
How to bake an apple in the oven. Baked apples - vitamin diet for big and small

Apples are very healthy and delicious fruits, which can be bought in our country at any time of the year. They can be consumed fresh or cooked as part of the most variety of dishes. These fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Regular use apples in food helps to reduce weight and lower cholesterol levels.

Baked apples are perhaps one of the most dietary products, which can be eaten by pregnant women, children, healthy and sick people, when losing weight or just for fun as a dessert.

How to bake apples in the oven? We will tell you a few great ways this simple yet delicious dish.

A few secrets to making delicious and healthy baked apples

  • You can cook baked apples in the oven or microwave.
  • They can be stuffed and combined with cottage cheese, honey, meat, dough. beautifully decorated stuffed apples I can be a real highlight holiday table Or a regular family dinner.
  • Recipes for baking apples are simple and quick to prepare, so even a novice housewife without outstanding culinary skills can cope with this task.
  • One of the main secrets of cooking delicious and healthy treats -right choice fruits.
  • For baking, it is better to choose fruits of sweet varieties, because sour apples during heat treatment become even more sour. The best varieties for baking: antonovka, ranet, mac.
  • In order for the fruits to cook at the same time and not lose their shape, it is better to choose medium-sized apples.
  • For children and allergy sufferers, it is better to choose green fruits.
  • Experienced chefs recommend baking apples at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time is approximately 30-40 minutes.

Useful properties of baked apples

During the heat treatment of apples, part of the liquid evaporates. This leads to an increase in the concentration nutrients. Therefore, baked fruits are more high-calorie than fresh ones. 100 grams of puree contains from 70 to 100 kcal, depending on the variety. When adding sugar, honey, cottage cheese and other ingredients, the nutritional value of the dish increases.

A few simple recipes for baked apples

  1. The original dessert is stuffed fruits. As a filling, you can use cottage cheese and raisins. Take a few medium apples, wash them and cut out the cores. Fill the holes with stuffing prepared from 100 grams of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and 40-50 grams of raisins. Stuffed fruits are laid out on a baking sheet with no big amount water at the bottom and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. In order to make the dish less caloric, sugar can be replaced with honey.
  2. Baked apples in puff pastry is perfect solution for the holiday table. Take 5 medium fruits, a package of puff pastry, 1 egg, 15 g of honey and a few walnuts. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and remove the core and skin. Chop nuts and mix with honey. Fill the holes in the apples with the resulting mass. Roll out the dough, cut into suitable squares and wrap the apples in them. Brush the top of the dough with the beaten egg. The dish is baked for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat until fully prepared. So beautiful, delicious and fragrant dish will become the main decoration of your table!

There are a number of advantages over others. Firstly, baked apples in the oven are a low-calorie product, which is of great importance for those who seek to lose weight. excess weight. Secondly, the benefits of baked apples have long been known, because even after baking in the oven they continue to contain useful material and vitamins. Not only do baked apples in the oven remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body, they also have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

There is also third, fourth, fifth .... But from all of the above, one significant conclusion can be drawn - this tasty, healthy, affordable dessert it is simply necessary in the diet of adults and children in order to feel light, healthy and get real pleasure from the food eaten, and not harm.

Cooking baked apples in the oven is easy. Choose large ones for baking. green apples with sour-sweet taste and dense pulp. Such baked apples are much tastier than yellow or red ones. Antonovka variety is ideal for cooking.

So, the fruits have been selected, now you need to thoroughly wash them, cut off the top, you can leave the “lid” with the tail. Next, using a teaspoon or special knife, cut out the core and remove the seeds. If you prefer to work with a knife, then give preference to the ceramic option so that the apples do not darken.

Put the peeled apples with funnels up on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and pour in a little water. Put the filling in each hole, based on your taste preferences. Sugar, raisins, honey, berries, jam or jam, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, dried fruits, banana, cranberries, nuts, chocolate - each of these ingredients fulfills its mission. So, for example, sour cream or butter gives apples soft taste, honey - unique aroma, and raisins, dried apricots, nuts - a wonderful touch of piquancy. Place the stuffed apples in an oven preheated to 180ºС and bake for 20-30 minutes. Do not forget to look into the oven from time to time so that the peel of the apples does not crack. You can decorate ready-made baked apples in the oven with whatever your heart desires: fresh berries, candied fruit, whipped cream, grated chocolate. Baked apples must be served chilled. And the apples baked in the oven in puff pastry are also very tasty. Be sure to try!

