
What to put on the table in the new year. What to serve on the table in the Year of the Dog as a main course

The New Year's table is one of the main attributes of the holiday. Many housewives begin to think about how to serve and what to cook in a few months. After all, it is important to please not only the household, but also the Yellow Earth Pig.

Beautifully set table The best way create a festive atmosphere in the house. In 2019, it can be plain or multi-colored.

One of the best options- buy set of colorful napkins: blue, orange, green. Ideally, if you can find the same dishes. The playful Pig will certainly pay attention to such a table and want to stay with you. However, do not forget that this is a capricious animal with fine taste. Therefore, decorating the table, the main thing is not to overdo it. If he looks like a parrot, then the hostess of 2019 may simply get scared.

If you are not a fan of colorful decor, then you can stop at one color. What it should be - it's easy to guess, because the Pig of 2019 is Yellow. To make the serving not boring, use several shades of yellow.

On the festive table new year's eve there must be a place flower pot. Earth is the element of the mistress of 2019, it will certainly bring good luck to your home.

What should be on the holiday table

1. It’s not hard to guess that one of the pig’s favorite dishes is fruits. They must be present on the New Year's table 2019. The ideal option is not just to put them in a vase, but to arrange them in the form of some unusual sculpture. For example, a tropical palm.

2. On the table must be vegetable salads . And you can even arrange a vegetarian party. She likes it the most carrot and Green pepper . Besides, the hostess of 2019 doesn't mind eggplant, zucchini and vegetable stew.

3. If you really can’t do without meat, then it’s better to stew it. fried steaks scare away the mistress of 2019.

4. The Pig will not remain indifferent to various snacks. On the table must be unusual sandwiches, canape, stuffed eggs . The main thing is that they look original and unusual.

5. Another mandatory item on the New Year's table in 2019 is cheese. The more varieties, the better. Can do beautiful cut Or just add it to salads.

6. Sweet lovers should pay attention to light desserts - dried fruits, nut pies And fruit pastry . Cream cakes are best left for another holiday.

7. The pig has a delicate taste. Therefore, you should be very careful in choosing alcoholic beverages— to drink anything, she will not. To attract good luck in addition to traditional champagne, there should be a bottle of whiskey and expensive cognac on the table.

If you follow these simple tips when preparing a festive New Year's table, then it will turn out not only tasty, but also attractive for the main animal of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig. And with it, joy, fun and good mood will come to your house.

Bon appetit!

Waiting for the New Year is a special state. Whether we believe in Santa Claus or not, we are still waiting for a miracle, with special trepidation we choose gifts, outfits, we hope for the fulfillment of desires. On the other hand, all the hostesses of the country are covered by a mythical, and sometimes real, headache. What to cook, how to be in time, who will buy food and when - a million questions torment impressionable female souls. Relax, immerse yourself in nirvana and, over a cup of coffee, find out what should be on the New Year's table, what you can do without, what not to abuse, how to distribute responsibilities and much more useful things. From the words of the Yellow Earth Pig, it is recorded correctly and is not subject to doubt. If you want to make friends with the totem 2019 - study and act.

In this article:

Features of the Year of the Pig in terms of practicality

The eastern horoscope has made a full turn and completes the 12-year cycle. Accompanying this important event is entrusted to the Pig. She got the color from last year's totem, the Yellow Earth Dog, but the character, habits, way of thinking and manners are her own.

The pig and her friend the Boar are homely, practical individuals, they value the family, they know how to count money and spend it wisely. If the New Year's table, then plentiful and varied, but not from the last forces. If it’s a festive outfit, then it’s fashionable, spectacular, of decent quality.

The new owners are great aesthetes and gourmets who know how to create personal comfort from improvised means. You can set the table according to their rules and come up with an original holiday menu- all 2019 you will be lucky in financial, family and other matters.

Taste preferences of the Pig: food should be on the table and in the stomach

Pig, Boar and piglets have a good appetite. Dishes in their honor should cause an irresistible desire to try and eat everything to the last crumb. Don't get carried away restaurant serving and ornaments that are terrible to destroy. Better at home - simply, with a share of grace, without fanaticism.

Fortunately, the Pig is omnivorous, and it’s even hard to say what should not be on the table. Perhaps the only ban suckling pig whole baked. Even pork in dishes is quite acceptable. Especially welcome:

What must be on the table is champagne. Strong alcohol in the year of the Pig is also not forbidden. And do not forget about water, fruit drink, juices, fruits.

