
How to store Jerusalem artichoke at home. Drying and Freezing – Useful Storage Techniques

Drying process for many food products discovered new areas of their application and previously unknown beneficial features. A vivid example of this is the history of the introduction into the life of the consumer of an earthen pear - Jerusalem artichoke.

Russia got acquainted with Jerusalem artichoke in the middle of the 17th century and accepted it as medicinal plant. Today, following the example of many European countries, this healthy vegetable more and more is being introduced into cooking: raw, baked, fried, in salads, soups and even drinks. And more recently, due to its rich composition, biologically active substances and the use of new processing technologies, in particular drying technology, the prospect of using Jerusalem artichoke in Food Industry, as a basis for diet food and raw materials for unique healing products.

Technological developments have shown that the dried pear concentrate contains a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and micro- and macroelements, which obliges it to be used in the medical, cosmetic, biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries. Depending on the type of drying and the form of the final product, Jerusalem artichoke is a raw material for the production of inulin, the basis of biologically active additives to food and auxiliary component food products.

Industrial drying of Jerusalem artichoke

known technological schemes obtaining a concentrate from the tubers of this vegetable, which are based on different kinds drying. Chemical composition original product standardized, and is not a criterion for choosing a drying method for Jerusalem artichoke. It depends on the goals set in terms of physical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as in terms of shelf life. valuable substances. by the most effective method the method of sublimation vacuum drying of Jerusalem artichoke is recognized.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers undergo preliminary selection and preparation: cleaning and cutting. The size and shape of the cut depends on what type of product is being produced - plates, tablets or powder. In some cases, the tubers retain their original integrity.

The first stage of dehydration of the product takes place in special vacuum chambers at a temperature of -10 ... -15 degrees and continues for 2/3 of the total time of the drying technology. During this time, up to 50% of moisture is removed from the product. Next, the object - comes the stage of impact high temperatures(from +40 to +70 degrees), at which the product gets rid of the so-called bound moisture present in frozen Jerusalem artichoke in the amount of 25-35%. Despite the outward simplicity of freeze drying, developed and tested frames are very important. technological process- the optimal ratio of temperatures and duration of all stages, eliminating the possibility of thawing between freezing and heating.

Subject to sublimation conditions, this method of drying Jerusalem artichoke provides maximum (up to 90%) preservation of important enzymes, vitamins and bioactive substances in the product.

Drying at home

For those who wish to improve their health with Jerusalem artichoke, having confidence in its purity and environmental friendliness, and do not trust industrial dietary supplements, there are easy ways to process vegetables at home.

When preparing the product for drying, a careful selection is made for the absence of damage and foci of decay, cleaning from the ground and secondary roots, trimming the peel and grinding. In order to avoid unnecessary oxidation and darkening of Jerusalem artichoke, it is recommended to clean the tubers with a bone or wooden knife.

Sliced ​​Jerusalem artichoke is dried on an open surface, in the shade, with room temperature, or using a solar dryer. After 4 days the product is ready for use.

When drying in an oven or a home gas dryer, a preliminary process of blanching the tubers is carried out. Blanching takes place in salted water with the addition of baking soda(about 8 grams per 1 liter of water) for 8-10 minutes. Next, the vegetable is cut into plates or noodles and placed in a heated container for drying, and dried for about 3 hours at a temperature in the range of 50-60 degrees, periodically stirring the product on the grates.

For ground pear powder dried Jerusalem artichoke crushed in a coffee grinder, and preferably in a wooden mortar, followed by storage in glass containers. By brewing the resulting powder like coffee, they get a fortified drink that tones up and provides the prevention of many ailments!

Yielding in popularity to potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke has advantages in terms of ease of cultivation and usefulness. Therefore, many summer residents want to see him on their site.

It gives an excellent harvest, which is easy to process, understanding how to store Jerusalem artichoke for the winter.