For example, here are some fairly simple, but very tasty recipes.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

8 apples
400 g cottage cheese,
2 egg yolks,
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tsp lemon peel.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. egg yolks beat with sugar, lemon zest and vanilla sugar and then stir in the curd. For thoroughly washed apples, cut off the top in the form of a lid and remove the core and part of the pulp. Finely chop the pulp and add to the curd. Stuff the apples with the resulting mixture, cover with lids and place in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. Then put in the oven preheated to 180ºС and bake for 20-30 minutes.

For cooking baked apples in the oven with cottage cheese, it is quite possible to use the finished curd mass with raisins, dried apricots or pieces of chocolate, which is sold in the store.

Baked apples in caramel

4 large Antonovka apples,
4 pinches of cinnamon
1 cube of butter, about 2.5-3 cm on a side
4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Wash the selected apples thoroughly and wipe them dry. Remove the core from the apples without cutting them in half. In a deep plate or bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon. Pour 1 tsp into each apple. sweet mixture and pour in 2 tbsp. l. water. Then make cups from food foil and place 1 apple in each. Put the cups on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 7 minutes. In a small saucepan for small fire melt the butter, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and cook, stirring, 7-10 minutes. After that, remove the apples from the oven, pour over each with caramel and, after cooling, serve to the table.

You can cook baked apples in the oven with ordinary caramels. In the middle of each apple, put 1-2 caramels with some kind of filling, bake in the usual way, and the result is an incredibly tasty, fragrant dessert.

Baked apples with raisins, almonds and cherries

4 apples
50 g raisins.
50 g canned cherries,
100 g almonds
2 tsp lemon juice,
1-2 tsp honey.

Wash the apples, peel, cut off the tops, remove the core and part of the pulp. Brush the inside and outside of the apples with a mixture of lemon juice and honey. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water for a few minutes and mix with cherries. Add chopped almonds to this mixture as well. Fill the apples with the prepared filling, wrap each one loosely in foil, put on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 20-25 minutes. When the dessert is ready, take it out of the oven, cool it down and drizzle with cherry syrup if desired, or garnish with cherries and almonds.

Baked apples with dates and walnuts

4 green apples
6 dried dates
3 art. l. raisins,
2 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts,
1 st. l. honey,
2 tsp butter.

Finely chop thoroughly washed and dried dates. Pour washed raisins hot water for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander and let the water drain. Wash the apples, cut off the top in the form of caps. Remove the core with part of the pulp, which is then finely chopped. Mix chopped dates, raisins, nuts, apple pulp and honey. Fill the apples with the resulting mixture, put them in a baking dish and put a small piece of butter in each apple. Cover the apples with cut lids and put in an oven preheated to 180ºС, bake for 25-30 minutes. You can check the readiness of apples by piercing them lightly with a knife. Ready apples should be soft.

When baked apples are cooked in the oven, the house immediately becomes somehow cozier and warmer. Their incomparable aroma gives rise to the most pleasant memories from childhood.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

If you are already quite fed up with all the fancy and intricate desserts, or you just want something sweet and unusual, but it doesn’t take much time to cook, we recommend organizing oven-baked apples.

Such a delicacy is prepared quickly, and its taste qualities no doubt worthy of the highest praise.

From our recipes you will learn how to quickly and easily bake apples and what filling to choose for them.

Baked apples with honey, nuts and raisins - recipe


  • medium-sized apples - 6 pcs.;
  • - 250 g;
  • walnuts - 35 g;
  • light raisin- 120 g.


For baking with honey, it is better to choose apples with strong, dense pulp and green dense skin. Ideal for this preparation are the fruits of the Simirenko and Antonovka varieties.

Wash the selected apples, wipe dry and cut out the core from the side of the stalk, removing the seed box and a little pulp around it. Now we mix honey with chopped nuts and washed raisins and fill it with the resulting honey mixture voids in fruits.

We place the apples in a baking dish or on a baking sheet and put them in the oven, which we preheat in advance to 190 degrees. In fifteen to twenty minutes, a fragrant and delicious delicacy will be ready.

The recipe can be somewhat diversified by using pitted prunes instead of raisins, in which you can additionally put half a walnut kernel. It will turn out no less tasty and original.

Apples baked in dough - recipe


  • - 110 g;
  • sifted wheat flour - 120 g;
  • baking powder food - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • water - 15-25 ml;
  • peasant butter - 60 g;
  • small chicken egg - 1 pc.


First we prepare the dough. To do this, add soft butter, granulated sugar and baking powder to the sifted flour. We grind the mass until a very small crumb is obtained, similar to breadcrumbs. Now add quite a bit of water and knead the dough, achieving its plasticity. We spread the formed flour lump on a table dusted with flour, roll it out with a rolling pin and cut out four circles from the resulting layer. Their size should be such that the whole apples fit in them.