Serve in separate bowls or use walnuts for decoration. Important Ingredient- cereals. How to introduce them into the festive menu depends on the hostess's imagination. The most optimal thing is to add it to any salad or put it on the table symbolically, in the form of porridge with dried fruits.

Diversity taste preferences Pig unties his hands. Drafting New Year's menu will not cause difficulties for either vegetarians or meat-eaters. All products are used in the most original combinations. There is a chance to create unique recipe and become famous.

A hot dish should be impressive - meat large piece, bird or fish carcass. For a side dish, build something like that from jacket potatoes, pumpkins. A spectacular orange vegetable can be served as a main dish - baked whole with stuffing, a vegan idea.

Traditional Olivier and herring under a fur coat are a must, but not in basins. Since it is desirable to cook a couple more lungs and complex salads. A hospitable hostess should think about snacks - meat, fish, vegetables. And of course sandwiches, pies, cuts will decorate the table.

For dessert, offer liqueur, coffee with cognac, black and green tea. To them - home cake, cookies, soufflé, ice cream, decorating this beauty with fruits and berries. The pig is not afraid to spoil the figure and knows how to enjoy life. Follow her example for at least one night.

There is where to roam the talent of the chef. But remember, excesses are not welcome, you can’t spend money to the last penny on food, everything should be in moderation. It is not necessary to prepare and serve all of the above - these are just recommendations in which direction to think.

Pitfalls and leadership talent

So, the festive menu for the year of the Pig should be hearty, varied, and as light as possible. The boar does not intend to suffer from heartburn, the Pig does not need digestive problems, the piglets are going to frolic all night. Prioritize food that is well digested.

  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • too much spicy sauces and condiments;
  • desserts with great content fat and sugar;
  • strong alcoholic drinks in unlimited quantities.

Ultimately, it all depends on the taste preferences of your company. But what definitely should not be is semi-finished products and prepared food to order.

Another extremely unwanted ingredient For holiday table in the year of the Pig - fatigue and exhausted appearance of the mistress of the house. Try to carve out at least a couple of hours for rest, and distribute New Year's worries among the intended circle of guests.

Discuss the menu in advance, divide responsibilities according to interests and opportunities:

  • on wheels - the purchase of food and drinks;
  • There is free time– preparing vegetables and cutting salads;
  • a culinary specialist by vocation creates a festive dessert;
  • the hostess, for example, is responsible for the main course;
  • creative and resourceful - for the entertainment program.

Shared ideas lead to unity of interests. Gathered at the New Year's table, guests will not feel awkward moments that disappear only after a few toasts. A significant bonus - the degree of mood is supported naturally. It remains only to organize this very table.

Serving options: for the brutal Boar and the secular Pig

It is permissible to set the table in the year of the Pig in an absolutely neutral way - a plain tablecloth and plates, traditional wine glasses and glasses, crystal salad bowls. But minimalism has to be reasonable, plastic tableware and oilcloth are excluded. And you can be creative.

A tablecloth is not required for a wooden tabletop. Enough textured napkins, copper and ceramic dishes, stable glasses, laconic cutlery. In the center it is desirable to put a massive candlestick or a composition of spruce branches. This is an option for the Cabana.

An elegant Pig will prefer refined styles - shabby chic, Provence. This is a white or pastel tablecloth, plates in a small flower, wine glasses with delicate gilding, transparent Bohemian glass. Openwork napkins and candles in twisted candlesticks will complement the picture.

Pigs like order, and there is supposed to be a lot of food. To avoid clutter, use a little trick. Refuse small salad bowls, vases, plates. Arrange several salads or cuts in a heap on one large platter.

To decorate your culinary masterpieces use yellow vegetables and fruits, chopped greens and sprigs, cherry tomatoes, nuts. Not particularly strong at carving - get by with a quick decision. Make colorful confetti bell pepper, piglets from boiled eggs scatter the greens.

Listing what should be on your New Year's table, you can write a book. Look for new recipes, use old proven ones, come up with your own, most importantly, do not get hung up on household chores. Everything will work out for you, and the Yellow Pig will dig a mountain of happiness with a pink snout!

