
How much water is needed for 1 kg of dough. Secrets of the test

Custard cakes (profiteroles) with cottage cheese cream

For test:

Water - 1 glass

Butter - 100 gr.

Salt - 0.5 tsp

Flour - 1 cup

Eggs - 4 -5 pcs.

For filling:

Cottage cheese - 250 g, Cream - 250 gr., Sugar - 200 g, Vanillin - 1 tsp.

Powdered sugar - for sprinkling

Pour water into a small saucepan, put oil, salt and bring to a boil.

Turn the heat down a little and add the flour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

Boil the dough for a couple of minutes until it stops sticking to the walls and clumps into one fairly dense lump.

Cool the resulting dough a little and add the eggs one at a time, kneading thoroughly after each.

With a teaspoon dipped in cold water, put the dough on a silicone mat (or parchment paper) and send it to the oven to bake at a temperature of 190 degrees until golden brown. It took me 30 minutes in my oven.

While the profiteroles are baking, let's make the filling. To do this, whip heavy cream, then add sugar, vanilla, cottage cheese and beat everything again. You should get a homogeneous creamy mass. Cut the cakes and fill with cream. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. Everything, profiteroles with cottage cheese and creamy filling are ready.

How to cook custard dough.

Everything seems to be simple. But if you do not know some of the nuances, then choux pastry will not work. For the first time, I got flat pancakes that taste like an omelette. The second time, the dough turned out to be too thick, and the profiteroles tasted like pancakes. For the third time, my lush and ruddy profiteroles at the very end of cooking suddenly fell off and stuck together. And only on the fourth time, taking into account all the mistakes made, I achieved the desired result.

Work on mistakes:-

The first action in the process of preparing custard dough is turning on and heating the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. If the profiteroles that are already ready and deposited on a baking sheet are not immediately placed in the oven, then a crust will appear on their surface and they will not rise. Eggs should be at room temperature before cooking. If you start driving cold eggs from the refrigerator into the dough, it will cool too quickly and not rise.

Flour must be poured all at once, and not in parts. Otherwise, lumps will form in the dough and it will not brew properly.

After adding flour, the fire should not be turned off immediately. It is necessary to warm the dough for several minutes in the pan itself, distributing it with a wooden spatula along the bottom and collecting it back.

The brewed dough must be cooled before adding the eggs, but a little. The temperature should be 60-70 degrees. If there is no culinary thermometer, then we focus on our own feelings. The finger dipped in the dough should be hot, but tolerable. If the temperature is too high, the egg white will curdle. And if it is too low, then the dough becomes stone and covered with a crust.

The number of eggs does not depend on the recipe, but on the size. Most choux pastry recipes suggest using 5 eggs per cup of flour. But if the eggs are large (rustic), then there will be too many of them and the dough will become too liquid. Eggs should be added one at a time and guided by the consistency of the dough. Properly prepared custard dough in consistency resembles very fatty sour cream. After jigging on a baking sheet, it slightly spreads, when baking it rises well, forming large cavities inside.

Eggs must be mixed with the dough with a wooden spatula by hand. Using a mixer speeds up the process, but spoils the dough: it becomes too liquid and “flows” during baking, and does not rise.

If the dough turned out to be too liquid, you need to prepare a thicker dough and add liquid to it. And vice versa, if the dough turned out to be too thick, you need to prepare a little batter, add it to the thick one and mix. Adding flour in the first case or one more egg to the cold dough in the second, alas, will not correct the situation, but only aggravate it.

Products should be small. If you put the dough with large spoons, then it will bake before it rises. Therefore, the volume of a round cake should not exceed 1 teaspoon. Since the dough rises well, the distance between profiteroles should be at least 2 cm.

Before baking, the baking sheet should be greased with a very thin layer of oil. If there is too much oil, then the products will blur, and cracks will form on the bottom crust, and if there is not enough oil, they will have to be cut off with a knife (and thrown away). A silicone mat is ideal in this regard, which does not need to be lubricated with anything.

To prevent the products from falling off during baking, the oven must be closed before the end of baking, and the products themselves are cooked to a rich golden brown. If the profiteroles are taken out too early, they will fall off. To prevent this from happening, you can hold them for 5 minutes in an open oven, and only then take them out.

The right choux pastry products are light, dry, their surface is smooth and shiny. Inside the products there is a large cavity, which is filled with various creams and fillings.

Profiteroles (custards) with chocolate cream


Water - 1 glass

Butter or margarine - 100 g

Flour - 1 cup

Eggs - 4-5 pcs.


Chocolate margarine - 1 pc.

Cocoa - to taste

Condensed milk - 1 can

1. Bring oil and water to a boil in a saucepan. Gradually add flour, adding little by little and stirring constantly. Remove from fire. Cool down a bit.

2. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, thoroughly mixing the dough each time (you can use a mixer, you can use muscle strength).

3. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Spread balls on a greased baking sheet with a teaspoon (or strips with a confectionery syringe - then there will be eclairs). After placing the baking sheet in the oven, in no case disturb the custard cakes to give them a chance to rise! Bake until golden brown.

4. Fill the cooled cakes with cream.

Custard pancakes: dough on kefir

Choux pastry pancakes do not taste much different from ordinary pancakes, but they behave very obediently. Choux pancake dough can be based on milk or any fermented milk products: kefir, ryazhenka, whey, yogurt. You can even make custard pancakes on the water. The main idea is that you first need to make the usual yeast-free pancake dough, and at the very last moment, insidiously add a glass of boiling water to it. The ingredients that do not expect a catch will not have time to understand what happened to them, as they will already be in the pan, turning into soft, fluffy and tasty pancakes that do not stick to the surface and turn over very easily. In this recipe, I propose to make kefir custard pancakes. They turn out to be more tender than on water or milk, and a pinch of soda is present in the dough only to clear the conscience. There are not so many openwork holes here as in yeast pancakes, but it is very convenient to wrap a semi-liquid filling in these soft cakes.

2 glasses of kefir 1%

1 glass of water

1.5 cups flour

1 egg

1-2 tbsp Sahara

1/2 tsp soda

2 tbsp vegetable oil

a pinch of salt

How to cook pancakes from choux pastry on kefir

Boil water.

