
Quick holiday table. Fir cones - dessert

The next 2018 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. This means that the New Year's table must be thought out in such a way as to please the dog. Although it is considered a pet, but by nature, a dog is a predator. Therefore, in order to please her, on New Year's Eve it is worth focusing on meat dishes. But what else should be on the New Year's table 2018?

New Year's table 2018: compose the menu

The dog will like any meat - poultry, beef or pork. But the abundance of fish and mushroom dishes on the table this year can be reduced. Of course, the New Year cannot do without traditional sandwiches with red caviar or salmon and pickled mushrooms. So let them be on the table too! That's just the main hot dish must be meat. In addition, this year, various meat snacks are held in high esteem - sliced ​​ham and sausage, aspic from the tongue, jelly, pates in tartlets.

Bright vegetable dishes will be relevant as side dishes in the Year of the Dog. And the dog is very fond of desserts from fermented milk products. For example, sweet cottage cheese dishes, ice cream and cakes with sour cream. And, of course, there should be fruits and vegetables on the table. They will not only make the table especially elegant, but also perfectly dilute the abundance of meat dishes.

These basic principles for compiling a menu for the New Year's table will help make a magical holiday night. The most important rule to remember is that the dog likes hearty food. Traditional dishes such as Russian salad, herring under a fur coat, crab salad will also be appropriate on the festive table.

The nuances of serving and decorating the festive table

Since the Yellow Dog will patronize the coming year, and the element of the coming 2018 is the Earth, the decoration of the festive table should be kept in warm, calm colors. First of all, it is worth choosing a suitable tablecloth, it will become the basis for serving. It is worth paying attention to tablecloths in yellow, beige, orange and golden tones.

The New Year's table must be decorated with beautiful candles and compositions made from natural materials, but bright red shades should be avoided.

And, of course, do not forget about the Dog, the culprit of the holiday. It is advisable to put a figurine of a doggie on the festive table, and you can also lay out cold cuts in the shape of the muzzle of this cute animal.

What hot dishes should be on the table

Beef with Madeira sauce

Beef with Madeira sauce is a gourmet French dish that is quite difficult to prepare. But serving it on the table on New Year's Eve 2018, every housewife will be proud that she has the opportunity to pamper her guests with a real restaurant dish.


  • a piece of beef weighing one kilogram;
  • two hundred grams of champignons;
  • two hundred grams of goose liver;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • a little butter and vegetable oil;
  • black pepper, salt.

For test:

  • two glasses of flour;
  • one glass of water;
  • eight drops of citric acid;
  • two hundred grams of margarine.

For sauce:

  • half a liter of broth;
  • a couple of tablespoons of butter;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • a spoonful of vinegar;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • clove of garlic;
  • one carnation;
  • a couple of sprigs of basil and parsley;
  • salt, peppercorns;
  • six tablespoons of Madeira.

Cooking time is two hours.

The calorie content of the dish is 217 kcal.

  1. We clean and boil the mushrooms, then cut into small cubes;
  2. Cut the beef fillet into two halves and beat with a hammer;
  3. We pass the goose liver through a meat grinder and lay it on one half of the beef, and cover the second half on top;
  4. With a thick thread, carefully tie both parts of the beef fillet, but do not overtighten. The cuts of beef should remain flat;
  5. Heat up some vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan. Fry the fillet on each side for ten minutes, then cool and remove the thread;
  6. Cooking dough. Pour water into a container, add citric acid and salt. Stir well until completely dissolved. Gradually add the flour, after sifting it, and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and leave for ten minutes. In another container, knead margarine, add two teaspoons of flour and form a square cake. We cut the ball of dough with a cross in the middle and put a margarine cake inside, pinch the edges. Now roll out the dough with a rolling pin, fold it in four and roll it out again. And we do this many times, the more layers, the better. Those who are not confident in their abilities in making puff pastry can buy ready-made in the store;
  7. We roll out the dough with a thickness of about five millimeters, put beef on it, mushrooms on top, and close it with another layer of dough. Lubricate with an egg and bake for fifteen minutes;
  8. Making Madeira Sauce. To do this, finely chop the onion and carrot and fry until tender. Then add a little flour, chopped herbs, cloves, peas, garlic, broth, vinegar and Madeira. Boil the sauce for about ten minutes;
  9. Before serving, cut the beef into slices and pour over the sauce.

Pork baked in foil

For those who do not really like beef, pork baked with stuffed foil is suitable. The peculiarity of this New Year's dish is that pork is pre-marinated in cranberry sauce and acquires a particularly delicate taste. This dish is sure to please the Yellow Dog on New Year's Eve 2018.


  • pork neck, about one kilogram;
  • chicken fillet;
  • a head of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • one hundred grams of cranberries;
  • salt, spices;
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Cooking time is two and a half hours.

The calorie content of the dish is 335 kcal.

  1. Peel the garlic and finely chop it with a blender, knife or garlic press. Carrots cut into long sticks;
  2. Chicken fillet cut into thin strips;
  3. We wipe the cranberries through a sieve or grind in a blender;
  4. We wash the pork neck and make transverse cuts every couple of centimeters, not reaching the end. Sprinkle pork with spices and salt;
  5. Put the garlic in the resulting incisions;
  6. Pour soy sauce into chopped cranberries and coat a piece of pork with this mixture;
  7. We insert pieces of chicken fillet and carrots into the cuts and leave the meat to marinate for half an hour;
  8. Now it needs to be tied with thick threads;
  9. We heat the pan and fry a piece of meat from all sides;
  10. Now a piece of pork can be wrapped in foil, put in a pan so that the cuts are on top;
  11. We bake pork in the oven for about an hour and a half;
  12. After an hour and a half, remove the foil and send it back to the oven until the pork is browned.

Chicken with apples and oranges

On the night of the celebration of the New Year 2018, a wonderful combination of tender chicken meat with fruits will not leave anyone indifferent. This dish will be the perfect decoration for your holiday table.


  • one whole chicken;
  • one apple;
  • one orange;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce;
  • two teaspoons of mustard;
  • ground ginger;
  • seasoning for chicken;
  • a teaspoon of adjika;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • spices, salt.

Cooking time is five hours.

The calorie content of the dish is 92 kcal.

1. My chicken and dry it. Then you need to carefully separate the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe breast. We rub the chicken on all sides;

2. For marinade, mix mustard with ginger, add a little adjika, a teaspoon of chicken seasoning, chopped garlic, soy sauce and a little vegetable oil;

3. With this marinade, carefully cover the chicken on all sides. Ideally, it should marinate all night, but you can leave it for several hours;

4. Apple and orange cut into semicircular slices;

5. Place the chicken in a greased form, and put small pieces of butter under the skin. We put fruits inside the chicken and fasten the hole with toothpicks;

6. We cook the chicken in the oven for about forty minutes, periodically pouring juice over it, then turn it over and cook the same amount more;

7. After that, bake for another ten minutes on each side.

Delicious salads for a magical night

No holiday table is complete without salads. In the new year 2018, a hearty Merchant's salad, "Flower" and "Emerald Bracelet" will look great on the table. Do the names mean anything to you? Let's take a look at each of them in order.

merchant salad


  • three hundred grams of pork;
  • two carrots;
  • one bulb;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • a jar of green peas;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking time is one hour and twenty minutes.

The calorie content of the dish is 250 kcal.

  1. To prepare this salad, you will need a piece of lean pork. It must be washed well and boiled for about an hour. It is better to take care of this in advance, then the salad can be made in fifteen minutes;
  2. We rub the peeled carrots on a grater, and cut the onions into cubes;
  3. Saute carrots in a hot skillet until soft. Then it needs to be cooled;
  4. Add sugar, salt and vinegar to the onion cubes, mix and marinate for ten minutes. After the meat has cooled, it must also be finely chopped;
  5. Open a can of canned peas and drain the liquid;
  6. We put all the ingredients in a bowl, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Salad "Flower"

It is advisable to prepare a beautiful salad "Flower" immediately before the arrival of guests so that the flower petals do not fall off.


  • two hundred grams of champignons;
  • a can of corn;
  • two bulbs;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • three hundred grams of smoked chicken;
  • chips packaging;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking time - half an hour.

The calorie content of the dish is 150 kcal.

  1. Peel potatoes, boil and mash until mashed. To improve the taste, you can add finely chopped greens;
  2. We chop the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Then add the chopped onion and sauté everything together, not forgetting to salt and pepper;
  3. Cut the smoked chicken into small cubes;
  4. This salad is laid out in layers:
  • the first layer is champignons with onions;
  • the second layer is part of mashed potatoes;
  • the third layer is chicken meat, and mayonnaise on top;
  • the fourth layer is corn;
  • the fifth layer is the second part of mashed potatoes.

Next, you need to cover the salad with mashed potatoes on all sides, and top with mayonnaise. Now we decorate the salad with chips in the form of a flower. In the middle we insert smaller chips in a circle, and then more and more large ones. You can decorate the salad with dill sprigs.

