
Apples in caramel - recipes with photos. How to make caramelized apples at home

Caramelized apples - a recipe for haute European cuisine, which is used not only by professional chefs, but also by ordinary housewives.

There are many variations of this dessert. We will consider the most common options below with a mandatory step-by-step instruction.

Everything can be caramelized: both a whole apple and fruit slices. It all depends solely on the recipe you decide to follow.

If necessary, caramelize the slices, the apple must be prepared. To do this, the peel of the fruit is carefully cut off, the middle is cut out and it is cut into even, identical pieces.

If you cook a whole apple, it is recommended to choose a fruit of medium or small size. You can not use the product grated or chopped in a blender.

If desired you can caramelize the slices. Moreover, it is better in this case to select varieties with a slight acidity. Although you can use whatever you have available.

Required Ingredients

The essential ingredients for caramelization are apples themselves, butter and sugar. Plus, you can use various spices, for example, cinnamon and vanillin.

The proportions of the use of one or another component depend solely on the method of making caramel and baking apples.

If they need to be completely covered with caramel sauce, more ingredients will be required. If you just need to fry the pieces, then less.

Talk about what the described proportions must be strictly observed, it is forbidden. Everything is approximate. And if it's half a kilo of apples, then you can just prepare a few medium-sized fruits.

Let it be the year 400. You should not take everything literally.

Methods and recipes

There are many ways how to caramelize apples. It all depends on your taste preferences and possibilities. In principle, all recipes are not much different, and the ingredients are the same.

The most common options for creating this dessert will be discussed in more detail below.

Since it is in this case that the effect of languishing with strong fire can be achieved. And that means more caramel sauce.

Apple slices in caramel, a simple recipe:

How to caramelize fruit in a slow cooker

To greatly simplify the caramelization process, you can use modern kitchen technologies - slow cooker.

Moreover, you can consider caramelization not only of pieces, but of the whole fruit. We will consider the preparation of slices in caramel.


  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g.

Step-by-step instructions for caramelizing apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Butter is laid out on the surface of the bottom of the multicooker bowl. It must be melted in the "baking" mode.
  2. Then you need to add sugar and wait for it to melt until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Apple slices are poured into the resulting caramel, which are cooked until they soften and a golden crust appears.

Such apple slices can be served not only as an ingredient in a pie or cake, but also as a full-fledged dessert. After all, to taste - this is an unsurpassed delicacy, which is easy to cook at home.

How to caramelize apple slices

This process will not take you much time., but there will be a lot of impressions. Since such a dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • apples cut into slices - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • apple juice - 125 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • nutmeg - half a teaspoon;
  • butter - as needed for frying.

Step by step instructions on how to caramelize apple slices:

  1. Place a skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of butter.
  2. Gently fold in the apple slices after the pan is hot.
  3. Stir the pieces only with a wooden spoon until the butter stops boiling.
  4. Add the sugar, cinnamon, and pre-grated nutmeg to the skillet and stir gently. This should be done until the slices become a little softer and a brownish tint appears. This will happen in about ten minutes.
  5. Then put all the slices in a separate bowl so that as little butter and sugar as possible gets there.
  6. And add more apple juice to the pan itself and make the fire stronger. Three minutes after actively stirring the mixture, you will get a fragrant sauce.

If you wish, you can replace apple juice with a few tablespoons of apple cognac. This will add spice to the dessert. And adults will love it.

Whole fruit caramelization

You can caramelize apples not only with slices, because Whole fruit makes a great dessert.

But for this it is worth using small and slightly sour varieties of apples, for example, ranetki.


  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.

Step by step instructions for caramelizing a whole apple:

  1. Place a deep saucepan on the stove over low heat.
  2. Melt 200 g of sugar until you get caramel.
  3. Place the apples in a saucepan so that the sauce completely covers them. It takes half an hour to cook fruit.
  4. After that, the apples are laid out beautifully on a plate and served on the table. Moreover, the tail of the fruit does not have to be torn off. Even in some restaurants, it is left for the aesthetics of the dessert.