In a bowl, beat eggs with salt and sugar, add kefir, continuing to beat. Pour the sifted flour in small portions, stirring vigorously so that lumps do not form. Add soda to boiling water and pour it into the dough. Stir until smooth, add vegetable oil and let stand for 5-10 minutes.

If you want to make thin pancakes, the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. This time I baked plump, fluffy pancakes with an intense blush, so I made the dough a little thicker.

Mix the pancake batter well again. Heat up a heavy bottomed pan. For the first time, it can be slightly lubricated with vegetable oil, later it will not be needed. Take a ladle of dough, pour it into the center of the pan and spread it over the entire surface with smooth movements.

Thick pancakes are best made small in size, so they are easier to turn over.

Fry the pancakes on one side for 40-60 seconds, then flip and fry for another 20-30 seconds. Put ready-made custard pancakes on a plate, covering them with a lid.

How to make baking powder

Making baking powder with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, and the savings are significant. The dosage is indicated in parts, since a measuring spoon can be any, depending on the mass that you want to cook. It is better not to do a large volume, as the baking powder can cake. If you still decide to make more baking powder, put a piece of sugar in a jar to eliminate moisture.

Ingredients: Flour 12 parts (flour is added for the convenience of dispensing baking powder, manufacturers sometimes use potato starch instead, thereby increasing the shelf life of the product, this is useless at home).

Soda 5 parts

Citric acid 3 parts.

We also need a completely dry jar with a tight lid.


Pour all the flour into a dry jar, then soda and citric acid, then mix the mass with a dry wooden spoon. I emphasize once again: the jar and spoon must be dry!

Then tightly close the jar and shake it well so that all the components are evenly mixed. Store baking powder in a tightly closed jar.

Kitchen tricks for dough

1. Always add diluted potato starch to the dough - rolls and pies will be fluffy and soft even the next day.

The main condition for delicious pies is a lush, well-risen dough: the flour for the dough must be sifted: impurities are removed from it, and it is enriched with atmospheric oxygen

2. In any dough (except for dumplings, puff, custard, shortbread), that is, dough for pies, pancakes, bread, pancakes - always add “zhmenu” (about a tablespoon with a slide) semolina to half a liter of liquid. The nuns taught: “Earlier, the highest quality bread was cooked from grains. It did not dry out for a long time and was lush. Now there is no grain. Now add semolina zhmenu and there will always be good pastries. ” This is such invaluable advice.

3. Add to the dough, in addition to milk, half a cup min. water. Dilute a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water and lightly extinguish it with citric acid or vinegar.

The baked goods are really great. Even the next day is magnificent.

4. There should be no draft in the room where the dough is cut: it contributes to the formation of a very dense crust on the pie.

5. When kneading yeast dough, all products should be warm or at room temperature, products from the refrigerator slow down the rise of the dough

6. For yeast products, the liquid should always be heated to 30-35ºС, since yeast fungi lose their activity in a liquid that has a lower or higher temperature.

7. When you knead the dough, your hands should be dry.

8. Before putting the products in the oven, he is allowed to come up for 15-20 minutes. Let the dough rest completely before baking. With incomplete proofing, it rises poorly and the pies do not bake for a long time.

9. Bake pies on a baking sheet over medium heat so that the filling does not dry out.

10. It is best to add unmelted butter to the dough (yeast and fresh-baked), as melted butter worsens the structure of the dough.

11. Pies cooked in milk are more tasty and fragrant, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color.

12. Yeast for dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Check yeast beforehand. To do this, prepare a small portion of dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, the quality of the yeast is poor.

13. With an excess of sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “blush” and even burn. The fermentation of the yeast dough slows down, and the pies are less fluffy

16. Tall pies are baked over low heat so that they bake evenly.

17. Fats, softened to the density of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when it is kneaded, this improves the fermentation of the dough

18. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, put only the yolks in the dough.

19. The dough for a pie baked on a baking sheet is rolled out as thin as possible so that the taste of the filling is well felt.

20. To keep the bottom of the pie dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then lay out the filling.

21. Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to stand, as this causes a deterioration in the quality of the dough. 3 hours is enough, but always warm.

22. Pies made from yeast dough can be greased with milk, and if desired, sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds, caraway seeds.

23. Closed pies are smeared with a beaten egg, milk, sugar water before baking. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best gloss is obtained when lubricated with yolks.

24. Pies that are sprinkled with powdered sugar are also smeared with butter - it gives them a pleasant aroma.

25. Pies smeared with egg white acquire a shiny golden crust during baking.

26. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

27. If you put soda into the dough, then the cake will turn out to be darker in color with an unpleasant odor.

28. Thin dough is easy to roll out by wrapping a rolling pin with a clean linen rag

29. If the dough is too wet, put a sheet of parchment on it and roll it straight through the paper.

30. Pies made from shortcrust pastry should be taken out of the molds chilled.

31. Before adding raisins to the dough, it must be rolled in flour.

32. Salt is always added to flour only when the dough has already fermented.

34. If the dough has already risen, and you do not have time to put it in the oven, cover the dough with well-dampened paper, after shaking off the water from it.

36. Hot cake is better not to cut. But if necessary, you need to heat the knife in hot water, quickly wipe and cut.

37. If the cake is not removed from the baking sheet, separate it from the baking sheet with a thread.

Properly prepared pizza dough without yeast

The classic pizza dough is unleavened dough without yeast. Other options for kneading the base for pizza are just experiments and fantasies of home cooks. Real Italian pizza is made exclusively from yeast-free dough, which is extremely easy to prepare. No complications - just a few minutes of active work with your hands (you only need to knead the correct pizza dough with your hands), and you're done!

1. First, sift the flour well. Add baking powder and salt to flour, mix. Now you need to add water and olive oil. Next - the main work, you need to knead the dough with your hands for 6 minutes. We roll a ball from the resulting dough.

2. Now you need to sprinkle the work surface with flour. Roll out a ball of dough into a pizza crust. Make borders around the edges. Lay the crust on a baking sheet. Now you can "fill" the pizza with your favorite toppings and bake until done at a high temperature.

Easy pie dough recipe

To help everyone who is going to fry their favorite pies. The dough is soft and tender, baking from it is a pleasure.

