
Mayo diet options available. The essence and features of the Mayo Clinic weight loss technique

The Mayo Diet is a low-carb, low-fat diet. It is named after the popular American Mayo Clinic, although officially it has nothing to do with the medical facility. Expected that this diet will allow you to lose from 4 to 8 kg excess weight and get a burst of energy. What are its rules and menu, we will consider further.

The essence and rules of the diet

The Mayo Diet is a 7-day protein diet based on a fat-burning soup without fish or meat, which can be made with all vegetables except potatoes. At the same time, the diet is not strict, since the menu is not limited to one soup. So, it is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits, brown rice, greens and even dietary meat.

main feature The Mayo diet is that you will not be haunted by the feeling of hunger, because if you wish, you can eat fat-burning soup at any time of the day. The only exception is Friday. On this day, soup is allowed to be served only once. If you are away from home during the day, you can take the soup with you in a thermos.

Due to the fact that this technique involves the use of a large amount of fiber, you will not only lose weight, but also cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. Additionally, about a diet that helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The rules of the seven-day diet must not be violated. They look like this:

  • Each day of the diet involves the use of a certain set of foods. Any changes are strictly prohibited.
  • Before cooking, it is necessary to clean the skin from the bird, and also cut off visible fat from the meat.
  • Cold soup“degreased” before use – removed with a spoon solid fat from the broth.
  • It is necessary to completely abandon carbonated drinks, bakery products, fatty and fried foods.
  • It is allowed to eat baked potatoes with butter once a week. The rest of the time, oil is also banned.
  • If the diet was interrupted, for example, you broke down and ate fried dish, you need to return to the "start" - start the diet from the first day.
  • Every day of the diet, you need to control your weight loss - weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach. If before the completion of the diet it was possible to lose 7 kg or more, you need to take a break of 2 days - switch to a balanced proper diet, and then continue the diet.
  • If desired, the diet can be repeated, but not more than once every six months.

Menu for 7 days

The menu for each day can be found below, and any changes are prohibited:

  1. Monday. During the day, only fruits are allowed, with the exception of bananas. It is important to adhere to the correct drinking regime - drink about 1.5 liters of purified water. Of the drinks allowed teas without sugar, coffee, homemade cranberry juice.
  2. Tuesday. Instead of fruits, you need to eat vegetables, with the exception of peas. They can be consumed fresh or boiled, as well as canned. Drinking regime remains unchanged.
  3. Wednesday. During the day, you can combine fruits and vegetables, with the exception of bananas and potatoes. Only non-carbonated water is allowed to drink.
  4. Thursday. The diet consists of any vegetables and fruits, and it is allowed to eat even 3 bananas. Drinking is allowed not only clean water, but also skim milk.
  5. Friday. On this day, you need to eat from 300 to 800 g boiled beef, as well as an unlimited number of tomatoes. In this case, vegetable soup can be eaten only once.
  6. Saturday. During the day, you can serve vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. As a bonus - 3 steaks. You can only drink purified water.
  7. Sunday. Any vegetables are allowed throughout the day, and once you can serve porridge from brown rice. You can drink not only water, but also freshly squeezed fruit juices.

sticking to protein diet, remember that when experiencing hunger, you can eat vegetable soup. The only exception is Friday, when soup can only be served once.

Mayo Diet Recipes

classic soup

Product basket:

  • onions - 6 units;
  • tomatoes - 1 unit;
  • cabbage - 1 head up to 1 kg;
  • green pepper - 2 units;
  • broth - vegetable, onion.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We clean the vegetables, and pour over the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin.
  2. Put the broth on medium fire, and when it boils, add chopped vegetables, except for tomatoes, and bring to a boil.
  3. Put the tomatoes in the soup and cook for about 30 minutes.

You can prepare a light fat-burning soup according to the recipe from the video:

  • onions - 3 units;
  • tomatoes - 3 units;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • beans or beans - 200 g;
  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • green pepper - 2 units;
  • celery - 1 root or bunch;
  • broth - beef;
  • tomato juice, herbs - to taste.

We prepare the soup according to the same recipe as the first soup, only a few minutes before it is ready, pour in the tomato juice and add chopped greens.

