
How to make cottage cheese from store-bought kefir. An easy way to make cottage cheese from kefir at home

As you know, most calcium is found in milk and dairy products. The quality of milk and products made from it does not always satisfy consumers. Not everyone knows that some dairy products can be made at home. Children and adults are happy to eat cottage cheese or curd masses for breakfast, tasty and healthy.

Homemade cottage cheese from kefir

Let's try cottage cheese from kefir at home. Even a novice in the culinary business can cope with the task.

  1. We need a package of yogurt. Pour its contents into a jar, cover with a lid. We put a pot of water on the fire, line the bottom with a cloth or use a wooden grate, as for pasteurization during canning.
  2. We install our jar on this stand, now it will not burst under the influence of fire. Kefir cottage cheese is cooked in a water bath, we do not allow water to boil in a saucepan and get it into our jar.
  3. On low heat, bring the temperature to 70-80 degrees Celsius. We monitor the state of our kefir.
  4. It becomes warm, the serum separates from the bulk.
  5. We throw the contents into a colander lined with gauze.
  6. We let the whey drain, and gently squeeze the curd and place it in the refrigerator.

Delicate in texture, the cottage cheese will appeal to its unusual light taste and aroma. No need to worry about expiration dates. Such a product will not stale, it will not damage even the most chiseled figure.

You can do it even easier. Excellent cottage cheese is also obtained from homemade kefir.

  • To do this, it is necessary to ferment milk, which was purchased by us for the future, but not drunk. We take out the milk from the refrigerator, ferment it with a spoonful of sour cream and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning we get a wonderful curdled milk and proceed to the production of cottage cheese at home.
  • We repeat the same operations as with purchased kefir.

From one liter of the product we get 100 grams of excellent cottage cheese. By the way, with some skill, you can do without a water bath. Pour kefir into a saucepan, put on fire, heat and make sure that there is no boiling. As soon as we notice that the whey is separated, remove from heat. It is important not to miss this moment. If the cottage cheese is digested, then it turns out to be tough and tasteless. The resulting whey is an excellent refreshing drink, useful for our stomach, containing a huge amount of useful substances. In addition, it can be used for baking, making refreshing okroshka. Now you have a complete idea, kefir cottage cheese.

Frozen kefir curd

But that is not all. To always have on hand your favorite cottage cheese, we will learn how to make it from frozen kefir.

  1. We buy several packages of kefir of any fat content and send them to the freezer. Let's do all the household chores.
  2. From time to time we check if our kefir is frozen.
  3. We take out a completely frozen bag, free the ice contents from the bag and put it on a colander, already familiar to us, covered with gauze.
  4. As it thaws, the liquid, i.e. whey will drain into a container prudently placed under a colander, and the tender mass will remain on gauze.
  5. The whole process will take about 8 hours, if the package is liter, the volume of the resulting mass is 250-300g.

A delicate texture without grains will remind you of cottage cheese for baby food, turn on your imagination, add pieces of fruit to the mass, just add mashed potatoes. I assure you you will like it. If you want to go further, cook from this mass

The main ingredient needed for the quick production of cottage cheese is kefir. The nutritional value of this dish is not inferior to similar products made using more ingredients. Reduced calorie kefir cottage cheese is recommended for those who suffer from indigestion or arrange fasting days.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from kefir - the best recipes

Some prefer sour and crumbly cottage cheese, others mix the bulk with fruit, sour cream or sweet ingredients, turning it into a sweet dessert. At home, a lot of culinary experiments are carried out and as a result of each you will learn new subtleties of connecting and processing components. Kefir cottage cheese is made grainy and slightly salty, in the form of a thick sweet mixture or the consistency of hard cheese. A separate variety of it is prepared on frozen kefir.

Curd from kefir and milk

To prepare an airy and tender curd mass, you will need only two components. It is better to select products in a 1: 1 ratio, for example, prepare the same amount of milk for 1 liter of kefir.

Bring the milk to a boil;

Mix milk with the second ingredient;

Cool the mixture;

Separate the whey with gauze.

