
Cutlets in puff pastry. Cutlets in puff pastry "Spruce branch with cones

How to cook delicious meatballs

A step-by-step recipe for cutlets in dough in the oven with a photo, cooking cutlets in puff pastry, what these cutlets are served with and cooking options for cutlets in dough.

1 hour

290 kcal

5/5 (2)

A great alternative to sandwiches are homemade cutlets in dough. soft, tender bun And delicious cutlet inside. Previously, my son could not calmly walk past the points where they sell ready cutlets in the test. And now he doesn’t even look in their direction, because I learned how to make them myself.

Recipe for cutlets in dough in the oven

Kitchen appliances: bowl, whisk, blender or meat grinder, cutting board, wide plate, baking sheet, rolling pin, baking paper.

Required products

For dough preparation
For cooking meatballs
  • 1 kg of minced meat;
  • 1 medium-sized onion;
  • 200 grams of pulp of a loaf;
  • 200 ml of milk (water);
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe

Take care of the dough first, as it will need to stand for an hour to rise. While the dough is coming up, you will have time to make cutlets. Prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking.

  1. Heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove to 35-40°C.
  2. Pour 250 ml into a bowl warm milk, add yeast, salt and sugar. Mix with a whisk, add the egg and vegetable oil. Mix it all up.

  3. Sift the flour, add to this mixture and knead the dough. Knead it with your hands. It should be soft and elastic. Cover it with a kitchen towel and leave it in a warm place for one hour.

  4. Now start cooking meatballs. Break the banana in half and take out the pulp. Put in a bowl, fill with milk (water) and knead with your hands.

  5. Peel the onion and garlic. Grind with a blender and transfer to a bowl with breadcrumbs.

  6. Finely chop the greens and send to a bowl.

  7. Add minced meat, salt, pepper, egg and mix. Mince is ready. Now form cutlets, roll in flour and place on a cutting board.

  8. Heat up a skillet with vegetable oil and fry the cutlets for 3 minutes on each side until cooked through.
  9. Put the finished cutlets on a wide plate and let them cool slightly.

  10. Dust a cutting board with flour, lay out the dough (it should already fit well). Remember him. Roll into a sausage and divide into 3 parts.
  11. Roll one part of the dough with a rolling pin into a pancake 3-5 mm thick, cut into strips of 1.5-2 cm. Take a strip of dough and a cutlet. Wrap the patty in the dough and pinch the bottom of the dough. Wrap the cutlet with dough slightly overlapping. Wrap all cutlets in this way.

  12. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper and put on it all the cutlets in the dough that you got.
  13. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and brush the buns with the egg.
  14. Turn on the oven to heat up. Put the baking sheet with the buns on the stove so that they are still spaced while the stove is heating up.
  15. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 200°C. Get the rosy ones delicious meatballs in the dough from the oven. Let them cool down a bit and are ready to serve.

Video recipe for cooking meatballs

On this video wonderful recipe cooking cutlets in the dough.

Cutlets in puff pastry

To cook meatballs in puff pastry, for the quantity of food for cooking meatballs indicated in previous recipe(1 kg of minced meat), take one kilogram of puff pastry. I know several ways to prepare such meatballs.

First option- finished puff pastry thaw and cut into strips 0.5 cm wide. Prepare the minced meat as in the previous recipe (4-7 steps). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Wet your hands cold water, form a cutlet from minced meat or meat ball and wrap it with dough as if winding threads on a ball. Brush with egg and bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 35 minutes.

Second option- Wrap the finished cutlets in puff pastry and bake in the oven. First prepare the meatballs. While they are cooling, roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm and cut into equal rectangles. Make cuts on the dough with a knife. Place the cutlet in the center of the dough rectangle and wrap each cutlet in the dough. Pinch the edges, brush with egg and bake in preheated oven at 200°C for 15 minutes. When the dough is browned, take the patties out of the oven and enjoy.

What are these meatballs served with?

Cutlets in dough are served hot with soup, fresh vegetable salads or pickles. As a side dish for such cutlets, you can make vegetable stew or steamed vegetables. You can submit them as independent dish, decorated with greenery.

This option is perfect for a picnic. Cutlets in the dough are good and completely cooled. They are also convenient to take with you as a snack to work for adults and children to study.

Cooking options for cutlets

I noticed that children prefer cutlets in dough from chicken meat or turkey fillet. Adults in my family prefer cutlets with pork or ground beef. Any of these options are suitable, focus on your taste.

Cutlets in dough - familiar dish, which is convenient to take with you to work, to the beach or on the road, but here you can apply them for festive table few take the risk.