Already before serving, the dish can be sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar. Everything is at your discretion.

Recipe for apples in caramel:

Baked apple in caramel

With this recipe you can get baked apples in caramel.


  • apples - 5 pcs;
  • apple juice - 200 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 180 ml;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • vanillin - half a teaspoon.

Step-by-step instructions for making caramelized baked apples:

  1. First you need to prepare a special caramel sauce:
  • mix water and sugar in a separate bowl and pour everything into a pan;
  • the resulting mixture over medium heat is recommended to cook for 15 minutes. You don't need to mix anything. After this time, the pan should be set aside;
  • and only then you can add butter, and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • put the mixture back on the fire, but only now on a very slow one, and add milk. Moreover, it is worth waiting for the time until the consistency of the sauce becomes thick;
  • at the end, just add vanilla to the sauce.
  • Now you can start preparing apples. To do this, it is recommended to cut them lengthwise into five parts. But laying them out already on a baking sheet is assembled.
  • On top of each individual apple is poured with pre-mixed juice and softened butter.
  • It is recommended to bake the dish for 45 minutes.
  • Before serving, apples are poured with caramel sauce and served on the table.

  • Caramelized dried fruit

    You can caramelize apples in any form, and even dried ones. And how to do this, we will talk further.


    • dried apples - 0.5 kg;
    • butter - 0.05 kg;
    • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
    • cinnamon - half a teaspoon.

    Step-by-step instructions for caramelizing dried apples:

    1. First you need to preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
    2. Before putting apples on a baking sheet, it is recommended to prepare them. This is if they are dry. Such a product is soaked in water for ten minutes. Whereas a properly dried fruit does not need additional processing.
    3. The baking sheet is greased with butter.
    4. Sugar and cinnamon are mixed in a separate bowl. Sprinkle apples with this mixture.
    5. Then butter is rubbed on a coarse grater, with which everything is sprinkled on top.
    6. After half an hour, the dish is ready, which will become visible after the appearance of a golden brown crust on the slices.

    You'll get amazing apple slices like lollipops. So crispy and flavorful.

    The recipe for caramelization with slices is also suitable for dried fruit. Therefore, the choice is entirely yours, which of the options is closer to your taste.

    A few simple manipulations and you have a real work of art on your table - delicious caramelized apples.

    And for this you do not have to suffer in the kitchen for a long time or buy expensive ingredients. All you need is just use the recipes above and prepare a treat!

    Caramelized apples are an amazing dessert that combines simplicity of execution and excellent delicious taste in the best way. The presence of numerous variations in the design of sweets will allow everyone to choose an acceptable recipe for themselves that matches individual preferences.

    How to make apples in caramel?

    Apples in caramel - a recipe at home which can be found below, thanks to the all-season availability of ingredients, you can cook all year round without denying yourself the pleasure of enjoying your favorite dessert. Having learned the simple rules of technology, it will not be difficult to arrange sweetness.

    1. To prepare a dessert, you can use fruit fruits of different varieties: soft ones are suitable for decorating a treat on a stick, and specimens with dense pulp will be an ideal basis for sweetening with slices.
    2. Caramel must be boiled in a vessel with a thick bottom and walls, stirring the contents or shaking until all sugar crystals are completely melted, the mixture acquires a rich caramel color.
    3. When using dyes, the readiness of caramel is checked with a culinary thermometer - the temperature of the mixture should reach 130 degrees.

    How to cook caramel for apples?

    To cook caramel for apples at home, you can use the most elementary recipe by simply melting the sugar in a thick-walled saucepan, or you can take the recommendations and proportions of the components below as a basis. Thanks to their balanced combination, a shiny and crisp shell will be obtained, which will be the perfect frame for both whole apples and slices.