From frozen kefir

With frozen kefir, a dish is prepared that resembles curd mass in consistency. Please note that the process takes longer than other recipes. The product will be ready for use in 8-10 hours (from the moment of freezing until the preparation of the final result):

Kefir must be frozen in the freezer (it is better to leave the workpiece in the cold all night);

Put ice on gauze and wait for the serum to separate;

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is often used to make cottage cheese. A special container is filled with kefir, and then the “heating” mode starts. Do not forget to control the temperature, which should not exceed 80 degrees. Otherwise, the mixture will lose its taste.

  1. Fill the multicooker pot with drink.
  2. Select a mode.
  3. Warm up the liquid for at least 40 minutes.
  4. Separate curd from whey.

in the microwave

A microwave oven will help to quickly prepare cottage cheese of a delicate texture. Under the influence of heating, the mixture will separate into two parts - cottage cheese and whey. It is necessary to separate products from each other with the help of gauze.

Main nuances:

  1. In the microwave, you can choose the "defrost" modes or any other program for dishes, the preparation of which involves the use of a temperature of no more than 80 degrees.
  2. The heating process should be at least 30-35 minutes.

Kefir cottage cheese recipe for babies

Kefir mixture should be homogeneous;

When adding fruits, make sure they are thoroughly crushed;

If you allowed milk or kefir to sour, then such baby food products are not acceptable.

Calorie homemade cottage cheese on kefir

With the advent of a child or deciding to eat more correctly and usefully, housewives think about how to cook kefir cottage cheese at home on their own. To cope with this, at first glance, an impossible task is quite easy. In the cooking process, you can use only the usual kitchen utensils (pot and colander) or resort to the help of modern gadgets (slow cooker, microwave, yogurt maker).

Homemade kefir cottage cheese according to the classic recipe involves fermenting a fermented milk product in a water bath, which allows you to get a uniform heating of the mixture. Of the additional tools in the cooking process, you will need a culinary thermometer, a piece of gauze, a colander and two pans of the appropriate displacement. The amount of the main ingredient - kefir - sufficient for one serving of cottage cheese is 1200 ml.

Step by step preparation:

  1. We are preparing a water bath, for which a large saucepan must be filled with water so that the smaller one subsequently touches the surface of the boiled water with the bottom. Heat the water to a vigorous boil.
  2. Pour kefir into another pan and send it to a water bath.
  3. Heat the product with occasional stirring until curd clots form. It is important not to overheat the kefir so that the finished cottage cheese does not become hard. When the contents of the upper pan reach a temperature of 55 - 65 ° C, it is removed from the fire.
  4. In a saucepan, curd clots should stand for another 30 - 45 minutes in a cool place. Then the colander should be covered with gauze folded two or three times, pour kefir into it and leave (perhaps under oppression) so that all the whey leaves.

Ready cottage cheese is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for several days.

With added milk

Very tasty and uncomplicated in terms of preparation is cottage cheese made from kefir and milk. The ratio of these two products in different recipes is different, but the method below eliminates the need for a thermometer.

For a serving of 300 - 350 g of the finished product, you will need:

  • 1000 ml of kefir of any fat content;
  • 1000 ml of milk.

How to make cottage cheese from kefir with milk:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan of a suitable volume and send it to the fire. The container must be chosen the one in which the milk will not burn. Bring this homemade cottage cheese ingredient to a boil.
  2. Remove the freshly boiled milk from the heat and immediately pour kefir into it. Stir the composition to evenly distribute the components in it and leave to cool, covered with a lid.
  3. After cooling, the mixture will separate into whey and cottage cheese, which will only be thrown into a colander lined with gauze or a fine sieve. When all the whey has drained, homemade cottage cheese will be ready to eat.

How to make in a slow cooker

The rich functionality of modern multicookers allows them to cook delicious homemade cottage cheese from kefir without fear of disturbing the temperature regime. "Smart Assistant" will not allow the mixture to overheat.

The simplest option, which allows you to get about 250 g of finished cottage cheese, requires a slow cooker and 1000 ml of kefir of the selected fat content.

Cooking cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker as follows:

  1. Rinse the multi-pot with cold water and pour kefir into it.
  2. Next, cover the gadget's lid and start the "Multi-cook" option for 60 minutes, setting the temperature at around 80 ° C.
  3. For devices that do not have such a program, there will be a slightly different cooking method. The lid of the multicooker should be left open, while turning on the “Heating” for one hour.
  4. After an hour, the cottage cheese will be almost ready, it will only need to be poured into a prepared colander or sieve and wait until all the liquid separates.

