
Candied apricots for the winter. Video recipe for candied apricots at home

Today we will learn how to make candied apricots at home, which we can prepare, preserving the bright summer rays for the winter. Candied fruit lovers, raise your hands! In sugary orange pieces ripe apricot like the sun is hiding! The countries of the East have opened to us many sweets. From there, candied fruits also came to us. Previously, without modern adaptations, in a hot climate, candied fruits made it possible to preserve them for a long time.

What was convenient for travelers who brought to European countries fragrant pieces fruits and berries soaked in sweet syrup. European sweet tooth appreciated the novelty and soon they became a favorite delicacy. Over time, the secret of preparing candied fruits was also unraveled, however, by slightly changing the technology.

In Rus', they also fell in love with candied fruits, began to consider them their own, and even came up with their own name, dear. And incredibly funny! "Balabushki", dry Kiev jam. For the first time, jam was brought by the people of Kiev in 1386 to the wedding feast of the Lithuanian prince Jagiello.

Balabushkas were tasted at the Russian court under Catherine II, the great empress issued an important decree, according to which dry jam from various fruits and berries were annually delivered to the court. The Empress adored candied fruit.

By the way, balabushki is a word not coined by the people. The name came from the name of a wealthy Kyiv merchant Semyon Semyonovich Balabukha, who glorified the miracle delicacy in Russia. At first, the entrepreneur had only a shop for the production of candied fruits, then the merchant opened a large candy store in the center of Kyiv. Balabushki were so tasty that they were known outside the country and received many awards.

Candied apricots at home

IN apartment conditions you can prepare candied fruits from apricots and other, no less useful and delicious berries and fruits. Even peels and vegetables can serve as raw materials. These are watermelon, melon, lemon and orange peels. They make a delicacy from carrots, pumpkins, apples, plums, pears, cherries and pineapples.

The technology is almost the same, I specifically hint to the hostesses that they do winter preparation for every taste.

The process of preparing candied fruits requires some skill and a considerable amount of time, so many people simply buy sweets, fortunately, the choice is now huge. But natural home cooking, candied apricots are not only a delicious treat.

As in fresh fruits apricot, contains healthy vitamins, essential oils, fiber, organic acids. Young ladies who are watching their weight can replace sweets and cakes with candied fruit. In the calorie rating, candied fruits occupy one of the last places.

You can use sweetness to decorate cakes and other delicious pastries, put the filling in cookies and muffins. The delicacy is prepared in any shape - rings, balls, cubes, leaves and tablets.

Recipe for candied apricots

To prepare candied apricots for the winter at home, select ripe, undamaged fruits with juicy, fleshy pulp.


  • Apricots - one kg.
  • Sugar - 1 - 1.2 kg. the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit.
  • Water - 2 glasses.

How to cook:

  1. First, provide apricots with water procedures - they must be clean, but dry - after washing, drain the water and dry the fruit.
  2. Divide into halves, removing the seeds. And go to the first milestone- blanching.
  3. In small portions, in a colander, dip the apricots in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and immediately cool in ice water.
  4. The slices must be dried well, and while you are doing this, boil the concentrated syrup.
  5. Put the halves in a wide bowl and pour boiling syrup over them.
  6. Set aside future candied fruits to saturate the fruit with syrup. You will need to insist them for at least 6-9 hours.
  7. Then proceed to the second stage: cooking candied fruits. The matter is slow sugar fruit first they are heated over low heat, and then, when they boil, they cook for an average of 15 minutes. And again set the basin aside for 6-9 hours - let the fruits be saturated with sugar.
  8. The recipe calls for three boils, or 4. After that, put the fruit in a colander and let the syrup drain completely (substitute the saucepan for the syrup).
  9. Next, candied fruit is waiting for the last stage - drying. Arrange them on a baking sheet or wire rack and send them to the oven. Lay out in one layer and set the temperature to 40 degrees. Dry for two hours, then remove, sprinkle powdered sugar and send it back to dry.
  10. You can take breaks during drying (dry for 2 hours, then take it out and put it back on), but usually complete process takes approximately 8 hours.

Where can I dry candied fruits at home? You can use a special electric dryer, now many have acquired a useful unit.

Candied fruits are also dried at room temperature, if the apartment is dry and warm, but the process is quite lengthy, and it will take several days.

Fully cooked candied fruits bend well, but should not break. They are stored in a cardboard box for storage. glass container, at home they can be stored at room conditions.

Helpful advice! apricot syrup, remaining after candied fruits, do not pour. Drain into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Add to tea, use for making compote, jelly and for soaking cakes.

Sun-dried candied apricots are candied fruit halves that can be stored in an airtight container in your kitchen cabinet. It is worth preparing them at home and feasting on them all year round.



1. For candied fruits, you will need to choose healthy, ripe, but dense apricots. They should be elastic to the touch, without dark spots on the skin and without a wormhole inside. Rinse the selected fruits and let the water drain.