We offer to cook cutlets in puff pastry in the oven according to a recipe with a photo, in which it is easy to catch the similarity of products with fir cones. Beautiful and mouth-watering cones will not leave anyone indifferent, they can be served on children's holiday and as an appetizer for guests. The preparation is simple, and the set of products will not empty the wallet.

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare cutlets in the form of ruddy cones, prepare the products:

  • 500 g minced chicken coarse grinding from white meat, it is better to buy breasts and grind them yourself in a blender or in a meat grinder (not finely!);
  • 30 g white loaf or savory bun(without crust);
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • packaging of ready-made pre-thawed puff pastry (half a kilogram);
  • one raw egg yolk;
  • greens and grant grains for decoration.

Step by step cooking technique

First, prepare the minced meat for cutlets - as usual, add a loaf soaked in milk to it, salt and pepper. If you cook minced meat yourself, then chop the bread and garlic at the same stage.

Mix well and lightly beat in the minced meat with your hands, then shape into small patties.

From the products indicated in the recipe, 11-12 pieces will be obtained.

Roll out the dough a little and divide into squares so that their size matches the cutlet. Approximately - 13 cm diagonally. chicken cutlet Lay on the puff pastry diagonally and pinch as shown in the photo in our recipe.

The seam should not be thick, but if it turned out to be thick, just cut off the excess. Turn the suture over onto the table and press lightly.

Now make cuts very carefully with scissors, but do not forget about the night light inside - the cut should not lead to the formation of a hole.

Now, with the tips of the scissors, create the scales of the cone. This must be done carefully, trying not to reach the filling.

Put the blanks on a baking sheet and brush with egg yolk, previously stirred with a fork. To make the crust shine in the yolk, you can add a pinch of sugar.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Estimated cooking time is 25 minutes.

Cool slightly and serve! If you decorate puff pastry cutlets in the form of cones with dill sprigs and pomegranate seeds, and then sprinkle with starch, you get a beautiful spruce branch.

It is appropriate to serve such an appetizer even on the festive table! For children, you can make several hedgehogs according to the same principle, drawing the idea from the manufacturing master class.

If you still have wings after cooking minced meat, then take note. For dessert, serve light and tasty, fruit, ice cream.

Such cutlets in puff pastry do not need a side dish and bread, it is better to serve them fresh vegetables. They are also good for tea, coffee,.

It seems to me that in winter there is no less space for creativity in the kitchen than in summer. You just need to want, and maybe even just allow yourself to be different. Our life is so interesting and fleeting that you need to be able to use every moment in order to enjoy tasty food, from communicating with the family, from reading an interesting article. And so, if you still have not decided on creative dishes in your home menu then do it now.
This does not mean that now you will cook dishes of Asian or other cuisine, it will also not molecular cuisine. Just cook everything the same as before, but do it with the mood, bring in new tastes, come up with original submissions, make original dishes, let it be your fusion style. And it doesn’t matter that not everything will turn out well at first, the main thing is that you will like this process.
Do you still not understand how it works? For example, great solution for beginner level. For example, delicious meat cutlets in puff pastry, the recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I offer, we will not just fry and serve with buckwheat with salad, but wrap them in squares from, form beautiful bumps and bake in the oven. And you need to serve them by laying them on a bunch of fresh herbs - dill or rosemary. We will get an original edible spruce branch with cones.
The process of making buds is so simple and the taste is simply magical that you will cook such buds quite often. Moreover, minced meat can be anything, it can be chicken meat, or mixed homemade minced meat from poultry and beef, and maybe purely pork. You can make these meatballs from minced fish or from mushrooms and vegetables. Try it, you will definitely get your own, very tasty dish.
From the specified recipe, 8 cutlets are obtained.


- chopped meat(pork) - 300 g,
- fresh garlic- 2 cloves,
- puff pastry (ready frozen) - 350 g,
- chicken yolk(for lubrication of cones) - 1 pc.,
- salt,
- ground pepper,
- for decoration (dill, rosemary, pomegranate seeds, starch).

How to cook with a photo step by step

If you bought minced meat in the supermarket, then it will not be superfluous to twist it again in a meat grinder.
Add minced garlic, salt and pepper.

Thaw the puff pastry slightly beforehand so that you can work with it.
Cut it into 8 - 10 squares with a side of about 9 cm.

Now, with the help of sharp scissors, we very carefully form cone petals.

Lay the cones on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, seam side down.

Now break the egg and separate the yolk from the protein.

We carefully lubricate the products with them.

We bake the cones in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees, about 20-25 minutes.

Then we put the finished cones on a dish with herbs, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and sprinkle with starch, imitating light snow.

