
How to make cottage cheese cake at home. With curd filling

What I liked about cooking is that the eggs are up to lush foam, as for a biscuit, you do not need to beat at all. Lightly whisk eggs with sugar, add a pinch of salt.

While we beat, put in the microwave or on the stove butter. We heat the oil in any convenient way. Add the melted butter to the beaten eggs, not hot, otherwise the eggs will curdle. Butter can also be added softened if you leave it at the room temperature on the table. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

Next up is cottage cheese. I had a pack of 1% store-bought cottage cheese 220 grams, used it all, although prescription goes only 200 grams. I want to say that I baked cottage cheese muffins and more fat cottage cheese didn't notice a difference.

We shift the cottage cheese into the egg mass, knead everything well. If you don’t like grains in baking, you can rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or blender, well, or pass it through a meat grinder. In this recipe, it turns out so, and so tasty, so I thought that you probably can not make unnecessary movements, but just quickly mix everything in turn.

Next comes flour. I always sift flour. Mom taught me, now I can’t do it any other way. I lightly mix the sifted, oxygenated flour with baking powder. Vanillin can also be added at this stage. Gradually add flour to curd dough and mix well with a spoon.

The dough for cupcakes is ready, you can preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In the meantime, spread the dough into molds. This time I decided to take these beautiful shapes. They are small, comfortable and heart-shaped pastries are very popular with my kids. But since the dough didn’t come in, she also used her old metal molds. Here they must be lubricated.

We send the forms to the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Again, depending on what forms you have in terms of volume. Watch the baking and check the readiness with a match.

ready, it's time to take them out of the oven and let them cool down a bit. Then remove from the molds and decorate with berries or powdered sugar. Such cupcakes made from cottage cheese do not stay with us for a long time. They eat very quickly!

for the recipe and step by step photos thanks to Svetlana Kislovskaya for preparation.

Happy tea and good recipes!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I suggest you bake the most delicious cottage cheese cake in the oven for your loved ones. Its recipe is quite simple. Fragrant pastries are a wonderful occasion for a cozy, homemade tea party. Cake cooked on cottage cheese turns out to be very soft and tender. You bite off piece by piece and you can't stop.

In this cheesecake recipe with fragrant spices such as vanilla, citrus peel, cinnamon, you can experiment at your discretion. Optionally, use raisins, dried apricots, prunes, chocolate pieces.

Required Ingredients:

- wheat flour - 200 g,
- cottage cheese - 180 g,
- sugar - 210 g,
- chicken egg - 3 pcs.,
- butter - 110 g + 10 g for lubrication,
- soda - 2-3 pinches,
- orange peel - 1 tsp,
- icing sugar - for dusting.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For cooking, we need butter. It shouldn't be hard. To do this, take it out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before use. Pour the softened butter into the bowl of a mixer or food processor. Beat on low speed until fluffy.

Add to oil granulated sugar. Continue whisking until the mass is light, about 5-8 minutes.

Add cottage cheese and soda to the butter mixture. For cake, it is best to use cottage cheese with a fat content of 18%. If this is not the case, 5-9% will do. For more uniform consistency, previously and optionally, wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. Beat with a mixer until all ingredients are combined. At this step, the dough will be thick.

Crack chicken eggs orange peel. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous dough is formed.

It's time to sleep wheat flour. Sift it first and in small portions, add to the test. At this step, you can mix with a spatula or use a mixer.

Silicone, porcelain, glass heat-resistant molds are suitable for baking. Line an iron pan with parchment paper. You can cook portioned or one large cottage cheese cake. Lubricate used molds a small amount butter. Add the dough not to the very top and spread with a spatula. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Send the molds with the dough to the oven for 40-60 minutes. If your oven burns the top after about 30 minutes, cover the top of the cake with foil. Readiness of the cake curd dough define with a skewer. When pierced, it must be dry.

Let the cake cool slightly in the form. Then, remove and cool completely on a wire rack. Before serving, dust the cake with powdered sugar.

Happy tea drinking!
respectfully Svetlaya

Just as easy to bake

Cottage cheese - 400 gr
Flour - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 cups
Egg - 4 pcs
Butter - 4 tbsp.
Sour cream - 4 tablespoons
Soda - 1 tsp
Vinegar - 1 tsp

How to make cottage cheese cake

First, I pour the cottage cheese into the bowl, beat the eggs. I knead the cottage cheese with eggs a little, add sugar, knead again. Here I add sour cream and here I add melted butter, knead. When I mix this mixture, I will add soda. I extinguish the soda with vinegar and add here to this mixture. I mix everything well. And the last ingredient remained - flour. I also add flour here, and knead everything well. Mix until a homogeneous consistency.

I kneaded the dough, it takes literally 5 minutes. And now I will transfer it to the form in which I will bake it. I bake in a silicone cupcake. You can take, in principle, any other metal one that you have, but if you don’t even have any other cupcake maker, you can just take a baking dish. It will also be delicious, but it will not look like a cupcake.

I grease the cake pan a little. sunflower oil. In general, you can not lubricate with sunflower oil. And I put my dough in it already. The dough must be laid out evenly so that it is well distributed in the form.

I put the dough into a cupcake. Now I'm going to put it in the oven. I preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, it will be baked for about 40-45 minutes. Watch the cake as usual, check the dough with a wooden stick. In my case, the cake was baked for 50 minutes. It has already been baked, cooled down a bit, and now I am transferring it to a plate, I will pull it out of the mold. Top with powder for beauty.

