
Dessert "Anna Pavlova" - delicious and simple. The best recipes for a delicious dessert "Anna Pavlova" with nuts, chocolate, raspberries

Anna Pavlova cake, bewitching with its beauty - crispy outside and soft meringue inside, whipped cream, ripe strawberries and tender kiwi with sourness. It is not only beautiful, but also extremely tasty. For the sake of such a dessert, it is worth a little tinkering in the home kitchen. Your loved ones or guests will definitely be delighted!

A little history of Pavlova's dessert. Here's what Wikipedia says:

Pavlova(English) pavlova, abbr. pav) - meringue cake with fresh fruit, especially popular in New Zealand and Australia. It is made from meringue, whipped cream, the top layer is from berries or pieces of tropical fruits (in New Zealand and Australia they prefer strawberries combined with passion fruit pulp, in the UK - raspberries). Pavlova is baked in the form of a cake or in portions, decorating each portion separately.

Named after the ballerina Anna Matveevna Pavlova, who toured Australia and New Zealand in 1926. In those years, the name of the famous dancer was carried by many brands - chocolates, clothes, perfumes. The exact time and place of the invention of the dessert has not been established and is the subject of a protracted dispute between New Zealanders and Australians.

I prefer portioned desserts. They are easy to cook. Portion cakes are convenient for serving and eating them is also more convenient. A large meringue cake crumbles when cut and loses its attractiveness, as it seems to me. So, how to make pavlova dessert


  • 100 g egg white
  • a pinch of salt
  • 170 g powdered sugar
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • 1 tbsp (10 g) corn starch
  • 1 tsp (5 g) lemon juice
  • 200 ml cream 33% fat
  • 25 g powdered sugar
  • strawberries, kiwi (raspberries, bananas, peaches and any other berries)

Dessert Pavlova calories - in 100 g - 258 kcal

Dessert Pavlova step by step

On tracing paper or baking paper I draw 6 circles with a diameter of 8 cm.

Add a pinch of salt to room temperature proteins and beat with a mixer until a stable foam. Without interrupting the beating, I gradually add 170 g of powdered sugar mixed with a pinch of vanillin. I beat for 5 minutes until a glossy stable mass is obtained.

I add starch and lemon juice. Thanks to the starch, meringue gets a crispy crust on the outside and remains soft on the inside when baking. This is its difference from the classical one. I mix with a mixer on low speed.

I shift the protein mass into a pastry bag with a nozzle.

I spread the tracing paper on a baking sheet with the painted side down. I form blanks with a small side. To do this, I make 2 layers of a full circle from the protein mass,

and from above - only along the edge. I will then spread whipped cream into the resulting recesses.

I put the blanks in an oven preheated to 110 degrees at an average level (I have heating from above and below). I bake for 1 hour.

At this time, I cut the strawberries and kiwi into long pieces.

After an hour, I turn off the oven, slightly open the door (important!) And leave the workpieces to cool completely. Once again I will say that the right blanks should be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

While the blanks are cooling in the oven, whip the chilled cream into a stable foam. I usually don't add powdered sugar to cream, as meringues and fruits are quite sweet. But if you wish, you can do this by adding 25 g of powdered sugar.

IMPORTANT! The dessert is collected just before serving, as the meringue absorbs moisture very quickly and loses its quality. Baked meringues can be stored until the next day, if needed, in a dry place.

The famous Anna Pavlova cake is easy to make at home if you follow the step-by-step recommendations from a selection of recipes.

Pavlova cake is a stunningly delicious and beautiful dessert known all over the world. It is prepared from the lightest meringue, airy butter cream and juicy fruits. You will learn the details from our step-by-step recipe with a photo. This is a classic recipe for making Anna Pavlova cake.

Despite the apparent complexity, it is not at all difficult to cook it at home. But there are some subtleties that should be taken into account in order for Pavlova's dessert to turn out flawlessly. So, pay special attention to meringue - a fragile, but soft inside cake, reminiscent of meringue, but prepared with the addition of wine vinegar (or lemon juice) and starch. To make it, you need to thoroughly beat the whites to the desired consistency, and then bake without opening the oven (it is desirable that the meringue cool down in it). Cover the cake with cream immediately before serving, otherwise the meringue will absorb moisture and lose its airiness, which will significantly reduce the taste of the cake.

  • egg white - 4 pcs
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp.
  • cream 35% - 300 gr
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp
  • wine vinegar - 1 tsp

Mix granulated sugar with starch.

In a completely clean and dry bowl, beat the egg whites. First, turn on the mixer at low speed. When the foam appears, little by little, by a tablespoon, we begin to add the starch-sugar mixture to the proteins, while increasing the speed of the mixer. At the end, pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice or white wine vinegar.

It is very important that the meringue mixture is firm and stable, otherwise the cake will not get the right consistency and will not be able to hold the buttercream and fruit. To prevent this from happening, beat the mass for at least two minutes after each spoonful of sugar with starch. And lemon juice (or wine vinegar) is needed in order for the proteins to become more elastic. After adding it, the mass should be whipped for at least a minute. The meringue blank will reach the desired consistency when it does not drain from the spoon with which you scoop it up.