It will look original on the table and

Today we will cook original puff cutlets in the oven. When making them, they do not mix the minced meat, but lay out all the ingredients in separate layers, approximately like hay in stacks. That is why they are called so - Stozhka cutlets. A detailed, step-by-step photo recipe will help you feed your family and guests quickly, satisfyingly and unusually. ?

We need the simplest and most affordable products for puff cutlets: minced meat, onions, raw potatoes, grated cheese. One of the layers is often chopped boiled eggs or mushrooms. Today we have fresh mushrooms.

How to cook cutlets in the oven in layers

TO mixed minced meat from pork and beef, add low-fat chicken. Salt and pepper the mixture. You can add any herbs that you like, seasonings for meat - thyme, coriander, rosemary, etc.

Finely chop the onion. Clean the mushrooms and cut. Peel the potatoes and grind coarse grater, grate and cheese. We don't salt anything!

Usually, mayonnaise is used to bind the layers, but we will prepare a leaner low-cholesterol filling without eggs. Put 2 tbsp in a bowl. low-fat sour cream (10-15%), 1-2 tbsp. mustard, 3 tbsp. cold water, 1 tbsp. lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar, 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste.

Beat with a mixer or blender, and we get an emulsion sauce. And in appearance, and in texture, and even in taste, it looks like a light mayonnaise. This dressing can also be used for salads, it is tasty, but less caloric than regular mayonnaise. The only defect is instability. No powerful emulsifier - egg yolk, the water-sour cream-oil mixture will begin to delaminate in 15-20 minutes, so we work quickly.

Let's start forming the stacks. Can be collected puff cutlets“loosely”, simply by applying layer to layer, but it will be more convenient and neater using serving rings of a suitable diameter. Lightly grease the baking tray with vegetable oil, set the rings, and put the minced meat in them as the first layer.

Sprinkle finely chopped onions over the minced meat. Put a pinch of cheese between the layers to bond.

Put grated potatoes on top of a slide and pour generously with dressing, which should soak all layers.

Carefully remove the serving rings and put our funny disheveled cutlets in the oven, heated to 220-250 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

When the potatoes start to lightly brown on top of the patty, take the tray out of the oven.

Sprinkle the stacks with the rest of the cheese and return to the oven by switching to Grill or Top Heat.

The cheese melted and reddened, and at the bottom of the pan a very delicious gravy sauce. Delicious and juicy cutlets The stacks are ready, it's time to serve.

By choosing this recipe, you do not need to spend time and effort preparing a special side dish. Simply put the puff cutlets Stochka on plates, pour them with your own gravy, decorate with herbs and fresh or canned vegetables.

That's one of the most simple products, with minimal effort, we got a hearty, tasty and original dish, with which you can please your family and amaze guests.

In any family there are lovers of baking, and especially if it is prepared and served in an original way. Cutlets in puff pastry are also in demand, because they are no less tasty than pastries from yeast dough. The most convenient thing about this recipe is that you can buy ready-made dough and decorate it beautifully with ease. meat products. And if you have small children, then they will be crazy about your work of art.


  • puff pastry - 2 standard plates
  • pork pulp - 500 g
  • pork fat - 70 g
  • ground pepper - a pinch
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • onion - 2 small heads
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. In fact, the main part of cooking cutlets in puff pastry is the preparation of the cutlets themselves. After all, if they are not tasty, then the dish can no longer be saved. Rinse and pat dry the pork paper towel. Then scroll in a meat grinder along with bacon and onions. Add spices and mix with your hands.
  2. Add half of the egg to the minced pork meat and mix it again until smooth.

    Tip: in order for the cutlets to turn out juicy and tender, the minced meat must be beaten off on the surface of the table. Raise the main part of the minced meat about 50 cm and hit it on the table, repeating the action several times.

  3. From received minced pork form large balls.

  4. Fry the cutlets in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  5. Move the finished pork cutlets to a wire rack or plate so that they have time to cool down while we roll out the dough.

  6. Meanwhile, roll out the puff pastry sheet with a rolling pin.

  7. Divide the resulting sheet into strips about 1.5 centimeters wide. Alternately connect the strips of dough, rolling them into a tube, thereby forming our thread for the ball.

  8. Wrap a “thread” of dough around each patty. You will get such round balls. Whisk the rest of the egg and brush the surface of the buns with it.

  9. Bake cutlets in puff pastry in a preheated oven at a temperature of 170 degrees, about 15 minutes. But be sure to be prepared. If the dough is not browned, then increase the time a little more.
  10. Everyone knows how easy it is to cook meatballs. But if you do familiar dish every time in a new way, inventing various ways serving, then you can surprise your companions over and over again. Here are some more recipes to help you:
