pour the lavender flowers, turn off the heat, stir.

    Pour into jars, close, wrap. It is best to try the dessert at least a week later, when it is infused and saturated with lavender aromas.

Gourmet dessert: apricot jam with liqueur and almonds

This is a special recipe - for the sake of translating it into reality, it is worth trying, but the result is worth it. Here, unlike other confiture recipes, there are many components that together will give exactly that unique taste and smell of warmth, sun, tenderness and apricots.


    Half a kilo of apricots

    A glass of orange juice

    2-3 tablespoons orange liqueur

    2-3 tablespoons lemon juice

    Half a kilo of sugar

    Gelfix packaging

    3 tablespoons almond flakes.

Cooking method

    Wash ripe apricots, remove pits, cut fruits into slices.

    Gelfix mixed with sugar.

    Add orange and lemon juice, sugar mixture to apricots and put on fire.

    When it boils, pour in the almonds, let it boil for five minutes, removing the foam.

    Turn off the fire, pour in the liquor, stir.

    It can be poured into jars, if it is done for the future, or cool and serve with tea.

When there are no apricots: winter apricot marmalade from dried apricots

Apricot confiture, in addition to being an independent dessert, is also used for baking. Bagels, pies, pies, cakes, including the famous "Sacher" - all this is very tasty to make with apricot confiture. And if it is not stocked and there are no fresh apricots? Exit - take dried. That is dried apricots.


    Take dried apricots and sugar equally by weight

    Water - at the rate of one liter per 200 grams of each product.

Cooking method

    Rinse dried apricots. It is advisable, when buying, to choose not too dried, fleshy, bright.

    Pour water into a container for cooking confiture, pour sugar, put dried apricots.

    Put on a small fire and cook for twenty minutes. Dried apricots should become quite soft. If time is not enough, cook more.

    Make a puree of dried apricots using a blender. When there were no blenders, it was simply passed through a meat grinder twice.

    If you need a filling for the cake, the confiture is ready. You can also drink tea with it, but if there is a desire to stock up for the future, you need to boil it again, pour it hot into jars and twist it.

Tips and Tricks for Making Apricot Jam

    To peel or not to peel apricots from stones - the hostess decides for herself. But if the fruits are not too ripe, there are dark spots, a lot of fluff, it is better to remove the skin.

    Another problem in the preparation of apricot confiture is whether it is necessary to crush the fruits and how exactly? Some recipes recommend cutting, others passing the already boiled mixture through a blender. There is no single rule here. If the fruits are overripe, they will boil remarkably well without additional help. If you need a completely homogeneous mass, then you should use a blender.

    If the apricots are crushed, the cooking time will be longer.

    When using gelling agents, be sure to look at the recommendations for the ratio of the additive and the main product. It depends on whether you get the desired consistency of the dessert.

    Readiness is defined in different ways. You can drop confiture on a plate, if it doesn’t flow when tilted, but creeps, it’s ready. And the main feature is this: the liquid and parts of the fruit are evenly distributed and the apricots do not float to the surface.