2. Divide each apricot into two halves. It is better to do this with a knife, and not to tear with your hands, so that the edges of the candied fruit are smooth and neat. If there is minor damage, cut off. Remove bones.

3. Pour half a glass of water into a liter bowl for cooking jam and pour 200 g of granulated sugar.

4. Boil the syrup. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from the heat and immerse the fruit halves in the hot liquid. At first it may seem that there is not enough syrup, but the apricots will release juice very quickly. For uniform heating, they only need to be mixed every 10 minutes, so as not to wrinkle. After 30 minutes, the amount of syrup will increase so much that all the apricots are completely immersed in it.

5. Let them brew for 6 hours. Then transfer the fruits from the syrup with a slotted spoon to a separate bowl.

6. Pour the remaining granulated sugar into the syrup and bring to a boil.

7. Boil for 5 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved and remove the foam. Dip the apricots back into the syrup for 6 or more hours. This procedure will need to be repeated again. Each time, the apricots will become denser, soaking in sugar. The ratio of syrup and fruits will change significantly: there will be more liquid, and less fruit.

8. After the last, third exposure, throw the apricots into a colander. Wait another 2-3 hours for the syrup to drain. It must be collected and used when cooking next game candied fruits.

9. Arrange candied apricots on a tray or net. The halves of the fruit should not touch each other.

Fruit and berry recipes

candied apricots at home

24 hours

200 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

It happens that during the harvest period there are so many apricots that you don’t know where else to use them - and the jam is cooked, and the pies are baked, and the compote is closed for the winter, but there are still enough of them. This situation made me plunge into the search for another apricot dish. And I came across a delicious recipe oriental delicacy- candied apricots!

Recipe for candied apricots at home

Kitchen appliances: oven.


How to choose the right ingredients

To accomplish this task, fruits without rot and any defects, including depressions, are used.

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the apricots, and then peel them from the stones, dividing each fruit in half.

  2. Make syrup by dissolving sugar in water.

  3. Add prepared apricots to the boiling syrup, let it boil, and then turn off the heat. Leave everything in this form for 8-9 hours. Apricots should be fed with syrup.

  4. After the specified time, boil the apricots for about 10 minutes and leave again for the same period of time. Repeat these steps 2 more times.

  5. After the last boil, pour the apricots into a colander to drain excess liquid.

  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the apricot halves on it. Dry the candied fruit in the oven at 70°C for 3-4 hours. Drying time depends on the size of the candied fruit.

  7. Sprinkle finished candied fruits with powdered sugar.

"Lazy" candied fruits

  • Cooking time: 1 day.
  • Servings: 6-8.
  • Kitchen appliances: oven or fruit dryer.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for candied apricots at home

You are very lucky if you have special equipment for such work - an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits! Watch a short video of making candied fruits with its use and, if you do not have such a device, you may consider it necessary to purchase it.

Candied fruit and apricot marshmallows

We boiled syrup (3 kg of sugar per 2.5 liters of water), poured it into 3 pans and placed apricots in it.

Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes and leave to cool.
Then the apricots were laid out on baking sheets lined with parchment paper to remove excess moisture.

Of the most soft pieces made mashed potatoes.

Apricots and marshmallows were dried for 26 hours in a Snackmaker FD500 dryer at temperature regime Medium +50-55°C.

To prevent candied apricots from sticking together
rolled them in powdered sugar.

Used for storage vacuum caps Wax.


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  • Take into account the weight of the specific raw material used, that is, the pulp of pitted apricots, and then calculate necessary proportion liquids and sugars.
  • Powdered sugar is used so that the candied fruits do not stick together and do not stick to the hands.
  • Candied fruit syrup does not have to be drained into the sink! It can be added to tea, saturate cakes with it, make compote out of it. Store it in closed jar in a refrigerator.

What do they eat with

Candied fruits can be used as an independent delicacy, as well as used as a decoration for any cakes and other desserts, especially since, if you are not too lazy, you can give them almost any shape, be it leaves, circles, squares, etc.

Possible other cooking and filling options

You can please yourself and loved ones not only apricot candied fruits. Other fruits such as pears, apples, pineapples, plums, etc. can serve as the main ingredient for making these sweets. If you still have watermelon or melon peels, then do not rush to throw them away - because they can also be used for cooking delicious candied fruits! The same goes for citrus peels.

What else can be done if so many apricots have been born? There are options! Prepare a delicacy for the winter in the form, and also by all means try to make jam with apricot pits - believe me, each of these types of jam has its own “zest”.

Incredibly tasty and fragrant apricot jam with oranges. And here interesting recipe five-minute pitted apricot jam will surprise you and become a real find for those who have absolutely no time or desire to get bogged down in the kitchen for the whole day.

Did you like the recipe for candied apricots presented today? Perhaps you have your own interesting modifications to the recipe? Feel free to share your knowledge and experience in the comments!

Sweet, covered with thin sugar crust candied apricots, even in the harsh winter months, will remind you of the tastes and aromas of summer. But this delicacy has another important advantage: naturalness. By preparing candied apricots at home, you can be sure that they do not contain any additives.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

From 1 kg of fruits, 250–300 g of dried fruits are obtained.


1. To prepare candied fruits, you need to choose slightly unripe apricots. The greenish hue of the skin and dense, elastic pulp will help to accurately determine the suitability of the fruit for cooking and drying. Selected apricots should be thoroughly washed under running cool water.

2. When they dry, they need to be divided into 2 halves. To make the edges of candied fruits more accurate, it is better to use a knife. apricot kernels it is worth saving, drying, and then storing and using like nuts.

3. In order for the fruits to better retain their shape during the cooking process, they must first be blanched. It is enough to immerse the fruit for 2 minutes. into boiling water and immediately cool in ice water.

4. While the apricots are cooling, the syrup should be boiled. To do this, granulated sugar must be poured into a bowl for cooking candied fruits, pour 200 ml of water and put on medium fire. The thick mass must be stirred until it becomes transparent and homogeneous. After 5 min. after boiling, apricots should be poured into the syrup.

5. Already after 2-3 minutes. they are noticeably wrinkled and reduced. Due to allocated fruit juice the amount of syrup will increase, and all apricots will be completely immersed in it.

6. After boiling, the basin with fruits must be removed from the heat and wait until it cools down to room temperature. During cooking, remove the foam from the syrup.

7. During the second and third boiling, it is necessary to drain the syrup. It is required to bring it to a boil separately, and then add apricots and boil for another 5 minutes. So gentle heat treatment will allow the fruit halves to retain their shape and density.

8. After the third cooling, the apricots should be transferred to a colander with a tray for 2 hours.

Delicious and gingerbread pies- the pride of every hostess who loves to receive guests and amaze them with culinary delights.

Easy to use for cooking in summer various pastries fresh fruits and vegetables, in winter - jams and jams.

IN Lately became popular cooking home baking using various candied fruits.

Candied apricots have become especially common, which can not only be used for baking, but simply as a dessert, they are tasty and healthy.

There are many recipes for making such candied fruits.

Candied Apricots: Recipes

Candied fruits in sugar syrup

The simplest and most popular is the recipe for candied fruits in sugar syrup.

To prepare such a dessert, they take a kilogram of hard, insufficiently ripe apricots, wash them thoroughly, divide them in half, while removing the seeds.

The prepared halves are blanched in boiling water for a couple of seconds, then they are thrown back onto a sieve.

At this time, preparing sugar syrup based on a kilogram of two hundred grams of sugar three hundred milliliters of water. The syrup is brought to a boil, then apricots are laid and boiled for a quarter of an hour.

The container is set aside, defended for about 10 hours.

According to the same scheme, the second boiling is carried out.

The third time the syrup is boiled together with apricots for a quarter of an hour, the apricots are thrown into a sieve. When the syrup drains from the halves of the fruit (time - about one and a half, two hours), the apricots are laid out on a baking sheet and dried in an oven heated to 40 degrees for several minutes.

Then, taking it out of the oven, sprinkle each half with powdered sugar, shaking lightly to evenly sprinkle. Powdered candied fruits are dried a second time in the oven, then put into prepared clean dishes, covered with a lid.

The syrup left over from cooking can be used for cooking candied fruits, jams, and preserving compotes.

Candied fruits with cinnamon

For lovers of such a spice as cinnamon, chefs have developed an interesting recipe for making candied apricots with cinnamon. Apricots for them also need to be selected solid, the total volume is about one kilogram.

As in the first recipe, apricots are divided into halves, while removing the seeds, and blanched in boiling water for one to two minutes.

Prepared apricot halves are placed in a syrup made from one kilogram of sugar and one glass of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then set aside for 10 hours. After boil for 15 minutes, at the end add one tablespoon of cinnamon powder.

The last time they boil for exactly five more minutes, put it on a sieve, where they drain the syrup for one and a half to two hours.

Then the candied fruits are dried in the oven for about 10 minutes. Then finished product put in clean dry jars, cover with parchment or lids.

Candy from candied fruits with nuts

Some chefs offer to make the dish even more attractive. To do this, you need to put nuts, connecting the apricot halves at the same time, so you can cook tasty candy from candied fruits.

Cleanly washed and pitted apricots are poured with sugar, left for several hours so that the fruit releases the juice. The juice is poured into a separate bowl, brought to a boil and the apricot halves are poured into it.

After 6 hours, the apricots are strained through a colander, the juice is boiled again and the apricots are poured. Do this procedure 6 times, then strain the apricots, lay them out on parchment paper for drying.

Dry for about 10 days, then stack for storage.

Scientists have long established that the body needs sweets, as it has the ability to relieve depression.

Using candied fruits instead of sweets will make sweets not only tasty, but also healthy.