Preparing for storage

Before storing Jerusalem artichoke long time, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Root crops of the wild tuberous sunflower (as Jerusalem artichoke is sometimes called) are harvested on a dry, cool day. The process is similar to digging up and picking potato tubers. It is better to use a pitchfork or a shovel. Unlike potato root vegetables, underground Israeli artichoke - another name for Jerusalem artichoke - has a thin skin that is important to keep intact. Otherwise, tubers that are damaged must be eaten first.

earth method

Summer residents, owners of household plots can simply leave part of the crop underground. There are several recommendations on how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter in this way:

    1. Dig a hole in which to lay the ripened root crops. Layer them with any substance such as straw, sawdust or peat.
    1. Spread the vegetable in the garden, sprinkle with earth so that you get a collar. It is also necessary to choose a bed on a hill, and even better - to dig in, making a small ditch - 30 cm, so that the water flows there, and not on the vegetable store.
  1. Some owners, having dug ditches, covering their surface with spruce paws, put several containers there, such as large plastic buckets or pots for indoor flowers filled with tubers, protecting them from rodent invasion, wilting, and decay. The ditch is covered with a sand substrate, insulated with coniferous paws or hay, covered with a roofing sheet. In frosty winters, it is better to store, additionally sprinkled with snow.

Cellar vegetable store

An excellent place to store root crops is a burial pit. The temperature regime (+3°) in the cellar is optimal for this. To make the storage conditions optimal:

  • Prepare containers, preferably wooden boxes, place Jerusalem artichoke there, layer with sand, sawdust mixture, etc.
  • Arrange in bags, sprinkled with earth.
  • Make a paraffin (wax) protection by covering each root crop with a shell.

When placing Jerusalem artichoke in the cellar, it should be borne in mind that it can not be stored with all kinds of vegetables:

Tip: when laying for storage, do not completely free the tubers from the ground. The soil cover retains integrity, vitamin content is better. It is also worth leaving the root system with the base of the stalks, about 15 centimeters long.

Basement accommodation

    1. Arrange in a container with wet sand.
    1. Place a whole root with tubers covered with soil on the bottom of a deep container, cover it with a moist substrate (sand, sawdust, moss, etc.)
  1. Peel the root crops from the peel, store in plastic bags for no more than 30 days.

Apartment maintenance

The absence of a cellar or basement is not a reason to be upset. There are options to store apartment conditions:

On the loggia

A glazed loggia and even an unglazed balcony will be a refuge for Jerusalem artichokes. It is placed at the bottom of the containers, poured using affordable way layering from what is at hand: sand, sawdust, straw, paper, etc. If necessary, they are additionally insulated with old things. 60 days, at least, Jerusalem artichoke will not lose its properties.

Tip: before laying in any storage, the Jerusalem artichoke is dug out immediately and quickly placed in a container. Otherwise sunlight and excessive heat will destroy it.

In a refrigerator

At a small amount vegetables can be safely stored in the refrigerator. For this you need:

  • Wash each tuber thoroughly.
  • Remove excess moisture from the ground pear.
  • Place by plastic bags Or use an airtight container.
  • Store in vegetable crates for approximately 21 days.

Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid of freezing, thawing and re-freezing. Therefore, it, cut into pieces or grated, is stored in portions in the freezer. When necessary, defrost gradually by placing in cold water or simply transferring it to the refrigerator first, then at room temperature.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers, reminiscent of ginger root, can be cooked both with skin and peeled. Rubbed with skin - acquire a gray tint, but retain maximum amount silicon with iron, located under the skin and in it itself. Peeled pieces look more presentable, but some of the useful properties are lost.

It is recommended to put vegetables in water before cleaning. cold temperature, and then remove the peel with a knife that does not lead to oxidation processes (from wood, stainless steel, bone, etc.). If the vegetable is planned to be wiped, then it is first placed in acidified water (with lemon or vinegar) for a short time so that the pulp does not darken. Then the fruits are moved to a colander so that the water is completely glass.


A large crop of Jerusalem artichoke is ideally preserved dried. It is cut into slices and dried at 60°C by any suitable method:

  1. In a natural way: in a cool, ventilated, darkened room, spread out in one layer on the surface or strung on a string.
  2. Oven.
  3. Aerogrill.
  4. Electric dryer.
  5. Microwave.

Dried vegetables should be stored in glass containers, it is better to put them on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Preservation Method

Not everyone knows that Jerusalem artichoke is very good in canned form.


Marinated product - great snack to any feast. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

    • Fold in a sterilized container carrots with Jerusalem artichoke, cut into small pieces.
  • Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and salt, 50 g of vinegar and pour water (1 l), boil, making a marinade.
  • Fill jars with product.
  • Put on pasteurization for ¼ hour.
  • Roll up.