    • sugar - 400 g;
    • water - 50 ml;
    • glucose or corn syrup - 150 g;
    • dye (optional).


    1. Sugar is poured into a saucepan, pour in water and syrup.
    2. If desired, dye is added to the components and the vessel is placed on the stove.
    3. The contents are heated until the crystals bloom and further heated at a boil to 130 degrees.
    4. Ready-made caramel is covered with apples on sticks or flavored with apple slices.

    Apple in caramel on a stick - recipe

    An apple in caramel on a stick is a bright and unusual dessert that can effectively complement the dessert menu of an adult feast, effectively decorate a children's holiday, or simply please the kids on a weekday. Making a delicacy, after applying caramel, the workpieces can be sprinkled with chopped nuts, confectionery sprinkles, sesame seeds or other relevant additives.


    • caramel for apples - 1 serving;
    • apples - 6-8 pcs.;
    • topping of your choice - to taste.


    1. Apple fruits are rinsed, dried and sticks are inserted instead of stalks.
    2. Place the fruit briefly in the freezer.
    3. Caramel is boiled in a small saucepan, chilled fruits are alternately dipped into the hot mass, covering the surface with a caramel base.
    4. Supplement apples in caramel with sprinkles, allow to harden.

    Apples in caramel with cinnamon - recipe

    No less delicious dessert is in caramel, which are decorated and served in slices. In this case, it is preferable to choose fruits with dense pulp, which will preserve the integrity of the slices during the heat treatment, thereby resulting in not only a tasty, but also a spectacular delicacy.


    • sugar - 100 g;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • apples - 5 pcs.;
    • cinnamon - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
    • powdered sugar for serving.


    1. Melt the butter in a frying pan or saucepan, add sugar and heat, stirring, until the crystals bloom.
    2. Lay apple slices in caramel, sprinkle with cinnamon and heat, stirring gently, until soft.
    3. Ready apples in caramel are cooled and served, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Apple rings with caramel

    Apples in caramel - the recipe of which you will learn later, are prepared by frying prepared apple rings in butter. During the heat treatment, the fruit slices are sprinkled with sugar, which melts, turning into caramel, and giving the dessert a characteristic delicious taste.


    • sugar - 150 g;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • apples - 3 pcs.;
    • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Apple rings are placed in melted butter, crushed with sugar and fried until soft.
    2. When serving, sprinkle the apple rings in caramel with cinnamon.

    Apples in soft caramel

    An impressive audience of admirers of this kind of dessert prefers apples. The shell in this case is not fragile, but viscous has a pleasant honey taste, which can be made spicy and fragrant by adding cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom or other additives to your taste.


    • honey and cream - 1 glass each;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • apples - 6 pcs.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • spices.


    1. Prepared apples are supplemented with skewers and cooled on a refrigerator shelf.
    2. Mix honey with cream and butter and cook, stirring, for 15 minutes, adding spices, and cool until thickened.
    3. Dip cold apples into the caramel mass, spread on parchment or foil.
    4. Send the dessert "Apples in caramel" to harden in the refrigerator.

    Apple slices in caramel

    Another recipe by which you can cook apples in caramel slices is presented below. In this case, fruit slices are first dipped in starch and starch water, and then baked until golden brown in the oven. This technique allows you to preserve the juiciness of the pieces, which, supplemented with caramel, turn out to be insanely tasty.


    • sugar - 250 g;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
    • starch - 150 g;
    • apples - 0.5 kg;
    • butter - 150 g.


    1. Apple slices breaded in starch (100 g).
    2. The rest of the starch is diluted with water to the texture of sour cream, dipped in the workpiece mixture and spread on oiled parchment, on a baking sheet.
    3. Slices are baked until golden brown at 220 degrees.
    4. Sugar is poured into melted butter and heated, stirring, until caramel is obtained.
    5. Pour the ruddy pieces with the mixture and heat for another couple of minutes.