On the parchment, draw a circle with a diameter of 20-22 cm and carefully place the mass for the meringue inside it. With a spoon, make a neat indentation in the center of the meringue, and form peaks around it. The recess should not be too large, otherwise the meringue may crack during baking. Please note that parchment does not need to be lubricated with any grease.

We put the meringue in an oven heated to 180 degrees and immediately lower the temperature to 110-115 degrees. The cake will take a long time to bake: about an hour and a half. When it is ready, a brittle crust will form on top. We emphasize once again that while the meringue is baking, you cannot open the oven door, otherwise the cake will settle, and nothing can be fixed! Let it cool in the oven (this is why the Anna Pavlova cake is best baked in the evening: by morning the meringue will settle and acquire the desired consistency).

Now let's prepare the buttercream. To do this, beat the chilled heavy cream with powdered sugar until the mixture becomes thick, but airy. It is very important not to beat the cream, otherwise it will turn into butter. Put the finished cream on the cake, and decorate with your favorite fruits and / or berries on top. This should be done right before serving, so that the cake does not become damp during the waiting time.

A light and tasty Pavlova cake made of crispy but soft meringue inside, butter cream and fragrant fruits (better than exotic ones, because it is still an Australian dish) will decorate any table.

This dessert is especially appropriate for the New Year, because. the combination of a snow-white base and colored fruits looks elegant and bright in a New Year's way. Your guests will be delighted with the Pavlova cake, and you will receive well-deserved praise from them.

Recipe 2: Anna Pavlova cake with strawberries (step by step)

In fact, the idea of ​​a Pavlova cake is incredibly simple, and the composition of this dessert surprises with its simplicity: meringue base (the crust crunches like a tutu), whipped cream and fresh fruit. So, at the beginning of the first half of the 20th century, this dessert was usually decorated with slices of kiwi and strawberries. Today, in the classic Pavlova cake, it is customary to use only strawberries. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of options for decorating this delicacy - in England, for example, they put raspberries on top, someone likes tropical fruits or seasonal local berries. There are no rules here, you can experiment to your liking.

If you like the classic Pavlova cake recipe and want to replicate it at home, remember to make it just before serving. In particular, decorate the meringue base (it can be baked in advance and stored until the right moment for several days) with whipped cream and berries. Otherwise, even in the refrigerator, the cake will flow (berry juice will begin to stand out) and the dessert will lose its former attractiveness.

  • strawberries - 400 gr
  • egg white - 4 pcs
  • powdered sugar - 200 gr
  • cream - 600 ml
  • cornstarch - 2 tbsp.
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.

For this simple, delicious and easy summer cake, use egg whites, powdered sugar, heavy cream, cornstarch, wine vinegar and lots of fresh strawberries. We use exclusively fat cream, which is suitable for whipping - a fat content of at least 32%. Cornstarch (it will make the crust crispy while keeping the meringue soft inside) can be replaced with potato starch, then we take 1 tablespoon. Instead of wine vinegar, you can use lemon or lime juice. For decor, you can still take leaves of fresh mint or lemon balm - it will turn out even more beautiful.

So, the first step is to prepare the base for the cake - meringue. In addition to the products, we will also need suitable dishes and a mixer. Take a bowl, wash it and dry it thoroughly. You can degrease it with lemon juice, and then wipe it dry again. Pour cold proteins and, if desired, pour a tiny pinch of salt (but this is not at all necessary). By the way, the question about the temperature of proteins: some cooks claim that warm (room temperature) proteins result in a softer foam. But personally, I like working with chilled ones more - I didn’t notice much difference. I must say that my proteins were frozen, and then just thawed overnight in the refrigerator. I often cook dishes on egg yolks, so I just collect the whites in a bag and store them in the freezer. There is no difference between fresh and frozen proteins for meringue.

We begin to beat the egg whites with a mixer at low speed, gradually increasing the speed to medium. We continue to beat already at almost maximum speed for another minute or two. In the process of whipping, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar. We increase the speed of the mixer to the maximum and beat the meringue, not forgetting the sugar. If you use a planetary mixer, it is much easier, because your hands are free. With a hand mixer, beat the whites as if drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign. This is necessary so that the mass is whipped evenly. In general, whipping proteins will take you about 10-15 minutes. At the end, add wine vinegar and sifted starch. We mix them into the meringue gently and not very actively, folding movements from the bottom up.

See how the finished meringue for the bezin base looks like - it is thick and dense, while fluffy, smooth and glossy.

It's time to dry the meringue so that it becomes crispy on the outside, and remains tender, airy and juicy inside. You can make one large cake, 2 smaller ones (like mine) or even cook it in portions in the form of cakes. We spread the meringue on a baking sheet with parchment paper according to the size of the required circle (circles). Then smooth the meringue with a spoon so that the edges of the air cream are slightly in the middle.

The deposited blanks must be baked in a preheated oven at 140-150 degrees for 4-5 minutes, after which the temperature drops to 120 degrees and the meringue is cooked for about 25-30 minutes more. But still, start from the features of your oven! During the baking process, do not open the oven (the temperature difference has a detrimental effect on the appearance of the meringue), otherwise such a nuisance may happen: I have sagged in the center of the meringue. Ready-made pastries did not suffer in taste, but gave me a few minutes of aesthetic suffering. We let the air blanks cool completely, but for now let's take care of the cream and berries for our Pavlova cake.