Preparation description:

Pirozhki is a traditional Russian pastry that everyone, without exception, loves. Everything is very clear with the filling - it can be almost any, and it is not difficult to cook it. But to prepare pie dough is a much more difficult task, it is in it that the whole snag is. To make your task easier - I will give a simple recipe for dough for pies. If you do everything exactly as written below, then the pie dough will turn out perfect.

1. First you need to mix 5 grams of yeast and 1 1/2 (one and a half) cups of flour with 1 cup of warm water (or milk). Use your hands to thoroughly knead these ingredients into a dough. You need to knead for about 10 minutes. Do not be lazy - otherwise the dough will turn out tough.

2. Make a ball out of the dough, leave it in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

3. After an hour, beat the risen dough well with a spatula, add a couple of eggs, salt, 1 tablespoon of butter and enough flour. Knead again. The dough should be soft - only then the pies will turn out good. When the dough becomes soft, like a baby's skin, we send it to a warm place for another half an hour so that it rises again.

4. Actually, that's all - when the dough rises, it can be used to make pies. Fry pies in vegetable oil with your favorite toppings.

The recipe for the most magnificent biscuit. It always turns out

Everything is very convenient, and the result exceeds the wildest aspirations!..

I have never had such a tall biscuit! Even when I baked a biscuit according to the classic recipe, where it is necessary to carefully separate the whites from the yolks, beat to the point of insanity ... this is not required here, which is very convenient, and the result exceeds the wildest aspirations!

In fact, the dough for this simple biscuit is prepared exactly the same way as for apple charlotte. Only the ingredients need twice as much. And it turns out a tall, magnificent cake, from which you can build a huge cake for the whole family!

- 6 eggs;

- 1 cup of sugar;

- 1 glass of flour;

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda;

- vinegar.

We break the eggs into a high bowl (it is not necessary to separate the yolks, as I already noted), pour a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer until a lush, light, thick mass is formed. It will take 1.5 - 2 minutes.

Pour a spoonful of soda on top, extinguish it with vinegar and mix.

Then gradually add a glass of sifted flour, carefully, but carefully mix with a spoon.

It is best to bake a biscuit in a detachable form, the bottom of which is covered with confectionery parchment or tracing paper, greased with sunflower oil. It is most convenient to lay the paper on the bottom of the form, put on and fasten the sides, and then cut off the excess paper along the edge. We also lightly grease the inner sides of the mold with vegetable oil so that the biscuit does not stick. But it is not necessary to lubricate too generously: the greasy walls of the mold can prevent the cake from rising.

Pour the batter into a mold and place in the oven. The original recipe says to put it in a cold one, but I always put such a dough in an already well-heated oven. It seems to me that otherwise the cake will not fit. And I don't want to take risks and try something.

So, put the form in an oven preheated to 180C and bake at the same temperature until cooked.

And since the cake is high, it will take about 45-60 minutes. From time to time, you can slightly open the door and quietly look into the oven. If the cake is browning around the edges, and the middle is liquid - slightly reduce the heat so that the middle is baked. Just don’t turn it down sharply, otherwise the biscuit will “sit down”. If the cake looks ready, test it in the center with a wooden stick. Is there any dough left on it? Excellent - the biscuit is ready!

We take out the form from the oven, give the cake for 10 minutes to cool, then, carefully cutting the edges with a knife, open the form. We turn the cake over onto the lid of a large saucepan, quickly remove the paper from the bottom and turn it back onto the dish.

Chic tall biscuit is ready! When it has completely cooled down, ideally the next day, you can cut it with a sharp wide knife into 2-3 cakes, choose a cream and build a big delicious cake!

Delicious, tender, lace pancakes on sparkling water

210 grams of flour

300 ml milk

300 ml sparkling mineral water

100 g butter

Sugar to taste

Salt to taste

Heat milk with butter (until the butter is completely melted), add mineral water, flour (through a sieve), eggs, sugar, salt. Stir the dough until smooth. You can lightly beat with a mixer. Leave to rest for 20 minutes and then bake like regular pancakes.

For these pancakes, I do not grease the pan. They don't stick and roll well. You can grease the pancakes with butter, but even without this they are very tasty with a pleasant aroma of butter. Vanillin or lemon zest can be added to the dough if desired.

The dough recipe is just super easy, and the pies are super soft and airy!

1 glass of warm water

1 tbsp dry rain

1 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp vegetable oil

a pinch of salt

flour (how much dough will take)

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water, add oil and salt. Sift flour and gradually add, knead soft dough (it took me 4 cups (250 ml) of flour + a couple of tablespoons of flour for sprinkling. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in warm place for 30-60 minutes until the volume doubles in. After the time has elapsed, roll out the dough not too thin, cut out circles, fill them with stuffing and make pies, fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.

The filling can be anything (boiled potatoes with fried onions, eggs with rice, cabbage, etc.)

In this version, the filling is as follows: mushrooms fried with onions mixed with chopped boiled chicken breast)

Khrushchev dough pies

"Khrushchev" dough is not difficult to prepare. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that after kneading it should lie in the refrigerator for 4 hours or more.

- 1 glass of warm water

- 200 g margarine "Pyshka"

- 1 teaspoon salt

- 2 teaspoons of sugar

- 2 teaspoons dry yeast

- 3.5-4 cups of flour

Put salt and sugar into warm water. Then add dry yeast.

Beat with a whisk. Leave for 7-10 minutes.

Chop the margarine into small cubes and add to the mass.

Sift one glass of flour.

After adding each glass of flour, gradually knead the dough.

The taste of finished baking depends not only on the components. The better the dough is kneaded, the tastier it is. Therefore, at this stage, you can not be lazy.

We transfer the finished dough into a food bag, tie it.

And refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.


- a traditional Shrovetide dish. However, it is not always possible to cook truly delicious ruddy pancakes. Here a few secrets of making pancake dough which will help in the preparation of delicious pancakes.


Traditionally, wheat flour is used to make pancake dough. From wheat flour, ruddy pancakes of a golden hue are obtained. It should be remembered that before adding flour to the dough, it must be sifted. Buckwheat flour is used both as an additive to wheat flour and as the main flour for pancake dough. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour have a pleasant nutty flavor. Remember that buckwheat flour contains little gluten, so pancakes made from it require special attention. Pancake flour is a ready-made dry mixture that just needs to be diluted with milk or water. You can buy it in any store. Such flour was created to facilitate the work of the hostess. However, the use of such a mixture for making pancakes requires that you strictly follow the recipe on the package. You can use rice, pea, corn flour or even starch to make pancake dough. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.