The symbol of the New Year 2018 will be a yellow dog, which replaced the rooster. It is believed that the new symbol is very good-natured, fair and calm, and the priorities in the new year will be family, love, friendship and fidelity. This is all, of course, very good, but every hostess should know what must be on the New Year's table 2018 so as not to offend the dog.

What should be on the table in the New Year 2018

If we talk about Eastern traditions, then first of all you need to take into account two things: the preferences of the hostess and the fact that the symbol, that is, the dog, is a predator. This means that there must be a lot of meat dishes on the table:

- Yellow, or orange vegetables
- Fruits
- Light desserts
- Beverages

Perhaps this is the simplest list of what must be on the table in the New Year 2018. In addition, note that the main course must be meat. It can be a roll, and a steak, and a knuckle, and chops, and a barbecue. Whatever your heart desires. In addition, snacks for the New Year should also be meat: pate, ham, sausage, or aspic.

As for salads, here it is better to cook something that will go well with meat dishes. The yellow dog has no special preferences in this, everything is at the discretion of the guests and the hostess.
But desserts for the New Year 2018 are better to make light and healthy, but to be combined with meat. For example, these may be fruit salads, cottage cheese dishes, pudding, jelly, ice cream and fruit cakes. You can choose any alcohol.

What not to put on the New Year's table 2018

With the approach of the New Year, the question of what dishes to serve on the table becomes acute. Someone stays true traditional dishes, someone loves the annual variety, and there are those who prepare the festive table in accordance with the approaching eastern horoscope.

Sample New Year's Eve menu for 2018

Meat - that's what should be in abundance on the New Year's table. Moreover, its implementation should be varied. Below are some options New Year's dishes for 2018.

Meat cuts

What to serve as slices is up to you. It can be smoked meat, any kind of sausage, ham, chicken fillet. The meat is cut into thin layers so that the pieces can be easily rolled up, if necessary. You can add cold cuts with vegetables, olives or cheese.


  • a good piece of pork - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 piece of medium size;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt, pepper, seasoning for meat - to taste;
  • sesame seeds - 50 g.


  • The meat is washed well under water, excess moisture is removed with paper towels;
  • Garlic with carrots peeled and chopped small pieces. Can be grated;
  • The prepared meat is pierced with a knife over the entire surface, carrots, garlic and spices are placed in the cuts;
  • The entire surface of the meat is well rubbed with a mixture of seasonings;
  • Next, a piece is rolled in sesame placers and placed in a baking dish. It is better to choose a deep container, since the meat will release juice during cooking, and the high walls of the dishes will not allow it to leak out;
  • Prepared meat is sent to the oven, set to a temperature of 180⁰. They detect 1.5–2 hours and periodically look at boiled pork. The released juice can be poured over the meat during its baking (approximately every 15–20 minutes) so that it does not lose its juiciness;
  • At the end of time, the dish can be taken out.

The traditional Olivier recipe involves the addition of boiled sausage. Below is an updated version of the salad.


  • chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • green peas - 2 banks
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • potatoes - 4 large;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt.


  • wash chicken fillet and boil;
  • drain the water from the jar of peas and pour the peas into a bowl;
  • cut cucumbers into cubes;
  • peel the potatoes, wash and boil until tender;
  • wash the dill and finely chop;
  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, season with mayonnaise and salt.
  • transfer to a salad bowl and serve.

Fish lovers will not remain indifferent to this recipe. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • lightly salted salmon fillet - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • eggs are boiled until tender. Cool, separate the protein from the yolk. The protein is rubbed on a grater, the yolk is kneaded with a fork and temporarily set aside;
  • a pair is cut off from a piece of fish thin slices for the final decoration, and the rest is finely chopped;
  • cucumbers are washed and grated;
  • potatoes are boiled, peeled and also rubbed on a grater;
  • all prepared components begin to be laid out in layers: salmon, grated protein, mayonnaise, cucumber, potatoes, mayonnaise, chopped yolk, a previously cut salmon slice rolled up in the form of a rose is laid out on top.

It is better to put the salad in bowls or wide glasses. Refrigerate the salad 2 hours before serving.


  • veal, beef or pork - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • zucchini - 1 pc;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • light beer - 200 ml;
  • grated cheese - the amount is taken to taste;
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • salt, flour, a mixture of herbs.


  • all vegetables are washed and cut into strips;
  • pour a little oil into a hot frying pan and fry the vegetables for 3 minutes, adding seasonings. Then close the lid and leave to languish for 10 minutes;
  • meat is cut into thin (if possible) slices, on which vegetables are laid out;
  • roll the rolls and secure them with toothpicks or thread;
  • further, the rolls are rolled in flour and sent to the pan. Fry until golden brown;
  • then add beer, salt, cover with a lid and simmer for about 30 minutes;
  • then sprinkle the rolls with cheese and cover with a lid for another 5 minutes;
  • at the end of the allotted time, the dish is laid out on a plate and served.

Characteristics of the Year of the Yellow Dog

The eccentric, emotional and very unpredictable year of the Red Rooster is being replaced by a calm and measured year of the Yellow Dog.

This year is characterized by the preservation of family values, so try to devote more time to your family. The Yellow Dog will bring with it the energy of calmness, fidelity, reliability, and the desire for a measured lifestyle.

Under the auspices of the Earth Dog, people born in her year will fall. Concomitant success and confidence in the future are their faithful companions for all 365 days.

A dog is a carnivorous animal that prefers meat. Therefore, the New Year's table, prepared for the meeting of the yellow year earth dog, should be dominated by meat and fish dishes. This trend will be appreciated by men, as the menu will turn out to be very satisfying.

So, what should be on the New Year's table:

  1. Meat dishes in hot and cold form: chops, roast, meat in pots, boiled pork, jelly, aspic, baked chicken, fish or pig, and so on and so forth;
  2. all sorts of meat salads and snacks;
  3. Give preference to variety cold cuts from any kind of sausages, ham, smoked meat;
  4. Sandwiches with caviar and red fish;
  5. Other seafood like independent dish as well as in salads and appetizers.

The menu turns out to be high-calorie, but for the New Year you can afford to relax and forget about the figure for a while.

The meat assortment should be diluted with other types of dishes in order to add variety to the menu. In addition, there are people who do not eat meat: vegetarians, adherents proper nutrition and diets, people with stomach disease. What, then, to cook for them, so as not to "anger" the Yellow Dog?

In fact, dogs are omnivorous creatures, not squeamish and plant food, so no one will be able to stay hungry on the upcoming holiday. What can be added to the meat menu?

  1. An excellent alternative to meat will be fish and dishes prepared from it. For adherents of a healthy lifestyle, baked versions of just fish or with the addition of vegetables are suitable. Grilled, fried, aspic fish - everything will fit perfectly into the menu of the festive table;
  2. Sliced ​​from fresh vegetables- Another good addition To meat menu, especially since vegetables and meat make up delicious combination and complement each other perfectly. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh cabbage salads are in perfect harmony with the main dishes;
  3. Dogs, in addition to meat, are very fond of dairy products. Cheese Sliced, dessert dishes based on cottage cheese and milk should not be an exception to the holiday list;
  4. Don't forget the garnish. Potatoes in any version perfectly complement the meat: gentle puree, crumbly boiled or baked potato wedges- here are the options that are preferred.

On the eve of the New Year celebrations, it is impossible to get around the topic of drinks that should complement the festive table.

  1. One of the main symbols of the New Year - champagne - must be mandatory;
  2. Wine - wonderful aperitif before serving the main courses, and the perfect complement to cheese and fruit;
  3. Lovers over strong drinks give preference to cognac, vodka, whiskey or rum;
  4. In addition to alcohol, there should be juices, fruit drinks or mineral water, this is also true for those who do not drink alcohol;
  5. It will be unusual to put on the table hot mulled wine, but nevertheless for the Year of the Dog - this is quite acceptable.

The main thing to remember is that the New Year is not a reason to overdo it with alcohol, especially in the upcoming Year of the Dog. Although these animals love a cheerful mood, they can’t stand drunk people.

As for the menu, you should not set the table cleanly to meet the Yellow Dog. vegetarian dishes. Put a couple of meat dishes, because the dog is a predator and the lack of meat can scare him away.

It is undesirable to put horse meat dishes on the table. Although for a Russian person this is not a familiar and unusual type of meat, there may still be lovers horse sausage who are better off refraining from using it on New Year's Eve. Dogs react restlessly to horses, accompanying their appearance with a deafening bark.

Since the dog is a representative of domestic animals, it is undesirable to celebrate the holiday outside the walls of your home. Give preference to a family circle of relatives and friends.

To celebrate the New Year 2018, give up dark and gloomy colors: black, gray, brown and others. Dress in bright, festive outfits, mostly yellow hues.

Also, the Year of the Dog should not start with quarrels, so keep harmony and calm in the family.

In order for the New Year's guest in the form of a Dog to be satisfied with the meeting with the owners of the house, she must be appeased in every possible way. For example, appropriately arrange a festive table. And it concerns not only cooked dishes, but also the design of the table.

One of the options would be a decoration in the form of a dog figurine, which will fit perfectly among the dishes.

You can also be creative with regard to dishes, namely, make sandwiches in the form of a cute muzzle of a dog or arrange a salad in the form of an animal.

Lucky for those who masterfully master the art of carving, that is, the ability to cut various shapes from vegetables and fruits. Such a creative is suitable for decorating hot dishes.

Making cakes in the form of a cute animal will not leave indifferent any child, and adults will be delighted.

To attract good luck to your destiny in the coming year, pay attention to table setting. But this does not mean at all that the table should be full of exquisite cutlery and serving accessories.

Since the dog is a domestic animal, the design of the table should be arranged in accordance with the family atmosphere. Simplicity and comfort - that's what will please the "energy guest".

Preference in serving should be given to one of the options below:

  1. Rustic table setting. In other words, rustic. What it will look like: a table covered with a cotton or linen tablecloth; ceramic dishes, preferably white color; bread bins, vases and napkin holders can be put wooden. Glasses and glasses are plain. Lay out a few wooden spoons on the table. In general, make serving as close as possible to the home atmosphere;
  2. If, nevertheless, you gravitate towards everything exquisite, then use gold in the table setting. It does not mean at all that the dishes should be made of gold, combine this color with white. Ceramic plates with gilding, goblets and glasses with gold framing. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Use predominantly yellow, white, and gold colors in your serving, which correspond to the upcoming year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

If you good hostess, then you have probably already thought about how to surprise your loved ones on New Year's Eve. I want the table to be non-banal, so it’s better to forget about Olivier and Herring under a fur coat right away. Our article contains original and, importantly, simple and delicious recipes for the New Year's table available products. But first, let's figure out what dishes and ingredients you can't do without in the Year of the Pig.

What should be on the New Year's table?

The main idea of ​​our festive table is that the symbol of the year should be satisfied with the menu and bring only good luck all year round. Eastern philosophy is very sensitive to this, so we will rely on some of its principles:
  • Dishes are as simple as possible. In addition, it is desirable to use only natural products.
  • Preferably cook at home fragrant pastries. For example, pies with several types of fillings, rolls, kulebyaki are perfect.
  • An obligatory element on the table is greens and vegetables.
  • As for snacks, ideal option there will be small sandwiches. As a filling, it is better to choose vegetables or meat.
  • As a drink, we recommend learning how to make delicious cocktail, products will not be superfluous own production: let's say homemade tincture or wine.
  • As for the main dishes, their recipes should not contain a lot of oil and fat.
  • If you actively use sauces and seasonings in the kitchen, then keep in mind that it is advisable to make them yourself, using natural high-quality products.
  • Do not get carried away cooking spicy dishes!

New Year's salads

Option 1: "Festive mood." The peculiarity of this salad is that it taste qualities many will like it - the composition of the ingredients is very versatile. So, we are preparing:
  1. First, boil two or three chicken eggs. Cut them into strips or cubes.
  2. Two or three pre-cut tomatoes are added to the eggs.
  3. Next, cut about one hundred and fifty grams crab meat or sticks.
  4. About a hundred grams of cheese durum varieties rub on a coarse grater.
As for the dressing, it will be garlic, very fragrant. It is very easy to cook it. We take mayonnaise as a base. We add garlic previously squeezed out with garlic (one or two cloves are enough). In general, it is difficult to indicate the proportions: the surest option would be to focus on your taste, controlling the spiciness.

Option 2: "Air New Year". The salad is very light, but do not hesitate: the representatives of the stronger sex will also like it.

  1. You will need about half a kilogram of champignons. If you don't find fresh mushrooms, then frozen ones will do just fine. you need to fry them well with onions. It is better to cut it into small pieces. Add salt and spices.
  2. About one hundred and fifty grams of crab meat cut into small pieces. You can replace crab meat with crab sticks.
  3. Boil five chicken eggs and then rub them on fine grater. Eggs are added to mushrooms, go there crab sticks and bow.
  4. We dress our salad with mayonnaise (it is desirable to choose low calorie look this product).
  5. When serving, we recommend sprinkling the salad with grated cheese.

Hot on the New Year's table

Option 1: "Meatball skewers." Pretty unbanal meat dish which men will definitely appreciate. In addition, such a kebab looks very aesthetically pleasing and festive.


  • minced pork (about three hundred to four hundred grams);
  • puff yeast-free dough You can purchase retail packaging. You will need about three hundred grams;
  • several types of spices to taste;
  • skewers.
Solim minced meat and add spices to it, focusing on your own taste. We recommend paying attention to basil, cumin and freshly ground black pepper. From minced meat we make meatballs of small sizes. The balls are carefully put on a skewer, after which each meatball is wrapped with a piece of dough, which we pre-roll. We put on a maximum of five meatballs on one skewer. We grease the baking dish with oil and cook the dish for about forty minutes at a temperature of about two hundred degrees.

Option 2: "Tongue with sweet and sour sauce." Simple but pretty exotic dish. It will definitely satisfy your gastronomic ambitions.


  • one tongue (preferably beef);
  • parsley root and one medium-sized carrot;
  • one medium-sized bulb;
  • bay leaf, salt, and black peppercorns. You can add other spices according to your taste.
We start with what beef tongue boil for fifty minutes in salted water. Add parsley root and carrots to the tongue. When it is almost ready, add a couple of peppercorns and a few bay leaves. Tip: if you immediately dip your tongue into cold water, then it will be much easier to remove the skin from it. After that, send the tongue back to the pan and bring to a boil.

Preparing the sauce:
New Year's dishes should be fragrant, and this sauce will definitely not leave you indifferent. Heat a tablespoon of flour in a skillet. Next, add three tablespoons to the mixture. butter. Here, about five hundred grams of beef broth. After that, the mixture goes tomato paste: one tablespoon is enough. We complete the preparation with a teaspoon of sugar, fifty grams of raisins and one hundred grams of prunes. Dilute with one tablespoon of vinegar (three percent). Cook the sauce for about fifteen minutes. The dish is ready! Cut the tongue into neat slices and pour over the sauce.

Drinks on the New Year's table

Option 1: Cocktail "Mood"
  • ice cubes;
  • Coca Cola;
  • rum (dark);
  • cherry red wine.
Do not forget about aesthetics: all dishes for the New Year's table should be beautiful, so prepare elegant glasses for cocktails. We put ice at the bottom of the glass (its amount is up to you). We mix in this proportion: one part of strong rum to three parts of wine. We complete the cocktail with Coca-Cola, which we pre-cool.

  • a sparkling wine;
  • lemon;
  • vermouth;
  • ice cubes;
  • sugar.
The proportions are simple: we take about a hundred milliliters sparkling wine, about a hundred grams of sugar and the same amount of vermouth. Add some lemon juice to the mixture and mix well. Chill the cocktail well before serving. We serve the cocktail in special glasses that can be elegantly decorated with a slice of lime or lemon. Complete the drink with ice cubes.

Desserts for the New Year's table

Roll with nuts
  • about one hundred grams of butter;
  • one lavash;
  • one jar of boiled condensed milk;
  • one glass of walnuts.

We start cooking with one hundred grams of butter, which we take out of the refrigerator. It is important to leave it for a while room temperature. Walnuts are crushed sharp knife. One of famous ways crushing a nut - with a rolling pin. However, we do not recommend. With this method, nuts lose part of their valuable oil, and our task is not only to make the roll tasty, but also to keep its useful qualities.

After the walnuts are crushed and the butter has become soft, open the jar of condensed milk. You can cook ordinary condensed milk, or you can buy boiled milk right away, which is much more convenient. Mix all three ingredients.

When the filling is ready, you can spread the pita bread. We apply the filling on it: do not overdo it, the layer should be thin. The side that, after we wrap the roll, will be at the top, we clear about two centimeters from walnut. Thus, there will be a sticky layer on the pita leaf, which can glue the edges of our roll.

Please note that the roll must be rolled tightly enough, but do not overdo it. Otherwise, the nuts will stick out, and this is not what we need. Keep the roll in the refrigerator for one hour. Simple and very delicious dessert To New Year's table ready!
