
How to stew ready cutlets. Stewed cutlets

At first glance, frying cutlets is very simple. They put them in a frying pan and after a few minutes they took them off, ruddy and flowing with juice. But in reality, hostesses face big problems. Products fall apart, burn, remain raw inside, turn black or hard, like soles. Today we’ll talk about how to steam cutlets after frying so that they turn out perfect.

Delicious and juicy

This is exactly how they should be. At the same time, novice housewives, who once cooked dry and overcooked cutlets, the second time they simply try to put them out. That is, they are laid in a pan and immediately poured with sauce. It turns out something boiled, wet and not very similar to ruddy meatballs. And only experienced housewives know how to steam cutlets and at the same time make them not only tasty, but delicious. Let's look at a number of rules that will help you prepare an excellent dish.

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. And this applies to chefs in the first place. Trying to cook a dish one way or another, many of us gradually find the only right option. Since steaming cutlets is not so easy, consider the main mistakes that beginners make:

  • Cooking minced meat is also a science. If you make it too liquid, it will be inconvenient to work with it. In this case, many begin to add a lot of bread. You don't need to do this. Just add as much bread as required by the recipe, and then put the minced meat in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, the bread will absorb excess liquid, and the mass will become elastic.
  • Beating minced meat is considered a very necessary action. Due to this, it becomes more sticky. In fact, during this procedure, we remove excess air and moisture. This is important for kebabs, but for cutlets it is completely superfluous. Just mix the mass and leave in the refrigerator for two hours. And if there is no time at all, then you can beat off a little.
  • It's not worth rushing. This has already been said above. It is not recommended to fry cutlets immediately. Turn the meat, add bread and onions, and then send to the refrigerator. Then the products will be well molded. They may not even panic. Then it remains only to learn how to steam the cutlets to make the perfect dinner.
  • By the way, long stewing in sauce is also a mistake. And the sauce itself is necessary. If after frying you added, for example, sour cream and heated for 5 minutes, this is normal. But you can not boil in the sauce. The fibers inside the patty shrink, the juiciness goes away. Of course, it is compensated by gravy, but this is not the same at all.

Getting down to business

In order not to spoil your favorite dish, you must take the process with all responsibility. If the minced meat was badly beaten off, they forgot to add an egg to the cutlet mass to bind the particles, or the mass was not cooled in the refrigerator, then when the liquid is added, the cutlets may simply crumble when frying.

First of all, you need to fry the products in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown on both sides. After that, transfer them to another pan. This point is debatable. If you are frying in a Teflon pan with a minimum amount of oil, then you can add the sauce immediately on top. Usually this is a small amount of butter, broth or gravy.

The time of frying or stewing depends entirely on the thickness of the cutlets, as well as on the selected meat. For example, if you took beef, you can leave the middle even slightly pink. This will give tenderness to the dish. But if you took pork or chicken, then they must be brought to full readiness.

Tomato sauce

It's no secret that it is the gravy that makes cutlets juicy and interesting. And the more aromatic it is, the tastier the dish will turn out as a result. If the hostess knows how to stew cutlets, then they will not be dry and faded. It is best to take a separate saucepan for steaming. You will need:

  • A can of tomatoes in their own juice (grind in a blender).
  • Some basil.
  • Onion and a few cloves of garlic.
  • A pinch of sugar.
  • Greens, salt and pepper.

Onions need to be chopped and fried in vegetable oil, add garlic. Add tomatoes and spices. Simmer the sauce for 10 minutes. That's pretty much everything you need to know about how to make meatballs juicy. Fried cutlets should be transferred to the sauce and simmer for 3 minutes on each side. After that, turn off the heat, add greens and let stand under the lid for another 10 minutes so that the meat absorbs all the flavors.

We use a slow cooker

If you have this assistant, then everything becomes even easier. The hostess does not even have to think about how to make cutlets juicy. It is enough to lightly fry them and put them in a separate bowl for now. Now we heat up the multicooker. In a bowl, you need to fry a small amount of onion, in which, if desired, add sour cream or tomato. Bring to a boil and turn off. Now lay out the cutlets and set the heating mode. Close the lid. Cutlets will be as if in a thermos. They will soak up the sauce and become very tasty.

Cutlets in sour cream

A fermented milk product goes well with meat and any side dish. If you want to know how to make cutlets soft and juicy, then try this option. Meat products can be formed at your discretion. For gravy you will need:

  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  • Spices and herbs.