Carrot and Jerusalem artichoke salad

Very simple delicious recipe, which allows you to store vegetables for a long time without much loss of quality. Take carrots and Jerusalem artichoke (500 g: 1 kg), wash, peel, cut as you like. Add one grated lemon and season with salt. After the juice comes out, the mixture is laid out in canning containers and put on pasteurization for ½ hour. So you can store a year or more.

Five-minute jam

With the addition of 1 lemon directly with zest and Jerusalem artichoke pumpkins, they prepare original jam(1 kg of vegetables). Washed, peeled and chopped products are mixed with a glass granulated sugar(250 g), insist and boil for five minutes with frequent stirring. Then the hot jam is transferred to prepared containers, hermetically sealed. Banks are placed upside down and wrapped for a day. Store at room conditions.

Sea buckthorn recipe

Not everyone is familiar with such a delicious filling:

  • Boiled cooled water (1 tbsp.).
  • Sea buckthorn juice (2 tablespoons, 200 g each).
  • Sugar sand (1 tbsp.).
  • Jerusalem artichoke, cut into pieces (1 kg).

All ingredients are mixed, put on the stove, brought to a boil. All this is then poured into canning containers, pasteurized for 0.5 hours, rolled up and sent for storage.

Powder for coffee drink

Prepared tubers, cut into thin rings, do not peel. They are roasted in the oven until brownish, and then ground with a coffee grinder or mortar. This powder should be stored in an airtight glassware and then brewed into coffee. It is recommended to add milk to taste.

Jerusalem artichoke contains many vitamins and has medicinal properties. Valuable root crop known to mankind for several centuries. Its popular name is earthen pear. Summer residents love Jerusalem artichoke for unpretentiousness and dietary properties, but due to the thin skin, it is difficult to keep it for long winter. There are several ways to store Jerusalem artichoke, the main conditions of which are a cool temperature and a fairly humid environment.

Storage conditions for Jerusalem artichoke

A cellar or a cold basement are the most common wintering places for Jerusalem artichoke. Urban residents living in apartment buildings, instead of a cellar, use a balcony or a refrigerator for these purposes.

It is possible to freeze root crops for the winter, but at the same time, it is necessary to know some features of the preparation of rhizomes. Summer residents who have been growing Jerusalem artichoke for many years recommend pruning the stems before freezing, leaving the height of the cuttings at 20 cm.

For successful storage of root crops, the following conditions must be observed:

Advice. It is not necessary to clean the root crops too carefully and roughly from the earthen layer in order to provide more quality conditions wintering. Remember that direct Sun rays and warm air are detrimental to the crop.

Provide long-term storage tubers in home environment will be somewhat more difficult than in a basement or cellar. If you leave them in the refrigerator pre-training, they go bad in less than a month. There are some tips on how to store Jerusalem artichoke correctly:

  • you can not shake off the ground too intensively;
  • to keep the skin intact, it is not allowed to remove the earth with a rag;
  • when stored in natural conditions, stems up to 15 cm high are left;
  • do not leave root crops longer than March;
  • a comfortable indicator of air humidity during storage is 85%;
  • scratched and damaged roots are eaten first.

Observing simple recommendations, you can enjoy fresh and useful Jerusalem artichoke until spring. Ground pear helps to vitaminize the body during the cold season. Its application in food purposes very varied. In addition to fresh or dried tubers, it produces delicious syrups, jam or canned food with marinade.

Attention! Jerusalem artichoke contains a substance called inulin, which, when used for a long time, lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is very useful for people with impaired insulin production.

Storage features: drying and freezing

For residents of apartment buildings, the number of storage methods is limited. Most available options- This is the drying or freezing of tubers. Save best properties vegetables can also be on the balcony, but for this you will need containers with sand or earth. Instead of containers, it is permissible to use bags of peat or sawdust.

Freezing involves cleaning and washing the roots. Prepared tubers are cut into cubes or strips and blanched on milk-curd whey. A temperature of at least 95°C is maintained. In terms of time, the last procedure takes 10 minutes. The resulting products are frozen after cooling.

Many housewives harvest Jerusalem artichoke by drying. Only strong and undamaged tubers are suitable for drying. IN preparatory work flush included running water, peeling and cutting into small pieces. Drying of root crops natural way, in the oven or on special household equipment. Storage a large number vegetables in one place, it is highly undesirable to put the Jerusalem artichoke together with potatoes or beets, a good neighborhood will only be with carrots.

Advice. To prevent metal oxidation, it is better to use a bone or ceramic knife.

Healing tubers are known to few housewives. It is necessary to store and use these gifts of nature wisely. Only then can you get maximum benefit from this root crop, because it contains such useful components like fiber, organic acids and pectin.

Jerusalem artichoke blanks: video

How to store Jerusalem artichoke? Very carefully. Unlike other tubers, the Jerusalem artichoke is too thin skin, which is damaged even by simple rubbing with a finger. And if the root crops are also turned over, then they will begin to deteriorate in three days.

Folk wisdom has long come up with several reliable ways to keep Jerusalem artichoke until spring:

  • freezing
  • drying
  • paraffin
  • natural shelter
  • trench method
  • basement method

Each of them is good enough, allows you to save tubers with virtually no loss.


Jerusalem artichoke is dug up, washed. Here you can not stand on ceremony with the peel, because it is not needed. Next, the fruits are cleaned, cut into slices, cubes, plates - as you like. Put in a freezer bag or a special food container. Cleaned in freezer. Such root crops can be stored all winter.

Advice. Freeze Jerusalem artichoke in small portions, at a time.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke

Advice. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, after drying, the tubers retain all useful material, minerals and vitamins.


A very good method that allows Jerusalem artichoke to remain juicy for a long time. Root crops are carefully cleaned of dirt, trying not to damage the thin skin. Dry in a shady place for about 2-3 hours.

Then, with a neat quick movement, the tubers are dipped in melted paraffin. If you manage to get a special food, it will be generally fine. In the absence of such, you can get by with the usual, candle. After hardening of the upper crust, the prepared Jerusalem artichoke is carefully placed in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes.

Cleaned for storage in the basement, cellar or cellar. If you intend to save root crops in an apartment environment, then a place under the bed or the bottom shelf of a cupboard is quite suitable. An insulated balcony will do.

natural storage

most frugal and reliable way storage. Dig up to use right amount tubers, the rest are left untouched in the ground. If the climate presupposes the onset of frosts below 30 ° C, then leaves or spruce branches can be additionally thrown directly on the soil from above. Cardboard, old roofing material, plywood are suitable for shelter.

As soon as the Jerusalem artichoke is over, you can go and dig up new tubers. Of course, it will be somewhat problematic to pick the frozen ground, but fresh fruits own labor.

Cleaning in trenches

If it is not possible to leave an earthen pear for the winter in natural conditions, and there is simply nowhere to store it at home, then trenches will always help out.

They are prepared in the fall, when the ground has not yet frozen. They dig a hole or a short trench 50 cm deep. Sawdust or dry leaves are poured into the bottom. Dry, undamaged Jerusalem artichoke tubers are laid in two layers. 20 cm of soil, sand, straw are poured on top, covered with a thick film, pressed on top with another layer of soil.

For greater convenience, you can put each bush in a separate rag bag or wrap it with burlap.

Now you don’t have to worry, the root crops will live perfectly until spring. In winter, getting them will be very easy. Raise the edge of the film and dig out the right amount, close it back.

The main danger with this method of storage is mice. They also love to feast on juicy tubers. There are two exits:

  1. Put a special poison in the straw. Inhumane, but very effective.
  2. Dry burdock inflorescences are thrown into the trench mixed with an earthen pear. Effective and humane. Mice really do not like it when something clings to their fur and will not come again.

Advice. To spring melt water they did not flood the mini-storage, at a distance of 40-50 cm from it they dig a shallow ditch in a circle.

Basement or cellar

If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a cellar or basement, then the task of storing Jerusalem artichoke is not worth it.

There are a lot of options here, each of them is easy, requires little cost and effort:

  1. Dig in a container with sand, where carrots are usually stored.
  2. A whole root of Jerusalem artichoke with tubers is dug up without breaking. Directly with the ground put in a container that is suitable in size. Placed on the floor.
  3. No containers? Normal boxes will do. Just need to pour moss, peat or sawdust on top.
  4. Lubricate the roots with clay mash, dry. Carefully spread in tight plastic bags. Tie off, trying to leave as little air as possible.