Next, we cut out the core of apple fruits from the side of the stalk and fill the voids with currant jam. Now we place the fruit on the cut circles of dough, lift its edges up and pinch it with a bag.

We coat the surface of the products with a beaten egg, crush with sugar and send to bake in the oven, which we preheat to 185 degrees. After 25 minutes, delicious, fragrant and delicious dessert ready.

Baked apples with cottage cheese, raisins and sugar - recipe


  • medium-sized apples - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream (if necessary) - 25 g.


To prepare baked apples according to this recipe, mix cottage cheese with granulated sugar and washed raisins, and if the filling turns out to be dry, we also mix a little sour cream into it.

Now rinse and dry apple fruit, after which we cut out their core with a small amount of pulp from the side of the stem. We fill the resulting voids in the fruits of the prepared curd filling and put the blanks in a baking dish, into which we pour quite a bit of water. We have dessert in the oven, which we preheat to 180 degrees. Delicious in 30 minutes fragrant delicacy will be ready. Let it cool down a bit and enjoy.

Baked apples have been known to us since childhood. But not everyone knows that baked apples in the oven are much healthier than fresh ones. They contain great amount vitamins and valuable minerals. Doctors advise using baked apples to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body, to prevent various tumors, in the treatment of constipation and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

They are a separate dish and a side dish for meat, fish, poultry. This is a delicious dessert and a great nutritious snack. Apples are baked whole and in slices, on their own or filled with honey, sugar, various fresh and dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese and even minced meat.

For baking, you need to choose the right variety - these should be apples with a lot of iron (darkening quickly on the cut) and a dense peel, for example, Granny Smith, Mac, Rennet, Antonovka.

Depending on the size and variety of apples, the baking time can be from 10 to 30 minutes. An apple is considered ready when the peel is wrinkled and cracked.

Apples with oatmeal

  • Oatmeal - 3 tablespoons
  • Seedless dates - 8 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Butter - 10 g.

Wash the apples, cut off the tops. Carefully remove the head of seeds and a little pulp with a spoon to make an apple "pot".

Finely chop the dates, mix with oatmeal, sugar and cinnamon. Fill apples with mixture. Place a small piece of butter on top of each apple.

Place in oven preheated to 180°C for 25 minutes.

Apples with fruits

Ingredients for 4 large apples

  • Dried apricots - 4 pcs.
  • Prunes - 4 pcs.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Nuts - 4-5 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Sesame - to taste.

Wash the apples, cut off the tops. Carefully remove the head with seeds and a little pulp with a spoon.

Finely chop apple pulp, dried apricots, prunes, banana and nuts. Mix everything with honey and fill the apples with the mixture. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Bake in the oven at 180° for 20-25 minutes.

Apples stuffed with meat

Ingredients for 6 large apples:

  • Assorted minced meat - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Greens (parsley, dill, sage, basil) - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Wash the apples, cut off the tops and set aside. Remove the core from the apples, leaving the walls about 1 cm thick. Cut the pulp into small pieces, sprinkle lemon juice not to darken.

Finely chop the onion and garlic and sauté in a skillet until golden color. Add minced meat and fry for 10 minutes, breaking up lumps with a fork.

Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin, finely chop and add to the pan. Cover with a lid and let simmer for another 5 minutes.

Finely chop the greens and mix with minced meat. Let's fill them with apples. Put on top of each apple small piece butter. Cover with apple tops and place in an oiled ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with water and bake for at least 25 minutes.

The apple chosen for baking should have a strong peel and dense pulp. It is worth remembering that fruits early varieties have a thin skin that can burst in the oven, so you should choose autumn apples with thick skin. You can bake any fruit, but the best dishes are obtained from the Simirenko or Antonovka variety. You can also take Golden and Granny Smith apples.

How to prepare fruits

For baking, select several apples of the same size. Before cooking, with a sponge, carefully clean the peel from dirt and wax, which is sometimes covered with fruits to extend their shelf life.

After that, the core (seed box) is removed from each apple from the side of the tail, trying not to damage the “bottom” with sepals so that juice does not flow out of the fruit during baking. This can be done with an ordinary knife or a special one with a rounded blade.

Baking features

Often apples are baked, laying them in a heat-resistant form. Some housewives add a little water to the mold or on a baking sheet so that the resulting sweet juice formed marmalade at the bottom.

It is better, of course, to spread the foil so that you do not have to waste time cleaning the baking sheet.

You can wrap the fruit with foil or dough to avoid leakage of juice.

At what temperature to bake apples in the oven?

The fruits are baked at a standard baking temperature regime- 180 degrees Celsius.

The baking time in the oven is from twenty minutes to half an hour and varies from the number of apples, the type and characteristics of the oven.