    Apples in red caramel - recipe

    Continuing the topic further on how to make an apple in red caramel. Particularly spectacular in appearance are the fruits of red varieties, which, after being covered with a shiny caramel shell, turn into a real work of culinary art. Additional charm will be added by multi-colored confectionery topping.


    • granulated sugar - 600 g;
    • water - 200 ml;
    • corn syrup - 2/3 cup;
    • apples - 6-8 pcs.;
    • red gel dye, sprinkle.


    1. Apples on a stick are placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
    2. Water is mixed with syrup, sugar, heated until the crystals dissolve, dye is added.
    3. Having reached a boiling point of 130 degrees, remove the container from the fire, alternately dip the apples in the mixture.
    4. Supplement, if desired, apples in red caramel with sprinkles and stack on parchment.

    Chinese caramel apples - recipe

    Chinese-style caramel apples are first fried in batter in hot refined vegetable oil, and before serving, they are poured with sweet caramel cooked in sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Fruits for dessert are peeled and cut into slices or large slices

    One of the most popular desserts in Europe is caramelized apples. This bright dish is sold everywhere, especially on national holidays, at Christmas and New Year. You can make a delicacy on your own, at home and present impromptu gifts to relatives and guests, in the form of colored apples tied with bright ribbons.

    Apples are better to pick up dense, with a sour taste. Take the fruits of autumn ripening, such as Golden Delicious, Renet Simirenko and others.

    Use natural food coloring to make caramel. They are replaced with concentrated fruit juice. To decorate an apple dish, use ground nuts, coconut flakes, colored confectionery caramel, sesame and almond flakes.

    Such a dessert can also be eaten on proper nutrition - read more about the principles and allowed foods in.

    For a homemade dessert, medium-sized yellow fruits are suitable. For skewers, use ice cream sticks or Chinese wooden sticks.

    Cooking time - 1 hour.


    • fresh apples - 6 pcs;
    • sugar - 400 gr;
    • red food coloring - 1/4 tsp;
    • water - 80-100 gr;
    • chopped nuts - 1/4 cup
    • confectionery caramel topping - ¼ cup;
    • wooden skewers - 6 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. String each washed and dried apple on a skewer from the side of the tail.
    2. Pour sugar into a metal saucepan, pour in water in which food coloring is mixed, put on medium heat to boil.
    3. After boiling, stir the syrup, check for readiness. If a drop of syrup hardens in cold water - the caramel is ready, turn off the heat.
    4. Each apple, scrolling, dip in caramel. Dip briefly so that the caramel layer does not become too thick and sweet.
    5. Dip the bottom of the apple to the middle in the nuts, the next apple in the balls of confectionery sprinkles. Set the dessert on a flat dish and serve to guests.

    Chinese caramel apples

    In China, such a dessert was prepared only for the imperial family, and the chef's recipe was kept secret. The dish was served hot, ice water was brought to it in a bowl for the guests to cool the apples and then eat.


    • large apples - 6 pcs.
    • flour - 1 cup;
    • water - 2 tbsp;
    • raw egg - 1 pc;
    • refined oil - 0.5 l;
    • sesame - 3 tbsp

    For caramel:

    • sugar - 150 gr;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. Prepare batter from half a glass of sifted flour and cold water, beat in 1 egg. Knead with a whisk a mass of the consistency of thick sour cream.
    2. Dip washed apples into slices in flour. Heat the oil in a deep cauldron to a temperature of 180 ° C
    3. Prick a piece of apple on a fork, dip in batter and dip in hot oil. When the slice pops up and turns golden, the apple is ready.
    4. Lay the fried slices on a napkin and let the excess fat drain.
    5. For the caramel, melt the sugar in a frying pan with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, constantly stir the mass.
    6. Dip the slices in caramel, place on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    Apples in berry caramel with nuts and chocolate

    If you have large apples, cut the fruit into several pieces, remove the core and cook the apple slices according to this recipe.