In the classic version of Pavlova's cake, fresh strawberries are used, so we will take them - fortunately, it's just the season. My berries, remove the tails, completely (!) Dry and cut into large slices. If you have small strawberries, leave them whole.

Next, beat the chilled heavy cream with a mixer at medium speed. You can whip the cream with a whisk - it's even more reliable. Don't overkill or you'll end up with oil and whey. Personally, I don’t add powdered sugar to the cream, as we have them already quite sweet. You can also sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar before whipping. We need to get a fairly dense, while gentle and airy buttercream.

We collect the Pavlova cake. Put the crispy meringue base on a flat dish.

The most enjoyable part of the preparation remains - decorating the cake with a decent amount of fresh strawberries (put as much as your heart desires)!

Well, how is it without a green accent? Fresh leaves of fragrant lemon balm or mint will come in handy. And if you wish, you can sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar.

Pavlova cake is served immediately after preparation. It is perfectly cut into portioned pieces, it turns out incredibly tender, moderately sweet, fragrant ... in general, delicious! Try this truly summer dessert.

Recipe 3: blueberry and raspberry cake Anna Pavlova

This amount of ingredients will make a round cake with a diameter of about 22 cm and a height of 5-6 cm or 8 cakes with a diameter of 10 cm. The classic version uses strawberries and kiwi, but you can take those berries and fruits that you like more. Every source I looked at suggested using cornstarch. This is exactly what I did, so I don’t know how meringue with potato starch will behave. Cream can only be made with whipped cream, but I prefer with the addition of cream cheese.

It is better to use cream cheese of not very high fat content, because with mascarpone the cream turned out to be not at all light and airy. Adjust the amount of powdered sugar in the cream according to your taste. If you take 50 gr, the cream will be almost neutral, not sweet. If you, like me, have a sweet tooth, then add 100 gr, but remember that meringue also turns out to be very sweet. So, let's start cooking.

  • 4 eggs (only whites are needed)
  • 180 gr powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon 6% vinegar (I use white wine)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

For cream:

  • 200 gr cream (fat content not less than 30%)
  • 250 g cream cheese (I have 25% fat)
  • 100 gr powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • 300 gr fresh strawberries
  • 100 gr blueberries
  • 100 gr raspberries
  • Mint leaves, powdered sugar optional

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, being careful not to drop a single drop of the yolks into the bowl with the whites. Start whipping egg whites in a clean, dry bowl at low speed, gradually increasing it. When a light foam forms from the proteins (not yet dense peaks), start pouring the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar in parts.

Then add lemon juice, vinegar and starch, without stopping beating.

Stop whipping when you get a snow-white, dense mass, which, even if you turn the bowl over, will remain in it and will not drain.

There are two ways to lay out a blank for a cake. First, line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or baking paper. Moisten a ring from a detachable form (20 cm in diameter) with cold water, place on a baking sheet and fill with a protein mass.

Run a spatula along the edge and carefully remove the mold. Use a spoon to make a small indentation in the center (you should get a kind of nest).

The second way is to draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm on parchment paper. Lay out the entire protein mass, trying not to go beyond the outline of the circle.

Using a fork or a special cake spatula, make a drawing on the side of the cake.

Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 130 degrees for 1 hour. After that, turn off the oven, open the door and leave the meringue in the oven until it cools completely (you can leave it overnight and collect the cake in the morning).

Wash and dry the berries you will be using with a paper towel.

Put all the ingredients for the cream into the mixer bowl (both the ingredients and the bowl should be cold) and knead first with a spatula.

Then beat with a mixer at a speed slightly below medium until a light, airy cream is obtained. As soon as you see that all the products are combined, the mass is not liquid and characteristic traces remain from the whisk, you can stop whipping. Do not be too zealous, you need to be very careful with the cream 🙂 Until the cake is filled, the cream must be stored in the refrigerator.

Well, all the basic preparations are finished, we begin to collect the cake. Place the cooled meringue very carefully (it is fragile) on a dish or a cake dish, fill the recess in the center with cream, arrange the berries nicely (if necessary, cut them into small pieces), decorate with mint leaves. Before serving, if desired, you can sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar.

This cake is so delicate that it is advisable to serve it immediately after preparation. A night in the refrigerator will adversely affect both appearance and taste. That's why if you're making Pavlova for your family and want to stretch out the fun, I suggest making it in the form of portioned cakes. Meringue is normally stored at room temperature, cream and fruit - in the refrigerator. It will take you five minutes to assemble a fresh dessert 🙂 Only in this case, 40 minutes will be enough to dry the meringue.

Recipe 4, step by step: Pavlova cake with southern fruits

The recipe for this luxurious dessert was invented by an Australian chef in honor of the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, who toured Australia and New Zealand. The basis of the cake is meringue in the form of a ballet tutu, whipped cream and fresh fruit on top. The cake is simply amazing light, airy and has become very popular in these countries and beyond.

  • Eggs 4 pcs. (proteins)
  • Powdered sugar 1 stack. and 3 hours. for cream
  • Vinegar 1 tsp. (white wine)
  • Starch 3 tsp. (corn)
  • Cream 500 ml (at least 30%)
  • Kiwi 2 pcs.
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Oranges 1 pc.
  • Tangerines 1 pc.
  • Red currants

To prepare the Anna Pavlova cake, beat the chilled proteins with a mixer, adding powdered sugar in small portions (10 minutes). Then, at the very end, add the sifted starch, vinegar and beat a little more. The mass should be dense, shiny, keep its shape well.

Thanks to the vinegar, the proteins are fluffed up more fluffy, and the starch makes the meringue more shiny and holds its shape better. You can also use ordinary table vinegar.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the protein mixture in the form of a circle with a diameter of about 22-24 cm. You can decorate the edges with a fork by drawing thin grooves. We put the cake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for exactly 2 minutes. Then turn it off and leave the cake in a closed oven for 1.5 hours. Do not open the oven!!

The meringue should be soft on the inside (not dry, much like a soufflé), but baked on the outside.

Meanwhile, wash, peel and cut fruit.

You can also use canned fruits or any other you like.

Let's prepare the cream. Whip the cream at medium speed until light waves form, add the sifted icing sugar (3 teaspoons) and beat until soft peaks. Then we spread our cream on the finished meringue.

Then decorate the Anna Pavlova cake with fruits and serve. Incredibly tasty and easy!

Recipe 5: Anna Pavlova cake with mascarpone cheese

Cake Ingredients:

  • proteins - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • corn starch - 20 grams;
  • vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon;
  • white wine vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cream Ingredients:

  • mascarpone cheese - 200 twenty grams;
  • white chocolate - 100 grams;
  • condensed milk or powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • cream (33%) - 50 milliliters;
  • assorted berries - 600 grams.

Rinse and dry the selected berries. Put the whites in a deep bowl and beat them with a mixer. When small peaks appear, gradually add sugar. Then add vanilla, lemon juice, starch and wine vinegar. Continue beating until a firm meringue forms.

Take baking paper and make markings on it for cakes. The diameter of the circles can be completely different (it can be either a large cake or small portioned cakes). Spread the finished meringue in circles with a spoon or with a pastry bag. Be sure to form bumpers at the edges. This will prevent the cream and berries from falling out of the cakes. Immediately preheat the oven to 100 degrees, put the blanks in it for an hour and a half. This baking method will allow you to cook cakes with a delicate crispy crust, but soft inside. After baking, they should cool completely.

Let's prepare the cream. Melt the chocolate in a water bath along with the cream. Cool the mixture. Next, beat the cream cheese together with the melted chocolate and condensed milk. The mixer speed should be at a minimum.

Everything is ready, you can collect the cake. Coat each cake with cream, laying berries on top. It must be served immediately, but it is permissible for it to stand for half an hour, so all tastes will be combined in it.

Serve this crispy and very tender cake with your favorite hot drinks and enjoy its divine taste. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Anna Pavlova air cake (step by step photos)

Pavlova's airy dessert will not leave anyone indifferent, moreover, it is quite simple and quick to prepare it. Follow the step by step recipe and you will succeed.

  • Eggs (squirrels) - 3 pcs.,
  • Sugar - 150 g,
  • Starch (potato) - 1.5 table. spoons,
  • Vinegar (apple or wine) - 1 tsp,
  • Powdered sugar - 4 table. spoons,
  • Cream (35%) - 300 ml,
  • Fruits and berries - for decoration.

Mix sugar with starch.

We separate the proteins from the yolks, it is desirable that they be chilled, and beat at a slow speed, gradually increasing the speed and pouring sugar and starch in portions. We continue the whipping process until the protein mass acquires a glossy appearance.

Pour vinegar into the whites, which can be replaced with lemon juice, and continue beating for another 5-7 minutes. The finished mass should have a dense consistency and not fall off the spoon.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with baking paper or parchment. On the parchment, you can first draw a circle with a pencil, so it will be easier to lay out the protein mass in the form of a circle.

We spread the future meringue in the center of the circle on parchment. As soon as the baking sheet is in the oven, lower the temperature to 100-110 degrees. Bake the meringue cake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The finished cake should be slightly ruddy on the outside and slightly moist inside, it is important not to overdry it.

Do not open the oven during baking! At the end of the allotted time, turn off the oven, leaving the meringue in it for at least 1 hour.

Let's move on to the cream for the cake. Whip heavy cream (33% and above) together with powdered sugar until stiff peaks. The cream should be chilled, as should the utensils for whipping it.

As a decoration, you can use different fruits and berries: strawberries, kiwi, blueberries, etc. However, it is better to stick to the classics and decorate the Pavlova cake with fresh strawberries. We cut it into slices.

We collect the cake. Using a spoon or a pastry bag with a threaded nozzle, spread the buttercream on the meringue cake. Put the berries on top of the cream and lightly crush with powdered sugar. Pavlova cake is ready!

Recipe 7: air cake with nectarines Anna Pavlova

  • egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - ½ tsp
  • cream (fat) - 200 ml
  • corn starch - 1 tsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • white crystalline sugar - 200 g.
  • nectarine - 1 pc.

For the cake, we need proteins, sugar, salt, vinegar, cornstarch, heavy cream for whipping, decoration (in this case, nectarines and powdered sugar, you can use berry puree inside and fresh berries on top).