Most importantly, be sure to leave plant hemp 10 cm long. This way, root crops retain more nutrients.

If there is no cellar or basement, then a cool pantry or an insulated balcony will fit perfectly.

The optimum temperature for this method of storage is +2-4°C. If possible, you need to regularly inspect the bookmarks in order to notice the beginning of the putrefactive process in time. Jerusalem artichoke - succulent plant, it can also deteriorate.

Advice. Beets and potatoes are bad neighbors for root crops. It is recommended to place them away from each other.

  1. Jerusalem artichoke should not be rubbed to remove dirt. It can only be shaken off. The same goes for drying. Let it dry naturally. Even the softest rags scratch the skin.
  2. If it is not possible to somehow keep the ground pear fresh, then there are a great many recipes for blanks. After heat treatment some of the substances are lost, but inulin (namely, because of it the plant is so valued) will not go anywhere.
  3. In the refrigerator on a shelf for vegetables, tubers are stored for only 4 weeks.
  4. If a storage method is selected naturally, then it is recommended to cut off the entire tops. Leave only stumps 12-15 cm high.
  5. It is advisable to use an earthen pear until March-April. With the onset of heat, the tubers give buds, growth begins. For food purposes, such root crops are no longer suitable.
  6. Dried slices or straws are best stored in glass jars with tight lid.
  7. People suffering from flatulence can stop worrying about the safety of Jerusalem artichoke. They simply cannot.
  8. The humidity of the environment during storage after excavation should be at least 85%.
  9. For the trench method, you can use plastic flower pots or buckets. So it will be more convenient to get an earthen pear in winter. Gently pull the handle and you're done!
  10. You can not store Jerusalem artichoke directly on the concrete floor of the cellar. Cement perfectly absorbs moisture, so the tubers dry out quickly.
  11. Carefully inspect each tuber before laying. It is necessary to use first of all damaged or scratched.

Video: useful properties of an earthen pear

One of the important factors in growing and obtaining a good rich harvest of any crop is the observance of harvesting dates. Jerusalem artichoke can be safely kept in the ground until the end of autumn.

Reference! Earth pear is a frost-resistant plant and easily tolerates frosts up to 20 degrees.

Interestingly, many gardeners leave the plant in the ground until spring. Why is this happening? When should crops be dug up for storage?

The tubers of this plant in their appearance and palatability reminiscent of potatoes. Therefore, many consider them interchangeable. Jerusalem artichoke fruits are preserved in the ground even in very very coldy. It is enough for gardeners to cover the bed with grass, and they will last until spring.

If you plan to remove half of the fruit for storage, and leave the rest in the ground, then the stems should be cut. They do this just before the frost and leave a height of about 20 cm. The tubers are dug up in a couple of weeks, during which time their yield may even increase.

Those who left part of the crop in the ground until spring should have time to dig them out with the first sun. Otherwise, if the earth has time to warm up, the tubers will sprout and become not so tasty and healthy. There is another problem - rodents. By spring, they can spoil the crop left in the ground.

Why is optimal conditions important?

Each method of storing Jerusalem artichoke, whichever you choose, has its own characteristics. The most important parameters are temperature and humidity. Jerusalem artichoke does not like heat and sun. Direct sunlight will kill tubers. It is also important to maintain high humidity so that the fruit does not dry out.

When stored in a cellar, it must be sprinkled with sand, or stored in boxes. Jerusalem artichoke should not be laid on a concrete floor, otherwise it will immediately lose all moisture and deteriorate. The preservation of fruits and their beneficial properties will depend on how accurately the storage conditions are observed.

Is there a difference in safety at different times of the year?

At any time of the year, the storage of Jerusalem artichoke in an apartment, cellar, refrigerator will not be long. It keeps for a relatively short time.. Only freezing and drying the fruit will extend its safety. Therefore, it does not matter whether the crop will be harvested in autumn or spring. It will keep the same. If it is possible to leave the tubers in the ground, then it is better to take advantage of this and extract Jerusalem artichoke as needed.

Ways to keep fruits fresh at home

There are several ways that allow you to save the fruits of Jerusalem artichoke. Each way is good enough. But ideal option still is the storage of tubers in the ground. Unless, of course, the climate in which you live allows.

How to store in the winter in the cellar?

