
How much to cook strawberry jam. Thick and tasty strawberry jam for the winter

Delicious jams will be a great find in the cold. They can be eaten with hot tea, wrapped in a warm blanket. Such delicacies are great for family tea parties, and they can also be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes - fritters, pancakes, pastries, etc. One of the varieties of jams can be called jam - a dessert with a particularly soft and pleasant texture. It is sure to please the kids and other family members. And today we will talk about how to make jam for the winter, we will give a proven recipe with strawberries.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter?

To prepare the simplest version of such a dessert, you need to prepare a minimum of ingredients: one kilogram of strawberries and half a kilogram of sugar.

First of all, prepare the berries: rinse them and sort them out, eliminating all kinds of debris, as well as sepals. Next, send the prepared strawberries to an enameled container. Sprinkle them with sugar, shake a little and cover with gauze. Leave such a blank for the night, during which time it will have time to release the juice.

In the morning, send the pot with strawberries to the fire of minimum power and boil for an hour. Then cool the resulting mass and wipe it through a sieve.

Send the jam back to the fire and cook until the desired consistency is obtained. After that, spread the dessert in sterile jars, cork with sterile lids and wrap until cool.

Sterilizing jars for such a dessert is most convenient for a couple. First, they must be thoroughly washed - to a squeak, as well as the lids. To do this, it is convenient to use baking soda, it definitely will not leave any smell on the dishes. To sterilize, the lids can be dipped in boiling water and kept for three to four minutes. In order for strawberry jam to keep well, it is desirable that the jars and lids are completely dry.

Jam recipe without rubbing strawberries

To prepare this option, jam readers of “Popular about Health” will need all the same amount of ingredients: a kilogram of strawberries and half a kilogram of sugar. Berries for dessert need to be washed and sorted out, removing the sepals. After they need to puree with a blender.

Pour the finished puree with sugar and send to the fire. If you want to get a delicacy of the desired density without digesting the berries, increase the amount of sugar or use ordinary potato starch (for two kilograms of berries you will need a tablespoon of starch).

The finished jam also needs to be poured into sterile jars, corked with sterile lids and left to cool completely.

Recipe for the winter for strawberry jam with orange zest

This is a very tasty and fragrant delicacy, which is not at all difficult to prepare. For such a dessert, you need to prepare one kilogram of ripe strawberries, one medium orange, four hundred grams of sugar, as well as half a teaspoon of citric acid and a tablespoon of pectin with a slide.

Engage in the preparation of strawberries: rinse it, sort it out, eliminating the tails. Throw the prepared berries in a colander so that excess water is drained from them. Then put them in an enameled saucepan and grind with a blender to a puree state.

Add citric acid to it, then mix well. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the strawberry mixture to a boil. Then reduce the power of the fire to a minimum and boil for twenty minutes, remembering to constantly stir.

Pour pectin into strawberry puree, mix and wait until the future jam boils.

Wash the orange with a stiff brush, then wipe it dry. Remove the zest from the fruit using a small grater. Do this carefully enough, the white layer should not be affected. Add orange zest to strawberry puree, add sugar, mix and boil for about ten minutes more.

In order to get the perfect jam, you need to try a little more. Cool the hot puree for about half an hour, then pour it into a fine sieve and rub it.

As a result, strawberry seeds will remain in the sieve, and you will get a viscous, completely homogeneous mass.

Put the container with it back on the fire and stir until it boils. Next, pour the jam into dry sterile jars to the very neck, cork with dry sterile lids and cover with something warm. Store the cooled dessert in a closet, away from the sun.

Jam from strawberries and cherries

To prepare such a fragrant and tasty treat, you should use three kilograms of cherries, three kilograms of strawberries and two kilograms of sugar.

Prepare the berries: wash and sort them, remove the sepals and tails. Pour the cherries with a small amount of water and send to the fire. Boil until softened, then wipe through a sieve.

Let the strawberries go without adding liquid, then also wipe through a sieve.
Combine strawberry and cherry puree, put on fire and cook with constant stirring for half an hour. Next, add sugar to the container, mix and bring to the desired consistency. Arrange the finished jam in sterile jars and close with sterile lids. Cool the dessert under a warm blanket, then put it away for storage.

Strawberry jam is a wonderful and very fragrant preparation for the winter. She will always find a place on the table, both in a close family circle and at a holiday.

Strawberry Jam- This is one of the most favorite homemade preparations. It can be spread on bread, added to tea, or simply eaten with a spoon.

Jam from strawberries.

- sugar - 400 g
- strawberries - 1 kilogram

1. Wash the strawberries, sort them out, boil in an enamel saucepan until soft, without adding water.
2. Remove from heat, cool, grind to remove seeds through a sieve.
3. Weigh the resulting foamy mass. For 1 kilogram add 400 g of sugar.
4. Boil to the required density, pour into glass jars.

Jam made from strawberries and cherries.

- cherries and strawberries - 2 kilograms each
- sugar - 2 kilograms

1. Rinse the cherries, remove the stalks, boil in water (a small amount), rub through a sieve.
2. Sort the strawberries, let them go without adding water, mix with cherry puree, put on fire, pour into jars (see. jam photo).

Try strawberries too.

Jam made from strawberries and currants.

- strawberry puree - 1 kilogram
- red or black currant - 520 g
- sugar - 1 kilogram

1. Mix both purees in a basin, put on fire, boil slightly.
2. Add sugar, boil until tender.
3. Put the hot jam into jars, cover with lids.
4. As a result, you will get a nice-tasting jam. Instead of currants, you can take the same amount of applesauce, made from sour, unripe fruits.

How to cook strawberry jam. Some helpful tips.

1. It is best to cook jam in an aluminum or brass basin in small portions (1 or 2 kilograms each).
2. During the preparation of jam, the foam must be removed with a slotted spoon.
3. If you add raspberries to strawberry jam, then you can only rinse it before cooking.
4. If you cook strawberry jam with the addition of black currants or other dense berries, then it is recommended to pierce them first. This is best done using a regular cork, into which you need to stick a few stainless steel pins in advance.
5. Strawberries are always washed before making jam, and then gently dried. and strawberries are ready!

Jellied strawberry jam.

- strawberries - kilogram
- apple puree - 525 g
- sugar - kilogram
1. Prepare applesauce.
2. Pre-prepare strawberries, warm up to 80 degrees, with regular stirring. Finally, strain the puréed strawberries through a sieve using a wooden spoon.
3. Mix applesauce and strawberry puree, add sugar, boil the jam until you need the density.
4. Arrange gelled jam in hot dry jars, cover with thick paper, put in a cool room or refrigerator.

Apples can also be used to make

Thick jam, as in childhood, which is put in pies and smeared on bread, can be prepared according to one of the recipes in the article.

Jam is a canned product made from fruits and berries, obtained by boiling them with or without sugar.

The advantage of sweet preserves is that they can be prepared from almost everything, from strawberries to autumn varieties of apples. But you need to know a few secrets so that the jam is thick, tasty and stored for a long time.

How to make jam thick?

About where and when they first began to cook jam, no one will say. The name of the delicacy is of Polish origin - powidla. It differs radically from other methods of preserving fruits and berries:

  • jam is made from ripe and even overripe berries and fruits
  • usually, before boiling, raw materials for preservation are brought to a puree state
  • there are jam recipes with and without sugar
  • after boiling, the sweet mass becomes homogeneous and necessarily thick

IMPORTANT: Many housewives believe that jam should be thick enough so that it not only does not drain from a spoon, but is also cut with a knife

But how to achieve such a thick consistency?

  1. It is necessary to boil fruits and berries well. Their initial volume by the end of cooking is halved
  2. If jam from berries is recommended to add a certain amount of apples. These fruits are rich in pectin, a natural gelling agent.
  3. You can use a jam thickener, which is sold in any supermarket today.
  4. If the jam is cooked without apples and a thickener, you need to boil it in stages. After the fruit mass boils for 20 minutes, wait until it cools down completely, then boil again, and so on from three to 5 times

How much to cook jam?

Cooking time jam depends on:

  • type of fruit or berry
  • volume of raw materials

It must be said that the process itself is quite laborious, for many housewives the headlines of goodies take the whole day.

  1. To begin with, you need to prepare a container for cooking jam - a stainless steel pan, as well as jars and lids. If sugar is used in cooking, they can simply be washed thoroughly. For jam without sugar, jars and lids are sterilized
  2. Fruits or berries are washed, peeled and core (if necessary), spoiled parts are removed
  3. Apples, apricots, pears, other large fruits are cut into slices
  4. Raw materials for jam are always placed without sugar in a wide, non-enamelled bowl and boiled for 15-20 minutes to soften it. You can also soften fruits and berries in the oven or microwave.
  5. Boiled berries and fruits are turned into puree - crushed, rubbed through a sieve, passed through a meat grinder, interrupted with a blender
  6. If the jam is cooked with sugar, it's time to add it. Sugar must be at least 60% of the volume of fruit raw materials, otherwise the jam will not be stored
  7. Jam is boiled with or without sugar until it is half as much.
  8. During boiling, the mass of berries, fruits and sugar is constantly stirred, as it burns very strongly to the bottom and walls
  9. To avoid burning, many housewives prefer to simmer the jam in the oven, they cover the pan with it with a lid

IMPORTANT: As a rule, it takes 1 to 2 hours to boil the jam to the desired consistency

Recipe for a delicious thick apricot jam for the winter

Apricot jam can turn out cloying, as overripe apricots are too sweet. Lemon will help make it taste more pleasant.

  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • jam thickener - 1.5 packets

  1. Apricots are best cooked in a cauldron
  2. The fruits are thoroughly washed and freed from stones, rotten parts are removed,
  3. To homogenize the apricot mass, the fruits cut in half are placed in a cauldron and poured with 150 ml of water. After about a quarter of an hour, juice will come out of them, the apricots will become very soft
  4. Achieve a homogeneous consistency of the mass in any convenient way
  5. Optionally, combine apricot puree with a thickener
  6. Rub washed lemon with zest into apricot puree
  7. Bring the mass of apricots to a boil, gradually add sugar
  8. It takes about 1 hour to cook apricot jam, after which it is laid out hot in jars and rolled up

VIDEO: Apricot jam. Preparation for the winter

Recipe for a delicious thick apple jam for the winter

Jam is a way to “take in circulation” ripe apples that have fallen to the ground and slightly spoiled. Baking with it as a filling is simply incomparable!

  • apples - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 g
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

  1. Apples are prepared - washed, peeled, cut out ponytails, pits, black or rusty areas, cut into quarters
  2. To soften the apples, you can hold them for 15 minutes in the oven on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  3. Soft apples are homogenized and combined with cinnamon
  4. Apples, as mentioned above, have a lot of pectin, so you do not need to thicken them additionally.
  5. Applesauce is put on fire so that it boils in its own juice.
  6. Gradually add sugar to the jam, stirring constantly.
  7. Cook jam for 40 minutes
  8. Jam is placed in jars, rolled up

VIDEO: JAM!! as in childhood! Apple jam classic recipe

homemade strawberry jam recipe

Strawberry jam is not easy to make. Even if you follow the boiling-cooling technology, cook berries with sugar all day, the workpiece may turn out to be too liquid or too cloying. There is a trick - mix strawberries with apples!

  • strawberries - per 1 kg
  • apples - 600 g
  • sugar - 1 kg

  • Strawberries are taken ripe, soft, but not rotten and not old. It is better to cook jam in the middle of the strawberry season
  • The berries are cleaned of ponytails and leaves, seasoned with sugar and slightly boiled
  • Apples are prepared as indicated in the apple jam recipe.
  • Strawberries are rubbed through a sieve so that the seeds do not get into the jam
  • Apples are brought to a homogeneous state in any convenient way.
  • Combine fruit and berry puree, boil them, gradually adding sugar and stirring constantly
  • Boiling time for strawberry-apple jam - about 45 minutes

VIDEO: pear jam

How to cook currant jam?

Of course, in order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the berry, it is better to freeze it or simply rub it with sugar (prepare the so-called “vitamins”).

But for the filling for home baking, you can also close a couple of jars of currant jam. There is almost as much pectin in currants as in apples, so you can easily boil it down to the consistency of marmalade.

  • blackcurrant - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g

  1. Currants are washed, sorted, cleaned of small twigs and leaves
  2. You can put it in a colander and soften for a couple for about 5-7 minutes
  3. Soft berries are rubbed through a sieve and mixed with 0.3 part of sugar
  4. Put the jam to boil, during cooking, add the remaining sugar in two approaches
  5. Currant jam is cooked for an hour and a quarter

How to make cherry jam. Cherry jam: a recipe for the winter

To improve the taste of jam from cherries or sweet cherries, citric acid or fresh lemon juice is added to it.

  • cherry or sweet cherry - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 g (if cherry), 400 g (if cherry)
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon

  1. Ripe cherries or sweet cherries get rid of bones
  2. The berries are softened in a steam bath, after which they are passed through a meat grinder.
  3. With a third of sugar and 100 ml of water, they begin to boil, stir constantly
  4. After half an hour, add another third of the sugar
  5. After a quarter of an hour, add the remaining sugar and lemon juice.
  6. Cook until desired thickness

Recipe for a delicious thick plum jam for the winter

Any jam, including plum jam, shoots very well. To avoid washing the stove, many cook it in the oven under a lid.

  • plums - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 g
  • jam thickener - 0.5 sachet

  1. The cream is washed, the bones are removed from them.
  2. Plums are boiled for 10 minutes, then homogenized
  3. Plum puree is mixed with sugar and thickener and placed in the oven (under the lid)
  4. Plum jam languishing in the oven is periodically checked for readiness
  5. This jam is prepared for up to an hour and a half

Recipe for a delicious thick raspberry jam for the winter. Jam recipe without sugar

Raspberries are a very sweet berry, so it is better to make jam from it without sugar at all.

  1. Take the required amount of berries, wash several times
  2. Raspberries are softened for a couple and rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
  3. Boil the raspberry mass to the consistency of jam
  4. Jam is poured into sterile jars and rolled up with sterile lids

VIDEO: Apricot jam in a slow cooker

Cherry plum jam: a recipe for the winter. Recipe for delicious jam in a slow cooker

Jam from cherry plum in a slow cooker is easy to cook. The only downside is that it will be small.

  • cherry plum - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg 200 g

Cherry plum jam can be cooked in a slow cooker.
  1. Cherry plum, pitted, is placed in boiling water for 5 minutes to peel off the skin
  2. Pulp of cherry plum is beaten with a blender and combined with sugar
  3. Place the future cherry plum jam in the multicooker bowl, select the "Baking" mode and set the time on the timer - 45 minutes
  4. By the sound signal, they check the readiness of the jam, if necessary, weld it for some more time
  5. Close hot cherry plum jam in jars

VIDEO: Quince Jam

Gooseberry jam: a recipe for the winter

Gooseberry jam turns out to be of good consistency, since the berries contain a sufficient amount of pectin. The greenish color and sweet and sour taste of the treats are very popular with children.

  • gooseberries - per 1 kg
  • sugar - 500 g

  1. Before you start cooking jam, you can only wash the gooseberries. It is not necessary to carefully remove small leaves and tails - they, together with the bones, will remain on the sieve after wiping
  2. The berries are boiled until they soften.
  3. Rub the gooseberries through a sieve and mix with sugar
  4. Jam is boiled until it thickens, then poured into jars and closed

VIDEO: Gooseberry and kiwi jam

Fruit and berry jam is a delicious and easy-to-use dessert. It can be used as a filling, spread on sandwiches, eaten with a spoon. Strawberry jam turns out fragrant and appetizing. Even an inexperienced hostess can make it at home, you just need to be patient, as the process takes a lot of time. It is a good idea to prepare strawberry jam for the winter, because in the cold season, the aroma of garden berries seems especially seductive.

Cooking features

The process of making strawberry jam cannot be called complicated, but it has its own specifics. Getting to it, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced chefs.

  • Do not pick strawberries during rain or immediately after it, until the berry has dried. It will be watery and tasteless.
  • For the preparation of jam, you can even take an overripe berry. It is only important that it is not spoiled.
  • For jam, strawberries are crushed. This can be done at different stages of the preparation of the dessert. It is more convenient to turn the berry into a puree even before adding sugar to it. If the jam contains apples, you can first wait until they boil and become soft. More often, strawberries are crushed with a blender, but you can do without it by rubbing the berries through a sieve.
  • Sepals must be removed from strawberries before chopping. There is no need to rush into this. First, the berries must be washed well and dried. If the leaves are torn off before washing the berries, the liquid will get into them, making them watery.
  • It takes a long time to boil strawberry puree until jam thick. To speed up the process, you can add fruit pectin or apples, which contain a lot of pectin. The amount of sugar also affects the rate of boiling: the more it is, the faster the product will thicken.
  • Despite the fact that during the preparation of jam, the berries undergo a long heat treatment, the jars for storing the dessert must be sterilized, otherwise the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Lids should also be sterilized and sealed.

Strawberry jam can be stored at room temperature for at least 12 months. After opening, the jar is moved to the refrigerator. After that, the dessert remains valid for two weeks.

Classic strawberry jam recipe

Composition (for 1.25 l):

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the strawberries, lay them on a towel so that it absorbs the water flowing from the berries.
  • Free the dried berries from the sepals, place in a blender bowl and grind to a puree state.
  • Place the berry puree in an enamel basin, add sugar to it, mix. Leave for half an hour so that the sugar begins to dissolve in the strawberry juice.
  • Put the basin on a slow fire. Cook, stirring and skimming occasionally, 30-50 minutes. The degree of readiness of the jam can be determined by raising the spoon with it over the pan and starting to pour it back into it: if the jam lays down like an accordion, it is ready. After cooling, the product will become thicker.
  • Add citric acid, mix thoroughly. The additive is needed to prevent sugaring of the product during long-term storage.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable lids.
  • Fill prepared containers with hot jam.
  • Seal the jars tightly and leave to cool at room temperature.
  • After cooling, remove the jam from the strawberries to where you used to store your supplies for the winter.

This recipe for strawberry jam is considered a classic. At the same time, it is one of the simplest.

Reduced sugar strawberry jam

Composition (for 2.5-2.6 l):

  • strawberries - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • fruit pectin - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the sepals from the washed and dried strawberries, put them in a bowl.
  • Fill the berry with water, put on a slow fire.
  • Boil for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
  • Wait for the berry to cool, wipe it through a sieve. As a result, jam will have a particularly delicate texture.
  • Mix strawberry puree with two cups of sugar. Put on low fire. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for an hour.
  • Add the rest of the sugar. Boil the puree until the sweet product dissolves.
  • Add pectin and continue to cook until the jam reaches the desired consistency.

It remains to decompose the dessert into sterilized jars and seal them hermetically. Despite the low sugar content, the product is well worth it; according to this recipe, jam can be prepared for the winter. The recipe will appeal to those who seek to minimize the amount of sugar in their diet.

Jam from strawberries in a slow cooker

Composition (per 0.75–0.8 l):

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Put the prepared strawberries in a multicooker bowl, fill with water.
  • Run the unit in extinguishing mode for 20 minutes.
  • Transfer the berry from the multicooker bowl to the blender jug, turn it into a puree, return to the multicooker container.
  • Add sugar, mix thoroughly.
  • Start the multicooker again by selecting the "Extinguishing" program for 1-2 hours. Periodically check the density of the jam: on average, cooking takes 1.5 hours, but the exact time depends on the power of the device.

Arrange the jam in prepared jars, cork them and send them to storage in the pantry.

Jam from strawberries with apples

Composition (per 1.75 l):

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the strawberries. Let her dry. Remove the sepals.
  • Grind the berry with a blender to a puree.
  • Wash the apples, dry with a napkin.
  • Cut the core from the fruit, peel them, cut into slices.
  • Put the apples in a basin or saucepan, fill with water.
  • Simmer until the fruit is completely soft.
  • Grind apples with an immersion blender.
  • Mix applesauce with strawberry, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Gradually introduce sugar.
  • Simmer over low heat, stirring and skimming off foam, about 45 minutes.