"Emerald Bracelet"

Since the dog likes everything bright, salads decorated with various fruits will look especially impressive on the festive table for the New Year 2018.


  • two chicken fillets;
  • four kiwis;
  • carrot;
  • one hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • fifty grams of raisins;
  • seventy grams of walnuts;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • three eggs;
  • mayonnaise.

The calorie content of the dish is 133 kcal.

  1. Chicken fillet should be boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes;
  2. Three cheese on a grater;
  3. Boil carrots and eggs until tender;
  4. Grind walnuts with a knife;
  5. Soak the raisins for half an hour in warm water;
  6. Mix raisins with cheese, nuts, garlic and mayonnaise;
  7. We put a glass in the middle of a large plate and spread the cheese mixture around it in the form of a bracelet;
  8. Put a layer of chicken fillet on top and coat with mayonnaise;
  9. The next layer is finely chopped eggs;
  10. After that, you can put boiled carrots cut into cubes and also cover the layer with mayonnaise;
  11. Peel and cut the kiwi into thin circles, decorate the salad with them over the entire surface;
  12. Now you can carefully remove the glass and leave the salad to soak for a couple of hours.

We prepare delicious snacks for relatives and guests

When serving a festive table for the New Year 2018, do not forget about hot and cold appetizers. We offer several recipes that you can impress your family and guests in the Year of the Dog.

French chicken rolls

French chicken rolls will be the highlight of the festive table. They combine the exquisite taste of mushrooms and cheese with the most delicate chicken meat.


  • four chicken fillets;
  • one hundred grams of champignons;
  • two hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • maggi on the second for chicken in French;
  • milk; vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, turmeric.

Cooking time is one hour and forty minutes.

Calorie content - 142 kcal.

  1. We beat the chicken fillet well;
  2. We are preparing the marinade. Mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil, salt and spices. Lubricate the chicken with this marinade over the entire surface and leave for half an hour;
  3. Mushrooms cut into small cubes;
  4. On the fillet lay out the mushrooms mixed with cheese;
  5. We roll the fillet in the form of rolls, fasten with toothpicks and fry in vegetable oil on all sides;
  6. We spread the rolls in a baking dish, pour them diluted with Maggi milk;
  7. We cook in the oven for forty minutes, then sprinkle with cheese on top and bake for another ten minutes;
  8. Before serving, rolls should be cut into circles.

Herring appetizer

In order to slightly diversify the meat table for the New Year 2018, you can prepare an original herring appetizer.


  • one large herring;
  • processed cheese from a box;
  • canned sweet pepper;
  • dill;
  • black bread.

Cooking time is three hours.

Calorie content - 115 kcal.

  1. First, we cut the herring into fillets. You can buy a ready-made fillet. After that, it must be slightly beaten off without damaging the structure;
  2. Smear the processed cheese on the surface of the fillet;
  3. We spread the pepper from the jar on the cheese and distribute it evenly over the fillet; Top with finely chopped dill;
  4. Using cling film, roll the herring into a roll and leave it for a couple of hours in the cold;
  5. Cut black bread into small squares, you can cut circles with a glass;
  6. Cut the roll into circles, place each on a piece of bread and fasten with toothpicks.

Delicate sour cream cake for dessert

On the festive table in 2018, there must be sweet dishes. Since the dog loves dairy products, a delicious sour cream cake can be prepared to celebrate the New Year.

Dough Ingredients:

  • two hundred grams of sour cream (20%);
  • a glass of sugar; three eggs;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • a teaspoon of soda, slaked with vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of cocoa.

For cream:

  • one liter of sour cream (the more fat, the better);
  • a glass of sugar.

For decoration:

  • walnuts;
  • dark chocolate.

Cooking time - fourteen hours.

Calorie content - 253 kcal.

  1. Beat the eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt, the mixture should become airy. Then add sour cream and continue beating;
  2. Gradually add two cups of flour to the sour cream mixture. Now you can add soda;
  3. For the preparation of cakes, it is better to use a detachable form. Lubricate it with oil, pour one second of the dough and bake in a preheated oven for fifteen minutes;
  4. Add cocoa to the other half of the dough and mix;
  5. The baked cake must be cooled and cut lengthwise. At this time, we bake the second chocolate cake in parallel, which we then also cut into two parts;
  6. Now you need to prepare the cream. To do this, beat sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved;
  7. We coat the cakes with cream, alternating light cake with chocolate. Top and sides also cover the cake with cream. This dessert should soak for twelve hours;
  8. After that, the cake can be decorated with grated chocolate and finely chopped nuts.