The tubers of the plant are very tender, you should not carefully clean the ground from them and often shift from place to place. If they are damaged, the fruits will begin to deteriorate in a few days.

How good is a basement for storage? This method does not require much time and effort, but the shelf life in it will be small.

  1. Use the place where you store carrots.
  2. Place the Jerusalem artichoke there and sprinkle with sand.
  3. Do not separate dug tubers from each other.
  4. Without shaking them off the ground, place them in a suitable container.
  5. Put Jerusalem artichoke in ordinary boxes: wooden, plastic, whatever you find. Top with moss, sawdust or peat.
  6. Lubricate the tubers with clay and let dry. Place in a bag and tie tightly so that there is as little air left as possible.
  7. Place tubers in soil bags.
  8. Each root can be treated with paraffin. To do this, they need to be lowered into melted paraffin, allowed to dry, then removed to the basement.

Check from time to time that the crop does not rot. It is important to observe temperature regime not higher than 5 C. In the cellar, it can be stored for no longer than a month.

Do not store Jerusalem artichoke next to potatoes and beets.

Is it possible to freeze at home in the freezer?

The advantages of this method are that you do not need to think that the skin of the fetus will suffer. There are no disadvantages in storing Jerusalem artichoke in frozen form..

Before placing it in the freezer, peel the fruit. Cut them in the way that is convenient for you to eat it. Chopped fruits can be placed in plastic bags or in containers. Due to the fact that the plant tolerates low temperature, it will retain its beneficial properties even when frozen. Jerusalem artichoke should be thawed in cold water to make this process gradual.


To the pluses this method storage can be attributed to the fact that all the useful properties of the plant are preserved. Although many mistakenly believe that after drying, the tubers lose them. Difficulties can arise only at the preparation stage. For cutting, use a ceramic knife, the metal oxidizes the tubers. Remember that Jerusalem artichoke does not like direct sunlight, so you need to store it only in a dark place.

You can dry the tubers cut into strips in the oven or on outdoors, in the shadow. Dried Jerusalem artichoke is stored for several months, if the conditions are not violated.


This method allows the tubers for a long time stay juicy. It is very important to do the waxing procedure quickly, as Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate overheating.

  1. Tubers should be cleaned from the ground very carefully, without damaging the skin.
  2. Dry a little.
  3. The tubers are lowered into the prepared paraffin and left to dry. The procedure should be carried out in a cold room so that the fruits cool quickly and do not overheat. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to the earthen pear.
  4. Further, the tubers can be placed in the basement in boxes, or left in the apartment in cool place. They will be stored for no more than a month.

Natural shelter in the ground

Storing Jerusalem artichoke in the ground is the most successful of all methods.. In the ground, it will remain until spring. The disadvantages of this method are that if you live in a climate zone where it is very cold and the ground freezes deep. It will be difficult to dig it out when the need arises.

You can cover the fruits for the winter with grass, cardboard, plywood. In March, it is already possible to dig out the remaining crop, as with warming, the tubers will begin to sprout new shoots.

trench method

This method is suitable for those who have nowhere to store it in the house, no cellar or space in the refrigerator, for example.

Storage in trenches - approaching natural conditions in which Jerusalem artichoke grows. The disadvantages are rodents that can enter the trenches and ruin the crop.. In this case, you can put poison, or lay burdock inflorescences next to the tubers.

The trench should be prepared in the fall, while the ground is soft enough. Its depth should reach 50 cm. The bottom is covered with straw or sawdust. Good, intact fruits are placed at the bottom of the pit and covered with earth, sand, straw. Cover with a film and pour another layer of earth.

The earthen pear will be stored until spring.

How to understand that the fruits are spoiled?

You can understand that the fruits have deteriorated by outward signs and smell:

  • the fruits dried up, ceased to be juicy;
  • tubers turned black;
  • no smell;
  • mold appeared;
  • green and black spots appeared on frozen tubers;
  • the fruits that were stored in bags sweated and a fungal coating formed on them;
  • the tubers are rotten.

Do not eat Jerusalem artichoke with the above signs.

There are many ways to keep Jerusalem artichoke in the winter at home. Everyone can choose for themselves the most convenient and suitable in terms of storage time and complexity of preparation. Properly stored Jerusalem artichoke will strengthen health, saturate the body with microelements and vitamins that it needs so much, especially in winter.