Arrange jam on prepared jars, roll them up. After cooling, put in the pantry. If desired, during cooking, you can add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the jam, then it will turn out even more fragrant.

Jam from strawberries and cherries

Composition (for 2.5-2.6 l):

  • sweet cherry (pitted) - 1 kg;
  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the berries.
  • Peel strawberries from sepals, chop with a blender.
  • Remove the seeds from the sweet cherry, fill it with water, boil for 20 minutes, wipe through a sieve.
  • Combine mashed cherries and strawberries, add sugar.
  • Put on the stove. Simmer over low heat, stirring so that the puree does not burn, until the desired consistency.

Fill the prepared jars with jam, cork them, after cooling, store them in the pantry.

It is not difficult to prepare strawberry jam for the winter, but this will take some time, since the berry puree must be boiled down to the desired density. To speed up the process, you can add pectin or fruits that contain it in large quantities.

Strawberry Jam

strawberry jam

Strawberry jam, like most others, is made with the addition of apples. In order for the jam to gel well and acquire a smooth texture. Strawberry jam with apples is used as a regular jam, spread on bread, added to desserts, yogurt, sour cream, sweet cereals, used as a filling for pies, pies and donuts. Delicious. It's easy to cook too.

Composition and proportions for jam

  • Strawberries - 2 kg;
  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.8 kg;
  • Water - 1.5 cups.

We dry the strawberries, cut off the sepals, both whole and beaten, but still good berries will go into the jam.

Washed strawberries

How to cook

  • Rinse, dry, peel and chop everything: washed berries, select only good ones, tear off sepals (very large cut into pieces the size of medium strawberries). Peel and core apples, cut into pieces. All pieces of both apples and strawberries should be approximately the same size.
  • Boil the syrup: put sugar into a wide enameled bowl for cooking jam, add water. While stirring, bring to a boil. Wait until the sugar dissolves (stir).
  • boil fruit in syrup: put strawberries and apples in syrup. Cook, stirring and removing the foam for about 35 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool slightly. And grind / grind the jam with a blender (carefully so as not to splash or pour over). Bring to a boil again and cook until tender.

If you want jelly jam- just cook for another 5 minutes until cooked (when a drop of syrup does not spread.

If you want some jam, then you need to cook for another 5 minutes. A sign of jam readiness: a drop that was dropped on a cold saucer does not spread.

If you want to make jam: cook longer, evaporating moisture to a greater density. A sign of readiness of jam: when stirring the jam, a spoon leaves furrows on the surface. The volume of jam in the basin will decrease from the original by 2 times (half).

  • Finished strawberry jam split into prepared jars hot. Close with prepared lids (iron, glass with clips or plastic. You can simply cover with parchment paper and tie with twine (but only cover the cooled jam with paper, otherwise it may mold.
  • Store strawberry jam at room temperature (or a cooler location, whichever you prefer) in a dry, dark, ventilated area.

Strawberry jam, like any other, breaks off in whole pieces, and does not spread over the outlet

The jam also does not spread over the bun, it is thick. Therefore, it is convenient to use it as a filling in baked and fried pies, pancakes and pies. Or mix with cottage cheese, porridge, yogurt and sour cream so that husbands and children enjoy sweets!

For those who have no time to cook jam in 1 step, you can cook for five minutes in 4-5 steps, pausing to cool the jam and ferment the fruit for 6-12 hours. Grind with a blender before the last cooking.

For those who want to get not jam, but jam, cooking for five minutes is the best option. Berries are evenly soaked in syrup. It will be very tasty. You can cook without apples, just strawberries (sugar 1 kg, strawberries - 1 kg, store at room temperature). At the end of cooking (5 minutes BEFORE) you can add juice from 1 lemon. It will be much tastier.

Different and other berries without sugar - recipes for harvesting;