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour the egg whites into the container in which we will beat the egg whites (it is better to take a deep dish). Start beating at medium speed. As soon as the foam appears, without turning off the mixer, add sugar and salt in a thin stream. Continue beating until soft peaks form, increasing the mixer speed. Add starch and vinegar.

The mass should become shiny, smooth and thick, such that if you turn the bowl over, it will not flow out. The total whipping time is approximately 6-10 minutes. Divide the mass into 2 even parts.

We cover baking paper (parchment) on a baking sheet. We spread the proteins, using a pastry bag, but you can also use a spoon on parchment in the form of a circle with a diameter of 15 centimeters (for convenience, draw circles with a compass). The height of each circle is about 3 cm. Reduce the oven to 100 degrees, set the oven mode to “convention”. Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes. Turn off the oven and open the door. Leave the cakes to cool completely. They should remain white in color and acquire a slightly beige tint. The cakes are hard, but inside they are soft, like a soufflé.

Whilst the cakes are cooling, whip the cream. The cream should be chilled, as well as the dishes in which we will beat them. Whip the cream first at low speed, then increase the speed. You can add a pinch of vanilla for flavor. We cut nectarines into cubes.

Cake assembly. On the first cake spread half the cream and spread the chopped nectarines. Then carefully place the second cake and repeat the same. Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8, portioned: Anna Pavlova with figs and grapes

Crispy meringue with weightless, but rich in light sweetness cream, enriched with a fig and grape necklace, complementing the dessert as a bright accessory to a stylish dress. Divine, inexpressible, a hundred times recommended.

  • egg whites (4 pcs),
  • powdered sugar (200 g + 4 tablespoons),
  • starch (1 teaspoon),
  • vanilla sugar (½ sachet)
  • lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  • cream 33% (500 ml),
  • figs (3-4 pieces),
  • grapes (small branch).

We start by whipping the egg whites. Proteins should be fresh, chilled. The bowl and whisk are clean and dry.

Beat egg whites until stiff foam.

Then gradually add the powdered sugar while continuing to beat. Add starch and vanilla sugar or vanillin. Lemon juice (by the way, I forgot about it this time, only shh). You should get "sharp peaks" - the mass is elastic, stretched by cones, keeping its shape.

Preheat the oven to about 120-130 degrees. We spread the protein mass on baking paper with the desired dimensions, while making a notch in the middle. I didn't draw any circles. I like it better when the meringue has an irregular and somewhat sloppy shape.

We put in the oven and dry at 100 degrees for about an hour. If you see that the crust is not completely dry, you can add heat to 120 degrees and dry for another 10 minutes. By the way, for the Anna Pavlova cake, we do everything the same, only the meringue cakes are wider.

Turn off the oven, open the door a little, cool the meringue. Don't take them out right away! A sudden change in temperature can ruin all the beauty.

We whip the cream. I don’t know how less fat, but 33% is whipped with a bang. We take a whisk and start whisking at medium speed. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the process of stratification will begin, but we do not need it. Once the cream has thickened, add the powdered sugar. Taste. For me, for 500 ml of cream, 4 tablespoons of powder for the eyes.

For dessert (cake or pastry) "Anna Pavlova" often use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. These berries look especially impressive and set off the sweetness with bright sourness. But I missed the whole season, so I had to look for a replacement. Figs with grapes came suddenly, but very well.

So, in the recesses of the meringue we spread whipped cream, and on top - randomly chopped figs and grapes.

Serve with tea, coffee or just like that. It's very difficult to break away!

Dessert "Anna Pavlova" is, in fact, a cake called meringue, which is baked without flour from two main ingredients: egg whites and granulated sugar. The basis of the dessert is always the same, but the taste and decoration can be different, as well as the appearance. Consider the most popular dessert recipes.

Dessert "Anna Pavlova" - general principles

To make the dessert a success, it is important to follow some rules for preparing products:

Use only fresh eggs. If you are not sure about the freshness of the product, then it is better to refuse to prepare a dessert.

· Cool egg whites before whipping.

When separating the proteins from the yolks, make sure that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass.

Use only dry and clean utensils for whipping.

Whip egg whites in one direction without changing the beat path.

1. Dessert "Anna Pavlova"


For the meringue:

egg - 4 pcs.;

100 g of powdered sugar;

vanilla - 10 g;

starch - 20 g;

a quarter of a lemon

salt - 10 g.

Fatty cream - 2 small jars;

powdered sugar - 80 g.

For decoration:

5 fresh strawberries;

Physalis - 3-4 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the meringue: carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks. Place egg whites in a clean, dry bowl. Beat with a mixer at low speed until air resistant foam.

2. In another dry cup, mix powdered sugar, starch, salt and vanillin. In several steps, we introduce the mass into the proteins in small portions and beat with a mixer at the same speed for a few more minutes.

3. Increase the speed of the mixer, squeeze the lemon juice into the mixture and beat until a stable mass for 3-5 minutes.

4. Lay parchment paper on a flat sheet, sprinkle it a little with starch and spread about 1 full tablespoon of protein mass.