Cocktail "Dog"

Preparing for any holiday is not easy. And it is especially difficult to prepare for the New Year 2019. After all, the symbol of the coming year will be the Pig. On the one hand, she is a domesticated animal, but at the same time a little wild. That is why the approach to the holiday should be different, not quite standard. After all, everyone wants to appease the symbol of the coming year, so that 2019 will be the most successful and fruitful. Therefore, when preparing for the festival, it is worth considering a number of factors, including what should be on the New Year's table 2019. After all, it is the table that can be considered the periphery of the entire holiday, it is he who creates the atmosphere. We will understand the question of how to set and decorate the table for the New Year 2019, what should be on it, what colors should prevail, etc. We will also consider some other aspects of the Year of the Pig.

A pig is an almost omnivorous animal, if I may say so. This means that on the New Year's table there should be as many different dishes as possible. Fish, meat, salads, all kinds of snacks, desserts - this is just an incomplete list of all kinds of dishes and desserts. The main thing that needs to be learned at the insistence of Chinese predictors and astrologers is that in 2019 there should not be dishes from pig meat on the New Year's table. Otherwise, the Mumps may simply be offended by the hosts of the celebration and take the luck for themselves (or give it to other, more “smart” hosts). Although there is a very opposite opinion. Other astrologers (from more democratic, Western countries) believe that the symbol of the year may be offended if no one tastes its meat at the holiday. The pig may decide that it is disdainful.

It can be concluded that everyone thinks the way he wants it. But you need to believe in your words and beliefs, because all people who are interested in esotericism, magic and astrology know that thoughts can materialize in the future. If you initially put in your head that there should not be pig meat on the table on a holiday, and then eat it anyway, then an impressionable person can be provided with a program of failures for a whole year. And if you decide that eating pork on New Year's Eve is right, then luck itself can be attracted to the host of the holiday. It's all about your thoughts!

According to some reports, due to the omnivorousness of the Pig, it is worth putting as many different dishes on the table as possible. It is desirable that meat and fish dishes in various types and variations be present on the table. For example, fish can be presented not only in the form of salads with crab sticks and in fried or baked forms, but also in the form of raw Chinese seafood. And it is better to take meat from different animals: chicken, rabbit, duck, beef - all these animals are twinned with the Pig, so they are perfect for the celebration.

The combination of various products on the table will attract the desired bird of happiness, and will not keep you waiting for an equally desired increase in income.

On the New Year's table 2019 there should be as few non-natural products as possible, because the Pigs do not tolerate them. It is desirable that all dishes are decorated with a variety of greens. But Pigs have an ambiguous attitude towards semi-finished products, but it is better that they were not on the table either. On the table there should be only natural homemade products, cooked by yourself, with love and care. This “combination” will be very popular with the symbol of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar).

For dessert, it is best to serve a variety of natural dishes. If it is a cake, then it must contain some fresh fruit. As an appetizer, you can also serve an original salad of tropical fruit delights. Alternatively, you can just put a large plate of chopped fruit.

Another point - the table should not take all your money from you, it must be arranged according to available means. After all, Pig will need to be fed for another whole year! Do not forget that in addition, you will also have to feed not only yourself, but also the household...

At what table should 2019 be celebrated?

Oddly enough, but in 2019, attention should be paid even to the table at which the holiday will take place. According to the advice of astrologers, this conclusion can be drawn. The table must be comfortable and in good condition - there should not be any chips or other “marriages”. In 2019, a round table is ideal, because it perfectly repeats the silhouette of the Pig. But if there is no such table in your house, and there has not yet been money to buy a new one, then you can simply cover any old table with a new tablecloth. It will help to decorate even the oldest table, but at the same time you won’t have to make large investments, which is very important. If you have a low Chinese-style table in your house, then you should celebrate the New Year behind it - this will attract good luck in money matters, and also bring you and your household closer to the symbol of the year.

Table decoration and table setting for 2019 - highlights

As you know, Pig loves to eat in large quantities. But during the holiday for us, representatives of the human race, it is very harmful to overeat - everyone knows about it. But we figured out what to do so as not to offend the symbol of the year and at the same time not gain a few extra pounds overnight. There should be a lot of dishes on the table (we discussed this at the beginning of the article). But the quantity of each dish does not matter. You can make many dishes, but you don't have to make every one of them in whole pots. It is enough to cook the amount that guests can eat in one evening. The pig should not be offended, because you are not going to offend her with an assortment. In this case, it is not necessary to use many small plates, it is best to spread several dishes on large dishes. Also (to save the figure) it is best to add greens to dishes.

Now let's move on to decorating the table. Serving and decorating the New Year's table is not an easy task, requiring a considerable amount of time. But if you know some tricks, then this should not be a problem.

What should be on the decorated New Year's table in 2019:

  1. There should be a clean and well-ironed tablecloth on the table. The color segment does not matter much, but it is best to choose bright, but somewhat muted tones. For example, pink, purple, beige, light yellow, light green, brown, red and orange tones are suitable. It is also worth considering that the tablecloth should have at least a few different ruffles and embroidered shirts that break up the monotony of the background. After all, the Pig loves the volume of forms.
  2. The next step is the choice of accessories. As we have said, the symbol of 2019 is very fond of voluminous things. Therefore, let's start with accessories that create "volume" on the festive table. For example, candelabra perfectly perform this function. At the same time, they practically do not take up space on the table, because they occupy space only above the table. In addition to everything, the candelabra will serve as an additional source of non-artificial light and create a romantic holiday atmosphere, which will come in handy. You should also put on the table any natural objects that remind you of the onset of the celebration. For these purposes, spruce or pine branches are suitable. They can be placed in the water right in the center of the table. Also, small branches can be laid out between dishes along with cones. They can be decorated with artificial snow. The same can be done with glasses - this will give even more atmosphere.
  3. Napkins are best used not ordinary (white), but festive ones, with various patterns. For example, with a Christmas tree or a snowflake.

So we figured out what should be on the New Year's table in 2019. It remains to wish good luck in decorating the table and cooking, as well as happiness and prosperity in the upcoming New 2019 Year of the Pig.

The Year of the Yellow Dog is replacing the Fire Rooster. This animal has always been considered a friend of man. A dog is a very active, kind and loving animal, picky in food, but loving to eat deliciously.

Not a single holiday is complete without a feast, so you need to prepare in advance. In order for the Year of the Yellow Dog to bring success and happiness, you need to lure the symbol of the year to the table, knowing exactly what you can and cannot cook for the New Year 2018.

Taste preferences of the Yellow Dog

For the year of the Fire Rooster, it was not recommended that there be a chicken on the table. For the year of the Dog, you can put any treats on the table. The symbol of the year loves meat, which means that the table cannot do without a good meat steak. Various vegetables are welcome. Don't forget fruits. Most importantly, do not sit at an empty table, because the dog does not like to be hungry!

Housewives can prepare various light snacks from meat and ham so as not to overload the stomach.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to put broken noodle dishes on the festive table, as noodles are considered a sign of longevity.

It is difficult to say which dishes cannot be cooked. It is easier to advise certain recipes that will definitely please the Dog.

Meatballs with minced meat and mushrooms

Baskets with minced meat and mushrooms look original. To prepare the dish, you need minced pork and chicken in equal proportions - about 300 g each, spices, ginger, marjoram, basil, salt, pepper, 300 g of fresh mushrooms (champignons), ham - 300 g, cheese - 200 g for the filling and 100 g, to sprinkle on top, butter - 100 g.

Mix pork and chicken mince.

We add spices.

Sprinkle minced meat with ginger, add a set of seasonings. Mix and set aside.

Cut the mushrooms for the filling.

Then ham.

We also cut the cheese into cubes.

We form a basket. To do this, roll up a ball of minced meat, take a glass, greased with vegetable oil on top.

We cover the bottom of the glass with minced meat. Then carefully remove the glass.

At the bottom, first we send the diced cheese, then the mushrooms.

The last layer is ham. Put a piece of butter on top.

We send the baskets to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 10 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs. Very beautiful and tasty baskets turn out.

Chicken with buckwheat

You can surprise guests with chicken with buckwheat with a very tasty dish. It turns out a full-fledged dish: both meat and a side dish. Buckwheat, soaked in chicken juices, becomes very tasty and crumbly. You can use breast fillet, drumstick or chicken thigh. To prepare the dish you will need: chicken 600-800 g, about 2 glasses of buckwheat, cheese, butter, mayonnaise (sour cream), onion, garlic, seasonings to taste.

This is a set of products that will be required.

Grease the bottom of the mold with butter. Pour the washed buckwheat to the bottom and level it.

Cut the onion and garlic, lay on top of the buckwheat.

Then we put in the chicken. Sprinkle seasonings on top.

Lubricate the top with sour cream, mayonnaise or a mixture thereof. Add two cups of water and a little butter.

Sprinkle with cheese.

Bake in the oven for about an hour.

Here is such a ruddy chicken turned out.

Pork ribs with honey mustard sauce

As you know, the dog loves to gnaw bones, therefore, in order to lure good luck at the New Year's table, you can cook rib dishes. Pork ribs in honey-mustard sauce will appeal to all guests of the gala dinner. To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • water - 2-3 l;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • garlic - a small head;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • black pepper and chili sauce.

For honey-mustard glaze you need:

  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • chili sauce - 1.5 tsp

A set of products that you need for cooking.

Pour water into a saucepan. When the water boils, add the onion, garlic and cloves. You can add spices, such as cloves. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the pan. Salt is not put in the marinade so that the meat does not become dry, but pepper and hot sauce are put. Boil the marinade for 15 minutes.

We lay the ribs and cook for 1 hour over low heat.

In an hour we get the ribs. Based on the marinade, we prepare the glaze.

We use a glass of marinade. Pour it into a separate bowl. Add a tablespoon of vinegar, mustard, honey, hot sauce and salt. Cook for 5-10 minutes until thickened.

We cover the ribs with glaze.

Then we send it to the oven to bake - 5-10 minutes on each side. After turning the ribs, grease again with glaze.

The ribs are ready.

Smoked pork ribs

Guests will also enjoy smoked pork ribs. The recipe is quite simple. Need pork ribs, liquid smoke, pepper and salt.

Rinse the pork ribs and rub with salt and pepper. Then sprinkle the ribs with liquid smoke and leave to marinate for 1 hour. Next, put the ribs in the multicooker bowl and turn on the "Baking" mode and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Fir cones - dessert

Since some dogs love sweets, don't forget about dessert. The recipe for "Spruce Cones" without baking will seem very interesting. This nut and corn flake treat takes 15 minutes to make!

To prepare the dessert, you will need corn flakes, walnuts, a can of condensed milk and powdered sugar.

Products for the preparation of "cones".

Pour cereal and nuts into a bowl, mix.

Add boiled condensed milk. Mix well.

As a form, we use wine glasses moistened with water. Apply the mixture with a teaspoon. We send it to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

You can remove the dessert from the mold with a knife.

When serving, sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar, like snow.

fruit paradise

Bright fruits should also be on the table. You can show imagination and cut them unusually.

You can cut the orange into two parts and cut out the pulp from there. Next, decorate the edges beautifully by cutting them unevenly with a knife. You will get such a kind of basket.

After cut bananas, peaches into small slices. Mix everything with yogurt and put in orange baskets. For beauty, you can put pomegranate seeds on top of the baskets.

Be sure to celebrate the New Year and do not ignore this holiday! If you can’t do it on the night of January 1, then you can do it on the night of January 29, this will be the new year according to the Eastern calendar.

Video: low-calorie salads without mayonnaise

Video: Meat salad "Rafaelo"

New Year is not far off. Every day in the air more and more breathes magic and a fairy tale. December 31 is the most anticipated day of the year. This is the beginning of a new life, new plans and ideas. Many are already puzzled by the search for gifts for their loved ones. Each of us is waiting for magic for the New Year.

Most likely, you have already thought about where and with whom you will celebrate this holiday, how to decorate the house, what to cook and what to wear, and this article will help you understand these issues ...

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

2019 will be held under the symbol of the Yellow Earth Pig, and many call the coming year "affectionately" - the year of the Boar. This is the element of the earth, which patronizes the hearth.

The Year of the Pig will come into its own only in February, however, it is necessary to prepare in advance. New Year's Eve is the most magical night on which it is important to make your wishes. In this article, we will talk about how to meet 2019 so that the energies of the year are favorable to you, so that your health grows stronger, so that relationships develop in the best possible way and that you are lucky.

The hostess of the year is very kind, hardworking, loves comfort, family, strong family relationships, harmony, sincerity and diligence. She is friendly, diplomatic, fair, loves to have a dialogue, build relationships, but does not tolerate selfishness, freeloaders, hypocrisy and cunning people. He loves inner balance and helps others find it. She is also considered a symbol of family and financial stability.

The eastern horoscope promises that this year will be under the sign of well-being, financial luck, and family happiness. And this year should be born a lot of kids. However, all this will come to you if you are optimistic, set goals and follow them, and most importantly, work hard for the result. After all, we all know the proverb: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”

The best environment to celebrate this event is a circle of close and dear people. If possible, gather relatives, friends, neighbors - the symbol of the coming year loves a big and cheerful company. Be sure to use ours so as not to be sad and God forbid not to fall asleep ahead of time.

A large country house, as well as cozy rooms rented for a big noisy company, are perfect for celebrating the New Year. It is favorable to go on vacation with the whole family, with very close friends. Therefore, if it was not possible to go traveling, then do not refuse the invitation to meet this magical night with friends. A change of scenery will only benefit the boar.

Pigs are incredible spenders, self-centered and love to be in the spotlight, although they are characterized as generous, tolerant and compassionate. They love beauty and freedom with all their hearts, have an excellent sense of humor and believe in miracles with all their hearts.

It is very unfavorable to meet the year alone. If you are on a business trip, use the opportunity to connect with loved ones via the Internet.

How to decorate a house with your own hands

Last year, we decorated our home in a modest way, like the Dog does not like pomposity. The coming year should be met opposite luxuriously, magnificently and “expensively” by decorating housing. The whole process of decorating and preparing enhances the feeling of NG, and this is very important for the pig.

Colors for decorating the interior - yellow, golden, green, brown. But since we have already mentioned that this year it is necessary to focus on luxury and high cost, it is better to make the color of gold the dominant color in the color scheme.

Oranges, nuts, acorns, cones are also well suited for decoration.

Pig loves tablecloths made from natural fabrics. A maximum of 3 colors can be used in table decoration. It is best to choose white plates, there are - with a gold border. If you have a beautiful old service in your house, this is the best dishes in which you can serve dishes this New Year.

What dishes to cook for the New Year

With the approach of the New Year, every housewife thinks about what to cook on the New Year's table in order to appease and please the upcoming symbol of the year.

It is better to refuse pork on the New Year's table so as not to anger the upcoming symbol of the year.

Diversify meat dishes, you can fish, it should be sea, seafood and mushrooms. It will be especially cool if you have a truffle on the table, then the wild boar will be delighted! Put the most delicious dishes in the middle of the table. Canapes, sandwiches, meat and cheese cuts, as well as family specialties, especially desserts, are perfect.

She is not picky about drinks, so any traditional New Year's drinks are suitable, and wine or champagne can be decorated in the New Year's style.

What should be on the table in the Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019

In the year of the earthen yellow pig, as you probably already understood, meat dishes in any version (except pork) should be on the table - grilled steak, barbecue, aspic, boiled pork, jelly, chops, oven-baked duck or chicken, and preferably goose , various meat pates, etc.

A special place on the New Year's table is occupied by all kinds of salads, which are best decorated in the New Year's style and with the image of a pig.

It is appropriate to cook sandwiches with red caviar or salmon, as well as pickled mushrooms this New Year. Serve vegetables with meat. There should also be fruits on the table - apples, oranges, tangerines, etc.

If you plan to cook pastries for the New Year's table, then it is better to give preference to unleavened, shortbread or puff pastry.

What to wear for the new year of the yellow pig, outfits and jewelry according to the signs of the zodiac

Clothing that does not hinder movement is suitable, but at the same time it should be beautiful, elegant and solid. Clothes without unnecessary details, without sequins, rhinestones, sequins. The best colors you can choose for your outfit are golden, beige, yellow, brown and champagne.

It is especially unfavorable to wear clothes in leopard prints, too open or too shiny clothes for this New Year. You can also give preference to pink color in clothes.

As a decoration, it is best to use some kind of family decoration that you inherited. Suitable yellow stones, such as amber, aventurine.

Makeup this year should be bright, catchy. Hairstyle should be simple, light. Straight or braided hair is great for celebrating the new year. You can also create the effect of disheveledness and slight negligence, the boar will be delighted. Complex hairstyles are not suitable, as well as a lot of curls, jewelry. It is beneficial to use oils to make the hair silky.

For men, a classic style is suitable, but not too strict and not too gloomy. It is best to give preference to a simple, non-constricting suit, a loose jacket or tailcoat. Suitable brown and sand shades. It is good to use yellow elements in clothes - a tie, a shirt, a scarf. Simple clothes like jeans, a shirt or a sweater will do as well, but they need to be smart enough. A small two-day stubble is also welcome, the boar likes it.

How to dress for the new year according to the signs of the zodiac:

The element of water (crayfish, scorpions, fish)

Girls can wear chiffon, lace, silk dresses, not necessarily plain. If you choose a dress with a pattern, it can be an oriental or geometric pattern. You can choose golden, sand or lilac shades. Jewelry is best suited yellow, amber.

For men of the water element, a classic suit with some kind of yellow element is desirable.

For crayfish, something carnival (for example, a carnival mask) will be a symbol of good luck in clothing.

Scorpio women will bring great luck to celebrate the New Year in unusual shoes.

Pisces favor clothing made of fabric with a floral print, or a live flower as a decoration.

Earth element (Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius)

This is your energy, so you can choose any brown, yellow, golden shades, as well as shades of nature - green, terracotta, heavenly. Favorable prints with grass, flowers - everything that corresponds to the elements of the earth, and what the pig loves.

In order for the new year to bring good luck, the dress of the maidens should be light and romantic, if possible, long to the floor.

A beautiful clutch of golden, terracotta, brown, beige shades will bring good luck to Capricorns. This clutch can be noticeable, bright.

Fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

You like to dress brightly for a holiday, and you can choose burgundy colors for a holiday. You can wear dresses with open shoulders, but with a stole.

For Aries women, good luck will bring a golden, coral or burgundy shade in clothes, silk dresses, beautiful long earrings or a large beautiful ring.

Lions will bring good luck to decorate their hair with one, but very effective, hairpin. It can be in golden hues, in the form of a flower.

A bright scarf, one brooch or a bright headdress is favorable for Sagittarius.

Air element (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) Representatives of the air element can celebrate the New Year in blue hues that resemble the sky, or green hues that resemble grass. You can wear tropical prints.

For the twins to be lucky in the new year, gold must be present in their outfit, but in a pair - two rings, two bracelets, earrings, hairpins and so on.

Aquarius in a dress will bring good luck with lace gloves or an elegant large ring.

Scales can be worn with iridescent fabrics, fabrics with sequins. It can be part of an outfit or a brooch. This will bring you good luck.

How to attract good luck on New Year's Eve 2019

1. Make peace with everyone with whom you are in a quarrel. Call, say nice words. If something is not going well with your relatives, try to make peace.

2. House cleaning. Cleaning must be done a week in advance (if you need a general cleaning). If you need light cleaning, then it can be carried out on December 31.

3. Hang over the door or place a bell near the front door that rings when someone enters the house.

4. Get yourself a piggy bank. Great to receive it for the New Year as a gift.

5. We will all make a wish in the New Year, say toasts. Energy will rise straight into the sky. After you have made a wish to the universe.

I hope that my article was useful to you. I would be happy if you share it on social networks. Write in the comments how you plan to celebrate the New Year, whether you adhere to the nuances in choosing clothes for celebrating the New Year according to the zodiac sign and whether you believe in the fulfillment of New Year's wishes, and we will be very interested! That's all for me!

I wish you good luck in the New Year!

Take care of yourself and loved ones!

2018 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog, which means that all New Year's dishes should be to the taste of the friendly and benevolent hostess of the year. To appease the Dog, it is important to try to cook what she loves - then the chances of being in her favor will increase significantly! What dishes are ideal for the New Year's table 2018, and what exactly does a cute Dog not refuse to eat?

A dog is an animal in whose diet meat must always be present, so do not give up on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting delicious and hearty New Year's meat salads on the festive table. For the preparation of such salads, you can use any meat - and beef, and pork, and poultry meat. Meat goes well in salads with various vegetables, as well as with all kinds of fruits and spices, so do not be afraid to experiment - experiments in this case will only benefit, because it is thanks to them that new culinary masterpieces are born! And as a dressing for meat salads, you can use not only mayonnaise, but also all kinds of sauces.

Hot dishes
Hot dishes for the New Year 2018 should also be meat. The meat in the oven is especially tasty, which will not leave anyone indifferent! And to make it incredibly tasty, it is important to try to choose the best pieces - with a minimum amount of veins, bones and fat. Before cooking, it is recommended to beat off the meat a little - then it will turn out to be much more tender and soft. You can bake it both on a baking sheet, and in foil, in a sleeve or in a special heat-resistant form. In addition, you can cook meat on the bone, for example, bake delicious pork ribs, because the Dog will not refuse the bones too! And the best side dishes for meat dishes will be vegetables, rice or potatoes.

New Year's sweets are something that no New Year's table can do without! This time they should not be too heavy and greasy, so you should limit yourself to delicious gingerbread or cookies, as well as incomparable marzipans and unusual New Year's sweets with filling. As for the design, it should, if possible, be made in the colors Yellow Dog likes - beige, walnut, brown and yellow. However, it is quite acceptable to add bright notes to the design - such sweets will cheer you up with just their appearance!

New Year's drinks can be anything - you can safely put juices, fruit drinks, compotes, non-alcoholic cocktails or weak alcohol on the table. But this time it is better to refuse strong drinks - the Dog will not like them.

In order for the holiday to be a success, all New Year's dishes must be beautifully decorated, and in no case should you forget about the appropriate table setting! Happy and delicious New Year!