In the finished fruit, the pulp is soft when pierced with a knife or toothpick.

Watch the video recipe for this dish:

apples without filling

The most low-calorie (no more than 50 kcal), but at the same time very tasty and most useful, apples without filling are obtained. It is very easy to make them - you can even bake them whole, but properly prepared fruits without a seed box are more pleasant to eat.

If you decide to bake whole fruit, do not forget to pierce the peel with a toothpick in several places so that the peel does not burst during heat treatment.

You can cut and bake the fruit in halves, removing the core from them. You can even cut into slices and cook, laying beautifully in shape.

After baking in the oven, take out the apples and sprinkle them with sugar, and then send them to the turned off oven for five minutes to form caramel.

You can bake the fruits, wrapping them with thinly rolled dough, and serve warm with ice cream.

apples with honey

We offer a recipe for baking baked apples with honey in the oven.

Calorie content of the dish - 215 kcal, per 100 g - 62 kcal

Servings - 2

Cooking time - 30 minutes


Required products:

  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • thick honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • fresh mint - for decoration.


To bake apples without filling, wash the fruits, remove the seeds and veins, and remove the tail.

In the recesses that turned out after cleaning, put a spoonful of honey.

You can replace honey with sugar. It's delicious to complement it. butter- a piece with a quarter of a teaspoon. Instead of sugar and honey, you can put a teaspoon of condensed milk in apples.

Put the apples in a mold and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Before serving baked dessert can be garnished with fresh mint, sprinkled powdered sugar or cinnamon, depending on preference. Baked apples with honey from the oven are ready!

stuffed apples

Lots of baking options. Someone prepares apples without filling, someone likes to fill the fruits with juicy curd, fruit, nut or even meat mass.

The filling for baked apples in the oven can be a mixture of:

  • crushed dried fruits;
  • chopped nuts and honey, which will complement liquor, wine or cognac well;
  • cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream and raisins;
  • boiled rice with raisins, sugar and butter;
  • steamed oatmeal with dried fruits and sugar;
  • cranberries and sugar;
  • a piece of chocolate.

Apples go well with vanilla and cinnamon flavors, so you should add these spices to the filling. Good addition to the taste of a baked apple lemon peel. TO ready meal you can serve vanilla or chocolate sauce.

By the way, you can bake fruit stuffed with hard cheese and dried fruit or hard cheese and. True, such a dish can no longer be attributed to desserts. It's more of an appetizer.

To put the filling in apples, you need to cut them or take out part of the pulp with a spoon. Can be cut different ways. For example, cut an apple in half and take out the seed box, and put the filling in the recesses.

You can cut the fruit across, cutting off the top with a tail. Take out the “stub”, and instead place the mass for stuffing. After that, cover with a cut "lid".

And you can cut the fruit across into thin layers and lay the filling in a thin layer between them, “gathering” the apple back.


Oven baked apples great dessert for children and adults. It uplifts the mood and replenishes the body's supply of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits in caramel

Favorite treat Western children will be to the taste and our kids. Preparing caramel apples baked in the oven according to the recipe with a photo is very simple.


six small apples;
pinch by pinch citric acid and salt;
half a glass of water;
140 grams of sugar;
50 ml cream.
Cooking method:

Dry the washed fruits and put them on wooden sticks in the place where the stalk is.

In a saucepan with thick walls, boil the syrup, adding to the water except granulated sugar salt and citric acid.

As soon as the syrup turns brown, remove the pan from the stove and pour in the cream, mix.

Dip each fruit in the mixture so that the composition spreads evenly over the skin and place on a wire rack with a tray.

caramel apples freeze for about 30-35 minutes.

Spicy fruits in vermouth

Despite the presence of alcohol in the recipe, dessert can be offered even to young children. Thanks to vermouth, the fruits become spicy, not drunk. Everyone can cook such baked apples in the oven according to a recipe with a photo.


six juicy fruits;
juice of half a lemon;
30 grams of butter;
3 small spoons of honey;
4 tablespoons of vermouth;
a couple pinches of cinnamon.
Cooking method:

Divide the fruit into halves, remove the core and brush with lemon juice - so they do not darken. Place on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.

Spray the fruits with vermouth, pour the rest into a mold. In the middle, put a pea of ​​butter and half a spoonful of honey.

We put the mold into the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes, from time to time pouring them with flowing juice.
Ready apples should be infused for a quarter of an hour. After that, they are again doused with sauce and sprinkled with cinnamon.

How to bake apples in the oven with cottage cheese or honey?

These toppings are perhaps the most popular. After all, they give the dish a delicate sweetness, and the body - valuable trace elements.