Homemade cottage cheese from frozen kefir

Curdling of kefir is facilitated not only by its heating, but also by strong cooling, so it can be cooked not only in a slow cooker, but also in a freezer.

It is worth noting that cottage cheese obtained in this way is much healthier than prepared in another way, since lactic acid bacteria that die when heated remain alive after freezing.

During the preparation process, only 1 - 2 packs of kefir in a cardboard or plastic bag, tetrapack will be required.

Method of preparation from frozen kefir:

  1. Kefir directly in the package send to the freezer until completely frozen. It is very convenient to do this in the morning, so that in the evening you can move on to the next stage, and in the morning you can already enjoy fresh cottage cheese.
  2. Next, the product that has turned into ice with the help of scissors or a knife should be freed from packaging, transferred to a colander lined with gauze and left over the pan, where the whey will drain, covered with a lid.

Cooking in the microwave

Another device with which you can cook homemade kefir cottage cheese is a microwave oven.

But it will not be possible to curdle more than 1.5 liters of kefir in it, and for this volume the cooking technology will be as follows:

  1. Pour kefir into a container suitable for use in a microwave oven, put it in a microwave oven and turn on the device in the "Defrost" or "Accelerated defrosting" mode for 30 minutes. Instead of these options, you can use any other that does not heat food above 80 degrees.
  2. Every 10 minutes, the operation of the device should be stopped and kefir mixed. At the end of the work of the gadget, the only thing left to do is squeeze out the curd with gauze.

Cooking in a jar

Close to the classic way of cooking and homemade kefir cottage cheese, made in a jar. In this case, the same water bath is used, only the container (jar) with kefir is immersed in water by 2/3, and not just touches its bottom.

Of the products and kitchen utensils in the cooking process, you will need:

  • kefir;
  • glass jar;
  • a small linen or cotton towel;
  • pot;
  • water;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Pour kefir into a clean and dry glass jar.
  2. Line the bottom of the pot with a towel to prevent the glass from breaking.
  3. Place a container with kefir in the center of the pan, then add enough water so that the jar is 2/3 submerged in it.
  4. Send the resulting design to heat up on the smallest fire. So kefir should be simmered until it visually separates into cottage cheese and whey.
  5. After that, the cottage cheese should be thrown into a colander with gauze for a couple of hours.

In a yogurt maker with a curd function

In household appliances stores, you can also find special gadgets that allow you to cook kefir cottage cheese at home. Most often, these are yogurt makers with this function.

Such a device may have one large bowl for cottage cheese or several cups with filter inserts. The process of preparing a dairy product, depending on the model, can last up to half an hour when heated to 80 degrees or 12-24 hours when heated to 36 degrees.

The subtleties of making homemade cottage cheese for each specific gadget may differ, and will be described in detail in the instruction manual, but the main steps will be as follows:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl or glasses.
  2. Install them on the holder and start the corresponding option "Cottage cheese".
  3. After the beep, turn the cups or bowl 90 degrees so that the whey is glass. After these manipulations, the curd is ready.

Homemade cottage cheese, of course, wins in terms of its taste and useful properties from a store-bought product. But it is worth remembering that it is impossible to store it for more than 3 - 4 days. But you can safely use it as an independent dish or as a filling for pastries and other desserts.

For many centuries, cottage cheese has been an integral part of the diet of a Russian inhabitant. It is consumed both raw and used for cooking a variety of pastries. For example, for cheesecakes, cheesecakes, casseroles, dumplings and pies. However, today few people cook cottage cheese at home. Indeed, on the shelves of stores you can find many types of this product from different manufacturers.

Culinary experts assure that home-made cottage cheese is much tastier than any purchased one. In addition, its preparation is a fairly simple process. You just need to follow the recipe. And if you have enough experience in cooking, you can quickly figure it out without his help. In this article, we will talk about how to prepare kefir cottage cheese, its health effects and distinctive properties.

The benefits and harms of the product

First, let's decide what useful elements can be found in the curd composition.

  • Calcium is a highly absorbable substance. There is a lot of it in cottage cheese.
  • Protein accounts for about 17% of the total amount of substances found in this dairy product. Thanks to this, cottage cheese is able to replace meat.
  • Lactose occupies approximately 3% of the total amount of substances.
  • Amino acids (choline and methionine) allow the protein to be well absorbed in the body.
  • The multivitamin composition of this product includes 12 groups of the most common vitamins.