For the preparation of pancake dough, it is best to use fresh chicken eggs. Before adding the eggs to the dough, beat them well with a whisk or, if you are making sweet pancakes, grind with sugar. The following rule tells you how many eggs you need to use: for each glass of flour, you need to take one large or two small chicken eggs. If you are planning pancakes with filling, then you need to take two large or three small eggs for a glass of flour. The more eggs in the dough, the denser it is.


The most magnificent yeast pancakes are obtained on the water. Water-based pancake dough is easier to make and easier to bake. In order for the dough to turn out without lumps, you need to pour salted water into the flour. Yeast pancakes mixed with milk are the most delicious. Kefir can also be used as a liquid base for pancake dough. In order for pancakes on kefir to turn out perforated, you need to add a little baking soda to the dough.

Pancakes on beer are very lush and have an original flavor. For special occasions, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of rum or cognac to the pancake dough. Pancakes with the addition of alcohol are very thin.


Yeast for pancake dough must be fresh. It is important that the yeast does not ferment, it is enough if they rise no more than 2-3 times. Otherwise, the pancakes will taste like fermented yeast and won't rise.

Fats. In order for the dough not to burn and not stick to the pan, a little vegetable oil is added to the pancake dough. It should be remembered that you need to add it after that at the very end - after the final kneading of the dough.

Sugar and salt.

To prepare sweet pancakes, sugar is added to the dough at the rate of two tablespoons per glass of flour. Salt is dissolved in water and only then added to the dough. Over-salted dough ferments very poorly, and too sweet makes pancakes tough.

pancake cake- This is a pancake cake with various fillings. Before you start making a pancake cake, you need to decide what recipe the pancakes will be baked according to. As a rule, a traditional pancake cake involves the use of sour yeast pancakes. However, in the absence of time, you can cook pancakes using a simpler technology. For example, prepare dough for pancakes on mineral water.

pancake cake can be both with sweet and with any other filling. As a filling for sweet pancake cakes, you can use any jam or jam, sweet cottage cheese with sour cream, condensed milk with crushed kernels of various nuts, honey, sweet confectionery cream, dried fruits or candied fruits. In one cake, you can use one type of filling or alternate them.

As a filling for a savory pancake cake, you can use caviar, liver pate, boiled eggs, lightly salted fish, minced meat, mushrooms fried with onions, seafood, and even mashed potatoes.

For example, famous "princely cake" cooked with a filling of red caviar and butter. Each layer of the cake is carefully smeared with butter and red caviar. After the cake is lightly pressed on top so that the connection between the layers is better. The cake is left for several hours to soak. Then cut into portioned pieces and served to the table.

How to replace eggs in recipes

When preparing a culinary product, an egg can be replaced:

1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. milk + ½ tbsp. lemon juice + ½ tbsp. soda

1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. milk + ¼ tsp. baking powder

1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. water + 1 tbsp vegetable oil + 2 tsp baking powder

1 egg = 2 tbsp water + 2 tsp baking powder

1 egg = 2 tbsp corn or potato starch

1 egg = 1 tbsp powdered milk + 1 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water

Ppand npin the preparation of sweet pastries, the replacement is as follows:

1 egg = 1 tbsp corn starch + 2 tbsp. water

1 egg = 1 banana, mashed

Beat 2-3 tablespoons of soy flour with a whisk with a little water (you should get foam) and pour into the dough.

Openwork pancakes

- Milk (2.5% fat) - 3 and 1/4 cups

- Dry yeast - 10g.

- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

- Flour of the highest grade - 500g.

- Sugar - 2 tablespoons

- Salt - 1 tsp

- Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

First part of the Marleson ballet

I’ll immediately ask those who know the only correct yeast dough recipe inherited from their grandmother to scroll through this post and move on in peace.
This post is for those who are not friends with the test at all.
Let's make friends. Because there is nothing simpler than yeast dough.

Today it will be buns with sprinkles and fried pies.
We make the same dough for both rolls and pies.
By the way, it always made me laugh when they said in the store "Give me that bun over there, her dough is delicious." And the dough for rolls in the bakery was made in one bowl. And from the same dough different rolls were rolled.
Today we start the dough on dry activated yeast and measure the liquid and flour with the same dishes.
I have a 300 ml tureen. It is to her that I will take measurements.

First, I pour 4 full tureens of warm water into a bowl. The water should be just warm, not hot. In hot, you stupidly boil the yeast. Therefore, measure the temperature with your hand - it should not be hot. The ideal temperature is 30-40 degrees. That is practically your body temperature. If the fingers are hot, then the temperature is higher. And this is no longer good.

I add 3 tablespoons of sugar to the water. This is yeast food.

I add yeast. For such an amount (more than a liter of water) - two packs of yeast. And yes, I know what is written on the pack, 1 pack per 1 kilogram of flour and mix with flour. It's all bullshit. If your yeast has been stored for many years and incorrectly and died a long time ago, then you will know about it by ruining a decent amount of dough. I always breed - dissolve the yeast in advance. And you can immediately see how they work. Yes, and the dough with diluted yeast rises much better.

Therefore, I add all the yeast and stir them a little. So, to get wet.

And leave the yeast to bloom for 10-15 minutes. After five minutes, it is already noticeable that the yeast has begun to work - foam has gone.

After 10 minutes, the foam is already quite good.

I add salt (1 tablespoon) and stir in salt and yeast.

Then, with the same tureen, after wiping it dry, I measure out the flour. Eight times. The ratio of flour to water should be 2 to 1.
4 cups water - 8 cups flour. I level the flour in a cup, measuring, but not tamping.

The best dough, the easiest to knead, is the one in which the flour is measured right away. You don't need to add flour or add water. It mixes right away, the first time.

Add flour and start stirring. Please note - do not knead, as they say in some places, knead for 20-30 minutes. And just stir, first the flour with the liquid, then adding a little vegetable oil. No more than 100 grams of butter for this amount of flour.
It is believed that the yeast must first be mixed with flour. If the fat gets on the yeast right away, then they are like in a film and grow worse from this. That's why I add oil at the end.
Now you are just mixing evenly. Enough for the first time, so that there are no large lumps of flour and the dough moves away from the walls of the bowl.