Before you cook baked apples, you should understand the technology of this process. Important criteria are time and temperature. The specific values ​​of these parameters depend on household appliances which is used for baking. For this dish suitable oven, microwave, multicooker or even convection oven. Whichever one is used, the result is a very tasty dish that contains few carbohydrates. For this reason, it is allowed to be used even on a diet or just during a fasting day.

At what temperature to bake apples

In order for the fruit pulp to cook properly, you need to know at what temperature to bake apples. The optimal value is 180 degrees. If you make the temperature higher, then the fruits will simply break from exposure too a large number heat. At lower values, the pulp will not bake, and the fruits themselves will become dry and tasteless. For this reason, a temperature of 180 degrees is considered optimal for cooking delicious and beautiful dessert.

How long to bake apples

In addition to the temperature, it is important to observe the cooking time. How long to bake apples in the oven? It all depends on the size of the fruits used. Larger specimens should be kept in the oven for about 15 minutes. Readiness can be checked by cracks in the skin. For smaller fruits, 10 minutes is enough. In the microwave, it takes only 3 minutes to bake apples. at a power level of 800 watts. If you use a slow cooker, you need to cook dessert for about 25 minutes. for soft fruits. Harder ones should be baked for about 40 minutes.

Baked Apple Recipes

There are a lot of options for preparing such a delicacy. The choice of a particular recipe depends on your personal preferences and favorite products. It also affects the time you can spend on cooking. If there is very little of it, then use the recipe, where it is taken as a filling regular sugar. When there is nowhere to hurry, experiment with cottage cheese, honey, dried fruits, or even puff pastry. You will definitely like any of the delicacies, and the photos and recipes below will help you prepare them.

How to bake apples in the oven with honey

If you are already tired of chocolate and cakes, then try apples baked with honey. The combination of these ingredients creates a simple amazing taste- Sweet, but not cloying. It is better to take sour varieties for such a dessert. When baked, they acquire more rich taste. Other varieties are not allowed. The main thing is that the fruits are fresh.


  • honey - 4 tsp;
  • cinnamon - to your taste;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil- 2 tbsp. for lubrication.

Cooking method:

  1. First, wash the fruit, preferably with a brush. Then make cuts around the stem and use a teaspoon to remove the core along with the seeds, as shown in the photo. It is important not to pierce the fetus through and through.
  2. Turn on the oven to warm up. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil or waxed paper and brush with oil. Instead, you can use cast iron pan.
  4. Inside each of the fruits, put a spoonful of honey so that it does not spill over the edge.
  5. Place the fruits on a baking sheet, send to bake for 10 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle the finished dessert with cinnamon on top.

Baked apples in the microwave

In addition to the oven, you can also bake apples in the microwave. Such a delicacy cooks much faster, because you do not need to mess around with a baking sheet. Plus, you don't have to wait for the oven to heat up. For the filling, you can use the same products - cottage cheese, berries, honey or just sugar. Choose any option to your liking. The recipe with the photo below will help you in cooking.


  • honey or sugar - for filling;
  • powdered sugar or cinnamon - optional for sprinkling on top;
  • apples - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. The first step is to rinse the fruit by rubbing the skin with a hard brush or washcloth, then dry it on a towel or paper napkins.
  2. Using a knife or a special tool, remove the core from each fruit along with the seeds.
  3. Put the fruit on the bottom of the dishes for the microwave, fill each with a spoonful of honey or sugar.
  4. Send blanks to the microwave, turn it on for 5 minutes. at a power of 800 watts.
  5. Sprinkle dessert of baked apples with cinnamon or powder.

Make other recipes as well.

Oven baked apples with cottage cheese

Another low-calorie, tasty and healthy dessert is baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven. In this form, even children will like these ingredients. In addition to cottage cheese this recipe you can use raisins and honey. This fermented milk product also goes well with them. Apple dessert with cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast or a snack during the day. You can diversify the delicacy with the help of candied fruits, berries or jam.


  • cottage cheese - 120 g;
  • raisins - a small handful;
  • butter - 2 small cubes;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven immediately so that it warms up to 180 degrees.
  2. soak raisins warm water for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid with a colander and let the product dry.
  3. Rinse the fruit, rub the peel with a stiff brush to remove wax residue. Take sharp knife or a special tool, cut a hole in each apple with it. Remove the core along with the seeds.
  4. Combine cottage cheese with raisins and honey, mix thoroughly, fill each fruit with it.
  5. To make the delicacy more juicy, put on top small piece butter.
  6. Place fruit in the bottom of an ovenproof dish.
  7. Bake for about half an hour. To give baked apples a special taste, sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

How to bake apples in the oven with sugar

Next recipe baked apples is considered a classic and at the same time the simplest. This dessert is served even in restaurants. This is a good substitute for a piece of cake or pastry - a healthy and less calorie treat. Top baked apples can be sprinkled with nuts or seasoned with cinnamon. Another option is to decorate the fruit with cream, then it will turn out even more appetizing, although in most cases there is enough sweetness due to sugar. It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences. Apples baked in the oven with sugar are easy to prepare according to the recipe with the photo below.