5. In the middle of each meringue, make a small hole with a small spoon so that you can put cream into it.

6. We put the sheet in a preheated oven on the lower shelf and dry the meringues at a temperature of 90 degrees for 2.5 hours. When baking, do not open the oven, as the meringues may settle.

7. After the allotted time, turn off the oven, but do not remove the sheet, allowing the meringues to cool.

8. While the meringues are cooling down, make butter cream: pour the cream into a deep bowl, pour in the powdered sugar and beat at medium speed for 6-8 minutes.

9. Butter cream is deposited from a pastry bag into the recess of each meringue.

10. Decorate the dessert with strawberry slices and fisalis, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

2. Cake-dessert "Anna Pavlova"


For the meringue:

100 g of powdered sugar;

vanilla - 10 g;

Potato starch - half a tablespoon;

Vinegar 3% - 20 ml.

2 jars of heavy cream;

powdered sugar - 80 g;

For decoration:

· canned pineapple.

Cooking method:

1. Turn on the oven to heat up to 130 degrees.

2. Meringue: carefully separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites at low speed into a fluffy foam. Without turning off the mixer, gradually introduce the powdered sugar and beat for another 5 minutes until a stable foam. Pour the starch and pour in the vinegar, beat with a mixer for 30-60 seconds.

3. Put a small plate on parchment paper, trace the outline with a pencil. Transfer the circle to a baking sheet.

4. Spread half of the whipped protein mass on the prepared parchment circle, leveling with a spoon.

5. Put in a preheated oven, reduce the temperature to 100 degrees and bake for a little more than one hour.

6. Similarly, we prepare the second part of the protein mass.

7. Butter cream: mix the cream with powdered sugar and beat for 5-8 minutes.

8. Peel the banana, cut into slices. We open a jar of pineapples, drain the juice, cut into small pieces.

9. Put a small amount of cream on one cooled meringue cake, spread with a spoon over the entire surface.

10. Put bananas and pineapples on the cream in the middle of the cake, cover with the second cake.

11. Put the remaining cream into a pastry bag, decorate the cake with various patterns.

3. Dessert "Anna Pavlova": deep-fried curd balls


high-fat cottage cheese - 4 handfuls;

6 tbsp. spoons of flour;

10 g of salt and baking soda;

35 ml of lemon juice;

5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;

sunflower oil - 450 ml;

5 g of vanillin;

40 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, put it in a deep bowl.

2. In a separate container, beat the egg, transfer to cottage cheese, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour sugar into a small cup, mix it with vanilla, add baking soda slaked with lemon juice.

4. Sift the flour into a separate cup and pour it into the prepared mass of cottage cheese, add the sugar mixture, knead the thick dough, if there is not enough flour, then add a little more.

5. From the prepared dough we form balls with a diameter of 2 cm.

6. Pour sunflower oil into a deep metal container, heat over medium heat.

7. Spread the curd balls, fry for 10 minutes. You should not put all the balls at once, 5-6 pieces at a time are enough, as during frying they increase in volume, which can cause them to stick together.

8. Put the fried balls on paper towels to get rid of excess oil.

9. Sprinkle the balls with powdered sugar and put them in a deep portioned bowl with a slide, serve with tea.

4. Australian dessert "Anna Pavlova"


250 g of sugar;

half a tablespoon of potato starch;

20 ml of vinegar;

Vanillin - 1 pack.

sugar - 30 g;

high-fat cream - 1 small jar;

vanillin - 5 g.

For decoration:

· 14 strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. We set the oven to warm up to 140 degrees.

2. We take a clean, dry bowl, put the egg whites into it and beat with a mixer, first at low speed, and then, when they become resistant, increase to medium.

3. In another bowl, mix sugar with starch, slowly pour them into proteins, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Pour in the vinegar, add the vanillin and beat for another 5 seconds.

5. We take parchment paper, put a plate on it, draw a circle.

6. Lay the paper on a baking sheet, grease with butter.

7. Spread the protein mass with a spoon, make a pattern in the form of waves or various curls from the edges with a spoon, make a small dimple in the middle.

8. Put in the oven and bake for 60 minutes. Let cool without removing from the oven.

9. Put the meringues on a flat plate.

10. Make a cream: combine the cream with sugar and vanilla, beat with a mixer until fluffy.

11. Lubricate the meringue with cream, decorate with strawberries.

12. When serving, cut into small pieces.

5. Dessert "Anna Pavlova" with raspberry sauce


For meringue:

egg - 3 pcs.;

180 g of sugar;

potato starch - 15 g;

salt - 5 g.

For custard:

milk - 850 ml;

6 yolks;

125 g of sugar;

starch - 15 g;

Vanillin - 15 g;

For buttercream:

130 g butter;

4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

For raspberry sauce:

fresh raspberries - 350 g;

powdered sugar - half a kilogram;

2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.


10 raspberries;

· 10 black currants.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the meringue: add salt to the egg whites, beat with a mixer at the slowest speed for 30 seconds. Pour the sugar into the proteins, add the mixer speed and beat until a stable foam.

2. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees.