    The cooking time is 2 hours.


    • apples - 6 pcs;
    • sugar - 200 gr;
    • blackcurrant juice - 1-1.5 tbsp;
    • chopped walnuts - 4 tbsp;
    • half a bar of milk chocolate.

    Cooking method:

    1. Prepare a syrup from blackcurrant juice and sugar, cook until it stops bubbling, and a ball rolls from a drop.
    2. Dip apples strung on ice cream sticks in hot caramel. Dip the bottom of each apple into ground nuts.
    3. Place the cooked apples on a plate.
    4. Pour apples on top with a thin stream of chocolate melted in a water bath in an arbitrary pattern.
    5. Garnish the dish with a mint leaf and currant berries, serve to guests.

    Oven baked apples with nuts and cinnamon under milk caramel

    Ground ginger root is suitable for apples. Add it to the nut filling.


    • apples - 8 pcs;
    • sugar - 6 tbsp;
    • cinnamon - 1-1.5 tbsp;
    • chopped hazelnuts - 8 tsp;
    • butter - 8 tsp;
    • sweets Iriska - 200 gr;
    • cream 20% - 6 tbsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. From the washed apples, cut the core so that the bottom remains intact.
    2. Fill the center of the apples with a mixture of 3 tbsp sugar, cinnamon and nuts.
    3. Place prepared apples on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place 1 tsp of oil on each apple, sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
    4. Send for 15 minutes in the oven with a temperature of 180 ° C for baking.
    5. Melt toffees in warmed cream.
    6. Place two apples on serving plates, pour caramel on top.

    Paradise apples in caramel with colored coconut

    There are such small apples - the people call them "rayki", they are fragrant and look beautiful in any dish. If you can't find them, take the smallest ones. Caramel cools and crystallizes during cooking - heat over low heat and continue decorating apples.

    Cooking time - 1.5 hours.


    • small apples - 400 gr;
    • sugar - 400 gr;
    • water - 60 gr;
    • lemon juice - 1 tsp
    • food coloring orange and red - 1/5 tsp each;
    • coconut flakes of different colors - 3 tbsp each

    Cooking method:

    1. Divide the sugar, water and lemon juice into two parts. Add red dye to one part of the water and orange to the other.
    2. Mix sugar with red water and sugar with orange water in a separate bowl. Put both containers on medium heat, boil and pour half a spoonful of lemon juice into the syrup.
    3. Boil the syrup, stirring, until a thin thread is formed, reaching for a spoon with caramel.
    4. Prick clean and dry apples on wooden skewers, dip in syrup, scroll to drain excess drops. Then dip in coconut flakes, put on a plate. Use caramel in both colors, and coconut flakes in a contrasting shade.
    5. Tie 3-5 apple skewers with a bright ribbon, serve.
    6. Pour the remaining warm caramel into silicone candy molds, sprinkle with nuts or coconut flakes and let set.

    Bon appetit!

    For cooking, choose sweet and sour, juicy medium-sized apples - the ingredients are designed for 8-10 pcs. Apples need to be washed well, store-bought fruits are often covered with a wax compound or something similar for transportation.

    If this substance remains on the peel, the caramel will roll and harden unevenly.

    Sticks can be for barbecue or for ice cream. They must be wooden and strong to support the weight of the apple. We press the stick into the apple at the site of the growth of the tail, deep, approximately to the middle of the fetus.

    After the apples are prepared, put them in the refrigerator. Glaze lays better on cold fruits.

    We make frosting. To do this, dissolve in 100 ml. water food coloring. Mix well. The color should be very saturated.

    Pour sugar into a small deep saucepan and pour in water with dye. The smaller the diameter of the pan, the better. It will be easier to dip apples in caramel. It will be necessary to immerse them completely, count on it.

    Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir the sugar syrup constantly. When it boils, the fire is reduced, stop stirring. According to the recipe, boil the syrup after boiling for another 1-2 minutes, then turn off the heat and wait until the syrup stops bubbling.

    Its surface must be smooth. There may be some foam on top, but there should be no bubble movement. At this time, we will prepare a plate on which we will put caramel apples. Lubricate it with a thin layer of odorless vegetable oil.

    We take out the apples from the refrigerator and lower them into the syrup, turn them around their axis. If you want a thicker layer of caramel, then turn a few times. If you cannot completely dip the apple into the syrup, then lift one edge of the pan.

    Let the excess caramel drip off and place the apple on a plate. You can put the apples in a glass instead. Then the droplets of flowing caramel will freeze near the stick, and not on the top of the fruit.

    Optionally, after icing, you can dip the apple in coconut flakes, confectionery sprinkles or chocolate chips.

    But even without this, you will get very beautiful caramel apples at home, the recipe of which is really simple.

    Beautiful, delicious apples will not leave anyone indifferent.

    After you have cooked the apples, there will be icing left. We did it in abundance, for deep immersion of the fruits. You can make homemade sweets from the leftover icing.

    Just pour it on baking paper or silicone molds and insert a toothpick, leave to set. When it hardens, you will get homemade candies.

    That's all the secrets of apples in caramel. It remains only to wait until the glaze hardens. This will take approximately 8-10 hours.

    Alexander Gushchin

    I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)

    1 Mar. 2017


    Caramelized fruit is a very popular dessert. Apples are especially often prepared in this way, because, in addition to their amazing taste, they are distinguished by a spectacular appearance. There are different ways to prepare this delicious dessert, which all lovers of sweets should get acquainted with.

    How to caramelize apples

    The process of making dessert can be called moderately laborious and troublesome. It is necessary to select suitable fruits: juicy and dense, it is desirable that they are not damaged. As for the size, it is preferable to use small or medium fruits. They are washed and carefully dried, pricked whole on sticks, then dipped in caramel. There is also a method on how to caramelize apples in a pie pan with wedges. Basically, all recipes differ in the composition of the glaze.

    Caramel for apples

    The syrup is made from various ingredients. The traditional composition includes granulated sugar and water, but other products can be added. The syrup is boiled in a thick-walled saucepan, without stopping stirring. To make sure it is ready, you need to drop a little into cold water. A neat solid ball should form quickly. So, to give caramel for apples one color or another, they put a little food coloring there. Fruits with multi-colored glaze look even more original. Another syrup is made from toffee, but this option is more complex.

    Apparatus for apples in caramel

    The dessert is very popular, so you can mass-produce it and sell it on the street and in public places. You will need to purchase an apparatus for apples in caramel. It resembles a massive saucepan, where you can make a very large amount of syrup at a time. Additionally, the caramelizer can be equipped with a device that automatically strings fruit onto skewers or sticks.

    caramel apple recipe

    There are many options for this dessert. You can take the recipe for caramel apples whole or in slices, in a skillet and in the oven, in Chinese. It is worth noting that they all differ only in what products the syrup will be cooked from. Fruits can be served either simply in glaze or with some kind of sprinkling. They are decorated with sweet crumbs, melted chocolate gossamer, crushed nuts. Memorize some good recipes.

    Apple in caramel

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 311 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Cuisine: Western.

    With a great deal of confidence, it can be argued that both a small gourmet and an adult will not refuse an appetizing apple in caramel. In this recipe, the glaze turns out to be viscous, it is not taken with a hard crust, which is very important for those who are afraid that the dessert will damage their teeth. If you want to give the dish originality, mix any dye into the syrup. For example, cuttlefish ink will color the frosting black.


    • apples - 2 small;
    • salt - on the tip of a knife;
    • sugar - 45 g;
    • citric acid - a pinch;
    • cream - 15 ml;
    • water - 25 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the fruits and carefully wipe them with paper towels so that not a drop of water remains on them.
    2. Pierce them with wooden sticks from the side of the handle.
    3. Pour sugar and salt, citric acid into a thick-walled saucepan. Fill with water and put on the stove. Bring the syrup to a boil. When its shade turns brown, remove from heat.
    4. Pour in the cream and stir vigorously.
    5. Dip the apples in the syrup, swirl them around to evenly coat them, and place them on a wire rack with paper or a plate underneath. This is necessary to ensure that excess caramel glass.
    6. Caramelize the fruit several times until the glaze runs out. Leave them to harden for half an hour, then serve.

    Apple slices in caramel

    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Cuisine: Chinese.

    The recipe for apple wedges in caramel is not easy, but the result is definitely worth the effort. They turn out very tasty, suitable as a filling or decoration for pies, cakes or as an independent dessert. The icing comes out crispy, has a pleasant brownish-golden hue. Thanks to this, the dessert looks very beautiful.


    • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • water - half a glass;
    • sugar - 350 g;
    • apples - 6 pcs.;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash and dry the fruit, remove the peel from them. Take out the core, cut the flesh into slices.
    2. Pour sugar into the water, add honey and put on the stove. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat. In the middle of the process, add lemon juice.
    3. Pour the fruit slices with the resulting syrup, let cool slightly and serve.

    Caramelized apples in a pan

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2101 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Kitchen: home.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    The process of cooking caramelized apples in a pan is simple, it will not take you much time. It is recommended to serve such a dessert not in its pure form, but with some appetizing addition, for example, with fresh berries, chocolate syrup. For the dish, it is desirable to use dense sweet and sour fruits so that the taste is contrasting. Read how to caramelize apples in a skillet.


    • apples - 6 small;
    • butter - 75 g;
    • sugar - 75 grams.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash and peel the fruit, remove the core and cut the pulp into eight slices.
    2. Melt the butter in a frying pan.
    3. Lay out the apple slices. Fry them until golden brown and soft.
    4. Pour in the sugar. Cook fruit pieces, stirring gently to coat each piece with glaze. Try not to break them apart.
    5. Put on a plate and serve immediately. You can pour over the dessert with the remaining syrup in the pan.

    Apples in caramel on a stick

    • Cooking time: hour.
    • Servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 3506 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Cuisine: English.

    If you have a children's party, cook apples in caramel on a stick for the kids. You can interestingly decorate them with ready-made sweet toppings, liquid chocolate, custard. Everyone will be interested in tasting such a dessert. For the dish, you can use sour or sweet fruits, as long as their flesh is dense, not loose. Learn how to make caramel apples at home.


    • brown sugar - 480 g;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
    • apples - 10 pcs.;
    • butter fat - a tablespoon;
    • distilled water - 0.2 l;
    • vinegar - 2 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. Combine water and sugar in a deep saucepan and place over medium heat. Wait until all the grains are completely dissolved.
    2. When the syrup begins to boil, reduce the heat. Enter oil, cinnamon, vinegar.
    3. Let the liquid boil for 10 minutes, but do not stop stirring.
    4. Pour boiling water into a large container and place on the stove.
    5. Thread fruit onto skewers. Dip them first for a couple of minutes in boiling water, and then blot.
    6. Dip the fruits in a saucepan with sugar syrup, turn several times and lay out to dry on a surface covered with parchment paper.

    Baked apples in caramel

    • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 1958 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Cuisine: Czech.
    • Difficulty of preparation: high.

    Baked apples in caramel - a delicious dessert that is good for the body. They are very fragrant thanks to cinnamon, lemon, ginger. However, if some spices are not among your favorites, you can substitute them. A small piece of soft baked fruit in sugar glaze will not hurt even a baby. Read how to make caramelized apples.


    • apples - 6 medium;
    • sugar - 60 g;
    • honey - 4 tsp;
    • butter - 110 g;
    • ground cinnamon - 3 tsp;
    • walnuts - 75 g;
    • ground ginger - 1 tsp;
    • grated lemon zest - 6 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the fruit, cut out the core, but leave the bottom. In each fruit, put an equal amount of honey, zest, nuts, ginger, cinnamon.
    2. Place the fruit in a mold, pour a little water into it and place in the oven, heated to 170 degrees, for 25 minutes.
    3. Melt butter in a pan, add sugar. Stir the syrup until it thickens.
    4. Cover each fruit evenly with icing, cool slightly and serve.

    Caramelized apples in the oven

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings: 2 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 835 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Kitchen: home.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Fragrant apples in caramel in the oven are not so difficult to make. They are very sweet, soft and look beautiful. It is advisable to choose red fruits. Their pulp should not be loose, otherwise after baking it will turn into an unappetizing gruel. Glazed apples go well with savory pastries, creamy ice cream. Read how to bake them properly.


    • apples - 2 pcs.;
    • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp;
    • butter - 1 tsp in fruits and 40 g in glaze;
    • sugar - 2 tsp for fruit and 4 tbsp. l. in syrup;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the fruits. Cut them in half, remove the core. Leave the bottom thicker.
    2. Stir cinnamon with two teaspoons of sugar and 1 tsp. butter, vanilla. Fill the hollows in the fruit halves with this paste.
    3. Place the fruit on a baking sheet, pour over with water. Bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 10 minutes.
    4. In a saucepan, dissolve the remaining butter and sugar. Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula.
    5. Remove the baked fruit from the oven, pour over the syrup and serve.

    Chinese caramel apples

    • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2285 kcal.
    • Purpose: dessert.
    • Cuisine: Chinese.
    • Difficulty of preparation: high.

    It is believed that Chinese-style caramel apples are a recipe that was invented by the very first. Pieces of fruit prepared in this way can often be found on the menu of oriental restaurants. They are first deep-fried and only then covered with a sweet glossy glaze. This dish looks just amazing, and the taste will satisfy any gourmet.


    • white sesame - 40 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • sesame oil - 70 ml;
    • flour - 200 g;
    • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 120 ml;
    • sugar - 350 g;
    • apples - 6 pcs.;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 800 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Beat the eggs, gradually pouring in water and adding flour. The resulting batter should be homogeneous, reminiscent of the density of the dough for pancakes.
    2. Wash and dry the fruit, remove the peel from them. Remove the core, cut into slices.
    3. Roll the slices in batter and fry in hot vegetable oil. Lay them out on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
    4. Heat up the sesame oil. Pour sugar into it, add honey. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat. In the middle of the process, add lemon juice and sesame seeds.
    5. Prick apple slices with a skewer, dip them in syrup, and then for a couple of seconds in ice water.
    6. Put the dessert on a plate greased with olive oil and serve.

    Remember a few culinary tricks:

    1. Liquid chocolate will help make apples in caramel even more beautiful. Using a pastry syringe, draw openwork patterns on the fruit.
    2. Glazing is recommended for medium-sized fruits, even a ranet variety is suitable. They will be easy for kids to eat.
    3. The colder the fruit, the faster the icing will harden on them. At the same time, it is better not to completely remove the caramel itself from the heat, but to rearrange it in a water bath so that it does not start to harden.
    4. If a recipe calls for corn syrup and you don't have one, replace it with starch mixed with a little water.
    5. Make a small fire when melting the sugar. Then the glaze will be homogeneous and smooth, with a beautiful sheen. If the mass boils when there are still grains in it, the coating layer will completely lose its gloss.
    6. If you need to store dessert for a while, wrap each fruit with foil or parchment and place in the refrigerator. Keep them like this for no longer than five days.
    7. Try to make enough syrup to cover several layers of frosting.
    8. If the mass is too thick, heat it in a water bath.

    Video: Caramelization of apples

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    Apples in caramel - recipes with photos. How to make caramelized apples at home