  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • orange - 1 half;
  • apple - 6 pcs.;
  • raisins - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the oven on immediately to 180 degrees.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients for the filling - steamed raisins, sugar, lemon zest, juice of half an orange and cinnamon.
  3. Rinse the apples, then remove the center with seeds from each fruit so as not to pierce the bottom of the fruit.
  4. Lay them on an oiled baking sheet, fill each blank with stuffing, put a piece of butter.
  5. Send to bake for half an hour.

How to bake whole apples in the oven

If there is absolutely no time or desire to mess with the filling, then try making whole baked apples. In this recipe, you do not need to cut the core and get the seeds from the fruit. It is only necessary to rinse the fruits well, place them in a mold and send them to the oven. Due to the fact that they remain intact, ready dessert contains more useful substances for the body. Instructions on how to make whole baked apples will help in cooking.


  • water - about 90 ml;
  • apples - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruit under running water, clean the peel with a hard washcloth to remove wax residues.
  2. Put the oven on to warm up. Optimum temperature- 180 degrees.
  3. Take a heat-resistant form, place apples in it, pour water so that it covers them to a height of 1 cm.
  4. Send to bake for 25-30 minutes.

Baked apples are especially popular in the fall, harvest season. This dessert is very easy and quick to prepare, and it is great addition for almost any meal. In fact, baked apples are unique in that they can be served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One of the main advantages of baked apples is the simplicity of their preparation, because even a novice hostess can cope with such a dish. In addition, even the most fastidious kids will appreciate such a dessert.

Not all apples are suitable for baking in the oven. It is best to use for this late green varieties of apples with a dense peel and firm sweet and sour pulp. These varieties include: from domestic - Antonovka and Simirenko, from foreign - Granny Smith and McIntosh. Soft summer varieties apples such as White filling, not suitable for baking, as they quickly fall apart. To save beautiful shape lightly use apples unripe fruits. Choose apples of the same size - then they will all be ready at the same time. Make sure you wash your apples thoroughly before roasting them.

If you are cooking stuffed apples, remove some of the core and seeds from the cutting side using a small knife. In no case do not make a through hole from top to bottom, otherwise all the filling will fall out during the cooking process. Alternatively, in apples, you can cut off the top, which will serve as a “lid” that hides the filling. Depending on your taste and preferences, you can add various ingredients inside apples, such as walnuts, almonds, raisins, honey, cottage cheese, dried fruits, dried cherries, dried cranberries, cinnamon, etc. As an option - apples can even be filled with minced meat, for which they will become unusual side dish. You can also make jelly and soufflé from baked apples.

The average cooking time for apples in the oven takes about 15-20 minutes. Properly cooked, baked apples have a ruddy skin, a soft texture, and can be easily eaten with a fork or spoon. However, if the apples are overcooked, they are too soft and do not retain their shape. If such an incident happened to your dessert, you can simply chop the baked apples in a food processor and enjoy the delicious applesauce. Leftover apples can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated the next day.

Baked apples are very tasty both warm and cold, but most importantly, they are very tasty. healthy dessert low in fat, sugar and cholesterol. The pectin found in baked apples lowers bad cholesterol, while the minerals potassium and magnesium help control blood pressure. If you eat one baked apple a day, you will not be afraid of any cardiovascular diseases. Oven-cooked apples are ideal for people who have problems with gastrointestinal tract. This is due both to the beneficial effect of pectin, and to the fact that after heat treatment, the active components of the fruit lose their acidity, and useful vitamins while being preserved. In addition, high temperature promotes better assimilation potassium found in apples. Baked apples also help to normalize appetite, avoid overeating and get rid of excess weight.

Cooking at high temperatures may affect the content of some nutrients in fruits, but in general, nutritional value baked apples are not much different from fresh ones. Nevertheless, various ways cooking and the ingredients you add to your apples can affect their content of certain substances. Unfortunately, most of vitamin C is destroyed during the cooking of apples in the oven. Compared to fresh apples baked apples are better tolerated by people with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts due to their increased digestibility.

Baked apples are one of the easiest and healthiest desserts. The average baked apple contains about 95 calories, which come primarily from its 25g of carbohydrates. If you add about 2 tablespoons of walnuts, 1 teaspoon of butter, and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to an apple, your baked apple has a nutritional value of 316 calories. More than half of the fiber in apples is in the skin. The pulp of a medium baked apple contains 2.1 g of fiber, while the same apple with the skin contains 4.4 g of fiber.

Baked apples with honey - classic low calorie dessert sugarless. If you like, you can put a piece of butter on top of the apples - when it bakes in the oven, it exudes a delicious aroma. There are other ways to prepare this dish. So, apples can be boiled in syrup made from honey, and then stuffed with raisins, nuts or any other stuffing and served.

Baked apples with honey

500 g apples
5 tablespoons of honey
cinnamon to taste.

Make small holes in the apples with a knife, remove the core. Mix honey with cinnamon and fill the holes in the apples with it. Bake in the oven at 175 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Cooking baked apples with sugar is one of the most affordable and economical options. During baking, sugar dissolves in apple juice and turns into syrup. Versatility and nutritional properties of this treat make it suitable for both children from the age of 1 year and the elderly. Add this recipe to your list of easy fall desserts.

300 g apples
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Make a cone-shaped indentation in the apples without completely removing the core. Fill the resulting space with sugar. Put the apples on a baking sheet, sprinkle with water and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Sprinkle apples with powdered sugar before serving.
Nothing pairs so subtly and so perfectly as apples and cinnamon. You can sprinkle cinnamon on the apples just before baking, or just before serving. Dessert can be garnished with whipped cream.

4 large apples
8 tablespoons brown cane sugar
80 g butter,
ground cinnamon,
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar.

Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Remove core and seeds from each apple. Place apples in a baking dish. Pour 2 tablespoons into each apple brown sugar. Put a piece of butter on top, sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Pour into baking dish a large number of water mixed with vanilla sugar - this will add extra moisture to the dessert. Bake apples in the oven for 40 minutes.

Often delicious dessert- this is what many people really want, but do not allow themselves due to lack of time or high calorie. The ideal way out of the situation this case are apples baked in a slow cooker. The dessert contains a minimum of calories, is easy to prepare, and you absolutely do not need to look after it during baking - the slow cooker will do everything for you. Orange zest gives this dish a special zest.

6 apples,
150 g raisins,
80 g sugar
1 tablespoon orange zest,
6 tablespoons of any berry jam,

Using a knife, remove the core from the apples. Mix raisins, sugar and orange peel. Fill apples with filling. Drizzle with jam and place a piece of butter on top of each apple. Put the apples in a slow cooker and cook in the "Baking" mode for about 35 minutes.

Baked apples with oatmeal perfect option useful and nutritious breakfast. If desired, you can serve this dish with low-fat classic yogurt.

4 apples
80 g oatmeal,
50 g sugar
60 g walnuts,
200 ml apple juice,
20 g ginger.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Cut the apples in half and remove the core. Combine oatmeal, sugar, chopped nuts, 50 ml apple juice and finely chopped ginger in a small bowl. Fill each apple half with about 2 tablespoons of filling and place in a baking dish. Pour the remaining 150 ml of apple juice around the apples. Cover the mold with foil. Roast apples until soft, about 20 minutes. Remove the foil and continue to bake until the apples are very soft, 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool for about 5 minutes before serving.

The combination of sweet cottage cheese, raisins and baked apples - what could be more tender and tastier? We are sure that such a dessert will appeal to even those who do not particularly favor their attention. dairy products because it's just amazing fun!

2 large apples
130 g cottage cheese,
3 tablespoons of sugar
60 g raisins,
30 g classic yogurt,
cinnamon to taste.

Mix cottage cheese, yogurt, sugar and raisins. Add cinnamon to taste. Cut off the tops of the apples and carefully remove the core with a knife. Fill the recesses with the curd filling and cover with the cut “lids” on top. Bake the apples in the oven at 190 degrees for about 40 minutes until the apples are soft. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving if desired.

Baked apples with walnuts and dried fruits can easily replace pastries, cakes and other harmful sweets. This dessert is the perfect accompaniment to a scoop of ice cream.

4 large apples
60 g sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
50 g walnuts,
100 g of a mixture of any dried fruits,
40 g butter,
200 ml hot water.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Using a sharp knife, cut the core of the apples. Mix sugar, cinnamon, finely chopped nuts and chopped dried fruits in a bowl. Fill each apple with stuffing and place a piece of butter on top. pour hot water into a baking dish and put the apples. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes until the apples are soft.

The baking process allows you to give apples a unique aroma and a delicate melting texture, which is why baked apples are so loved by many. This dessert gives you the opportunity to experiment with various fillings so you never get tired of cooking. We invite you to start right now!

The apple chosen for baking should have a strong peel and dense pulp. It is worth remembering that fruits of early varieties have a thin skin that can burst in the oven, so you should choose autumn apples with a dense skin. You can bake any fruit, but the best dishes obtained from the variety Simirenko or Antonovka. You can also take Golden and Granny Smith apples.

How to prepare fruits

For baking, select several apples of the same size. Before cooking, with a sponge, carefully clean the peel from dirt and wax, which is sometimes covered with fruits to extend their shelf life.

After that, the core (seed box) is removed from each apple from the side of the tail, trying not to damage the “bottom” with sepals so that juice does not flow out of the fruit during baking. This can be done with an ordinary knife or a special one with a rounded blade.

Baking features

Often apples are baked, laying them in a heat-resistant form. Some housewives add a little water to the mold or onto a baking sheet so that the sweet juice that flows out forms marmalade at the bottom.

It is better, of course, to spread the foil so that you do not have to waste time cleaning the baking sheet.

You can wrap the fruit with foil or dough to avoid leakage of juice.

At what temperature to bake apples in the oven?

The fruits are baked at a standard baking temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

The baking time in the oven is from twenty minutes to half an hour and varies from the number of apples, the type and characteristics of the oven.

In the finished fruit, the pulp is soft when pierced with a knife or toothpick.

Watch the video recipe for this dish:

apples without filling

The most low-calorie (no more than 50 kcal), but at the same time very tasty and most useful, apples without filling are obtained. It is very easy to make them - you can even bake them whole, but properly prepared fruits without a seed box are more pleasant to eat.

If you decide to bake whole fruit, do not forget to pierce the peel with a toothpick in several places so that the peel does not burst during heat treatment.

You can cut and bake the fruit in halves, removing the core from them. You can even cut into slices and cook, laying beautifully in shape.

After baking in the oven, take out the apples and sprinkle them with sugar, and then send them to the turned off oven for five minutes to form caramel.

You can bake the fruits, wrapping them with thinly rolled dough, and serve warm with ice cream.

apples with honey

We offer a recipe for baking baked apples with honey in the oven.

Calorie content of the dish - 215 kcal, per 100 g - 62 kcal

Servings - 2

Cooking time - 30 minutes


Required products:

  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • thick honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • fresh mint - for decoration.


To bake apples without filling, wash the fruits, remove the seeds and veins, and remove the tail.

In the recesses that turned out after cleaning, put a spoonful of honey.

You can replace honey with sugar. It is very tasty to supplement it with butter - a piece with a quarter of a teaspoon. Instead of sugar and honey, you can put a teaspoon of condensed milk in apples.

Put the apples in a mold and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Before serving, the baked dessert can be garnished with fresh mint, powdered sugar or cinnamon, depending on preference. Baked apples with honey from the oven are ready!

stuffed apples

Lots of baking options. Someone prepares apples without filling, someone likes to fill the fruits with juicy curd, fruit, nut or even meat mass.

The filling for baked apples in the oven can be a mixture of:

  • crushed dried fruits;
  • chopped nuts and honey, which will complement liquor, wine or cognac well;
  • cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream and raisins;
  • boiled rice with raisins, sugar and butter;
  • steamed oatmeal with dried fruits and sugar;
  • cranberries and sugar;
  • a piece of chocolate.

Apples go well with vanilla and cinnamon flavors, so you should add these spices to the filling. Lemon zest complements the taste of a baked apple well. Vanilla or chocolate sauce can be served with the finished dish.

By the way, you can bake fruit stuffed with hard cheese and dried fruit or hard cheese and minced meat. True, such a dish can no longer be attributed to desserts. It's more of an appetizer.

To put the filling in apples, you need to cut them or take out part of the pulp with a spoon. You can cut in different ways. For example, cut an apple in half and take out the seed box, and put the filling in the recesses.

You can cut the fruit across, cutting off the top with a tail. Take out the “stub”, and instead place the mass for stuffing. After that, cover with a cut "lid".

And you can cut the fruit across into thin layers and lay the filling in a thin layer between them, “gathering” the apple back.


Oven baked apples are a great dessert for kids and adults. It uplifts the mood and replenishes the body's supply of vitamins and minerals.

The fruits after heat treatment contain vitamins PP, H, B, E, A, C, minerals potassium and iron, as well as a large amount of pectin. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and the normalization of metabolic processes, iron for the supply of oxygen to the blood, and pectin removes toxins from the body and improves skin condition.

Now you know how to cook baked apples in the oven. This diet dish can be eaten by both nursing mothers and pregnant women, and introduced into complementary foods for children from 6 months. Bon appetit!