First of all, you need to fry the cutlets until golden brown. Put them in a separate container. Cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into strips. Fry the vegetables in the remaining oil, then set aside half of them on a plate. Lay cutlets over vegetables. Pour the filling from sour cream, diluted water, salt and herbs on top. It remains to close the lid and bring to readiness. The finished dish is perfect for boiled potatoes.

Instead of a conclusion

There are many subtleties that allow the hostess to cook tastier. Today we talked about how to steam cutlets after frying. It is not so difficult, you just need to follow the recommendations of the chefs. Cutlets can be served with boiled potatoes or rice, buckwheat or stewed vegetables. It turns out not only tasty, but also useful.

Our site will tell you how to stew cutlets after frying. When the minced meat is ready for cooking, there are only a few simple steps left - to form, breaded if necessary and fry the cutlets in a pan in sunflower oil. However, it seems to many housewives that this is not enough, and the cutlets must be stewed in water, gravy or sauce until the meat is completely cooked.

It seems that this step is the easiest to prepare, so what could go wrong? Liquid is added to the fried cutlets and they are cooked in sauce. But often cutlets crack or crumble, and may even stick to the surface of the pan. In addition, not everyone knows how to stew cutlets after frying in a saucepan.

How to properly stew cutlets after frying

In order not to spoil your favorite dish, the process must be taken with full responsibility. There are many reasons why patties can crumble and fall apart after liquid has been added to them:

The minced meat was initially cooked incorrectly - perhaps it was beaten off a little and kneaded poorly, they forgot to add eggs to the cutlet mass to bind the meat particles into a homogeneous mass. Or the hostess ignored the advice on cooling the finished minced meat in the refrigerator.

If the cutlets stick strongly to the pan, this can only mean one thing - most likely, the non-stick coating is broken, or the pan is old and not suitable for cooking this dish. Ideally, it is best to fry cutlets in well-heated sunflower oil in a cast-iron skillet. How to stew cutlets in a saucepan - just like in a pan, with a little vegetable oil and liquid, or sauce.

Do not add butter too early, ideally it is added almost at the end of cooking. It is desirable if the butter is natural, and there is no whey in the composition, but only natural cream.

How to stew cutlets after frying? They must first be fried until golden brown on both sides over high heat, and then closed with a lid and stewed, or transferred to a refractory form and baked in the oven.

The frying and stewing time depends entirely on the thickness of the cutlets, and the main ingredient. For example, beef cutlets can be served with blood, but if chicken or pork is used, they must be brought to full readiness.

Amazing tomato sauce for stewing meatballs

The taste of the final dish depends on the gravy - the more aromatic it is, the tastier the cutlets will turn out. Then they can be served with rice or pasta, and the dish will not look dry on the plate.

Required for cooking

  • Bank of mashed canned tomatoes;
  • a pinch of basil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • A pinch of sugar;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh herbs;
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper;
  • A little vegetable oil.

Gravy preparation

How to put out cutlets after frying in a pan? Just like in a frying pan, just the sauce is cooked in a small saucepan, and the cutlets are steamed in it after frying.

Peel the onion and garlic from the husk, chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add crushed and pureed tomatoes or thick tomato sauce, and a pinch of sugar.

Stew the sauce for 5 - 7 minutes, add salt and spices, chopped fresh herbs.

Transfer the cutlets fried over high heat to the sauce, and simmer the cutlets after frying for 6-8 minutes on each side under the lid.

Before turning off the heat, add chopped fresh herbs, and let the cutlets stand in the sauce for 10-15 minutes so that they absorb all the flavors.

Advice! If the sauce has thickened too much, it can be thinned with a little water or broth. Be sure to add some sugar to the tomatoes to balance out the sour taste of the tomatoes.

Bon appetit!

This article is searched for:

  • how to stew meatballs
  • how to stew meatballs
  • how to stew cutlets after frying
  • how to stew cutlets after frying

Fry minced meat cutlets in a frying pan without a lid for minutes on each side over medium heat, then add a little water for juiciness, and simmer under a lid -.
Fry semi-finished cutlets on each side until golden brown, then add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid and fry more

How to fry meatballs

Ingredients for frying minced meat patties (about 20 medium pieces)
Minced meat - 1 kilogram
Onion - 1 large head
Garlic - 2 cloves
Parsley or dill greens - 50 grams
Milk - 100 milliliters
White bread - 50 grams (5 slices)
Flour - 50 grams (2 tablespoons with a slide)
Chicken eggs - 2 pieces

Meatball Recipe
1. Defrost minced meat, put in a bowl.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop / chop with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add to mince.
3. Add 2 raw chicken eggs to the minced meat.
4. Finely chop the greens, add to the minced meat.
5. Break the bread into pieces.
6. Put the pieces of bread in a bowl, pour over milk, mash in milk, squeeze and add to minced meat.

7. Salt the minced meat (for 1 kilogram of minced meat - 2 teaspoons of salt without a slide) and mix all the ingredients well with your hands for minutes.

8. Blind cutlets, roll in flour, put on a flat surface next to each other.

Flour for frying meatballs
Formed and ready to fry cutlets 9. Heat the pan.
10. Pour in the oil and spread it over the entire surface of the pan.
11. Put the cutlets so that there is a distance between them from each other.

Meatballs in a hot skillet 12. Shake the pan a little so that the cutlets move a little. This action is necessary so that the cutlets do not stick to the pan and do not fall apart when turned over.

Meatballs fried on one side 13. Fry the cutlets on both sides for minutes over medium heat without a lid; for a crust, the fire can be made large.
14. Turn the cutlets over, fry on a fire slightly less than medium under the lid, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water so that the cutlets are well fried inside.

Fry delicious

If you are preparing minced meat at home, it is recommended to slightly freeze the meat so that it is easier to grind in a meat grinder. Meat for minced meat is recommended to be cut by weight in one long strip.
- It is necessary to fry the cutlets in a frying pan that is well heated for 1-2 minutes so that the cutlets are covered with a crust and the cutlets do not lose their juiciness. You can check the pan by dropping a drop of water - if the oil starts splashing a little, the pan is ready for frying cutlets.
- When all the cutlets are placed on the pan, it is necessary to slightly move each of the cutlets from its place so that the cutlet does not burn on the pan.
- If it is not possible to turn the patty over or the spatula is too wide, you can additionally lightly pick up the patty with a fork.
- The readiness of the cutlets is checked by piercing the cutlet with a fork - if clear juice stands out - the cutlets are sufficiently fried and ready to serve.
- To check the heat of the oil, you can drop a drop of water into the oil; if a drop sizzles in the oil, it means that the pan is ready for frying cutlets.
- To cook cutlets in sauce, you can pour them over cutlets 3 minutes before cooking.
- If you have not cooked the cutlets and they are still raw inside - return them to the hot pan, pour in a quarter cup of water, cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
- In order to fry many cutlets quickly, you can use several pans. In 3 frying pans, fry cutlets from a given amount of food for 1 hour.
- To properly fry cutlets, it is important to pay attention to focus on salt. To make the cutlets moderately salty, 1 teaspoon of salt with a slide is enough for 1 kilogram of minced meat. For medium salinity, you need 1.5 teaspoons of salt with a slide. For a strong salinity of minced meat, 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide is needed. Minced meat for cutlets should be well salted before frying, it will be too late to salt fried cutlets. Tip - if you did not salt the minced meat for cutlets before frying, either serve the cutlets chopped and lightly sprinkled with salt, or with salty sauce, or just salt the sauce if it is not salty.
- You can fry cutlets on the greaves remaining from the previous batch of cutlets, adding a little oil.
- Turn the patties away from you to reduce the risk of oil splash and burns. Try to turn the patties smoothly so that they do not splash into the oil and do not fly splashes to avoid contamination of the kitchen and appliances. If drops of oil do get on the work surface, immediately wipe the oil with a napkin.
- Bread is added to minced meat so that the cutlets do not become dry. The crumb of stale bread, soaked in milk, gives moisture to cutlets when frying.

We vary minced meat

To taste, in the recipe you can bread soaked in milk replace with black bread (without a crust and it also needs to be soaked in milk), semolina, crushed crackers from white bread or potato starch - 5-6 tablespoons, oatmeal or bran - 4-5 tablespoons. You can also use grated potatoes (2 medium potatoes) or zucchini (1 small) instead of bread.
- It is possible to make patties without eggs - eggs are added, for the most part, for easy formation of patties and to keep them in shape. To keep the shape of the cutlets without eggs, it is enough to remove the formed and breaded cutlets into the freezer and hold there for about 20 minutes. By the way, the breading, if you freeze the cutlets, is not sprinkled in oil.
- You can cook cutlets from mixed minced meat, for example, combine minced pork with turkey, pork with chicken, pork and beef.
- Instead of vegetable oil, for frying cutlets, you can use butter (instead of each tablespoon of vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons of butter) or meat and poultry fat (instead of each spoonful of vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons of fat) - it should be finely chopped and heated in a pan.
- If lean meat is used, you can add juiciness to the cutlets by adding a little chopped bacon to the minced meat.
- Onions in minced meat can be chopped in a meat grinder, chopped, grated and then beat in a blender. It is believed that cutlets with onion chopped in a blender are softer and more airy due to the air that nourished the onion during beating.

About storage and more

Store ready cutlets in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, for long-term storage cutlets are removed in the freezer. There they can be stored for several months. However, if you once froze and thawed cutlets - do not freeze them anymore, fry them.
- As a breading for cutlets, you can use, in addition to flour, breadcrumbs, chopped oatmeal, sesame seeds, ground walnuts or semolina. The breading left over from frying cutlets, as a rule, cannot be used for something else and the leftovers will have to be thrown away. Part of the breading can be used by pouring the last batch of cutlets on the unfried side of the cutlets. These cutlets will be with a more pronounced crust.
- The average weight of a cutlet is 50-55 grams, when it is fried, it will decrease to 40-45 grams.
- A bowl of minced meat should be poured with cold water, left for a couple of minutes, then scraped with a spoon and drained not into the sink, otherwise there will be a blockage.

How to fry semi-finished meatballs

Frozen cutlets, bought in a store and being semi-finished products, must be put on a hot, oiled frying pan without defrosting. Fry over medium heat without a lid on each side until golden brown, then add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid and fry more.

How to fry chicken Kiev

Chicken breasts - 4 pieces
Butter - 100 grams
Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
Breadcrumbs - 4 tablespoons
Parsley - 1 medium bunch
Salt and pepper - to taste
Lemon juice - from 1 lemon
Sunflower oil - 2 cups

How to fry chicken Kiev in a pan
1. Soften the butter at room temperature, mix it with chopped parsley, salt (1 teaspoon) and lemon juice, roll into a sausage and refrigerate until it hardens.
2. Remove the skin from the chicken breast, cut off the meat from the wing so that the bone to the joint is completely bare.
3. Divide the breast into 2 unequal parts and remove the white tendon from the small part.
4. Cut small and large fillets in half lengthwise.
5. Beat the small fillet, salt and pepper, put in some of the frozen butter, wrap tightly.
6. Wrap the folded small fillet with a large chicken fillet, wrap tightly. You should get the shape of a spruce cone.
7. So that the Kiev cutlet does not lose its shape, you can pierce it with toothpicks (just remember to remove them before serving!).
8. Beat chicken eggs, salt (1 teaspoon) and mix.
9. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, put on medium heat and warm.
10. Roll each cutlet in the egg.
11. Roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs, then again in egg and breadcrumbs.
12. Put the chicken Kiev on the pan, then bread the other cutlets too and put in the oil.
13. Fry the Kiev cutlets over high heat, then turn the cutlets and fry some more.
Fry semi-finished cutlets in Kiev over medium heat, periodically turning over, and then with the addition of water - without a lid in a pan.

Meatballs can be prepared in many ways: fried, steamed, baked. Stewed cutlets in a slow cooker will be juicy and tender. A light crust, a fragrant core and a delicious sauce will help you have a tasty and satisfying breakfast, lunch or dinner with the whole family.

Cutlets classic

This meat dish is prepared in every home. With the advent of the multicooker, the cooking process has become easier, and the result is tastier and more aromatic.

Required products

  • A kilogram of assorted minced meat (pork, beef, chicken);
  • 2-3 large onions;
  • half a loaf of white bread;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
  • sour cream and ketchup or tomato sauce in equal proportions.

You can buy minced meat ready-made, or you can make it yourself. We take an equal amount of meat of each variety.


Cutlets are fragrant, juicy and very tender. Serve them hot, with mashed potatoes, vermicelli or buckwheat. The side dish can be poured over with the sauce in which the meat dish was stewed. Fresh vegetable salad or homemade pickles will complement the meal.

A complete dinner in one slow cooker

This recipe will surely appeal to working women who return from work with all the household members and immediately start cooking dinner. In one slow cooker, you can cook both meat and side dishes at the same time.


  • Half a kilogram of pork;
  • half a kilogram of beef;
  • large bulb;
  • half a loaf;
  • egg;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • one and a half glasses of milk;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 6-8 young potatoes.

You can use ready-made ground pork and beef. Instead of a young one, you can take regular potatoes, but they need to be peeled and cut into slices (4-6).


Arrange the potatoes on plates, season with salt to taste and sprinkle with chopped dill. Add patties and top everything with milk sauce. Salads, pickles or sauces, choose at your own discretion.

Cutlets with a secret

According to this recipe, you will prepare wonderful meatballs with filling, which can be varied depending on the availability of food in the refrigerator. It can be carrots and onions stewed in the same slow cooker. And maybe fragrant mushrooms.


  • Standard set for cutlets (minced meat, bread, onion and egg);
  • half a kilogram of mushrooms (champignons);
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • large onion;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • glass of water.

Mushroom filling is designed for a kilogram of minced meat.


Fragrant meat patties harmonize well with vegetable side dishes, rice or pasta.

Bread for minced meat, use white and slightly dried. With it, the finished products will be juicier and more magnificent.

The more varieties of meat you use for minced meat, the juicier the dish will turn out.

Sometimes, you want to add new original notes of taste to familiar dishes, and this will make them even more diverse and interesting.

For example, how to stew cutlets in a pan - it would seem an ordinary dish and a simple question, but even such a simple treat can be turned into a real masterpiece. To do this, you need to take a proven step-by-step recipe, quality products, and you can get down to business, the result of which will be juicy and tender “meat balls”.


  • Minced meat - 500 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs. (or to taste);
  • Black ground pepper - to taste;
  • Garlic - to taste;
  • Allspice peas - 5-6 peas;
  • broth - quantity determines the depth of the pan;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Celery stalk - to taste.

How to stew cutlets in a pan on water

We are sure that every housewife probably has her favorite recipe for cutlets: with bread, milk, herbs, minced meat, etc. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we leave the preparation of minced meat to your discretion, and in the recipe we’ll talk about how to stew cutlets in a pan with herbs deliciously, and most importantly, correctly.

If you have not yet found your ideal recipe for kneading minced meat, then we provide you with a selection of recipes on this topic, from which you can easily choose the one that you like best.

  • First of all, we mix the minced meat, onions, spices and other ingredients that are usually added at this stage, then we form cutlets from the resulting mass.

It is advisable to make them no larger than a tennis ball, but you don’t need to make them too small either.

  • Sprinkle a cutting board lightly with flour, lay out the formed cutlets on it and temporarily set it aside.
  • We take a frying pan, preferably with a thick bottom, and pour about a centimeter of water into it.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic are crushed with a knife right in the skin, then thrown into the water. There we also lower the bay leaf (whole), allspice, thyme, and, if desired, you can add other spices and herbs.
  • We put the pan on the fire, cover with a lid and bring its contents to a boil.
  • As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and let the liquid “gurgle” for another 2 minutes, after which we carefully put the cutlets into the container.

There should be some space between them so that the steam can circulate freely.

  • Cover the pan with a lid and forget about it for a while. On average, a portion of cutlets should be stewed for about 10 minutes: steam penetrates into the structure of cutlets much better than direct fire, and they cook evenly at once.

In addition, they do not need to be turned over, which means that you can not stand at the stove all the time, but at this time prepare a side dish or just relax.

Cutlets in a pan: a recipe for stewing in tomato

Another recipe for stewing is tomato. The ingredients for cooking the dish are the same as in the recipe above, only tomato paste is added (you can use a regular homemade tomato).

  • Dilute it first in broth or water.
  • Mix tomato juice or paste with water and leave to heat over low heat.
  • At this time, chop the garlic and finely chop the celery stalk. In order for them to give up their flavors, they need to be allowed to boil for 1-2 minutes under a closed lid.
  • After - add cutlets and also stew them, as in the previous recipe, only once we turn the “meat balls” over.

This option is ideal, especially if the cutlets were prepared quite lean: from chicken, turkey breast, or similar lean (dietary) meat. If you like spicier dishes, you can add a little chili pepper to the sauce.

  • How long to stew cutlets in a pan? To answer this question with accuracy, it is necessary to focus on their size: the larger they are, the longer the heat treatment they will need.
  • Instead of water, you can use chicken or vegetable broth to stew cutlets. We also pour it into the pan, heat it up, and then add a spoonful of flour to it.
  • We try to pour the flour evenly over the entire surface of the pan, and then quickly stir so that there are no lumps. Please note: the flour will begin to swell quite quickly, so immediately reduce the heat and put the cutlets out to stew. Serve the meat dish, be sure to water it with sauce.

A slight difference with the first cooking option (recipe): after 4-5 minutes of stewing, they will need to be turned over so that the sauce evenly covers them on all sides.

  • If you have pork or beef cutlets, then stewing in sour cream is perfect for you. We take water or broth as a basis (in this case, the sauce will turn out more aromatic) - this does not matter.
    We heat water (or broth) in a pan and stir in 2 tbsp. low fat sour cream. As in the previous cases, leave the cutlets to stew for 10 minutes, turning once during the cooking process.
  • We often think that using a lot of oil when frying is a must, but it really isn't. It helps only partially from burning, but the dish itself becomes many times more nutritious, often acquiring a carcinogenic crust, which has a very bad effect on blood vessels and many other organs.

Bon appetit!