Soup "13 kcal per 100 g"

Product basket:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • young carrot - 4 units;
  • broccoli - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - 2 units;
  • onions - 2 units;
  • water - 3 l;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden color in olive oil.
  2. Cut peppers and carrots.
  3. Boil water, add chopped vegetables and onions, cook for 10 minutes and salt.
  4. We divide the broccoli into inflorescences, and chop the cabbage.
  5. Add broccoli to boiling water, and after 10 minutes - cabbage.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat, if desired, adding herbs and herbs to taste.

You can cook vegetable soup with broccoli and peas according to the recipe from the video:

Diet beefsteak

Product basket:

Let's start cooking:

  1. Boil broccoli in salted water for about 10 minutes, then grind in a blender.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and combine with broccoli.
  3. Add to bowl with minced broccoli, salt and pepper, mix well.
  4. We form portion cutlets from minced meat.
  5. Pour water into a deep frying pan and boil, then lay out the cutlets and leave until cooked, turning over. Cooking time is about 30 minutes.

A steak prepared according to this recipe has a calorie content of 105 kcal per 100 g. The dish is served only on Saturday.

How to get out of the diet?

In the post-diet period, it is important not to gain weight, so you need to follow the rules of a balanced and fractional diet, and also remember about following recommendations:

  • Mayonnaise should not be used for dressing salads. Perfect option- a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Meat and fish should not be fried. Acceptable cooking methods are roasting, boiling and steaming.
  • When cooking at home diet baking whole eggs can not be used, but only proteins. In rare cases, instead of 1 egg, it is allowed to use 2 proteins with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


It is necessary to refuse weight loss according to the Mayo diet method if there is a history of:

So, if there are no contraindications, you can go on the Mayo diet, which involves losing weight on fat-burning soup. At the same time, the diet will not be strict or monotonous, since a certain set of products is allowed for each day, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities. This diet will help to lose 4-8 kg.

The Mayo Clinic is a popular beauty factory founded in the 1960s. Many American actresses have visited this clinic, because the diet developed by its specialists was simply amazing in its effectiveness.

There are currently two versions of the Mayo diet. One nutrition scheme was really developed by the clinic specialists, and the second option diet food appeared on the World Wide Web. The author of the second version of the Mayo diet is unknown, but it has become very popular among those who want to lose weight. In this article, we will talk in detail about the attractiveness of the diet, discuss its disadvantages and advantages.

The authentic version of the Mayo Clinic Diet

The nutrition system developed by the clinic's specialists is divided into two parts. Judging by the reviews of the Mayo Clinic diet, in the first two weeks you can lose 2-4 kilograms. At this time, you need to pay attention to lifestyle and habits. In this part of the weight loss program, diet developers suggest giving up five bad habits, and instead study and add five habits for a healthy lifestyle. The weight loss program must include half an hour of daily physical activity.

The second part of the Mayo Clinic Diet focuses on ways to keep the gains you've made. During this period there is a gradual loss extra pounds ov(it takes 0.5-1 kg per week). During the process of losing weight, you need to learn how to choose foods, portion sizes and meal times.

  • sweets - up to 75 kcal;
  • fats - in three to five dishes;
  • dairy products / fats - from three to seven times;
  • carbohydrates - from 4 to 8 times;
  • fruits and vegetables - in unlimited quantities (at least four times a day).

In one meal, both proteins and vegetables can be present at the same time. This means that protein-rich foods and vegetables can be combined in a variety of dishes.

You will probably be surprised not to find clear recipes, step by step instructions and the number of servings of soup that can be eaten in one day. But the point is that any effective diet must first take into account the needs of the body and its individual characteristics. Mayo Diet Nutrition Principle a large number of calories in large meals. Every day you need to consume at least 1200 kcal.

Advantages and disadvantages of a genuine diet

Here are the main benefits of the Mayo diet:

  • weight loss occurs gradually, without sudden weight loss that is unsafe for health;
  • developing the habit of healthy lifestyle life, which means dietary regimen nutrition prevents the development of many diseases (digestive system, diabetes, liver and heart);
  • it is possible to control and maintain the result obtained throughout life.

There are no strict restrictions in the diet, the monotony of nutrition is not promoted, but the emphasis is on reducing the calorie content of food taken by eliminating components harmful to the body (saturated fats and “fast” carbohydrates). The Mayo diet will not cause severe mineral deficiencies and hypovitaminosis.

Disadvantages of the diet - eating fruits in large quantities can provoke a temporary increase in blood glucose concentration. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should always consult with your doctor before starting a diet.

Mayo soup diet

The fat-burning soup diet is such that it can be called a hybrid of cabbage, celery and onion diet. The recipe for soup on the Mayo diet is as follows: six onions, two or three tomatoes, a head of cabbage, two bell peppers, a bunch of celery. Finely chop the vegetables, cover with water, season with salt and pepper. Boil the soup over high heat for about ten minutes, and then cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

This fat-burning soup should be eaten daily at any time when you feel hungry. It is better to cook a dish in the morning and take it with you to work. If you believe the reviews about the Mayo diet than more soup eat, the more kilograms you will lose (from 4 to 5 kg per week). If you suddenly had to interrupt the diet, you need to start it from the first day.

In addition to the miracle soup, the Mayo diet also includes other components that are strictly scheduled by day:

  • Day 1: fat-burning soup and fruits (better to choose watermelons and melons). Drink cranberry juice, unsweetened tea and plenty of water.
  • Day 2: vegetables and soup. Leafy greens and vegetables can be chosen to your taste (except corn and green peas). No fruits.
  • Day 3: soup, fruits and vegetables (except baked potatoes). Drink clean water.
  • Day 4: soup, vegetables and fruits. On this day, you can eat three bananas. Drink as much water as you can.
  • Day 5: add to diet fresh tomatoes and beef (up to 800 g). Eat a serving of soup at least once a day.
  • Day 6: Vegetables, beef, soup, and leafy greens. Vegetables and meat can be eaten until you are full. No potatoes. Drink clean water.
  • Day 7: Soup, unsweetened fruit juice, soup, and brown rice. Can cook lean risotto with cauliflower and tomatoes or rice curry.

On the Mayo diet, alcoholic, carbonated drinks and bread are strictly prohibited. To achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow the above menu. 4.3 out of 5 (7 Votes)

Ax porridge is what some people call the fat-burning vegetable soup of the Mayo Clinic (although the specialists of this clinic deny their authorship, while pointing out the obvious shortcomings of this diet). “The recipe for this soup,” says Olga, “in itself does not contain anything unusual and is not able to turn you into a beauty. Well, there is nothing surprising in the fact that people who strictly follow this diet achieve some results. Naturally, if you give up all the sweets, flour products, fatty and difficult to digest food, the weight will definitely decrease. Especially since mayo diet quite rigid and does not tolerate any deviations from the norm.

They say that mayo clinic diet used by doctors to quickly reduce the weight of those patients diagnosed with obesity who need to be operated on. However, it doesn't suit everyone. This is especially true for people with diabetes, bulimia, anemia, stomach ulcers, pancreatic disease, a diseased liver, or gallbladder as well as intestinal problems. In addition, the Mayo diet completely prohibits the use of alcohol, which prevents the body from getting rid of fat.

The developers of this diet, with strict observance of all recommendations, promise to reduce weight from four to eight kilograms in just two weeks. Further sitting is not recommended. “It’s understandable,” Anya says. “Who can last longer on this soup?” When I cooked it, the whole family ran away from home, it stank so much. If the diet for one reason or another has been violated, the authors recommend starting it all over again. “I think this is just a go-ahead,” Alena shrugs. “If you haven’t lost weight, then you did something wrong.” “But I can’t say anything bad about the soup,” Natasha disagreed with them. - I constantly sit on this diet, even more often than necessary, but the result is obvious - gradually over six months I threw off more than ten kilograms. And I'm not getting better!

The basis of this diet is “soup that burns fat”. It is vegetarian as it consists only of vegetables. The recipes for this soup, it should be noted, differ from each other in details, vary depending on the availability of certain products. “I think that it is best to sit on such a diet in the summer,” Katya shared her thoughts. - And there are a lot of vegetables, and there are more benefits from them. What about in winter? One chemistry.

The fat burning soup recipe is pretty easy to find. Enough to search mayo clinic diet fat burning soup, after which it turns out that this diet is quite popular, the soup recipe has a lot of variations. And at the same time, you can read a wide variety of reviews about it.

Onions, tomatoes (oddly enough, you can even twist), small cabbage, Green pepper, celery and diced vegetable or meat broth(this despite the fact that there are entire treatises on harm chemical seasonings). Vegetables are cut, boiled, salted. Again, it should be noted that some recipes allow you to fill the soup with pepper, curry seasoning, or even hot sauce, with which many nutritionists strongly disagree. Ten minutes boil for big fire, then - on a small scale until they are boiled (goodbye, vitamins!).

The creators of the recipe allow you to eat soup as soon as a person feels hungry, in any quantity. "Does not add calories," they claim. “Not exactly,” Alina objects, “every dish has calories. Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup- Very low calorie. But with such advice, there is another danger: if you constantly eat, you can greatly stretch the stomach, cultivate in yourself a love for plentiful meals. And this is fraught with various negative consequences.”

Mayo clinic diet

Basically, the Mayo Clinic diet isn't all about soup. The diet can be diversified with other foods, every day - different. So, on the first day of the diet, you can eat whatever fruits you want, except, perhaps, bananas - they get better from them. On the second day, along with soup, vegetables are introduced into the diet instead of fruits (with the exception of legumes, peas and corn), even baked potatoes are allowed.

On the third day, the number of allowed foods gradually increases: you can eat soup, fruits, and vegetables (except potatoes). On the fourth - bananas and milk can be added to the diet. On the fifth, beef is already allowed (fat, if any, is carefully removed), on the sixth, its amount can be increased. On the seventh day, brown rice appears on the menu.

Breaking the Mayo Clinic Diet

Some argue that such a diet is divided into two parts. Everyone knows about the first - a lot has been written about it. At the same time, for some reason, many do not mention the second stage. How to live on after the second week of dieting is over. “I would say,” says Angela, “that in the first stage, during the diet, the body got used to eating vegetables and fruits on an ongoing basis. After the end of the diet, the second stage begins, when you need to not only teach yourself to count calories, but also change your diet, switch to healthy diet. And this means that it is necessary to completely eliminate sugar, reduce the amount of oil, fatty meat, completely abandon fast foods. As a result, the body will learn to perceive vegetables and fruits as a natural part of the diet and refuse to absorb foods that are harmful to it, which it will inform its owner about.

Mayo clinic diet. Reviews

famous nutritionists mayo clinics, as mentioned above, claim that they have not developed any such diet for weight loss. Moreover, they assure that this course is designed only for temporary weight loss and is absolutely unbalanced. The diet itself is a clearly expressed nutrition program with a low amount of both carbohydrates and fats, in addition, it does not have required amount minerals and vitamins.

In principle, doctors have nothing against the fact that this diet is low-carbohydrate. After all, with a limited amount of carbohydrates, the body gets to control the activity of insulin, which in excess not only slows down, but also prevents the process of fat breakdown.

At the same time, the lack of the required amount of minerals and vitamins in the diet (many are digested during cooking, and some can only be obtained by eating cereals or bread) is sharply criticized by many nutritionists. " Mayo clinic diet refers to fast diets, which do not contain needed by the body vitamins and minerals- says Allah. “Therefore, if you decide to try it, be prepared not to be nervous, postpone sports for this time, and also take extra vitamins.”

It is interesting that many who were on this diet, although they agree that they achieved their goal, lost weight, mention that after a while they began to feel sick from the soup. “I went on a diet for several days,” said Marina. - I must say that although I love soups, and this one is quite tasty, it became difficult from the monotony. I wanted something else!”

True, Svetlana did not agree with her: “Why is the diet monotonous? And fruits, and vegetables, and meat (I changed beef for chicken a couple of times), and even rice once ... Well, if sometimes you want chocolate, you can be patient, eat a spoonful of honey instead (his diet also allows).

“But I didn’t like it,” Olga criticizes the soup, “in the summer I managed to spend a couple of days on a fat-burning soup. I was terribly annoyed by the constant seething in my stomach, and also that I seemed to be eating a little, and my belly was terribly swollen.

“And what I liked about this soup is the result,” Sveta said. - The stomach returned to normal, and the pimples disappeared. Well, I lost weight, of course.

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Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup Diet

Among women dreaming in as soon as possible reclaim ideal forms, the Mayo diet for weight loss for 7 days is one of the most effective and quick ways return weight to normal. Of course, the name itself suggests that the specialists of the world-famous American clinic were involved in the preparation of the diet. Initially Bonn diet was developed to prepare patients of the cardiology department for operations: excess weight is a contraindication for surgical intervention. The diet has gained popularity due to the fact that it allows you to get rid of excess weight very quickly. Let's talk in more detail about this power system, find out its subtleties and features.

It has also been named one of the most used diets by US News & World Report along with the DASH diet for hypertension, the TLC diet for cholesterol, the weight watchers diet, and the Mediterranean diet.

Indications for diet

The basis of the nutrition system is a fat-burning soup or "Bonn soup", which can be prepared from broccoli, white cabbage or celery root and stalks. The diet is indicated in the presence of excess weight and even obesity. The diet is prescribed for obese patients who are scheduled for surgery in the near future. It is known that for people with overweight there is a risk of complications.


During the diet, you should completely exclude the use of any medicines. If you suffer from chronic diseases and cannot do without drugs, then this nutritional option is not for you.

Diet should not be chosen by pregnant women and those who breastfeed babies - the menu is defective, missing enough protein and fat.

Features and rules of the diet

1. The nutrition system completely excludes the use of drinks containing alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks are contraindicated. But clean water can be drunk without restriction.

2. The use of flour products and sweets is excluded.

3. When cooking, do not use fat and oil. If, for example, you bake potatoes, then the vegetables are only lightly sprinkled with them.

4. The sequence of the use of certain products on certain days of the week cannot be changed. Any breakdowns lead to the fact that it is necessary to start the diet again.

5. Cooked fat-burning soup can be eaten at any time of the day when a feeling of hunger appears. By the way, there is no consumption rate, since the calorie content of the soup is negative (that is, it takes more energy to digest it than it comes with it - this is how fat-burning soup works).

6. Weigh yourself every morning to control your weight.

7. If within a week you managed to lose more than 7 kg, you need to switch to a normal diet and stop the diet, because such weight loss is too rapid.

Fat Burning Soup Recipes

There are several cooking options Bonn soup which promotes fat burning. Invariable components are cabbage (white or broccoli), onions and celery (stems, greens or root). Here are a few recipes so that everyone can choose a menu to their liking.

Fat Burning Broccoli Soup

Prepare a few broccoli florets (about 700 g), 6 medium onions and a bunch of celery greens. Vegetables are cleaned, washed in running water, cut into cubes (or pieces), finely chop the greens, put in a saucepan, pour 2.5 liters of water. Cook over high heat for about 10 minutes, then reduce the intensity of the fire and bring to readiness. You can add some salt and spices. Instead of broccoli, you can use regular white cabbage. You can also add bell pepper (100 g), fresh carrots (200 g) and a couple of fresh tomatoes to the fat-burning soup for weight loss. However, classic recipe soup does not include these ingredients, although vegetables will give the soup a special flavor and make it tastier.

Fat-burning soup of celery, cabbage and tomato juice

Prepare 6 medium onions, celery root or stalks (250 g), 300 g each of carrots and green beans, green bell pepper (200 g), cabbage (500 g). Vegetables are washed and cleaned of stalks, skins, cut into cubes and put in a saucepan. Instead of water for making soup, you need to take 1 liter tomato juice and 700 g of light low-fat beef broth. If the fat-burning soup for weight loss is too thick, you can add plain water during the cooking process. The method is similar to the first option: the vegetables are boiled over high heat, then the fire is reduced and the soup is brought to readiness.

Bonn cabbage soup

Take 6 medium onions, 4 medium carrots, 1 bunch of celery, 2 medium green bell peppers, a few tomatoes and a medium head of cabbage, you can add a clove of garlic. Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, put everything in a saucepan and cover with water. Then boil over high heat for 10 minutes, and then over low heat until the vegetables soften. IN ready soup you can add greens, ginger powder and a little salt.

Mayo clinic diet menu for 7 days

By eating soup and some other foods, you can lose 8 kg in a week. It is clear that you won’t be able to get enough of soup alone, so we offer full menu Mayo diet.


The diet of this day consists of eating fruits and soup for weight loss. Choose any fruit except bananas, figs and mangoes. As additional drinks you can choose green tea(unsweetened) or coffee, as well as cranberry juice.


The diet of this day consists of vegetables (except legumes and corn) and soup.


The diet includes fruits, vegetables (except prohibited) and soup.


The diet includes vegetables and fruits (2 bananas are allowed) and soup.


The menu can be varied fresh tomatoes(about 300 g) and 500 g boiled lean beef. Soup is eaten 1-2 times a day.


In addition to soup for weight loss, you can eat up to 500 g of beef, 200 g fresh vegetables and some greenery. Of the drinks, only non-carbonated mineral water is allowed.


Add boiled brown rice (about 200 g), vegetables (300 g) and 500 ml of freshly squeezed fruit juice to the soup.

Fat burning soup: reviews and results

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried the effect of this diet, the nutrition system is available. Soup can be prepared regular vegetables, none special difficulties it doesn't call. No need to calculate the calorie content of the diet, and there are no special financial costs. In a week, indeed, it turns out to lose from 4 kg to 8 kg without effort. You can always take soup with you to work by putting it in a thermos. There are practically no restrictions in terms of the amount of soup eaten - this is also an additional advantage.

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I decided to take advantage of the fact that my missus is temporarily absent, and I am left to myself for a whole month!

First of all, I want to try to get rid of at least a small amount extra pounds that have grown at a cosmic speed for two years of my forced "immobility". I decided to start with the Mayo diet, that is, with fat-burning soup. This diet seemed to me quite sparing. And since I have never resorted to the help of diets in my life, I am not at all sure if I will withstand such "tests"!

But, dashing trouble - the beginning ... I'm cooking

This program is used by cardiologists in American hospitals to quickly reduce the weight of obese patients in preparation for surgery. Before starting the course, it is advisable to check with your therapist for the presence of diseases such as diabetes, bulimia or anemia.

This diet burns fat fast and her secret is that you burn more calories than you take in. It also cleanses the body and gives a feeling of comfort.

Do not drink any alcoholic beverages, as this disrupts the process of eliminating fat from the body. You need to stop the diet at least 24 hours before drinking any alcoholic beverage. The prescribed medications can be taken.

The basis of the diet is "soup that burns fat." Eat this soup every day - as often and as much as you want. The more you eat it, the more pounds you will lose.

With strict adherence to the diet for a week, you should lose from 4.5 to 8 kg. It is very important that those foods that are recommended by the diet, you eat on the days you need to eat them. If during the week you have lost 7 kg or more, you need to take a break from the diet for 2 days. You can continue it at any time. Do not eat soup outside the diet!

resort to seven day diet as often as you like. If you interrupted it, start again from the first day.

I found several recipes for fat burning soup. In general, they are not much different from each other ( distinctive features indicated in parentheses). Here are two main recipes.

Fat Burning Soup Recipe Classic or Basic(most often published on the Internet):

Fat Burner Recipe vegetable soup pretty simple. Wash vegetables, clean. It is advisable to remove the skin from tomatoes. Cut the vegetables into small or medium pieces and cover with water. Season with salt, pepper and, if desired, curry or hot sauce. Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to low and continue to cook until the vegetables are soft.

This soup can be eaten any time you are hungry. Eat as much as you want. Soup adds no calories. Fill a thermos with it in the morning to take with you if you will be away from home during the day.

However, you should not eat exclusively this soup. The diet must be replenished with other components.

The first day . Soup and fruit.

You can eat any fruit except bananas. In melons and watermelons fewer calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. As a drink, you can use unsweetened tea or coffee (without milk), cranberry juice or water (water - as much as possible).

Second day. Soup and vegetables.

You can eat all the vegetables you want (raw, fresh or canned). Leafy greens are also acceptable. Eat it all with soup until you're full. Stay away from dried beans, green peas and corn.

During lunch on this day, you can eat a baked potato with butter. Don't eat any fruit. Drink water.

Day three. Soup, fruits and vegetables.

Eat soup and all the vegetables and fruits you want, with the exception of baked potatoes. Drink water. If you really adhered to the diet for 3 days, then you could have lost 2.5-3 kg by this time.

Day four. Soup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas and skimmed milk.

You can eat 3 bananas and drink as much water as you can along with the soup. Eat as much soup, fresh vegetables and fruits as you like, but only 3 bananas.

Day five. Beef and tomatoes with soup.

You can eat 300-800g of beef or a can canned tomatoes(or only fresh - as much as you want). Eat soup at least once a day.

Day six. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy ones) plus soup.

Eat plenty of beef and vegetables. If you have a desire, you can eat 2 or 3 steaks and all green leafy vegetables whatever you want, but none baked potatoes. Drink water.

Day seven. brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup.

Today you can eat brown (peeled) rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Rice can be added to soup, or vegetables can be added to rice - chopped onion and tomatoes cauliflower. It is not forbidden to cook vegetables with curry. Drink water.

By the end of the seventh day, if you strictly followed the diet, you will lose 4.5 to 8 kg.

This soup is vegetarian dish. The calorie content of the whole meal basic products is approximately 310 kcal.

As I mentioned above, this composition is basic. You can add other vegetables to it that contribute to weight loss:

  • carrot
  • vegetable marrow
  • spinach
  • dill
  • parsley

General rules

It is strictly forbidden:
- alcoholic drinks because they prevent the direct removal of the resulting fat in the system.
- drinks with carbohydrates, including dietary ones. Drink only unsweetened black coffee or tea, water, and preferably unsweetened fruit juices and skim milk.
- sweets, natural sugar and honey
- fried food, bread and any flour products

When the diet allows meat, beef is recommended, but chicken and fish can be substituted.
Vegetarians meat days can be replaced with soy products.
When dieting vegetables, try to avoid root vegetables with the exception of carrots and beets.

  • Strictly adhere to the recommendations for every day. Do not allow any deviations and fantasies. Eat soup at least 3 times a day.
  • Weigh yourself in the morning.
  • Eat soup every time you start feeling hungry.
  • Be careful with butter - it can only be consumed once a week with a baked potato.
  • Carefully remove all fat from the meat. Skin the bird.

prescribed medical preparations allowed and will not harm the diet. This diet can be used periodically at any time. In addition, the diet will change your attitude to the issue. proper nutrition and your lifestyle. Remember that fast loss weight is replenished even faster if you do not change soy eating habits.

50% of the weight loss is the result of a reduction in calories and fat intake, and the remaining 50% is the result of exercising at least 3 times a week.

Answers to FAQ about making Mayo Clinic soup:

  • What kind of cabbage can be used for soup? Any variety: broccoli, white head, color, Brussels sprout, red head. You can even use sauerkraut, but first you need to wash it in cold water and the soup is desirable not to salt.
  • Can pickled tomatoes be used instead of fresh ones? You can pickle and canned, but in the original, fresh ones are recommended. Salted tomato soup does not need additional salt.
  • I don't have celery, what can I substitute for it? You can do without celery at all or replace it with another healthy greens(dill, parsley, spinach).

Well, just in case another recipe for fat burning soup - 2. The difference is that this recipe uses carrots, green beans, and tomato juice is added to the broth.


Finely chop all the vegetables, pour over the broth liquid and juice. It is very important to completely cover the vegetables, so add water. Bring the soup to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over high heat, then simmer for small fire until vegetables are ready. Since there is acid in the liquid, the cooking process is quite long, everything together takes 30-40 minutes. Then add herbs to taste. You can add salt and pepper to taste, but the soup is already quite spicy.

Since the diet is strict, experts recommend taking a multivitamin complex while following this diet.

The fat-burning soup diet has contraindications.

  • stomach ulcer
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder (including those with kinks of the gallbladder)
  • intestinal diseases (colitis, ulcerative lesions of the intestine).

While writing, the soup was cooked - I went to try it !!!

PS. here is a small fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey laudatory reviews about losing weight with the help of fat-burning soup: About fat burning soup.

The Mayo Clinic Diet Doesn't Work? Lose weight together .