This is only a small part of the components valuable for human health that cottage cheese supplies us with. It is also quite rich in iron, phosphorus, carbon dioxide and various fats. The latter make up about a twentieth of the total weight of the product. The energy value in 100 grams of cottage cheese is from 78 to 200 kilocalories, depending on the percentage of fat content. Product BJU:

  • 18 grams of protein;
  • 11 grams of carbohydrates;
  • fats - from 0.1 to 18 grams.

Calcium is not in vain at the top of the list of valuable substances. Its abundance and easy digestibility very effectively affect human health. From the regular use of cottage cheese, the bones become stronger, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. Teeth also become stronger, their resistance to caries increases. Hair and nails are especially sensitive to calcium deficiency. To strengthen their condition will help a sufficient amount of cottage cheese consumed.

Moreover, this member of the dairy family affects every cell in your body. It normalizes the process of diffusion through molecular membranes and allows useful substances to stay longer in cells. Thus, they heal, which positively affects the general condition of a person. The properties of cottage cheese make it a good prophylactic against cancer. A large amount of calcium helps to remove free radicals from the body. Curd also regulates the process of getting rid of cancer cells.

With the help of this product, it is possible to carry out the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Cottage cheese strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood clotting and has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle. Useful substances of cottage cheese stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses, which improves a person's memory and increases intellectual abilities. This fact also has a positive effect on vision.

Cottage cheese is especially beneficial for both the male and female bodies. The product is a prophylactic agent for diseases of the genital organs. This product is able to cope with impotence, frigidity and restore the disturbed menstrual cycle.

It also recommends regular use of cottage cheese for pregnant women, as it has a great effect on both the child and the mother, supplying both organisms with the necessary calcium. Other useful substances ensure the proper development of the baby's immune and nervous systems, as well as his intellect.

It is worth noting that cottage cheese is an effective tool for improving the functioning of the digestive system. And it is best absorbed with vegetables. By using these products together, you can not be afraid of negative consequences. In general, cottage cheese is an excellent base for good health and long life, because it has a rejuvenating effect on the human body.

However, like any other products, cottage cheese has contraindications. Fortunately, their list is not too wide. First of all, the product is prohibited for use by people suffering from allergies to lactose and the dairy family. Also, cottage cheese should not be used by those who have an individual intolerance. That's the whole list. Cottage cheese is allowed and recommended for use by the widest possible range of people of different ages. However, this is a homemade product. And the one you buy in stores may contain special additives that increase shelf life. Sometimes these substances adversely affect the human body. On the other hand, spoiled cottage cheese can also seriously harm.

Overeating cottage cheese also brings harm. But this happens in rare cases, since the body independently controls the amount of curd mass consumed. After a few days of eating, you simply do not want it anymore. The ideal daily allowance is 200 grams. Such a volume will not only bring the maximum benefit to the body, but will also allow you to significantly save your finances. Homemade cottage cheese is not the cheapest delicacy.

Cooking features

Before you start cooking cottage cheese in your own kitchen, you need to prepare and follow a few simple rules. First of all, choose the most suitable basis. In its capacity, as a rule, sour milk or kefir is used. To get the most delicious and natural cottage cheese, kefir should also be prepared with your own hands. However, this will require additional costs of finance, time and effort. To make kefir, you will need plain milk and a special starter culture.

For cooking, choose pans made of aluminum or stainless steel. Avoid using enameled containers. The risk is too high that dairy products simply burn in them. In order for the consistency of the cottage cheese to be normal, kefir should not be brought to a boil during cooking. Otherwise, the final product will stretch like rubber, and its volume will noticeably decrease.

Before you start decanting, you need to cool the cooked mass. Then you will need sterile new gauze, because dangerous microorganisms in a fermented milk environment multiply twice as fast. Cottage cheese can be made at home and in a way without heating. In this case, the product will turn out more tender.


Now that you are familiar with the main nuances, you can proceed directly to cooking. Next, we will share with you a few common recipes for making kefir cottage cheese. For a traditional recipe, you will need three liters of kefir. It will make about half a kilogram of cottage cheese. Take the container deeper, pour kefir into it and leave it in a warm place for 10 hours. This time is necessary so that lactic acid bacteria can multiply and proteins coagulate.