Video recipe "The most delicious cottage cheese cake"

Cooking at home the most delicious cake with dried apricots and prunes in the oven.

delicious, fragrant pastries always right when we are talking about tea. And today we will prepare a delicious cottage cheese cake with dried apricots and prunes, which is ideal for tea or coffee. This is the most delicious cheesecake ever! It is very tender, fragrant, light and moderately sweet. This cake has three layers. First - tender biscuit. It is prepared with the addition of butter, which gives the base a pleasant taste. creamy taste and the dough turns out softer and so pleasant, “silky”. 2nd layer - a layer of cake, consisting of fragrant dried apricots and prunes. If you do not like these dried fruits, they can be replaced with raisins, jam, bananas, coconut flakes and so on. The main thing is that the ingredients are not too wet (for example, juicy cherries will not work), otherwise the cottage cheese cake will lose its shape. And the 3rd layer is curd filling. It is very airy and light, with a pronounced cottage cheese flavor.


For the biscuit dough:

  • Butter - 100 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 80 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 120-130 g

For layer:

  • Dried apricots - 100 g
  • Prunes - 100 g

For curd filling:

  • Cottage cheese (soft) - 350 g
  • Sugar - 70 g
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin - 1/2 tsp

The recipe for the most delicious cottage cheese cake with dried apricots and prunes in the oven.

1. Wash dried apricots and prunes well, then pour hot water(or boiling water) and leave to steam for 15-20 minutes.

2. For the dough, put softened butter in a bowl, add granulated sugar and two chicken eggs. Mix all the ingredients well with a whisk or fork.

3. Add baking powder for dough and sifted flour.

4. Knead the dough, the consistency should be a little thicker than sour cream.

5. Ready dough put in a baking dish greased with butter. Better yet, cover the form with a small sheet parchment paper, so it is more convenient to get the cake out of the mold. If you are using silicone mold for baking - it does not need to be lubricated, oil can only harm it. We send the form with the dough preheated to the oven for 30 minutes, at a temperature of 160 degrees.

6. During this time, you can have time to prepare the curd filling. To do this, chicken eggs will need to be divided into proteins and yolks.

7. Mix the yolks with soft cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin and a spoonful of potato starch.

8. Whisk curd mass mixer until the ingredients are mixed together.

9. Mix proteins with sugar.

10. We also beat them with a mixer until the sugar grains dissolve. Protein mass At the same time, it should turn white and increase in volume by about 2 times.

11. Mix the two masses together. To make the curd filling very airy and tender, mix gently, moving the spatula from the bottom up and in a circle.

12. Curd filling ready for the cake. It's really very tasty.

13. We take dried apricots and prunes out of the water, dry them slightly with paper kitchen towels, and then cut them into small arbitrary pieces.

14. After half an hour, we take out the finished biscuit base for a cake, put finely chopped dried apricots and prunes on it.

15. Pour the curd mass on top. We level the surface silicone spatula. We send the cake to the oven for 45-50 minutes, while the temperature must be raised to 180 degrees.

16. After a certain time, turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave the cake in the oven for another 15 minutes.

17. Ready cupcake remove from the mold and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour with melted chocolate.

18. Delicious, fragrant cupcake with dried apricots and prunes is ready. You can serve it for dessert with hot coffee, tea or with a glass of cool milk for breakfast. Bon appetit!

Many housewives surely like baking recipes with cottage cheese for their simplicity and ease of execution. A finished goods always delight with tenderness, juiciness and pleasant aroma. Today we will prepare delicious curd cupcakes that will appeal to all lovers of lush and airy home baking. Serve them for dessert or an afternoon snack with a cup of tea or a glass of milk.

I will be glad if the recipe comes in handy and these cuties will become one of your favorite types of cupcakes. In addition, preparing them is easy and simple, and the products for the dough are quite affordable and almost always available in the refrigerator. Personally, we like these fragrant curd muffins most of all in original version, that is, without additives and fillers. And you, in turn, can safely experiment after you try this recipe.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for cottage cheese muffins, which we will cook in the oven, includes the following ingredients: cottage cheese (I have 3% fat), wheat flour (preferably premium, but this does not matter), butter, medium-sized chicken eggs, granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin (or a teaspoon vanilla sugar), and baking soda. By the way, if you wish, you can add citrus zest to the dough, a little aromatic alcohol, raisins or other dried fruits.

Since we will prepare the dough for cottage cheese muffins very quickly, we immediately turn on the oven to warm up (180 degrees). We break two chicken eggs into a suitable dish and pour 200 grams of sugar with a pinch of vanillin. The amount of sugar can be reduced if desired (by 50 grams), but in the opinion of my family, the pastries turned out to be not cloying and well balanced anyway.

Once again, whisk everything a little (or actively mix) and put the cottage cheese. Choose any fat content that suits you best. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is not pasty, otherwise you will have to recalculate the amount of flour.

It is not necessary to mix the dough for cupcakes for a long time and until perfect uniformity, otherwise ready-made pastries It will be dense and not very airy. It turns out quite thick, but at the same time soft.

Pour the cake batter into a suitable baking dish. Molds can be greased with any confectionery fat or insert paper capsules. Most importantly - do not fill them more than half the volume, as the cupcakes will grow well during the baking process! It is very important.

We bake cottage cheese muffins at 180 degrees for about 25-35 minutes (cooking time depends on the features of the oven). If your oven is browning too much, cover the top of the cupcakes with foil. Checking the baked goods for doneness wooden skewer or a toothpick - pierce the cupcake at the highest point. If the splinter comes out dry, the cheesecakes are ready.