Not well, of course, you can, as in the old days, dump the dough on the table and knead to the user, adding flour. It's just really nonsense. Because flour mixed with water needs time for the gluten to swell. Approximately 20 minutes. And there is absolutely no point in kneading the unfortunate dough for 20 minutes. Just cover with a towel and leave it alone for this time.

And then put it on the table and knead quickly. With swollen gluten, the dough is already elastic, and a few pressures are enough to make it an even and uniform consistency. I specially cut and photograph the cut - so that you can see what structure is in the cut.

So, with a 20-minute break, the yeast dough is kneaded. Safe lean dough. Better not for the first try.
Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with a towel and forget about it for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, you will see that the dough has increased in size.

Put it on the table and punch it down well. This is the first test run. In a circular motion from the edge to the center, you kind of squeeze out excess air from the dough.

I roll it into a ball, transfer it back to the bowl and cover with a towel. Again, I leave the dough for another 30 minutes - that is, I let the dough rise a second time.

The second time the dough rises even higher, it is even more elastic, and large air bubbles are noticeable inside.

I put it on the table again and do a second punch.
Everything, in principle, the dough is already ready, and you can start making all kinds of kulebyaki out of it.
The third, last time, it will rise already at proofing.
From half of the dough I make rolls with sugar sprinkles.
Topping is very simple - butter, flour and sugar. Rub with your fingers, adding sugar and flour, until together it turns into a crumbly crumb.

I put the dough (half) on the table. I do not sprinkle the table with flour, but only lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Lubricate! (Smear, but do not slap in pieces!). With a brush, I literally smear a drop of oil.

Well-aged dough almost does not stick to the table.
I cut the dough with a knife into 18-20 equal parts.

I also grease the baking sheet with a drop of oil and a brush.

See? Not sticky even without oil!

And then I do this - I roll pieces of dough into round buns. I just take a piece of dough and roll it into a ball on the table.

I dip one side of the ball of dough into the sugar crumbs, and transfer it to the baking sheet with the sprinkles up.

Then you can additionally sprinkle this crumb on top of the buns on a baking sheet.

I put the finished rolls to rest for about 30 minutes at normal room temperature. No need to specifically put the baking sheet in some warm place - they will rise perfectly and so on.

Look - before proofing.

After proofing - increased in size.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
Place the tray in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes.
Do not attempt to bake at temperatures below 200 degrees. Otherwise, you will have to keep the rolls for 40 minutes before browning, and they will dry out a lot from this - the crust will be oak.
The ideal option is 220 degrees - 10-15 minutes.

Here is the finished bun in the cut.

From the second half of the dough, I fried simple pies with filling in a pan. The dough, which is measured 1 to 2, in equal glasses, turns out to be ideal in density, just for such pies.
Prepare the toppings in advance, any.
The dough, as in the case of buns, cut into equal parts. Roll each piece into a ball. Then it will be very convenient to sculpt even pies.

You can form it simply by stretching a piece of dough directly in the palm of your hand. Spread a spoonful of the filling, and carefully seal the seam. If the dough is not immersed in oil or flour, then the seams stick together perfectly. But you can play it safe by making the seam bigger and more noticeable.

First, pour the oil into the pan while the oil is heated over medium heat - make the first batch of pies.

And, an important point, before lowering the pie into the oil, be sure to flatten it. This must be done just before lowering and frying, in no case in advance. Thus, the filling is distributed more evenly, the shape of the pies is smoother, and then they rise in oil much better.

Be sure to fry the pies in refined oil, unrefined foams and is strongly absorbed into the dough.
Check the readiness by the middle pie in the pan - it is he who is fried faster.

If it’s unusual for you to sculpt pies in the palm of your hand, use a rolling pin.
It is very convenient to roll the balls of dough slightly standing on the table with a rolling pin. By the way, I also grease the rolling pin with oil, a little bit.

They rolled out several pieces of dough and laid them out on the table. We laid out the filling - you can close up the edges. Any form.

But be sure to flatten before dipping in oil.

On this, my battery died, so the continuation will be later.
But you can start repeating. So who signed up? I'm waiting!!

1 We heat the milk to a warm state, approximately 35-36 C, if you cannot measure the temperature, then dip your finger into the milk, it should be quite warm and the finger must endure. The temperature of the milk is very important so that the yeast does not die and become active. Pour sugar into the milk and stir, watch the temperature so that the milk does not cool down! Yeasts are very fond of sweet, warm environments. Next, stir the yeast in milk and leave for 15 minutes alone, in a warm place, without covering with anything.

2 Milk with yeast will give foam, which may then begin to fall off, do not be alarmed - this is a normal, natural process.

3 Whisk the eggs until smooth with salt. Eggs must be at room temperature! If you didn't take the eggs out of the fridge beforehand, dip them in warm water for a couple of minutes.

4 Melt the butter, I use the microwave and pour it into the eggs. The oil should not be hot so that the eggs do not curdle.

5 Add risen yeast with milk to the egg-butter mixture.

6 Add the sifted flour. I strongly advise you to sift the flour in advance through a fine sieve, so it will be saturated with oxygen and make the pastries very airy. You can sift the flour directly into the liquid, a few tablespoons each. stirring first with a whisk until the dough is liquid, then, when it becomes impossible to interfere, start kneading with your hands.

7 I always put flour on my eye, how much dough will take. We knead such a dough so that it does not stick to your hands, but it is not too steep, that is, if 300 g of flour is enough for you, do not try to put more into the dough, referring to the recipe, since the flour is different and its amount may differ and depend on very many factors: oil fat content, flour quality, egg size, etc. I usually knead the dough not in a bowl, but on a table slightly powdered with flour. When kneading the dough, keep in mind that the dough loves hands! Especially men's and children's. So feel free to call your family, let them have fun. Knead, throw on the table, spank, in general, the dough needs a very good massage! Usually I knead such a dough for about 5-8 minutes, I have to knead some types of pastries for 15 minutes. I do not have a bread maker, if you have one, I advise you to use its services))

8 When we have kneaded the dough, grease it with vegetable oil so that a crust does not form and put it in a clean bowl, also greased with oil. Cover the dough with a towel or cling film and let it rise in a warm place. Usually I use the oven, there is no draft and it is warm)) I preheat the oven to 50C and put a bowl of dough there, for two approaches. After 45-50 minutes, we look with you to see if the dough has increased, knead it lightly and wait again for 45-60 minutes. Two approaches will suffice.

9 The dough has doubled, do not punch it.

You can start creating products.

Excellent selection! There are almost all types of pies.

Take it and keep it for yourself!

Attention! In all recipes, pies can either be fried in oil or baked in the oven! The choice is yours.

1. Pies are soft

The dough is wonderful - soft, tender, airy. Just very tasty.

This dough is suitable for any filling.


1. Flour - 600 gr.

2. Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons

3. Eggs - 2 pcs.

4. Margarine - 50 gr. (can be replaced with butter)

5. Milk - 250 ml (can be replaced with water + powdered milk 2 tablespoons)

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon

7. Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

8. Vanillin - 1 teaspoon

Filling - whatever your heart desires!

2. Hassle-free pies in 15 minutes

An excellent recipe for pies that a novice cook can easily make.

Very tasty, soft-soft, prepared easily, quickly and from the simplest products.


1. Boiled water - 0.5 liters

2. Fresh yeast - 50 gr.

3. Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups for dough and 300-350 gr. for frying

4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

5. Salt to taste

6. Flour - 3-4 cups

Filling - any.

3. Cottage cheese pies with apples and raisins

Soft, fragrant, juicy pies with apples and raisins are very tasty and easy to make.


1. Pasty low-fat cottage cheese - 150 gr.

2. Flour - 300 gr.

3. Baking powder - 15 gr. (sachet)

4. Egg liqueur (can be replaced with milk, cream, Baileys, Amaretto) - 6 tbsp. spoons

5. Odorless vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. spoons

6. Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

7. Sugar - 60-70 gr.

1. Apples - 700 gr.

2. Sugar - 75 gr.

3. Raisins - 50 gr.

4. Lemon juice -2 tbsp. spoons

Frozen berries + sugar are also very suitable as a filling.

Berries do not need to be thawed first!

4. Quick pies "Recipe for your beloved mother-in-law"

For housewives who have something to do, but also want to feed their family with pastries.


1. Sour cream (or kefir, or fermented baked milk, or curdled milk) - 2 cups

2. Eggs - 2 pcs.

3. Salt to taste

4. Sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoon

5. Hydrated soda - 1 teaspoon in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar (if you use kefir or yogurt - do not extinguish)

6. Flour - how much dough will take (do not score dough).

It turns out an impressive slide of pies.

They can be reheated in the microwave or in a frying pan drizzled with oil, covered over low heat.


Minced meat (any meat) overcooked with onions and mixed with mashed potatoes.

The proportions are arbitrary.

For this test, mashed meat is the best filling.

5. Small pies on yeast dough

Today the child demanded pies.

Sintered, only the dough was thin.

With this recipe, it still turns out lush and tender.


1. Kefir - 1 cup

2. Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups

3. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

4. Salt - 1 teaspoon

6. Flour - 3 cups


1. Potatoes - 3 pcs.

2. Bow - 1 pc.

3. Salt, pepper to taste

4. Vegetable oil for frying onions

5. Yolks - 2 pcs. for brushing pastries

6. Pancakes-patties

Tender dough, juicy filling.

From this amount of dough, 14 pies are obtained.


1. Cottage cheese - 200 gr.

2. Egg - 2 pcs.

3. Sour milk or kefir - 500 ml.

4. Potato flakes - 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons (can be replaced with mashed potatoes)

5. Sugar - 2 teaspoons

6. Salt - 0.5 tsp

7. Soda - 1 teaspoon

8. Flour - 300 gr.

9. Vegetable oil for frying


1. Chicken fillet - 300 gr.

2. Mushrooms - 100 gr.

3. Bow - 2 pcs.

4. Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon

8. Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons

7. Pies with meat filling

The highlight of these pies is the filling of fried minced meat with onions.

It turns out juicy, with a rich meaty taste.


1. Milk - 400 gr.

2. Butter - 150 gr.

3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

4. Salt - 0.5 tsp

5. Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

6. Flour - 700-750 gr.


1. Minced meat - 700 gr.

2. Bow 2-3 pcs.

4. Tomato without skin 2-3 pcs.

8. Patties with eggs and green onions


1. Flour - 500 gr.

2. Butter - 200 gr.

3. Kefir - 250 ml.

4. Eggs - 2 pcs.

5. Baking powder - 2 teaspoons

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon


1. Green onions - 3 bunches

2. Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.

3. Salt and black pepper to taste

9. Pies "Like fluff"


(for 20 pies)

1. Kefir - 1 cup

2. Refined oil - 0.5 cup

3. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

4. Salt - 1 teaspoon

5. Dry fast acting yeast - 1 sachet

6. Flour - 3 cups

Any pretense.

10.Kattamy - pies for first courses (Kyrgyz cuisine)

These pies are mainly for frying, because. the dough is almost without sugar, but you can bake.


1. Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons

2. Flour - 500 gr.

3. Milk - 250 ml.

4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

5. Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon

Filling: whatever you want (meat, onion, mushroom is especially good).

By the way, these pies stuffed with fried cracklings and onions are very tasty for sour cabbage soup or borscht, Ukrainian troublemakers will understand me.

11. Pogacha - Turkish pies for breakfast


1. Margarine - 125 gr.

2. Yogurt - 200 gr.

3. Sunflower oil - 50 ml.

4. Flour - 400 gr.

5. Baking powder - 1 sachet

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon


1. White cheese - 125 gr.

2. A bunch of parsley

3. Egg white - 1 pc.

12. Yeast dough for pies in the oven

Pies from such a dough are soft and crispy, the dough is tender and fluffy.


1. Warm milk - 200 ml.

2. Warm water - 100 ml.

3. Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. lodge

4. Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons

5. Salt - 1 teaspoon

6. Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

7. Soda - 1 teaspoon

8. Sunflower (or other vegetable) oil, odorless -3-4 tbsp. spoons

Butter - 70-80 gr

Flour - how much dough will take

Bon appetit!

Let's bake pies!

When kneading the dough, you need to focus on the amount of milk.
For example, for 0.5 liters of milk, calculate the amount of other products: eggs, sugar, salt, fat, flour and yeast.

It is undesirable to arbitrarily change the dough recipe, since a violation of the composition and quantity of products can affect the quality of the dough.

If too much sugar or salt is added to the dough, it will slowly rise, and when frying, the products will brown quickly, but the inside will remain raw.

If there is little sugar, the pies are pale and tasteless.

Excess salt worsens not only the taste of pies, but also their appearance: the crust does not brown.

Too steep dough (with a lack of liquid) does not ferment well, the pastry turns out to be tough, and with an excess of liquid, the dough is poorly formed, spreads, the pies turn out to be flat, blurry.

If you increase the amount of yeast, fermentation is accelerated, but the dough may acquire an unpleasant yeasty smell.

1. Dough

For 0.5 liters of milk you need to take:

  • 4 eggs,
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pack of creamy margarine,
  • 50 g yeast
  • 900 grams of wheat flour of the highest or first grade.

Break eggs into a bowl with a capacity of about 5 liters, add salt, granulated sugar, add melted margarine.
Slightly warmed milk is divided into two parts: pour half into a bowl, and dilute the yeast in the other part and also pour into a bowl.
Sift the flour, also pour it into a bowl, mix well and knead the dough until it leaves your hands.

Knead the dough for at least 15 minutes.

Then cover the bowl with a clean towel and put in a warm place so that the dough comes up.

When done, punch down the dough and put it back in the bowl.
Let him rise a second time, knead again and again put in a warm place.
When the dough rises for the third time, you need to put it on a clean table, sprinkled with flour.
Then, cutting off small pieces, cut the whole dough into small balls of equal size. While you are rolling the last balls, the first ones will already fit, and you can make pies out of them.

Now sprinkle your hands with flour, take a ball and make a round cake 1 cm thick out of it. You can roll out the dough for the thresholds with a rolling pin, or you can stretch or knead the dough with your fingers. Put the filling on the cake, tightly connect and pinch the edges. 2. Stuffing

Pies can be made with different fillings:

  • with meat;
  • with meat, with green onions and eggs;
  • with cabbage, onion and egg;
  • with apples
  • with mushrooms,
  • with cottage cheese.

To prepare the filling of rice with eggs, you must first wash the rice, boil it, put it in a colander so that the water is glass. Then mix rice in a bowl with chopped hard-boiled eggs, butter, salt.

Delicious and filling of cottage cheese with herbs.
Cottage cheese needs to be kneaded, salt to taste, add finely chopped dill and onion leaves and one raw egg per 0.5 kg of cottage cheese to it, mix.

If you want to make a filling from fresh cabbage, you need to chop the cabbage, pour over it first with boiling water and then with cold water, put it in a colander, squeeze it, fry for a few minutes in vegetable oil, add salt and ground pepper and use it for the filling.

Quite tasty is the filling of buckwheat porridge with liver.
Soak the liver a little in milk and fry in butter along with chopped onions, then pass through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, mix with chopped eggs and, if desired, with crumbly buckwheat porridge.

It should be borne in mind that salty meat, mushroom and fish fillings are not suitable for sweet dough, just as salt dough cannot be prepared for sweet fillings.

3. Baking

On a greased baking sheet, lay the finished pies seam down, leaving three finger gaps between them so that the dough fits freely. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the baking sheet is lubricated evenly, otherwise the pies will spread in a large accumulation of fat or burn on insufficiently lubricated areas of the baking sheet.

Then a baking sheet with pies should be placed in a warm place for 20-30 minutes for proofing, that is, so that they come up.
During this time, the products increase in volume and become lush. It is necessary to protect baking sheets with pies from drafts, which can be caused by an open door or window, so that a crust does not dry on the surface of the dough, which will make the pies taste worse.

The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 230-250 degrees.
To make the pies beautiful, ruddy and appetizing, they must be greased with a raw egg after proofing. To do this, pour the egg into a cup and beat with a fork so that the yolk is mixed with the protein. Better yet, just brush with beaten yolk.

Lubricate the pies carefully so as not to crush them, and so that the egg does not fall on the baking sheet, otherwise the pies will stick to it during baking. Try to put the baking sheet in the oven carefully, without pushing, otherwise the pies may settle.

Bake pies on medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
Baked pies should be immediately laid out on a large dish covered with paper napkins.
To make the pies tastier, they can be greased with butter when hot.
Then cover them with a clean towel and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Russian dough pies in French

For the French test you need:
milk - 1 glass
margarine - 1 pack
eggs - 2 pcs.
fresh yeast - 1 pack (100 g)
sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
flour - 3 cups + 1 cup or a little more for mixing

Boil milk, turn off and dip margarine into it - you can whole, but to speed things up, it is better to cut it into pieces. Margarine has melted, add sugar. While stirring it, the milk cools down so that you can introduce lightly beaten eggs - they will no longer curdle. We don't stop stirring. Milk by this time becomes warm, and we are not afraid to dissolve the yeast. Crumble with left hand, stir with right hand.

When the yeast has dissolved, we begin to introduce flour - in small portions, and again without ceasing to stir. I warn you that the result will not be pie dough at all - it is too liquid for this, and if you also used a combine, then it’s completely. But don't let that bother you!

We put the dough in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes.
Three or four times during this time we look into the refrigerator and crush the dough with a spoon or spatula.
After half an hour we continue the work. Pour enough flour on the cutting board and spread the dough. Gradually adding flour, bring the dough to the desired consistency.

There is no salt in the recipe. Its absence in the test is not felt in any way. But the filling should be salted in moderation or a little more. It also does not interfere with adding sugar, even if you use a bitter filling, for example, with onions. Sugar helps the dough "work".

Seems like too much yeast? But, apparently, due to their pies, they do not stale for a long time.

The filling is mashed potatoes with onions and mushrooms.
They eat pies with milk or tea.

The dough can be made ahead of time and is good after defrosting.

Yeast dough from the fridge

Yeast dough that fits in the fridge.
Convenient for any baking, it always turns out incomparably.


* Milk - 0.5 l
* Yeast (fresh) - 100 g
* Vegetable oil - 200 ml
* Egg - 3 pcs
* Sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l.
* Salt (to taste)
* Flour - 7-8 stack.


Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add beaten eggs with sugar, vegetable oil, salt and flour.
Knead the dough.
Put the dough in a plastic bag, tie it to leave room, and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half (you can also overnight).
When the dough has risen, sculpt what you want!

shortcrust pastry

  • For shortcrust pastry, flour with a small amount of gluten is more suitable. But since under normal conditions it is not possible to check the quality of the flour, a small amount of starch can be added to the dough. It will become more crumbly.
  • It is very important to use high-quality fat, as it significantly affects the taste of the dough. Natural butter with a fat content of 82% is best suited. Depending on the recipe, the butter is used chilled or softened, but never too cold or melted. Friability and plasticity also depend on the oil. If there is less oil than needed, the dough will turn out dense and hard.
  • To make the dough more crumbly, you can use only egg yolks (baking powder is not necessary in this case).
  • The layer of dough during baking must have the same thickness, otherwise it will bake unevenly.
  • The finished dough should be put in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, so that it is easier to roll out and so that it does not crack during baking. If you suddenly change your mind about baking a pie, don’t worry, shortcrust pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, or you can even freeze it.
  • Shortbread dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time: it will lose its plasticity, and the pastry will turn out to be tough.
  • Before baking, shortbread dough can also be laid out in a mold and put in the freezer, then it is less likely that it will “slip”. To prevent the sides of the dough from moving out, you can put baking paper and beans on the bottom of the mold directly on the dough.
  • Best of all, the dough sets in the oven with convection and a high temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Shortcrust pastry (basic recipe for sweet pie)

Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 200 g butter, 0.5 cup sugar, 1 egg (800 g dough will be obtained). Cooking. Mix flour with sugar. Put the pieces of butter and grind the butter with the flour mixture. Add the egg and quickly knead with your hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry is made from flour, salt, water, butter (or margarine). When baking, it should disperse into many layers. "Lamination" is achieved by a special method of kneading:
butter is “rolled” in layers into a base of flour and water, then rolled out, folded, frozen and the operation is repeated 4-5 times.

Puff pastry without yeast

3 cups flour (more may be needed), 1 egg, about 200-220 ml water, 200 g butter, 1/4 tsp. salt, 2 tsp vinegar 9%. Cooking.
Mix egg, water in a bowl, add salt and vinegar, stir. Pour in the flour gradually, knead a dense, but plastic dough. After wrapping the finished dough in a film, leave it for 30 minutes or 1 - 2 hours at room temperature.
Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into cubes, add flour (50 g of flour per 200 g of butter, 75 g of flour per 300 g of butter), mix everything, preferably with a combine.
Transfer the mass to a film or parchment paper. Cover with a second sheet of film and roll out a thin pancake. Place in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
The next step is to combine the dough and butter. To do this, roll out the dough with a thickness of 5 - 7 mm. Arrange an oil pancake on it so that it occupies 2/3 of the territory closer to one edge. The edge of the butter pancake should not be flush with the edge of the dough layer, indent 1 - 1.5 cm. Place the free 1/3 of the dough on the butter pancake and pinch the side edges. Now close the “envelope”: cover the top of the dough with the oil part and pinch the edges, put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
The next step is to roll out the dough. When rolling out the puff pastry is placed with the short side facing you. You need to roll out with quick movements and in one direction. Fold the dough three times before each rolling. Triple folding: turn the dough with the wide side towards you, tuck the left third of the dough up, and cover the dough with the right. After the dough is rolled out into a layer of 8 - 10 mm and again folded in triple addition. The maximum number of possible rolls is 4. If the dough has warmed up after rolling, it should be put in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 minutes.
Since the classic puff pastry requires a lot of time and remarkable physical strength, at home they often use simplified recipe.
In this case, chopped cold butter is kneaded directly into the dough.
For a quick puff pastry, you need to sift the flour (6 cups), saturating it with oxygen. Then add 1 teaspoon of salt and grate 600 g of cold hard butter on a coarse grater (margarine is cheaper, but worse). Mix everything thoroughly and rub the mixture again until a homogeneous fatty mass is obtained.
Then separately beat 1.5 cups of cold water (or milk) with 4 yolks, pour in 1/2 teaspoon of diluted citric acid, mix well and carefully begin to pour this liquid into the butter and flour.
You should get a homogeneous plastic dough. The finished dough must be wrapped in a film and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • You need to cook puff pastry in a cool room (17-20? C).
  • Butter or margarine must be cooled to a temperature of 15-17? C, but not lower. If the oil is too cold, it will crumble when rolling and will leak out when baking. The dough itself must also be chilled.
  • Baking trays for puff pastry should be greased with cold water, not grease.
  • You need to cut the dough only with a well-honed knife so as not to break the layers.
  • The edges of puff pastry should not be brushed with yolk before baking - this may prevent the dough from rising.
  • Before baking, the dough can be pricked in several places with a knife so that there are no blisters.
  • Puff pastry is not recommended for storage, as its taste deteriorates.

Dry yeast dough

  • 1 sachet dry yeast
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp alcohol
  • 4 cups flour
  • 3 - 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • sugar - to taste
Dilute 1 bag of dry yeast in 2 glasses of warm water, with the addition of 2 tsp. sugar and 1st tsp. any alcohol.
When the yeast is suitable, add 4 cups of flour, 3-4 palms of vegetable oil, salt, sugar to taste (1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 pinches of salt, if the filling is sweet, then add more sugar) and knead the dough. The dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
Put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Pies in five minutes

(recipe for sloths)
  • - 4 tbsp. flour (sometimes you need a little more, because flour is different)
  • - 2 tbsp. l sugar
  • - 1\2 tsp salt
  • - 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • - 500 ml. milk (you can warm it, you can do it straight from the refrigerator, I tried it anyway, the result is the same)
  • - a package of dry yeast 11 gr. (for example, a small bag of SafMoment)
Stage 1.
Mix all ingredients until smooth. Fold the resulting mass into a bag and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
ALL! Stage 2.
After two hours, you take the dough out of the refrigerator, lightly crush it in flour and make pies with any filling. The dough is soft, does not stick to the hands, molds well and the pies do not fall apart. It can also be used for all types of pies and pizza.