After this time, kefir must be heated in a saucepan. But not much, up to about 60 degrees. Turn off the fire when the whey turns yellow, and blotches of uncured kefir appear in the curd mass. Now you need to wait until the cottage cheese has cooled down and strain it through a clean cheesecloth. It must be completely rid of whey.

For children, cottage cheese is prepared specifically for the first complementary foods. You will need 300 milliliters of kefir. Just be sure of its high quality, because we are talking about the health of a small child. Such cottage cheese is steamed. The best way would be a water bath. Pour water into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Then turn off the fire and place a glass of kefir in hot water. In this case, both liquids must be strictly at the same level. Now wait until the water temperature drops to 30 degrees, then you can take out the glass. After cooling, the cottage cheese must be filtered through gauze, and after the whey has completely drained, rub through a sieve.

From slightly sour kefir, cottage cheese turns sour. Many people like this taste, and if you are not one of those “lovers”, add sugar or honey to the product. You will need two liters of fermented kefir. Pour it into a small saucepan to be placed in a large saucepan filled with water. Put all this on fire and bring the water to a boil. The small pot must be removed as soon as the whey separates from the resulting curd. After cooling, the mass must be filtered.

Cottage cheese can also be cooked in the oven, which is a modern analogue of cooking in a Russian oven. In addition to two liters of kefir, you will need one liter of full-fat milk. Mix both liquids in a saucepan and put it in the oven for 40 minutes, preheated to 180 degrees. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan and let the curd brew for about 20 minutes. When the mass has cooled, it must be placed in cheesecloth, tied and hung over some container so that the liquid is completely glass. This will take about nine hours.

In the microwave - a fairly quick way. You will need one glass of kefir and two liters of milk. Heat the latter and mix with kefir, then leave for one night so that the mass sours. In the morning, pour it into a special saucepan and put it in the microwave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove, cool and leave to express the serum.

In a slow cooker - one of the easiest recipes that culinary masters can offer you. After all, this kitchen appliance was created to simplify cooking. You will need only 100 grams of kefir, but in addition to it, two more liters of milk. First, the milk must be heated in a slow cooker by turning on the “baking” mode for 4 minutes. Then add kefir to it, stir and leave the mass to settle for one night. The next morning, all that remains is to turn on the “heating” mode for two minutes - the cottage cheese is almost ready. It will need to be cooled, passed through gauze and the whey is expressed.

You just need to check the condition of the mass more often. If the serum has separated from it, then it's time to get the cottage cheese and express the liquid.

  • It is not necessary to pour out the remaining whey. It can be used to make okroshka, marinade or baking. Whey can also be drunk raw, it also has beneficial properties for the body.
  • If kefir or milk is sour in your refrigerator, do not rush to get rid of them. From sour products, the same tasty and high-quality cottage cheese is obtained. Yes, and it will be much faster to prepare in this case. But expired kefir can only be used if you have chosen the heating method.
  • Homemade cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time. This period is only a few days, depending on the freshness of the ingredients, air humidity and temperature. You should keep cottage cheese on the top shelf of the refrigerator, where it will last about five days.
  • In the freezer, cottage cheese can be kept for two whole months if the temperature inside is below -18 degrees. Use small resealable containers for this storage.
  • Under no circumstances should thawed cottage cheese be re-frozen.
  • Dryness and friability of cottage cheese depends on the time of whey draining. The longer the process takes, the drier the product is.
  • The containers in which the cottage cheese will be stored are recommended to be sterilized beforehand.
  • Cottage cheese pairs well with sweet foods such as berries, raisins and honey. You should also use it with herbs.

As we have already said, cottage cheese is easy to prepare, and it is almost impossible to screw up in this matter. You just need to follow the recipes and recommendations. In such a simple, affordable way, you will get one of the most useful products that you can create in your own kitchen.

The recipe for making cottage cheese from kefir, see the video below.

Fortunately, many housewives have long realized that cooking some foods at home is not at all difficult. But it helps to avoid the use of various chemicals generously added by manufacturers. Homemade cottage cheese is always of high quality and satisfying, and also very fast!

  • 1000 ml of kefir.

Time - 30 min.

Calorie content - 50 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir at home:

Frozen kefir cottage cheese at home

  • 1000 ml of kefir in a plastic bag.

Time - 12 noon

Calorie content - 53 kcal / 100 g.


  1. Do not open the package with kefir. It needs to be put in the freezer for about six hours so that it completely freezes. Can be left overnight
  2. Then carefully open the package. You will need scissors to remove carefully and not freeze your hands. Transfer the frozen kefir briquette to a colander, and the colander itself should stand above the bowl;
  3. In this position, leave the product for another six hours. During this time, all the whey will drain, and it will be possible to pick up the finished cottage cheese from the colander.

How to make cottage cheese from sour kefir in the microwave

  • 1000 ml of sour kefir;
  • 15 ml sour cream.

Time - 25 min.

Calorie content - 58 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour sour kefir into plastic or glassware;
  2. Put the container in the microwave, the power should be maximum. Heat kefir for ten minutes, then pull it out;
  3. The whey should separate from the top. The mass should be passed through gauze. Alternatively, a handkerchief can be used;
  4. What remains in the gauze should be transferred to any bowl. This is cottage cheese, which will become much more tender when a spoonful of sour cream of any fat content is added to it.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

  • 1000 ml of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%.

Time - 20 min.

Calorie content - 56 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook cottage cheese from homemade kefir in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour kefir into the multicooker bowl. It must be installed in the device;
  2. Select the "Milk porridge" mode with a timer for ten minutes. Be sure to close the lid;
  3. After a while, open the lid and remove the bowl;
  4. Strain the kefir mass with the help of gauze. After that, immediately do not get the cottage cheese from the gauze. On the contrary, you need to tie the ends of the gauze into knots and carefully hang it over the sink. Can be hooked to a faucet or to a bedside table. This will allow the remaining whey to drain;
  5. The longer the knot hangs, the drier the cottage cheese will be. Therefore, if you need wet cottage cheese, it is enough for him to hang for about ten minutes. Dry mass can be achieved in an hour or more. After that, remove the product from the gauze and use as desired.

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir in a water bath for a child

  • 1000 ml of kefir.

Time - 1 hour 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 51 kcal / 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the entire product into an enamel bowl;
  2. Turn on the stove, put a large pot of water on it. Set the enameled bowl on top, you need a water bath for cooking;
  3. Heat the liquid over low heat for about half an hour, and then turn off the stove. You have to wait for it to cool down. At this time, the product must be under the lid;
  4. Then, when the curd is completely separated from the whey, the entire mass must be drained through a double layer of gauze or through a sieve. As a result, tender cottage cheese will remain in the gauze, which can be used immediately.

Kefir cottage cheese with herbs

  • 6 g salt;
  • 1000 ml of kefir;
  • 20 g greens.

Time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 60 kcal / 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. First, pour the liquid into a small saucepan. It must be put on a small fire;
  2. The mass must be heated to a maximum of 70 degrees. Around this time, the whey will begin to separate from the curd. As soon as the process has begun, the stove should be turned off;
  3. The mass must be carefully mixed, from top to bottom;
  4. After that, the liquid must be poured into a colander with a layer of gauze in order to separate the whey. It should separate for about an hour;
  5. During this time, you need to chop the washed greens very finely. Suitable cilantro, dill, parsley. You can also use oregano, green onions, mint, thyme - experiments are welcome;
  6. Pull the cottage cheese out of the gauze into a bowl, add a little salt and all the greens here. Mix. If desired, you can add a little sour cream so that you can spread it on brown bread. Garlic is also often added for flavor.

It is advisable to always prepare cottage cheese from a fresh product. Of course, sour liquid also gives an absolutely edible curd mass, but it is slightly inferior in taste. Alternatively, you can combine kefir with milk, including sour milk - the cooking process does not change.

To make cottage cheese for a child, you need to consider that it must be uniform. And it’s even better not to take homemade fat milk for this, since excessive fat content overloads the baby’s stomach that has not yet grown strong. You can use a special baby kefir.

Kefir cottage cheese is no different from that made from milk. It can also be used in the dietary type of food. This is a great breakfast, great appetizer and light dinner!

The following video shows in detail how you can cook kefir cottage cheese at home.