3. We cover the sheet with parchment paper.

4. We deposit the protein mass from the pastry bag in small portions at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

5. Put in the oven for three hours. Cool directly in the oven.

6. Cooking custard: pour half a glass of milk into the bowl, add egg, half sugar and potato starch, mix everything thoroughly. Pour the remaining sugar, mix. Pour the rest of the milk into a metal container, bring to a boil over moderate heat and slowly pour into the yolks with milk, constantly stirring with a whisk. We cover the finished cream with a plastic bag. Let the cream stand on the table for half an hour, and then remove to cool in the refrigerator.

7. Prepare the butter cream: put the slightly melted butter into the bowl, beat at medium speed of the mixer. Whisking continuously, slowly add the powdered sugar and beat until fluffy. We also put the cream in the refrigerator.

8. Cooking raspberry sauce: wash fresh raspberries in a colander, put them in a metal container, add sugar and lemon juice. We put on moderate heat, cook after boiling for no more than two minutes. We filter. Put the raspberry juice back on the stove and boil over low heat so that the juice is reduced by 3 times.

9. We form a dessert: mix the custard with cream. We take small portioned plates, pour a little raspberry sauce on them, put one meringue on it, place the cream with a pastry bag, put 2 raspberries and black currants on top.

6. Cake-dessert "Anna Pavlova" with chocolate and nuts


egg whites - 12 pcs.;

half a kilogram of powdered sugar;

1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice;

starch - 15 g.

For cream:

2 jars of heavy cream;

120 g of powdered sugar;

a small piece of cream cheese

any liquor - 30 ml;

cocoa powder - 40 g;

roasted hazelnuts - 1 handful.

Cooking method:

1. Whip the egg whites until fluffy.

2. Without ceasing to beat, slowly pour in the powdered sugar and beat until a stable foam.

3. Pour in the lemon juice and add the starch, mix gently with a plastic spatula.

4. Draw small circles on two parchment sheets using a flat plate, line them on two baking sheets.

5. Divide the protein mass into two identical portions and put each on a separate baking sheet.

6. We set the oven to warm up to 150 degrees.

7. Put the baking sheets in the oven and reduce the temperature to 120 degrees.

8. Dry the cakes for 90 minutes.

9. Turn off and cool the cakes without removing from the oven.

10. Prepare the cream: in a bowl, beat cream cheese with powdered sugar for 5 minutes. Pour cocoa (you can grated dark chocolate), pour in the liquor, beat for 4 minutes. In a separate bowl, beat the cold cream until stiff. We spread them in the chocolate-creamy mass and slowly stir with a plastic spatula until a homogeneous consistency. Cool the cream in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

11. Apply cream on one cooled cake, spread it well with a spatula over the entire surface, glue it with a second cake.

12. We also lubricate the surface of the upper cake with cream, sprinkle with hazelnuts, crushed in advance with large crumbs.

· Bake cakes on a large baking sheet, but in no case in molds and not in a frying pan, as the meringue greatly increases in diameter and height during baking.

A legendary dessert that has found a place in the works of many famous confectioners is Pavlova's cake. Its recipe appeared thanks to the chef, inspired by the work of the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. He created an airy dessert consisting of meringue, cream and fresh fruit.

A bit of history

There has always been an unspoken rivalry between New Zealand and Australia. This also affected the history of the creation of the cake.

According to New Zealand, the dessert was created by the chef of one of the capital's hotels in order to show respect to the ballerina. In the thirties of the last millennium, Anna Pavlova gave concerts in Australia and New Zealand as part of a world tour.

Australia claims that the cake appeared a decade later. It came out of the hands of the chef Sasha, who at the presentation said that the dish was as airy as Anna Pavlova.

Most likely, the truth lies with New Zealand, since it was there that Pavlova's cake first became widely known. The recipe for this dessert appeared in local print media in the late thirties.


This cake is beautiful regardless of the state in which it was born: the lightness and tenderness of the meringue, the creaminess of the cream, the tartness and bright taste of fruits ... At the same time, the base of the cake, made only from meringue, differs from the usual meringue - hollow, dry and fragile. Thanks to the addition of starch and vinegar, the cake is crispy on the outside, but tender and soft, like a soufflé, inside.

It is very important not to overdry the base, since it is it that makes up the airiness that Pavlova's cake is famous for. The recipe may vary in practice, depending on the wishes of the chef, but the output characteristics should be the same.


In order to make a cake for 6 servings, you will need the following products:

  • - 6 pcs.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • wine white vinegar (in extreme cases, apple) - 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 270 grams;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • fat cream 33% - 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • strawberries - 200 grams;
  • mango, diced - 200 grams;
  • passion fruit, pulp - 100 grams.

Cake (classic recipe) involves the use of corn starch, it is not recommended to replace it with potato starch.

You can make one large cake or several portions.

  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw circles with a pencil. Focus on the size of the desired servings at the exit. Turn the paper over so that the pencil mark does not remain on the meringue.
  2. Preheat the oven to 100 o C.
  3. Set aside 5 tsp. sugar, mix with sifted starch and vanilla.
  4. Pour the lemon juice into the egg whites and beat until soft peaks form.
  5. Pour the rest of the sugar in portions, without stopping beating. The result should be a tight, strong, shiny mass that perfectly holds its shape.
  6. Pour in a mixture of sugar and starch and pour in the vinegar.
  7. Stir the protein mixture until smooth. Proceed with caution, since Pavlova's cake should be airy first of all (the recipe assumes the most gentle attitude to the formed mass).
  8. Lay out the protein dough in accordance with the circles drawn on the circles. Try to make the edges thicker than the middle - a kind of crater.
  9. Bake for 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the piece. Cakes should be crispy on top, while remaining soft inside.
  10. Turn out onto a wire rack without removing the parchment and cool completely.
  11. Whip the cream to firm peaks with the icing sugar.
  12. Rinse, dry and coarsely chop the strawberries, mix them with passion fruit and mango pulp.
  13. Put the cream in the recess of the protein billet, decorate with the fruit mass on top.
  14. Serve immediately, as moisture will melt the cake.


The composition and principle of making the cake are simple and unpretentious. Over time, options began to appear that differ from how it was originally presented. The classic recipe has gained worldwide popularity, but still variations have the right to exist. After all, there is a desire to achieve a new taste. In addition, it is not always the season for the necessary fruits. Yes, and passion fruit in Russia is not easy to find. What now, forget about dessert?

Julia Vysotskaya prepared a wonderful cake, which became a symbiosis of two desserts - "Pavlova" and "Peach Melba". In addition, He made his own changes and He added assorted red berries.

Because of the flexibility of the recipe, you too can be as creative as the chefs with amazing results. Below we will tell you how to make an orange-chocolate pavlova.

"Pavlova" from Vysotskaya


  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • fine sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp;
  • cornstarch - 1 tsp without a slide;
  • white wine vinegar - 1.5 tsp;
  • peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • raspberries - 1 large handful;
  • basil - 2 branches;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tsp;
  • - 250 grams;
  • cream 33% fat - 150 ml.

The Pavlova cake is being prepared by Yulia Vysotskaya at the same temperature as the classic one - 100 ° C. This also applies to the preparation of baking paper.

Mix sugar with starch. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks. Whisking constantly, fold in the sugar-starch mixture. Add vinegar and vanilla extract. Beat for 2-3 more minutes.

Put the mass on paper, put in the oven and bake for an hour. After that, turn off the heat and leave the cake for another hour without removing it.

Cut the peaches into slices, place in a bowl. Add half a raspberry, finely chopped basil and 1 tsp. powdered sugar.

From 1 tsp. powdered sugar; stir in mascarpone until smooth. Put the cream in the base of the meringue, on it - the fruit mixture. Garnish with the remaining raspberries and serve.

"Pavlova" by Seleznev

This recipe differs from the rest in the first place in that starch was removed from the ingredients and the cooking period was increased. In order to prepare the Pavlova cake from Alexander Seleznev, take:

  • egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • fine sugar - 330 grams;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • cream 33% fat - 450 ml;
  • a mixture of red berries - 600 grams.

Preheat the oven to 120 o C. Beat the egg whites until fluffy, gradually adding sugar. Add vanilla and vinegar, beat for 10-12 minutes, achieving a stable foam.

Put the protein mass in the desired shape on baking paper and bake for half an hour, then lower the temperature to 100 ° C and bake for another hour.

Turn off the oven and leave the cake to cool completely, but not less than 7 hours. Remove the protein cake from the baking paper, while whisking the cream to a stable mass.

Place the cream on the crust, garnish generously with berries on top and serve. This Pavlova cake (recipe, see photo above) looks very nice on the table due to the contrast of colors.

Chocolate-orange "Pavlova"

Despite the fact that the cream for this cake is almost unsweetened, in general, the dessert is quite sugary due to the large amount of sugar in the cake. However, you cannot reduce its amount in the recipe, as it serves as a stabilizer for proteins. That is why it is supplemented with sour fruits in order to smooth out excessive sweetness. For those who love chocolate, there is another way to add depth to the dessert:

  • egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • cocoa - 50 grams;
  • wine white vinegar (in extreme cases, apple) - 1.5 tsp;
  • fine sugar - 270 grams;
  • cornstarch - 5 tsp without a slide;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 300 ml;
  • mascarpone cheese - 150 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 70 grams;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • orange liqueur - 2 tbsp. l.

Cake "Pavlova", the recipe (see photo below) of which we give, has a slightly tart, "adult" taste.

Peel the orange slices from the membrane and marinate in liquor with 10 grams of powdered sugar. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Prepare the dough, as in the recipe for the classic Pavlova cake.

Before spreading the mass on baking paper, carefully and quickly stir in the melted chocolate. Do not try to achieve uniformity - let beautiful marble stains remain. Lay out on paper and bake as usual.

Whip the cream with the remaining powdered sugar, stir in the mascarpone. Spread the cream on a completely cooled cake, top with oranges in liqueur (optionally they can be pureed). Garnish with chocolate if desired.


Regardless of which recipe you use, you must adhere to the following rules for best results:

  1. Watch the temperature! For the entire baking period, the average temperature should range from 100 to 110 ° C, since the protein mass must be dried first. If heated too much, the meringue will release the syrup, thereby nullifying all your efforts.
  2. Due to the sugary sweetness of the protein base, try to complement it with contrasting flavors. For example, keep the amount of sugar in the cream to a minimum, and take the fruit more sour.
  3. Serve the assembled Pavlova cake immediately after assembly, as the meringue melts very quickly due to the moist cream.
